Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1906, Image 1

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' tl
t y $
1 M. AND 4:00 1 M.
NO. 100.
lajvted, Many of Whom Will Die
Tdc Dead Ate FttghtMly Man
gled, and Many Buildings
Ate Wrecked
Pjso, Texas, Aug. 1G. By the
Lba of an entire carload of dy-
Ljt4 o'clock yesterday, at the
jEnlalla mines, 12 miles from
fcniua, Mexico, 12 people wore
loutrlfiht and two scoro ln-
i tnat many win me. xno
Lire frightfully mangled. Ware-
i and dwelllugs near the car
LicDOltshed and almost all the
ber of laborers, among whom was
the largest mortality.
Negro Farmers Hold Meeting.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 1G. Under
the auspices of the Southern Negro
Farmers' Educational bureau a
largo convention of negro farmers
met here this morning. The session
was opened by Superintendent Stan
ley P. Mitchell, who wll) be one of
Sis In the entire camp were
Two Americans, whoso th0 r"PU speakers at the meet
ings. The principal object of the
bureau is to educate the negro on
ureas yet unlearned, were
.'the killed. The cause of the
lonlsnot definitely known, but tho importance of the farmer to the
I tiding of the' corpse of a boy
ii32-rlfle among the dead is
wed to furnish a clew. It is
withe fired into the car or a
I it dynamite, causing tho whole
laplode. The dynamito was bo-
government, tho retention of his
farm lands and the Importance of
doing everything possible to prevent
the negro farmer from being sup
planted by white farmers. Another
point is to teach the negroes to be
more provident, raise more of the
Street Car Atanagers Told
That Disorder and Death
Came Under Their
Now York, Aug. 1G. Officials of
the B. R. T. were berated by Magis
trate Higglnbothom today. . General
Manager Calderwood, Assistant Su
perintendent Smith and Chief In
spector Newborry were arraigned,
charged with inciting a riot. They
pleaded not guilty, and furnished a
$1000 bond each to appear tomor
row. The magistrate scored tho of
ficials and said he witnessed tho
scenes, and told them that disorder
and death resulted under their direction.
necessities of life and buy less on
oloiM from the car by a num-; credit.
nth a List of World Beaters
Read these Bargains over carefully and see
how they look to you.
Constantinople, Aug. 1G. Tho
Sultan, as a mark of his gratification
at tho recovery of his health, has
ordered tho release of all prisoners
of the empire who have completed
two-thirds of their term.
Federal Court in Chicago Is
Again After Standard
and Lake Shore
Chicago, Aug. 1G. Federal Judge
Betha today impaneled tho second
grand jury, which immediately be
gan taking testimony concerning tho
alleged violations of the interstate
commerce law by tho standard and
Lake Shore. Tho non-payment of
Btorago charges will be investigated
first, and the rebating investigation
will follow.
Ore Resembles That of Ton.
opah and Runs From $200
to $500 Per Ton
Chicago, Aug. 1G. General Judge
Belhea this morning appointed Chas.
G. Dawes receiver of Stensland's co
operative store, under bond of $150,
000. Tho receivership incrensed tho
legal entaglements of the Milwaukee
Avenue Bank. Tho receiver ap
pointed for the Automobile Supply
Company says the assets are $60,
000, and it is owing tho bank a quar
ter of a million. The Polish Nation
al Alliance entered suit ngalnst the
bank for $50,000 damages. Fotzer,
tho first receiver appointed for tho
bank.nhls morning begnn paying 20 '
per cent to depositors.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Lakeview, Or., Aug. 10. The rush
to the new strike, 25 miles northeast
of Lakevlow, in Coyote hills, keops
up. Five wagon loads of people ar
rived hero today from California. A
now ledgo was found yesterday throe
miles south of the orlglnnl find. Dirt
picked up In tho ravines in tho vicin
ity of tho strlko pans $G per pan. A
body of book leaf ore has boon dis
covered thnt assays $50,000 per ton.
A ledgo has been discovered with
in halt a mile of Lakevlow that
shows values of $2.S5 In gold. The
old Sagehen mine, 10 miles from
Lake view, is being relocated and 20
claims hnvo boon taken there. The
ore closely resembles tho Tonopah
ore and runs from $200 to $500 per
ton. Mining mon are looked from
Reno to Investigate tho now strlko
Excitement Is high and claim-'Jump-lng
frequent. Lakevlow Is tho near
est point from which to rench tho
Grand Army Addressed by
Corporal! anner Order
Gains Membership
Goldfleld, Nev., Aug. 1G. Still
there Is no referee for tho Gans-Nel-son
fight. Nelson Is still without
training quarters. Nolan is wor
ried, as Nelson must begin real train
ing soon. Gans is taking light road
work every day. Bobby Lundy will
soon bo hero to spnr with Nelson
Everything is going smoothly in tho
Gans camp. The Baltimore lad Is
doing well. Plans for the nrenn
drawn by n local architect, wore ac
cepted this morning, and work on it
will begin at once.
Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 1G.
Oil men of Germany, Austria and
Switzerland, will meet hero in Sep
tember to consider a plan to form a tenderloin, come on tho ship
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Vallcjo, Cal., Aug. 10. Tho court-
martial of Lieutenant Edward Dunn,
U. S. N., charged with scandnlous
conduct aboard the receiving ship
Independence, at Maro Inland, which
commoncod yesterday afternoon, wns
resumed today. Attorney J. T. Ryan
represents Dunn. The first witness
wns Boatswain Rittlg, who testified
ho saw tho womnn in tho enso, Ma
rlon Churchill, who Is from tho local
Minneapolis, Mln., Aug. 1G. Tho
G. A. R. wilt elect a commnndor and
select tho next placo for tho encamp
ment today. Brown, of Ohio, leada
for Tanner's chair. Ireland will
llkoly bo tho next chaplain. Aftor
tho preliminary business Tannor
mado tho nununl nddrcss. Ho said
"Despite 9000 deaths, which led
me to expect a decrease Inovltnblo
tho G. A. R. last year Increased ita
membership 3,500. During tho last
year, while tho public consclonco waa
outraged by tho exposure of cor
ruption In high places, tho minutest
Investigation reveals tho fact that
uot ono veteran of tho civil war was
among tho fallen and guilty. Tho
G. A. R. responded roynlly to tho
appeal for funds for tho rollof oC
San Frnnclsco. I hopo Memorial day
will be kept sacred and deslro that
all work for tho suppression of ball
games, races and other sports on
thnt day. I nm assured of tho co
operation to all posslblo oxtont of
tho president In securing $12 month
ly for all veterans, and $12 for all
their widows, although It will tako
$34,000,000 from tho treasury at
tho start."
Ho roforred to tho nccldont In
which his wife wns killed, and paid
her n touching tribute, lie Bnld
nothing In Hfo touchod him so, not
ovon tho loss of Bull Run.
trust, to meet tho Russian companies. was expecting her
and light tho Standard with a united
'Dress Goods, yard 18c
Taney Dress Goods 25c
Xobby Dress Goods, yd. . .49c
'Shadow Plaid Dress Goods
!Clgeablo Silks, yd 49c
"Black Taffeta Silk, yd.. 4 5c
4J Black Sllfc Penn A nio
... -M :
s'a Silks, all colors, yd 25o
gee Silks, yd 49c
Plaid Silks for Shopping
from fir, ...
M Tforth . xt '
, "i w uress aims,
rrlved; rof n i..
lira u ywiicn.
I, showing the awflllnist nf.
l ID New Ttroaa n
'acy Lnu-r.. .... '
"imitles. fanrv Vrf e-
'inds of ,...,' . v. ;.
7: ""UO Goods from Rn vnril
hlte ITn.l0.i.t -,.-
I V.,. --";iiir ....doc
--.. viunua, . . ,iuu
es at nmoii i.
J1 fte Standard Patterns.
, us or yards ot Ribbons
IL4ces t Rmo .
t - vnxvn
jj a wonderful stock or
Set our Prices.
$1500 worth of new Millinery now
on exhibition; get our prices.
Ladies' $15.00 Black Plaid Circu
lar Back Coats, tho latest,
price J8.90
New Suits, Silk Petticoats, Black
Mercerized Petticoats and Furs
now opened up; get our prices.
$1.00 White Lawn Lingerie Shirt
Waists, now only 49c
Better ones at small prices.
Tho new Dress Skirts arriving
dally are beauties; in large
plaids, e.ts., small prices asked.
Ladles' $2 Dress Shoes, pair $1.35
Children's Shoes from.... 19c up
Men's Boys' and Girls' Hop Straw
Hats, price... 10c, 15c and 25c
Hop Gloves, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c, 25c
Sun Bonnets from 10c up
Ladies' Belts, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
Men's Underwear from,.. 19c up
Men's Neckties from 16c up
Men's 50c Working Shirts. . . .35c
Men's Pants 75c 98c, $1.25, $1.50
'200-yard Spool Thread, spool. 2c
Best Darning Cotton, ball....lc
ScWhite Pearl Buttons, doi...3c
Best Saxony Yarn, skein 3c
Best Sans Silk, ball 2c
Hair Pins, 2 packages for....lc
"Best Safety Pins, doz 2c
Will Wnvo the Red Flng.
Oklahoma City, Aug. 1G. The
Socialists of Oklahoma and Indian
Territory opened their annual en
campment here today. Sovoral hun
dred Socialists from tho two terri
tories are assembled horo and will
remain four days. Meetings will bo
held every day and prominent. So
cialistic speakers will address tho
meetings. ''Mother" Jones and
Maxim Gorky were both Invited to
attend tho encampmont and to de
liver addresses, but wero prevented
from coming.
sa&bk's axxATieT aownra stosje.
Coraer of Coiimer
cial Md Coirt Streets
Minnesota Forest Fires.
Biwablk, Minn., Aug. 16. Several
largo forest fires aro burnlngiflorcely
near here. Many settlers have been
forced to abandon their homes, and
have lost most of their property.
Wild animals are Invading the lim
its of the villages. Unless fain
falls within 24 hours valuable tracts
of pine will be destroyed.
King and Kaiser Part.
Kronberg, Germany, Aug. 1G.
King Edward left this morning. He
parted affectionately from tho Kais
er, who waved at tho king until the
train was out of sight. Newspapers
generally aro certain the visit will
be productive of much good.
Odessa, Russia, Aug. '16. An
archlstB attacked the freight depot
horo today, and began to loot it. Tho
Inspector of police and throo con
stables interfering,, were killed.
Tho thieves stole GO, 000 roubles and
Witness did not
see her leave, but Bhe might hnvo
dono so without his knowledge Pay
Clerk Prlco saw Dunn nnd tho wo
man In Dunn's room two dnya later,
whon witness demanded thnt she ko
ashoro. Ho testified that whon Dunn
brought her to dinner nt tho ofllcorH'
mess ho was Intoxicated. Next day
tho witness saw Dunn drunk In Pay
master Kicuoison'B ofneo. Witness
know tho woman, Churchill, to bo a
woman of Ill-famo, nnd had soon
Dunn with her In tho tondorloln district.
Mllwaukeo, Wis., Aug. 16. Tho
fight for tho presidency of tho Eagles
Is between N. D. Davis, of Ohio, and
Edwnrd Krnuso, of Delaware. Sur
prises wero sprung upon tho dele
gates. Carr, of Pennsylvania, hav
ing withdrawn in favor of Davis. Tho
convention wns surprised by tho
nomination of Lloutonnnt-Govornor
Coon, of Port Townsend, Wnsh., for
vlco-prosldont against Theodora Bell,
of Napa, California. Tho business
session was dropped for tho parado.
Milwaukee-, Wis., Aug. 16.
Eagles, 20,000 strong, woro In tho
parado today. Politics center about
tho solectlon of tho noxt mooting
placo, which Is likely to bo In Now
England. Kentucky women aro
campaigning for Iloortor for grand
Lincoln. Noh.. Aiic. 1 1 Tim
IN INftlA Domocrat"pP""Bt convention ad
III I lll If Mourned this morning. Tho blttor-
ness of the aR-nlght session is in no
way allayed.
Bombay, India, Aug. 16. Thoro
Is an unprecedented flood In Bengal,
ono of the 12 -provinces of India, and
great loss of life. All communica
tion, except by boat, is stopped.
Pan-American Congress.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Rio Janerio, Brazil, Aug. 1G. The, lists are
Pate rtilt flavors Is wkat
yoff are looking for.
WatCf ice a Specialty. Chicago Markets.
Chicago, Aug. 16. Wheat 70
W. T. Stolg, F. G. Myf.j70K, core 48 48, oats 310
3tt STATS fTWOW. 30.
Pan-American congress today adopted
tho resolution of the commltteo pro
viding for the division of custom du
ties. Chill delegates today submit
ted a plan to make uniform statistics
and port regulations for all coun
tries. The Drago committee meets
this afternoon. It is understood a
serious disagreement of tho mom
bers has developed.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 10. "Har
mony for Bryan's sake" is tho ro
sut of tho bitter session. Tho con
vention agreed upon a fusion ticket,
and Ashton C. Shallenbarger wob
nominated for governor. The Popu-
angered because Bergot
waa turned down. Tho convention
endorsed W. II. Thompson for United
States senator.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Gets Cold Feet.
London, Aug. 16. A dispatch
Chrlstianla to the Daily Mall says
that prlvato lettors received there
from Spltzenbergen state that, owing
to tho lateness of the season, Walter
Wellmas, chief of the Chicago Record-Herald
Arctic expedition has
abandoned the project of ballooning
to the north polo this year.
Chicago, Aug. 16. Tho 'congres
sional convention, held In tho early
part of tho day, generally endorsed
Cannon for president. It Is expect
ed all tho state will support him,
Mrs. Hcheck'H Ix'ttcrs.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 16. Af
ter a fight 15 letters Mrs. Schock
wroto to Stackpolo, and which ho had
kept In a safo deposit vault, woro
admitted In evldonco. In many of
them sho mentions tho plot rondo to
kill her husband.
Dr. J. F. Cooker
to 340 Liberty street, where
he wM meet H okl and new
patfonfc. For any disease,
caK on Dr. Cook. Coneufta
tion f Me.