Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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ices Go Up Steadily and It
Looks Good to Oregon
rhe price of hops has been steadl-
J advancing for several weeks.
bwers are securing 15 cents just
Ireadlly as 10 cents were offered a
brt time ago. Julius PIncus and
Lachmund have been making
Be largo contracts and have bar-
ttned for 750 bales at 15 cents, in
neighborhood of Dallas and near
hs city, this is tne ingnest price
lually paid. It Is not believed that
very large amounts have been
h at these or any other prices, but
i noticed that the upward tenden-
In prices has prevailed all sum-
Xew York Market.
The local market Has shown a
Igbtly firmer tone the past week,
ling to the continued unfavorable
ports received from England re-
Irdlng their crop. Latest advices
cablo report that the vermin at-
jck has not ceased, and the crop
probably be considerably short
consequence, occasional Inquiries
o reported from brewers, but the
Emness of holders has interfered
Ith the actual movement, and very
Itle business has been done,
Bough wo hear of Oregon's made at
(J cents. The crop reports from
Pacific coast continue favorable
om all three coast states and latest
Bvlces from New York stato report
Be vines as arming out considerably
fetter than expected, and the out-
ok Is very favorable, with the
entirely free of vermin. Con-
acting on the Pacific coast still con
nues at prices ranging from 10
JH cents, and It Is reported that
cents has been paid In some ln-
lances. Latest crop advices from
be Continent are just a trifle bet-
r, though the yards are still in gen
ially unfavorable condition.
Of the 37S bales noticed abovo as
nported this week, 250 bales are
Imerlcan hops returned from Eur-
Hop Conditions In England.
The Maidstone South Eastern Ga-
Juy 3: Where sufficiently
Altered to escape the full force of
lie wind, the hops benefited by tho
aln of Friday morning, and fair
Progress is recorded on tho week.
fermln, however, is still trouble-
ome, and the outlook remains un-
iromislng. in tho Borough there is
h quotable alternation in' values,
ut the market continues strong.
I'lng to the death of supplies every-
inere, while "English growers are
loldlng back their hops In hopes of
I'Sner prices later. Cron reports
fom the United States, are fairly
atlsfactory, but a bad attack of fly
reported in Germany.
Canterbury and District. Tho
I'ant has mado fair progress during
pe past week, but the aphis blight
m greatly Increased to such an
put, in fact, that desnito fronuent
lashing it is alpiost unexampled..
some of the plantations cultiva-1
p is in arrear, work being delay-
by tho necessity of continuous
fashing. Following the terrific
pnpour of rain of Friday morn-
F. hot, forcing weather Is badly
peaed, so that tho plantations mai
nover themselves. At presont the
Inspects of a cron are considered
1 be good.
Ashford. The bine suffered se-
ply from the gale of Friday, many
rthe heads being broken off-or bad
gered. There is still a good
fea of vermin, but it has not in-
FMsed of late.
oenenden. The prospects do not
-wove. There Is still too much
PrOIn, and Knnin nloooa inmn tn hn
., J-.W-W US.W. vw
l'"nS Up.
idstone. Friday's rnln did
pxj in cleansing the plant, but the
,' Knocked thfl hlnn nhnnt n irnnd
Mil. Thorn lc atlll ..n-l l.l
cause trouhln.
Bt""OUgh. Messrn. W TT nnil TT.
ray. London, repert: There is
mange to report on this market,
ices remain Vflrv firm, with nn
Pvard tendency. The reports from
tta t Dtat,ons 8Deak of a continued
ack of fly nnd fresh llce and mat.
' 4ro coming serious now that
r are into July.
nereford Thn rnlno nf Tin nnit
; have hnd n pnnA attnnl nn fha
P yards, as tho bine has received
woughiy good washing, which
, i. however, is still trouble-
me and llkpiv tn .nn.r.o. .
Ll!.r for som time to come. Tho
. OI th6 hlnn VQrlaD finnaMat.
Tlll- -. - vo wuojuBi-
" different parts of the county. '
N. Y.
nilQlnnea t i.1. . ...
, ,""'"' ,u lue marKet is very quiet.
Worcester. There has been very
heavy rains throughout the district
during the past week, which in itself
nas ueen very beneficial to the plan
tations, but some of tho nights have
been Very cold. In many places the
bine is slack and weak, but there
are same good pieces. Tho attack
of blight is still very serious and
persistent, and some of the hops are
damaged teyond recovery. Present
appearances promise less than a
imra or last year's crop.
Hops In Washington.
The Yakima Republic, July 13:
Notwithstanding tho stories that
have been circulated about tho big
crop of hops in America and Europe
and the low prices that will prevail
this fall the buyers are offering an
advance of 1 cents per pound on
contrncts over what was paid two
weeks ago.
Contracts have been made freely
this spring at 10 cents per 'pound.
During tho last few days there has
been a stiffening in prices and 11 .
cents is now being offered. Some o"f
the growers have even refused this
, The indications are that Yakima
will produce as many If not more
hops than she did last year. The
vines nro showing up in good shape
and tho hot weather has killed the
vermin. Tho predictions are that
Oregon will produce a crop equal to
that of last year and that the west
side will show up this season with
about as many as last year. Califor
nia will probably produce a crop
slightly in excess of last year, ac
cording to all reports.
Nurnberg, June 2G. Wo have
been enjoying splendid weather dur
ing the week past, and tho hop plant
is making good progress now. How
ever, the growth Is still very uneven
and genernlly much backward, but
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Saved
Her Life
Sho Gained 20 Pounds In Weight, Can
Walk and Work, and Praises tho
Pills to Others.
General debility is a term that cov
era n multitude of cases wIicto tliore is
no acuto disease, yet tho pationt con
tinues to loso strength nnd tho doctor's
medicines have no apparent effect.
This is the decline that lends to denth
if means are not found1 to check it. In
a great majority of tho cases Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills will check it and re
store! henlth and strength because- they
actually maka new blood and so send
ronowed vitality to every organ and
tissuo of tho body.
Mrs. S. A. Green, whoso address Is
Box 29, R. P. D. No. 4, Franklin, Gn.,
says: "For three and a hulf years I
suffered from weakness and nervous
ness, complicated with stomach troublo
At times I was confined to my bed for
periods ranging from threo weeks to
two months, and was under tho phy
sicans enro most of tho timo for three
yems. I do not know tho cause of
my trouble, but I was prostrated with
weakness, and, although I took a great
dettl of medicine, nothing soomed to
give mo strength. At times my stom
ach hurt me something iearful, and my
hoad often troubled me. I was sleep
loss, and what sleep I got did not re
fresh me.
"When! I began taking Dr. Wil
liams ' Pink Pills, because a friend in
sisted on it, I weighed 104 pounds.
I knew I was so bad that a few dosei
would not cure me, and I had patience
Soon thci pills began to givo me
strength, my blood got in better con
dition, T could 6leep well at night and
help some with the housework. Now I
weigh 130 pounds, and think nothing
of walking half a mile. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have done wonders for me,
and tho neighbors all know this state
ment to be true."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually
make now blood. That is all thoy "do,
but they do it well. Thoy don't act
on tho bowels. They won't cure any
disease that is not cured by bad blood.
They cure anaemia, rheumatism, head
aches and many forms of weakness io
the most direct manner, and, as the
nrtves depend upon tho blood for nour
ishment, thoy strike at tho root of
such' diseases as neuralgia, sciatica,
partial paralysis and have been used
with the greatest benefit, even in casej
of locomotor ataxia.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all dtuggists, or will be sent by mail,
postpaid, on recrfpt of price, 50 conts
per box, six boxes .w, ny i
Williams' Medicine
Co., Schnectady,
tho general outlook Is brighter than
a week ago.
London, June 29. Tho situation
In the plantnltlons has not Improved.
Though washing has been general,
many gardens having been sprayed
three or four times, yet there Is a
further attack of "fly." Much of
the bine is very backward, but there
is plenty of time for It to fill In be
tween now and August; the forcing
weather of last week has helped the
growth where tho hops have been
well done.
The Roguo River
League Is a Dandy.
The boarding, house habit is in
creasing. The family must go.
The model newspaper of tho world
might as well be printed at Salem
as anywhere. But Tho Journal Is
too modest to claim It.
Bryan wants prominonco in the
press, lots of Interviews, opinions
expressed on everything, lota of gas,
wind and froth all the time. lie
does not want to be president.
Asterlan: Undoubtedly Senator
Smoot is feeling sorry for some of
the men, who are married to some
of the women who are after him all
the time.
Tho Dalles Daily Chrenicle:
Swimming is an accomplishment
which is mighty handy to hnvo tuck
ed away in your clothes. Tho timo
to learn Is sometime beforo you'
In the American Magazine for Au
gust there is the story of a preacher
who was guilty of stealing ideals
for his sermons. Some of tho means
he employed are curiously Interest
ing. Horace McKlnley is coming home,
as one paper expresses It. Ho does
not belong to Oregon. Ho is n na
tive of Wisconsin, the homo of near
ly all the successful timber land
thieves. The rest come Worn Mich
igan and Minnesota. .
Hereafter tho "opened by mis
take" excuse will be a mistake that
may cost $200. Tho postofllco de
partment has ruled that mall must
bo looked over before leaving the
office, and thnt any letter put In
your box by mistake must bo re
turned before leaving tho postofllco
under a penalty of ?200 for failure
to do so.
Perhaps Brownell was right after pany, and the concern is -said to have
all in wanting a constitualonnl con- J ndvertiscdl: "Vineless potntoes win bo
vention. But then that has been Krown in bins abovo the ground in 00
forbidden by act of Mr. U'Ron, and ,itj-s ,t a cost not to exceed 0 cents
Mr. Brownell laid away for two years 'per bush?." It appear thnt tho main
in Involuntary political retirement idea connected with tho vineless po
So there is not much dnngor of a tato deal was to sell a combination of
new constitution, and tho old plan sawdust and "potatino" t $1.50 a
of allowing tho mllllonarios to dodgo bottle, and) since tho mails wero being
taxes and sock it to tho poor innnusd to get growers to send orders- for
witli a UIg ramlly and only one cow ,
will be continued for a timo at least,
I held you, laughing, on my kneo,
And kisses stole, a score or more,
You were a rosy elf of threo,
And I, well, I was twenty-four!
Now you are radiant twenty-three,
While I, alas, am forty-four!
I'm conscience-stricken! well I seo
My peace has flown forovermoro,
Unless thoso kisses I restore;
Those stolen kisses I restore.
-Sarah Martyn Wright in Tho
American Magazine for August.
A well-known Virginia congress
man, leaving his houso ono morning,
forgot a letter that he had meant to
mail. That afternoon somothlng
called it to his mind and, as It was
of considerable Importance, ho Im
mediately hurried homo. The letter
was nowheer to bo found. Ho sum
moned his faithful old darkey ser
vant. "Zeko," ho sair, " did you seo
anything of a letter of mlno around
tho house?"
"Yessub. Yo' lef it on yo' table."
"Then where Is It now?"
"Ah mailed it sub."
"Mailed it! Why, Zeko, thoro
wasn't any name and address on the
"Jea so, Buch. Jes' bo. Ah
thought It mus' bo In answer to ono
of dera anonymous letters yo'vo been
gettiri' lately." "Under the Spread
ing Chestnut Tree ," Everybody's
Magazine for August.
Vlneleea Potatoes.
The dealer in agricultural fakes hai
heretofore had Borne respect for tho
potato. Ho has sold seed) warranted to
produce strange results, great yields,
etc. But the originator of tho "yine-
IltTlta VfcUiV (,uui''uukcu won m
Ixtr to the Ht of farzo swindles. The
l.jfi -vAlMSn Hi.lknAy1 M VtAVMI tlltttti
Send lor Iree booklet showing
analysis o nard wate in 100 cit
ies in the United States, with the
amount of ?0 Mule-Team Pure
Borax necessary to use in each
case to soften the water and pro
duce clean, white clothes without
injury to the finest fabric or most,
'delicate hands.
E0-Mul8-Tam Purs Borax cold by all dctlsn
Sample for 5c in stamps.
Address Pacific Coast Borax Co.,
San Francisco, Cal.
Ntw Address: Bacon Building, Oakland
thing reached such proportions thnt
it como finally thnt a fraud order has
been issued by the postofllco depart
ment against tho promoters of tho
"Vineless Potato Company." It is
stated) that tho inspectors who had
this mntten under investigation were
influenced in securing the fraud order
from nn opinion from the agricultural
department at Washington to tho ef
fect that the) vineless potato is a fake
pure nnd simple. It is said to hnvo
been stated by authorises in tho ag
ricultural department that it is no so
cret "that small potatoes can bo (;rown
vinel58 in tho dla'rk on white blenched
shoots, of sprouting seed potatoes, but
it was pointed out that the crop would
always bo less than tho amount
A promoter named W. D. Dnrst Is
said to have been the main fctor in
organizing the- Vineless Potato Com
tho materials for growing tho vino-
less notato Iho government decided a
fraud onler would bo tho best thing
to stop tho fake.
An envelope usodi by tho company
showed on the upper left hand corner
two farmers dancing and taking things
easy while- a "potato incubator" was
turning out a crop nearby, "while you
wait." In the picturo a couple of
horses wesio sitting on the ground
laughing at tho "snap." It is suggest-
red that tho horse lough now has
boon given tho company by Undo
Sam. A few happy phrases woro on
AH Oregon Will Be at the
From Sept iO to t5 inclusive at the State
Fait Grounds Nea Salem
In both quality and quantity of exhibits, and in every other way, it will be the
greatest State Fair in the history of Oregon.
Never before was there sccch widespread interest in this institution.
A visit to the State Fair of 1906 wilt be a liberal education.
It will show yow what Oregon has done, and, more important, it will point the
way to the magnificent possibilities of the future.
No one can afford to miss the Oregon State Fair for J 906. Few patriotic peo
ple who can spare the time will miss it.
In purses for racing events, including a $2000
pace and a $2000 trot, at
Oregon State Fair
Beginning September, 10, and ending September 1 5
$1 0,000
In premiums on live stock, agricultural and manufac
tured products.
ItftYvill be the greatest State Fair in the history of Or
egon. It belongs to all the people of this state; all are
interested, and tens of thousands of them will be in attendance
tho envelopo as follews: "Let tho in
cubator do tho work;" "Grows 'em
in winter time;" "Thousands of bush
els per ncre," etc.
To whnt" extent this vineless potato
swindlo hws been worked) is hard to
estimato just now, but it is certain
the preparation has been widely sold
But thoso who have been inveigled
into parting with their money for this
worthless stuff will hnvo to make tho
best of their luck. No victims in Ore-
gon hnvo ns yet Jeported, nnd it Is
hoped that this state lws escaped as
to this
particular humbug. Albany
An Undutif ul Wife.
A most interesting and amusing
caso of wifely insubordination is re
pented from Washington. It appears
that tho navy department is following
the example of somo of the other do
pantmrats, of tho government, and
putting a bam upon mnnriago, it having
recently issuedl nn order that wives
of officers shll not accompany thci.?
husbands when these aro on official
business. Of course, this virtually
breakn up tho dloine'ic Ufo of such
officers ns spend tho mos-t of their time
ns they should, in attending to
their duty. Protests have been many,
but ono woman has obstinately refused
to bey bath her hubnml nd the
government, :ia nppea's from this let
ter ireeeived1 My tho department from
Commod'o-io Pyffe, then in command of
tho A'lntio squadiron.
"Sir: It becomes my mlnful duty
to report that my wifo KUzst Fyffo,
lins,. in disobeyanco -to my orders and
in tho faco of tho regulations of tho
navy deiartment, taken up her resi-
donee at this trtntlon and persistently
rofusoH to lenvu."
Probably Mrs. Fyffo thinks clio is
obeying Iho higher law when sho re
bels agains this edict ami sho might
rightly clnimi tjmt having married
when no such regulation was in force,
tho government had no right to put a
now disability on her mnrrh'd life, ex
po.- facto. Wo hopo Mrs. Fyffo will
win 11)0 day. Woman's Tribune.
How the Boys Might Sav)e.
(American Industries.)
I saw tho other day, says John A.
Walker, threo eight-dollar a week
young fellows. I say $8 a week, he-
causo they looked it.
All three wcro smoking; all , threo
wore sitting in what thoy callc'd n
"Dago's" shino chair, gotting a
"shine." After tho Bhine, all threo
wont to a barber shop for a "shave"
Hero woro throio wnstings of cash by
these. $S-a-wock boys.
Pirst, thoy need iot smoko; or nooil
not until thoy can afford It. Noxt, thoy
should shnvo themselves and shlno
their own shoos. Done, as it doubtloss
is, twice a week, it costs them CO conts
a week; this is $20 a year and is equal
to tho intorcst on $500 a yt'n.r at 5 prrr
I don't speak for undue, saving; I
rather bespeak liberal spending if ono
enn nfford it, but an $8-a-week boy has
no judgment when ho throws awayi
$500 for this is what ho docs when
ho wnstcs tho interest ou that much
Tho saving system, until you can
affo"d to i-jiend, would put many n
"young follor" beyond tho caprices of
And we can
WtlrOity, Kantat.
Von must remember that (Alllne hair and
d&ndruRaroslsnaot decay, or a diseased con
dition of tbn scalp, and you must uot daisy
treatment. To do so simply means mors loss of
hair, and a greater Impoverished scalp, ana
finally no hair. Tlio wlio Milng to do Is to cor
rect t In tho start. Dandnrlnn works wonders
In all such casos. It will quickly rogenerate tho
enfeebtod tissues, and make your hatr grow
mors beautiful than It oyer was. KOW at ult
drufrtrlits, throe sites.
25o., 50c. and $ 1.0O pr bottle.
KtHikK ft fn