"vr?fjr S"-,77'w",n''np JfB , DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNAL, SALEM, OXBOON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1906. 09 r?Mfi is "! -nmj ntaisis MW, 5Mi 8AC? N '! IV ; iat & M 5;.- I i;m ling Medicines. be tho fact as to many patoni meaicmes con . intrrodlonts as broadly ii n intirnals of mora or Is publicity has certainly HHlt in arousing neeuea subject, It has, In a isuro. resulted in tho ncotilo avoldlnr such Inci as mar bo fairly sus- inlng tho Injurious fngro- Me or. Kocognuing tms so by tho forelock." as It llshod broadcast all tho which h!8 popular nicdl- posea. xiius no nas com lod all harDin critics and that mlcht othcrwlsa bo 5 his modlcmcs, bocnuso they new: composition, jsur- tlio formula nrintod dn wrapper, It will be seen that i contain no aiconoi or line drtitrs. Knlthor do toJ my narcotics or Injurious Jkigrodlents being purely 3WHI irom mo roots, ot found Rrowiim In the i American forests and of curatlvo virtues. r ohol. which oven In small fori eontlnuod, as In obstlnato ksw. becomes highly oblec- irem its tondoncr to nrbduco a r, fan stimulants. Ilr. Pinrra tn- hemlcally pure, triple - rotlnod intlianssairiFabd ..suoncrtlnir nutritive. ,9 m ' sineay (a najtufteasAS of chronic dlsoases, sjJ1tw a rwftoffer domulcent, antiseptic, It enhantes the'curatlve action of tho Jtaii&oldea Seel root. Stono root, Black wltyGoIdetfJlaal -Discovery," In all bron- U.ohIaJ, thrfltT'aiJI fang affcctlous attended ""few!. V.ru 1.- .4 ...111 nAl.n .., UWlJIDVlt AMU J91WUiUUb, lJltVUIfirU lis the wrltftf nfnm emlnont Dre. Grovor Coe, of New York; Uartholow, of Jotfer- - . Lpn Medical College, Phtla.; Scudder, of "Cincinnati ; SHHngwood, of Chicage: tWHfttflof'Olitaftgo, and othors, who stand r several schools ot "ft.prai .en Ing agents are the U that Dr. Plorco to mako ud his fa eould BOBS for the euro of not -ruit and Inns alloc- !i g.i'y. chronic catarrh in all in ui oj r&iWizm: hkvYXKMJri vaxJteT wherever located. ' i 4 TrntiTtTrf-iifftinfrrmirn of Ohnrttlfis E IIPU 4KKL liMlilBllMPe., May D. The larg-r-l eeassit'lS'Wped, most nuccessful an j Ml eoHfenUen of tho national confer isaee of charities and conventions over "to hM 1b this. country will open hero this de;tiilBg at the,, Academy of Music, to feet eight dsjw., This is tho 33rd an Itth'wMil -vmiont the conference, and, 1 j4iBf rottho number of (delegates jjybe sxyp arrived hor and have regls uSe'tHwk, .bb, interest has been taken in 3-k thetwalorsBao throughout tho country irfltatftrjlwfsre. Besides tho regular sssj delagtbOsfeinted by tho governors of thaO'-dMiflM states and terrltorio, p jnanyi prouwaest mon from all walks u' 141 life arahsrYto attend tbo conference ' Audi AXAlfi ifnWYi A nrnrlf w tlinir ntinal Waad xprja, I The cIu'mm" of 3a citiMM' Of Phila'delnhia have Jalwwn jpwOaterost in tho conference m IkatrA flirt iiinaf nlnVtnmtn nr. the most claborato ar T'p ! ""' T Jjv. : v '- u TIm KM. Yon Hnvo Always im i lor over uv years, jt. j ii - umi mis uvuii iiiuuu uiiucr iiih iwr &j77tyPZs sonn supervision since Its Infancy. ij 'cZccAtvi Allow no ono to deceive yon In this. k t - i&zk 'Counterfeits, Imitations inicuts time triuo witu J, B " II if K.. ' a . ' ET and Children Experience nralnst Expori utuu hat is CASTOR I A tm ?jBain fa is u harmless substitute for Castor OH, Fare- Drops tml Soething: affrn? caKSSay f 4MHB& las neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic if ,HP icq. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms II tjHMLMUH ys Feverishncss. It .It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatlou Wtulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho f4fMiwf:h and Dowels, gii ing flBI&i'hlldreu's Panacea Tho fUINC CASTORIA ALWAYS M BiJirs the vtoWAav 0 ?M You Haye Always Bought , In Use For Over 30 Years. a r t i VM cTua oturr. TT MuaaAV jmutr. n o err. 1 - STALLION idsfl ia two or threa aeasoas at ,-maJM. Xxamlaa earefaVj xaaaia his ratiag mmIIUm aa If yoa lad faalt with him i Mm will bo eheorfBlly paii by tae i '. 17-WP IWMttB i JHHpMmw HfM& good pturo froo ot caarg. Due earo ftad eaatloa will b la provost aaciMsto; sat wl sot BTaaiMca at owscra of avw fktw4ajo aad Sashays t .oactt 'HaMy, fair 8rwtsfat Orofos. ilMiji aaHH ' IslsHa rangements for tho reception and en tertainment of tho delegates from oth er parts of tho country. Tho number of delegates who will attend the confer ence is roughly estimated at more than 2000. Among them ar many disting uished charity workers and profession al nun representing every state and ter ritory of tho UnitoU States. Tho opening session this evening will be held in the Academy of Music, but the sectional and general sessions of the conference will will be held) in Hor ticultural hall. At tho meeting this ev ening ex-Prcaldent Qrovor Cleveland will deliver tho principal address. Gov ernor Pcnnypacker and the mayor of Philadelphia wil lwelcomo the delegates and several of the prominent delegates will mako responses. Tho rest of the evening will be devotedi to addresses on various topics bearing upon tho sub jects of charities and corrections. To facilitate and systematize the work of the conference, it has. been dl videu into 13 sections, which will hold scparato sessions for tho consideration of tho various special features, which will bo considered by the conference. Every phase of charity work 'will be thoroughly discussed and tho sessions of tho various sections havo been so ar ranged that tho delegates will be able to attend nearly all tho meetings. Among tho topics for the considera. tlon by tho 13 sections are: "Stato supervision anU administration of char ities;" "Care of iho "sick;-" "Needy families;" "Child labor;" "Defect ives,." "Neighborhood work;" "Traip ing of social workers;" "Immlgra tion;" "Charitable finance," and "Statistics." Ono of tho subjects which will ro celve an extra sharo of attention will bo that of "Chiltt labor." Tho ses sions of tho section for tho considera tion of tho training of social workers will bo attended by students from the School of Philanthropy, of New York, and tho School for Social "Workers, Bos ton. These two schools wil ladjourn their sessions to attend tho national conference of charities and corrections Students from tho Chicago school arc also hero to attend tho conference. Be sides tho regular routino of tho bust ncss sessions there will bo a number of entertainments in1 honor of tho vis iting delegates, Ono of the most at tractive entertainment features of tho progVam will bo a garden fcto on the beautiful grounds of Havcford college. Monument for Fremont's Oravo. Now York, May 9. Tho body of Bought, ami whicli lins Iioca lias uomo tuo sigrnataro or and" Just-as-irood" nr bufe nnu cniaii(rcr ino neaoi ol Syrups. It irf Pleasant. Ifc cures Diarrhoea and Wind healthy and natural sloop. Blather's Friend. Signature of Wayf tbo r air urouad. Oregos, for the his brediz; exaalae Ma as as is- bsfora ehposiaz a atalliea far jovr tho expaasa yea lava fea t to owaer. Uaroo frwi a diotaaae will feo rpoMlU okoald say oooar. TIDAL WAVX wW W tX lado- wook, 3 rrJo U low. jtkt a-M-9t THE SECRET OF SUCCESS M kf v' "No, Sir! Von cannot rlra off ny substitute on me. I've been uslntr August Fiowcrslnce I vra a boy, and fit hae no other." (JForty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States alone since its introduction I And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that n fine showing of success? Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the worst enemies of health and happiness? (f Docs it not afford the best evidence thai August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disorders ? that it is the best of all liver regulators? QAugust Flower has a matchless record of over 35 years in curing the ailing mil lions of these distressing complaints. JTwo sizes, 25c and 75c All druggist Sold in Salem by S. C. Stone, John C. Fremont, tho first nominee of tho Republican party for president, nud often called "Tho Pathfinder," lies in an unmarked) gravo in Rockland cem etery, a short distnnco from Nyack, N. Y. General Frenion died in this city In 1890. Shortly nftor his death tho plot in which ho now lies was purchased with the intention of erecting upon the sito a suitnblo monument to tho man who was a pioneer in tho exploration of the west and who rendered disting uished services in tho Mexican war. A short time after the general's death a John 0. Fremont association was formed and incorporated with tho object of providing a monument and memorial. Tho doslgn fo tho monument was prepared and, it is believed, adopt ed by tho assoclatiqn. 'Witn the excep tion of a bunch of flowers on Memor ial day, however, tho lat resting place of tho old warrior and statosman is no glectcd. Around the gravo of Gcnoral Fremont are tho graves of sovernl dis tingulshed mon, including Commander Gorrings, who brought to this country "Cleopntra's Needle," now standing in Central Park, New York, und Dr. Skone, a famous Brooklyn surgeon. Weekly Financial Roviow. New York? April 27. Tho market has been alternately weak ami strong throughout tho past week. Tho trond seems still to bo downward and sales on strong spots havo grown quite prof itable. Tho Consolidated Gns dividend was cut to a 4 per cent basis and pre ceding tho dhidend mooting tho stock reached tlio lowest prico in sovernl years. As a goucrnl proposition, in Wall street stocks declino when good news comes out and ndvanco when the announcement of unfavorable dovolop ments is nuulo. Whether directors of n company are justified in using informa tlon beforchnud to tho detriment of other stockholders is nit unsettled ctli ical question. At nny rato such is the practice of Wall street and tho result is the scorning paradox of stocks ml vanclng on bad news and vice versa. It would seem, therefore, that the chances of an advance in Consolidated Gas were fairly good and that it is a ransonablo mfo purchaso around the present level. Tho bond market during tho week was generally at recessions ami under tho influence of selling pressure auppos ed to be for the account of insurance companies. Japaneso issues were soft and speculative issues such as Colors ?o Industrials, Brooklyn Rapid Traniit 4's,' h'rio Convertibles, etc., reflected quite closely tho stock movements. Steel second 5's wero in good demand ami held well. Southora Pacific has been' one of tb strongest stocks on the list all through tbo recent weakness. Tho stock has not had a strong specuativo movement nnd seem to havo been left pretty much to look after itself. Throughout the general list tbo bnying in snots lis been fairly good. Largo blocks of se curitles camo ont on tbo declines, anl this was -particularly true of tho Hill stocks. On the other band tbero are a good many bargain hunters in the street picking up standard railroad div tdent payers on break. These condi tions mako for a trading rnaket. The short account Is large, bnt at present Is very powerful. Bullish confidence is by up means cathalastlc. Wo ean scarcely eeo roosr for a genuine bull campaign this sprlag. At present tho outcome Memo to favor a trading mar ket with tbo toadeacy slowly but stead ily downward. J. 8. Bacae St Co. When tbo bsbytaHw, it is time to glvo Holllstor'a Rocky Ifonntain Tea. Id's tho greatest Vby aio&ciso knows to lorlsg sBotbsr. It isJc tktsa oat, loop aaa grow. 15 costs, Ta or Tab let!. Dr. Stoso's inf otort. yMltMlgi1tBllllliitMIWMlMDlsWllllllMtlllWBMIMllillillllMlBltWlliWWi OLvASeiRl.BD i ,-w- '1 lHMWMtMMtslfMWIHMMMIiilieMMIMIMlHMBMIlgMllBl 1 roa SAXE. For Sale DoLaval separator, aoarly now. Bought for $90, will oell for $30 cash. Inquiro of A. W. Nuson, Gorvaia, Routo 3, or phono Tajm 59. For Sale, Now light a&d navy spring wogons, carriages, carts, new and old buggies, buckboards and ono deliv ery wagon, at the Salem Carriage and Wagon Factory. W. Fennel, prop.. 801 to 805, North Liberty itroet. 4,-9-lm FOE RENT. For Rent, Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 700 North Commercial street. T. A. DIco, prop. 5-1-tf WANTED FEMA1S HELP. Wanted. Girls for general housowork Inquiro at Dauo's store. 5-7-3t WanUd Experienced girl for general housowork. Highest wagos. Inquire 1049 Court streot, Salem. 4-12-tf WANTED MALE HELP. Moa Wautod. Sawmill and lumber yard laborors; $2 por day. Woods men $2.25 to $3. 8toady work. Apply to Booth-Kolly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. 4-17-tf WANTED. Wantod. Agonts for book on San Francisco disastor. Trcmondous do niand. Everybody buys. Big book 500 pages. Hundreds of photo tographs. Stories by survivors. Fifty per cent. Premium extra. Credit given. Outfit freo. Writo tbdny. Drop everything and mako $500 noxt 30 days. Standard Co,, 325 Dearborn stroot, Chicago. 5-l-12t WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OTTY HALL. For water servlco apply at ofllco Bills payablo monthly in advance Mako all complaints at tho office. fSt Colonist Rates Commencing February 15th, and continuing dally to and Including April 7th, and from Soptombor 15th until Octobor 31, 190C, colonist tick ets will bo sold from tho East to all points on Oregon linos via, Portland, Forowing ratCB from Omaha, Neb., $25; Council Bluffs, la., $25; Kansas City, Mo., $25; Denver, Colo.; $25; SU Joseph, Mo., $25; 8b. Louis, Mo., $30; Chicago, 111., $33. If you deslro you can mako deposit with agents and tickets will bo furnished your friends In tho East A. L. CRAIO, td General Passonger Agent CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Gasoline Woodsaw The undersigned is prepared to take sawing contracts. Telepbese Mala 043, C. M osier, Fair Ground Road, North Salem, 3-SO-tf HOTEL OREGON s a Corner of Seventh and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon. Tho new and modern hotel of the city Caters particularly to residents of 8v lent and other Oregon cities. European plan. Free bus. Rates $1.00 per day and upward. Handsomest grill la tbo West, and prices as low so la places less attractive. Daily Capital Journal ou file. WRIOHT-DICTKENSOX HOTEL OO. HOLLlBTCn'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Beir M4!!m ht Bur FmU. BrUfi 0U Kalta ai Rivi Vlr. A spoctno for Cooitfpatirm, lodlceftioo, IJe aaa KWotf Troubla. llmpltt. Kcionia, Impure tNwxf U4 Hreoih, Kltiffuli lioweU, loadaclte aad Hackaclta. It's Koclf y Mouotmn Tra In UU M form, sv cent a box. (Jrnuloe maUa Lr noLuirrsK Dra Coxrixr, Wvllton, Win, 4AL0FH NUflllETR PO RIII0W PFBP f f Iflllltt rniaVHIFKNCH FEMLE MMffiWo VSNOSI Ihh 0 A Sin, Cm um Iwu h tmta lumiir kt om t"4 4 If ! rvu. wmftwn. ufMfwvMwwwM I wars M4ai.fv , eMasI wg wkw w saaPTavWs (Z&0Zz&t -r- . ,.. . , MISCELLANEOUS, , Salosa Xros Works Feuaaors, schla lata and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kladf of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit dryisg stove, te. Maapfaaturws of tho Salem Ires Works Hop Prooa. 11-29-lm Wasted. Turlrejo, geoee, Quota, chick obi sad all faraa prodaeo. Highest cash prico px-id for saaio. Capital OoBsmlssioa CoBvpany, 267 Oomssor oial stroot. Tolopkesar 170. Hotel Soott Newly tarahAed, eTry thlng: cloaa snd fSrst otasw. Rooms at reanoasibb prices; la Oottk block, Balsa. A. Scott, prop. 74-tf, At Your Stepmother's 9be cab steaa clesu or dye thesa, and save you a now suit, press and repair, reltae, furnish buttons.' The .moat dftlioate fabrics can be cleaned by her 'dry cleaning method without injury. It does not shrink or change its color. It is next to Tae Journal office, 221 Commercial street. TONSOgSIAL Kvaaa' Barber Baop. Evorything new and up to date. Finest porcelain baths. Sharing;, 15 haireuttlag 95a batho 25c First elass bootblacks. O. W, Eraas, Proprietor. TOTS&XNAKY 8UROXOK Dr. E. J. Young Veterinary surgeon and1 dontist, 33 ypars' oxporioaeo. All work guaraatoed. Difficult surgical operations a ocialty. Phono 581. Offlco at Club 8tables, Phone 7, Sa lem, Oregon, 3-9-tf OONORBTB AND OBMENT WORK. J. P. Voatoh, contractor and builder of cement walks. Septic- sower tanks, foundations ami floors, 828 Marion street. 0-5-tC MUSIO STUDIOS. Vs Music Stadio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio. Associate teacher Western Ooasorvatdry, " Chicago, Hi, representing later-State System at Salem, Oregon, la the Gray block, room 3. Studio hour D to 12 aad. 8 to 5. 8-10-tf UVEBY AND SALE STABLES. yJ IS Tim PHONE NUMBER OF THE RED FRONT STABLES M. L. IIARROD, PROPRIETOR, 871 OID3MEKETA STREET. Feed Barn. Special attention to tran. stent teams. Farmers' patronage so licited. Waiting' room for ladies Wo also carry a full lino of feed. Located at Club Stables, eoraer Lib erty and Ferry streets Phono Main 7. Pruak & Darby. 12-H-Om ThcFoshioo. Stables Formerly Simpson's Stabtds, Up-to-date livery and cab line. Fu neral turnouts a specialty. Tally-lie for picnics aad excursions. Phone 44. Ohas. W. Yanake, Prop, 247 and 240 nigh street. NEW LANGt HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., be sure you stop at The New Lange Hotel, noxt door to the Imperial. Rates, COe, 75c, aad $1.00 per day. Electric llghtu, call bells, elevator, steam heat, free both and freo bus. All out side rooms with running water, I HAVE just received a fine assortment of Commence ment Announce ments. You are invited to call' and look them over ELLIOTT PX1NTKK I Q Wx reee house JL or Oaie u teutb sw -- -. BtKIMtltWIMIlOli WIBMWNWWstsH OSTBOPATH3. Dr. W, L. Morcac. Graduate of ile, Mo, under founder of art as i pathy. Booms 25-20 Breymaa filUg . Commoroial St, phono 919. Bosi doaoo 1D N. Summer t. phoae l4. Treats acuto sad careaia dlsosios, Exaaiaatloas free. 1 Dr. B. BL White. Graduate of Kirks Ttioi, Ma, under founder ef ostooi pathy. Room 21 Breawui bl44 Cosajnoroial st phono 87. RoetlMMM 590 State, oor. Church, phoao 11M, Treats asuts aad ehroale disesset. Examinations free. ggmorAy AWP suiaHOK. J Dr. Cartwrigat Has rosuaied soaosal praetUe, sad will be fouad la rases 16, ever Ladd A'Baah's bank. Oatea hours 11 a, m. te p, av. OMes phono Mala 13, rosideaoa pheM Mala 107. 12-SOM SAJUI AND DOOS FACTOMBS. sash, doors, moalding. All kind j house finish aad hardwood week, Front street between Stato aad Csexf Lopoxa, ForMters of AaerisaOourt Sherwsei Foresters, .No. 19. Meets Tuesday ist Hurst hall, Stats street. U. S. Rider, O. R.; A. Ij. Dtowb, F. S. Ceatril Leo Xs. 18, K. sf P. OmOs Hall ia Hebaaa bleek, eoraer tyito and Liberty streets. Tuesday of easM week, at 7:30 p. m. J. O. Graham, C, a; W. L Staley, K. ef B. and s; J. Modern Woodmen ef Aatertesv Ore gon Cedar Camp, No, 6248. Meotf every Thursday evening at 8 o'elo&a, Holraaa Halt W W. Hill, V. O. F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmaa of World, Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, ia Holawa Hall, A. J, Baaey, 0. O. P, L. Fnuder, clerk. !!&- REAL BBTXWB. 300 acres land, 1 milo from railroad t tlon, 150 ooros cboico meadow land, bnlanco cbotoo tlmbor, good hdve, barn and orchard on place, Prico $20 per aero. 40.ocre tract choice garden land, with good house, ono mile from city, $140 per aero. 400-acre farm, 170 in grain, 275 ill labia, balnncn .mnatiim .l.iml Th( place is well lmprov'od' and goes at $20 per aero. Ono 0-room houso and good barn, an abundanco of fruit, very largo lot, for only $1100. This plnco Is. Worjtb $1500. V ' Largo houso and barn, IVi acres of ground, closo to business section of city. $2500. Aka soma choice locations in St. Johns, Oregon. AH to bo hod through 8WEQEL & SMITH, tho roal estate donlors, 402 Stato streot. B-S-lt RELIEF TOR LADIES. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS Original and only genuine, put np is yellow wrapper with Crown trade mark. For sale by leading druggists. Prleo $1 per box, BRICK Brick furnished in largo or swad quantities. Proseed brick sado te order. Yard on Stato street, south est Penitentiary, SALBK BRICK YARD. A, A. BURTON, Prop. S&mmei School! The first term of tbo Capital Summer Normal opens on May 1st, to continue eight weeks. Tutltlon $10. Summer School of Frfmarr Methods. Osoas June lltb, to eoatlaue three weeks. Ad. dress J, J, Krsps, or County Superta tendeat E. T. Moores, Bales Or. tf Fuuit Growers TAKB KOTICB KOW 18 THB TIM TQ ORDXB BBRXY ORATB8 j BBBRYBOXBS ORCHARD BOXER FBDTT TKAY8 And sll kinds of boxes. See us, Salem Box Factory MABOK k 8NYDBR. Phone W. gosta 8lat SHCHKLE "" ' My stock ot sbees tor sea re duced la pries. No eld stock. Ote is out ladles' sfcees. NeWa yr cfcce, , fAOOB VOT, 4feakatssssatsB ssVAsssaaat Hsssaaat. h I BmBKt;" X 4& . .' .fl4'-i.'.ll' JsJflaaK tfV l , m f,'W - ..-. -. j. :