Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 04, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Nature's Way Is Best.
The (unction strengthening and tlssuo
Ebolldlnp plan 01 treating chronic, llngor-
iinK and oixuinato cases oi uieeaso as pur
louod by Dr. Pierce, U following alter
INatnro's plan of restoring health.
Ho uses namrai romouies, mat ia
extracts from native medicinal roots,
prepared oy processes wrougui oui uy
ino exponutiuro oi raucii wmo anu
money, without the use of alcohol, and
br skillful combination In Just tho rlrflit
I sea as ingroaionta oi ur. nerees
Jldcn Medlral Dlseovery. Hlack Cherry-
Daint um-i, iwuii wviuwh won, tvuv,
ii.vxlroot and .Stone root, simclallv exert
ihcr influence: In raws of limy, bronchial
,nd throat troubles, and this "Dteoov-
nr" Is, therefore, a sovereign remedy
r.ir hrnnrhitls. laryngitis. ehriHile eouabs.
catarrh and kindred ailment.
Tlin qIkjvo native root also have the
utrrinff at tiowlhle endorsement from the
leading tnedU'al writers, of all the several
schools ni pracwee, mr mo cure noi owy
31 tne nifiJ nameu aoore otu aiso tor
digestion, torpor of liver, or billons
n olntlnito ronstitiatlon. kklner and
(iladdcr trniMos and catarrh, no matter
flu re luiwu.
Yen d n't have to take Dr. Pieree'a
it so alono as to tills: what he claims
tor lus "Discovery" l becked up by the
rr'ingoi wie most eminent men in mt
sedlial tiroft-Silmi. A request by ttostal
lard or It ttvr. addressed to I)r, It. v.
fienw. Buffalo. N. Y.. for a little book
( eUrncU from eminent medical u-
norltles rndnrMnsr the InirredlenU of his
aedielnes. n ill bring a little book free
that is worthy of your attention It
needing a good, safe, reliable remedy tf
buKH comiHtHlUim (or the euro of almost
wiy old chronic, or lingering malady.
Dr Piorce's I' eaant Pellets euro con
stipation. One little "IVIlet" Is a gentle
laxative, anu two a mild eatiiartic
Tho most valuable book tor both men
and women Is Dr. Pleree s
Common Sense Modleal Ad
Vler, A splendid KXH-pnge
olumn, with engravings
at hi colored plate. A copy,
paper-covered, will be sent
lo anyone sending 21 cents
in one-eent sumps, to pay
n one-eent sumps, to pay
he cost of mailing only, to
)r,tt,V. Pleree, Buffalo, N.
', Gtotu-bound, 31 stamps.
Hew York Highway Convention.
Albany, N Y April 3,-The New
fork Highway convent Ion opened its
inuat session here loday. Owing to
ic fact that the state legisleture has
ftesed the 80,00,OW state bonding
which opM n, now era in road
sliding in this state, tho proton L see-
n la of tho greatest Importance. Bead
tocpervisorii from all parts of the state
re in attendance and also many own
officials interested In the good reeds
I Tbe six previous conventions have
n held in the latter part of Janu-
Buy of in the beginning of February,
because their chief purpose was to urge
liberal and adequate appropriations of
raeney for Ike oaro of the money sys
tem roads, and the construction of the
main highways tinder tho two state aid
'not. Hut this veer, with 0,000.000
.ngtthe dispell of the legislature, the
(nation la very much ohanged, alnoe
be funk are w lare an4 tho logUla-
ran doidred so important that tho ex-
Bevtivo committee oonotderod it bottor
rait tho eonvontloM for n utor date
bo mmltt has submitted a roper t
ntainlng Important rooommoiMlatiMS
wbirb will h torMtjy a$m in
no convention, to fwraUh tho bls for
bo kgislation whloh will bo dosnandoc!
sm tho legudaiare for It nxt so
it rommUtoo rsssmwisdi that the
Ulati.in for U diotriUUoa of Uo
1,000 iHMi iHMd iano bo wade la en
so that tho eomptrolUr way atl
bo bonds from time to time; that the
ite maintain tho roads after they arc
jilt, wimlar to h plan in oporation
slmilatlrHl tbUToodandBrtula-
Teis andBcsLContalns ndtiw
OpumiMorpbine nor MinaaL
Aperfeci Bomcdy for Constipa
tion.SourStoiiiich.Dlanhooa, Worms jConvulskxns.Fo'erish-
ocss ondLosS OF SLEEP.
TacSiiDtle Signature ef
in Macsaehusetta; that the state desig
nate tho roads to bo improved so that
the apportionment oan bo ma do equit
ably between tho counties of the state
It nlso recommends that grade cross
ings bo eliminated; that county conven
tioM be held to diseusa highway im
provements; that prison labor be em
ployed in crushing stone for use on
tho roads, and that a law be passed to
acquire the property necessary for gooc
roads by condemnation 'proceedings
without the expensive practise now in
All About One-Firth of a Penny.
Ilerlla, April 8. Oae of the most
curious eases of red tape has develop
ed from a ease in bankruptcy at Dussel
derf, in whloh the German postal ad
ministration figured as a creditor far
the stun ef about S6 eonts, a claim
for unpaid telephone charges. The di
vidend deelared was about 7 cents to
tverv five dollars, and thns the post
office beeamo entitled to 1S-3 of a
pfennig in Oermnn money. Coneera
Ing IhU claim six voluminous letters
have been written by the postal auth
orities to tho official receiver in the
bankruptcy, neeeirdtatlng as many re
plies, and tho el is not yet. The re
ceiver Is at a lorn hew to transmit the
the exact sum ef 1 23 of a pfennig, nnd
the postal Administration declines to
write oiT aa a bad debt anything but
the preolse amount, looludlng tho frae
tion. Thero la every prospect of a vol
uminous dosser accumulating in this
pertentkus matter.
Tuskogeo Anniversary Celebration.
Ttwkege, Ala., April !. Today Is
the opening day of tho celebration In
honor of tho Mth anniversary of the
establishment of the Toskegeo Normal
and Industrial InsUtuto nnd everybody
seems to bo in a fever of excitement
and anticipation Tho celebration will
last throe dys and will bogin thl ev
ening with a large mooting, whloh will
bo attended by the studonU, the mom
bora of tho faculty, and a largo num
ber of iavitod guoota. iaoittdlag An
drew Carnegie, Prc-ident Eliot, of liar
vard, SecreUry of War Tart, Kobort
C. 0g4oH. proeldcmt of tho aoMthorn ed
ucation board, Soth Iow and many
other men of distinction,
8mo of tho Iavitod gnosis have al
ready arrived, while others arc expect
e4 hero thm afternoon. Mr. Ogden,
who la also ptoaMont of the board of
trnstooc of the institute, wlH bring a
number of his friends from ftew York
on a apeolal1 train. Tho UK of speak
er who will deliver ntdres during
the throe days of the celebration In
elndoa, bosldos tko already mention
ed. tho followlnf i Bishop William
Crocwoll Donne, who will pronoh tho
annlvorsary eormoat Dr. Xf. C. II. Ma
son, corroxpondlag aoorotary of tbe
PreedmcN' Aid and Sonthorn Vdnea
tion society of the Moinodlot Mplscjo
pad chnroh of Ciaolnnatii Principal
Hooker T. Waonisurtaa of Tnokofec la
otlutoi Jvdffo W. II. Hurt of Tnoko
goo Prof. 8 O. Atkins, secretary of
tho board of education, African Moth
edict Kplscopnl chart h of Kancas Cltyi
J. C. XnpUr. president of tho One Cent
Kavianc Hack, Xaohville, Tenet Pres
ident John H. Abcrcromblc of the Unl
vorsity of Alabama; Dr. K. C. Morrlc.
president of the Natloaal Baptist con
vention. Helena. Ark ; Dr. Lyman Ah-
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
fu id
"And ti IhlnV that ten month! S(rn 1 looked Uk
this ' 1 owe it ( ocrmsn Sjrup. '
qThe time-worn injunction, "Never put
rtf 'til tw-morrow what -ou oan do to
day," is how generally presented in this
form :' " Do it to-lay f" Tliat is the torse
advice we want to give jw about that
backing cough or demoralising coM with
which you have been struggling for sev
eral days, perhaps weeks. JTake ainc
reliable retnedy for it to-oav aMd let
that remedy be Dr, Boschee's Gectnati
SjTUp. which has been in two for ovcf
Uilrty-rtve years. A few dosos of it will
undoubtedly relieve your cough ot .
ami ha continued use for a few tier will
cure you completely. JNo matter how
deep-seated your cough, even if droad
coneuHtptkHt has attacked your lunge,
Gannett Syrup w ill surely erect n cure
as it has done Wore in thousands of ap
nsrentlv hnoeteM cases of lunir trouble.
qN'ew trial bottles, ijc; reguUr site,
7JC At all uruggisu. a
Bold in Brtlem by 8. O. Btono.
loU, Dr. II. D rrise!i, prindial of
Hampton institute Dr. W. Druse Ilv
a as, principal of the Armstrong Man
ual Training school, Washington, D.
P.) Hlshep 0. II. Oallewny of tho Meth
odist Hpiocopal church south, of Jack
son. Mlest Oswald Garrison VIMard, of
the New York Nvonlng 1001, nnd oth
A Lucky restmistreen.
U Mrs. Alexander of Gary, Me., who
kac found Dr. tAng 'a r'w utt 111U td
bo tho beot remedy she over tried fcr
keeping the stomach, liver and bowels
In perfect order. You 11 agree "Kb her
If you try those palnJec peril? ere that
Infuse new life. Guaranteed by J. 0
Perry, druggist. Price Mc
ii u
U, of M. rnxluees Japanono Orator.
Ann Arbor, Mich., April 4. For tho
first time In history the University of
Michigan will bo represented by a siu
dent of an easier n race In tho contoit
of the Northern Oratorical league,
which will bo hold this year al Obcr
list, 0., on tho evening of May 4. The
young man who will have the honor
of representing the University of Mich
igan In that Intcr-colleglate contest
agnlnat roprosontntlvos of tho six oth
er uatverUi and colleges Is Klyo
Sue lunui, of Kobe Japan, a member
of the senior emec In the literary de
ltvor since he entered the university
four yeans age Mr. Inul hac taken a
prominent pari In eratodcai oenteeta.
always winning high rank nnd honors.
Lnet year In the nnlvorelty oratorical
coated be won second place with an
oration on "The tick man ef Acta
and Hla Doctors." This year he won
Ami place Vlth an oratlea en 'The
Mieeion ef New Japan." Kvery snm
mer ho arrangee a lecture tour through
Michigan and adjoining state Ilia
favorite topic arc tne variows phaeee
ef the eaetera smceilen. He k a Mem
ber ef the Alpha Xu literary society
and the founder and nrt president of
the OomiepoUtan club.
LitOc Otsancc for fro motion.
Waehingten, April 4. -The prccneilon
f IS civil enirincerc from the rank of
lieutenant, junior gtnelo, te that of
lieutenant, eomce no a snrprlee to the
uiemcMNM of that corns, hot It hoc not.
! any mean, icpr scented nW winhec
of those who neeire that she mnk ef
th oivil engineer shall be cbanfcd
in order te make the branch mere at
tractive te civilian eandiOOec A pro
position wee recently made In favor of
having tho rank so Ased a to make
additional numbere te the higher
Under the law this can be done by
the Pfccldeat by an excentlve order
The rosemmendationc made by repre
senUtlves ef the eivtl engineers was
net achptedt inMead the President do
elded te cennno the change to the rank
ef lieutenant nnd lieutenaat juaiur
grade, so aa te have promotiec with
the line oonsocn with whom they Ukc
psecsdeace, aa I the eaco with ecacerc
of the oihor etnC corps ef the navy.
This ha the Immediate onTeet ef prc
meciag i Junior civil eageneetc, but
it U net eeneidercd ac affording the
relief which the civil engineers have
he a doing en' i$ their jett dac.
Too WUlIflS.
A darkey wnntcd yty much te nee
pace te his lady love, hut, strange to
say, he didn't have the nerve iesne
ene suggested he resort te the tele
phone, so he called her an.
Dt you, Dinah!"
"Yas," ws the rcfdy.
"Say, Dinah. I wont to aek yon sense
thin'." "Yaaa."
"Dinah, win yer marry mcl"
"Yaac; who Is it pUl" LJppia
...-. I --
For BsJo, Dlrt sulUblo for bxwna and
other THuposes. Phono 464X.
For 3ala A puro bred Jersey cow, at
low price, If token soon. 'A. F. Ilof er,
oaro Journal office. 3-23-tf
ror Sale, 160 Plymouth Reek Pigeons,
G. P. Willing, 1W4 Front street., Ba
lem, Oregon. 4-2-3t
For Bale. 100 ocrce, In grain, or will
out up into 40-acro tract. Addreec
M. I. Capps, Capital Improvement
Co. 309 Front etreoi. 1-lS-Ln
For Bale, DeLaval ooparator, nearly
now, DoBght for 00, wiU sell for
$50 oaak. Irtqulro of A. W. Nueom,
Oervala, Koulo 2, or phone Farm 09.
Paints, GUfls and Oilt Wo carry a
completo stock and oan satisfy yeu
in every way. Stotner & Berger, 410
State street.
ror Sale., A brand new Whllo ladles
tailoring machine, or to trado for a
ladles' bicycle. Inqulro of Mrs. L.
Oampbell, South Commercial street.
Phone 1178. 4-3-lwk
For Bale Dry eecoinl gnmth fir, 13.80
per eerd, dellveroiU Also Jumbo
stump puller, in firvt cbuvi condition.
Inqulro of IiOuts Lechmund tt Co.
oornor of 81aIo and CommoroUl
iitreets. Phono Main 72. 1-10-lra
Agontc Wanted To sell guaranteed
article 100 per cent profit. Season
Juet commenced. Kvery bouse uses
it. Free eutHL Addreco "K.."
Journal. 4-tcH
Music Studio.-Frank IB. Churchill,
Musical Btudlo. Aasoclate teacher
Western Coneerralory, Chicago, Ilk,
representing Inter-StAto 8stcm at
Balem, Oregon. In tho Gray block,
room 3, Btudlo hours 0 to 10 and 1
to 8. 8-19-tf
Tho Soloy Studios, Thorough instruc
tion in music. Mr, and Mrs. Fraaeee
eo Bcley, specialists in Voice Produc
tion, Interpretation and Ilaraony,
Opera nousc Building, rooms 0 nnd
10, Residence phone Main 674.
Biama B, Aahferd Graduate dermatol
eglct sn.1 scalp epeciallst. livery
blemish ef the bunmn tM eradicat
ed. Seieniiflc facial and scalp mne
aac. All work Kucranteed. MW-
Meek, JMIVt
VanTedXwltrec aTthTstTcbarlcs
Hotel, Albany, Apply at once
Wanted A man of all work te leek af
ter small place For partieekwa ad
droM "M. O. I.." care Journal.
Wntd-Men and beys wanted to
learn, plumbing, brick laylag and
niaetoring trades pay l-0 a day.
icHOsal ccTer M two months ' course
Short 9tm only. Union card goaraa
teed. Ooyne Isrec. Co.. New York,
Chienfo, SC Ienls. Free aaUbg.
BaetBg Season.
Intone Ceepnh Am dar any way
oh tciHa' a horse's age 'oepi by lnekin'
at hU teef, Sidney f
Sidney Sinclair Well, dar 'a mah
way eb teiliB. Ah gently tedta by dc
number eb yeabc Ah been been a-bet-tie'
en him. Peek.
Every Cook
Needs This
If she wants light cake, pastry er
biscuits she most use goed baking
powder. Xo Immt bjaking powder Is
Bating Powde
Is abeemiety pure and very carefully
cennnonnded. It is not f U self'seal
hsg irs that are very soar cedent.
-MT- - r.A .--
Makoa BogsI am ready to make rugs.
Bring in your carpets to 18, 15 Bast
Stnto street. 4-3-31
Baletn Iron Works Founders, machin
ists nnd blackamltha. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop and fruit drying stovte, etc
Manufecforen of the Bales Iron
Worke flop Frecc 11-89-lm
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first okan. Boocac
nt ronaoanbM prioos. In Cottle
block, BcVotn. A. Soott, prop. 7-o-ti.
Say Have yon tried H. H. Paula for
meAtef Be hoc tho best nancage in
town. Come and try it, and bo eon
vlneeL 410 Bart Btato rtret.
Wanted. Turkic, gocec, flu oka, chick
one and all farm produce. Blgheet
J each price pdd for enaie. Capital
etal street. Telephone 179.
A Good Investment Borne one with
$1280 can loan that amount on Arab
class roal cetato security, nt n good
rato of Intoroot. Addrcca "W, O.
F," care Journal t-tf
At Your Otcpmothcr'a Btoo enn atoam
clean or dye thorn, nnd tave jou n
now cult, proas nnd repair, rcllno,
furnish buttons. The tnoct dellcnto
fabrico enn bo cleaned by hor dry
oleanlng method without Injury. It
doon not ahrink or change Ita color.
It U next to Tho Journal oflleo, 331
Oommorolal atroot
Loot A brown leather parse, contain
Ing money and ether article, cither
on South Commercial street or be
tween High and Kearney otreeVs.
Leave nt thin onlce, 4-3-31
Thco. K. Barr Bueceescr to Barr A
Pettcl, tinner and plumber. Hot air
water and steam beating n specialty,
Balem, Oregon. 8-3-
Bemanll hi Dunsford. Plumbsrs, stearn
and gas fitters. All kinds of plumb
ing supplied No. 89 Btata street
Phone 118 Main. 10-9tf
Brwu' Barber Shop. Hverythlng new
ami up to date. Finest poroclala
baths. Bhaviog, 16c, hsIreuttlngSWa
baths 96c. llrst class boetblsekc
a W. Brans, Proprietor.
Dr. K. J, Young Vetcrinsry surgeea
and deoUet, 38 yvara' crperience.
All work guaranteed. Difficult surgical
eperatieao n eclalty. Phone Ml.
Omce at OJub sMcMm. Iltoac T, 8a
bm, Oregon. 3-9-tf
J. P. Veatah, eenimetor aal bulkier
ef cement walk. Beptic newer tanke,
fwundnUeiMi bihI floore, 888 Marlon
sireot. 3-8-lf
Lmi AND ACCIDENT The Travel.
ere Insurance Co., John Knight aelc
agent Xoem 14, Mooree block. Bales.
Kothlag better, safer or ohecper In this
line, for the high ebs racier of this
company. 3" r
e n on n n ri -1
Foresters of America Court Sherwood
Foresters, No. 10. Msetc Tuseday in
Hurst hall, State street U. S. Xblcr,
a B.J A. L, Brown, F. B.
Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P-OatUs
Hall ia Helman block, terser Stat
and Liberty street a. Tueeday ef each
week at 7)30 p, in, J. O. Graham, a
O.J W. L Btaley, K. of B. and 0.
Modem Woodmen of America. Ore
gon Cedar Camp, No. 8t48. Meets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock,
Hobaan HaM. W. W. Hill, V. C.)
F. A. Turner, Oterk.
Woodman of World. Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, in Holman Halt
A. J. Beey, a a P. L. Frnxler,
clerk. 1-10-tf
Bed Front BUblce Hret-clase livery,
boarding and eale stables. Bobber
tired boggles nnd fine driving stock,
U. Ii. Ilnrrod, proprietor, 271 Ckc
mekeU otrcct. Phoac Main 73.
Feed Baxnv fipcclal attention to trav
aleat teama. Farmers' patronage ao
lidted. Waiting rooms for ladlei
We also tarry a full Una of feed.
Located at Club Btables, comer Lib
erty and Ferry streets. Phone Main
7. Frank k Darby. l-14-6n
,. W,
Dr. W. I. Heroar Graduate of Klrke
vile, liOj under foundor of osico
pathy. Booms 80-&6 Breynaa blda,
Commercial St., phone DIP. Beet
dense 419 N. Bummer at... phone 014
Treata acnte and chronic disease.
Examinations free.
Dr. B. IL White Graduate of Klrko
Tilel, Me, under founder of osteo
pathy. Boom SI Breyman bldg.,
Oommorolal et, phono 87. Becldeoce
SS0 Otate, eor. Church, phono 1119.
Treats aentc and chronic diceacce.
BxanU&atlcBC free.
Dr. Osxtwright Hac reeuracd gosem!
practice, nmd will be found in roots
10, over Lodd A Bush's bank, Ontce
honro 11 a, m. to 4 p, nv, Onlce
pbooc Mala 18, reddence phenc
Mnin 107. 12-80 tf
Dm, lane nnd arifan Cure Drug,
Liquor nnd Tobacco habits la front
two to three days actual treatment
Cures guaranteed. Their Institute l
at 901 Mill otrcct Phono No. 847.
Persona desiring Information can ob
tain It at down-town offlce, rocs 8,
Holman block, Balem 3-28-tf
rrask M. Brown Mauu fact ursrol
acah, doors, mouldings. All kind of
houfle finlsn and hardwood work.
Front street between State and Ceorl
orncB OTTY nALL.
For water ssrrlee apply at efflec.
Bills payable monthly la advance
Make all complaints at tbe eWcc
When You Greet
Your Best Girl
You should always he well groomed
and well dressed nnd have your linen
Immaoulete In its snowy whitenese and
exqulslu nulek. Yeu can keep It that
way eoneranily, and at small cost wasa
you have it laundried at the
Colette!. J. Olmetead, Prep,
Dent D. Olmctead, Mgr.
Pbeue Si M Iml Uberty St.
Fifteen acres, all la cultivation,
within ene mile of Balem. House,
barn, and 3 aerec ef fruit This Is the
flaeat kind ef river bettem land and
can be bad et very easy terms for oa
Don't forget our COOS BAY LOTS
' $35,00. Buy one and ia n few
years it will make yeu seme meney.
Derby and Wiilson
Brick furnished In mroe or nmaU
onanist U. Preeaed brick made to
erdr. Yard en State stroot, eeuth of
A. A. BURTON, Prop,
TheFasfuon Stables
Formerly Bimpsea's Btable.
Upto-date livery and eab Hac. Fu
neral turnouts n specialty. Tally ic
for piaalec and exeureloae. Phone 44.
Oha. W. Yaanke, Prep.
S47 and S49 High Street.
Whoa yeu visit Portland, Ore, be
sure and step at The Now Lnnge Ho
tel, next door to tbe Imperial. Bates
50c, 76c nnd 11.00 per day. Bceetrie
lights, call bells, elevator, steam teat,
free bath nni free bus. All oatdd
reomc with running water.
X Sua
. I ,.i 1m mr&m Umm
S -
. I- 4- h ,
I hm fr I.
5 (U if-dtw. rft si aM-i
-. . i' I'
nf "v m(h.
and Is
Vmc ur aAirr new mm em.
Stars tee
nVld to Sxlca by S. O. fltens.