Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Tastes as good as on the warmest
flr of summer, especially when you
being served with
Our cream comes dircot from tke
Bury to our freezer, thus making tke
bsc!tt'.cly pure, rleh wholesome lee
pream which hae been so popular for
h last ,ear.
450-400 State Street.
Phones 182-187
rraod Opera House
Of Pendleton. Candidate fr United
States Senate
Friday Evening, March 30
I And other candidates far tkab oflUe,
Eandidatos for state efUee and fer een
jrow, will speak.
Ladies and alt citizens are cordially
Wilt speak on Woman Suffrage at
the First 2d", 15. church Friday evening.
Lpril 6th.
Memorial service Sunday, April 8th.
it 3 p. m., In honor of the lute Susan
III. Anthony. 840-lw .
New Edison Theatre
The Nonpareil Comedy Company's
i List and best week.
The performance to begin with the
laughable fa roe sowed y entitled
Krunsimler John Oassldy
Kllolt. his friend.... H. O. Meadows
Mrs. Krunsimlor Mabel Cassldy
Olorlna, the actroiM nana Wllma
I.lllio Tinkle Sophie Lasssre
Duffalo P.III J. P. Cexen
Hnln in-the-Puce Ouy Young
The llsby A. Rag Ilnby
Indians, war dance and war elubi.
A ft I The raw recruit Joins Buffalo
The Bdlsonossops -The Trunk Myo
tsry New picture.
Act. II-Krouslmler's return from
the Wild and Wooly West. Whoa the
est is away tke wloe oan play. A sod
den bath.
Moving pieture aaia. "A Trip
Through Ireland. Kissing the BUrftCf
Aet III Who own the baby! Good
: tUght.
Matinee Saturday at p. m. rua
for the little ones. Two Ug time of
waving pieturos.
Ttie pompous gentleman with th
$Hh0 wateh fob was bolag piloted
through the food skew by kla beautiful
daughter. Suddenly one of the dem
onstrators kaltod them and said:
"I will ow show ye the prose la
which I sorro ' .
The pampouj gonUeasau started and
looked h though be was about to rua.
"Please don't say anything about
serving preeosses," cautioned tke
daughter; "it always makes pa ner
vous. You aeo he Is a trust magnate."
Chicago News.
Hear Evan's Orchestra
At the W. O. W. bat tonight.
e i
Wo blend vaUey and Btuestem wheat
to make Wild Rose, Dour.
The growing season In FlerUa Is
from February to June laclesive. The
orange harvest begins in November and
eoatiauss through the winter.
S - '
Bsusths tttlWYH Hi Atari Bee
That story ef finding Adam's "hell
firo" compound" sounds like some one
was putting up a job, and not a portion-
larly bright job, either.
Strange thnt a man should efta one
bottle of Adam's burning mixture, and
then hide the balanee.
Tke Chinese hare taken up ike ery
"Ask for the Asmtfos," whteh suits
most Pacific coast people.
Coneidesuble gossiping is being done
in Albany Albany Democrat.
Has the good Democratic deaeen up
the ereek boon attending the ladles'
sewing circle. He enght to pass a blue
mw putting an end to suck a erlme a
gossiping la tke Godly town of Albany.
fiatem Journal.
Not as kigk as d eaten yet, Albany
It was "by tke friar's skirts tke dev
il climbed into the belfry," and tke
brother should not despair of promo
tion. Personals
John Itogers went to Portland on
tke morning train.
Miss Sophia Kigin, of Cervutlle, is In
the elty visiting friends.
D. Yantli, ef The Toggery, went to
Pertland this morning en business.
Paul II. Srtmt was a passenger Port
land bound on this morning's train.
Attorney P. II. IVArey went to Pert
land om legal business yesterday nftor-
Mls Cornellu Marvin, of the state li
brary oommMoa, went to Perl laud this
Ulshep II. L. Berkley, who has been
visiting hero, returned to Portland this
Harvey K. Brown, candidate for gov
ernor, arrived from Baker Olty this
Augustus Caesar Jennings, of Iaue
county, Is In the elty, looking after hU
County Itoeordor tttckardsou wout to
Oorvwle this morning to nilONd the
funeral of W. Scott Taylor.
I). Ia Jones, who has boou In the oily
for several days on a polltleal mission,
returned to J offer son today.
ltv, I), h. PWd, pastor of tke M. 1C
ekurek at Skedd, returned home today
after a visit with friends hers.
Mr. and Mrs. Italpk Olover are enjoy
ing a vMt from Mrs. Glover's wether,
Mrs. II. It. Holland, of IK Johns.
II. K. Jones, a student of Willamette
University, returned homo to Jefferson
this morning to spoud his vacation.
Mrs. A. Strong and daughter, Miss
Ama, returned yostorday from a visit
of several days with Portland friends
Secretary Forbes, of the Y, M. a A,
woat to Portland this morning to attend
the state eoveubu of that organic-
Mr. W. H. MMrey nnd children
will leave Saturday for laa Pmneieee
M join Mr MeNlroy. who U eugucjod nt
the Columbia theatre la that elty.
Attorney Bruoo C. Curry, of Oregon
City, former rooordor at the City by the
PsMs, returned homo yooteremy after
noon, after a short buoiuoM vbdt here.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. Proseott loft this
morning for Portland. Mr. Prosoott
hM boou sailed to work o the Orogoa,
laa asasT during tko primary eampalgn.
MeM. N4k. Wolf. MoKulglit, Win
Stanley nod Hargrove baft oa the morn
lag truia for Portland tetatteud the
Y. M. C. A. eoavoatioa, whloh mot
there today.
Joseph Moyors, she veteran mereJmat
roturiMMl this morniag from his winter N
visit ia California. He spool eoueldor
able time ia Sou Pranoiseo. Ios An
HeisN, Rtverssds. 8aU Imrbara and
oohor points. Mr. Meyer, of eourw,
ujo'sd himself, as ho usually does, and
prosoMia the appearaaoe of boiag ia ox
ooUeat health.
John Jehasoa, Rruoe Jarvia. R. D.
Disbe, Ralph Matthews, Ooo. C. Poasoke,
Wm. HeMty. John Rsiohaat. Prof. W
H. MoOaH, Prof. W. H. Mahaffie aad
Prof. W. P. Drew will moke up the
delegation from th University to at
tend the Y. M. C. A. state oeuveatiosi
A. R. Marker, editor of the Collegian.
will read a paper at oao of the session.
i .i o
Wild Rose Flour makes tko whitest
aad lightest bread.
Jewelty Goodness
We buy from the best manufac
turers. It Is our Intention to aell
the highest grade of Jewelry, If
a ring, a pin, a w&tefe or any &r
tide of Jewelry whatever goes
from here whloh Isn't as repre
sented, we are here to give satis
factionto make amends. We
want your Jewelry trade we shall
try to deserve it.
Jeweler aad Optician, 31S State St.
Weak Stomach
Another Triumph Tor tho Tonic Treat
ment for Disorders of tho
Digestive System.
A great many people who are suf
ferlng from Indigestion are suffering
"Saaeeessarlly. They oor be eured.
Proper attention to the diet and the
right remedy to tone up the weakened
organs are all that is required. Are
you one of the sufferers aad are you
willing to do your share to make your
life happier f Tke first step Is to sent'
to tke Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co..
Sekeneetady, X. Y., for a toy of their
diet book, "What to Heat and How to
Bat." It Is free oa request.
Indigestion is not always reeognlted
as sueh. Those people whw are always
tired, worn out and miserable, who
have fits of melanekoly or ef ill tem
per without apparent reason, should
know that Indigestion Is often the di
rest eauoe of all these troubles.
Tke symptoms of stomaek trouble
vary. Some vletlms have a ravenous
nppetite, some loatke tke sight ef
food. Often therfe Is a feeling as of
weight on tke ekest, a full feeling In
tke throat. Sometimes the gas presses
oa tke heart and loads tke suffsrer to
tkink ke kas keart disease. Slek head
aehe Is a frequent nnd distressing
A very dellenie stomaek requires
easily digested food, but nature never
Intended tkat tke food skould be di
gested before It Is eaten. Tke stomaek
must be strengthened to perform Its
own work and what It needs Is not
food Already digested, but a tonU. Tke
pressors of digestion are controlled
by tke Mood nnd nerves, and medleal
seloaeo kns produosd no better diges
tive took than Dr. Williams' Plak
Pills. This Is shown by the state
meat of Mr. A. C. Merrill, a mining
man. of Ononis, On!., a voters a of Itat
tultou C, Third V. S. Kogolar lafaatry.
"I had nsver been well slnoe I left
tke army," ke says, "always having
had trouble with my stomaeh, whloh
was weak. I was rua dowa and debili
tated. Could keep nothing on my
stomaeh, and nt times I did not oare
whether I lived or died. My stomaeh
refused to retain oven liquid food nnd
I almost despaired of getting well, as
I had tried so many kinds of medlelnn
without relief Than was bitten by a
rattlesnake and that laid me up from
work entirely for a year, six months of
whieh I spent In bod.
"One day a friend rooommended !r
Williams' Pink PUls to ms nnd I l
gnn taking thorn. Tnoy sored ms when
nil other medleluee bad failed. I have
reoommendod tho pills to a great
many, for during my roeovsry every
one asked mo what was helping ms so
and I told tnom Ik. Williams' link
PUls. I oannot spank too highly of
them. ' '
Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs are guana
toed to bo safe and harmless to the
most dolleaie eonsUtntlon. They eon
tain no morphine, opiate, nareotte. nor
anything to sauoe a drug habit. They
do not not on tho bowels, but they as
tnally make now blood and strengthen
tho nerve. If yon want good health
yon must have good blood. Bad blo.nl
is tke root f nil eosnmon diseases, lik
anaemia, rheumatism, triatie. arural
gta. Si. Vitus' done, uervousor. in
digestion, debility, goners 1 wsahnrss
paralysis, lasosuotor ataxia and the
apeeiul ailments that only women. fdk
know. The only way to rure !!.
diseases I to strike straight at tUnr
cause In tao blood.
Dr. William' Pink Pills ar s-.li .
all drsjfgtots, or sent, postpaid. r
oslpt of prlee, 60s per box. six l-i
for WM. by tho Dr. William Udi
sine Co.. Sehonootsdy. X. Y.
- o-
Talking Shop.
A bright 10-yoar-oid girl whose father
h addicted to amateur photograph. , t
tended a trial at eourt the other iav
for tho irsi time. This wss hr a
eount of tho Judge's sharge.
"Th judge uade a Ungspsrii to
tho jury of 11 won and then iat tUna
off lata a little dark room U -lU. "
-Harper's Weekly.
. ii i
Olves Health, Vigor aad Tone
Hsrbine is a boon for sutTsrsrs from
anaemia. By its use the blood it
quickly rogeaorated aad tes color be
oemss normaL The drooplag streagth
is revived. The languor Is diminished.
Health, vigor and tone predossiaate.
New Hfe and happy activity results.
Mrs, BsUe H. Shrisl, MkUlesbereugh,
UL, writes: I have been troubled with
liver complaint and poor blood, aad
have found nothing to benefit me hke
Herfeluo. I hope never to be without
it. I havo wished that I had know
of it in my husband's life Use, ftosi
Fer sale by D. J. Fry,
Wild Rose lleor is tko best or on
tho market.
wc?fNifir, TrjteAaraMH
innmnmnmS lLmnmsmnti snamnw" K. HBaV
nmsmsVnw M Lnw KnmsmVam
nmHBmV m InnmnmnV ' iltnnmnmsm I'l nmUSS.
"" nsnB iPRf 1
Net His Property Saudwioh.
An urchin nhn nemsioMslly ventured
behind the ernes of a theater on- the
lower oust si Jo of New York during
rohenroals was one day observed by
one of the artors silting In n corner
lovlngl; eyeing n hug sandwich which
was held in hi grimy knnds He re
garded it for n few momenta nnd then,
cautiously lifting tho top layer, ex
tracted n piers of pickle nnd nto It,
then he .'!ed It down again very
enrofnllt and arruratety made nil ns
before A few moments later he re
peated the performance, taking out
another piers of pickle and a smalt
fragment of moat and again carefully
restoring tho sandwich to Its original
form. After another short Interval
ke took out more pleklo nnd more
moat, so thnt now there was vary
little of tke original layer left, nnd
again be rloed it up earefully.
"What are q doing thnt for
Tommjt" the uMor naked. "That's
no wn I" rat a MW-lwkh. Why don't
Who can resist the temptation to go forth And try to
from their hiding places.
It Is our "Hobby." IT IS
lJJJTi'SflnT Inmnf BKft"nf Hm
REELS-Slngle Action
REELS-Double Action
I i niSllllll.MMfcM
jniifHMjataiiinrii ft
atasnlsansnAiiM iii T
RODS of every description. From
$1.00 to $27.50. Our special, $3.50.
Ask to see the RAINBOW STEEL
We take a special pride in
our stock of FLIES. We
carry 35 different patterns In
stock, mounted sizes 4, 6, 8,
iO, i2, i 4 hooks. Ask to see our new
fly, "Oregon Chief," a fly tied to our
special order and for Oregon waters.
Come to Out Stote, We Take a Delight in
Showing Fine Fishing Tackle
STOKE .naBsmnmsttmtssKsmBasfleKH STORK 1
Beeaetnlcal mothers who have the boys to eJethe, will find It to their
adVAntago to visit our children's department, whieh has been reraod
led and modernly equipped to servo you best.
Our spring line is eomptete, embracing nil tho latest designs In boys'
suits, tho double-breasted Norfolk being one of tke prevailing
Styles iot this Spffibtig and
In order tkat you may beeemo more familiar with this department of
our store, we will offer as an Inducement one special each week, begin.
ulag this week with boys' Laundrled. Waists, regular 60 and 75c values
Special 35c
Salem Woolen Mill Stoe I
yeu eat It all, If you want it, and not
pick at it like thntt"
Tommy lifted n scornful eye to tke
actor's uncomprehending face and
hiutlxr.! InitAnlsillvt
" Tnln't mlne."-Harper's weekly.
The Dent Cough Dyrup.
8. Ii. Apple, ex-probate judge, Otta
wa Ocv, Kansas, wrltesi "This Is to
say that I havo used Iltvl Urd's Here
hound Syrup for years, and that I do
not kesltato to recommend It as tko
best cough syrup I have ever used."
Ifa, Co and $1.00. For sale by D. J.
A Roman BpUedo.
"O, aemlnll" exclaims dtbo father
of Oraeohl, when tho nunc Informed
him tkat It was twins.
And with this appropriate ejaculation
he disappeared completely from the no
life of history, leaving Ihc center of
th stage thereafter to tke motker of
th t!rae.-n(-Puek.
We have a complete line of
J ll I . L Tl
Cannery Taken Shape.
Tko work on tko new cannery la pro
gressing rapidly. Tko frame Is up, tho
rafters havo been put In place, and the
whslo structure Is assuming definite
A rtsMsnt Way to Travel.
The above la the usual verdict of
the traveler using the Missouri Paella
railway betwesn tho Pacific coast aad
tko east, and we believe that tho sstt
Ico and accommodations given merit
this statstaent. From Denver, Colora
do Springs and Deavsr there arc two
through trains dally to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
eat standard sloetrlc-llghted aleepiaf
ears, chair cars and up-to-dstv dining
ears. Tho same oxcsllont service u
operated from Kansas City aad BU
Lreuls to Memphis, Littls Itock aad Hot
Springs. If you aro going oast or
south, writs for particulars and full la
W. a M'llUIDK, Oen. Agk,
I Hi Third HU Portland. Or.
lure the festive TROUT
Fishing Tackle for 1906.1
anmmnsJamV sf-BunlHILaHE H
jdnMnaPlsmnaK JffBBBnPnnaPKiananm
snav W JLm smnmia Hl nnmnmnmnmnmV mnmw Lnmnk Lw amnUnm'
Pacific Coast
BThese are the spoons
that caught so many
trout last season Wc
have them in 5 sixes
and 3 finishes.
Leaders-Single and double, 3, 6, 9, ft.
Leader Boxes-Leather and Aluminum
Fly Books-All Grades.
Sinew Hooks-AH Sizes.