?t(rp9 WHumma gflOWEBS TONIGHT AND THURSDAY SWO EDITIONS DAILY AT 2'30 DAILY C APIT ALJQUIIN AL Y0I. XVI. SAIJ2M. OEEGON. Iw WEDNESDAY, IXBRUABY 88, 1906. NO. CI. fHINK IT WAS SIMPKINS COURT MAKES PLEA ATTACK RATE "T-WWWPHWWHW THE SON MADE CHOICE Killed His Father in Order to Save His Mother's Life CHINA WILL BE GOOD WIDE AWAKEi TOWN BILL I"! Man Seen in Card Game in Asks Attorneys to End Pack Washington Fits the ers Case This Side of Description rtl.l l TJL.L. TK-t. SO .... V. tinv&il (a lu. Sltmtldiut w wiin In a ' rard piflB at Two Itivcrs, Washing ton, Saturday. He claimed to b,ve been working on tke Shutco farm near by. Ho bad) a ' ar bio fore head. A man namodi Bffe)I suspect ed1 his MentHy, and remarked that dr tectlveo wore la tke town, and the fel low quit the game nml left town that night, ' o Land Offlco Abolished. Sidney, Nek, Fob. M.-Tho U. 8. land offlco in thin city wan abolished today a'ikI tbo work of tho oflleo will koneoforUt bo bandied by the land of jfte At North Platto, Neb. At one time the local oflleo didi considerable bud Mvti, but during tbe lt five or ten yours tko amount of busineM trammel. ed here ahowed a steady deereaee, wfefcfc finally imhtecd tko government dioeowUnHo tko oAtee, Eternity Chicago," Feb. & Tko court today In tko packers' ease urge! tko ntier- soya to baoten, am! "net prolong tie trial into et end toy." Tko witnesses ox nmined today Mtppert Garfield's on tention tknt ke AM not promise immunity. Fight Is on in the Senate With Foraker in the Lead Not of Interest to Oregon. Chicago, Peb, M. A deer escaped Irom tko Lincoln park noe this morn Jog And m down, Clark stret to South Water street, where, bewlhfared by tie mule of commission bouse wagons, H was caught af lor a fight. Murders in Poland. WtMW, Poland, Feb. 3r-Tke gov tramonC boo ordered nn organisation ef mount oil police armed witk rifle m tMottnt of tko frequency of olltl tl murder. At Sosonio tlio pollse nor pant was nasaaolnAted, and two mount d ftleerrt wounded. Tho Washington Dog Show. Washington, D. 0., Peb. 88. Tho nn nitfll dog show under the . aunplees of tko DIstHot of Columbia, Kennel olub opewi hero lodAy nml will otooo on tko evening of Mnrek 3. Tko show is hold undor the American Konnol olub nl nml knmr oli of the best dogs of tkoir eottntry nro dfepfoyed by their owner, wko Are Matorod' tkrougkout tko ooma try. MA)- of tko wont promt noni elnbs i the eonntry kavo offoredi tr )klen nm) prise for tko bent dojM la ike varfotM olowen, n4 tome forty Mpe In -oke from k flO Aptoeo kavo been donated by pwbMc KplrMod' 4M- aa of AVWeWnpton, to bo Award! U tko winners At ikli nkow. Tko Arrange Htftnin ore In tko bands of II. K. aero, of Devton, mm) Dr. D. H. DuoMnwiinm Is looking nftor tko health nnd oom fort of tko ojcWWV doMf. ay Bo No Strike, New York, PoU fl.M1tkoll says tko miners' dKAA4n kavo len Hmlted to liner. He tWnkn kir wtM est I a meeting of tko oiorstont. 8OHlAtion ns to tko outoomo shorn tko genoral Odnion to bo that tkero will 1 no trik. CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE 40 Departments NrUUlng ovor with up to date bargain. It to not ovecy porwn la Sa Vm and thj surrounding oountry that undorfianda tltj exte&aiYenew of ibo CHICAGO STOHB or undorad tko worcantllo jowr of ttl erw orjuiaUatlon. Wa have good KJMjh now to AN another tor Just na )re as tao one wo occupy at proaent-178 foot doap, two ftootw. To glvo wi a dear Idea of tfca cloar variety of goods we carry ta our atore the following U a 1IK of Uw dlfferoat Jepartaeata. ftlled to tb brim with the boat bargains la Salem. WwMnKto. Peb. M.-Tko ArtlllSry of tke ptoeltieH to reUrowl rate leg! leiaUa who oponot) this nfUrnoon In tko eoimte, with lernker behind th . In hio seooh ko argued n(Ainet tke poMoy of governmental rate mnk lag nnd tko Hqibura bill in particular, wklek ke koM wos ttneonBtitutlenfll and imprnotlonblo. Ho predletod IttTspeedy Month In tko nireme oonrt, If It ehouW beeomo a low in its wewinl ebono. Hi Admlttod) there nre evils to bo rctnej died, but this si-o conldi bo noeom! pliokod liy Amondlng tho WMds kr as to mwko Its twevisiemi eover oxos slve rates, by moking it nppHeoblo to every WmJ of rebates nml dlsorlinin. Uom. Ho mat he would offer ah nmontk- wont. It Is not either easy or ngreo- Wo to differ wMk tho preoMont" but tke hill Is HnoonotitntloMl, beoauoe It oombineo oxoomUvo, legisinllve and Jn dleJnl poworo In tko Interstate mtnfteni beoMteo of Its failure te -ido tot a proper oowrt of review eomm4tit4 of Undings. Ogdon, UU, Peb. tS-nnr tkls morninf Jooopk Ckeekotte, Aged M, at taokod kl wife la a ft of Ineantyy ami Wed to t W tkrMt. PoArlwr bis motker wonkt be akin, kl ma, Prank, okot ami kiUod kk .fatkor. Ywing vwwKeMs sarrendoroit. ACCUSE POLICE FORCE H OHIO RACE RIOT SprlagneW, 0, Peb. !W.-Bxeett for oMIers on gnard, there are no slgtw this morning of the night's rioting. Troops will bo hold la readinoM at Go. hmhtM and Dayton to ruih In If tho troNblo la renewed- tonight. The extoat of tho nogro territory bHrne) In losn than half a blook, nml no lives were loot. A few wore iigkOy injured, hut are alright today. Now York, Pob. tS.A mml ult- aatlwi, toaepomrity ovofokadowlng tke real W in tko ohm, oonfronol Uw ooort mnI Jury wko tke trial of Horlkn Claoke, for tho nmtoW of Until Gordon, xwa rosMMod in Ue orlminal bonok of ko ooproMo oowrt today, Tkio waa the lapjiry Into tko pact wkiok oertoin pu UHoa are alleged to have had In Gor Wa death. Ghargoa wore mado at tho opening of tho trial yeotordaf by As 4s4Mtt IMotrlot Attornoy ly that two members of the pollee foree aided thp girl In br 4eoa nod promleed her im MMtntty. Tho largest pact of tko opening day wn opent lvtltgnlng this phase of tho ease. Mr. Kry lought out ovMoneo that a letter was sent to (lerdolt tw fore his th-atk, and that after It 480O wao roorted to have boon stolen from the ltedy. Although he obtained no ov Idoneo to ahow who wrote tho lottor or who took, tko monoy, tko proeooutor ohargoil tkat oMomen were reponsl bio In both oaaoa, Hod1 My the letter fler don waa hired to tho plaoo where ho whs shot. llarfck CJaoho herMdf aparently bad only a minor pari in tho firot day's iweeodlnfl, oxoopt no a speeiator. iihe frequently appeared to bo greatly agl Will Punish Criminals and Pay Coin to Relatives of Those Killed Pekiu, China, Peb. M,-The govern toent has Ineintetod tke governor ef Nanokang irovinoo to punish aH par Ualpania l tke 1 oases or 0, am) dootares is wIMIaftaeM to make any rosooooble reparation demanded. TSI AUN GONE London, Pol. IS. A Hong Kong dls- jmleh says tho Dowager Brnpress of ObMm Is Oosd. It Is ItoMevcd horo there are esmggeraiett .oports of tho trouble TO BURY JOHN PAUL SpringfloH 0, Peb. 8. Mayor Todd ttds aflornoott aikod tho adlsUat-goa- oral to sond four mora companies, nod teM( espoehojy dwiag tho prooutor's . a prootamaiion urging ins oiu- arraign f tko poiioomou, aona to remain Indoors, 1 - -- . ir Now York, Fob. 18. Tho number of iY.rvMimnT.T.tm nnnnnv vnitrr ! M'HHM Rt Oallahe trial InorvitKod '.tkw morning!. OWiiable orgaulaa Wife Says She la Sorry They Havo Boon IAted, Beoauao ef Publielty Ude Kook; Arlk, Peb. 15. It wt loomed thai Thomas I). Jordan, former OMiroilor of the Ityoitsiule Ufo Au janoo Sooioty, who was waited dwiag tao moot Inmminoo lavoiiigaiioa In New York, le at prawat stopping witk hb viitv at 000 of tho loading hotels at Hoi prts. Ark. Mr. Jordan did mat tloao ami tko Proaok sooioty are Intor. j A srq fwfMVi now m W ffaoAwPftHfW was eontinuod. NOT STANDARD GOODS, Bugllsh Oourta Deolaro True Irish and Hootch Whiikios Are Made in Pot Still. AnaapehW, Mil, Peb. M.-Booretar)-of tko Navy IlonaMr1o, flenoral Heraeo Porter, Governor "Warflold, of Maryland, and; Admiral Hands were In eoneronen Tuesday rohttlvo (e tho interment of tho romaina of Adtniral John I'shI Jonos Ajril ith, tho anniversary of his vie tory ovor tho Hritbdi frlgato Drako. Tko bok' of tho great soa-flghter will on that M(o Imj removod1 from tho tern- orary iHdt, In whloh It was )4aeod Uhm Ha return to thw oountry, to tho hoHdeomo momoriai hall In the new midshipmen' quarters, and not, aa bad leon expeeted, to the arypt of the now ebnpel, as that will not be reaty in tlmo for tho Oeromony. WMki ail the details have not been arangolthoaoremaie of April Mth, whloh will U hold In tho nrmory of tho naval a on dewy, wiN be presided ovor by ftttretary of tho Navy Itomwarte, ami addruusi.il will bo made by Presides Moesiivoit, noosral Porter, Oovomor Warflold aod Um Proaok Mubaseeder, M. Juosoraml. It wuo doolded to mako tko display a purely naval one, oxeept thai varkmo porlotio sooiotioa through out tho oountry will bo Invited to at tend ami partioipaio. Independence Organizes Com mercial Club and Crosses the River for Water The Independeoeo OemmeMia! Club, wHh a mombershlp of 40, Inoludlng praotioally every hueim-as man in town, was organised Tuesday night Oftloorsi AWlter lore, nreeldenti It O. UtiltoiTgo, viee-prridont W. A. Moseuer, soeomi viec-prpeidemtj P. L. Jones eooretnryt M. Xforwin, troaeurer. Tho new olub Is tho strongest eotn merolnl orgonlnation over effocted In tho Pelk county hop center. Tho olub will soouro rooms and ejion up permn nent headquortors. A oommiUoo baa been appointed to oonfor with tko 8' loin traotton people, with a view of in ducing tho proposed elcelrle line south of fttiom to otom the river te tho Polk oounty si', instead ef hugging tho foothills of Marion oounty. Tho morohants of Jndopendouce also erffnntaed a protective AMoclation the past week, with A. Huston as prosl- Tko city oowuoll la this week taking active stops toward iHotaJllag the new Hnf,MQ water pmnt, Springs have boon soourod and water la to bo dpodl into Independence from tho Marion oounty hi Ms, a distance of three miles. Tenlino Bondotto a Bad Man. (Pour O'Clock BdiUon.) Baa Pranoieco, Peb. i-"I would aa leave kill tho President of the United Btatea or the King of Italy as drink a glass or wine," was the state ment of Tordini liendetto, n idf-oon-fivued anarchist, wko, undor guard of Immigration Insprotora Crawford ami Bekulso, lenveo tonight for Washing toK to appear before tho board of Im minraUen, In 1807 Ilondette Incensed by tko rKmjda of Bant a Itosa, started Area wklek destroyed a large jmrt of tho buslnaeo seoUou, for which ho served! six year In the penitentiary. Ho reeewily madw a canvas of Heaemn oounty, tbreaioning tho Uvea af oiU jMms. Ho oarrloil a raaor and rovolvor, and remark) thai be wwuld have tho Hfat of tho Prosidoiil. He was arrotUd ami iled a Poialuma, and tho fed eraJ MKhoriUea thou took up tho case. 1 . Don't Have to AnWor. (Pour O'fJtook Hdltionu) WoohlniMis rVk ii. TU mito eunsmlttoo on oanals todar eoaalnuod FINE DRESS GOODS, all kinds. FINE SILKS, all kinds. ' Velvets, every kind. Umbrellae, at all prices. RIBBONS, every kind. GINQHAM8, every kind. OUTING FLANNEL8, at all prleei CAUC0E8, a oroat variety. WAISTING8, all kinds. WHITE GOODS, every kind. DRESS LINEN8, all kinds. RESS LININGS, all kinds. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKIN8. BLANKETS, at all priceo. COMFORTS, from 65c up. , FANCY DRAPERIES, All kinds. MU8LINS, kind. Wool flannels, ail kinds. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, all kinds EMBROIDERIES, every kind. CE CURTAINS, all klnda. C0R8ET8, Warner'a Rurt Proof. UcES, .I) make HOSIERY, Wool, Cotton, Lisle and Silk. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, all kinds. NOTIONS, all kinds. LADIES' SUITS, great variety. LADIES' COATS and JACKETS, all new. MILLINERY, a grand assortment LADIES' WAISTS, all kinds. LADIES' DRE88 SKIRTS, all klnda. SHOES MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S. MEN'S CLOTHING, all kinds. MEN'S FURNI8HINGS, every kind. LADIES' GLOVES, kid and silk. LADIES' BELTS and HAND BAGS TOILET AND FANCY DEPART. MENT. ART GOODS, all kinds. MEN'8 HATS and CAPS. LADIES' KIMONAS and WRAP. PERS. ' Ijaosmu, Pok JfS. After a hoariug beting several week H baa boeu do ca to make nay statement oommraiag ' la court sua a patoot still spirit Uealmomm frmu Now York, ko his , kroly of mniae m mi U sold 4 juu. .. Al' M. IwlfoealA: no Ira or Mooteh wHWty. Wxporto . -B . . ' tlT I txnaa Csap Wu hitM ' " " foftMsUl III It Tr oWf M DIVIU WWII' - w-wwj & nm w W sm ww- 1 - .. mthm practically agree that rue Jrmh owHW HrHsW iiTsWKc'fV'' We w ilvvMMy wfWjr M si s.l .Lilll wa mUA 1..... 'IH.a decora wWo toetiion donouncod tr1!!! T0?. Jt koru. It will castfo U much nrndlseii publMty." , Akot oasisraisg tho tostlmais of her so before tho Armstrong commit tee to tho affopt that ho dk not bnow whether his father was aMvo or dd, sou said the ototoMoni was teuo, that the yug man did not know anything oeasorniag hia father. wlU tho AmerUa sanation of tho oaiml. Monpii boesimo Indignant at tho wit- refusal to suowor tmestioats and SalemsGfeatestGfowingStofe WcEVOY BROS. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets Minnesota Hardware Men Meet. MiB&eaposis, Minn., Feb, aS.-Mwe than WO retail hardware dealers of this state are la attendance at the tenth annual eesveatlOB of the Miaaosotu JteaM Hardwara DoJora asaoelailoa, which opml hero this rooming. Tkoir hoadouartoro are at tho Hotel NiooMot, where tho meetlago of tho coBVootioB wiM bo hold. Soma Important matters wiB be eonaiderod by the eoavoatioB. Conway S. MaoMlllaa of tho state uni versity will deliver an addreea oa tho "Pastors of the Modem AdvoHioe BMMt." Iasuranoo CommlMioBer T. D. O'Brioa will inJk en 'Insuroaoe.'' There will ako be interesting and- in structive talks on salesmanship and other features of tho business. The members wiM also mako a tour of tho various inanufaoturiscr plants of tho city. Tomorrow evening they well bo eBtortaasjod at a theater party at the Orphonm by tko local members of tho organisation. Bonl Oou a C&anoo. Paris, Peb. 8. Tho CaotesUae sopa ration, suit was eaMpd today, asd pest posod for two wools. oplelt md of Htkiae no not the "real thing," and aa being harmful, Tao courf'toek the same view and fined she defendants in iho prosnt oases (MO each. The nuoHloa is eoaeidored' ospeo tally Important to thw whisky trade, In view of tho ipconi American iaveo Ugotion of Irish aed Scotch wbickios. to do so. CreunwoU said tao humoIom akod lnvl'odi hie profoesional rem tions with hU clients. Bocond Soton Trial Opens, Now York, Pb. t8. Tho second trial of Cbariotf Augustus Seton, the brokor rocontiy convicted of ewindMng tho prometwa of she Houston k Gal veston railway company out of ieSOfl, began today in tho court of general ses sions, on tho chnrgo of hawing forged S00 100-ebare ertiBeUa of Norfolk Is Wostorn oomsnoD stock. AM but eight of tho bogus eertiBoatee have been ao eou&ted for. If Boton is convicted on this char go ho may go to tho penitoo tiaiy for 30 yoarsi ton yearn for grand tareeay and twenty years for forgery. To Make Magnetic Survey. elan Diego, Oul., Poh. 8.-OrWs have boon resolved today for the brig online GoHloe, with her Inetrumeata oortootod for tho fumed magnetic sur vey, U oruUo the north Pacific ocean. 8be sails at 3 o'clock Thursday often noon, and wiM return to Ban Diego about November lt, 1 11 A Bason Appointment, (Four O'Clock Edition.) Washington, Fob. SSTbe President tbis afternoon Detonated Cferl ILaseh to bo United kHatos attorney for tho dis trict of Montana, Indianapolis Conference. Pittsburg, Pa., Fob. S8. The opera tors have oaMod aA the operators to attend the IsdiauapoMs coaforcBeo as Individuals. It is announced this aa tioa waa taken open the presidest's suggostlon to Bobbins asd Mitchell to "reconsider." Chicago Markets. Chicago, Feb. tS-Whoat, 83; corn, 4343Ki o&to, 3OH30H. Will JIavo Another Talk. Pittsburg, Peb. 8.-The coal opera, tors have Oocldod to hold a. joint eon forooce with tho miners at Indiana po lio en March JBth. To Bai3 President's Salary. (Four CClook Edition.) Washington, Peb. 98. GalUager In troduced a bill in tho senate axing the salary of tho Preoidost at 78,o00. 1 o - Takes No Fledge. J. Wl ifoKIanoy, of Turner, Bopobeb can- caadidata for legislature, has filed his notice of candidacy. He takes bo pledges. Big WmWo Road nans. Chicago Pelt 18,-It la assorted ! m gomr nuUmrity that tho VuadorbllU Amlntwu igrmMente, formed last year, has aOHWMt Mtocoedoil In obtaining ooa sroi of ho various Mk Mhom whloh, If connected after tko eplceia of the Mosowmry arraoKomente, wiM form a oonsiwuona Una of oiostrie rairnmy bo twoon Uhkmgo nod ileolea. At pfent I tho ncMente la iMiatiy buyius; up Mnk roaw. In .MlyWcma, Ohio and It. ' llv 3ttia.My ilononiMvi tUm v.u. hill Intsoosin have rocontiy takoa ovor tho M link of tho Mohawk vucUy syu torn of Now York etnto, and huvo goto 04 scmirol of tho oomiosting or Mrnit od" Mnou from tikmm Pan- to 0M ngo, by way of Cwvoiamf and Totodo. Tried to rreo Prisoners. (Four O'CMook Bditlon.) Iloio, ItMho, Peb. t.-An attompt wu mack mat night to liberate tho prisoner in Ue Uakowoll Jail, In which Teat Otock, char got! with murder, aad eight otkof. ebargod with foloales, are oonflned. When dikeovormf, before toy. light a hole had been out in tho roof largo enough for a mun to crawl through. It had! been dono from the outeido. The attention of the imards was oaMed te tho moa getting away, ami sovcral ohoto wr fired at tho would-be Hberoiors, but without ef fect. Different from Valencia. (Four O'Clock Bditlon.) Capo Hoary, Va Fob. SVL-Ouptain Morediib Patridgo, ef the towboat Jack Twohy, today, in tho face of ab most certain deotruotlou, reeoued iho orew of tho achoonor Orani, wmch was thrown oa tho rocks in tho storm last night. The Mfe tavern repeatedly failed to throw a lino over the reoscl. Wont Ovor tho Divide. (Four ryOlook BdiUon.) Buroka, Oal., Feb, 8. Sheriff T. if. Drown diod muLJenly this morniag at the oouH house. Ho was tho Wart sheriff in OaUfornls, sju) perhaps the United States, having served dace 1660. He creescd tho plains in '49. T su 1 I,; K ;i i '