Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    T "Wf Wi?"
After Several Doctors Had Pronounced
the Case Hopeless
.-. . .... li. j ii.
n Five Yeart the Pawem n n .,- ..-r-- - -
0.,e SVatonitated by Sworn Statement! and Evidence
tf Townsmen,
IV. WllM1 Wok WHa are not a
Batont modlcla, but the prowrtl'
f ad OOBl nbytetaa, Mfeosd on
Mto with full directions Kki
a trad merit that Is a gmfaoto
of thir aonoinona e to orory
enor. Tfcy eootato m rfiowtleat.
Offtato, noctlc. arecato or otr ham
tut iagrdlat iumI wkll tky hav
oHrod tbouaanda. bur nvr Injured
aayboly. To "bow llit euros eaoctod
lir this rody nr realty nenonni
Mid laetlag wo rorawUy lavtltod ' sis. I alwnyn bltovd thai lo bo my
tb a of Mr. Prank A. Moso. atroubl and I do yet boiler n I
wrtl know rtifd farioer of lts.hd nlao snoot h wook la th
vlll Mlln cooeiy. !, Mr. Meno j Unlvoralty hoanltol In rblbwtolpbto
ban bn a ldr la th Itoedertlle 1ibout ihe trontioeol beoeaUng mo.
rrWyirta eharck tor may yoars. and bad returned koto to dto It bo-
has served three torn M county
tot toslonsr and aa Kb director
for nlno yoaw. Ilo wm nSMetod with
trcaHmt naralyoto, ktK the entire
tt of th kwr half of bto body,
aad for a yonr w m liidttNa m
valid, otwOwad lo bk bd wMb no
rk4aMi bad o Mm Mt aa tMr
bM. Mc Ma wm oktmI by lr.
WUNama' Vimk inita and Ma Umil
mmnimI m priatad Atm yoaft mo k
"I bad Um btIh for four wttra Mid
m a twaoK mt aorvoa btoba down. I
bM Um aour omi of Um bwr baK
o( mr body My atom Mb. Uvod. Md
aoya, boat or bad rovmt aifort
4, boi to BnOril voodHton ot ibo
lwwr HMi of ibo body aaTortod wy
btedoor aad bowola. ror a wbolo
roar t lay I b aorfootly babjdoiM.
w4tb mo aowor lo altbor Mhm. aod too
foolloic Roao h tluU I OMldo't foal a
)M ran Into my h ( nil. cooUot
tora ovor It bod wltboot ImIo. To
mow h a aolbar wm rtaowl an oa
lb adllr aod wtodlM oa too
"Dortas tw yaw f m) k-ttoa
I bad l dUtoroat oortor. bol kooo
f Ikoj May ft robtot. a aoorlal
tot fraoi rkutotokto toA mm for
lkr omoUk bot bo wm of mw bo
t to loo. Tb dorton oar m mo
aod Mid It wm ooly ooootloa of k
low WMI tltfc MM M MOtktof MMC
HtM Im do. AHor Ik Myak'toM
bad otv mm OS a trtood awot mo a
Mmootot ettoutotoR atotooMoi of
two mmo wko bad bo aJitotod mmo
IMog MW mm ud iku bad Imom od
kgr Um mm of U Wliltoma- rtok WJH.
I bait takloc too Mo. 4 V
tbouiA Mty totoavmt wm toaw H
w ruto Mow I m walk
tk Umm wtikowt a ao aod
Py antoM tklaU li la a mUt
ton I rao m aboot m J M. Yoor
oUto bar rrUiMly bM a TMriai
to mm. WHfci um toat Umm yM
I Imvm aMwrd doM of tottor
from tovanda wo kad koajd of my
mm iM woo aad to tf K wm tro
toai 1 kad bM ord by Dr. WIUtoOM
riok mito I kavo MM Umm aU tkai
Ui moody rrd mo aod I aw gtod
oT UW MMinrtooity of toUtoc aoooi
mr fOM, o Urnt otitor way ia4 ro
kf m I mm too."
HO. T A.
fy rHPwmiyi outlH. .
A -.. U.
.- , iiiiHiwii, vi"WI MT
Pui to loo r4M4 aa of a1
M. Ur Uu -j w-.w .
. . nwk "WW.ftotoJu. i ... .
Um vkul. wUu. -i ... .1
... "- - III MH( UM ftMUt
at aa mm a aw Thw Mmisb
JotorUt to Omaim. to torMlor f
h bMto, tko baww of wMok mo
Mo Ucy aiHomobUM u toekM toar
nm.Pii in a Remarkable
Subocrtbod and WWii to before aw
this 17th da of April, ISM.
Notary IMbllc.
Om Our rorently Mr. Moaae wm
TlSltfd At Mi iMMtfMMM hOM OVOT-
looking tb valley of Hnoy Or
soar ftderilto, where h innde th
foilowln- statoeiont:
"Itofor I bguu tohlug I. William
Pink Mile I bad bM treated for a
loa Uase br my bow doctor wbo
pnrnooacod my case creepta; parair
wm toning IM". wiiiiam n m
la 1M7, tmt did aot stra a aUtfmoat
of mr foao for mtbllcatloa until 1 wai
aaro tbat I wm cMtod. Aftor raiara
l from Um boatdUl I did aot tab
ay othor modleiao for my troabw,
Md I ow It to Dr. WlllbuM' Plak
Pllla aod to tbom aloot tbat I am
Mta to bo about today. Woro my
mra m rtdntod la my latomoat of
Aoprll IT. Iftl. I bar aoror alford
owf a HbyaklM oicot for mtaor
iroaMoa, aoim m eoogbo, colds, t.
I mdiiiM IM Wllllama' Plak pllla m
folly aad boartlly today m I did
BooarrHMd aod awora lo bofota mo
Ibla ttwd day of Jaooary. .
JmUco of tb rwe.
Jootlro Kobtor. of Noodarlllo, bo-
for wbom Um abovo modavlt wa
mdof rnhawtortly pty aad id
lot foltowlM KlalemMt:
"I bv oarMoalb koowa Mr.praak
A. Moaoa for lk oaot forty-lira yoara
aod koow Ibat aay atalomHl tbal bo
hmUmm b oollroly rolbtbm. I hmtmio
ally vlallod blm wkoa bo wm comNomI
lo bod aod uttorly bolotooa. I mow
ao blm dally aod koow blm to bo la
aa onod boaMh m moot moo of bla
Mr. Daolot W. NoyooMa, Matmotor
at Noodovlllo, pa.. tUiod tkat bo bod
rorolTod wtaoy laooJrtoa from all
Mfto of Um coooiry roaroralo Mr.
Mom' mumloM eoro. aod bo eboor
tally addod bla lafonoHiloo of too
Iroih m foHewa:
1 rortlfy tbat to (acta aUtod In
lb tootlwMolal of Mr. praok A
Momoo ar aooluily tro. 1 koow
blm whoo bo wm anaol to mov mm!
I a blm ory day mow m tb atrooto
aod lo my uftr "
Hro U vldoc tbt moat mm-
rlor Ui MMOt akooUraL mmi k.
rooa maoy f to roraa arroaialMkod
by Ur WIllwioV rlok PtlU M m
mrvbm m to rkollMO bllf. tb
follow Im oCr la mod
MMifetoi Comfuny wtll My toe lum
f f v TKu4ad DUan for prf f
tri n Its m to puoltoattoft
H rt4 liimMl r to amy
to ud to MMklot kMwo to m.
IH of Dr. WMHaott' PtoV Nils tor pate
kVbooMUdy. X. Y . hm S, IM
W bry corttry tkt tb Dr Wtt
UMa Modtotao OooiMoy k& toHr,
od tola baoA- to oaj- tor It aawmAt Uh
aom of M0 to ooU to tk At y
l"oUo o Mfoitf MooMry
tar Um roltoHtoo of to rwd offontd
d J. H YA UN.
Oaoktor Uotoa KattaMl took.
toko tody, a. v.
Mo tmm oarabota. loeoa
r Muk w. viuw' jtaM ar Amy t
-omooir Mmo dUoro. eaa alUrd
" iMfctort ia try Or. WlUtomc
roa nu to tnmi Mood boiktor a4
ar tooiv. Suld ., il dnuxtota. or
Mt br Mjt. tor
. cau ycr bos. aU kuao tor
IM. by Um IV whiu- wT.r'
MJMCX. MMomtody X
i.. v. . .
MOW rOMMT ttfOd WMto
iMflfciiJ to
an arrMd im lm . . .. .
41 "
r to Mh aiotpc. ttaek bxt wgjM
M iwood. M4aai aayo a kw
J4 Mvorai auidrd Um wUi
Umm boot.
Col. Backus, Who Negotiated
With the Venezuelan Gov
ernment Ring for Asphalt
Property, Tells His
Imttaoopott. rob. I.-Otdoool Victor
M. BockM of tkla city la out of the
moot Importoot wUwaoae la tb Ven
MOKtoN Mpbolt fflfitrwtray. Ho
tk coofidoottol moo aont to Camca
br Uio Mpbolt compaoy at tho flrat
fiait of Owtro'a kootlllty to fld wit
imrtly wkot wm oIb oo. Hla atory
la alnody l pooomloii of tbo atoto
dtmriiint, md will probably bronw
pttbMr In full wti roonroM neta
from tbo proaldont too fall dotolla of
ffbo MpboH cootrorriy. It may .lo
My doy.
CotoaeJ Itofkua aaya that h roprr
aontod Wmlf m th mlaaary of th
MphAtt lotoraota who wooted to buy
nrioo to VoomoHm. and m b ftp
pnrd to kov ptoirty of moay It wna
not km bofor ho not Into nooxttto
tkMtH with tk Mwrorawont rttm at Co
rneal Tkla Mm tad mi Mphalt
rkvlm caltod "U VOMttoto.M Mrn
pIom to rroaldoot Caotro bod alrad)
offnod tkla ctotm to tb Now York
nod Itormodtot Co. for JfOO.000 tHnsn
and a royalty. Cotoort Itorktto ojn
d ho BOMotMttoM to pwrehoM thin
rtolm tfcrooa aVoor Aiwh. a fowun
broUMr of Mr. Cootro. Somot mtnra
md OoMorat Itorrot do MoMria. Mr
(Vm'i Mrrotory. Hr to Colo!
Hark atory of fcU oocotmUoM at
MlnMtorM. proaldooi Caotro'a oakK1
m rototod to a rproNto4iv of th
KltoMMODa Newa:
Ctr Dire led the Deal.
"Awho, MaaaHa, Ploooro and I
VNMI III IMR'k rCHWI t99m(Ml W ft III''
bto. In mm adjolnto- room wa Irl
doot Oaotru. aod m w tolkod Amdm
wtmld oxptoto to rko prootdoot, who
moo to too duorwwy Oliidlmc tb
room w war la Md Um room In
wklrh k wm. wbot wo wor iMnk
aoo mmoo hoojmo. nod, la tart, pr
Moot Oaotro aooMrod lo W dlrwtlHK
Um dooX
Th upohot of k alt ww- ( I
arMd to par $ mjm fw u vt
oto' aod prombtod tkot I wooW ka
Um moooy Umm to UUrty daya I hl
paid uom moooy oh Uio deal ana
pMt a ootid dooi mor worklnc It
an. In Um ooojottottooa I vvptmmM
a foor i hot too rworto wowld anataln
Hm rkrht of rtom to 'U Vaoiota.'
Plioom tmd told mm Umt ho kad dmn
lnrrd lo any to mm by Arork. that
to MprMM roort of Voaota wuld
MotaiM Piioom'a rtatot. aod tkot Umt
wookt k m daoaxw to Mwkia Um pur
ftova. H wm diimnnoti-atod o mm
toot rMtoom wm roally a arorohood
to Ui air- toot Um rol owimv
wor proaktoot Ciwtra aod kla hiutk
Mk, aod poroooa KaMfia.
Se4zd ky PrMWeot Cattr.
"I wwot towk to Now York nod Pr
Mont Cnotm. m I know. al4 tk
propony odor m old pootok law
Umt rooit iko iwlpto of a roo
rMOlon to do rortoto wtw and to pay
rortoin rontoitoa. aad no raoMndrd
loot ini tow bod net boon HMopltod
k A rortdvM wm aodMd dod
ikoi iwdrw U A M. faraor (farmor
toroJ managar of Um Mpkafc oo
panl wtU wkam I rooMlwd Mry
Jy woik Mowtoitoc witk rlcnoro
and Ma ottoat pannoro. And QoroJ
KoAorto u nun- Um Anoartol nawM of
Um VMoaiiakto awomnnnt.
Wo 1 sot to Mw York I mw tk
MptoUt imioI and aw a hill rport
of ail tkot bad bM doo I utod
Um tottom aod ourooMou
. .
-rr. w
D Uory Xlcutl.
m iiw-w
a momi m aJ at W
Will TM Mre to 0reK.
TImm to m WMMtioa bat tlw uu
ml AoptoUt cowiMMy own the aa
imoM kUu. aod UMt pMido( 0a
Uw. OommI Ajwo. hi brohenn
tow. and CtoOMnU Kanarto. ih fltuin
ciat aot of Um bomtoomm fc a
mnptlno a gtaojttc aoMop Thw
W mm of toaa wkoa onojrrws
Into m tovMtkaMtoo. ao .in .
Umt Umm 1 do not wank w ,i,
Prenartog fr Milan Cxnn,
Now York. rto. 9 -Tk Jfcw .rk
aoaaotttwr a hiatoolag th wot-k
of nrooartos too oaalhtta wkk-h thy
totoaMl to ad to tho JalmatJooai
hWo wkfe wtU a aJ4 la Jlaa.
lay. thto var. Fw moatka axhit
ita aavo Wa Moitd and wdWtd
and it to hovtd that th Nv York
atkralt wttl b ooite orvoHahto. ytaa
otaor varta of th country H ta r.
aorted that amok aottrtty to ahown by
Maaulactaroni to arlag low
htotta watoh rtil b a oredlt to tair
rpctlv atatea or scUoas. it u
h. -
This perfectly natural change
In a woman's life is too often ac
companied by painful, distressing
symptoms due to female troubles
and slight Irregularities In her deli
cate organism.
The woman who passes this
change without the development of
tumors, cancers, or chronic Invalid
Ism enters a new field of happiness
and usefulness In the domestic cir
cle and in social activity. Her phy
sical system should receive the
necessary assistance at this critical
TydiaE-Pinkham'sVeeiaMeCorapound I j
Is exactly suited to woman's needs at this time. It strengthens and
cures all derangements of the female organism, It overcomes the hot
flashes and dizzy fainting spells, and all other distressing symptoms.
I Wo.9 li Bed for Thrco Woaks
Dbak Mm. pihkham:-! iiiHwed a rrt dl dwlnc Clitnr.0 f Ufo. For
feVM weto I had hmortbM Md It mad m k I wm In bed far Ihroo wocki.
I btrta laVtor Lydto E. pmWtom'i Vclbe ComMoad, alihoufh It wm apt nit
my dMtor'i wtH and I hid to hkk H. I took H uptktW unnl I had Uken (Ivo beUlci,
and It WMrnt me t all rlfht, a arfeHy fZ well woown. An? ono oan tell how
hMkky I am by kMktoc at my ptowe, tad ay a write t mo or my daughter
abaot Mr wndfl oore.
Mm. P. M, Mimhrush, But Chloico, Ind.
The who Mcrat o( Mfaty at thta time olWed thorough preparation boforo Uio
change bogtat. Fortify the lyelom viih a oourae of Lydla E. Plnkham's VcgctaWo
Compound. Thta vondorful madletM !w carried thoueanda of women through this
danger period.
No auch helpful advice to women who arc alck can be had any who ro aa will bo
received free by addroMtog Mr a. Pinkham, Lynn, Maaa. Mra. Pinkham isdaughtorln
law of Lydto E, Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction, and alnco her
decoaae, ah has been advising sick women free of charge.
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail
mid that i in- wuMiii'iii f iht- Mi'an
exposition iiul not afru. iti ttni
lag wut in ihu luuniry aulHrtontly
to nUmrt tk attnUon of tk hmmo
(actMrw. On io othor hand. It ia
aaoortod by tk rpratotivot of tbo
Italian amrrMMoi iknt aaaooaco
Moot aad aironc aopHUa hod Won
ooi to UW waatifartMtvra all over Um
United tut, hot tooy did not aoat
Inollnod to hk taooMotvos.
Mr. a a. rnrwlkiU. of to Interna
Mkmal Ttho Aaawy, wko has boon
vory aotlvo to oolkltbm .klblu (rota
taroo MMaafartMrtofl concern In tola
oowtlry, aaya that Ovnomay kaaaaowa
wor lotoroat In tk coatlaj 3cao.
tto aad baa taka ator aoac at to
oAnooitto tkna aay otaor eoaatry.
Aeeordlac to Mr pnrwMtoi to I'altaa
osklMt will b a rvltUMi to tk rat
of Um world H aay tkat duHa tka
last fw ara lul) kaa atad
tul Mtiejr la th dovoloeoMot of ll
toatosirtol and ntNMoatoal roora
aim ta aovraawa. ka taaoa groat
onto to git to ia world a ramr an
MaadiM of tho ro-arkaol.
to of Italy la vary kraauA m
aad ladaotry
.. . ..
Naval UnprciurcdflMc,
Vaaklnton. U t' F s -
In Ita
1 rtiraat mtu-irt in l.. .v . ..
. "-: .: z ir:iwia:y
"- - -' wb) aaa nTy,navof muiu ...b,.. . '
vut ta HIT 4m m. ,
U II WiJ. W4 Of u iij,, -
tv KAC Y Ow lm
Rifles, Shotfuns, Pistols
Veu4tMVr-oU Akatua "" u
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
oaaoofM vazis, uxsa,w a,.
tssjic -
Ihi, haM mnit)y nrfd ih pH of
M.4.nin; th nati nrvico wUh a re
ivt. mt.y of gun of all caJlbr
and lb rorroraondlnjc aauaonHlon.
Dolto to OOTtooa rorominendatloHa
aothlav ha b doo by to aovat.
toward ftUn such a snooly of
war materials. It l roughly otlmat-
d. and Ui oarinMl U coaoldoNd coo
orvntivo. that It wUl rlr aoarlv
110.000,000 (o obliail WM 4 fMmUt
mtton abototy notoaoiary. Aa the
ahoatlon la today, our voaatla ar
witaoui suae of aay sort to rookie
bos taiorarily disabled or with
diawa from aorrlc. Th rarv au.
Pl. r U tiawd. should b Sf pr
of Um guas aow la tk sorTko.
wbll th roaorvo aaeoly of powder
stM h asock troaior. it la aaid In
in ron of too Mat mmv ...i ..
k .k..
- -.w .mj mm KHXf
n. WOMld
tka aaU at
lu aoaoly
com, la
Jo mm k-
I aototJ ...
'doa aotog pkuof uTj-tl
k w. v. JL pM w w
.v v, Miiu aamnaltlAa aki
wkleh would kav , no nelally a.
-- w rarry raat .uaaUU of oW.
d-r and aaU aad a aoeaaafeto t .fc-
vala oa tk ah& u. . .
' . . "" V ItratOBt
whin 7!? "" " Mora'
P It la boltovaj that tka Z,
n couki h acoulrod and Veta?. to
-"v (1N Bav
h a larsd.
of sanokoW now tor stored wtU
out f.r or lu oetori
Prto of ta aary tkat
L,1 a"Mtton ay b 4e-P-dd
unoa to hp without aortoi,,
chaag aad tkat ta oaly variation is
to ovaaoratton. whirk ...
aet In aay way the auhlhty of th
Need Not Brinq
and Misery
lowdr Tho faJluro to axcjir w
awvo kn rbU powder I wraivhsA s;
tho Joint board aa of the utmon Krt-
o --
Bxourslons Every How.
In ordor to give the people of W"
aa opportunity to see tho bttfal
eeoatry aouth of Balew, and to &
development being mndo by t "
pany, tho Citliona' Light & Tw
Oompany will roo exenraloa can t !
rock quarry, aonth of 0ld rt.
amotery, leaving the "Willamette
on oven hours. Enjoy a pif ""'
aad eeo for yosrself. ll
nocky Mountain Tea Nufjgets
A 3uy HitoM h to,
Brian 0Uis HmIU. aaJ Rmw1 Sf,
--a for CVhmiiihmi lo ' !"
ad lUkeie- H' RoAr lpBtio " . ft
Quntaia '"T'l,
(t totm. M eealf a tax
OCLMTIA Drim 6umpaxv. W1U"'' n
Edison Phonograph Agency,
GaooUm, Lamps, Mantel, Oawh
rt" " m.tnand. e.t
"J.. ' ' .. . ,m
. -Jr
I 1U , Ci-vo
I H-l lj & "
Aumsvtlle Flour $1.05
Gold Dust $1.00
PcrfccUon " $1.00
Highest Price for Eggs
E. W. SMIT, -rop
WedoIHI aWr
And guaranteo It. Finest watt
movement cleaned, repaired aad
aade to ran nccorately. iMawoa6
and predoos sto&oa skilfully r4.
Jewelry of al klada xaado aa good as
aew Glass fitted asd repaired. AM
3"Dd of optical "work dose,
Jeweler and OpUclaa. 318 State St