Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The only combination
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But eax &
Agents, Salem, Oregon
Wkea a mm Is toftdod. everybody
peotoft Mm kmm It but It la erot
wttk h BJSM.
Mow waeek Mm rritroad aeiortMre la
Mm MftMtM prm Unit row Mil tor
Tho Afte Ml oeta-ai a toatotM. to
Me roe ONy. MR dletiaMtrtaaitot-
featoi te V Mikh or mOmr Mk
at "
fM matot BMM IVA MfclM tetM IMii
feat rato WW Nab on Km Steto baek aad
UH W Ifem wa am rllpM (
eoMpa tf uk-rbbs In lltotoek
HVPraTtfi leWOjWHtawaj'J W"'lwi lW"B"eTkT WW
HMMntWK htr a Wk mwbK drive. Wall
may Mm tomatd and MiiiharlaeB''l
vtsaJmn ef tbo wenHe m ulatot
with tlyrwtt "Tk eotof a In Mm moea
tor M(Nia.M
It la MmwtNtt; lo read
or Mm
at Oraaaa.
rr laatoiiaa toero to ooa f root OatlNej,
to wotok it maoMoNa ItooJ Rlvar vm
tar, ao4 Mm Qwiia totaa of Um Oav
arofk to Mm rtvor'
on Mm Qteejua aleto mMaloa Hi
toMtotc oarli aaaoog Uto
TM la woaiitotoly trao. toat'la4 llfa woela Itotog. Yao aMwat
apL Amm) aa. aMa) ugMkAaj m fMaiatiajMV
9 a"Majr tv aap aapjwaaaM al drajeiaamM
iMt M44 rtwr la Mm oaAr era, hi
Mm wait to Mm mim iVrimotta m
0av Tnwfcto r4u.
U nim bM UMto toe4kt to UK
tkat oaon xaor and Hrec ae
1aiM a(Mt4 rva trwkl U aoaiU.
aaiain jwa k 11m waJtoiai
far far iHawa, m Mm. Joaa A. Yawag
f Oar, M. V, m. Mm tajrai "I WmI
aiawtoto at U Umt a4
taj kaoit ww waVeaaa awl I
tat eat I wm vaey laI for a toa
ton hot to MU Mhpm I few
Wt vioM 1 aiiaii. tor Uf oaUV
W J. 0. lSrty
arr!ttlaNt.a wtow
aaoaauoN aoor 4to ooa Witt
Wam m aawtao wHt h itaMt ox
otoo al (MMoaJ altojattoav fla
otoo awAt of mr neeaaot wtto
lATtfATK)N aotl aa)ratofi.
M lay to koto atoac oar 0U.
VatoAfBM, utotHP Mattoi aaaaoa ow
aaaMOBw w aua wort raaatoa.
aa ta ai to Utm to aaaaaaltto
C ao Ma Wl a4rtM 4to
Ito aW4 to oa
hovrwjM. 0a kav yaatr
State Bank
I 3d VAG3L PrJdeat
pormlltlng ns much or as
or cut this oui ana sonu
Hamilto n
Seek Pardon for Taylor.
Dr. W P. rootpbell. erf Weete. a
large wheat srrower erf lOaHera OieaoN;
Itobort JeteeaoN. lb Weetoa farmer-
baker. ao4 Dave Uveeder. aatrttorr
p wired at toe oNtoe trf Mm aorvmor
perrdon trf Mom Taylor. An Um peti
tin wm nan In proper torn, ami bad
ant arat beeer pfwotoed Ui tko proee-
OWSSer, MpVfMJt Uty Tf wwwVfPi
to netor wtaaoot bavlN aowHaayttohod
Tl t Um WMtthr 1'iwHdlln cohm
If rwanaif. ww wm wLmcd
affra two A9W omMniii )w(iw in vm
HMltaMMnrr tor kali nUwnH
Nnr Mm mm mhJ mtnIh trf n N4Nbor.
IN to mw cuHNNua1 In iW UnmUIIn
ruttNiy )MI M. l'MtltN. hn4 will Im
Wrmtftfet tn Mm mtImm l n ftw
intern OhrtitUn 8t4entlitt Attend.
TtM tottw4N )nu- wweU lo lort
buN todN' tt Umi the HMiiirv kItvn
In MmA cHjr UiU isiIm( Uf Mr. Im
HMri MIinm on Mm Hfejoet of Ctri
ttM BrlMMv: M n4 Mn, J Q. WtW
on. Mr. m Mm. 0. leoU. Mr, a4
Mm. I. W H'Mm mm1 rklMfwo; MIn
Clam MNMtk. Mnw 0. MaUiM. Mm. 0.
M. CnUm. Mm W. V. Jo.mon. Mra.
U Ifcueyow. M. M. W. llatrK. Mra.
mwIi Marvdy.
Maoaa taa kiaiiljr to 4a a pood 4ajr'
, wltaaot aMtoa fattofM aatf to
aava toUlgoattot or laawiaaallao who
out Ha aaetta taa Vvr a4 ae
laltaf taa Moot, ttoea a oo4ittoa
bmjt M tot aa4 ejotokaat raltorW a
orotoa, toa koat Uvar rafolator taat
taa wai4 to war Vaowo. Mra. &
W. Maith wrltoa. Aortt , Mi "I
Urrtoaa, aoi laj It tae Uat itatrlai
far aaoatlaattoa aJ relalla toa
livar I tvar aaoi." aa. Far ! r
TMrty.Powr Lovay Lovaa.
Too vtN a it orottr atrto. Um
of MatoeMkaaomt
of aj IT VaJinia
H la Meno to Mm rtiiraaloc MtUa
Taaj Htmtoa trf
Ooitaa WaoU to fla Baak,
ia-o faoaier , m. Cml
tMtittoa w4tk Um
oMMJMy rtork tkaa mm
oonaoo to atoato to. I. wfctrk kloeto
to who tor Um
Oto aaaoto waaM
o toaiot) a4 kunt
to iMi,
Ooom awr toM.to.
nm araoa aato WMb- la
r oatoc Itockr Maawjtoai Toa.
Ur MtoNoa Dana;
TtMbtt Threat
WUk a atoatMoato Uaiajto tf kk
taatoM aknaagb kto aVf Aw toaka
Um yoaa mm tmtmm to aaU
fat -Met
Mrtoa raw.'- ko ktoaoai. -io4 i abaM
o iaMiikiaa. tkaa Mm -- UM
wHI raejoat!"
Tto. boaitalfal firi akastootoi.
"Ob, AMtokokl oka paaoaJ -m-
rm ai raot aoto to 4ti toe aoatry
wwvo MUi I Ooil atott wrttw
TWa f tortakto aaacaaab
ikat oaokt U tkanarto4 by a ,
' o" ako cvtl ktw oa tao aaot
-..,o,tal JOURNAL. OALEM, OREGON, rmu., --
UA LI srt J-' -- -
And Uphold Roosevelt's Rail
road Rate Policies
Demand Fair Trial of the Di
rect Primary Law and
Pledge to Support
Thfj Kooapwk KtubllcAN Ctob toot
nlejnt aav a kaarty andoraemetit to
Hon. a V. PafccH for M iKaod oa tba
rata l'. la WoH of Mm ItoooavoH
Hrfmlnfatmtlofl. Kowfrfottoao war
Kioptod mpportlnK Um 1'roaWoat la
bla aroat tmttto for too ooro( aatl
rvetototlon of mto. a4 oNooraioa; tot
mm, primary law nod ptoAglaa; Mta
BMWHrt of ctob to all Uie oaao1
rtoaite HomeeMod UmraitHitor.
towla; oftrora woro oteetl: J.
K. MmrUt. prvahtoflt; Frank Droy,
oncretory: II. A Joho, I. Ai !aa
HlnK, K. It. Southwkk. rlca-itroMthtnta;
P. N Itorwr. trwuairor. Tko Proai.
don' la anttoHiaati to aitolitt oae from
oaeh want aa a oamtwlati oomnalttoa.
A Simple Organization.
PwotrwaN JokiatOH, of tka comaaat
too oa oriiatttoailoN, rat)ort4 tka tot
kralaa; arttoloa of oraataUoH a4 cm
4r of noatoaaat!
'Aaty AiiioTkon ritlaoa wtto to a a
nortor of Mm prforfptot; of tka Itooab
Mtwn parts mmiII wo oltotwto to taMaa
iMrarklp In tkla rtob.
"Tko owtoct of Um oeawaatlmt afaall
bo to aocwr Um aaocoM of Mm Itopaa
llrao par) In Oroaoa at oaok otoo
IIoni wtoaro tb rtoowoMvaN ticket la
ptor4 boforo tko ptpto for atorr aof
"Tko otorora of Utla ehto akall bo a
aroalaoiau Mrrao tloo-proaMoato. a ao
rouirr ao4 a. aruaowrur. aotl a onHtpakra
roNMolttoo of mm from oaok wwrd, to
b aainirftooU b) tko.eko4r.
"OreV? of Imalaaaa-HtootteN of proa
Moot, tkroo vtoopr4ootoa. rMOfotory,
Cnoarie Raoievelt and Fulton.
Ttoi cnoMottto m rMtotoUooa maV
tko fottowlN roport. wktok waa nnnnI.
moNoly (Mtoptoti. mhI Um pr44aot atl
PMiimirr wrtf lawwiMtoa M MM ON
mm ttwtoa of Uto iwttoaal porVran
kortmf to I'roaMitat HaoyoH hn.I
looiUitf Kwkoti
SupfMrt the Publto Sahoala.
"Tto rtotMovoH KotwbUraa Ttok. of
Matom. a tojwl urNNlaioN of rtotwto
UtMM. ret Mm Oapttol city of OroatM.
aWtoro MMt ww tomrtlhr aupport Mm
actoUaaotnettoN of fraoiftoat Hooaovote
to kia roartaaa ooNMito for bottor mm
MM. to kia MntaxW tor rotlwoy
rato iiktMoo mi aboktkHt of m
a. iMto wo iMtooiototlticto aWearo
kia awinifaiimoklp tmi Alwtoaaaev to
ototJIoaT wttk torolcN aatrtlro no nwumt
Mm roatoot iurlitoiraM. ! Um kkv
tory of oar eooNtta .
"Wo tNHtorao Mm obto proaoatoitoN
oy -aottNtor Ctoutaa W. rakoo, of Oro.
"" rn",llJ eHtoa; too oowafai
Hott Mm rniNialiaiua foltor powor to
aeUoot ratoo bjuI UmMto' ar
on latorauto railway..
rem mm ao a aaaa wtrMa)
taw ottrn rn t of tko poo-
toa. Mto to pol of aajltlty Um ,!
of aay of hto Mraatoatol roan,,., i
a toot of priito to Mm KowwokV
toatoto (Mraot Prtoury Law.
Tko RcMeMwok kUMMt.. m.
a fair trtaU of tko dlroat
- ,.. vm
tow. ara. Mram hhowm to ro
- . MeJ M a. OfMMioNatoO
-"- .. ipwr auppurt to 4 )to
mon or too atoao. txaupoaototMU Mi
f wmj at uur party
an taaaauMi .k.u.u i
- -""w mvm a
0 HOOBOll kB.1 wi, l. .a..
-. . . "- nap aaaa
rvNHM r laatouj.
"W iVHtoraa uur aVvotioa to raw
-- we poih-toa Meat kawo
lT "-JMbMaai pruanatHi-, Vm-
L.7 w."u wm M aira
ZL nu ww, toto a
oiaaM la our eat)
ototo ajtoira.
oo-araty athy.,,!,!
"Ttot atoaatolvM --.
- Wj
' frtoaat of
aatoctUtoo of
our pMto
a -
aJk aratoot to too eam Ctoy
loso ooraotooo to tu NtatoZ
"Ma. Um iMtaroau of oJuMMirac tko
tovor aaur ranu-n,.) .a ...
, . - ' -" pw ivr
' in w UH
aad roaMoaco
otavoto of
caty ara wacotaM i
of oapttol to --- -
iintaiiala. ai reora,'oit of
P N Darby R. E I . ,a,.
Jooa Kltbr rotarajt ce
. .. ifennllARY 9.
. tr-th.ilam Prevailed. I
Tao rswiing of Uto plao
. r,tVinolnm ana
,.trerf W 8,,' """"' I
earner, antooataotlc sjwchos ware
ST!, pronHn.ai RapubMcan ,xrk
9r8Irwt AH-MOBtod to1oaA
, otbor to oamatadlog PPrt of
graiT ltPolk for trory nominee or
!!T!-HT-i tko comlt eteotlon la
0regw. xhoro wore Mjir so of the tf $ioo.000 in Eastern
2? ' r j papers to Advertize Coast
Joint Campaign Management. u Special TralHS
Oa mcrloo of Col. B. Hofer. Uie
kTMrmrorn of Mm Youog Man' Raimb-
JtaTciub aitooSalom ltopbll A. a roault of the tremendous
Chib wrre Jnvltod to coopatate wtto affl0ttnt of advertWng done by tho
Um? trea.roT of Mm Itoooevok Otob Ih jiottthara Paclllc company through
forming thoniootfea Into a flnaaclal oul tn9 WHtera atatea and the expend,
cofltmltteo. UKtMtoti -Ablch to ralae all llttrB of the a-wclal approprlatloa of
rotrtribtrUomi rwcoaaary to meet Mm WW,(H)0 In the eaatern maaaKlnea, to
mrtaK of Mm ctoba. and Habrto gth,r with Uia w-lde distribution of
rkt mom. and romJor aa accownUng sMneot" magaalne. and the nowapa
tkoroof. liter advertlelni aocured by the iueu-
A rommUteo of tbroa. coototlrf of ,m the now book endtled "The
r. X. Itorby. C. K. W. rown and II. Roiw of a TkoMMBd Wowlera," Call
A. Jobnoon. Jr.. waa appoltood on ao- fonria is anjoylnf at the preaent time
onrtnai mernboroWp.
Fraud Ibtposed.
A tfw eoaatarfaltora aava lately
baea maklajc and tryiajc te wit latlto
tioai of Dr. Klat;' Xaw Dlaaavary far
CoaMiaptloa, Coajr a ad Old, aad
attor waHlrlaaa t bar airy oaf raaalaa; the
pablle. Tbbt is te warn yea te beware
of Mfh prpU, vrae seek te preat,
tbrongb otMllne; the repalattoa of rem
edlea wbktb bare been aooeessfaliy ear
Ibk rMaaaae fer over 36 years. A Mro
protMtton te yea la ear name ea all
Dr. Klax'a or Itoaklaa'a ramMlM, at
all other are mare imltotleos. II. It
MUOKLKN k CO., Cbioage, HI., aad
Wladaor, Caaada.
rt Sato by J. C. Parry, Sale, Or.
Died at the Hoipltal.
Jem Hlto. aod IS yoara. aad a
raettent of PoodtotoN. otod at Mm Sa
torn lloopltot yootoroay of taberoakv
tto. Tko body ia botaer bokt of
CtoMffk'e HHdortoMaa; partem arwwto
laaT laotrocUoNN from rokiMvoa,
kwvo boaoj aoUood.
Sara Core far Pile.
ItehiNg pIIm preaoee melatara aad
eaoaa Iteblac. Tbla form, aa wall m
bllad. blaorllaK or protrodlat; pilot are
eer4 by Dr. Ho-Saa-Ke'a Pile Keatedy.
Stopa liable- aad Meedlag. Abmb
tawoM. Soe a r at drggttt ar
at by mall. Treattee free. Write
ma a bait t yaer eaaa. Dr. Itaaaake,
PklladelpkU, Pa.
' o
Tim SoNlkom Pactte Company bt
abtmi to OvOaMtak aa axporlmoirml
farm near too Orore tor tko irew.
Ink of altotfa.
Joaopk rVarbama, of OerraU. eotlv. hortoonutoa wll aave ef UmowmIvm.
orod $t katoa of bop. toot wook to,Dta wktok bar. tkelr baajloiof to
Mvootoy A Co. at 10 roams. Tttoy taa Moaaaek meat be cared threap the
wore of moolMw aaanty. atoawek. Tka wedlelM for towtaeh
tordor and half the 111 ef Ufa. U
Cawala Job McKotty. of Ttoj Oaka'a Iatprorad Urt Hlla.Tkay
IHai. a ptoaoor rivar ctoato, dtol ay all drgiat for tie per
at tkoi place yootoroay-. Catoato M,. Ooe pill to a dote. Tkeae otlli
N"alry koa aawtotood Um mletoto fto.'aat aU the dtoaatlv rMu t. -i
totobta for away year.
Tko UmaUlto coamty oooK baa
a rato tkaa all agoau aotttog
raaeate. or ykletoc of ao
kind to Umatilla eoamty win towe to
pay aa amMol rtoaoa of 1000.
John J
of toe
boo dlMpptaMoaV
ao toaeo eaet
be rotted of
Ho baa not booa
Z? !l " ; fttoaato
" oow aaMKMjjMM MMMM.im.iJrY mmmmM
aato ka
lhar (le. a stodotH of too Uaf,
X of OreajM. la tko Irot vtottoi
of too tyukoid fevr at tkat otaeo Ito
2ii -TtotL " " m XT eT My ffM a? b1
5-Mtor "T ",,awlWJ ' W the throat
of Um oaettor ctoae. ad. wa eooa1a . A. Altot. Kew Oala. CaU
oond oaw of rko brbjkteat atMtooie at
tko Notveroiiy.
Aawaker apkt teal ka
atatr AaktoaaL It
n " tmn aovorat root i wVattj
koiwooa well toiad weJia. Several
toot k boR aaa wktok aeaejti
about tt pt.r toa A very amimim-
ouorta mta U boias doMioA
ao onkorJ la too city Uaaiu af
yottr food
fatla to oour.
a you tbo
Bitters abotikl
takoa at
oruu. It bM
tbe atoaoacb
utd euros
Poer ApfMtito,
"- m rta.
aaCC!saSajpSJL mjMrf Lt.Vn 'CJl
Uie ireateot Influx of tourlata In Its
Tbooe toarlato wlU cotuntOBce to
move northward early In March, and
In rdor to accommodate the heavy
travel from axwthern California the
Southern Pacific company will place
la aorrke on March 1 an elegantly ap.
pointed new train, to be known M
"The Shore Limited." The equip
ment, which wIM be entirely new, will
ronatot of baafaao car. tUnltte; oar,
tbreo parlor car and one receeaed ob.
aorralloN ca One parlor car will run
from Ix Anffolee to Del Monte, and
aaotker car of a aimllar kln4 will run
from D4 Monte lo Sa FraadMO. The
mom airanaomoota will apply aouth
bottod. Tkto troJn will bo In aorvfce
drln tbo moatba of March. April and
May. but may bo coollnMed loaor l(
tka bttaittoaa warrairta Jolna; ao. The
train w1M make oaly alx atop, name
ly, at Santa Barbara, San Ittla Obtopo,
Paao Robtoa. Caatrortllo. Pajaro and
Baa Joee. Tko ran will be made In
U boar and SO minute, toarine; oltk
ar terminal at I o'clock a. m. and ar
rirlnar at rioetlnaUon at 10:M p. m.
Tbla train aod apttolntmoNta wMI af.
ford Um toartot tko nneet aorrke In
Um woat, aod akoaM be a (treat fac
tor la atllt more popalarixInK the aU
tractive cooat Mao of tko Soathora
! I, eomitaay betwooa Saa Praa.
etoco aad Ihi Anaotoa. with Ita many
Mao reaort botoU,
flaaeral Paaotaaor AaaaU
Pretty Safe Rttle te Qo By.
Wbea tkore ia a faollac that t
baart ar laata, blood or liver, brain or
aarvea are dlaeaeed, at aaaa aemmen?
te doetor.tke aiomaek. TbU U tka
foaadattoa ef the trouble la M aaaoa
at ef every 100. Ooauaeaee t rega
late th eMffoatlva oraaaa. et them
la hoalthy werklaar aoadlUaa. aad tka
aaaditloN w tkat dtoaaae kaa ao baat
to work noon.
Tbe Reoular Meeting.
Of Mm Womon, Otob wtu bo koM
iomqnuw. toHorday. aftomoon. at
1:00. at Um koaao of Mra. P. m, Smttk.
ooraor of OearK aad Satwaaor atreoto
Mtoa Bortka Kay Wu ekarajo of tko
; lth thmpuaa ef , .a..
toWI Sbmmm Id
a ektlltoea. aoaalB.
tkroat, hot akla. aiV m.iu
- a.d ImpMlad re-aaratiea!
Oiv freajNMt aaaall doaoa ef IUlhrd's
aoraaoNMt Syrap, (tbe ehUd will ery
' It) and at tk. .t- ,
w'. Urek 1. lfOt, I thl.k n-i!
iard-a MeaolMoml Syntp a weadorful
remedy aad m plMaaat to take. For
Wy D, J. Pry, Stto-,. q,.
- - - -ow
IK, -U
Refafm Soh&ol Banrf
tto tows' band at toe Rafora
SrtMot save a coocort last eveaittg
1 wa tbrrwoaaait- ainv w i.
fw vtortors oreoes. Tt w.J
ly laaproviwr t tk, u .-
" t vj ... ' """
77" "" sw wUl bo wxl
rtoaato a w adjunct to musical e-
I TV "" . U tko aiteoria-
! .' ,u" araMi tor R to uiay to
Let Him Out
AacMN-I tkouaM yoa saw if Big.
lay toouitod you yrM kill kia?
Jcto-I tuoas I ow say tkat
Aaeuao-Yos, aayat yat, aigbt ke
aM tka aaxmea ke oouht
i1L' m a ver
,HcBiu:YM but you must aj"
bat w-hea ke got tkrougk ke admitted
oat be couidat insult me
PnUfPTHAT. fiATnin
I a viii.xj.uau uuuijfllll
Announcomonta of MnJi.
tnr n(TIo ,llt V. - ... 'S
this column at -M.r.ut. M
... ... o,. nuiies,
i 1 1 1 II M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B-tW
Republicans of Oregon are ui
lnformod that I am a candidal fc!.l
uuu..u..uu B"''"t ai t&e fok'
lea to bo bold April 20th.
I horeby nnaouace mjgeif t
dnto for tho offlco of secretary (
and ask tho support of all Bm2
cans. P. T. WRlQrjxJJJ
Tho unileraJgnod announeei Uaj
as a oandidato for the office tfgy
treaBuror, eubjoot to the dtot,
tho Ropublioan voters at Ut A
coming primaries.
Tho undorslgDOtl anrtoetM MimJ
na a Ropubllean oanuidaltrrta.J
Inatlon for atoto prlater u tVi tertbl
coming primaries,
I horeby nnnounoo tnyielf it t eu
dldato for ronomlrmtlon for tit tia
of Superintendent of Public lutru
tion, and aollalt the support (tlt
publlaaas at tho prlmarlei Apr! tot
tho unaorsignca aereby iimhc
hlmeolf aa a eandidate for reM
to the otllao ef attotaegeaertl, ai
jeot te the approval of Xeaaibed
velars at tko rnlarlw.
I hereby aBneaaee myself Miti
atoate for elate teeater ef tbl tM
triet, eabjeet to the aomlaaUoa tt til
bands ef the Repabtieaa vnUrt N
rlen oeanty at the fertntoatiaf f
iiwry olr-atlen.
Tho uIoral(rTl hereby ai
hlmaelf a oamUdate for ees&tp
of Marlon oouaty, aal aiki tb i
of Reimblieaiui for that poflUee, at
fortheomini; primaries.
R, I) AUI1
I'herebr aataae myMlf
dlttote far the eftke of cooaty rJ
aad aetiait the sapput of X
voters for that aemiaatioa at i
eomlae nrimarr eleetioa
W h.3W
I hereby aaaeonte ayeW M '
dldata far r.elMt!en to U
eaaty treaeorer, eubjact
by the RajHtWIeana ef wo "
at tbe forthcoming prlarl
W. Y. RIClttH
I hereby aBneaaee tH "
JaA a ft.. am at eOUaiT tt
am.) aV (km nunrrt of ill T
e uu. J. f. n'
acrW4 flX.
vrni .TTTftrTirn nv Tlffi PEA
T dalr tint KsaiaaUea af tI
pabliaaa party far the o ot H
ef tbe peaee ef Saleta ditrt-
A, M1W2
We carrv a complete stoci
.tit. i. Ja and C9
ux uie vest stetw -
fill yoor order promptly
ocrer r u Phnne 1
ZJ3 1. IHI1 I "-