'FAIR TONIGHT AND 8ATUnDAY. TWO EDITIONS DAIiT AT 230 P. M. AND 4:00 DAILY CAPTTAT, JOUBN AL. i H SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906." NO. 35. buried UNCLE SAM AND CHINA CASTRO READY GREAT STORM EAST THE BLOW KILLED FATHER MIZNER NOT A PRIZE MINERS ALIVE FOR WAR Rescuers Can Talk to and' Fcea Them Through the Air Pipes Stockton, Cal., P- 9.-Lait sight ' another cave-In took piuee in the App 'iim lti th drift in whiah Tomo, Sabnch sJml M. VukoUah have been imprisoned Jce Monday evening. The ground is very troaolieroUB. The time of rewue caenot Iw oetlmntcd, but It is certain not to tako place to day. Several of tho ro&ctid party haro been caught by minor caves, but nono were sorioualy lnjutvd. The rescuer were ablo to converse with the eutombed mom through Uie hlr jHpo, ami forco eotip and coffoJ through it to tho prlsonom. Tlio roe- nm have been compelled to timber fojtfty as the forco their way through the shale dVpoelL Unices the Impris oned men are MHed by a further cave. ;b, th'.ir rescue 1 certain. KILLED"" GIRL AND HIMSELF 8n Francisco. Feb. 9.-IMbert A. Cxtlty, bartender at tho Hayxnarket' 4acchall, this morning shot and Wl Josle IlwU, a Mexican girl of 8m!a Clam, aim) thon blew out his m brains. The girl's mother was lure to tnko tho girl home, to which Ooley objected. (UlCAGO New Goods Attiving Daily WE ARE NOW OPENINQ UP MOUNTAINS OF NEW GOODS EV. ERY DAY. THESE GOODS ARE DIRECT FROM THE DE8T MAN UFACTURERS IN AMERICA. THEY ARE BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH AND WILL DE SOLD FOR A LITTLE MARGIN OF PROFIT. TO INDUCE QUICK 8ALE8 THE FOLLOWING GOOD8 HAVE NOW ARRIVED AND ARE ON THE SHELVES READY FOR SALE: 11200 WORTH OF LADIES' WHITE SHIRTWAISTS IN LAWN AND SILK; $1250 WORTH OF DRESS GINGHAM8 AND FANCY WASH GOODS; J1150 WORTH OF TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS; 2000 WORTH OF MUSLIN8 AND CALICOES; $1500 WORTH OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS; 1W0 FINE SILKS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND EMBROIDERIES WILL BE OPENED ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK. WATCH THE CHICAGO STORE'S PROGRESS THIS YEAR. WE WILL SELL GOODS IF WE ONLY MAKE ONE CENT A YARD. WHAT WE ARE AFTER IS A BIG VOLUME OF BUSINESS. READ ON: NEW GINGHAMS If you want pretty, up to date D.ttss Ginghams, Gingham Waist mgH, Wash Suit Ginghams, Apron Ginghams, Ginghams for child ren s drosses. It will pay you to look this Mno over. They ara all warranted fast colors and a gnud assortment of styles and patterns. Pr.cea during this sale, Bo, 6, 8 13c 10c and 120, CALICOES AND MUS LINS Thousands of yards to select hoa. ju&t fresh from the makers; styles and patterns tho late&L Saie prJoea oa Calicoes. .... 3c, 6c and 6c Sai price on muslins 4 6K and 81-3C. 10tO yda White India Lin- b. 131.2c quality, salo price Td 81-3c 1W yde Linen Finished Cam- ric. speciai for tfcia sale, yd 9c Salem'sGeatest(owingStoe McEYOY BROS, ffi&ffifi Here's a Diplomat That Knows Almost as Much as the Average Citizen Washington, Fob. 9. An official of the stato department intimate))1 con I Keeled wMt this country's foreign re- lalton for SO year, eald teday: 'The , next grave phage of American foreign poMcy wlH be in our relatione with China." He declared that, excepting j the Cuban Interference and the Span ish war, the United States had' no complications with another powor worthy of comtarlon wftli Uie threat ened break with Cliltm. He eaw the arrogance of the great merchant of China mitet be endured, to the ox . termination of American trade, or this government must pursue a poMcy of 'armed faslstonce io re-establish the .prestige of American' commerce. He Isayu Use JaftanoM) germ Is affecting the bods politic of China. He doeWt charge Germany or Ungiaad's agen cies with bad faith, but says citliens of those countries roddlng In China weuhhVt despair If American hsflu once was destroyed. An unusual Msmber of troops Are going to the PhiMppia, and but few returning, while Held maneuvers are cow' ant. Fruit Train Wrecked. Mortar, Colo., FeU 8. The east bound California fruit limited on the Hatha Fe was wrecked here this morn ing. Two train men nre missing and are beHeved to be under the debris, asl two others aro badly hurt. Chicago Markets. Chicago. Feb. 0.-Wheat, 880864; corn. 4344; oata, 30C30U. Sims TABLE LINENS We pride ouweJvos In being able to show you ono of tho best select, od stocks of table llnena In Salem and at tho lowest prices. 36c Dloached Tablo Llaoo, yd.. 36c 45c Bleached Tablo Linon, yd 2Sc 50c Bleached Table Lines, yd.. 35c 36c Turkey Bed Tablo Linen yd 25c 8o Satin Damask Table LInoa 59c Napkins, aK prices io, 6c. 6Uc, 8 l-3e, 10c and 12c 250 doz TowekJ 4c, 5c CUc, 81-3C, 10c, 121-2c and 15c SHIRT WAISTS A bewildering erray of Ladies' Beautiful White Shirt Waists in every conceivable style and make; perfect In fit end tho latest style shown. Prices small. . 69c. 76c, 98c, L26, $1.49, $L98 VISIT OUR CLOAK, 8UIT AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, UP STAIRS. WE ARE 8HOWING NEW SPRING HAT8 AT LOW PRICES. General Alcantra, Command- Ing at La Guayra, Ordered to Fire on French Ships Washington. Feb. I. -Advices re ceived hers say Castro Is ettiisUng gathering nMutlttone and preparing for war. He has comnimkHied generals In each state, awl aH aiAed bodied men have been raited to arms. In formation received Indicates the peo ple don't rant support Hie preside. It It believed Castro will be unable to raise more that 16,000 men who will show aty spirit General Al cantra, a graduate of West Point, who comtnamlr. at 1a Gjiayra, has been ordered to Are at sight upon any French warships. Negroes and Pole. Hlifott, W. Va., Feb. 9.-Tho lirt of tim4 In the Parallel mine explo steM yweterdes- has no wreaohvd at ktM 27. moMljr tesjroes and Hnngar lans. WgMeen bodies have been re covered. Chinese Destroy Missions. (Pour O'Ckxk IMitlon.) Amor. Feiv D.-llte Isaglfsk ad Catholic Mtissiong at Grang Clm Fh, M miles from here, have been de stroyed W the DoKrrs, The loss n hhoMt. IM.O00 I I 1 1 1 I I I I II 1 1 H I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 H i TOMORROW the Big Dissolution Sale Every Shoe In the Store Reduced ILL. IRVIN & 4-1 II m 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 PADDY BOUND TO BOSS PUebwrg. Pa., Feb. 9. -President Patrick Dulan, of the miners' union of (his district, this mornlHK scoured a temporary lajenelioN, restraining mombors of the urJoh from Interfer. ring with hi presiding over (heir meotinxa. The union demanded his resignation on account of tk stsrad he took at the convention at Indian. a polls. THE HON. REED SMOOT Waehinatou. Feb. 9.-C. I. ftHMirth waile, of Ogden, Utah, an mommm steored Mermen, was recalled for oroA&examiaatio In the Smoot hear ing. Asked as to his trantaoUoas with Smith, relative to the Ow&) Salt Company, the witness said that tho company eorapoUDg with Ike la land Compaas'. which was a Mowao Institution, reduced she price of orude salt from' $8 ta $2 per ton. As a result the Beob Company sht dow- Asked if the church authori ties account for tithes, he said they did not. The committee adjourned without -setting a date for the re sumption of the hearing. TAKES A HAND IN HAZING Washington, Feb. 9.-Tbe house committee on naval affairs today ap pointed a suh-eoiamKtee to go to An teapollfl and ineulre into hazing. Thl following ccsnposo the cemax'ttee: VreoJand, chairman; Davidson. Pad gett and Gregg. Atlantic Coast Swept by Bliz- .zard, Shipping !eeks Shel ter, but is In Danger j Norfolk. Va., Feb. 9. A storm of Wear seveHtr m-evalte ewer tka wtmtu const today-. Mans vessels put into jthaspton Moada for inciter. Norfolk harbor Is crowded and shipping Is In great peril. New York. Fee. 9. lialn, snow awl a terlftle pall prevail horo today, and traffic is had!' Impeded. Incoming Voaeels reiort heavy winds, and high sea; vessels In the habor hav de layed sailing. Demand for Qregon Horses. Ia Grande. Or., Feb. 9. The do nMMtd for Orattd Hondo horsos dally .ncrease. A burer arrival hero to day from Alberta, and says he Is bore to buy a carload of Grasde Itoude horses. He wants the heavy ones, but Is not m parltatlar as to age, and will tafce from fryearntMs on up. The NMtMred MUmahi will be tHeposed of toe worMMc prjHm ad the yoHnger stock wilt he pX on the range. Am thr buyer went to Ittgin the fore part of the week to bwy a carload of heavy grades. M4. Wlllard, from Portland, Is also hwe to secure an other carload for mat market 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 f LAST DAY of the ! CO. "SSusSBS" 1 n 1 1 H II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 iT SUCKER STAND PATTER'S Chicago, PwU. 9. The Illinois eeal ojveratort) todny accepted the report of tho Male comtniUfe, and endorsed the conwatttfcoe' action at tho Indian apoMa conference, In refusing to ao cede ta the sniMM' dMand. Panama Trade for New Orleans. New Orieaas. Feb 9. As the reMill of oenrUnt rowpialnta that the mer chants) of NVw York had the advantage la setting goods, the Fasama canal efHumlaslOA has been appointed the Bttfehaaing agent of the Panama Hall read eonspanjr. aad for the next year It wW buy just one half of aM the sup plies needed In New York, the other half in New Orleans. Heretofore all these swpnlies were purchased In New York. At the eod of the year the pur. ihaers will determine which city of fers the better advantages and Is th better to make purchases In. The lo cal merchants will make energetic ef 1 forts to hold the Panama trade. If It can he done. Emergency Rations Wanted. Kansas City. Ma, Feb. 9.-Kansas City paekors have been asked to of fer bids oa M4.0OO pound of emer geaoy rations for the United Stated arms', aecordfog to Information given out here last night. The bids are to be opened in this elty February l&th The rations coasiM of such food as soldiers u&o whllo marching and In the field. It is surmised' that the ra tions are for se In the possible event that serious uprisings may occur In China. Socialists Preparing for Campaign. Davenport, Feb. 9. A mass conven tion of the Socialists of this city will be hold at Claus Groth Hall this oven lag for the purpose of organising a party, adopting a platform and nomi nating candidates for the coming spring campaign. The platform, which has already been prepared by a com mittee and will be submitted at the convention this evening, embodies the principal features of the Socialistic doctrine. It Is intended to put a full ticket in the field. Arrival of Triplets at His Home Drove Frank Dosta to Suicide Haeine. Wis., Fob. 9. Frank Doeta was found In a trunk factor) hero shin morning. He had committed mil ekle I'rominonee over the birth of triplets In hie faintly drove him in sane. v The Great Arlon Dall. New York, Feb. 9. The Arlon ball, one of the greatest social ovonts of the scasonv will be held at Madison Square Garden this evening Thoso balls havo a reputation for their ar tistic merit and mngnldceuco through out tho ctnintry nad It Is exacted that tonlaht's ball will be even more gorgeous and attractive than Its pro deceiwors. It will begin with a prom, enade concert at 9 o'clock-, after which the floor will be opew to dancers. On. ly persons In masquerade costume wMI be altowed on the door. Promptly at 11 o'clock trumpets will announce the beginning of the "Grand Ballet of the Measons." The Metropolitan opera house ballet wiH take possesion of the floor with Miss Illanca Proettch an their leader. Then will come tho Mpanlsh dancers, and then the automobile floats, oaeh to represent a month of the year. Opening Art Exhibition. lfcie. Pa., Feb, 9. The annual art exhibition tuuler the auspices of tho Isrle Art club will open this evening with a private view of tho display In the art gallery of tho public library. The exhibition this year Is confined to water colors and miniatures, but to make tip for the lack of oil paintings ami larger works tho best artists of tho country are repremttietl at tho nx hlldtloH by some of their ohoiecst works. PACIFIC COAST SQUADRON San Diego. CuL. Feb. 9. -A high of ficer on the orulMH Chicago hi author Ho' for the statement that the secre tary of tho navy will soon recom. mend a vice-admiral be appointed to take swproMH command of tho Paeifla MdroH. wKh headrptart era ow the American coast. Under him would be the admitaht of the Pacific coast awl Ckeaa star low. Congress must meo tiou the armammt. He also state) that plans are under wy for a hat tleship squadMMi In the Pacific water. Qenneetleut Lumbermen Meet Hartford. Conn.. Feb. . The an. nual meeting ef the Gonaeetkmi He tail lumber Dealem' AMMoiatkHi opened here today with a large attend ance, representing every section of the state The opening session was held at Putnam Phalanx Hall this I moraing. and after the meeting the delegates adjourned to the Allyn itnuiua Cor luxAsos. There will he soma intorestlHg addresses in thei afternoon sewdeu. ' TO BUILD THE CUP DEFENDER San Diego, Cal.. FeU 9.-A meeting of the offlsoas of the San Diego yacht ehtb deoided) to build a Upton oufi defender for tho races announced! for August 6, 7 and 8. Funds are! available, and K Ia expected the boat will be flnltfced by May 1. o General Wood Relieves Corbln, Hong Kong, Feb. 9. Major General Corbln sailed today for las Francis co on the Pacific Mail steamer Korea. Ho has boon relieved In the command of the military division of the Philip pines by Major Genera Leonard Wood on February 1. and will return homo as fast as ihe steamer can carry him Mrs. Ycrkes First Husband a Tyrant Her Second Rath er Malodorous Wlfrou Mhtner, the man who mar ried Men. C T. Yerkos In New York last week, was a dancehall and gatnb UnsMtxMW oharaclor lh Dawson ami N'omo (Hiring the early gold exoMo mvnt, says a Scultlo dispatch. Ito wna a boon companion of George Allen and Tomutir Dokui, the lmtti accused of the murder of Manager Hamilton, of fche N. A. T. & T. Co., flvo years nga Moreover, ho wns a member of thy drinking part In which Hamilton, AlWn and Dolnn figured bofore tho timnagor wan killed Mlenor drifted Into Dawson with lite earNest gohi excitement. Hto brother became tho manager of tho A)aka CommeroMi Company, but Wilt-on: Mlxner dht not work. He stayed armtnt the iHtrrtHima, ilanoe hahs and RwniiMtHr. roonM. made n trip out over Mie toe and returned the foi kwhg numtner. Old Ahwibnns do not recnit bavin experienced tho senea thm of teeinsr NUeon M laser engagm) la toil, but he atwaew had moutV enoutsh in get nkmg. lh'm In bin Dawwm experience. MitHt-er wna knows as a man possessed of a fkmd(d vole, lie led aM the barroom ehoruse and told admiring friend that Harwale had wanted hln votco traliMl to enter the llostonlnna, "hen Nmno beramo a gtMHl oamp, Mistier wont tlnmt. He wis seen wish a Hotorio-w wtnnmv of the camp named "GnttcfecH" M)tt of the tlmo, nml wan reHanled aa .her favorite. Ho fro (luanted tho dancehall In whioh she wytUjsd and wtis djlnklng with her, AMen. Didan and Hamlgon tho even Ing that Hamilton wns klllwk A par t6 of wtmien was with them. After tho MMtrder the entire party, except Hamehoa, spent the early mornluK hours at a riotous ImnqueL Young Alien nnd Dolan were aoi vieied of Mto imirdtu. but when Alien got a msw trial, Doiahi was itardoned to return Io N'omo awl tesUfy. Chief of I'oNce Cosy tried to connect Mis ner with thu crime, but fnlljd. In fact Misaer was on of Alien's star wttM. Allen Anally got off ami the erimu west unpunished. Baker Clly Herald. 0 1 TULES STAND TEST Washisgsen. Feb. . Metcalf, seo-retary- ef eomsnerce and labor, today received a eotal report from Oatdaln IieaHdnsham, supervising Itwspeoior of the IaciAo coast district on the mer its of Ufa preservers made of tuie. such as were en tho Valencia. The report gives) the results, of experi ments wikh two tula preservers, one with the ends of the titles wired, ad the other without wires They floated under a weight of HI pound far 90 days. DOINGS TODAY IN CONGRESS Washington, Feb. 9. -The senate Is considering (ho urgent deficiency bltL Foraker introduced an amend ment to tho statehood bill In the equ ate today, providing for au election In Arizona and Now Mexico upon tho quotftiou of singio statehood. If tho peoplo rejoob It, according to Forakers amendment there would bo no admis sion. Tho houso considered private pension bills. Waahmgton, Feb, 9. The senaie this ofternooa passed! the urgent de ficiency bill, after kilting Patterson amendment to strike out the pro vision exrtnpilng ahen labor from the operation of the eight-hour law on the Isthmus. ' -J . i