T-B"- -1. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1005, SB Ii...: u iwi.ifcU over eixiy yeais old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have 4 -H II HIIIIIIIIII 1 I STATE Oi used It. unce in me lamuy, 11 siays, the one household remedy for coughs SOCIAL NEWS and Colds and colds. Ask yourowndoctoraboutlt. We hire no " I WtiwHWi j o.AytrOa., the lratalii of ill w atamn . . iwu. m . S? M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. OmOIAL OBNSUS SALEM. MAY, 1004, 13,287. They Are Jelly Good Fellows. Here's to the Portland business men. They are Jolly good fellows. The truth Is n man cannot sowed In business these days without a eerUl amount of good fellowship. The wan who does not respect the principles of food fellowship and mani fest good wilt toward others eannot do Trasinoee. That these gentlemen front Portland will hire lulJmon ears, and pa their own faro through Western Oregon to become acquainted with the people Is a healthy sign of the times. The Hy of Portland eannot live un to herself alone. Her people are Ore gon people. They are alee Washington and Idaho people. Prom the standpoint of cultivating Western Oregon for trade and for the benefit of Portland this excursion was organised. The excursion will do Western Ore gon great good. If It awaken the peo ple from self-eompluoont lethargy. So here's to the Portland business men who are sowing among us. Long may they lire and along with the root of Oregon, Scripture for Young Rockefeller, And there are others who would bo benefitted. Let thorn road from the tenth shunter of the Prophet Isaiah t The haughty king of Assyria soldi "Ily the strength of my hand have I done It, and by my window, for I aw prudent." "I have removed the bound of the loople and robtod their treasure, ily hand hath found no a neet the riches of the people." "As one thnt golbereih eggs that are left have I gathered all the earth." (Mobbing hen's ueete). Then the prophet soyas "Woe unto them that turn 4a4de the needy from judgment, and lake away the right from the poor people." "Thai widow wy bo their prey, nnd they may rob the falborie." The name shunter telle what will bo done unto the Moekefellert, nnd all other speelos of Idolater. Taxation, Reform. The MoMJnuvllte meeting did a good thing la shaking up the question of re form In taxation. The taxation committee of the Wil lamette Valley Development League, will -bring In a bill on the line Indicat ed. The present plan of ruining ono-olxth of the etnte revenues from Indirect tax atien and Hve-eixtu from property U wrong. The last Uglelature reduced I he In come from direct taxation by striking mines out of the bill, and putting noth ing else on the list. The last tore legislature have killed the lUrrw bill, the Dovey bill and the tonnowann bill to tax gross oarnlngs of eerperafciew. The Development League Is ea the right track. It should not go to the legislature for this reform. It should employ the Initiative. Wit the legislature killing off all revenue bilk and heaping up higher burden of direct taxation, the Inltla tlve Is the only refuge. When the Lewis and Clark fair ap propriation Has granted it was under A SAVINGS BANK la a valuable servant of the peo pie. It taken their small earnings and Invests them safely, snaking them earn a reasonable Income, It re lioveo the depositor of the Worry and risk of managing his own funds; in other words It shifts the responsibility from bin own should era to that of the hank. Thxlfty, careful people, who pre for a safe, sure proposition to the many "get rloh quick" schemes should, take advantage of tho fa clllUw afforded by our Savings Bank Department, Interest paid oa deposits of one dollar or more at the rate of 3 per cent, compounded semi-aauually. Savings Department) CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK 3SB25Et stood that a franchise tax bill would be put through. The public Will await the ladings of the committee of the Valley League, and If their bill affords rHiof from high state tsjrot let" It pass. Smiles From the Typewriter Attorney General Crawford must have a heart la him for the children, lie decides no compulsory vaccination. Since winning that game of football over Multnomah, we are going to drop that torn Old Willamette. It's tfow Willamette frow now on. Thnt MeXiauvlUe Timer's Con groan was a Mttle hard on tho Browne rille train. That train does ran some times at a speed of over ton wiles an hour. The Willamette Valley Development Leugue hu developed tho unfortunate dbmesttlon of tackling live wire. It has actually had the nerve through sows of Its orator to Intimate that the Portland live stock market wasn't tho beet In the world. Let thorn be peace In Oregon. Let us hoop still about all tracts and cinches and robberies of the taxpayer and producer. Stand by the "aysisw" that has kept the state back, has kept tho laborer and the former Jumping sideways to ruleo taxes and wake a living. The Junction City Time favors Walter Toon for oongris an In a strong editorial, but claims too wuch for hlw in one way. He did not attend the national KepuWIenu convention, but the national eon vent lou of Kopub Ilea a sink at Denver, where he took strong ground for the gold standard In the face of a strong sentiment for silver nt that time Yea, wo want thousands of omelals In tho reclamation service and In the forest reserve nnd In the department of agrtoulture and In nil the depart ment, and a bet of department, and nil under the civil service system, multiplying nnd extending their func tion, aH beyond tho ranch of public sentiment or political Influence, not subject to removal by anyone, and thou tho people will have nothing to do but pay them salaries and watch tho pyramid of oMcluUem grow until the revolution come thnt will restore simplicity nnd wipe out tho towering mountain of public pamaltlem. The Development League convention at XcMlnn villa adopted resolution asking for tho appointment of a dele gation of seven eitlnena of Oregon to go to Washington to work In behalf of appropriation for Oregon rivers and harbors. It doe not seem to have occurred at the convention that these seven men would have wore Influence if three of then carried credential snowing that they wore elected to rep recent Oregon In the hall of eengres. Nothing wna sold upon this point Oregeaian. Portland ka sent Theodore B. Wil cox. The delegate frow the rural re gion can all act under hi direction. Those WaaklagUu people ought U tab a vacation. Their shippers and saw will and shingle will wen and jobber and stock wen and manufac turers, a trifling elas of people any how, without over asking permission of the Northern Purine or Rockefeller or Harvey Scott, enacted a railroad commission law that Meant something and ths governor up there appointed the wen on the eommlastou that the aforesaid trilling business Interest wanted appointed, and the state grows In a beast!)' rapid style, and has about four cltlec In the same class with Port land, who all seem to back up the rate waking power oi the oommUlcn. and without the consent or advice of the railroads or tho Orogonlan or Rockefel ler, and still the state grows and does boajnecs. The Washington people are unreasonably active and enterprising and owelous in lighting for themselves. They ought to be loos strenuous in standing up fer their own. interests. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your h-alth, beeauso Indigestion and eonstipatlen have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pill. They bulW up your digestive organs, and euro headache, diulaeae, colic, constipation, etc Guar anteed at J. O. Perry's drug store 9o"e. --f4f-M-W-ii ' Silvertou. Prank Wray spent Tuesday IS Port land. Mrs. Daley Smith la 0 the stlk list this week. Brand O. Bolter, of Brooks, vifent Sunday In Silvertou. Mr. Charles Morley, of Silver ton, it very ill at her home. Archie Wolfnrd transected bueinoss in Portlnnd Monday. Mrs. Ed. Smith and daugfeior, Kthcl. wns in Portland Saturday. Cal Scblador attended the football game at Wood burn Saturday. Mart T. Moleai, of Portland, wns In the eity Wednesday on business, Karl Woods, of Howell Prairie, wss In the city Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Lcttle Davenport Is vieltlng hr mother, Mrs. K. K. Milder, tbw week. Several of the young folks of Stsy ton attended the dance Saturday ev ening. Key Gtmmueos, white skating at the rink, Tuesday evening, fell and broke hie arm. v Mlc Myrtle Duunells and Mis Ida ttdison spent Saturday afternoon in Weodburn. , There wns a social Imll given at the opera houee Saturday evening, which wm vtry well attended. There wns a backet social given by the Methodist church Friday evening, which was very well attended. Mus Jennie Hurkhurst and Alia Scblador spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Barkkurst. There will be a masquerade ball giv en at the opera house Wednesday ev ening, November KHh. Mvery lady In vited. Mis Vina Smith, a former Sttverton girl, who I an ew ploys at the Good Samaritan Hospital, at Portland, was In Silvertou Saturday. Ben Creed, who has boon suiTerlag for some time from Injuria received by n horse kicking kirn, is Improving under the care of Dr. P. M. Breaks, The football game played Saturday between the Silverton nnd Weodburn high school team resulted in a victory for the Silvertou boys by a score of 6 to 0. Tom Mitchell, of Salem, and Mis Hyrd Morley, of Stiver ton, were mar rled November 21th, They return! to Salem, whore they will make their Piles Cured Quickly at Home Why Butfer Agony Any Longer When Yeu Oau act a Quick, 8uro Cure for Your File by Simply Semi lug Your Name awl Address, Trial raekage Is Sent Absolutely Tree, In rialu Wrapper, to Bveryene Who Write. To lot a surgeon operate en you for pile I foolhardy. It is oulcld. The moment you cut into those Under muscle yon throw away tea years nj your life In energy, Ufa-blood and vigor, beside rendering a sure our of your pile almost Impossible, The wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure wakos an operation unncooesary. You euro yourself' wltk perfect ease, la your own homo and for little expense. Pyramid Pile Ourc give you instant relief. It Immediately heals all seroj and ulcers, reduce congestion and in flammatiou, and tokos away all pain, itching and irritation. Just a .little et the treatment is usually suBistoat to give a permanent cure. Pyramid Pile Cure ia prepared la the form of suppoeitoriec so they can bo applied directly h the ports with out Inconvenience, or interrupting your work in any way. We are sending a trial treatment free of sbarga, to tvtty one who somla name and addreoa. We do this to prove what we asy about this wonder ful remedy la true. liter you have tried the sample foment, and yon are eatUfied you can got a full regular-sized treatment of Pyramid Pile Core at your drug gist's for coats. If he haon't it send us the moaey and we will send you the troameat at once, by wail, ia plain sealed package. Send your name and addross at anae for a trial of thla marvelous quick, .euro our. Address Pyramid Drug Go 0DT7 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. For Destitute People. Any ono having any cast-off cloth ing for destitute families will kindly leave thein at Mrs. R, A. Crossaa'a, 490 Winter street, for tho Woman's Re Kef Corps, to distribute. - i.i ,o Wednesday Special Umbrella racks, worth 41 00 for GOc, at Bursa & Hamilton's. 2t w t h vy ,u it nr f &o im.m ivi )chlossUros.&Co. llneCletlMa MhM The onUnl alitleT'oT a good ovoroont nrc foun-etyle, fit, qunllly and price. It k not often tl t jo fld the first three combined at the right price, and thnt In why our medium-prieod ovoreoaUi are such t3uftj offering. Their coming from Schloes Bros. & Oo. of Dnltlmer eueuros their qua! Ily, for everything bean -j n, Schloos label is Hand Tnllored, and therefore far superior to the ordinary machine-made garment. Tho Cling mmlitios will Mlonleu you when you see the coat reflected In a mirror-it is the perfect draping to be cs ctod from a high-priced euetom-Ullor and seldom found elsewhere. And when It somes to style-judge for ,UuMlf Whether your taste inclines to the eener-atlve Mox ooat, the warm llelt-Coat or the ultra fashionable Pi ! Jock whatever It Is-weMl show you a cut and pattern pronounced the best of style by the foremost judges of good faehlou in the land. Come In today or this week sure and let us show you soma of the new styles wo Ime jjtt rtW,VW,t OVERCOATS, fflQ TO ff25- 8 ff 10 T0 $25. J G. W. JOHNSON & COMPANY I, ii mi ii mi mil 1 1 ii mill i ii mi ''na"'iiiwamfmMy" ,l"''1'' ritmvnmMyijnHMirira&f5JBsmmiwvmMiirl Ofttarrh Oaruiot bo Cured. wilklDCAL APPLICATIONS, as thsy' cannot roach the scat of the disease, Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional die- . .. . ii i ..ii ir.iii. ruuriL ins sr oi iBBisnr nun rBWHBMiiTH. linn n mwn Ours ii taken internally, and acts di rectly en the bleed and mucous sur faces. Hall' Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the host physician In this coun try for years and is n regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics knewn, combined with the best bleed purifiers, acting directly en the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two Ingredients is what produces tush wonderful results In cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonial free. 1 J. 0I1BNBY k CO., Prepay Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price 78c Take Hull' Family Pills for consti pation. When buying nour always Incict on getting Wild Mosc-toe beet manufac tured. $1.06 a sack. it YOUR THANKSGIVING ATTIRE Should be faultl if you are to meet well-bred people at dinner or re ception, and above all your liaea should bo snowy white and liamaeulato as that which caps tho anew-clad Alps, There is no outward mark of gentility that tells the tale so plainly as irrepreach- , ubla linen, such as we scad heme in perfect condition and with a color aadvfiaish that only the artist can reach. Our methods en woolens are up-to-date. We return them soft, aweet and fuU-elze as seat. Family work, rough dry, S cents per pound. Salem Steam Laundry Colonel J. Olmsted, Prep. Doroua D. Olmsted, Manager. Pheae S6. 80 Liberty St. IF YOU AT EjjnL JL Strong's Restaurant SMITH & SEFFEBT, Props. You will always bo satisfied. Every thing firet-elass. Regular 26a dinner from IS to 6:30. Merchant' SOo lunch from 11 to 2. SHORT ORDBRS SERVED FROM 6 A. M. TO 0 P. M. eamm- Ovccoats Fof Wititet a ricasant "Way to Travol. The above is tho usual verdict of the traveler using tho Missouri Paolfle railway between tho PneWe coast and is and nseemmo'latloHS itiven merit . - - - this statement. Frem Denver, Colora do (Springs and Denver there are two through trains dally to Kansas City nnd St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric-lighted sleeping oars, chair oars and up-te-dntu dining oar. The same excellent servleo is I operated from Kansas City and Ht, Louis to Memphis, Little Keck and Met Springs. If you nro going east or smith, write fer prteular and full In formation. W. a M'imiDB, Oon. Agt., 1S4 Third BU Portland, Ore. A NEW STOCK OF THE BEST SHOES IN THE CITY In Ladles' and Men's Dross Shoos, lew. Men's Heavy Warranted REMEMBER In order to reduce my stock I am selling Women's, Men' and ClwHrss'i shoes at price lower than ever before made in this city. AH the shoos offered at this sale are late, up-to-date style- and sbspn Come in and see these goods, for I save yeu money on tvtry purchsH. JACOB VOGT State Street, NO OTHER BABZNQ POWDER MAKES 8U0H PINE BAKE QOODS AS Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs k Fraser. Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Qerale Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; eahoute made and work guaranteed. 367 State Street, Salem. Phono 161L T 0. 4 rttcza YOUR SUCCESS In making Boston Brown Bread ii if cured if you use. ALLEN'S B. B. B. TLOUR It Is already prepared, requiring ly the addition of molasses anl wUt Directions Inevery package, ASK YOUR OROOBR TOR IT ALLBN'B B. B. B. TLOUR 00. Paoifio Coast I'actory, Ban Jose, Oil Nothing ever better shown la & Working Shoes water proof, Opposite Palton Bros. Store USE IT ONCE AND YOU WDJ NEVTHt USE ANY OTHER-IT O THE ABSOLUTELY PURE KOTO. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS.