8 1 Tlio Kind Yon Hnvo Always Bought, and which lias bcca in uso for over .10 years, lias foorao tho sljpiatnro of - and lias ucenmauonnuer his ir !) y- Honnl supervision sinco Its Infancy. cZcUM nv tin ono tmlorolvo VOU ill tills. aii nniitinrriia. T mlf nf tmi4 nud "iTnut-ns-cood" ar hub Experiments that trifla with wid endanger tlio lica i of lnfauta nud Children Experience against Expert ent. What is CASTORIA Cantori. is n, harmless enhstltuto for Castor OH, Pnro Rorlc, Drops mid Soething: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic auhslaiicc. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms mid allays Fevcrlslnicss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colir. It relieves Teething Trouhlcs, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stoma.!! and Bowels, gh lug healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea- l'ho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of -LaStyYMcA The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' th ciiumjh couwiwr, tt mmi rtrr. r to cttt. Patronise Your Home In dustries and- keep yowr mon ey, at home. Not a now business, but tbo olJ block ami tli, wagon ami paint shop of Jacob & Arthur vory much enlarged. Wo aro prepared to ilo all kinds of fancy paint ing, sign painting nnd buggy, enrriago and wngpn painting; repainting. nnd re pairing furnituro nnd musical instru ments. A flrst-clnss painter employed. Light ami heavy wngoni nnd buggies on hnnd nnd mado to order. Work jailed for In any part of tho city and returned free of ehargo by 0. W.Johns or William Cross. JACOn & ARTHUIt. Phono 1483 Mtln. 2280 N. Front St. 0-22-tf 9i &mm BOSTON B BROWN B BREAD B FLOUR for PANCAKES, MUFFINS, PLUM PUDDING and BOSTON BBOWN BREAD Ask your Grocer for It. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO. Paciflo Coart Factory, San Jose, Cal, A dark oarpet should have tho dust wljicd olT orMislnnully with n wet floth nr sponge, A few drops of am inonlu In tho water will brighten the' colors. Tho. oflglo Is t'nele Sam's mascot. Ho soars higher titan other bird. Ills cyo is keen nnd his mind alert. If you hnvo an eagle eyo for value, swoop down on us for (Iroeerles. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Ilarrltt tt Lawrence PRINTING! THAT IS RIGHT THAT IS TUB KIND WK 1)01 No job too small, nor too largo, for us to lmndio. LOT US FIUURK ON YOU It NKXT OUDKIt. You will U ploueod with both work nnd prlco ELLIOTT THE JOB PRINTER Phone: Main 1243 217 South Commercial St ACROSS THE CONTINENT , ..MlMWWW'"'17"'7"l'''' OUAfc3fcALb-l iitiwwwmitiwwwwitiMtwM""""1 In tho nnnnal report rmblihed on Saturday ovor tho signatute of the president of the Denver & Kio Urani Railroad company some Interesting in formation Is irlven out concerning the plant of tho Western Pacific, the line that Is to bo built from Salt Lake CUJ" to San Franoioco and that will connect tho Wnbnsh swtem with the Pacific Const. Tho report explains that con trol of tho Southern Pacific by the Pa ion Pacific places obstacles In tbe way of tho Gould system in securing traffic from tho Coast extension of tbe South ern Pnelfie road. Tlio rapid develop mont of tho commercial ajrrleullaral and industrial interests on the Pacific const nnd'the increase of commerce with tho Philippines Ohlna and Japs" 1' to (ho Investigation of tho feasibility of nn independent lino. The surveys hnvo boon completed on this San Francisco extension. An ex ceptionally favorable gradient has been secured through tho Sierra Nevada range of mountains, tho b1"' being only Ct.8 feet to tho mllo on each side of tho range. Concerning the general advantages of the routo It is affirmed thnt it is "superior to any existing lino to tho California coat." It is "confidently anticipated" that the link from Salt Lake to San Francisco will bo completed within the next three years. The completion of this Western link will afford tho Gould system the short est and easiest outlet from the conl nnd iron district of Colorado to the Paci fic, just ns tho scheme on tho Bast, to link up with tho Western Maryland, will afford the shortest and easiest out let to the Atlantic from the vnstiron nnd steel fnetorios of the Pljtsburg district. In nddition, the completion of lHith the Knstcrn nnd Western links will constitute the Gould route the nMwt dlreet line from ocean to ocean ami the only route that is entirely un der one control nib the way from the Atlantic to the Pacifie Coast. Without a change of oars It will be possible, when the two llnka havo been complet ed, to travol entirely ncrow the eontl nont from Rnltinioro to San Franelseo. Tho quickest passenger service to tho Pacific Const, evon for travelers from Ronton. Now York, or Philadelphia, will most likely be by the way of Baltimore when the two oeoan links of the Gould transcontinental system slwll have been completed. Whilo the Western lliik is free from complications ns to right' of way, the construction work to bo accomplished Is much grontor than pertains to. the Kastorn link. Three years is the time allowed for completing tho Pacific connections, and recently George Gould, whilo not explaining details, said thnt the connection from Pittsburg with the Western Maryland would bo fin ished within eighteen months. There is, therefore, a fair ntmirnnuo that within three years tbe transcontinen tal railway system frmn Baltimore to flan Francisco will be hi complete opor ntion. Baltimore American. MISCELLANEOUS. ror 8ale.-8cvon-room reMtnee, barn, largo half block, eiecino i.k .- hot and cold city water. B. Hofer, Journal ofiico, For Bale-Small dry flr wood, at $3.25 .... ...A T.nn TMni 2001. X. U. nnr curu mumw -. Davidson, Jr., Morningsida 1-20-tf ror Sale, An nrrlght Wcbcr piano, in oxcellent condition. Original cost 650. Will sell for $200. Inquire of Henry W. Meyers, caro of Meyers & Sons. 84'tf For Sale Ilouse, barn and acre of land, closo to city and senooi nousc. Very choico fruit trees. One of the best bargains on our list. Call at A. B. Bell land ogency, 341 State street. "" . For Salo. 1 lots nnd house, with modern Improvements. For Junner particulars Inquire at 740 North Commercial strcot. 0-10-tf vnr Halo. A eood steam wood saw : nl bo good bargains in now and second hand vehicles. Inqulro at tuv North Front street. 0-21-lm FolTsalo. Fino small she violin, just tho thing for tho beginner. See J. L. Coates, tho violin maker, room 7, rnliW liTnMf. 0-20-tf Shirt Waists and Bummer downs Made la tho boat Jityle and workman ship. Terms reasonable Address or call on Mrs, H. Mllner, 20th and Center streets. 5-20-tf MMItlsin MUBIO ftrw Salem Iron Works Founders; machln' ists aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery; Hop and fruit drying- stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Balcm Iron Works Hop Press. 11-20-1 m Davoy & Bavago. Real Fstato, Loans and Insuranco, Convoyanclng nnd Exalnlng Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for salo, 492 Stato street, near High. 3 8-tf Hotel 8cott Newlr furnished, evory thins clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block. Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-0-tf. OASTOltlA. Bursa Blgutsn of M FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. 18rt,Ciitrt R st fKrFirrftiMioViMrtrifioa, KtYtl KNOWN TO MU. F' l SiJjl8iu: Lmu - -r i be UNITIPMC ICLCO..IoT4.UMUmT(. f. ' Sold In Salem by S. O. Stone, i masjuxtssaausa t FARM for SALE 293 acres in Waldo Hills. Well fenced, new eight room Louse, hig barn, several out buildings, fine orchard about twenty acres in grub oak timber, balance all cleared. Two fine springs near bouse, i 1-4 miles from Stay ton, 2 1-4 miles from Sublimity. Good German community. Price $40 an acre. Time given if purchaser desires. r J. P. ROGERS SALEM . OREGON For Sale At a bargain, a lot of Wols bach BelMlghting gas fixtures, good as new for half price Call at Jour nal ofllce. For Salo. Cheat seed. Inqulro of J. 0. Ucardsley, one mllo west of Knlser school house, on rlvor road. 10-3.1wkf For Sale. A John Deere double disc plow. Inquire of F. E. Shafer, tho harnoM dealer, 120 Commercial strcot, or Shafer Bros., Turner. Or. 100-tf Hello. Here I nm again with a full line of crockery to bo sold at three gallons for 25 cents. Also tonts, camp stoves nnd all kinds of new nnd second-hand household goods. Give mo a call, corner of 8lato nnd Liberty street, Salem. Conrad Dill man. 8'3-lm. Tho Tlllson Co. Dealers In chopped flour dried adjoining 6-1-yr, feed, seod bran, hay, fruit, etc. High streot, opera house. Bar nave you trlod H. EL. Pauls- for moatsf Ho has tho best sausage- in town. Come and try It, and be con vinced. 410 East Stato strot Music Rti,iTXrv. Musical Gtudfn ..VI Western n8n ' . represent! Ia,tt'1 Salem, Oreeon. r. it. om3. StudlokonnlJI to C. vl PHV8'C'AN ArSg Pr. E. o. Dalton-iS gcon, iiooms i.ij t fcntMU.. t,l. .' b , rnon V& done. WlJamrti, Efl Mnln !07 w aivt Dr. W. LMy '"" "1U uacr lout; ophy. Office H,. Commorc!a' street. BJ mono Jfaln 919 : "- '"it luett, kl oi4. Treats acnu ..i. cases. Examination t Dr. B. H. Whltarn nil). r . . ..Tl iu, Mu.f nnaer Uti teopathy. Office B:e J Commercial street. 21 87. Night callt, um acuto and ehronle i nation free. PLUMBER Theo. M. Birr-anurJ Petxel, tinner and thJ water nnd itcam ItitJ a.i. 71 EHiiciu, urcgoo. II FOR RENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms, also good.slr.ed barn. Inquire of M. A. Dice, 700 Commercial street, thrco blocks below Marlon square. 7-15-tf For Rent. A new five-room cottage, with bath room, full basement, good location nnd wallcs. Inquiro at 2179 North Front street. 0-21-lm For Rent Six-room cottage, partly furnished, large storo room, gas stovo, two blocks north of stato house. F. W. Powers, 300 Summer street. 10-3-lwk For Ront. Soven-room house, with modern conveniences, ono block from business center. 317 Front street. Wanted. Good shipping apples, pears and all farm and dairy produco want ed. Capital Commission Co. Phono Main 2231, opposite Willamette Hotel, Salem) Oregon. Cottago for Rent. Near business part of city, call on Mel. Hamilton, or phono Main 117. 10-5-tf WANTED. Wanted. 1000 head of sheep, small bunches preferred; state number, condition and price. A. I. Eoff, cor ner 18th and Ferry streets, Salem. 0-13-lm Wanted. By Chicago manufacturing houso, person of trustworthiness and somewhat familiar with local terri tory, as assistant la branch ofiico. Salary $18, paid weekly. Permanent position. No lnvostmont required. Provious experience not essential to engaging. Address Manager Branch es, Como Block, Chicago. 10-3-14t WANTED rEMAUl HELP. WANTED. Housekeeper for country. References exchanged. Address "Z," enre of Jourcal. 8-9-ft-tf Wanted. Girl to do general housework in email family. Call on Mrs, J. Q, Wilson, or phone Main 706. 10-6-tf BAKERIES. Oap.tal Bakery Ullom & Kutherford, proprietors, 430 Court street. Fresh bread, pies and cakes daily. Macea roons, lady fingers, angel and devil'i food cake, candies, nuts, etc Deliv rles made to any part of tho city Phone White 321. 6-1-tf JUST ARRIVED. Zingarra, New York's famous palm ist and clairvoyant. Reads your life from eradlo to grave. Do not fall to visit her, in store 175 Commercial street. d A3T-T a Sn.iU ,llF!YMlUn Atari Bar tt Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning- Works When your best girl says she' mill Via ltor tn van. dvn her Tour clothes to press. Then you will bring: them to your stepmother, and pet thorn fixed rit?ht. no matter what thoy need. Salts pressed by tho month. Gloves, neckties, silk gloves or any fabrle, no mattor how deli cate, made to look like new. Mrs. C. H. Walker, prop., 105 Commercial SW To Trade For a dairy cow, ono rod nolled bull. 2 vcars old. W. O. Dun' 1 " i can, Turner, Oregon. 0-21-tf ARCHITECT, Bemardi& DantforaTpbl uuu 11. until, AUlajfJ "B nuppies. AC MM Phono 118 Mllo. 1 f ASn ANDDOOBJiji Fnu k M. Brovra-Kj&l sash, doors, mwldlrn J houso finish and bij Front street bttwtaM A. M. Hanson MjBii3 kinds sash, dotrs, taM work, house fiauh ult Estimntcs farnlibei Cl Church street. Flouts LODQEl'l W. D. Pngh Architect and superin tendent, plans furnished for all class' es of building and structural work' Ofllce 110 Stato street, Tioga block) Salem, Oregon. DRAYMEN. Whlto 8c Cummins Do a general dray nnd transfer business, meet all trnlns. 'Phone, down town, Main 17G. Stand 156 Commercial streot. 8-12-lm HOP BUYERS' DIRECTORY. Wra, Brown & Co. Hops, .Mohair, Wool, nop Growers' Supplies. No. ISO Commercial street, Salem, Of. Phono Main 115. 10-6-3m Saulro Farrar. Hop morchnnt nnd purchasing ngent. No. 1C8 Commer cial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono Main 140. 10-5-3m VETERINARY STROEON. Dr. O. J. Korinek Voterlnary Surgeon nnd Dentist. City and country calls promptly answered. Ofiico at Low's Capital Stables. Phono 150 Main, Salem, Oregon. 10-6-tf Balcm Camp. No! lilTij World Meets la Ht&fl Friday at 7:30 p. a.bM consul; P.. L. Fmiej Foresters of Amerki-&fl Foresters No. 19. lufl Turner block. IrtqJ A. L. Brown, See. U. J. LEHMAN Bash and doors. All kinds of bouse finishing. 'Phone 131 black. Also two floors of warehouse for rent; elevator and switching facilities. CAPITAL NORMAL. The fall torm opens on September 25, but afternoon classes will begin on September 11. Tbo course will bo Aca demic, Normal, Business and Civil Ser vice. Address J. J. KRAP8,! Salem,- Or. mA irtrvzzi- Edlson Phonograph Agency. Gasoline Lamps, Mantels, Gasollaa Typewriters, Netr, Second.lland. Rent. 214 Com 'I St. Phone Main 401i BRICK Brick furnished in largo or small quantities. Pressed briek mado to or der. Yard on State street, south of penitentiary; SAUSM BRICK YARD. A. Ai'BUBTONj'Prbp.- Central Lodge No. Ill I Hall In Holmaa tkljiM and Liberty street! wl week at 7:30 p. n. 1? a.: W. I. Staler. Krfl Modem Woodmea of I gon Cclnr Csnp, Kil every Thursday vubm nolman HalL E. E.1 A. L. Brown, Clerk i WATER C0WI SALEM WATERl orrioE orrri For water ierr! i Bills rayallo vmim Make all eoropIslsH ill III11UUI EXCURSION i During the L expositloa ths&C make the foLesi: to Portland, cm ! round trip, llOU t 7 a. m. H ten days. Buitvn Pr r PUAIJr .-- nock root ef M WALL PAf Wo are elw'rt compicio j nt vta wH "1 Como an! et E. L. Leu 9QQll)e Phone 23 MMMI I Gold D .. .. u- THE ER COMPANY, B0IU fTrftr your si"-" yj fJY shorts uww P. B. A ercAteJ oat" Ohriatisa tkleaUitsj