-.--- "'m!!iw OAILT CAPITAL JOUBNALEM. OHTOON, BAT" 3EPTEMBEE 23, 1005. i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by hopee bros, official census balerE MAY, 1001, 13,287. Ayers i:.mttuik.'mLanflitrraLaCII3C M i -ri-rrng air Vicror. hair turning I gray? Why not have all the j early, rich color restored? j Ayer's Hair Vigor will do this every time. Not a single failure. I Stops falling hair also. jSrfg'Jffi.: g BRAINS VERSUS MUSCLE. Tho approaching football season promise to be tho most interesting am) spectacular in the history of tbM sport in tho Northwest. All of tho leading colleges are turning out stron ger foams thnn ever before, and mueh interest is being taken in our own university team, whleh if developing under Cbaiintr Bishop's skillful eoaeh ing into one of the most formidable aggregations Willamette has ever produced To tho casual observer, football doubtless presents merely the spec tacle of vigorous physical oxcrcisc. But a deeper insight will discover tho steady development of those other qualities which mako tho complete man quick determination, instant obe dience, self-reliance, physical bravery. It calls out not merely tho qualities which mnko the sold lor, courage, on durnnce, self-control, but equally that mental acumen which makes tho suc cessful man in any of tho affairs of life perception, discrimination, nnd judgment. Despito tho common belief that football is n rough and tumble game, tho great lesson of tho gridiron may bo put into a single line: IT TEACHES THAT BRAINS WILL ALWAYS WIN OVER MUSCLE. But tho great merit of this game In Its prnctleafly unlimited Held of tactical levolopment. Tho fascinating study of now movements and combinations is never exhausted. The cause of its at traetlvene has its parallel In war. No page of history are more thrilling than those which deeerlbe battles in which some Napoleon by scientific maneuvering and skillful strategy out wlta an opponent of equal or supe rior strength. Those who are disposed to mako n seloaUfle study of the game will And that the popularity is not without n reasonable warrant. "Are you not young Spoonallt" 'No, sir; my name's Simpson. I'vo como to bring back a suit of clothos wo ironed for you this morning." "Oh, I sec. Put tho bundl'o on that chair. Good aftornoon." The magnate looked nt his watch and turned to bis desk. Presently tho door opened again. "Well, what is it nowt" he asked. "Do jou want the pay for ironing these clothes t" "N-no, sir?" said an embarrassed voice behind him. "I'm Mr. Spoonall. I enme here according to appoint '" "live minutes late, young mnn. Good afternoon." Chicago Tribune. SUNDAY SERVICES St. Joseph's Catholic. First mass at 7 a. m. Sunday school at 0 a. m. High mass at 10 a. m. ves pers at 7:30 p. in. Captured Two Prizes. Among the prue winners at the big stork -h,K, Mr. John Painter, of this rl,v raptured the second priie for . ... a . .... anil tin. , I- iaHl stamens, a m" "- ler, with "Preacher," and the with " Governor. " third THE VALUE OF CHARCAOL. row Pcoplo Know How Useful It is In Preserving Health and Beauty. THE ALLIOATOR'S JAWS. Thoy Will Opon if You Stick Your ringors In His Eyes. "If over you have the luck to be caught by an alligator mt a finger 'in ouch eye," iwtjs an old Australian lmntHr. "That will have the effect of making him ojien his Jaws, and then you can make the most af your opportu nity. There are several known In. RtaneM of the enenpe of native by that means. AUigMtor prefer their food high, to the ehttMees are if you are caught yon will be tiepoeitetl oh the bottom somewhere. I heard of ono Mtive escaping eren then. When crooning the riven the native carry stout .ticks, ao if encountered by aa alligators they eaa ward hint off by shoving the stick down his throat. "That alligators have eaortaoas strength 1 have evidence heetde wy own oxpHrlenee. At Port Kestngtoa a buffalo wm drinking la a stream when an alligator nailed It by the head ami drowned it. Soon afterward a horse was caught while drinking at the same spot. It dragged the alligator about fortx jards before the brute let go. Mr. Jtablneoa anaaarad the body of a horwe a little distance out from a cliff etoee to his eawp. la due time he had his chaaae and shot a 15-foot al ligator." Unfortuuato for Spoonall. "Want to marry wy daughter, do you!" said the financial mgante, wheeling around in his tkalr. "Whwbo said soN' gasped the young wan Dyspepsia Don't think you can cure your dyspepsia In any other way than by strengthening and toning your stomach. a That Is weak ami Incapable of performing its functions, probably beoauso you tiave Impotvd upon It luoue way or another oyer and over again. You should take Hood's Sarsaparilla It strengthens and tones (he stomach, and permanently cur it)'ippila and all stomach troubles. Accept uo substitute. Nearly ovorybody knows that char coal is tho safest and most cffloiont disinfectant and puriflor In nature, but few ronllze its value when taken into the humnn system for the snmo cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that tho moro you toko of it tho better; it is not a drug at nil, but simply absorbs tho gases and impurities always prosont in tho stomach nnd Intestines and car ries them out of tho system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or aftor eating onions or odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually cloars nnd im proves the complexion, it whitens tho teeth and further acts as a natural am) eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases whleh collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in ono form or another, but probably tho best charcoal and the most for tho money Is Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges; they are ooniposed of tho finest pow dered willaw charcoal, and othor harm less antiseptics In tablet form or rather In the form of large, pleasant tasting lxengei the charcoal boing mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozonges will tell in a much improved condition, of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the lieauty of It is. that uo posslblo harm ean result from their continued use. but on the contrary, groat benefit. A Buffalo physician speaking of.the benefit! of charcoal, says: "I n,dvie Stuart 'h Chareonl Loaeugea to all patents suffering from gas In tho stomach and bowels, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe tho Hver Is greatly lienaflleo by tho daily use of thorn; thoy cost but twaaay flve cents a box at drug store, and although In some sense a patent prep aration, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets." ManHHHIUMBHBnHBHEBRrjaDBBPUl B X-RAYS g HBBHBBBBranEBniHaBBBBBaBBa The trouble with that spwer is that it wa't hold all the specifications, Portlnmi 4ay at the fair. If you can't go, bay a ticket, the eoin is the groat goal. Qoodo's adore at welcome to him elf on Portland day ought to be a lu lu with a eaoealat top varnish. Tie city eoaaelt wrootted with a ewer ordinance taet ulgfct. Tho sewer was 710 foot loaf, and the spacine tioao hang over each end of it at least SO foot A wan swanoted to bo eraay went to Sagaatoro Hill yeoteraay to got tho MS, 000 given by the Now York Life to the eampaiga fund. That he thought it would ever show up is evidence of hope leas laMalty, and ho aloo wanted to be secretary of agriculture, it might im prove the oAlce some to mako the change. Christ Evangelical Lutheran, Bast State street, 14th Sunday after Trinity. Rev. Adolph Ebcrlo, pastor. Sundny school at 0:30 a. m. Altar ser vice at 10:30 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. All welcome. Evangelical Association. Chomeketa street (English) church. Corner 17th and Chemeketa streets. Tho pastor, Rev. G. W. Plumcr, will preach at 11 a. m. and S p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Junior Alliance at 2:30 p. m. Young Peoplo's Alliance nt 7 p. m. Unitarian Church. Frank A. Powell, pastor. Sundny school at 10 a. m. and Starr King Fra ternity nt 0:30 p. m. Mr. Powell will spoak at 11 a. m. on "The Adaptation of Religion to Humnn Nature" and nt 7:30 p. m. on "An Evangelistic Atti tude." All welcome. St. Paul's. Chomeketa and Church streets. Rev. Barr G. Lee, rector. Holy c6mmunion nt 7:30 a. ui. Sundny school at 0:45 a. m. Morning prayer, with sermon, nt 11 a, m. Evening prayer, with sermon, at 7:30 p. m. Come. "The rich and tho poor meet together; the Lord is tho maker of them all." First Mothodlst Episcopal. Tho regular services as usual. In am n. vlaltnr nt Hia annual rnnfsriMiflfi at Albany cannot bo secured, tho pas tor will return for tho preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tbero will bo special .music rondorcd. Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. Strangers cor dially welcomed. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services: Lesson sermon nnd clill- Iron's classes at 11 a. ni. Subject of lesson sermen: "Unreality." Rend ing room open daily except Sunday. Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30 p. in. Christian Selonce Hall, corner of Court aud Liberty streets. Christian Science. Seeond Church of Christ, Scientist, 1-10 Chemeketa street. Services: Bun day at 10:M a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sub ject of leosou sermen: "Unreality." Sunday school at 11:48 a. m. Wednes day evening testimonial meeting at 7:0 o'clock. Reading room in the church opon each afternoon except SunJa. All are cordially Invited. St, Joseph's Church. The Catholic congregation will bo waited on for the first time by the new pastor, Father A. Moore, of St. Mary's home formerly He conies to assist Rev. Fuber who will demote bis whole time to the state institutions. You will need to prepare your sys tem for the coming cold weather, get vour organs to work like clock work, ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month will do the business. 35 cents, tea or tablets Dr. Stone's Drug Store. PRINTING! THAT IS RIGHT THAT IS THE KIND WE DO! No job too small, uor too large, for us to handle. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT ORDER. You will bo pleased with both work and price ELLIOTT TMEJOB PRINTER Phone: Main 1243 21" South Commercial St nii"urj"jryJ"-"w' lTBKg How to Live and Jolly All the Day EAT HOT OAKEB, BREAKFAST MUFFINS, BOSTON BROWN BREAD OR PLUM PUDDING mado fresh from ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR. It la tho most healthy nnd tastoful food you can procure Try It and you will want no moro of tho ready made-, bakc-ohop or canned-goods kind. Tho floor Is prepared all ready for tho liquldo. Tho ECONOMY In buying; tho BIMPIiIO. ITY In making and tho AflSUEANOE of having a puro and wholesome- food are points worthy of consideration. Packages for 7 10-Pound Sack loaves 20c G5o Ask Your Grocor for It ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San Joso, Cal. WALL PAPER We are exclusive dealers in Wall Paper, and carry the finest and most complete line in the city. We can please you with goods and prices. Como and see us. E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 NEW and SECOND HAND GOODS BOUGHT and SOLD , Highest price paid for second-hand goods of every description. I have a good stock of Tinware, Granitewnro, DIshos, Crockery, etc., that I can savo you monoy on, O. L. McPEEK, Phono 1233 Main. 170 Commercial St ADVERTISE (SfS ('"Issfei&Hiffl! Hown SAVINGS ACCOUNT Will Grow In our Savings Bank Department. Intoraet oomputed per cent, oouipoumlotl seuu-annunlly. nt S Amount St4 niiu ir ir. . , , ,. 10 enu rr dr JioeuHporiHr ... fOoouU irur ..... Ameaat I JMH I M 1MS&' IMIMX 5 ntoaut T I30D11 t&n Jt0al sew 1 1 ugiai uaouaT site it Deposits of One Dollar or more can be male at any time, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank In n recont number of McCluro'i MagrtElno is h story in which the facts relating to the protlts of a baking PQwtlor were brought out through lltl. gatton In tho courts. It was shown that tho company manufacturing tho nowdor was capitalized at $100,000. Tho profits amounted to $17,tH7 in lS7tl, and thoy continued to grow until thy roached the ewonnoua aggregate in 1RS7 of 1726,102, the Income that year being four times the atuuunt off tho capital Invested. The profits alnco I 1SS7 bmo stoudlly lncrouked, but tho feature of (Htrticular lntorest in thU connection U that tho company 6pent $17,000 for odvorttslng lu 1S70 nud $261,061 in 1SS7. Tho bnklUR pointer mar or tnnr not iutit been uprrlo to others pat an the market, but the bulne nam mado to uiy the lnuucuc rrtura noted throuitlt liberal and Judicious advertUliiK. Auuther (eaturv lu tbts waiter la that the company- baa nd. YertUed aluoat exclualrelr In the aewapapara. The men behlad that baking powder realized tho value of tho newspaper press In reaching tho public, and to it thoy owe the marvelous results NewepaperUozn. It r want to Increase runr prof, its, aavtrtUo la this paper. No bet. ter xutdluut to raacb the barer at thLa enmmuuttr. OUB MEATS ABE k ALWAYS TIIE BEST. For we take especial eare to buy none but the best, and our ouitemers can always depend upon getting the beet in tho market at right prices when thoy buy at our market. E. O. OBOSS, State Street Markot. SCHOOL DAYS Aro now at hand, and good itni nblo footwear is as necessary for ja cimuren as boom and toachem I will find our footwear especially ity cd for growing feet; footwear that I durable, noat and comf ortabls, lot fa prlco and high in quality. JACOB VOGT DON'T PAIL TO INCLUDE. EPPLEY'S PERFECTION mssBmaasBmmmmmmummmm BAKING POWDER I IN YOUE HOP PICKING OUTFIT Sold by all Grocers A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs & Frasor. I Plumbing, Tinning andi Roofing Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all kin Is; estlmitui made and work guaranteed. 307 Statb Street, Salem. Phono 1511. I ieieisBieEsiieBB9iiH0iBsiBi9iMHaaiiiaii M e H e Phone 291 5 H n e o Bi H e M e u H H t g 0 H 0 M 'a H at at H e H OUR NEW FALL GOODS HAVE ARRIVED New Rain Coats, New Dress Goods, New Jackets, New Umbrellas. Store fall of New Stylish Goods. New Miliinery.-.Tfae Newest of Styles. New Silk Neck Ribbons 3 t-2 to 5 inches wltfe only J0c a yard. Pretty Turnover Collars, regular 25c, now i 5c Big store fall of New Goods. Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing. Salem Box Factory Q. P. MASON, Prop. I am in South Salem, where you will find mo for all kinds of fruit trayi orchard boxes and hop baakets. Miller street, Salem. Phone Main SOS. R0STEIN & GREENBAUM DBY OO0DS, CLOTHINa AND MTXLINEBY. 298 and 300 Commercial St. Salem Bt)K0B8BgBQg8neaeHBeaaM,B,MBaMMMag8gflBaii College of Music-Willamette University Opens Sept. 26 I. Jn,''.1' c""",5lh. M, D.s, plan, F.ri.ri.1 W. OooMA Lomlo,,, pUno J pip, otsM Wn Wl Qahat, Bll, tli X.TCIrn TTn.lo x . '. .'. . NW 7 ' TOlC0' Eva CoX B' Balem Plng vwtU3, nowiy rnrniahed itudloa, now faculty. V!f' '