immmMm ----.-- --" i niin "AWHjyJIJl)fpMV HI V1 W ' , ' ' PARTLY OLOtTOYj'WITH POBSIBLB SHOWERS TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY. ' IiABT EDITION, 3;3Q DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOI XV. SALEM, OREQONJ TUESDAY, AUOU8T 20, 1905. No. 20S. h PEACE TERMS AGREED UPON r CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY WITHDRAWN Japan Will Keep Saghalein Island Unless Russia Purchases Half of it Details of Terms Will not Be Available Until the Treaty Is Drawn up and Signed Portsmouth, N. II., Aug. 29. Tho en voy roachod tho navy yard this morn ing at 0:30 o'clock, and retlrod; to their rospectivo apartmonts, but aoon as sembled in tho conforonco rooms, passed formal greetings and began tho busl ness boforo them. Thero is bright sun shine, but tho day is -cool and crisp. Tho onvoya rodo over in automobiles, tho secretaries going in eloctria launches. Thoy considered tho first protocol of last Saturday's mooting. When tho French and English toxts was coxnploted tho envoys signed thorn. Tho Japanese present! tholr new do man da as modified, according to tho rocomnrondations of Komura and Taho hiraj with tho consent of the Mikado. Portsmouth, Aug. 29. Tho onvoys announco thoy havo roachod a complete accord on all points, and a trenty will . bo drafted. ' Portsmouth, Aug. 29. Japan and Russia havo agreed to sign a treaty of peaco os soon as tho details can be com- plotod. An armlstlco will bo arranged immediately. Tho envoys at tho meet ing this morning arrlvod nt a complete ..oirl nn Jill ttin OUOStloUS in disPUtO. Thin atnrtllnir result was foreshadowed in theso dispatches this morning, but It J had not boon flxpectod that tho ogroo jnont could bo reached upon all tho dis puted points- before tho noon lunch hour. Japan absolutoly waivod her demand for cash indomnity. This do cislon was arrived at by tho Japanese .cabinet, and tho older statesmen, at tholr extraordinary session Monday, Thero was novor tho least doubt but that when tho Jnpaneso envoya pre sented tholr concessions in their com plete form a unanimous agreement to draw" a treaty of peaco would bo reached. Tho only doubt this morning was whethor tho Japanese government, in view of tho alleged craftiness of the Russians, would deem it advisablo to expose their full hand; Portsmouth. Autf. 29. Witto anT nounced upon his arrival at his hotel that peace had beon agreed upon. Ho Bald that under tho agreement iwisaia would not havo to pay a kopeck indom- nity, and Baghalln was to bo divided, j Hop Pickets Supplies We offer you tlie best values to the city In GLOVES, HATS, SHIRTS, OVERALLS, JUMPERS, SHOES ag CLOTHING. Big line of oatt and ends to Men's Fur Hats at $ .O0. Worth from $.35 to $1.95. f LADIES' TAN SHOES Our $2.95 Une now .uu. inews v, j Salem to reliable footwear. See thu$ o front tafcfe tesfcoerfepartswat. S Gczjve&' v &grj8ane, &tft Portsmouth, Aug. 20. Korostovltx tolophonod to tho Scripp'a representa tives at 12:30 tho following stAtement: "Tho sossion this morning in confer ence arrived at n complete accord on nil questions. It has been decided to procood to an elaboration of tho treaty of peace. Tho conference adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon. Washington, D. O., Augf CO. Secre tary Wilson, when informod of tho news of peaco from Portsmouth, said: "Tho peaco confcixneo and tho result oro duo to tho President, and his gonlua for groat things at tho right time." Sec retary Bonapart said: "If tho infor mation from Portsmouth is accurate, tho negotiations will bo source of happiness to the whole civilized world, and can hardly fall to earn for our own government gonoral approbation land gratitude." Portsmouth, Aug. 29. Cables havo coa sont to g p0tcrsburg and Toklo announcing tho poaco agreement, and urging tho declaration of an armlstlco at onco. Tho Japanoso correspondents nt tho hotel nro almost in tears, xnoy doclaro It is with dishonor, and say their country will bo wild tonight with indignation. Responding to congratU' intlons upon tho conclusion of peaco with such good terms, Pokotiloff, tho Russian minister to China, who is horo, said: "It was a otroko of genius, and only ono man in tho world could havo dono it, Wltto." It is announced that Russia will pay a reasonable eum for tho maintenance of eighty thousand prisoners, tho amount to bo decided later, but it is expectod it will bo about $75,000,000. Portsmouth, Aug. 29. It requlrod just three hours of tho envoys' timo this morning to reach art unanimous agroomont. Tho now terms offered by Komura wero of such a sweeping char acter as wero considered by tho Rus sians as such radical concessions to tholr views, that it lef them no basis upon which to further prolong their ob- jectioas. ... Portsmouth Aug. 20 Tho discussion &t followed Russia's acceptance-took Ja4aZ&& up the question of Saghnlin; tho lit intlnn of thn Tlimnlnn. naval sLrcnirlh in tho Far Bast, awl tho Interned shln, ' and nn ngreoment spqodily followed cm leach one. It is bellovcd Japan win drow tho two latter features from her original demands. Tho exact status of Saguolln is not learned, but it is pre? sumed that tho Jnpaneso will bo al lowed to retain possession of-nt least half, If not tho wholo of it. This qucs tlon and that In relation to tho Chinese Eastern Railway will undoubtedly be taken up and considered during tho elaboration of tho treaty which is an nounced will begin Immediately. . Portsmouth, Aug. 29. It i learned positively that Japan did not put tho final cessions at today's conference un til Russia again flatly refused to furth er discuss tho indomnty. Komura made tho proposal to rcduco tho prlco oskej for half of Saghnlin. "Wo '11 pay no Indemnity, Baron, Komura," replied Wltto, "this is final; this Is Russia's Inst word. Havo you anything' else 'tq nronosot" Mofo ltboral terms than wero oxp"tod were then offered, gi Portsmouth, Aig. 29. Wltto, aftotf his roturn froirt tho conference, aaldi "I havo kept my" word, which I havo maintnlned all through tho dclibora-, tions of tho peaco conforouco. I told tho Jnpaneso that I would not rocedo ono inch, and I haven't dono so. I re-i fused tho clause relating to tho intornod ships; I rofused tho clause in relation to nnval limitatiens: refused to make money payments, and refused to grand torritory, and only gave half of Baghr alln at tho command of tho omporor." LOSES HOLD OK TRAPEZE. John Williams Drops From Parachute 1200 root in too Air. St. Louis, Mb., Aug. 29. Eoloaslng his grasp on trapexo attached to a, pnrachuto as tho latter opened to tho wind 1200 foet abovo tho ground, John Williams, 33 years old, was dashod to his death yesterday at Rod IIouso Park, noar Oahokia, 111. Every bono In his body was broken as Williams gtruck tho ground with foarful force. Tho tragedy was tho result of tho victim's determination to mnko a bal loon ascension. As tho aeronaut pre pared to mako tho aoconsion Williams is said to have rushed forward and .. .- ..,. w niiin in, hlfl friends, "cood-bvo." As ho clasped tho bar tho balloon rose into spaco, carry I T. w ing both the areonaut and Williams. An tho pnrachuto commenced to fill In tho wind, and tho rapid descent of .ono of tho most interesting attractive tho canvas was suddenly checked, Wll- functions of the season. The big eta Hams, whoso strength was exhausted, I bles on tho grounds of tho Urugulcro was jarred looso from tho bar, and his i mansion havo been transformed into a body shot downwnrd. Tho aeronaut was uninjured, and alighted a fow ynrds away from tho scene whero Wll llama mot his death. OmNKS MEAN BUSINESS, j. British Columbia Celestials Asked to Aid Boycott. Victoria,. B, " C, Aug. 9. Leading Chinese merchants of San Francisco, Portland and Seattle havo notified Chi. neso residents in this province that an invitation has been sent out from Chi na requiring every Chinaman who Is away from his native land to contribute $2 toward tho boycott campaign in China against American goods. As yet not action has boon taken locally, but as many of the Celestials hero are ready and willing to aid tho movement, it is probable that Victoria, Vancouver, Nanairao and New Westminster will mako a substantial joint contribution. So far, action has been postponed until tho many Chinese employed in the can. nerfes aro back in tho city with their earnings, o Banks Most Show Up. Washington, D. a, Aug. 29. Ths comptroller of tho currency has called for a national bank statement to Au gust 25tb. Liquid Ait Is 200 degrees below zero, but our lee cream la just tho right degree of coldness to balance the temperature for tho hot days Zinn's TAGGART WOMAN TALKS Says Fortesque and Minor arc Gentlemen, and She Always Good Wooster, O., Aug. 29. Mrs. Taggart continued on tho stand this morning, tolling of hcrllfo at Port Leaven worth. She deniod in toto the charges implicating Fortenquo and Minor. Mrs, Taggart, intolltng of her hus band's assa-ult tho night sho returned homo lato from a visit to Mrs. Poor, whoro Fbrtcsquo was calling said: "Captain Poor took mo homo. I oskod him to go in, becnuso I was nfrntd. I called, but got no answer, as ho wont away. Taggart came down, beat mo, tore off my clothos, and threw mo out, tolling mo to go to tho gutter. Ho pulled mo back and kicked mo all tho way up stairs, then throw mo onto tho bed and choked mo until Culver camo Into tho room. Taggart looked startled, went out and camo back with a revol ver, and said ho had boon waiting to shoot whoever had Toturned with mo. Ho pointed tho rovolver nt mo and eald ho had half a notion to shoot mo then. Next morning Taggart camo to my bed, stood mo up and said: 'You must havo boon on a bat last night.' My hair had been torn out, my body was black awl blue, and tho skin was rub bod off my shouldor on the enrpot, I folt I never wanted to soo him again, and dotermined to go to Cloneral Minor to. noenro protection until I could get away." Sho denied that Minor had pinched hor log, and sho did not tell hor hus band that General Minor treated her so nt dinner. Society at a Barn Dance. Newport, B. I., Aug. 20. The most exclu&tvo set of Newport society Is on tiptoes of expectation concerning tho .barn daneo which Is to be tho event of this ovenlng. Tho invltntlons wero "nt out by Mr. Iuls Brugulore, one of tho lenders of society here and judging from tho scale of tho prepara tions made for tho "danco"' it will do f picturesque rusiic unncu mn. " no orations are of a rustic and agricultural charaetor and nothing has boon Intro duced In tho way of lighting and equip ping tho barn that would destroy the illusion of rusticity. American Boadmakors Meet. Port nuron, Mich., Aug. 20. Tho an nual convention of the National Asso ciation of American Boadmakers meet hero today for a three days session. Many prominent members of the na tional organisation are in attendanco and an interesting program has been prepared. The work of the association consists in arousing public Interest to tho value of trunk lines of roads and a national system of highways. The Now York and Chicago Road associa tion and the American Boadmakors are tho only road associations of the coun try that aro working for trunk Hues of roads. In Recorder's Court, John McMahon was arraigned bo foro Beeorder Mooreo this morning and fined iS for having the pleasure of being drunk and spending one night In tho city baatllo. Charles' K. Livingston, the colored in dividual who was arrested a few day ago aud allowed to go on tho promise to appear in court this morning, was discharged. It transpires that ho was tho wrong coon. Tha city is now a wheel ahead, as the ono who escaped from Officer Marsh last week, leaving bis wheel behind, cannot be found. .... o i Yellow Forer. New Orleans, Aug. 29. Twenty now eases and five deaths were reported at noon. Airship Tno To th children oa Thursday, after 9 a. ia., at Boron ft Hastlltno'c American Anthropological Association. Ban Francisco, Cnla., Aug. 20. For tho first timo in tho annals of th'o American Anthropological association its annunl meeting is hold west of tho Missouri river, t openod horo today with a largo attendanco of promlnont scientists, among them Prof. F. W. Putnam, tho president of tho associa tion; Dr. R. B. Dixon of Harvard uni versity, Dr. A. Ucrdllckn, of tho Na-j tlonal museum in Washington; George Grant MncCnrdy of Ynlo university, I Dr. G. B. Gordon of tho Philadelphia : museum; Stewart Culln of tho Brook-' lyn Instituto museum; O. P. Macklo of Englewood, N. J.; Dr. Clark Wlssler of tho American Museum of Natural m,. . I- -M V-.1,.. n .TTIll.TA.t M. t,.l "....... i a ' . n..i- .i i, 'I many others. Tho mooting will last until August 31, nnd after adjournment tho tnom bors will visit tho Portland exposition. Big Firo in California, 8anta Cruz, Aug. 29. A big firo is rafling noar Ben Lomond and the Etndio anu moruDB piaoes navo Boon ourneu over. Eighty men ro nguung tno nro anu avo proventea i oproau io w Lomond and Brookdalc. Banner Day. This waa a record day for tho issu ance of hunters' licenses, County dork Roland having issued 08 by ltl5 this afternoon. A total of 321 licenses havo been issuod up to date. o -Important to Telephone Users. Aftor 10 p. m,, August 29, 1005, to call control take receiver from hook, do not .ring. Special Excursion Sates. August 24 and 20 and Soptember 10 and 17, tho Southern Pacific company will sell 00-dny special excursion tick ets to oastern point. Stopovor grant ed going and roturnlng. For particu lars see agents. Tomotfow Only Wednesday Surprise Sale Number 243 Lmcn, Gingham, Percale PETTICOATS Enough to last tho day , ... . ... 76o values in linen Petti- Coats. Tomorrow oniy OUC $1,20 and $1.00 values in gingham and , percale Petticoats, Tomorrow only 69c LADIES' SUITS Tbey'ro going rapidly you'll havo to call soon if you wish to tako ad vantage of this grand bargain event. Salo ends Thursday evening, 'Buy your outfit during this great trado event. You will oavo eonnlderuble. $3.95 $8.65 Buys a cloth suit, dependable matorla! and wanted eolora. Values ranging up as high as $23.00. Buy before Thurs day evening. Bilk shirt waist suits and suits of mohair and Brllllantlno, This season's styles and trimming. Values rango up to $23.60, until Thursday eve, $1 1 O CjLaU summer stylos of Ilk ehlrt waist suits and suits of mo- SJJ utir materials wanted colors. Valuta range up to $30.00 until Thursday evening, Shut Waists New styles and materials in a grand assortment to select from. 70o values now , 50? $1,00 values now .07 1.23 raluea now 83 1.60 values now $1.00 FUooefette Waktlagx Mtwcst patterns aid colorlso Oc atW 2 t-2c. 11,00 fell !Ut HlMMlM aid silk Retrieves is Mck sCft Mcelrt , , , . . ooc HALF A , MILLION FIR Johnstown of Flood Fame.Hj a Conflagration Last Mfht Johnstown, Pa., Air. 29. Tho ing and stock of tho Penn Traffic Con IB Pwl" il , Prtmont storo in tho city we to l0M th X0SuU Ct tt fll th&i ti&T d "-bout 11 o'clock last night among som rofuso in ono of tho wings of tho build- , . . .,- . . . Knnnnn ing. Tho estimated loss Is $500,000, which Is almost covorod by insurance Tho entire firo department was callod out For timo tho Crystal Hotel and other building across tho Street frcm tho Penn Traffic building wcra threatened, but tho nro department ,M6wd ,n ,onn,nR ,ho Uaz0 lo WJ butldlnff ln whlch Jt originated, pnT flromMl W0M 9vioaar hurt by ho plo,OB ot 0Un Jn tno olocfrio plant, a number of others by falling beams, but none aro bolloTed to bo fa tally hurt. ' 0 ' Froddenl Xa Pleased. Oyster Bay, Aug. 20. Prosldoati Rooeovolb ia immensely plonsod at the nows of tho agreement at Portsmouth. Jlo learned tho factfi whilo engaged upon correspondence with Secretary Locb. "That's what, just splendid," ho Is snld to havo exclaimed. "I hare not hoard anything in years that ploasod) mo bo much," As bo offlofctt confirmation of tho agroomet Caw from Plerco nt tho timo of the reeolpt of the news, the President did sot er to mnko n statement for publication. - o Chicago Markets. Chicago, Aug 29. Wheat, 78j Ci ntf . i. ni P ot yt puis, iMyi, .;j tfm-mMvntei&fa'&mimmr but como early to bo sure of one, $1.00 values In linen ntd glng- Velilcoaix Tomorrow only 69c - Wfens Trousers Let us fit you out with a vow pair .of trousers to mako your coat look brighter. You'll bo pleased with the effect, and at the saving you make. $3.60 values reduced to . . $1.00 values reduced to . . $4.50 values .$2.75 $3.00 $3.75 $3.95 reduced to .... . $0.00 values redueed to MESIOAN nAT8-Tho right hat for hop picking . . . i -15 JL q iJBl, flr rWMWt-ff pww