r I flP DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL IS I 7 VOL. XV. SALEM, OREQON, FBIDAY, MAY C, 1805. NO. 100. Tonight and Saturday, partly cloudy. STRIKE KILLS COMMERCE Costing Chicago Sixty Thousand a Day Gompers Calling for a Poll of Federated Trades Council Chicago Mny C. IScildes paralyzing commcrco causing denth or injury to a scoro of people dolly on nn average, the teamsters' strlko is entailing n dally coit of $00,000 on tho city gov eminent, tho strikers nnd tlic employ, ers. Tlie dally polico bill aggregates $S00O. Tho extra deputies sheriff nro costing tin) county $3000 a day, whilo tho employers aro expending $115,000 n day on wages of strikebreakers. Pri vate detectives nro also n big item, Asldo from loss of ages, tho teamsters nro said to bo expending $3000 daily in maintaining tho Ntrikc. Loss of busi ness and other incidentals easily makes tho total $00,000 dally. After n confer ence, Mayor Dunne and Sheriff nrrctt decided upon deputies sheriff ns being in harmony for tho best interests of tho city. Tho sheriff has announced that ho ill ask for stato troops in caso ho cannot control tho disordcly element. Tho governor has practically left thelnora to C1,IcnK n"a t!' Atlnntlc 8cn matter of railing for troop to the local authorities Chief O'Nell this morn ing ordered tho urrost of all persons who poristontly followed wagons mannod by strikebreakers. It is bollovod that this order will have a marked tendency to prevent disorders. Hugo caravnns of wagons stnrted out this morning un der polico guards. During tho first two hours thcro wero only minor disturb ances. President Gompers, of tho Amerlcnn Federation of Labor is taking a poll of tho executive council on tho proposition to attempt a settlement of tho Chicn go strike. His decislou is expected by tomorrow. A largo number of pickets was sta- tlonod about tho yards of tho Poabody" Coal Co. this morning for tho purpose of preventing deliveries to tho Union Traction Company. About 100 negro tourusters wero taken to tho ynrds un- der polico escort. South Water street commission met this morning, and ro- quested tho cxpross companies to bv Kin delivery nnd collection of consign ments in tho street, despite tho threat of tho union toumsters to quit If tho attempt was made. Tho commission men claim they nro losing $100,000 a day. Strike Still Spreads. Thirty drivers of tho Wulh-Hoyle Idrucery Co. struck this morning, be cause two of their number wero dis charged for refusing to deliver goods Jo tho boycotted houses. Teamsters of if our other grocery firms nre expected to Ito out today. Strike Grows Worse. Four men wero arrested as result it a riot at 40th street and Lawrence Avenue, in which two wagons of Mnr- Iball, Field & Co. wero attacked by 100 Working an Wants a rood Shift One that can be depended upon. So "any shirts aro cheap, look good and eem all right, but when it comes to the nt they nre faulty In value and con- Iruetlon. Not so if you buy IUMMITT IHIRTS They're made of the most serviceable teial and are finished with partieu- r attention to every detail of eon ruction. Our prices are remarkably when you consider tlie quality. BARNES' Cash Store 33. T. BASHES PBOP. lem'a Cheapest Om-FiIco Cash Store strikers and sympathizers. Tho driv ers of tlio Nntlonal Lead Co. and Heath, Mllllgnn & Co. joined tho strlk ers today. Out of 175 striko-brcakers who loft Kansas City on the tfock Island train, only 32 arrived in Chicngo. Tho others deserted when informed that there was n strlko on in Chicago. Labor loaders nnd others to tho num ber of 100, who were-named in Judge Kohlsnnt's strlko injunction, today, through attorneys, challenged tho la gality of tho Injunction order, which denied tho right of n master in chan- eery to tako their testimony. Tho question will bo argued- before Kohl sant Tuesday. UNION PACIFIC STOCK Will Be Issued to the Amount of One Hundred Millions Salt Lake, May 5. Whilo no union Pacific officials will talk, It is asserted that opposition to' tho present issunnco of $100,000,000 preferred stock will bo withdrawn, and this afternoon favor ablo action will bo taken at tho stock holders' meeting. The avowed object of tho meeting is bcliovcd hero to bo an effort to secure tho Chicago & North- western, with a view to gotting better Talks With Farmers. A. llatc, of tho llosedalo district, was in the city today, nnd nays that tho crop of prunes In that section will not bo ns large ns utrnnl, but the sizes will bo nbove tho average, and the growers will mako ns much off the crop as last year. lircese Gibson, of Polk county, was in tho rlty today, nnd snys the hop ynrds nro n little backward on account of tho cool weather. Tho stand is fine, ex ccpt in some of the old ynrds, whoro It is weak nnd spotty. A report cornea from Sllvorton show' ing tho aphis iu tho wheat and some on the imps. Hrlght weather will cure tho latter it is bcliovcd, Christ Glcso a German farmer in tho Prutum hills nays thero is n good outlook for all kinds of grain and fruit Thero luivo been soverul showers In tlmt part of the county und all gralu looks fine, A. 1). llhoten wns in from West Stay ton today making arrangements for tho fanners' Institute program there on Mav lUth nnd 20th. Ho says ruin is very much needed to bring up the Into spring grain. Mike Iigan of Hrooks, was up to day, anil says tho old hop ynrds show signs of weakening tho past two years. There nro many missing hills. Mrs. Adam Ohmart, who is running two forms south of tho olty, says nil grain crops nre coming on fine, but rain would bo very much appreciated, o COUOAB KILLED AT LOWELL. M. T. Crow's Horse Became Frightened at the Oarcas and Ban Away. Eugene Mny -1. M. T. Crow arrived down from Lowell on the afternoon train, with the eareass of a big cougar which had been killed near the Hyland placo by a man named Veach. Mr. Crow drove from Lowell to Go shen in a buggy. Tho horse, scenting the dead cougar in the vehicle, became frightened nnd ran awny, throwing Mr. Crow out. One of his wrists was dislo cated, and his face wos badly scratched He expects to sell the hide of tho cou gar to some one who will havo It mounted. Depot Display at Medford. Hamburg. May 5. Mr. F. J. Blakely, who returned a .few days ago from the East, spent Wednesday in Medford on business. He finds the people or jac son county much more active than those hero at present, in making Jcnowrr me natural advantages and resources by whleh they jre surrounded. An elegant building has Just been erccieo, ai mo a, P. B. It. depot, in which is to be placed a fine display of products of that coun ty, for the Inspection of passenger! on all trains passing through this portion of the state. That county is also spend ing about $8000 in making a fine ex hibit and advertising iU resources at the Lewis and Clark fair. o i Chicago Markets. Chicago, May 5. Cash wheat, 01 01 corn, 48H oats, 29 29- CHARTER OF THEIR LIBERTIES To Be Promulgated by the Russians Trouble on tlie Caspian Sea Movement of Fleets St. Petersburg, May 5. Itcprcscnta tives of 34 of tho Zcmstvos are hold ing n secret meeting at Moscow today, in tho faco of nn order positively pro hibiting such meeting). Tlie delegates proposo to promulgnto n charter of ltussian liberties. Troublo In the South. St. Petersburg, May C Several hun dred soldiers at Scvastapol havo revolt ed and resisted tho troops sent to re storo order. In tho fight which fol lowed many wero killed and wounded. Russian Fleets to Moot. St. Petersburg, Mny 5. It is re ported hero that Itojestvcnsky has sailed south nnd met NcbogatolT. It is nlso rcortcd that a Japanese division of fast cruisers and torpedo boat de stroyers went south to cngago Ncbo gatoff. They took up n position in the straits of Sundn, Nebogntofl", finding tho straits blockaded, headed north and entered tho China sen by the straits of Malacca. Nebogatolf Got Off. Singapore, May 5. Ncbogatoff's squadron was sighted this morning go ing vory fast In nn ensterly direction. It is expect oil thnt he will proceed to nd coal, beforo J onigou ior provisions nmi com, m-iorvi sailing for Ilojostvcnsiiy's rendezvous Tifils, Caucnsln, May 0. Ten thou- sand domestics and waiters in this city struck today. Tomsk, Western Slberin, May 5. Martini law wis declared at the col- licriei of Angerm nnd Soudja. Warsaw, May C Work was resumed in many factories today, despite tho . efforts of tho Social Democrats to in duce n general strike Warsaw, May C Inspector Abroh- nmovlch, who wos regnrded by the peo-, pie ns responsible for the massacres of May lht, wns found dead todny with fivo bullets in his body. 1 St. Petersburg, Mny C It is rumored that tho ltussian nrmored cruiser Orom- ovol has left Vladivostok. Latest Telegrams. Albany, N. Y., May 5. Tho senate toduy passed n bill extending tho term ' of mayor and other elective officers of Now York City from two to four years J Tho bill does not affect the present nd miuistration, Milwaukee, May 5. The preliminary hearing of Former Assistant Cashier Ooll, of the First National Hank was,, (ffl M(J ftei,a 0mmtlu at hor continued today for ten days. Mean-' ... , ,., .,,.. i day for ten day timo ho was released on $15,000 bail, Chicago, May 5. That Mrs. Marie Hocb, on her deathbed, was jealous of her own sister, Mrs. Fisher, aud that she had eauso for this jealousy, was brought out today in the testimony of Miss Holtapfel, the nurse, who at tended Mrs. Hoch before her death. Her statements concerning the symp toms of Mrs. Hoch wero damaging to the defendant. Hoch displayed more nervousness today than he has shown at any time since his arrest Paris, May 5. A dispatch from St. Petersburg saya that Bojestvensky has informed the Busisan admirality of the presence of Japanoso warships in terri torial waters of the Dutch portion of the Island of Borneo. If the report Is verified. Bussia will protest to the Netherlands government. New York, May 8. In quashing the indictments of Smith and wife, for al leged conspiracy, Judge Foster gave the district attorney permission to resub mit tho case to a grand jury. Smith's wife is to remain In the Tombs, pending the decision of tho district attorney. The judge severely criticised the grand jury for returning an indietmept with out sufficient evidence of conspiracy. Has Lived a Century. Findlay, O., May 5. Mrs. Anna Bul lock Depeir, living in the town of Wharton, celebrated her 100th birthday today. Born In Vermont, May 5, 1805, she early removed to Ohio, and for half a century hsa lived in this county. Notwithstanding her great age, Mrs. Depew enjoys fair health. She eata three hearty meals each day, and pass es most of her time in reading her large print Bible. ITALIAN MURDERER HANGED Io the State Penitentiary Execution Chamber ' at Noon Frank Gugllclmo, tho Portland Ital ian, was hanged at 12:30 todny at the execution chamber nt tho stato prison. Preparing for Death. Shortly beforo tho timo sot for tho execution Gugllclmo ilclivorcd two prayer books to Superintendent James to glye to his fellow prisoner, Lnuth, who Is so soon to follow htm to thnt unknonn shore. Ho -also wroto three letters, which ho dosircd Supt. James to mall after his death to tho following persens: Eugene Jnrros, Portland, Or egon:, Mr. H. Leanetti, Fcdvcrton, Or egon, ami Mr. Joe Mnrak, No. 103, Park street, Portland. All tho forenoon ho wns afforded consolation nnd given strength to bear tho trying ordeal by Fnther Pabcr, pastor of tho Catholic church in this city, and oven ns ho stood upon tho platform for tho last tlmo Hev. Fnber was thoro to glvo him courago to go through with tho ter rible .trial. Tho Death March. Promptly at 12:30 p. in., tho con demned youth, nccompnnicd by his at tendants, started on his last Journoy. Ho was pale, but comparatively cnlm, ns ho walked nlong tho narrow walk, and ascended tho stairs to tho gallows. Ho was smoking n cigar, and beforq tho noma wns placed around his neck asked that ho might speak n few words. Ho said, in effect, that ho fully real ized tho crimo for which ho was about to die was nna for which tho death rnnl v fuld bo tho only proper and adequate atonement, yet, in aim out tho same breath, blamed tho governor and i. ,), (n u,,thbrlty for not giving him a pardon. Hn further said that justice rould not bo obtained hero in America, and thnt no jury in tho moth er country would convict him. Ho crew weaker toward tho last, and cr(l,0, thonilllnir forsupport.utid tears fliiw.i m. even. When hn finished snook- ing he turned to tho nltendants nnd sig nified his readiness. Just before tho a, w, adjusted, ho threw the cigar Jown jnt0 tl(, crow, below, "for u H0Uvfnlr," he snld. Tho nooso wns quc)y tied, nnd as the hands of the 1 iotU. pointed to within 17 minutes of j (,(.ock tho trap was sprung und Vtan, Ouullolmo wns no more. The body wns left suspended for HVj minutes, when Dr. Knrle, thodirtilth of ficer nt Astoria, ofilcially pronounced him dead. Tho body wus then cut ,loWM nnJ pjaj n ft cnBj,0t. ft will bo gapped to p0rtlnnd this uftcrnoon, whf ro Natives will tuko charge of it. Almut -10 persons witnessed tho oxo cution. History of tho Case. On June 1-1, 1004, Frnng Ouglielmo home on Harrison and 6th streets, in Portland, Or., to whom he had been en gaged to be murrled. Ho hnd been for bidden to call by Freda's father, but went clandestinely. On going Into tho houso he told Freda's little slstor to go outside, and when they were alono they conferred over tho broken engagement. The girl told the defendant that sho had no further use fur him, and that she wanted him to leave her alone, and not to molest her nuy further, where upon he drew a revolver and shot her, the shot causing instant death, Oug lielmo was arrested tho next day, and an information was filed charging htm with murder. The district attorney was! not in Portland at tho time, and the I information was prepared, signed and filed by H. B. Adams, the chief deputy, I who bad charge of the office during the absence of the district attorney. On a plea of not guilty the trial jury found the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree. The court adjudged that ho suffer death, and he appealed. j The trial began June 28th, and was concluded on the last day of the month,! Thirty-six witnesses wero examined during the trial. On July 13tb, last, I Judge Cleland sentenced Ouglielmo to be banged on Wednesday, August 17th, The condemned man was taken to the penitentiary, when bis attorneys ap pealed the case and he was returned to the county jail. Tho supreme court after carefully reviewing the points In-1 volved In the ease sustained the do-' cision of the lower court and the youth was returned to tho penitentiary to await death, which was set for May 0, 1005. Tremendous efforts were made by (Continued oa Pajc Six) HILL NEEDS COAL And Uncle Sam Has Lockers Full His Washington, May 5. Owing to a shortugo of coal In tho Far Knst, duo to tho war, President Hill, of tho Great Northern, has requested of tho navy ilopnrtmcnt permission to purclinso from thb American naval supply in tho Orient enough to -supply tho stcnniBhlp Minnesota on her return trip to tho Puclfle const. It is said the request will bo granted. DICKENS . IS NOT GUILTY MoMlnnville, (Special) May C "Not guilty" wns the verdict of tho jury Inst evening in tho caso of John T. DJckcns, of Sheridan, Or,, charged with tho murder of Marvin L. Potter, No vember 14, 1004, on tho streets of his homo town. Tho jury wns out about fivo hours. James McCain consiuned nhout ono and n half hours In pleading the enso for tho defendant. Boswcll Connor made the opening speech for tho state. Ills presentation of tho caso was fair nnd concise, but short, not occupying over 20 minute O, C. Ilrownoll made tho first plea for tho defendant. Ho covered tho ground thoroughly from tho first ac quaintance of Potter with the Dickens family until tho tragedy occurred, His speech made a strong impression. ' o - Brlof Telegrams. Tho New Market, England, 1000 guinea stakes fur 3-year-old fillies wus won by W. Hall Walker's "Cherry Liihs." Tho Carlysle, Ky,, grand jury today returned Indictments against the Stand ard Oil Company, for peddling oil with out a license. ii2 Specials Fo Tomott ow THREE HOURS OF SPECIAL BARGAINS It will bo to your advantage to do your shopping in tho mornings. You will got bettor eorvico, Imvo more timo for eolections, and can move about with moro freedom. To eucourago you to do your shopping in the morning, wo are offering special inducamonts between tho hours of 0 and 12, Theso for tomorrow. 35c Pink and Blue Ladles' Vest , . ?9c 25c and 30c Lace Lisle Hose . 20c ' nil I 25c Men's Fancy Hose , . J5c 50c Men's Underwear . , 35c 85c Ladles' White Waists 59c 75c Ladies' White Waists . . 4Gc Today and Tomoow Last days in which to havo your garments cut and fitted freo of charge, by tho original Miller & Millet expert designers, cutters and fitters of women's garments. By purchasing your silks or dress goods hero at 75o a yard or more, or wash goods at 60o a yard or more, you havo tho services of theso talented artigts at your disposal. Be measured in the morning if possible. Extra bargains aro being offered in our wash goods, silk and dress goods departments. Your wants are best mot hero, where everything new and dependable is fur your selection, and at lets price than elsewhere. Wattted-s,I-rk"ci " GeWi TWO THIRDS FAVORED Acquittal of Nan Pat terson as First Published Chorus Girl's Confidence ia Justice of Married Jurors Was not Shattered Now York, Mny S. It Is nlmost pos itively known that tho Nan Patterson jury stood eight to four for acquittal. Tho Indictments for conspiracy against J. Morgnn Smith and wifo wero quashed this morning. Ono jurymnn said teday: "No membor of tho jury believed that Young shot himself." Nnn Pnttcrson'n condition is improvod todny, but sho In Htlll ill. Attorney Levy called at tho ofilco of tho district attorney this morn ing, but found no ono there with Au thority to net in the girl's behalf. Levy thinks thnt only nominnl bull will bo required. Ho thinks tho Indictment will bo quashed soon after her rcleaso on bni). SNOWING UPON TEDDY Cllcnwnod Springs, Colo., Mny 6. Bovnrnl inches of snow fell over night in tho country whore tho President Is huntlngjbut Secretary Loob thluks ad venroweatnei"1wlll prolong, rather than shorten tho hunt. Thcro Is no nowa from tho camp today. O II Blow Out the Oas. Sprlugfield, 111., May B.-Th senate this uftcrnoon killed tho bill giving mu nicipalities tho right to fix the prlco ot gas by a vote of 24 to 10. reid$i i n Ml !!! i ! w t; in i, HI vi I i tt r'l i m : l ;i t I , 1 t b ;,