Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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I. A.
"fi'iWH'TfinMliMlBWfrttfBmiir'-"--- -- " ;
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Ladfes Neckwear
We are showing tho now neckwear
in an attractive assortment of
stylos, rich and dainty materials and
pretty designs. .
Embroidered Stocks and Turnovers
in white and colored. Kogulnr 2oc
nnd 35c vnluos. Special
Puro'liinon .Irish .Crochet. Latest
novelties in collars. Elogant line
to chooso from
50p to 1
Kciser Collars. Now lino of turn
overs and stocks, pure linon, hand
35 to $1.50
Laco Collar and Cuff Sets iu Irish
Crochot, Point Gauge, Rose Point
and Venice.
$2 to 5 a set.
Ladies Suits
Exquisite wearing apparel for wo
, men keeps crowding in to this suit
department. Thoy are the newest
and smartest productions of tho best
tailors, and point tho way to this
suit room for tho latest styles in tho
fashionable world. This will give
you au idea of the price range which
is considerable loss than others ask
for equal qualities.
Cotton Shirt Waist Suits
?3 to $10
Silk Shirt Waist Suits
$10 to $37.50
New Mohair Suits
$17.50 to $40
Don't fail to see this handsome dis
play. An early inspection is advised.
Stocks arc best now.
siHand Finished)
Knit Underwear
Merodo Hand Finished knit under
went Cannot be equalled for form,
fit and finish; made in vests, tights,
drnwers and union suits.
Wo carry a full assortment of
sizes and grades for ladies nnd
children. Ask for Mermodo under
wear. Prices rango from
25 to $3.50
New Ptitses
Just received tho newest novelties
in Japanese Hand Bags, decorated
with real Jnponosc nrt work. Full
assortment of sizes
$1.35 to $3.75
Oat Ptogiessiveness
Whilo our commodious and splendidly lighted storeroom, our fino fixtures
and fumituro, and last but not least, tho high qualities and advanced styles
of our merchandise, art) sources of much prldo to us, and wo boliovo, also,
to Willamette Valloy citizens generally, wo aro not satisfied to fold our
arms and lesson our efforts toward advancement. On tho contrary wo aro
determined to koep well in front of tho van of progress.. Each succeeding
week marks somo decidod improvement In methods and efforts of tills
Dress Goods
We carry moro dress goods than any
other Salem store, which iusuros you
the largest varioty to select from
nt tho most economical prices. Wo
are always prepared to supply you
with the newest effects and materials
nt tho most rcasonnblo prices.
PLAID SILKS. Tho newest effects
nnd colorings for shirt waists and
suits. Whilo others ndvertiso theso
goods nt their regular $1.50 value
yon get them here at SS
ine article, not an imitation, has ar
rived in all tho uow shades. Theso
goods aro too well known to rcquiro
further comment $1.25
VIYELLA. A flnnuol that does not
shrink. Wo hnvo nil tho desirable
patterns and shades for waists, night
dressed, children, 'hildren's wear,
Oxford Shoes
In tan or black either lace or button.
We hnvo tho
For women, tho best shoo made; tho
shoo with n roputntlon.for style, fit
and wear. Wo can satisfy tho most
particular or hard to fit.
Always $3.50 'Vair
u imi in u
Spring Wash Goods
Bigger, brighter and bettor stock
than over. Wo aro ready with tho
best of this season's weaves and pat
terns priced at modest cost to you.
Something new is shown almost
every day. Come and seo them.
Suiting in colors Green, Navy and
Grays, 27 in. wide; a very suitablo
material for suminor wear ....15i
DIMITY. A new assortment of col
ored dimities in tho now dots, figures
nnd striped designs; 30 inches wide,
a very popular material 15i
now in suminor suitings. WTe hnvo it
in blue, green, tan, navy nnd gray,
28 Inches wide 25J
GRECIAN VOILE. 27 In. wide, in
plaid stripes nnd checks, in a wido
assortment of colors nnd patterns. A
very popular material 20t
W. H. Corsets denoto grnco nnd
beauty nnd style and chic and pliant
comfort nnd trim fit everything
that the world's foremost corseticr
puts into these, their host product.
New models in Bntisto nnd Contll
now ready. Ask for Nuform Num
ber 40-1.
Men's Shifts
For Spring X905
Hundreds of new nogligoo shirts in
frfcsh and attractive patterns for tho
host of men who won 't wnlt for sum
mer to bo comfortable.
in nil colors of Madras, Poroalos, Ox
fords. UesV values and pat torus
75 to $2.50
Don't Forget
The Boys
Spring Suit. Wo hnvo all that's
new and up to date in Norfolk stylo,
Bustor Brown, Sailor Suits and Nov
city Suits In all mnnnor of pretty
styles and patterns for boys from 3
to 9, years of age. Bring him with
you uiuPsco how nicely wo enn fit
him out for little money.
$2.50 to $0.50
Easter Hats
Nowcst Shapes. Newest Colors,
.in Black, Brown, Tnn and Gray..
$2 to $3
Fancy Ribbons
Latest effects in fancy ribbons, chif
fon ribbons in all now shades and
29c to $1 .25
- a Wt
Youth's and
Men's Clothing
The good qualities of our suits nro
roinomborod long uftor tho price i
forgottwi, Just Mil fact should
bring you horu for your next suit.
Besides tliis our stylus aro not only
correct, but individualized with
just tho needed dash of Fumrtntm
Tho host stylos from suoh well
known iiinuufnoturors as .narf
Schaffner & Marx; Adlor Bros. It Co.;
Edorhoimor, Stein & Co., in 'vnrsity,.
doublo brenntod, regulars, stouts,
slims, oto.
$10 to $25
Kqunl to $12.50 to $30 vnlues clso
whoro. Neckwear
Four-lnhamlH, English squares, Mid
guts and Bows; nil now colors and
25 to $1.50.
State Printer Whitney has just com
pleted printing tho report of the com
mittee appointed by tho legislature to
investigate the books and accounts of
tho state land oflice. The report is u
largo oue and sets out iu full tho tes
timony introduced before the commit
tee and tho conclusions wero reached
from the testimony nnd tho books and
papers found in tho oflice.
Tho report says:
"Wc, tho committee nppointed under
house concurrent resolution No. 10, di
recting tho committee, consisting of
Senators Loughary and Brownell, ap
pointed by tho senate, and Messrs. Dob
bin, Colwell and Sottlemier, appointed
by tho house, to investigate tho charges
made as to past irregularities in the of
fico of tiro state land ngent, also the
books and accounts in tho same, beg
leave to report as follews:
"With reference to base used for tho
selection of lieu lands, wo find that
Ijected by tho general land ofllco, for
tho reason that tho baso assigned had
been previously used and tho local land
ollico duly notified, and thoy in turn no
tified Stato Land Agent Geer, but ho
does not appear to hnvo notified tho
purchasers of tho lieu lauds that they
might bo informed as to tho condition of
their titles and tnko stops to protect
their interests. Thero aro mnny cases
whero purchasers of lieu lands hnvo lost
their land through not receiving uotiro
or information ns to tho cancellation
competent clerical ahslstauco bo given Walking Was Poor.
Mint oflice. J Chief of Polico Cornelius Saturday
"This will hnvo tho further ndvan-. night arrested n man by tho nnmo of
tho samo timo informed them that they
could Bccuro base from E. P. McCornack
nnd W. II. Odcll, nnd stated the prico
charged by Mr. Odcll.
"We find by his correspondence Mint
ho referred letters from applicants for f tl iy tj.iPM
base to W. II. Odell, in order that Mr. .
Odell miriit cnrronn,l with thmn. I H "l8 "PI" " Mr. Gear
"We also find that Mr. Odcll was fu knowle,1 t.hat ,jrr' 0,lc"
I given desk room in the ofllco of Stato ur'"K " u I" '" uuru or
Land Agent Geer, nnd it appears that 'n a ' i., copion
ho was permitted to receive nnd receipt of wh,ch nro mudo " -mrt "f thls rv
for monev to b nnld tho stato for lt l,ort- ' that ho held up soleo-
lands, and that by his presence in said U?ns until cnOUh ",ony ba'1 bcon,r"'
-.. i, . i..i i.it..!mltted by tho applicants to cover Mr,
that in dealing with him they wore
dealing with an officer of tho stato.
tngo of giving tho state land ngont
time for out-door work.
"Of tho Soiuito.
"Of tho House'
Ed. Dnroy. Tho man had como iu from
tho country uiul hnd become intoxicat
ed to such an extent that ho could not
walk, and was lying down on tho
ground near Wlllnmntto University.
Ho was looked up in the city jail until
this morning, when ho was rolmised uf
! tor paying tho minimum fine of $0.
J i
Full of Tragic Meaning
nro these lines from J. II. Simmons, of FLETCHER'S OASTOltlA.
hud -lu,v ,u' lnlnK wnm inigiu navo ru-
sult(Hl from bia terrinlo cough if uo liau
when L. 1). Geer entered upou hit du-'ter be established.
"It also appears Mint ho was author
ized by Governor Geer to undertake the
adjudication of a largo number of
school sections which ho (Mr. Odell) al
leged wero mineral in character, and for
which tho stato should bo entitled to
indemnity should their mineral ohnrnc-
ties as state land agent it appears thero
wero many thousand acres of valid base
or losses in sections 1G and 3(1 on ac
count of Indian and forest reserves,
fractional townships and homestead on
tries, and for which the state was en
titled to indemnity, and which it has
been tho ditty of the stato land ngent
to discover and list, that tho public
might hnvo tho benefit of such list withr
out cbargo. It was possible for the
state land agent to do this, as a rec
ord of all base over used by tho stato
was to bo found in tho clear lists and
"We find that many of tho school
seotions had been sold by tho state, and
no effort seems to have been made to
nsccrtaia this fact.
"Had these lands been accepted as
valid baso by tho government, the titles
of these purchasers would haVo beon
"Wo do not find that any effort was
mado by either Geer or Odell to have
any of the unsold lands withdrawn from
sale by tho stato land board, so as
to avoid complications which were ture
to arise should the clerk of the state
land board continue to sell tbe lands
state lists, which were on file in the of-;
fico of the clerk of the state land bonrd. and the stato land agent use them as
"It appears that private individuals baso for indemnity selections, thereby
mado such a record, and there was no! relinquishing to the government any
reason why tho stato land agent could claim tho state may have had to the
not have dona tho same. While Mr.-j lands. .
Geer (as ahown by his report of 18991 "We find that after those lands were
and 1900) claims to have been making adjudicated and returned as mineral by
a record which would show all available tbe loeal land office, their talo was con
base, we do not find that suh a record tinned without interruption, and while
was ever made or completed but, on they wero being used as baso, and that
tho contrary, we find that State Land for some unknown reasen the same
Agent Geer, as shown by copies of let- tracts wero used twiea as base for in
ters written by him and on filo in the demnity selections, Uie result of which
state land ofllco, informed applicants was that the state had praetieallr sold
for base, for indemnity or lieu selec jthe same tract three times.
Uow that the otate bad no base, and ati "Many of these selections were re
by tho applicants
, Odell 's charge for furnishing base,
which prico was usually $1 per acre.
"Certified copies of letters and ro
ceipts, which nro mado a part of this
report, will also show that Mr. Odell
received and receipted for money which
was to bo paid to the state as well as
that which covered his commissions.
"We havo taken tostlmony from Li
II. Geer and W. H. Odell, which we at
tach hereto and mako a part of this re
port. We also attach certified copies of
documentary evidence of the above ob
servations, together with the report of
tho clerks employed to investigate the
records and accounts of tho stato land
agent. We also attach a statement
made by Stato Laud Agent Oswald
West in answer to one made by General
"We find that the stato land agont
is without elorieal assistance other than
that received by courtesy of the clork
of the stato land board.
"Tho duties of the oflice, owing to
the liou land entanglement, aro seh
that it is absolutely neeesaary that a
competent elerk be employed. This
clerk can undoubtedly save to the sbool
fund many times his salary, by inaugu
rating a system of bookkeeping that
will Bhow tbe resources of the school
fund, and searching tbe records for
base, wbieh is new selling for $5.00 per
"Oar report will shew that the state
has suffered, owing t the lack ef gwd
bookkeeping, and in order that the
books ef the state land agent be kept
in a proper manner, we recommend that
not taken tho medicine about which ho
writes: "I had n fearful cough that
disturbed my night's rest. I trlod
everything,' but nothing would rollovo
it, until I took Dr. King's Now DIs
covory for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, which completely cured mo."
Instantly relieves and parmnnontly
cures all throat and lung diseases; pro
vents grip nnd pncumonln. At J. C.
Perry's, drugglut; guaranteed; COc
and $1.00. Trial bottlo troo.
Administrator Appointed.
8. Y. Crabtree was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of J. F. Crabtree,
decoaicd, and his bond fixed at 1300.
When you want Hop Baskets,
Fruit Boxes, Trays for fruit
Dryers, call on
G. F Mason I
Miller Street, South Salem, Phone
2191 Bed.
Scaled proposals endorsed "Proposals
for construction of buildings, etc., nt
Orogon Stato Fair Grounds" will bo
received by tho Stato Board of Agricul
ture or the construction of buildings,
plumbing, soworngo, drulnngo, painting,
etc., to bo dono at tho Orogon Stato
Fair Grounds, in nccordanco with plans
and specifications on filo nt the ofllco
of W. D. Pugh, architect, Salem, Oro
gon. Bids will be rccotved at the ofllco
of V, W. Durbin, Stato street, Salem,
Oregon, until Saturday, April 10th, at
1:30 p. m., and thon publicly opened.
Bids must bo mado out on blnnk
forms, which can bo secured at tho
architect's office.
Tho board reserves tho right to re
ject any and nil bids.
W. 11. DOWNINOs-
4i-td-J0d-lw President of Board
Hvsry woman has an immense amount
of extra washing to do, just at the
time when it is most trouble and both
er. Why net send it all to us and save
yevrself this work and bother.
Phone or postal will bring our wagon
Salem SteamLaundry
250 Liberty Street. Phone 411
Tho quality of our groceries Is win
ning now friends and customers for us
every day. Wo keep nothing lowor
than the first grade, but our prices are
always less than those charged any
where else for tho same kind.
Baker & Son,
Successors to Harritt k Lawrence.
A socoud-hand cushlon-tirod, whip
cord trimmed, stick-seat runabout.
A long bodied road wugou wltli
top nnd. one sent.
A light nno-sent, throo-spring Tit
lago wagon, 1-lnch axle.
These rigw nro nil ready for iinmetTi
nto lino nnd nro bargains. Call ami soft
We havo n choice lot of nuw mid xk
by buggies, runabouts, surrlcs vprfag:
wagons, etc Call, nnd we'll hIiow yens
through. Tho uhnleest season of the
F. A. Wiggins'
Imploment House. 200-207 Liberty m.
Farm Implements, Wheels, Antem
biles, Sowing Machines and Bopplkn,
1J"" ' ' '-'1 muni TiiTiim
Wo now have a fall stock oi Hy
acinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narelsay
Snow Drops, Jonquib and a niee
sortment of Chinese Sacred Li))
Would he pleased to have the psclir
call and inspect our stock at
S&rage & Fletcfee
322-324 Commercial St
! UlflaliU WIAtfBFfiEKCH FBMl
mwmiim pills.
i Sa, (nu Swu t Bin ' SiwHtiM
man n with rill. ! h:illJrlKU
klWCwHlM w U4 UtHuM. anal MHU
(MfllXfnr. Wl )fwUraiitUJ.tMf
v(aUfL WutylMrtM. llwmfe4iaMM
Sold in talfm by ft. C. Mcm,