ftww.jBV!$! DAILY OAF XTAXi JOTJHNALV BAXXX, , 0M50OW TUESDAY; MARCH 21, 1905. TiMWmsaraji; yEansssa "piM I H"nw '"" i " JTBi-('TaKi".C'w, ijr.-HTw Agctable Prcpatalionfor As similating UicFoodandReguIa Ung iheStoinachs awtBowcta of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness andltestContalns neitlier OpiUm,Morphine norGnexaL NOT "NAIIC OTIC . Jivyt afOUDrSAMUELFIKHKR Hm3m Seal' sfbeSmnx BiuatartakSb&d CtmudSbMF nUtaynmnanK Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa Tlon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. Oood Hint for Others. A La Grando Citizen says: "One of the greatest things that La Grando ov ir did for itself was the establishment at tho railroad station, in a glass about CO feet long, an exhibit of our products. Hundreds of travelers get off tho trains every day and inspect this exhibit. Many of them como back again and spend a fow days, tako trips into tho country and mnko investments in land or town lots or business sites. This exhibit is lighted at night by electric lamps, and is always tliero a silent ex ponent of what Union county' can do. Supremo Court. Tho caso of Sam Castro vs. Emma Murray, ot al., argued on a motion to IffffriBrTM I I 'Sxlilllln "fc tH rvt jw iJ m , Im! Vt! ll I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 'JjBf H iMMBIMlieilMMSKWlaIMI19I!E0IM Reg. No. 26531 RED M SIRE OF JO SEAL, 2:11. Slrod by Eod Heart 2:19Vi, tho siro ofOhain Shot 2:06a. Bed Seal 2:10, Etc. Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mnrk Field (son of "Geo. Wilkes), S Dam of Red Seal 2:10 Al- siro of Daisy Fields 2:0S,4, Mnm 2 lawood 2:19. brino Hold, 2:llt, otc. J Second dam Dx.Y BELL by Advance, siro of Malraskn 2:25,etc. Dam of Veritas 2:1G, Yindex 2:20Vi. IB Third dam daughtor of Tippo Saib, a thoroughbred. fi BED HEART is by Rod Wilkos, out of Swoetheart, by Sultan; second dam Minnehaha, tho dam of Beautiful Bells, etc. RED SEAL stands 15.1, compactly built, with great quality and a auro siro of great X speed. He will mako tho season of 1905 at the OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS m Terms $40 Season J With tho usual return privilego. Good pasturage at reasonable M rates to inaros'Bent from a. distance. 3 S ISAM CASTO, FairlGroimds'Or. g !? flftt HMS)f !! t WIMlf inanf Kt'fietW JBl' WsB jir k PflsVjVPtaVK Jr9'V ill " I tsSQI W naVPIvLfl Si 7bHB r Twrr i OTtBBBv w jkjvw i HHiwW'iiwinisjiBiaiiaiiigiM (WW'1'' ' fx - MbmsHHIMMMBB CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA THf OINTAUR OMPAKV. KCHf VON OITT. reform tho records of tho lower court was denied. On motion to dismiss the appeal in the case of Multnomah county vs. Tirst National Bank of Portland, the court ordered that the motion bo continued until the cause comes on for hearing on its merits, when both will be heard to gether. Attacked Ty a Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov ered with Boros, a Chicago streot car conductor lippliod Bucklin's Arnica Salvo, and was soon sound and woll. "I used it in my family," writes Q. J. "Welch, of Tokonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply groat for cuts and burns. Only 25o at J. C. Perry's drug store. SEAL Tri'l 2:06 Rec. 2:1 0 rt-it? mnu ? -rut? EADrer ? i Hae boon taken to supply the stock of lumber in our yards. Our stock i complete with all kinds of lumber Just received a car load of No. 1 shingles, also a car of fine uhak'-J We are able to fill any and all kind of bills. Come and lot us show yon oar stock. Yard and office near fl. P. passenger depot 'Phone Main 65L QOODALE LUMBER CO. A JUDGE OF PRIME MEATS Always knows what he wants, and knows that ho can always get it from our choice stock. If you want a delicious roast, steak, chop or cutlet that is tender, rich and sue culent, and cut by an expert hand, trimmed and got op for your table to suit the queen's taste, you will always find it at CROSS' and at ldwer prices than you can find it anywhere elso In Salem. E. a CROSS Phone 201, 1 Bears the y 1 Signature W 1 r .tfv In i rT ni tirt I A wr im 1 Mi RELIGIOUS THOUGHT From Our Exchanges. Wo simply call attention to tho fact that this "peace of justice," quick to avengo insults, which makes a strong nation at onco tho judge and jury and executioner in its own suit, and spends moro on the machinery of military forco than on all measures for which Christmas day is set to romind us. Jesus' method, his spirit, his teaching, aro, utterly different. Tho Christmas penco is tho peace of tho men of good will. The method is trust; tho spirit is humanity. Good will enrries justico with it. It is important to mako this distinc tion. Million of pcoplo do not soo how grent it is. Thoy still worship forco. Thoy confuso tho simple life of tho Man of Nazareth with extornnl power and material pomp. They look back and worship a sort' of war-lord, coming in tho skies to punish his ono mie. Thoy have not yet learned that good will is the mightiest forco in tho universe. Thoy have yet to trust this now force and to apply it to every kind of prbblem. They hnd better not rov eronco Jesus at all, if thoy miss tho kernel of his teaching. Do thoy imng ino that if ho wore addressing tho American poople, ho would bid them build moro fighting ships. Charles F. Done, Tho Christian Rogistor. In tho effort to attain theological sanity religions teachers hnvo often passed in'-o tho cold real of a barron in tolloctualism. Tho inforenco is per haps natural that liboral theology im plies decay of spiritual passion; but theio is nothing in the naturo of things to make this disaster inevitable. The whole question is lnrgcly ono of em phasis. I cannot admit that it is nec essary to close one's to nil tho splendid and reverent work of our greatest Bib lical critics in order to retain a vision of the cross of Christ. Thoro mny bo two Isaiahs or twenty; what has thnt to do with me, so long na I hnvo tho profound spiritual messngo contained in tho book which bears tho nomo of Isaiah f I am indifferent as to whothor Bacon or Shakespcaro wrote Hamlet, so long as T hnvo Hnmlot; and who would insist thnt n certain critical view of tho authorship of Hnmlot is impcrnr tivo boforo ono could bo allowed to ex pound tho teachings of tho drama! Tho critic does his work, woll or ill n tho enso mny be; I may accept or roject his views, but tho messago of tho book in still mine. Rev. J. W. Dawson, Tho Congrogntionallst. Tho greatest object to religious nchicvemont today is not tho doplor nblo npnthy thnt can bo overcome by a gonuino religious onthusinsiij; nor higher criticism that can bo corrod ed by the truth of tho Biblo; nor tho growing spirit of wordlinoss tho spirit of tho mnstor is moro thnn a match for that, but the ntrabilious jeremnids nnd tho disconcerting lamentations of dole ful Christians without tho heart or hope, without fnith or force! -K. M. Martinson, Tho Standard. Is the "Religion of an Educated Man" a peculiar brand of salvation for oolleginnst Can tho 'Religion of a Mnturo Man" improvo upon tho swoot simplicity and childlike faith taught in tho gospolsf Is thoro a new edition of tho gospel sinco Josus said "Excopt yobo converted, nnd become as littlo children, yo shall not cntor in to tho kingdom of heaven ' Pucifle Christian Advocnte. The richest gifts of God arc of n spiritual character, and hnvo como through Christ, nnd thoy draw from us tho highest expression of our gratitudo in tho words of our lips, the excollenco of our lives, nnd tho grnclousnoss of our deeds. Tho Watchman. Sure Cure for Piles, itching piles produco moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are curod by Dr. Bo-san-ko' Pile Remedy Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumora EOc a Jar at drug gist, or sent by mail. Treaties freo. Writo mo about your caso. Dr. Bo- sanko, Phi la., Pa. Fore sale by Dr, S. O. Stone, druggist Lebanon Bank Robbery. Judtro Cameron moved tho court for a new trial on tho ground that Uk court failod to instruct the jury in ref oreneo to the character of the larceuv, that tho district attorney called the witnesses saloon bummers, . vile porjur crs. etc.. that instructions wore given by request of tho attornoys, for errors of law, but principally for Insufficiency of evidence, dfreelflod by the attorney. Tho motion was ovorruled and the de fendants were sentenced to five years n the state penitentiary, where they will be taken this afternoon by Sheriff White. The defendants were given 30 days to fllo a bill of exceptions. TLe attorneys tor the defendants asked that an order be made for the turning over of the $500 certificate of deposit and $300 in currency round on m .Tit. iw":ifU ti4' M03T uurorxieB HAIR NOMcee fa HAIR. 50 " HAVS KoapsYoaiomdnts rosmg. ALWAYS rcitoroa ronthtul color to grror fiiltd hair. Stop hair falUnr. 1M- iiTcir remote tianaruir. a msa-ciais halr-crowor dressing, keeping hair oft, kIouj, luxuriant. Doci not soil ktn or linen. Tht Great Hair Pood, aided fcr ITAIIFWA SOM, hoali tb icalp, kills dandruff, cvrmi. topa Itching, cuppllc cnergr to roots and promotes One balr growth. Largo COe. bottles, dmjslsU'. Take nothing wlthoutonr signature. Front Snan flf farft""l fnrsrce.Cnke rreo ouap uiiirUAitFiwA soai. Sign this coupon, tako to anr of tho following drngctiti. and get a GOc. bottle Hay'i Hair health and a23o. cakpttartlna Medicated Soap, beat for hair, bath, toilet, both for 60c t or tent bj Thllo llr Specialties On., Newark, K. J., express prepaid, on receipt oCOOc. and tola adr. Name.... ....,.. Addren... ., Following druggist anpplr Har'a tlalrhealth and Har&na, Soap In their hopa onlyt 'AOVTCSVUd: 30VTVJ Dofondant Crossley to Lnwyor Ditch burn, holding an order from tho defend ant, now in tho possession of tho dis trict ntttornoy. Tho deputy stated that P. M. Scroggins & Co., nnd tho Security also both claimed it. Tho court de clined to net nt tho present time, deny ing nuthority over tho district attor ney in the matter. AJbnny Democrat. Sheriff White and Doputy W. IL Wnr ncr brought Dunn nnd Crossloy to tho penitentiary Inst ovonlng. Got Off Choap. no may well think ho has got off cheap, who, nftor having contracted constipation or indigestion, it still ablo to perfectly rcstoro hia health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills. A quick, pleasant nnd cortain euro for headnohe, constipation, otc. 25c nt J. C. Perry's drug toro; guar anteed. Cossacks Fired on Mob, Riga, Russia, March 21. In a emu flict between tho Cossackn and n mob today, the CoBsacks fired on tho popu lace. Eighty rioters wore arrostod. FULL STOCK Wo now have a full stock of Hy acinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, Snow Drops, Jonquils and a nice as sortment of Chlnoso 8ucrcd Lilies. Would bo plcnsod to havo tho public call and Inspect our stock at Savage & Fletcher 322-324 Commercial St. sj cwigci 1 ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAY8 I AND ORCHARD BOXES At tho shop of i G. F Mason f Miller Streot, Uuth Sal era. PHONE 2191 Red. 2 sggajHilieB1SaSSiSBSSS A LESSON IN LAUNDRY WORK. We give to our help, and teach them the necessity of flno linen that goes a great way in preserving the fubrlcs sent here for renovation. Anything eorolng from the Salem tSoam Laundry will always bo found in perfect condi tion, and beautiful in both color and finish. Salem SteamLaundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. DOROUS D. OLMSTED, Manager. 250 Liberty Street. Phone-m n SBBBBVT aBBBBBBJI !izSx?V JLwo&r 1 CLASSIFIED Y WANTED. Wanted. Ladles to loam barbor trado; 8 wooks completes; tuition earned whilo learning, nnir drossing, mani curing anil, facial massago in 4 wooks; special torms now. Write Moler Sys tem Collogo, San Francisco. 3-0-lm Wanted Men to loam barbor trado; 8 wcoks completes; position guaran teed; tuition earned whilo learning. Writo for terms. Mohler's Barbor Collogo, 0-44 Clay streot, San Francis co. S-0-lm Wanted. $8 to $12 weekly easily earned by elthor sex knitting Bonm loss hosiery for tho "western market; our improvod family inachino with ribbing attnohmrnt furnishod worthv families who do not own a machine, on easy pnymont plan; writo at once for full particulars and commence making money; no 'oxporlonce re quirod. Unitod States Woolen Co., Detroit, Mich. 11-3-tf FOR 8ALE. For Salo. Edison concort phonograph, records and rocord enso, nt half price A groat bargain. Address "L. F. II.," oaro Journal office 2-3-tf For Solo, Small dry fir wood, at $3.25 por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Morningaido. 1-20-tf For Sale. Two flno building lots, woll drained, plnntod to fruit. Inquire ot II. C. Schultz, ono block enst of North Salem school. 1-7-tf For Salo. Fivo or ton-noro plnso, first class improvements, Closo to school, church, postofilco and railroad. Ad dress "X," caro of Journal. For Sale. At n bargain. Houso, barn and lot for $000, Fine fruit troos on plnco. Address "T." care Journal. 11-28-tf For Salo. Moving . picture outfit, in first-class condition. At grent reduc tion. Address "L. P. H.," Salem, Or., caro Journal. 8-20-tf For Salo 112 ncros, with GO ncros in crop, bnlnnco in pasture Plenty of timber for uso. Thoro nro 18 head of swine, 18 sheep, CO fowls, ono good cow, ono hack nnd farming implo monts and household nrticlcs. Sonio horses will bo sold with tho place. Prico $0500, $3500 cash, balance nt 0 por cont. Six miles each of finlom,' on P. R. M. No. 0, C. Nelson. 3-20-lm FOR RENT. sstsv For Rent. A sovon-room houso, woll wator plpos in tho houso, 600 High stroot. A. Schroibcr. 2-28-tf For Ront. Furnishod rooms, 3 blocks from stato houso. Phono 301 White A. Ollngor. 1-B-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Hotel Scott Nowly furnishod, ovory thins clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prlcoo. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, pron. 7-C-tf. Thoo, M. Barr Successor to Barr & Potzol, tinnor and plumber. Hot air wator and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 3-2- New Lodging House Everything new, cloan and comfortable, Schrelb or block, 149-151 Stato stroot. Mat tie Hutchlns, proprietor. Phone M.iln 2374. fl-0-tf Sa.em Iron Works Founders, machin ists aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho O. K. Grubber. Shanil fy Marcus. 11-29-lin Highest OaahPrlco Paid forcbickons, gucso, ducks nnd all kinds of farm produco nt Capital Commission Co. Telephone 2231 Main, 177 Commer cial street, Suloin, Or. 1-4-tf-dw Davey & Savago. Real Kstato, Loans and Insurance, Convoynncing and Kxaining Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for sale, 402 Stato streot, near High, 3 8-tf Say Have' you tried Edward & LkbcU crti for meats, We havo iho lost enusage in town. Come and try it and be convinced. 410 East State street OALL ON YOUR STEPMOTHER AT the Salem Dyo Works when you want your clothos cleaned, dyed, re paired or pressed, relinod, velvet col lars on; also suit pressed by tho month. You. can get anything clean ed, from a pair of gloves to the most elaborato silk gowns. Mrs. O. H. Walker, Prop.jjJOfl Commercial street. Prof. .Jameson Renowned Scientist, troats all diseases successfully, using Electro and Finren's light X-Kay method. KIdrledge building, rooms D. K. and P. 2-20-tf WE Are Now buying eggs. Call on us for prices before yon lelL Com mercial Crsata C. 3 11 tf ASOIHTEOT. W. D. Pugh Architect and Buporla- tondont, plana furnishod for all class es of building and structural work. Office 110 Stato stroot, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon, MUSIOBTTJIJIOS. Muslo Studio Mis Holen Calbrcath, B, M, room 8, opera houso building. Vo cal, piano, theory, harmony nnd sight reading. 11-18-tf OSTEOPATHS, Dr. M. Thorooa Bchoottlo, Osteopath Graduate of founder's school. Grand Opora House, Salem, Orogon. Of fice phono Main 2721. Ecsidonct phono, Red 2003. Anslstod by Dr. Mndollno Stravons, lato of St. Louis, Mo. PHYSICIANS. Dr. E. E. Jackson Troats all diseases of domestic animals. Offico and hos pital at 10th and B strots, phono 44 White. LODGES. Salem Gamp, No. 118, Woodmen of the World Moots in Holman Hall ovory Friday nt 7:30 p. m. L. R. Stlason, consul; T, L. Fraser, olerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Poroators No. 10. Moots Friday in Turner block. Ira Jorgonaon, 0 B.; A. L. Brown, Sec. Central Lodge No. 10, K. of P. Caiu xinu in noimon mock, corner Stat and Liberty SU. Teday of a wook at 7;30 p. m. H. H, Turner, C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W, Meeta in tuoir hall In Holman block, ear nor Stato and Llborty, ovory K. day evening. Visiting bretkrw? wolcomo, Emil Donaldson, M, W. A. B, Au franco Recorder. Modern Woodmen of Amriet urt gon Cedar Camp No. 524. Kv2 ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'ele Holman Hall, a a Mattm, W, 0.: A. L. Brown. Clrk. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. EvwrTOaTSirifiio shop on State street. Bvery tiU now and up-to-iato. Flaeet kt lain baths. Shavo, ICt; halMt H bathe, 2Ec. Two flnt-claw bh blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor. Welte'h&'vviTteoniraT and transfor buslnoss, meet all trains. 'Phonos, dpwn town, Mala 2181, realdoncos, Bluo IB, red 2071. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-la II IIIIIMI. HI ,. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For wator eorvlco npply at oMetj. Dills payablo monthly in adTa. Mao all complaint at the oAee. ssassasgaawmnmayt I Gold Past Flout Marfe by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore- I gon. Mado for family use. Ask S f your grocor for it. Bran and Bhorto clwaya on hand. I P. B. Wallace AGENT II lit I I 1 1 1 I I 1 II I 1 i II 1 1 1 I 1 1' Zuin s ii FliT"rP"SB 0JWr For Ice Cream : ', Tako n pail homo for lunch. I 154 Stato street. 101 Court Street, tlltll U-4 t HMI H 44 lilt Cteejpisig Upwatds That's what we aro doing evcty Hay. All admit that our meals are oven growing better, and tho crowds uro growing larger dally, COFFEY'S 1 RESTAURANT ;205 Commercial Street 1 M. GUNN'S 2i? OURKSi COUOHO,COtD, V w 18? t Rf(B4 UtCiiir. Huust tf Ukt Sn4 IW M. iirtemsi SlbTll e4fttStowla UfHboWM kM A M a ii iK II ST.. Ml rm rvl m iH !.! if J X m m