PI'T OMn yOOltAI MAIXO, OIMftK TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1905, Your heart beats 100,000 times each dav f Put your finger on your pulse and feel the blood rushing by. Good blood or bad blood? Good health or bad health? You know. Your doctor will tell you his experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla in these cases. Sold for sixtv wri i.cco.. " nwii j--.w. iow.u. not. !IG BUG EXHIBIT AT WORLD'S FAIR 9 (By W. E. Brindlcy. Portland, March 20. The old adage, 'Send a thief to catch a thief," finds expression in changed form in connec tion with modern methods of insect ftxermination. "Sond a bug to catch bug, is the new version. The story of tho .way it works out forms ono of tho fascinating romances of everyday science, and the "Bug vs. Jug" exhibit will bo ono of tho most interesting of tho many interesting dis- ilays at tho Lewis and Clark exposi tion. Thero is an old saw that runs: "Big fleas havo littlo fleas upon their backs to bito 'em, I" And littlo fleas havo lesser fleas and so ad infinitum." Probably tho man who wroto tho saw never conceived the posibility that tho truth which it told might somo Jay bo of tho greatest possiblo im portance to tho agricultural mdustrj'. In fact, the writer did not express quite tho whole truth. The bug that bites tho bug may be either smaller or Urger than tho bug ho bites. Tho im portant thing is that tho biting bug kills tho bug ho bites, and that tho ing off potato bugs in the hot summer sun. And ho remembers, too, that after a long day of such labor, tho next day saw the potato vino still covered with an army of tho pests. When the labors of the bug specialists aro ended there will bo no more potato slugs, for an other bug, perhaps introduced from Australia or Africa, will havo devoured them all ns a bass devours tho defense less minnow. Tlio process is not, however, as sim ple ns it appears. For which the sci entist may discover a good bug that eats a bad bug, there may bo another bad bug that wiU- devour his good bug as rapidly as the latter is introduced. When this is the case, and it almost (invariably is, -a good bug must be dis covered that will cat the bad bug that cats the good biig that was introduced to eat tho bad bug. And there mny bo several good bugs that devour ono kind of good bug. The complexity of all this is such as might well confuse and discourage tlio most patient and untiring laborer in the field of science. To tnko a suppositious case, let A bo tho bug tho orchardist is fighting, and B ono of several parasites that attack Ibiting bug bo a good bug, and the bug A. Then there is C fighting E, D fight iho bites a bad bug. Tho skill of tho -ing C and E fighting D. While A, C scientist must discover which bug island E nro nests.. B and D aro the verv Igood and which is bad, nnd then effect ' good friends of the fruitgrower. Tho la situation which will result in tho ' eomnlexitv increases with observation. ! A - . . extermination of tho bad and tho re tention of tho good. When this has been successfully accomplished, it will result "in a saving to farmers of mil lions of dollars. Hence tho importance of the researches of tho scientist. Men havo been fighting insect pests almost as long as thoy havo been rais ing crops, but until quite recently the results havo been but indifferent, and JBh many instances, entirely ineffective. Many a man who now rides in his an tomobilo and spends the summer at tho sea coast remembers with dreadful dis tinctness tho long hours ho spent pick- There nro insects that nro an nid to the orchardman nt ono stago of their ex istence and a dangerous pest nt an other. Eveiy fruit or vegetable is sub ject to tho attnek of ten or a dozen enemies, who, in turn, aro subject to attacks from ton or a dozen more. When all this is considered, ono can appreci ate how marvelous are tho accomplish ments of modern scientific methods. The United Stntes government alone employs over CO experts for the work of observation nnd tho devising of methods to restrict descruction. But, after nil, tho cost of this preventive -r A L FR ASER Successors to Burroughs & Fraser. Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; estimates mado and work guaranteed. 307 State, Street, Salem. Phono 1511. work is.bnt a trifling insurance for in dustries that produce many bihions of necessary produce every year. While tho damage that theinsect pests do to growing crops can hnrdly ho estimated, the insects that form the criminal class in the world nf bug are tiny nnd insignificant crea tures. In order that they may bo studied, models which magnify the size severnl hundred times nro necessary. Those models, showing tho good bugs and the bad hues, will form one of the most interesting features of tho many that will make the western world's fair worth a trans-continentnl trip. The models will prove ns attrac tive to thinking peoplo as the animals in the zoo aro to tho small boy. The San Jose scnle, which has haunti ed the dream of many a California orange grower, will bo shown in 11 different stages, malo and female, some of tho models being a foot high. Tho San Jose sealo looks liko a limpet and, is a vile monster of horrid shape. The codling moth is a littlo less repul sivo in appearance, but more destruc tive, for it is responsible for dnmago to American orchnrds every year to tho amount of $11,000,000. Then thero will be tho cottonboll weevil which onuses millions of dollars worth of damngo to the southern cotton crop, shown in all its stages from tho egg to the winged insect; tho orango rust mito and tho grape seed weevil, and many others. Tho exhibit will not bo confined to the bad bugs, but many good bugs will be shown as well. Ono of theso is tho Asiatic lady bird, which was brought from China to feed on tho orango grow er's enemy, the Snn Joso scale. There nere only two lady birds that survived tho journey to Washington, but theso were successfully propagated, and soon hundreds of thousands wero nt work clearing tho orango orchnrds of tho scourge. The story of the Australian lady bird is almost idonticnl with that of the lady bird from China. Tho Aus tralian lady bird saved California or chards from tho devastation threatened by the fluted scnlo. Thero will be ninny other good bugs to see, and the array encourages ono to beliovo thaoventuHl ly they will exterminato tho bad bugs .that aro so expensivo to tho farmer anil orchardist. Such is tho romnnco woven by pro longed and patlont laboratory search. Thero will bo many othor marvellous romances of ovoryday scienco at tho Lewis and Clark exposition, for tho exposition mnnngomont is restricting the displays largoly to Hvo exhibits that show processes rather than pro ducts; but the "Bug vs. Bug" display will provo of oxtraordinnry interest to tho farmer or fruit grower who sees lousiness in it, the business or profes sional man who takes a passing interest in science, nnd to tho child who likes to look nt tho modols because some of them look liko dogs, nnd somo like cats, and somo liko lizards nnd snnkos. Often The Kidneys Are To Succeed Senator? Bate. - lUo ! rl t fl m I I iMiaiiviue, j.rnnM Ainrcii -i. wnen I WeaReilGd Dy Uyer-WOrK. tho Tennessee legislature assembled to-'- MaMMMWMWMWWaMlWMMtMWMWMMIWMI ::::::::A GENCY O F::::::: J BALFOUR, GU I MKiK & CO. I fif? ATMbdtos15dshippersofGR AIN I Oats For Sale. BOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graham, Agent, ikmm:m 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. IvMVnVAvfnWHfTllvlVBVIlVavSfMVT ! Notice to Alter and Establish Street Grade. Notice iB horoby given that an ordi nance to alter and outnblish tho grado of Commercial Btrcot in the City of Sa lem, Oregon, from tho south line of tho donation land claim of William H. Willson and Chloo A. Willson, his wife, t clniin No. Ai, to the south boundary 'lino of said city, was introduced in tho common council of said city nnd rend tho first and second times and referred to the committeo on ordinances, on tho 7th day of March, 1905, and all porsons interested aro required to nppear and show cause why said ordlnnnco should not be passed, on or boforo tho next regular meeting of Iho common council, ou the 21st day of March, 1005. W. A. MOOBES, 4 DICt City Recorder. Standard Liquor Successors to Co. J J. P. ROGERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1 48-1 56 South Commercial St It is our aim to handle the best grade of straight and blend ed whiskies made. Also the finest of California and Im ported wines and brandies. We guarantee all orders filled by us, and make a specialty of family and ruraljroute orders. All orders delivered free to any part of the city. Give us a trial, we will make you happy. STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. Phone Main 21 81. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that oulv unnary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginuiug in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, v hen your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected nnd how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys arc well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make 6 mis tnke by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild nnd the extraordinary cfTcct of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized, It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent nnd onc-dollnr size bottles. You mny nave a sample bottle nomooi Swamp-Root by mail irec, also a pain how to find out if vou bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Biughaniton , N. Y. , on every bottle. It Will Bo Warn; Soon. If you want a pinuo player that runs easy and one that is up-to-date, wo havo it. You will not bo tired out run ning it. Wo havo carload after car load (and moro coming all tho timo) of pianos, organs, sowing machines, talk ing machines and sheet music. Wo want to seo you. You nro nlwnys welcome. Geo. C. Will's music store, opposito Ladd & Bush's bank, Salem. day jt was for tho purpose of electing n successor to Senator Unto. Tho pre vailing opinion among the members np pears to favor tho selection of ox-Governor Benton McMillin. Mr. McMillin, ! who was Senator Bate's most nctivo j opponent during tlio last campaign, .withdrew in favor of Bate, with tho understanding thnt should Bate rotiro McMillin would beconio tho candidnto. like Finding Monoy.i . Finding health is liko finding mmey -so think thoso who aro sick. "W&ca you havo a cough, cold, sorb tbrctrt. otr chest irritntion; hotter act promptly liko W. C. Barber, of Sandy Lovel, Yo Ho says: "I hnd ft torriblo chest trtrofc lo, causod by smoko and coal dust can my lungs; but, after finding no. relief in othor remedies, I vras cured by 3r King's Now Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds." Greatest Bales of any cough or lung modleino Id tits world. At J. C. Perry's drug stwej: BOo and" $1.00; guaranteed, Trial laofc tlo frco. Gardner to Box Soigcr. Cholscn, Mass., March 21. The Doug lass Athletic Club has arranged a good card for its boxing show tonight. Tho wind-up will bring togother "Jimmy" Gardner, of Lowell, nnd ooigor, or JiouoKen. Tlio articles call but you will notico that she gives hear for a 15-round go at 138 pounds. up nil right. Tho fond mother of tho engaged gJxD "Charlie", Insists thnt It is hard to glvo her up m" ' 'iiibm if (,32t iphlct telling you have kidney or MILLINERY GALORE ( SN ( fc ( ! ( ( ( it HUNDREDS OF NEW SPRING HATS NO TWO ALIKE. NEW STYIiES, LOW PRICES. THE BEST IN QUALITY QUANTITY. TRDMWINGS-BXPBRT TRIMMERS TEND TO YOUR WANTS. WILL TRIM YOUR HATS IN THE VERY K LATEST MODES, AND CHARGES REASONABLE. ALT. AND WHO WILL AT- i: FLETCHER'S OIHLDREN CRY FOR OASTORIA. R0STEIN & GREENBAUM Dy Goods, Nlillhiety and Clothing 298 and 300 Commercial St. Salem ft iMMiMHiiMiimmimninummm, m The The Clean Way I Quick To Way Show t arge Rtgs & We ate stowing the greatest line of Room Rugs. Extraordinary fine eff ects in Tapestries, Velvets, Body Brussels, Axminsters and Calcutta Rugs. Tnese Calcutta Rugs ate the most substantial and best form of Rugs for bard ware and usage. They are strictly oriental in coloring 'and design. Do not miss us wben looking for any kind of floor covering. v The House Furbishing Co ill Liberty Strent Next Jos, Meyers & Sons