Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 02, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Only Woman In Prussia Who
Has Honor of Being a
Life Saver
Darmstadt, Fob. 2. In tho prosonco
of a notablo gathering, which includod
reprosontativcs of tho various courts
of Europo, ..tho marriago of Princess
JSloonoro of Solma-Hohonsolms-Lich
.and the Grand Duko of Hcsso was colo
bratcd today according to tho rites of
tho Lutheran church.
Tho Trodding party, whoso dresses
and uniforms mado a very effoctlvo
spectacle, ossemblod at 3:30 o'clock
In tho od castlo,' and then crossed tho
cnstlo yard to tho castlo church. Tho
church was filled with diplomats, tho
local authorities, and tho royal suits.
Tho ceremony lnstod throo-quarters of
an hour. Tho brido woro whito cropo
do chino, with orango blossoms, and a
bodico of Point do Voniso laco. Aftor
tho ceremony, amid tho ringing of tho
famous chimos, thoy proceodod to tho
castlo where a family dinnor was hold.
Tho gifts to tho bridal couple include
a numbor of magnificent presents of
silver or jowolry from tho King and
Queen of England, tho Czar and Czar-
ina and tho Emporor and Empress of
Tho Grand Duko of Hesse, Ernst
Ludwig, was born on Jtfovembor 25,
1808. Ho is a son of tho Grand Duke
Ludwig IV and of Princoss Alico, sec
ond daughter of Queen Victoria. Ho
succeeded to tho throno on tho death
of his father n March 13, 1892. Tho
Grand Duko married in 1894 Princess
Victoria, daughtor of Duko Alfred of
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, son of Quoon
Victoria. In 1901 tho High Court of
Hesse granted tho Grand Duko a di
vorco becauso of his wife's lively tern
por. It was said aho was accustomed,
when displeased, to throw table things
or bric-a-brac at her husband. Thoy
had one daughter, Elizaboth, born on
March 11, 1895. Sho died two years
ago. According to rumor tho formor
Grand Duchess was sccrotly marriod a
few weeks ago to Grand Duko Cyril of
Tho brido of today bolongs to tho
Lich branch of tho Solms family. Tho
family is closely allied to tho reign
ing houses of Prussia, 'of Groat Brit
ain, and to aovoral other sovereign dy
nasties of contral Europe. Its mem
bers trace their ancestry back in an
unbroken lino to Marquard I, Count of
Solms, in tho year 1129, and bolong to
the mediatized or formerly reigning
houses of Germany.
Princoss Eleonoro possesses tho dis
tinction of being tho only woman in
Germany upon whom has boon confer-
rod tho PruBsian modal for saving
Kfo. This honor was bestowed upon,
Iter by Emporor William soveral years
ago as n result of an incidont at Dres-,
den in which tho Princess displayed
great courngo and prcsonco of mind in
stopping a runaway horso mountod by
a lady who had lost control of hor
frightened stood. Tho Princess was
walking in tho public gardens, when
suddenly she caught sight of tho run
away. Without nn instant's hesitation
sho throw herself nt tho head of tho
frightened horso. Sh'o succeeded in
grasping tho bridlo and was draggod
about thirty yards boforo tho animal
was stopped, sustaining serious in
juries, " o
A Touching' Story
is the saving from donth of the baby
girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland,
Md. He writes; "At the ago of 11
months, our little girl was in declining
health, with serious throat trouble, and
two physicians gave her up. We were
almost in despair, when we resolved to
try Dr. King's few Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs nnd Colds. Tho first
bottle gave relief; after taking four
bottles she- was lured, and is no.w in
perfect health." Novcr fails to ro
lieve and cure a cough of cold. At J.
C. Perry; 'a drug store; 50a and $1.00
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
To Modify 'Agreement.
Pittsburg, Feb. 2. Au importaut
conference between -representatives of
the Republic Iron & Steel company and
the Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel Workers was bogun hero to
day. Tho meeting is for tho purpose
of modifying and making Borne changes
in tho agreement between tho company
and the association, especially that
section relating to the continuous oper
ation of the mills. Tho agreement baa
been in effect nearly five years.
Have you a friend who has a hard cold?
Then tell him fcbout Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how
it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep It
fi the house. Tell him to ask
have kaown the formula for
Explosion of Kerosene Lamp
Caused the Death of Mother
Child and Nurse
A sad accident occurred at tho little
town of Glondalc, which is tho death
of tho 2-year-old son, mother and nurso
of Oliver P. Lane, tho salesman in Hon,
H. G. Sonnomapn's storo in that place.
Tho child perished in tho firo, which
completely destroyed tho Lane dwelling
at an enrly hour yesterday. Tho fire
waB duo to tho oxplosion of a lamp, on
tho lowor floor of tho houso, whoro tho
urso, Miss Cooper, of Medford, was
sleeping. Mrs. Lane and tho littlo boy
wero sleoplng in tho adjoining room,
both sick with ponumonia. When tho
explpsion occurred it aroused Miss
Cooper, who instantly tried to smother
tho flames, but it had gained such con
trol it was boyond her power. Mrs.
Lane tried to carry tho littlo boy out,
but, in hor wenkonod condition, tho task
proved too much for hor. Tho two wo
men trlod to escape through tho front
door, but the smoko nnd flames woro so
thick thoy could not reach it. Mr. Lane,
nrousod by tho fire, hurried down, a
window was broken, through which
thoy escape, although both ladles woro
very ladly burned. By tho timo thoy
had gained tho outside, tho houso- wan
in a solid mass of flames, and tho littlo
child could not bo rescuod.
Tho remains of tho littlo ono have
been recovered- Both tho ladic9 wore
seriously burned, nnd diod later in tho
day from tho effects of their burns.
The affair has cHusod much griof in
Glcndalo, whoro they wero well known,
Mr. Lane is nearly prostrated in this
groat hour of trouble, and has tho sym
pathy of tho entire community.
There is moro Catarrh in tliis sec
tion of tho country than all other dis
eases put togothor, and until tho last
fow years was supposed to bo incura
ble. For a groat many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and pre
scribed locnl romodies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced' it incurable. Sck
oncq has .proven catarrh to bo a con
stitutional disease nnd therofore re
quires constitutional treatmont. Hall's
Catarrh Guro, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only
constitutional euro on tho market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10
drops to a tcaBpoonfuI. It acts direct
ly on tho blood and mucous surfaces
of tho system. They offer one hun
dred dollars for any caso it fails to
cure. Sond for circulars and testimoni
als. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., T
lodo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
A Ploasant Way to Travel.
Tho abovo is tho usual verdict of
tho traveler using tho Missouri Pacific
railway botween tho Pacific coast and
tho east, and wo boliovo that the sorv
ico and accommodations given merit
this statement. From Denver, Colora
do Springs nnd Donvor thero aro two
through trains daily to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard electrio-lightod sleeping
cars, chair cars and up-to-dato dining
cars. Tho oarao excellent service is
operated from Kansas City and St.
Louis to Memphis, Littlo Bock and Hot
Springs. If you aro going cast or
south, writo for particulars and full in
formation. W. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agt.,
124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Hobos at Eugene set firo to tho tan
nery. The rovival at Albany, which was a
union evangelistic service, resulted in
115 conversions.
Beginning February 1 tho north
bound passenger trains; leaving San
Francisco will bo at loast three hours
later than usual. This will continue
for about 90 days. Tho temporary,
withdrawal of the transfer steamer
Solano from service between Benicia
and Port Costa for repairs is tho cause
of tho change, AU trains now going
by way of Port Costa will, during the
timo that tho Solano is being repaired,
run by way of Stocktpu. This includes
all trains of the Ogden and Shasta
his doctor about it. Doctors
over sixty years.
lw.ll. ibu.
DAltt OAtfAi, JotttttAS I&iSk.
1illiiMrtmiMtnnllHlllllIHImiMl .HULL ILL II I IJWIIlim
a Rustling: Journal
News Gatherer
Corvallls, Oregon, Jan. 25.
To Tho Capital Jeurnal:
Rev. Green, of tho Congrogntional
church of Corvallis, has boon holding
rovival meetings in tho church of tho
samo denomination at Plymouth for
tho past two weeks. Ho is being as
sisted in tho services by tho Rev. Dan
iel Stnrcr, of Hubbard.
Tho people throughout that commu
nity aro very much interested in the
outcomo of tho mootiugs, and the at
tondanco is exceptionally good. Fri
day ovenlng tho Christian Endeavor
society of tho Corvallis church attend
ed tho services. Special music was
rendered by theso young people, which
was greatly appreciated.
County Cork Victor P. Moses, of
Benton county turned over tho tax
rolls to tho sheriff Thursday for tho
year 1904 to tho amount of $78,772.53,
total charged to tho sheriff. This is
tho first county in tho stnto to com
plete this ofllcinl business so early in
tho senson.
County Judge Wattcrs is quito ill at
his residenco in Corvallis. His imme
diate recovery is hoped for.
Assessor T. II. Davis is in Portland
for a few davs. Whilo in that city ho
will attend tho state convention of
nsscssors which is in session.
County School Superintendent
George W. Denman havo just complet
ed tho work occasioned with the eighth
grndo examination in the public schools
throughout tho county.
Thoro woro over ono hundred appli
cants, about 50 per cent, making grades
high enough to ontitlo promotion.
Saturday a parent 'h mooting will bo
held in Fairmount grango hall. A
program will bo given in tho foronoon.
Literary talont from various schools
of that vicinity will assist in enter
taining. Tho instructive nuinbors are ns fol
14 Apparatus Ts Needed in Every
School," T. J. Risloy, II. J. Rceso.
"Benefits to Bo Derived From Con
solidation of Rural Schools," J. G. Gib
son, M. V. Leopor.
"How Far Should Faroes Back
Teachers in Corporal Punishmontt"
T. B. Williamson.
"Trend of Modern Educntion,"
Prof. T. A. Hayes.
"Need of Libraries, and What Thoy
Should Contain in Rurnl Schools,"
Anna Pagonkopf, Minnio McCourt.
T. T. Vincent.
"School Law," Supt. Denman.
A bnskot lunoheon will bo sorved at
tho noon hour. All aro cordially invit
ed to attend. Rev. Daniel Staror, of
Hubbard, will fill tho Congrogationnl
pulpit both morning nnd ovoning Sun
day. Ho has many friends hero who
will appreciato tho opportunity of
hearing him.
Tho past week hns boon a busy ono
for tho county rocordor. Tho books
show n long list of filings, among which
nro an unusually' largo numbor of doeds
for so short a time.
Rev. Ray Pamor arrived in Corvnl
lis Thursday ovoning and held his first
aorvico in this town on tho samo night
in tho Baptist church. Rov. Palmer
comes horo from tho East and will
continuo to hold meetings for sorao
time. Ho is a speaker of vast ability
and will no doubt do much for tho
causo whilo hero.
Sunday morning a choir composed
ontiroly of children will sing for tho
first timo in tho Congregational church.
Theso small singers nro under tho su
pervision of Mrs. Florence M. Green
who is a very ablo musician. For somo
timo to como tho music from theso
young vocalists will bo a foaturo of
each service.
At tho present timo Benton county's
jail is without an occupant. It must
rand to reason that this section of
tho country is populated with law
abiding citizons.
Last Friday ovoning a lively game
of basket-ball was played in tho ar
mory by tho O. A, C. girls against
the Lebanon high school girls. Tho
score was 25 to 5 in favor of Corvallis.
Tho houso was filled with an enthusi
astic audience, who demonstrated by
ohoors their satisfaction as the gnmo
progressed. Tho O. A. C. girls looked
very attractive in thoir blue kilted
skirts, with orango trimmings.
The federal grand jury, it is said,
aro disclosing some gigantic land steals
in Coos and Curry counties, which will
involve a number of very prominent
men of that section.
Miburn C. Brown, a Lane county
pioneer, died at Grant 'a Paw January
27, 1003, at 10 p. m., after a lingoring
illness from pneumonia.
'dfcSaOft xhUMdAV, MfttfAStV S,
For the Purpose of Improving
the Upper Willamette
Cornett of Linn advocated a bill to
improvo tho uppor Willnmotto and
create a board of internal improvo
monts. Linn county had nevor got
anything out of tho stato but $400 to
improve n soda water' spring that nd
body but tho pcoplo of Sodnvillo wnnted
Brighnni of Lane said $2.",000 ox
ponded on tho river in Linn county
wouldn't amount to enough to dirty
tho water. If tho upper river could
bo improved ho would gunrantco that
$25,000 could bo raised to that end.
Ho expressed sympathy for Mr. Cor
nett, but could not support tho bill.
Smith of Josephine said tho bill
would establish a bad precodent. Riv
ers nil over tho stnto could demand
money out of tho stato treasury for
tho same purpose. Tho Harriman
syndicate owned tho steamboats and it
was voting inonoy for thoir benefit.
Miles of Yamhill said tho federal
government was vory properly placed
in control of navigablo rivers and car
ried on its work undor competent en
gineers. Stato appropriations wero im
proper and ho boliovcd they should
not bo encouraged by this legislature.
Tho vote lesultoil, ayes 5, noes 50.
Eugene churehes aro taking a relig
ious census of tho town.
That is what tho wholo world is
trying to do, in ono way or anothor
and nono aro so successful as thoso
who uso
Ask your grocor for it for two roa
sons, viz: .becauso it is tho boat
and becauso it is mado in Salem.
Marion Cotraty Bicycle
Passes Resolutions
Inasmuch as a good bicyclo
rack ia a great convonionco, if
not an actual necessity to all
bicyclo riders, aud inasmuch as
quito a numbor of tho morchants
of Salem havo kindly provided
such rnckB, and as theso racks
aro much appreciated by tho
Salem bicyclo riders, thoroforo
bo it
Resolved, That wo tender our
sincoro thanks to all thoso mor
chants who havo so kindly pro
vided such racks.
3000 Members.
I Gold Dust Flour I
!-'- - ' ' ' -' -1
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Or,
gou. Made for family use. Ask
your grocer for It. Bran and
hortB always on band.
P. B. Wallace
abop of
G. F Mason
Miller Street, iuth ftalcin.
PHONE 2191 Bod.
ii7"i MiiniiiMhiirtiiKiiTiiiai1niniiirtifniiwniii)i"T r 1 ' inffrtftm
'Ladies Only,
It Is Women Who
Need Most Relief
From Little Irri
tating Pains
and Aches,
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills aro for
Woman's delicate nervous organism
Mnglc3 to the least Jarring Inlluonco, and
some ncho or pain Is tho result.
Tho rcmedyla nt hand
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
They act most marvellously on wom
an's nervpus organism, anil rcllovo nnd
euro tho patn3 to which sho Is h martyr.
Headaches, ncuralciao pains, monthly
pains, and nil kinds of pains disappear,
as ir a gcntlo hand had lightly soothed
them away. Dizziness, Rush of Blood
to tho head, Tootlmcho, Backncho aro
all cured by theso "Littlo Comforters."
Cured without dancer of dlsatrrccnbla
after-effects; cured quickly; cured with
out unnatural action on liver, stomach,
or other internal organs.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Pnln Pills please tho
women, nnd tho children tnlco them be
causo they, nro easy to tako and sootho
all thoir sufferings.
"For years 1 had spells of sick head
ache, at times stirrer! ns1 untold ngonlea.
I could not ctuluro any excitement.
Going to church, nnd oven visiting,
brought on theso tcrrlblo spells. I tried
numerous romodies without relief until
I tried Dr. Miles' Antt-Pain Pills, and
they havo cured me. When I feel symp
toms of sick hendacho I tnko a pill nnd
ward off tho attack. When I nm tired
and nervous, n pill soothes mo." MRS.
SARAH WATIC1NSON, Blalrstown, la.
Price. 25e a box. Never sold In bulk.
n'T?'!''!? Wrlto to us for Freo Trial
JC XViliili pneknno of Dr. Miles' Antl
Pnln Pills, tho Xow Scientific Remedy
for Pnln. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist will dlngnoso your catto, tell
J'ou what Is wrong, and how to right It,
rco. DU. M1U39 MEDICAL. CO.,
Tho two dyo works of Eugene have
of good" broad making lies in a bag
i of flour from the Salem Mills. It
i mado by tho most perfect process,
from the choicest wheat, nud makes
the whitest and most delicious
bread thnt milked it in reality "tho
stair of life," by its healthful and
nutritive qualitiuH.
Salem Flouting Mills
to woo
your patronage nnd win your approval
wo oITor uo othor persuasive argument
than tho high-grndo quality of our
grocerlos nnd our low prices -goods
and prices.
Harritt & Lawrence
:j Fine Property
(nimiiiiumii fh j
ll II I flfcfci i nM
mmmr l
Choico pieco residence property on principal atroot within three block
business part of city.
Nice largo, modern boae, about ono aero of ground near school and
car line, all kinds of fruit, beautiful shrubbery, etc. All modern eon
Thoso are both etra choice buys for homes or investments.
244 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
Is Not Gve
We will profcably have
some cold weather yet and
you will need a heating
stove. We have cat prices
on every heating stove in
the house. Call and ex
amine them.
Tfaeit Bank
Tho relations existing betwoon
this bank nnd its customers aro
closo nnd cordial. Wo estoom it a
coniplimonl to havo pcoplo lay claim
to tho institution ns being THEIR
lank. Is it also youtsf Wo mako
an earnest effort to ncuommodnto all
cullers. Our aim is to mako this in
every rospoct tho I'ooplos' Bank; a
bank whero all may fool at homo; a
place whero thoso of moderate
uicaiiH nniy oxpoct tho samo treat
ment ns Uiobo moro favorably situ
ated. Salem State Bank
Salem, Oregon
; Wall Paper
Latest designs in stock,
J and good work guaran-
teed. We have the small
J store and small prices
E. L Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
XSi,Cimi lltuir fof SvrruM.D UiwrM.no,
NQWN TO rAll. B.r.l H.r.1 Spm4tI H.tli.
lur.tiu! or Muiur UcfutMll H.nt rr.p.14
iMtlofi Uiur.tiu!
M Ml tVlllM.d lhiuii.il trl.1. to b. tllfor
b rllttd SunplM fr... irwrdrulL4Mt Mi
ti.T. th u &4 ywu oriltf . I. tb.
8old In 8alem by 8. C. Ston.
A Scotch
mndo from our flue old Scotch urlils-
key Is Invigorating and bracing in T
cold weather. Our flno stock of whls
kioti aro puro and tho lucst distllhv X
tion, and is n treat to tho epicure or X
tho ronaijisour to tost tho volvoty f
BinootlinoM and lino flavor of it
E. Eckeilea
258 Commercial Street I
4 1 II) IHi HIHII Hi MW4?
f -i-K-H-t-H I l-f-M i 1 1 1 Hi
4 t
at a Bargain ij