H 8- PAH.T OAWTAL JOagAItAMal.OKE10y.310NDAT,JAin'BT!a,lW5. -. . - ,Z H'bfnfii:T'0 ri a i AMUSEMENTS, j ifnTflOlliliMttitlf i i I : STOCKTON & CO. r UjgdSBfariniH? HJ .) ! rjr -wxr ' THB OLD WHITE CORNER. I Grand-MinteM OjJJJj T WW III' ft C t 1 Grand ParsifaL wm mil mnuarv f Iparanri? Sano I --2r r ""- H iHJ9 f b m. i t m i m (amdMH w mHm.MBH t m i nw j'm. j &. h n nnfirt'crn nivctis aMesHte. ill and LjE Wflio B Wi'c!'t ' ' I ,..- -nlnmPBt than a rendition V ''WW VfuL f Sale of White from "Carmen' the and 1 i! 2 " - , . w ' ti. .j F ' . IMMENSE SAVING? IN DRESS OOODlJ . Tl I X "i Wo'vo made nomo onvlnblo records In drcaa goods Belling thin ftoanoii and it' nil duo to our parrying tbo right kind of goods tlio kind wanted. On ac count of our excellent buying fncllitiei we'vo been nblo to iindoncll nil opposition. SOME OF OUR EXCELLENT CORSET OFFERINGS i Reductions from one-fourth to one-half on ROYAL VOHCrJSTJ3K and WARNER CORSETS. "VVo have jnat rocoivod another shipment of TAPE GIRDLES, nlno the new extended hip and prince hip shapes with supporters attached. U Ladies' Jackets, $5.00 Each YOUR CHOICE OF AN EXCELLENT STOCK. WE BIIOW OVER 300 OARMENTS AND EVERY ONE IS WORTH TWICE TO FOUR TIMES TIIE PRICE. Greatest Inducements over otforod to thu Salem people. There wn nover a timo' in tho history of Bnjem that dry goods, 'cloth Ing niid ulioen could bo taught as cheaply nit they can now. Wo urn cutting down our stock and making room for tho now aprlng goods. Keep Your Eyes on Us Ladies'Sui ts and Skirts The largest nnd best styled collection of suits nnd eVirts in nil Salem. Silk Waists, Half Price Any silk waist in our store can be brought for just luil f Its worth. Mantelli Opera Company. A ore popalar er delightful even-,..- -nlnmpnt than a rendition mg i . .. .. ! 1 .'" of the musical gru.s nnnl ODera Of "Faul'' wuld be arranged to please the mass of music lovers of this city. When sang in English by such superb artists as Mme. Eugenia -unme..., Mme. Helen Noldi, Slgnor Archilli Al bert!. Walter H. Wheatley and othor principals alwwt equally as well known, the musical irwi. louMv pnjnvable. The Mantelli uperatic v,ouii-.- which .1. Saunders Gordon is this season presenting for publie approval, ami which will be heard at the Grand Opera house tonight, seems destined to be the most popular "hit' 'of the present sea son, sure its repertoire come nearer .M,.t,in thi. Rfi.nnilikl "noDular" taste and the personnel of the organization is of an unusual high order. The com pany carries a carload of special scen ery, and each scene nnd act is magnifi- entlv costumed. An augumenieu or chestra will be conducted by tho well known director, Signor Gaetano Mero la. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. eater Chicago Store AGENTS STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING IBM : II ! FLAT ' SALARY BILL j lively Skirmish Expected by ! Friends of the Measure It la thought by nmny that nn nlTort is being niudo to kill Miller 'a nnd Kay 'a flat wilnry bills In tho commit tec, and whan tho friends of those hill lecom fully vonvlncml that such in tho cnao, t lutre will owur a lively aklr JillalA Miller 'a filemls nsaort that, iiiiIom his bill la reported, by tho judlolary com mltico cllhrr today or tomorrow, ho wilt demand it on tho floor of tho sen Ale, What will then happmi la only u Matter of cttiij(uro At tho Inst ptwlou of tint legislature M atuiilnr bill omno near meeting an tin tlmrJy death at tho hands of tho oom jnlttw, and the friend of the meaauro will bo fully nwnko to tho dangers thU time. Jury List Being Drawn. Tho county commissionora' court, which lit in session today, is occupied with the jury list, which will bo finished tonight, and will appear In tomorrow 'h paper, Tho court has mado tho atato uiont that it is their doairo that all persons whoso names appear upon tho list, who nro exempt from jury duty, on ncanuut of membership of tho firo department or mllltln, will plenso noti fy tho county clerk at once, so that tho list may bo revised at au adjourned aesslow. When court udjournen tonight thoy will adjourn until tho noxt regu lnr Houston, which will bo hold Febru GIVEN THREE YEARS (Continued from first page.) ary 1, 1U03. BORN. U,ACKIIUUN-At tho family home, near Utterly, Hunday, January IS, J(KW, to Mr. and Mm. A. T. lllaek burn, n lS-pauud bey, ISS!BH5FJLlJagaBg"'- Threatened Strike SotUod. Philadelphia, Jan. 23.Tho threat ened etrlko of tho trainmen of tho Pennsylvania system has boon averted, nnd tho dtuputo Mttlcd. Star Restaurant J hV moved to M0 lurt HI., where X Mtrvo tbo best 16 cent meals in the ity, Money to Loan thomas k. rono, Qtr Lauld A lluih'a lUnk. Oalem, Or A Few More Rubber Bike Capes and many more rainy days. These nro good tiot only for the bike rider but for the fur mar or any man who must bo out In tho wet. Cover you from head to fool and lonvo the bauds free. Storm Aprons Too 0mm1 Ma tt all srU for kaaks and lMggiM. Call awl get oae and'mvo raHittre, F. A. Wiggins' Implement Hor, 9ft-867 Liberty St. rami iHipleraeata, Wbeela, Automo btlea, fiowiux Machines and Supplies, without any trouble." Ryan, at anoth er timo sold,: "I wouldn't mind this so much, for I am innocent, if it had liappoued nnywhoro but hero in Salem, but I lind a good start and my shnro of friends horo, nnd thon to end it all bV being placed under arrest, and drained through tho courts la hard. My cose will bo up boforo tho sunromo court about tho 10th of next month, and I have not tho alight oat doubt but that I shall be acquitted, but at tho same timo it ia wry annoying, to say tho least, to know that jteople will ny, 'that wan waa under arrest for stealing once,' " It will bo remembered that tho Ryan ensi origiuntod from a foot race held in tho road nonr the baseball park the weeK following tho stato fair. Roth, who is an Alhinu druggist, came to Sa. lem to show tho farmers a thing or two ami baeked a foot ruoer named Ileus ton against a man named Morris, who' waa lmeked by W. C. Raymond, weh backer putting up $2000 in the Uaa.h or Hyan, who waa to aet as stake holder. Tho race was run, and Roth's man fell down, losing tho raee, and Hy an said that he thon paid the stake ovor to Raymond, but Roth elnittied that his man would havo won the rate had It not been for bis acci dent, and had llya, who was in Rw burg o bwiti!, wt under arrest for stealing the stakes, ltyua says that the mmr Raymond, to whom he pai.l iho money, leaMtl! to that fact in tho mftiioo nuirt lmt U.I . .. ... L' . . . .., ..... .,, , B roiHi, unit through owe Misunderstaading, hu f fidavit waa out secured. m mmunmnii h-4-H-- I Gteat Sale On 2.60 WntchM now 1 .50, 5 Wlol w now ?3. 10 WHtehoc uswIOCO. Kogre 1S47 Knivws ami Forks ?3.36, Berry SjMwna 1.50. ltuttor KnivM OOc Solid Ciold StKsstncle Trmm SSUold WHI, fliW) to $3,50. Opr Glaasea, $S.OO to 13.50 Mualo Holla at Half Price. V otrcr wtno groat brj?inain ltluga, Ohalnt, Charms, Tinu, IxwlcoU, Chatalaiu Watcbw from ti up to $12. Tho rush is oiu Why not get Juto line.bofore all ohoico nrtiolw arx gone. i 1 NEW TODAY Wanted Any kimt ef hAMM.vork er fhsaMiNg jwewi. Atw give leMoa la Vreaeh. derm, Italian aad Lat in. Jeb UMittr, ear Jsmrtwl Mt-lm "Over Niagara Falls "0er Niagara Falls," Rowland & Clifford's thrilling melodrama, a big bit in New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco and elsewhere, comes to the Grand January 24. Crowded houses at every performance in the big cities attested the degree of popular favor "Over Niagar Falls" has attained. As an elaborate scenic production, "Over Niagara Falls' is very much above the average melodramatic at traction. The greatest effect is in tho thirfl act, whieh shows Niagara i-nlls, over whieh tho heroine is supposed to go in a barrel. This i9 the most ef fective and delightful feature, and the spectator who has seen tho great cat aract will be surprised at tho realism of this production. Miss Itomaine, the leading lady of "Over Niagara Falls," is well known in the east, where she has been a favorito stock leading lady. She possesses aa attractive personality, fine emotional power, and the technique of an artist. Del Henderson, a hand some young romantic actor, is tho lead ing was, and has won the unstinted praise of tho critics for his splendid work. Messrs. Rowland & Gilford have surrounded these elever players with nn exceptionally strong supporting company. The scenic effects of "Over Niacnra Falls" have been leng a subject of much comment. The first scene shows Goat Island above tho falls, which glimmer in the moonlight. Thero the heroine, Madeline, is thrust into a bar rel by the villain and hurled Into tho waters. The second is the Kock of Ages be low the falls, aad the third is the most wonderful of the lot. The curtain arises ditcWwiag the Horseshoe falls, graml aa dreadful, sweeping its mil Hon tons of water into the abyssmal gulfs bJw. WWh tho eye nwrvels at the lliug p'tnr of the huge cataract, tho ear boors the doll, sodden roar of tho waters, aa.l tho iftet is startliag in the extreme. This mi .! ih reseue of the berotM frota the boil tug, seething waters by the hero has never failed to arotwe Uw natt m thusiano. and bo Wm Uua IS rmmia (Kills are d.ouuultd mbjfctiy. lUx ore u ( K m TWUy. for selling quantities of good goodsat little prices. Wo nro now soiling th.eo times tho amount of goods we ever sold in Salem. Wo are just as busy as bees every day. Every customer that visits tho BIO CHICAGO STORE is highly pleased with tho fine class of goods wo carry, our methods of doing business and tho polite and attentive help wo havo to wait on' you nnd tho small prices wo nsk for our goods. No bouso can beat our prices. Wo buy for cash nnd sell for cash and do tbo business. " Monday and Tuesday Specials rr Sale-Uukt kr. - Iwr CftpiUU ItMMfVVMSMM eMMfHItV, 3)0 rr Rt-jw W fc, - m us inrmm atmu, $10 Pe 1T1 Xd. 181 j.. The Emit. Tb JrrTeMoa a the foremost S ur on the AmfWm Mom udar fTk y for oil tWt h vikik, Umi, iwm nuu rn Ml madara .1 ..; s . .w jwoanction ! thir im i w--.. li ....! A - ' u..v ..ou wwwm nr kwytwd the ihhhu iniMie ino the lu. te.1... .k.. . " IF"" - ? Mtnciad to a ptov p wow II IMTMMU tk. , ifnamie aawerttrt ab-, m , rlMMaiaa.1 . --o "'ii M x, tnuU. P.c lte JirtM,' 99ttmmMct. . t-rr won Of t port o ynAt ",Si?i5 " - SiTiTilK: .T i iSW'Sf. ' MeitDeortoHliJtRujh Biak :: WwWM- i. iw-- ii... ... '-Tr "" """ ""wany b4- vwwaw IIHU -m tm- avaoL. a B .- i - l.J.v .. T. . Z . ' i ;. -"-W " -- mm. inr. iibai a -- . vnv 9m mwvmLTM vja Waated-OM artlM WittoiMtU Mta. "ttMf 14 l--lf iS immm -ar liwwtTr - a3f nun, jh m "V. Xiui, S 3n Sfuayrf. j;f f tkeit U. aywWe U iu Mfcrul . kUl kona hImhn f sUMfvitfry eatswui.., j, . '- d w-UHmi v. JUKam -' tket .n. TS Z?' IwuH" at to Ciu,i iv. . -- .m, a. V ts,t Tit if i i .t Ht ffr-J -I. - '1 u Tay 500 dozen of tho famous Black Cat hose, the greatest wearing hoso on earth for ladies, misses and chil dren. We nsk no fancy price 10c, 15c and 25c pair. Exclusivo agonts. 500 yards of our famous Black Silk Peau do Soie, tho $1.33 quali ty, soft and lustrous; this is the silk that has mado tho Chicago Storo tho Silk House of Salem. Solo agonts. Sale price, yard Soc 500 yards India Silk, all colors, a beautiful quality; price, yd... 23c LADIES' COATS HALF PRICE LADIES SKIRTS HALF PRICE Ladies, did you ever buy ono of tho famous Ruth Waists! Wo havo them iu silk and other mac tcrials. They excel. You will say so when you see them. 30 dozen Ladies' Turn-Over Col lars, tho latest ,...10c, 15c, 25c Wo do the business in Dress Goods. Come in nnd look through our stock. 20c Persian Wnistings, yd..l2.c Men's COc Heavy Underwear.. 29c Ifcst) C3c Bluo Overalls 39c Men's 18c Black Cotton Hose, per pair 10c THE CHEAPEST STORE IN THE NORTHWEST. MrFVtOY RRflQ Corner of Commer ITilC T V I DnUO. cial and Court Streets which make this play famous. There is nothing that theso actors do that has not tho imprint of their own gcninl and artistic natures. All tho humor, facility and humanity of tho men are woven In their characterizations, and tho art and skill employed in doing this arc of a "school" peculiarly their own. This is particularly truo of "Tho Rivals," in which they will nppcar here, and which is a favorito with them New Edison Theatre. This week Binghnm's big ventrilo qull novelty, entitled "Bingham's Gro eery," will head tho bill at tho popular Edison. This unique specialty conies from Eastern triumphs, and the people of Salem will havo a chanco to wit ness tho best ventriloquistic specialty in America, Bello Verna, the ladv of mane f,. has a star act, new 'to most people. ' The three Aubrey children aro very' "ever cmut artists. Children aro fa vorites with tho Kdison patrons Harry Moyer will offer a new song, M new views on the Edison-o-Scopo wj I go to make up an exceedingly fine WU of polite, clean vaudeville. NMhvilla, Tn., Jan. 23.-Hunureas ZmS ?ra8d CUnoil uf Ten- 0d Chapter oTtl . ' 1U- "Mt at II v f0yal Arch 0 boat kit af?Dic T"P. Mwi, VeTJ", VW. the Z 7 the c" k mW.rT8 MeU -f the rft. -r,iTtfd ,R of Grand Opera House JNO. F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Monday, Jan. 23. Mr. J. Saunders Gordon presents Mme. Eugenia Mantelli late prima donna of the Metropol itan Opeia House of New York, and her company, including Sig nor Archilli Alberti.Mme. Helene Noldi, Walter H. Whentley and other notable artists, rendering in English the best scenes from Car men and Faust. Augmented Or chostra, Signor Gaetano Merola, Conductor. Special scenery, cor rect costumes. JMcea $1,50, 1, 75c, 50c Grand Opera House JOHN F. OORDEAY, Mgr. , TUESDAY, JAN. 24 A scenic triumph, complete inspiring natural Entire production carried. Over Niagara Falls An imperious, rushing, roaring, resist loss torrent of sights, scenes nnd sen sations us stupendous as majestic Ni agara. Prices 50c, 35c, 25c. Seats Oil SO'll nt Imr nOl Tnc.1nV a. m. Drnn CUrtM a ja w. Aiv. "-"KMtjiTZ.18 re ot x, W mm u :" " Jarsw. .., -- ... , gnni i ,, -m j hhu ahH 1&A " aartiU t " j 3 i Qre. if - . r - .. i.v. rw- ., .. . . JOH-rL-W terrad. ind. He ieo, rwJa iB New Edison Theatre Starkey, Manager. Week Commencing January 23, 1905. Vaudeville at Its Best. Bingham-And his comical ventrili quu novcly, 'Bingham's Grocery," a big act. Jello Verua-Lady of maay faces. eo Aubums-oiever child artists. Harry Moyer Tho Salem boy. Edlson-o-Scopo. "uuussion 30c Dhnntrn nt act3 Thursday. Saturday. OhUdren's prijsa matinee Chicago Markets. tBego. Jan. 23.. wi,nt Sffit: " U; oats, 3031. O. Carroll it Ti nn t n rme, 0f Qrants p , Walter of Baker City, visited tho Re Wm aad dm Muto Schools yesterday.