" i54 . , i T FORGET TO WATOH THIS ' "Qenrnis Items. r SPACE. K; Ted Poujade- is flown jf ram Salem on PERSONALS Iir Many Friends: V' a two iweojcs' tfaaation, 4tLp, 'greater It's a Matter of Business WgJFfl gthis time of the year upto-date part of which he will spond here with DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, aALEM,' OREGON. FRIDAT, OOTOBEB 14, 1904. Pltnnfa tint it n nApfnnl atnrm nfi lllH twirflllts. E seasonable goods constantly ar- In, and wo wish to now tell von Bthrough the columns of this pa- pin this samo corner, from day to jwo Will tell you of those goods, also tell you of many other things lw.ll help you get up that dinner puzzles you so. ' kv, itching this spaco that is not Inh leneilt youylll receive, fdr Ill tell jou of now things you have ' feed before; of a better grade of lings you have used before; and a I tr price on cheap things for try all grades, but will tell vou;nnii ncros. Ho will stock it with cot- f tne Deal, la Kiuuuuca is uic , t in the long run. Right here t to say that on the same qual- goods wo are undersold by no Wo tako a pride in pleasing F3 rade, for wo well know that a customer brings us many an- customer, and that is tho secret growth, for wo please our trade, ISO wo givo them goods that can't from pleasing them. ft know what we buy before wo buy know whnt we sell before tw'o It and never tako chances on glv- you inferior goods. If you are now ling with us, you know our meth- jof business; if you nre not we ask ft for your patronage, because wo Ay believe wo can better satisfy I than any other firm in Salem, for 'following reasens: Wo have the selected and cleanest stock of gro- les in Salem; wo have tho most iern and best kept grocery store in jfcBstcity; we are undersold by nobody, and meet all competition ;last, but not :, we deliver your order when prom- Behevo us. ours ever to please FULLER & DOUGLAS, Salem's heading Grocers. State Street. Phone2201 WATOH THIS SPACE. Weak, Nervous People HYo havo reccivod lottors from all foarts of tho U. 3. highly recommend- lag Dr. Gunn's Blood & Norvo Tonic, ttil tho faith we had in the remedy been fully sustained. Wo had nfideuco from tho vory beginning sat this medicino should make cures, kut lacked that nssuranco that comes iftor many successful trials. Now that we havo been upheld in our be lief wo want to impart Sto others our Confidence. Nervous and unsteady people, weak, fleshless people, pimply, bale, or sallow peoplo, aro all victims it weak, watery blood. Mako now, Hcb. blood, to bo forced through the sstom by the way of tho artenos, Bid disoaso cannot remain. This Tonic sres disease by giving you strength to sist it. All druggists sell it for 75c 5r box, or 3 boxes for $2. The tab- Sets are to tako after each meal. They tttrn tho food you cat into rich red Weod. Persons who tako this Tonic gain in good solid flesh from 1 to 3 lbgipcr week. l. oaiu u; -. .-. . mw..-, on . n Schoonor Ashore. Jhntham, Oct. 14.-T1.0 British w -. . .. i ... sooner wentwortu ran nsnoro uu foth Bar last night, and all hands ie lost. IIIIIIHIUIIIIIIHi I Fesh Today I A FULL LINK OF iChocolateCf earns I I Zmn s 154 State St. Phone 1971 t I t 8 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I IF YOU LIKE CHEESE THAT IS JlTL X2a 3d O Ci Try Oar Foil Cream Tillamook (parafined) at J 5 Cents Pe Pound ATWOOD & FISHER, Phone 57 i Grocers Corner Commercial and Court. MtMMtMtMMMMMMMMMMMJ the Council m ilium ii i DRAUGHT OPEN ALL NIGHT fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars Winger Block, 141 8tato 8t J. A. Cooper, Prop, Phona Main 491. "Th MissUs Mtfude arfd Kiltie Smith are visiting relatives and friends in Portland tliii week. The Misses Bertie and Mamie Mur- phy are employed in Portland depart- ment store as clerks ' Mrs. N. H. Looftey spent part of Sunday with Win. J, Clarke and fam- "' Sunday, returnftrto her Unties as matron at the Reform Sohool Monday. Henry Meiridg is at homo after sev- oral weeks' visit to Canada where he went to look for land. He says, it ils a good country and he bought a thous- "i - Traveled Rocky "Roads." Suit for divorce hns been filed for Mrs. Nettie Rhodes by her attorney, E D. Horgan, against her husband, Bert A. Rhodes. The happy (f) couple wore married in Salem, April 4, 1S93, and plaintiff charges that hubby came home late on tho night of April 2, 1901, and beat her, and also threatened to tako her life, and nlso cnlled her names, and again in Portland, on August -2d, he struck her, and was arrested and placed under $500 bonds to keep the peace, and that in view of nil these facts plaintiff wishes the court to freo her from the bonds of matrimony. Saves Two Prom Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havil and, of Armonk, N. Y., "but when all other remedies failed, we saved her lifo with Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our niece who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonder- fui tnedicino and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat nnd lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dis coery as to no othor medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaran teed bv J. C. Perry. Trial bottles free. A Library Benefit. Do not fail to henr Mrs. Park's de scription of her visit to tho Holy Land, and sco tho collection of curios belong ing to Mrs. Pnrks nnd Mrs. Wiggins, at the Library Benefit, at 2:30 p. m. Sat urday, at tho library. Admission, adults 15cc; children 10c. o Quiet at Esopus. TJsopin, Oct. 14. Thoro wero no enllers today. Judgo Parker passed the forenoon in disposing of .the correspond ence, nnd will return to New York Tuesday. Adulteration goes full length in spices and flavoring extracts you think it isn't worth while to cheat in such trifles four-fifths of "vanilla" is tonka; cost's one or two cents for "$ i -worth". Schilling's Best are entirely pure ; at your grocer's. MIIH MlM-4 IIIIIIIIIU Substantial :: Meals... :at the: White House i Restaurant George Bros. Props. nnHHmnwiMwuimim Best of everything. NORTH PACIFIC COAST BEER ON Mrs. L. L. .ludsdn liml daughter, In, returned to thoir home at Aberdeen, Wash., after n visit with relatives in this city. Blbert Watt loft yesterday for Dal las, Toxas, where he i take a course of music. in thfl Dallas Conservatory of Music. Miss Harriet Burnett has returned to her homo in Sin rranclsco, aftpr a visit at the homo of her uncle, Hon. Geo. II. Burnett. Mrs. R. O. Thomas nnd Mrs. Allon Wilson,' of Turner, wore visitors iu Sa lorn yesterday. Mrs. A. L. Hussoy roturned to her homo at Turner yesterday, after a short visit in this city. Albert Wilson, of Lobnnon,was in the city last evening for a short visit with his brother, R. L. dilson, in this city, nnd today ho left for t'ortland, where ho will enter school. Bert Lougheed and L. E. MeDnniols returned last evening from Eastorn Oregon, where they have bcon working in the interests of the Pacific Home stead. Judge and Mrs. John 11. Scott, Mrs. Parmenter nnd Mrs. C. W. Knox, dele gates to the meeting of tho grand lodgo of Rathbono Sisters and Knights of Pythias, returned last evening from Seaside. John Wnrd, of Albany, is in the city visiting friends. W. II. McCarthy, tho hop man, went to Portland last evening on business. S. Thompson, L. Fields, D. Clark and Harry Frink, tho crew of tho freight train by which Mrs. Penland wns killed, went to Portland last evening, after nppearing ns witnesses in court. Misxes Alice and Ethel Knighton, of Beuna Vista, nre visiting their brother, Mr. John Knighton, in South Salem. Judge Bill Qneener, of Staytou, ro turned home today, after attending to somo business beforo the circuit court, now in session. Bill honestly belloves thnt Parker will be elected, ovun in the face of tho fact thnt half tho Dem ocrats in his section will voto for Teddy. A. Couts, of British Columbia, was in the city n fow days this week, visiting Ids brother-in-law, A. L. Eraser, and loft for Portlnnd yesterday, accompan ied by tho latter. Ho is on route homo after visiting Ontario, St. Louis and California points. Mr. Trnser has owned Coutts as a brothor-lnlaw for 5 years, but this is tho first they havo over met. James Mott went to Euguno today. Mrs. Strayer returned to her homo at Aumsville today after li visit iu this city. Harry Lounsberry, 8. P. traveling agent, is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Jumej Cain went to Stuyton this mornlng.whcro thoy ov ill reside. Mr. and Mrs. Cain onmo hore recently from tho Enst, and have be come so pleased with tho stnto that Mr. Cain has purchnsed a farm near Stuyton, and thoy will livo there. Mrs. Mary Carey, of Joffcrson, re turned homo this morning, tmer ap pouring as a witness in tho Penland case. Mr. and Mrs. James Allison returned this morning from the world's fair, nnd are at home to thoir many friends again. Tho W. U. football squad loft this morning for Eugene, undor tho surveil lauco of Coach Chauncey Bishop. A large crowd of students wore nt the do pot to givo them a hearty send off. Mrs. A. T. Kellihor will lenvo tomor Irow morning for n month's visit with Mr. Kolliher In Chjongo, whoro ho has an oflico. Judge Queenor, of tho city of 8ta ton is attending this term of circuit court. W. C. Knighton, tho nrchltest, is in tho city until Monday. Conrad Krebs loft last evening for his upper ranch, which is the old Mur phy place, ubovo Independence. He was necompnuled by his brother, John, whom ho is going to show how to kill pluMtxuiUi. Now that tho hunters hm- overrun tho place, and most of the pheasants are killed, Mr. Krebs mvs that he is going to put up trespM nc tieod. o Admitted to Practice. All the law students who took the examination bfer the supreme court Tuwday wre yesterday admitted t the bar. They are A H Cooley, Brownsville ; Walter A PiHiiek, Oregon City; Ofcoar E. Eb, Oregon City) J. H. Hammond. Silver toB, Fred J. MeJmll, Oregon City; J. J Stanley, Qqillte; W. Ealr Tboapn Albany; JlHsarod W. Wilson, Corvalln o Company Declares Dividend. Chicago, Oft. 14. The usual quart r ly dividend of it per share from K-t earnings was declared today by the Pullman Company. The annual state ment tor the fial year ending June 31st shows the net surplus for the year of $3,741,025. ramxoaaV Economy Brand Evaporated Cream always bears the above cap! label. It means the samo as telling you that we back up Its purity with aj $5,000 guarantee. Made by the largest pro ducers of Evaporated j Cream in the world. President Oolcinan Present. President Coleman was present at tho University chapel exercises yester day morning, for tho first timo this year. His appearance was tho signal for an outburst of cheering. Tho short nddress of welcomo which ho gave to the students was warmly received, and applauded to tho echo. Iu his speech, he announced that the formnl opening, which wns indefinitely postponed bo cause of tho inability of Bishop Spell mover to bo present, will bo held somo evening next week. Tho nddresses will be dohvered by Dr. Rader, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocnte, nnd Hon. Dr. L. E. Rockwell, presiding elder of tho East Portland district. GRIP CONVALESCENCE There's nothing better than Scott's Emulsion after the grip. When the fever is gone the body is left weak ana exhausted; the nervous system 'is completely rv" down and vitality is low. Two things to de: give strength to the whole body and new force to the nerves. Scott's Emulsion will do it; contains just what the worn out system needs. Rich blood, healthy flesh, resistive force, more and bet ter nourishment are what Scott's Emulsion supplies to the convalescent. We'll tend you a wmple frte upon rtquwt. SCOTT & 1IOWNK, 409 J''l reet. New York. Writing Pads I'lttio mountains of them, from Eastern mills ami from w H Wostern mills, more thai! we MB 0 havo over brought together (0 M before. Our famous BLAIR LINE Bl Are reul beauties Tho very best of papor, and nt a little 9 H price. An investigation or H Ah n trial order will provo the f) M pudding. g Patton's Book Store. J llllll IMIIIHIIIIHHIHI' Lowest Pt ices Best Quality :: uongu ana .vressoa .uuiuuvi f Bashes and Doors, Laths and Shingles, ; ; Ash and Fir Wood. 1 iVoget Lumber & Fuel Co. :: T Down town offlco 112 Court street. Telephone Main 2461 ! ! T One block east of S P. pas- ; T senger depot Hllll'lllllllllllllllllllt PDjES r Bupposltom A nit puWMl U;nw wwt r m S.H. OltUt MnH. lUMi IJ. 1 I -I . f I Ur 4 aJ v llji Ut Ik bMlMl.W Tk.rlM ?tfftt. If H VtM. 1. a&itmM tti 1 IH M V HlilO .WI11MU. t,. wnr wl INH. fu, M Cwt 4..M Fiw. Mail I UMIU MAKTIH ITiOI. UMCAUTt. fA. M In w fcy . C, tisRs. Cll far Vtm afi. J V, It's a matter of business with you to got tho best you can for tho money. Samo way with us; nnd being In tho business, wo know that la Snlera Woolon Mill clothes wo havo the best that's made, and want you to know It. Just what you'd oxpect us to say, of courso; but romombor that wo havo bocn nt it a long timo. It's a mnttor of business with us. If wo can't prove what wo say, it moans n loss of custom. When you buy a suit or over cont of us, you are not dopondlng upon your judgment alone. You bavo our gunranteo back of your purchase Our prices rango from JjJIO to $25 Men's Fut nishings Wo aro leaders in meu's furnishings, fnnoy vests, lints, hoslory, shirts, etc., Salem Woolen Mill Stoef C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor A no the Put To WATT SHIPP Tho Uleyelo Man has added anothor man to his already largo forco of skilled help, nnd is Better Ptep&ted Than Eve To ropnir yonr whcol or upbrplln prpnUiUy. If the wheel needs repairing. Get it Done Right WATT SHIPP THE BICYCLE MAN FULL STOCK We now have a full atoak of Hy aeknths, Tulips; 0oeus, Narelssus, Show Drops, Jonquils and a nice as sortuiodt of ChleicMO Baertwl Lilies. Would be pleased to havo the public eitll and inspect our stock at Savage & Fietche 322-324 Commercial St, ou will miss it, if you mis the "Huskin."' 1 all tho latest novelties in neckwear, etc. Man Wotk CWittf ALL KIND8 OF FRUIT TFJAY8 AND ORCHARD DOXE8 at tho (hop ot G. F. Mason Miller street, South Balem PHONE 2101 Red. Seas AsajefMB WHtHMUHI I Gold Dust Fiout I Mado by THE 8IDNEY POW. ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon Made for family use. Ask your grocer for It Dran and vhorta always on band. P. B. Wallace AGENT IIHIIIMIIIIIIItlltilHH O BMMtie ftlfutue It. VL.4 U -; 9i r