DAILY CAPITA!. JOUEKAL, SALEM, OBEOON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1904. 8 s Stockton & Co. Tic Old White Corner and tie Dalrymple Store LIGHTNING STRIKES Great Sale of COMFORTS Today At the Old "White Corner Bright new sllkalin cotton comfortables. Brightest, newest ami largest for the price 75c Today Only OIL A Cotset Special At the Dalrymple Store, today anil tomorrow. The famous Warner Cojsett must alio be closed out at once, and as a special inducement we will sell them At factory prices for two days only Tbi is the onnortnnitv of yonr life to get a corset bargain. Remember there will be no reserve. Every new style will go at the Factory Price GIVE ME THOSE PRESENTS Son Francisco. Oct. 5. Engagement rings must be returned when young wo men decide to retail their promises to mitrry. So says Judge John If. Daniels, And iMiss Flora Lewis, of this city, sor rowfully handed ovitr to ier ox-fiancee, B. M. Khncr, the glittering solitaire with which their love was pledged when they decided some time ago that lifo would hold no joy for either of them unions they could travel side by side. Shortly after their engagement Miss Lewis enmo to the conclusion that she diS not lovo Eisner sufficiently to mar ry liim, and she so informed him. Eisner gallantly released the lady from her promise, but dnmauded the return of the diamond '.ring which he had given her at he time of their en gagemont. Mis Lewis rofuscd to give the ring up, and Mr. Eisner brought suit to compel her to do so. The lady sought to show tbo oourt that she intended to sell the ring and givo the proceds to ehnrity, but Judge Daniels rulod the testimony out. In deciding the ease, the judge found only three eases in legal history that would servo as a precedent. One was in Vermont, where a young man man 'had given his promised bride money with which to buy n trousseau. When tbo engagement was broken tho lady refused to give up the money, but was iraiclled to l so by law. The other two ass were decided iu the English courts, ohm of thorn u century ami a half ago. ' In his decision Judge Daniels said: Eisner did uot give the ring to the defendant to win hor favor, but in con sideration of her engagement, and to conform to a custom long in vogue in seAllng the ties of hii uugagtimout with a ring. When the defendant broko the engagement tho consideration failed, and the. gift, conditional upon mar riage, sbeuld have been returned," Miss Lewis expre-io her determina tion to nppeal and to secure possession of tho ring by carrying the ease Into tho highest courts. o- OA8TOIIIA. Burstl 1to IbA r Hiw Ahttri Baegt Bftutir ef TERRIBLE ARMY RAISED Number of Great Refin eries Are in Danger Findlay, Ohio, Oet, 5. Lightning this morning set fire to a tank of 1200 barrels of oil belonging to the Nation al refinery. The intense heat caused tho explosion of three nearby tanks. Other tanks and refineries are in dang er. The loss will probablv reaeb $100.- 000. o Fettigrew Bolts. New York, Oct. 5. The tribune says: "Ex -Senator Pettigrew, of South Da kota, until this year a staunch Bryan tie, says he is going to vote for Wat son, and declares Parker ought not to carry a single state. "There is no reason why such a par ty as the Democratic party should ex ist, as now constituted,' says Pettigrew. 'It representes nothing; raises no is sue, admits its only issue is Roosevelt's offensive personality, thus making the great party of Bryan contemptible.' " Not the Salem Hog. Albanv Demecrat: Mr. Ed. Schoel, f nr thin citv. is develonine his 900 pound O. I. '. bog into a big animal, j specially for the Lewis and Clarke fair, and expects to have him tip the scales at between 1000 and ' 1100 rounds. The attention of the Port land papers is called to this splendid art of development in the interest of ... ,,le t8 , ,te amu tie Kunli n' the Jipt. the great fair, and stop their growling The M-o. "'-' , ".Wl JSffir about Albany. , i' Mimic War In California. Is strikingly described in October Sunset Magazine. Articles by General MaeArthur and others. Beautiful col ored drawings. Many industrial ar tiel, storie, etc., 10 cents from all netvHlealers. 10-5-eod-ut wEl ru i; r..7iu.c - " " pik" u B.n.,1 f ,k. Pll"bT Wtmce irwm. yopr- raited by CeUitr Vt 7- Chemeketa Street Improvement. E. P. McCornack is building a new cement sidewalk in front of his proper-1 ty on Chemeketn street, occupied by the Warner point shop. He will also trim the large trees, and the improve ment will be welcome. II it II I 1 t I I I I I I M II I 1 1 I it :: AMUSEMENTS, j! 1IIIUIIIIIUII t-8l I I I I I If.'' Four Are Happy. Marriage licenses have been issued to Joseph Peters and Mrs. .Tcanette Henry and Joseph Gerig and Miss Mil lie Roener. 8 Q n&SfimWMll t I JPKf-tigmMk "KM n -ii.n ' lreuSM tL . TJKM ft -ftllnflnul M JW aualon. p$jcSS III I fflHMSRUMI ftn? 'KtW ryr mmimi mm , HIII HE III!!! ill HI 1 ill 9K j G7.P Jo Si. Louis and Return Jasti6.i7.lti Juljrt,,3i Aspt,9.ej September J, t, 7, October J, 4. 5- Return limit, ninety !T. The Rock Island System offers two routes to the World's Fair City via St. Paul Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado. No change of cars, Ogden to St. Louis and St. Paul to St. Louis. Restored, to Citizenship. Governor Chamberlain today re stored to citizenship two convicts, who have served their time, A. B. Rector and Orval Perdue. To Overthrow the Govern ment of Santo Domingo Monte Cristo, Santo Domingo, Oct. 5. Oonoral Candelnria Delis Mesas, with SO men, revolted against the govern ment on September 26th in favor of Isadora Jamons, nnd started for the interior. TONIOHT. Edison Continuous Vaudeville. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Grand "Sign of tho Four." Grand "Tho Husking Bee." The Edison. The Edison has a fine bil on lthis week. The Lucky Harmony quartet, Dena and Marie Wilson and Baby Flo Russell are heard in a number of pretty song. KusselJ, O'Neill nnd Russell do the comedy turn, nnd Earl and Hamp ton have a black face" act that is good. The pictures are interesting nnd crowd ed houses have greeted the performers. o S0Z0D0NT Tooth Powder "Good for Bad Tteth Not Bad for Good Teeth" Gives the Tooth a Poorly Luatr BIG BOX TOP 25c Ito M rw Hiw Atari DAILY TRAIN ACCIDENT Augusta, Ga., Oet. 5. It is reported that a passenger train on the Augusta Southern railway went through a tres tle over Jonos crock, near Gibson, nnd several were killed. Tho train ran into a burning trestle and was derailed, except tho engine. All tho curs were burned nnd seven pas sengers and crew were Injured. W. II. Shurley will die. o Ituwlaus Surrounded. St. Petersburg, Oct. 5. A dispatch states that a force of Japanese have surrounded a party of Russians who were reeonnoiterlng at Apriol, nenr Mukden. The Russians cut their way out, and returned to oamp with some euptured convoys. The Jnpaneie are entrenching near Foulin. Tho weather is very cold. o ' Episcopal Rummage Sale. The ladle of the Episcopal church ore oonducting a rummage sale in the Turner block, next door to Harritt & Lawrence's grocery. All those desiring to contribute articles will please in form the committee, at the store, and the artiolet will be collected. NEW TODAY o- i( hange of bill tomorrow night nt the Kdisou. MHHM1 When Looking lf For good place to have your eyes tested and properly fitted with glaasea, remember we are the Pioneer Opticians. Our customers num. 1er in the thousands. Thoughtful people are every day finding their way to our store. They apprecttto a specialist of our years of expert enco and conscientious work. Oar charges are reasonable. We give you valuablo advice, and test your eyea free. iChas.H. Hinges,: Wanted. At once, a good dishwash er. Apply at the Cottage Hotel. 10-5-3t o For Sale. Choice oak, aah and body fir wood. Wm. II. Kgnn, Route No. 2, 'ficrvnis, or phone Farmers 3C. 10-5-lwk o For Sale. One Jersey cow, fresh, young gentle nnd a good family cow. In quire, of Oeorgo Swegle, on Gardon road. 170-3-3t o For Rent. A five-room .house, with basement, well water pipes in house. Call on A. Sohriebor, 434 High st. 10-3-3t MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Fuel and Food. The Smith Fuel and Feod Company is prepared to fur nish sawed wood, coal, etc, on prompt delivery. Office with Salem Abstract & Land Co. Phone Blaek 2201. 30-5-lm Strayed. From tho Densinoro pasture, about threo months ago, a tmiill, light-colored Jersey cow, with bell ou. Any information will be gTate fully received by S. Cole, Salem, Route 7. 10-S-lwk o The Willamette. Jas. C. Murray, Portland. H. Shepherd, Portland. J. Johnsou, Portland. Win. Liviugstou, San Franoisco. ' F. R. Wagner, Portland. A. L. Young, Portland. v A. II. Solomon, Portland. Tbos. llullomu, San Francisco. C. R. Ponhe, Detroit. V. Zi Jaeobs, San Francisco. P. I. Rannou, San Praneiseo, F. A. Whitwell, Portland. F. Harnosbly, Monett, Mo. P. Hightaner, Portland. A. H. Wilde, Portland. F. K. Melming, Portland. I.. 1). Collard, Newberg. , B. I Isliann, Wheatland. L. F. Daley, Dallas. l W. Bliwh, Partlaud. 11. G. Cook, San Franelseo. Alford Hurt, New Yerk. Poultry at Stelner's Market Eggs Per dozen, 23c. ' Hens 8c. Young chickens Sc. Harritt & Lawrence. Eggs Per doz, 25c. Potatoes, Vegetables. Eta. Potatoes lc. Onions 2Wc. Wood, fence Porta, Kte. Second-grow th $4.50. Big fir $5.00. Ash-$5.00. Oak posts 15c. , Cedar posts 10c. Hide, Palis and ura. Green Hides, No. 1 Ec. ' Green Hlues, No. 2 4c. Calf Skins 45c. Sheep 75c. Goat Skins 26c to II M ' PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat-Walla Walla, SOc. Valley S5c Hour Portland, best grade, 4.60; grain :n, $3.304.00. Oats Choice white, $1.S0L25. Barloy Feed, $20 per ton; rolled ?22, Millstuff Bran, 19.00. Hay-Timothy,$1415. Potatoes Fnncy, $1.2501.40. Ege8- Oregon ranch, 23(fJ24c. $4.50 Mmr OpUtlan. M Ut ttrttt. Htxt door to Urfd A Buh Bank iiiiiiiiiiinniniiiniwunminmiminiii e ' Testimony of a Minister. Rev. J no. 8, Cox, ef Wake, Ark., write. "For 12 years I suffered from Yelluw Jaundise, I consulted a num ber of physicians and tried all sorts of medicine, but gat no relief. Then I begau the use of Klectrio Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had we in its grasp for 13 years." If you want a reliable mtMietno for Live r and Kidney trouble stomach disorder or general debility, get Elcvlrie Bitters. lta guaranteed by J C Perry Osly 60c. DIED. PARES. At the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. T. C. Gilbert, near Zena, Oatober 4, 1004, Irs. Sophia Pares. dropsy. of The funeral services will be held to morrow morning at 10 n. in. at the St. Joseph's Catholic church, in this citv, and burial will be had in the Catholic cemetery. o EGG market collapsed Ohleso. 0t.V-F. K. Roberts, com mission werehant, fulled today for $BS5,Q0Q. Ho gave assets ef $4500, al thougli he claims ko has seuritis of a quarter of a mil'.iea. The souse of the failure was the ellpe ef th New Y'fiirk egg murlet. -Steamer Went Down. London, Oet. S.-Tht Greek steamer Kelmentiuk went dawn veeently off Ushant, and 7 of the erew, including the eaptaiu, were drownel. Eight ear vivqra lauded at Leixoes, Portugal. VM-ORE Q- r. 8!iroj, Ag.tMeai'lei: Jlb.QlltttUt tAttt. 8Alen. On Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bnih'a BanN Sales, Or Full information on request. Call or write. A. H. McDo.vald, General Ae'r, 1403rd Street, cor. Alder Street, Portland. Ore. it I 8 t M ii 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 M i 1 1 I l IM 8 1 I 1 I I I I I I t I 1 1 )Hvt j; The Shooting Gallery , , Will give away many cash prizes on Saturday night. Everythki remodeled and new. Opposite the White Houso Restaurant. iMIHiliHH -t-H IIIIIIIHIHIII H R-4-4-HH-4-HH44 iesesftit8ey4)isjft.4iafta A GOOD APPETIZING MEJU Can always bo made on our te der and juicy steaks, chop roasts, filets. Those who Ion choice meats of excellent flaror and succulenco should try i steak, roast or chop from our prime beef,, lamb, mutton M veal. Our meats are favoritti with those who wish first-class anA nourishing foods, at reason able prices. . C. Cross. State Street Market f "$;"2)L' COrrRiCHp B9a9Wm9999B99W9,9t 0jcAGoSjmm w.ctf MAitGAINJIjrpuB' Two Days ALE Of tlic Greatest Bargains Ever Of fered in Salem We have exploded a bombshell louled with cut prices in our compet itors' ranks that is keeping them busy ,0 try and compete with the hot fire of our persistent low price giving. BUT TID3Y CAN'T DO IT, VOU KNOW. We have got the right smallest expenses of any dry good can beat any coapet.tion along the line. goods at the right prices, and the 1 Store in Snlem. sn vnn see why "I , , "- ' . See the following prices: 4c 7c Best Standard dark colored Calicoes, yard 7e Best light and .i,l' '.'' '.'', 12s Best WraPpw meU Vni P".- I'riee, yard.. 8 lc 75 Black Rtt,tle Taffeta Silk, "vy quality; pe, '48c ad black; prie, vaid Our $!. tmmmt Ie.deSi;9Hl8 j -esilk-fiauaed yvetee s, al, latest, mi, p, nH 6gc Ladies' $4.50 dress skirts, black and colors; sale prico ?i95 Ladies' $7 Panama Cloth Black Dress Skirts, handsomely silk trimmed; Sale prico S-50 Ladies $5.00 Swell Jackets, the latest style; sale prico .. . J3-95 75c Reaver Tail Zebelino Dress Goods, double width, tho latest dress goods shown; price, yd .& Ladies' new stylish French Flan nel Shirt Waists, $1.73 quality; for this salo only -98c Children's Winter Underwear, 5ale prico 10c, 15c and 85c Mena SOc bejavy fleece-lineo" Winter Underwear; sale price 29c ASK FOE THE GOODS ADVERTISED. IEl!STWREm TEE NORTmVEST. mMs9Cmxt St, Salem ip SaM