rnnyswjrM-inr' l ' 'I I 9 KV V V -WT'V, DAILY CAPITA!. JOTOKAL, SAXBM, OEEOON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. Tl f T) Pimples, rashes, eczema, JDCUX JljIOOU boils headache,nervousness. debility these are some of the results of impure blood. Your doctor will tell you how Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and pure. iSiAl'SSSi'. GRAVEL BAR CASE DECIDED FOR CITY Judge Galloway Concludes That Plain tiff Has Vested Rights in Min- to Island H 1 H M j..m.M.n -M 1 1 g t, i I. . f SOCIAL EVENTS il Judgq tfolloway this morning handed down his opinion in tho ease of tho City of Salgm vs. Minto, Uros. The facts aro stated iutfao opinion, which is as fol fel fol eows: This is a suit in equity brought in this conrliHy tho Olty of 'Salem as plaintiff, ngainst D. C. Minto, John W. Minto; John Minto and others as do fondants, to enjoin tho defendants from interfering in any wanner with tho al Jegcd rights and privileges of tho plain, tiff to remove gravel from a certain gravel bar annexed to that island, sit .noted in tho "Willamette river, in Ma rlon county, Oregon, commonly known as "Minto'a Island." Tho complaint sets forth a wrlttjn in strument entered Into on tho 13th day of March, 1809, between John Minto and M. 'A. Minto, his wife, us parties of ho first port, nnd tho City of Salem, nc party of tho second part, nnd nsks tho court for n perpetual injunction against tho defcmlants.rostrninlng them in nny way from interfering with the as prayed for in hc further nnd sepa rate answer of defendants, I think should be disposed of in much the same way as the first. It seems to be clearly established in all the cases I have ex nmined tlmt where there is a mistake in n written instrument, which is mere ly one of expression or in terms such as an inadvertance or omission of the scriviner, equity will act specifically in reforming the instrument by way of correction so ns to placo both parties in tho position they would have occu pied had the instrument been first cor rectly drawn. To warrant tho remedy of reformation, however, the mistake must havo been mutual and must, If not admitted, bo clearly established by sat isfactory proof, as well as the prcciso form nnd import of tho instrument in tended, In this instunco the proof of mlstako 1b wholly lacking, and there fore this matter may bo considered out of tho case. This brings us to a consideration of 8-M-l 1 1 1 1 1 II H 1 1 1 III H-M-frH Lnckey-McElroy Wedding. Miss Lillian Patton-McElroy and Lester Alexander Luckey, of Eugene, were married at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. J. P. Frizzell, corner of Court and Summer streets, last evening at 8 o'clock. Tho Frizzell home was beautifully decorated. Tho front parlor was a veritable bower of flowers nnd potted plants. The colors, white and gTeen, were carried out with white china as ters nnd palms. The back parlor was in red. Quantities of crimson dahlias wero massed against a background of ferns and palms. At 8 o'clock, Miss Alicia McEIroy, sister of tho bride, played Men delsbon's wedding march, and little Agnes Mnrio McEIroy, niece of the bride, entered bearing a basket of roses," which she strewed in the path ing which Miss McEIroy played Ruben stein's Melody. The bride was never so pretty as in her nuptial robe of white silk mulle over taffeta, and carried a shower bou quet of bride's roses. Miss Grace Bineman caught th c bride's bouquet. Littlo George McEI roy received the guests at the door. After the congratulations, a dainty wedding lunch was served in the din ing room, which was in pink. The table was very pretty, a huge center piece of La France roses, about which wero draped sprays of smilax, gave a very pleasing effect. Miss Rineman and Miss Cleaver assisted in the serving. Tho brido is tho eldest daughter of Mrs. E. B. McEIroy and the late Hon. E. B. McEIroy, and is a beautiful and accomplished young lady. Her home is in Eugene, and sho is very popular in the society circles, and is well-known in this city. She is a sister of Prof. Willis McEIroy, leader of the. Salem Military Band. Mr. Luckey is a prominent young business man, of Eugene, and a gentle man of sterling qualities. Many friends from Eugene nttended of the bridal party. Mrs. J. P. Friz-' the wedding, together with a large cir MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" gel was matron of honor, nnd Miss Myra Lovcride" acted as maid, of honor, while E. It. Travis supported the groom. The ceremony was performed beneath a beautiful bridal bell of -white sweet peas. Rev. David Errett, pastor of tho First Christian Church pronounced the solomn nnd beautiful ring service, dur- clcof relatives and friends from this city. The Tiappy couple have gone on a wedding trip to the Puget Sound cities, after which they willl return to Eu gene, where they will make their future home. They havo the best wishes of a large circlo of friends. rights of the plaintiff in removing grnv- cl from said bar; also ns a considera tion nmonff others, for tho execution of aid instrument by tho defendants to tho plaintiff certain nets doio nnd per formed by the plaintiff in and nbout tho procuring of title by Minto to wild gravel bar from tho State of Oregon. The nnswer after denying all tho ma terial allegations sot forth in the com plaint sots tip, by way of new matter, mutual mistakes in tho execution of (aid instrument; that tho instrument so executed is n mere Hconse and therefore revocable nt tho will of tho defendants, nnd nsks for n clocreb" of reformation that, said instrument bo dcclorod a mero license, recovnble at tho will of tho defendants, and un order restrain ing the plaintiff from further exercising any rights in or upon snid land. The reply controverts tho new matter set up in tho answor. Under tho plead' inga thus set forth, in substance, nnd tho evidence introduced, tho following questions seem to bo involved; 1st. Did the stnto hold title iu tho gravel bur at the time the complaint mentions tho plaintiffs as stoking title? ,2d, Undqr the pleadings and ovi deuco Introduced, should tho instrument upon which tho suit is lmaed bo re formed ns asked for iu the nnswer I 3d. What U the legul effect of the instrument executed by tho Minto, and is it revocable nt tho will of tho defend nnts, or wholly irrevocable. Tho first of those mentions is disposed of by ii decision of uur Hiipremo court (Minto vs. Delnney, 7 Or., 837) where in it wns definitely duahled that the state of Oroogu was not posseted of titlo in snid grnvel bur, but that the auto was the property of Minto, by reason of accretion, This dispose of this point, and It will not be eon Mil ercd. further. Tho ftommd question, ns to whether or not this Instrument should be reformed, I-...., u...! mo r luiioiuciuwuil U the vltnl question in this case. That i whother tho instrument executed by tho Mlntos to tho City of Salem is a mero license, rovocablo ut tho will of tho defondnnts, or whethor it is so coupled with an interest in tho gravel that it is thoroby Irrovocablo. Prepar atory to deciding tho case I havo ex amined a lnrgo number of authorities, tho majority of which I have found col lected in tho nptos to tho enso of Wood vs. Ledbctter, 13 Mccson & Well by 's Reports, 84C, 8-17, reported in tho 10 English Ruling Cases at pago 40, and tho enso of Piper vs. Brown, 10 Law yers' reports annotated at pago 497, and 1 must say that tho authorities up-' on this branch of tho law aro very con flicting, nnd it would bo with consid erable hesitation that I would render tho decision upon this point that I am nbout to unuaunce, if it wero not for tho opinion of Judgo Lord in tho enso of Bingham vs. Snlone, reported in thel loth Oregon, nt pngo 208, which I deem applicable to this question. Therefore, tho decision of tho court will be thnt tho plaintiff has a vested right iu tho gravel, and tho right to ro-move- tho same from tho premises do scribed in the instrument set forth in the complaint and nnswer; that tho in junction prnyed for in plaintiff's com plaint bo uml the same is hereby grant ed. However, I think tho conditions men tlunwl in the instrument, ns to tho manner nnd place of removal of tho gravel should bo striotly compliod with, nnd, while the court thinks that the failure of tho city to comply in not removing tho gravel from the northeast end of the gravel bar Is probably a proper subjoet for a law court, never theless, having tnke"n jurisdiction for other reasons, tho court thinks that there bhould be Incorporated In the de cree those- restrictions on behalf of tho defendants, and such will be the ordor of tho L'tiurt. Free Information About the World's Fair II vou havo nny idva of visiting tho World's Fair thi year, ask mv today (or a copy of our World's Pair Folder. It t?H just what you want to know nhout railroad tickets, baggage nrrongomants, sluupiug car berths, how to roach tltu Imposition grounds, what to do when you get there, how to sou tho lnir to the host advantage, how to get a boarding plaow, and answers nearly every question of this charactur thnt may bo nskod. Contains map o! the Pah; grounds, of th City and of tho Burlington Koute. Pre for the asking A postal card will do. Kits. A. O. SHELDON. QINCHM. AQKNT BUHUNQTON ROUTS, tOO Tmao Brnsa-r. PORTLAND. OHK, PRICE LIST OP S. FRIEDMAN NOTIONS. Adamantine pins, per paper ...,1c Standard pins, per paper 3c Extra quality pins, per paper ..4c THIMBLES. Thimbles, ench lc Steel, each 2c NEEDLES. Extra quality, per paper , 4c SOAP. All 5c sellers, per box 4c Fancy Lubin, 25c boxes, per box 8c Extra Woodbine, 50c boxes, per box 15c Best Williams Shaving Soap, per bar Sc SUSPENDEES. 15c grade, per pair 8c Presidents, por pair .... ......39c SHIRTS. $1.00 grade, white each 50c $1.50 grade, white, each ! 65c Extra flno unlnundered, worth $1.00, each 31c Fnncy colored, $1.50 to $2.00 grade, each C7c Fancy colored, 75c to $1.00 grades, each 47c Fancy colored, 50c grade, each ". 35c NEOKWEAE. 75o grade, each 35c20c bows, each 10c 50c grado, each 20cl5o bows, each , 5c 25c grade, each 17c 10c bows, each . .' 3c 25c bows, each 15c COLLARS. Sizes 11, HVi, 12, 12V6, 13 and 13Ht, nny in tho house, 2 for 5c 8izes 14, 14 (in good brands), oach 4c Our wholo stock of furnishing goods is marked down' to less than two-thirds thoir value. IN LADIES' FANCY OOODS. Best Spanish blnck silk laces aro marked down to half thoir values. Linon insertion, hand made, worth 15c to 30c per yard, goes for per yard '. 4C to 9o TRIMMINCIS. Silk nnd wool passementerie, worth 40c to 75o per yard, sells from, per ynrd 7c to 12c Funey jet .trimming, worth 40c per yard ....'. 8c Fancy jet trimming, worth $1.00 por ynrd 35C Silk and jot trimming, worth $1.50 to $3.00 per ynrd 50c Ludlos hair and hat ornaments nnd buoklcs and slides, worth from 25c to $1.00 ench, goes for, each.. 8o Ladies' kid gloves in sizes 5, 5'4, 5ft, $1.00 sellers, for 20c Ladies' $1.50 gloves for '. 30c Ladies' $2.00 gloves for coc Ladies' silk gloves, worth 75c, for 40c Ladies' silk gloves, worth 50c, for.... 30 Ladies' silk gloves and mitts, worth 35c, for I8c LADIES' SILK OIBDLES AND TASSELS. $ Worth $1.50, caoh 25c "Worth $1.00 to $1.25, each ....20c Worth 50e to 75c, each 16c SILK CORD. "Worth 4c per ynrd, for lc"Worth 0a to Sc, for 2c Worth lOe to 15c per yard, for. 4c BABY RIBBON. Black, bolt of 10 yards ia 811k binding ribbon, any color, worth from Sc to ICa per yd, goes for 4c BUTTON MOULDS. Any siae wo have, per dozen .....k , 2c Ladies' tailor buttons, per doaen 2,. All kinds of fancy dress buttons, wqrth frem 10c to 9$e per doien, coos at, per dozen 3C Jet buttons, worth from Sfle to 35 per dom, far par doaeu 5c Pearl buttons Half pr,co SUITS. You will get a suit far $0.80 well worth $12.00 You eau get a good stilt for $S.0Q, well worth $15.00 A suit for whlah y pay us $10 to $12 ymi will pay elsewhere bo less ,,R " $20.00 OVERCOATS, You should sae wr overcoats before buying. Anything that we have .not mentioned in this ad. you will find that our prides on the same has been reduaad no less than oue-tblrd of ita vuluo. Chtldren'a overaoats go at 60e on tho $t.oo Children's salta marked dawn to tJ5o ou the $1.00 See wbat a alee salt yoa eau buy of u for $4 JO, it is werth $5.00 Then see what aon buy with $5.30, a sulf wtjrth , ..$10.00 CHILDREN'S GOODS. - Boys caps, worth Sfta, fer each 15 Hays' aapt, wertb 40 to SOe, for eaeU o Bays' faney hot, wrth We, 75o and $1.00, oath 25,. MEN'S OATS. "Warth W, far eat 15o Worth. 50c, fer on ah 33 MEN'S STIFr IIAT8. . Gray and brawn, worth $.0 to $4,00 50 Blaek, regular prico JS.W, our pri , 41.50 Worth $4.00 for $too Our whole line of hats are marked down to twa-thlrds of their value. .. ..... j., jvu w vvmic 10 an oinio Birrvt twiiig jw ineaa Vv&r ' yoket book, I mean, and vro will do our best to pleaae- you. Poultry at Stelner'a Market Eggs Per dozen, 25c. Hens Sc. Young chickens 8c. Harrltt & Lawrence. Eggs-Per doz., 22c. Hop Market Eggs Per dozen, 24c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes lc. Onions 2c. Wood, nca Post, EU. Second growth $5.7C. Arh $3.00 to 18.75. Grub oak JG.BO. y Cedar posts 12c. Hlaet, Pelta and ura Green Hides, No. 1 Be. Green Hlues, No. 2 4c. Call Sklna 45c. Sheep 76c. Goat Sklna 25c to 8LI9. Grain and Frour. Oats Buying, J1.10 per cwt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 8.75. Live Stock Market Steers 22c. CJows ll?ic. Sheep $1.502.00. Dressed veal 45&c. Fat hogs 5 5& c. Hay, Feed, eta. Baled cheat $10$11. Baled olovor $10. Bran $22.50. Eggs 23c, cash. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 16c. cash. Butter-2527. Butter fat 22&c, at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat W'alla Walla, 79c. Valley 83c. Flour Portland, best grade, $4.25 $4.70; graham, $3.504.00. Oats Choice white, $1.201.25. Barley Feed, $20 per ton; rolled $22. Millstuff Bran, $19.00. Hny-Timothy,$1415. Potatoes Fancy, $1.251.40. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2324c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 910 per pound; turkeys, 1416c. Pork Dressed, 0Vi7c. Beef Dreseed, 4Cc. Veal 67c. Mutton Dressed, 4Ec. Hops 1903 crop, 2225c. Wool Valley, 1920c; Eastern Or egon, 1017c; Mchair, 30c for choice. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards, 1515Hc Butter Fancy creamery, 22'c. 1 - il ' TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany !2:45 pj Arlves Yaqulna 5:4Q py rtu. 1. nciuinmy Leaves Yaqulna 7:15 An Leaves Corvallls 11:30 A,M., .arrives jviuauy 12:15 pu No. 3 for Detroit s Leave Albany ioo pu Arrives Detroit C:00 Pjj.1 no. t from uetrou j Leave Detroit 6:30 Av Arrives Albany H: 15 A,y' Train No. 1 arrives In Albany j, time to connect with tho S. P. ' bound train, as well as giving u three hours In Albany before depbv ure of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the g, p, trains at Corvallls and Albany gitij direct servico to isewport and adl cent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, BreitenhsiJ and other mountain resorts leaves Ail bany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit 1 about 6:00 p. m. For further information apply to i EDWIN STONE, Manager. , T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRONISB.. Agent, Corvallk Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay, On Juno 1st the Southern PaclJe; rtM.nn mill nADt,M.A trnlA rx9 1 slon tickets to Newport and and TV ' qulna Bay, both season and Sato day-to-Monday tickets will be soli This nonular resort la Krowlnir in a.! irni. onnYi vrnir intol T-no ON) fowl4I able, and the opportunity for flchlm hunting and sea bathing are una celled by any other resort on the F clflc coast. You Can't Afford To walk to or from the depot when you can have a cab take you for 25c. Simpson's stables, opposite the court house. HIHUIIIIIIIMIHIII I Voget Lumber AND Fuel Company. ;; nougn ana dressed lumber, ;; sash, doors, lath and shingles, ash and flr wood. Salem Ore. Down town office 112 Court street. Telephone Main 2451. One block east of S. P. pas senger depot. $100 Reward, $100. The readers ofi this pnper will M , pleased to learn that there is at least ' one dreaded diseaso that science hj been able to cure in all its stages, al that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curt is the only positivo cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh beiag a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors havo so much faith in its cprativo pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cur?. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole; do, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. s9g I hi iii iniiitni un i m? JMHMINHCtHteaHiM,, ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXES at the shop of G. F. Mason Miller street, South Salem S PHONE 2191 Red. e a a2 a IMOKPACSHO Three Trains to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist Bleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeplni cars dolly to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chica go; reclining chair cars (seats frw) to the East dally. 70 " HOURS I J PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho Chaaie of Cars 70 DSP AST FOR Chicago PortUnd BcecUl 9 IS a. m m Huntington MUntlo .Kxpreai 8:16 p. m, via Huntington PILES BTOrsuMosTionj OrvM tckMU, S!4lM,t u. r11, Tv,"f". IM 'i.T,.V.,l l.i TI .,T. n.t - 1 - i! " .l ftj U .. . zr-r "" nxt, w iw. u-;r . i "nun h.t,m ..... r "-- l mrurm trirmrm . ' ""c1ti p. old In Balem by 8. c, atone. J-" or rrw 8amlaa. - C- T CO-'S PA88ENQER' j POMONA and Altona leave for Pcftland daily except Surv day at 7 a. m. Deck: Foot of Trade lr- . M. P.BALOWINLA itr1. "" nf SUFaol PutMUt 6 V i . a. Bpokan T1MB0CI1EDULE8 From PortUnd, Or, Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. north, Omaha, Kanaic Cltr, St Louti, OUcao -MM CVI.H. jail Laka. lnn. w. Worth. Onilii v.n... Oltr, 8t. LooU, ClUcago tndEatu WalU Walla. LewiKon. spoaane Wallace, PaU- '" iumnsarout BL rani, rtnlnth ll....kn- Ohlcago, andKast. ABBTVB FBOM 5 25p n 7.15 a, a 8; u Ocean and River 8chedule. For San Francisco Every five day at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way pot and North Beach Dally (except Sun day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or write your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. BX-CUNN'S onion WBSYR0P ulifltr. ? torai a brae twttlea for 60 ct iii M will ,mi you a Sampl mutt fH. lev Ja4!'! 'fH'-V--?! !igyrBt,lM SEXZ2I9SE& wliWlhw wWrfJ.N