NT? THREE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREQQ.N. MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1804, 1 - M.MiMMMMMKmMataWBMBWBBIWIMWMBWW JATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION istory of This Great Gather ing and Its Management ill Be a Roosevelt Ratification Meet ing-Hard hght Over Credentials A Perfect System Ucago, Juno 20. The Republican Ireutlon this week is the thirteenth al convention hold1 by that, par- the leadeia are not Inclined 1 5e superstitious because of the Lcky number. Ito Republican party held its first Ivctttlon lni 18BC. It met first at Lburg, but adjourned to Phlladel- on June 17, where Fremont and oo were chosen on the first bal- The Republican convention of Imet at Chicago, and on the third lot nominated Lincoln over Se , his chief competitor, and Cam- la, Chase and Bates, the favorite i of their respcotlvo states. Han- la!, of Maine, was named1 for vlce- renominated McKlnley for president and named Theodore Roosevelt for vice-president. Hayes was nominated at Cincinna ti in June, 1876, on the seventh bal lot, over Blaine, the Jeadlng candi' date, and a field of "favorite sons," comprising Conkllng, of New York; Hartranft, of Pennsylvania; Jewed, of Connecticut; John Sherman, of Ohio; Benjamin H. Bristow, of Ken tucky, and ex-Governor Morton, of Indiana. The Republican convention In 1880 met in Chicago and was the most In teresting one that ever assembled In the country. The contest for the nomination between Grant and Blaine Ing candidates seems o have origin ated In Pennsylvania, where It was used as early as ' 1788 in selecting state officers, and later In- the choice of candidate for congress. Baltimore was the favorltcclty for conventions In the ante-bellum1 periods, no lees lhan nine national conventions hav ing assembled In that city In less than 30 years. During the same peri od only one convention was held west of the Alleghenles, that In 1856 at Cincinnati, which nominated James Buchanan. During the wholo time since national conventions came into style only one ever met within the area of tho Confederate states, and that was the Democratic convention of 18G0, which met first at Charles ton, S. C, but adjourned1 to Balti more before its deliberations were concluded. Called, to Order Tuesday Noon. . The convention of the Republican party will bo called to order at noon June 21 In the Coliseum building, Wabash avenue and 18th Btreet, by Henry C. Payne, vice chairman of the Alabama, 22; Alaskai, 4; Arizona, 6; Coloraio, 10; Delaware, 6; Florida, 10; Hawaii, 6; Idaho, 6; Indian Territory, '8; Iowav 26; Maine, 12; Maryland, 16; Mississippi, 20; Montana, C; Nevada, 6; New Mexico, 6 f North Dakota, 8 J Oklahoma, 6; Oregon, 8; South Daktoa,i8; South Carolina) 18; Utah, 6; Vermont, 8; Washington, 10; and Wyoming, G. Of the states and territories which have partly Instructed delegations are: I Arkansas, with 18 delegates, has 8 instructed; California Instructed 4 of its 2Q Six of the 14 delegates from of the 26 delegates of Georgia are In structed. Illinois has 66 delegates, and 26 of these arc Instructed. All but 2 of tho thirty delegates from) In diana are instructed. Kansas, with 20; and Kentucky, with 26, have only 2 each that are not instructed', Ten of the 18 delegates from Loulsana are- instructed, and only 12 of the 32 dele gates fromi Massachusetts aro In structed, but the other 20 are vouched ORGE B. C0RTELY0U, THE NEW CHAIRMAN OF THE RE PUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE. -v im imi h w a iMMSnik 1 ' wWMW m: . 1M m vW . V ELMER DOVER, SECRETARY OF THE TI0NAL COMMITTEE. REPUBLICAN NA- number of "Stalwart" delegates and the UtteY orraniiedi"a rumn conven tion,- selected" .the same delegates at Mnf, In Y.A MmtkJlA VM 'fJaKA fVWf ' will name.SocretaTjof 'Commerce nird1 Lfibor Geo.- B." Ooftolyou to ' dl- lnrgoto the, natlpna.1 cpnventlon, and ,rect the coming campaign. brought the fight, to the Coliseum Since tho first national conven- Gov. LaFollette claims to bo making tlons of 1832, held1 at Baltimore, strong fight against corporation there has been ,no such gathering, of puny tioui coinpuruuiu wiiu mm. one "and the business-like methqd3 used1 to house and manage it without friction. Tho convention arrange-' ments will' be "most admirable and unusual. Nono save the sergeant-at- domination In Wisconsin, but the Stalwarts say thl'a is an Imaginary wants to be the Poo-Bah of the com monwealth. The eklll of tho leaders In political diplomacy will bo heavily EX-SECRETARY OF WAR ELIHU ROOT. Republican national committee, and postmater general. Probably not since tho daya of Washington and Grant has a body of men having to do with tho selection of , the, govern ing personnel vor th'ls nation met- un der what might be called' such un animous Conditions as to a proposed ticket and platform. , Contrary to many early predic tlons of a' lack of general public in terest in this convention because of the foregone conclusion that Presl- dent Roosevelt would be renominated, the crowds of visitors are expected to literally overrun the city's hotels, while hundreds are vainly endeavor ing to secure entrance tickets to tho CoHseunu Two weeks' ago tho price of convention) seats was quoted at ?50, and today instances are cited' where allmost double that figure was offered for the coveted; pasteboards. A Roosevelt Convention. May be truthfully termed a "Roose velt convention." It Is doubtful If a dissenting vote will be cast against the nomination of tho President. Tho selection of the candidate for vice president will afford tho only contest In the convention and oven this Is not expected' to be b very spirited citizens nt Mnt over Casslus M. Clay, who ! with John Sherman a formidable third only last year at his homo In tcky. In 1864 .the Republicans W U Baltimore and nominated Lin- nd Johnsoni Lincoln, received &e votes in the convention ox- V that of Missouri, which" voted IGweral Grant. wto Republican national conventions tho war have oil been heldi In '.Kiddle West, except the conven N 1872, which mot in Phlladel- and renominated President iji and1 the convention four years Pthtch met in the same city and in the race, was a most bitter one. General Garfield was nominated on the thirty-fifth' ballot. Blaine and Logan were nominated at Chicago in the' Republican convon tlonr which met June 3, 1883. Harri son was nominated at Chicago in 1888 and renominated! at Minneapolis im 1892. Tho convention which named William! McKinley for the first time met in St. Louis in. 1896 and the con vention which renominated him was held at Philadelphia four years later. The convention system of nominat- for as frlendHy. Michigan sends 18 of the 28 dele gates under Instructions, an I of tho total delegation of 22 from Minnesota 20 are instructed. 28 delegates from Missouri are Instructed, and that stato is entitle! to 36. 14 out of 16 are Instructed in Nebraska, and four out of eight in New Hampshire New Jersey dd' not Instruct at all, but in dorsed Mr. Roqsevelt for nomination. Of tho 78 delegates fromi Now York 54 are Instructed to veto for tho President and) 24 were elected' -without Instructions. North taxed, but It is believed to be equal, arms will ho permitted to stand1 in to the occas!onv isp that tho work of the aisles. Uniformed1 messengers tho second day's session will begin -will dellvor jness35f from! the 12 promptly at tho -appointed hour. j ong dfstaneo -tejephono booths and The first business of the second the telegraph office upder tho stage session prooauiy win bo to hear the floor. Behind the speaker's stand report or xno committee on perma nent organization, which names the permanent chairman of the conven tion. Then will follow the reading of resolutions for adoption. The most important of these will be th platform! embodying the lasuos upon which tho Republican party will go to tho polls. , i . Long discussions of some of tho paragraphs of tho platform' are un- Is the dlvisioni7an'-tca to tac a,a-' tlngulshcd . guestr and encircling. that aro the ''scats of 3'0O newspaper correspondents. Under a Perfect System. From a single controlling point; Invisible to all within1 the hall, tho managers will -direct every movcf roont. By means: of a private 8ys tem of telephones, Col. Wm. F.. Stone, collector of customs of Baltl- avoidable, llllt. tllPcn ovnwaolnn nf Carolina in- ilffnrttl nnlnlnna ,, K ., , 4 more and' sorgeant-atarms of tho strucdlOoutof 24 Ohio36outof 46 thJ phorte6t lb, convention, will control all details, 4.(.' . ,r;v , , I reasonably cortain that the platform All of these states however Indorsed wm . , ,!, t , 1, ..,,. win be adopted In ample time to the President. So also did Rhode , . . ..' .. " "m'ro """ l" . . . . w way ior tne Dusine&s or naming a ticket, which will likely occur Wednesday morning If the work of tho session Is expedited. How the Ticket Will Hb Named. PimMont T7,i ji, i. , ., army of doorkeepers, ushers West Virginia would vbe free to vote',n aL.lllatloil bv fnrmor 'J ''" other assistants, Is expected (or any other candidate, and of tho ,,, , M -,- .u.. . ..V 2G dolecjitfin nf Wlcctn 19 ..' " " 4," iUMV' wuu,w "I'cn structed. Island, which neglected to Instruct Its eight delegates. Tennessee In structed 20 of its 24, Texas instructed 32 of Us 36 and1 Virginia 18 of its 24. Only two delegates of the 14 from An Immense Gathering. Six thousand seven hundred per- soDi will compose tho gathering of tho opening ceremonies, Is expected to be a rouser of enthu siasm as well as a glowing panegyric of the strenuous' executive. Tho seconding Bpeecho? will be made hy wverytning is expected to move like clockwork. 'A button will be pushed' and the bandi will play. The same button .will be pushed' twlce and the music will cease. Tho vast machinery necessary to handle 1984' delegates and alternate and' an onJ to oporato nod3le3sly and perfectly. The band will be elevated on a stand above tho secondl gallery where tho rounded, hollow walls of tho big building will send the volume' r i i It' V3 sTSlX. h- ''-' i". lfT5H5i WVjy l.''.m w3e KJii - i III I'll ! X 1 I i i i i b&ggsu sfiffiB"s5B basiBajsMtiaa. n&wmmmsmjm' C? " -' . Ml fvT777 i geg; n CHICAGO C0USEUM, SCENE OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION. proceeding. Several sections of the Almost twice that number would lis country have put forth favorite sons ten to the proceedings had' there for tho honor, but It is pretty well been room-, but no one will be aJ understood that the MlddEe West will mitted to the vast building who la furnish tho man. not provided with a seat. The The convention will' consist of 988 "standing room only" signs will not delegates. Of this number 708 aro be painted, for the reason that, since under Instructions to jote for the the memorable Iroquois theator President, and of tho remaining 280 horror, the municipal Jaws of Chi a large number are tacitly Instructed', cago have been revised so that no A remarkable fact Is that not a single pubic hall shall exceed lte licensed aeieguie is unoer luairucuoo- iot uay 8eating capacity. In the Coliseum other candidate. that Is 6400. The platforms upon The states and territories which J Which the officials of the convention have solid delegations under instruc- aml the representatives of tho press tlons to vote ror tne resident aro; 11 sit brings the quota to tho num ber first atAted. Tho temporary organization of thq convention having been effected, former Secretary of War Bllhu Root, of New York, will take the gavel as temporary chairman. At tho close j of Mr. Root's speech, the temporary In full swing, an adjournment will probably be taken until 1 o'clock Wednesday. Flnht Over Credentials. Before the eecond session the com- mltteo on credentials mlist dispose! of 30 contests. Claimants of tho light to represent Wisconsin Texas,' Delaware and Louisiana have sub mltted claims that are being fought with bitterness. If these contests assume serious proportions the work of tho convention may bo delayed. It Is possible that some of the affect ed states may lose their representa tion, a condition, howovor. not be lieved probable. Wisconsin's war Is tho most! serious. In tho Badger state Gov. LaFollette is pitted1 against what are termed the "Stalwarts," or those supporting the two United States senators. Tho LaFollette' Btate convention threw out a (large Senator Beveridge, of Indiana; Geo. of ,nsPrJnB melody out with, majes- A. Knight, of California; Harry ,c enoc1, ine press fiecUoa anI Stlllwell Edwards, of Georgia; Jos.,8taee floorH wlU bo CJUTOteJ. is. uottore, or Minnesota, and Harry -"joining mo auuuoriuuv is an.- a, uummings oi Maryland, These -""DA "" wu uuni ironv ino ma probably will conclude -tho second toriala In. the old' Llbby prison. In day's session. this annex will bo the rooms of .the Thursday is expected to reveal the natlonnl committee and subcommlt hamo of tho running mate of Proai- teos Retiring roonw for ladies and dent Roosevelt, and, if there is to coking roomB for men will bo ap be anything at aU like a scrimmage Predated conveniences. "Splnltuar ' for political preferment during this comfort" for the thirsty it not to be convention!, It will maks'lts appear- jha(l unywherb about the building,, ance thdn. Tho majority of opinion au efforts on the part of uquor vend- has it that Senator Fairbanks will ors to secure concessions at onor be coupled with tho Presldnent, ' Prices having fallod. Not even though tho Illinois friends of Mr. tno lowly hami sandwich may bo ob Hltt and tho adherents of the No- talned within the walls. It was braskan, John L. Webster, hope to w-guoi that as this i? going io bo a mako an Impression. The fact that builnostj convention -It will keep Illinois Ik represented In the person ' "business hours," henco thoro will of tho apeaker of tho house lias been D0 &vo time to eat and to attend to. a deterrent feature to the candidacy tho wants' of humanity In1 general of Mr. Hltt a candidacy that might ' without making a circus of the .Coll bo termed oni 11th hour affair, for It um building. - 4 practically woo unborn prior to tho' This will be the flrat tjmo In the Republican) state convention of 1111- Wstory of national conventions that hol,, which Indorsed the ablo mom- H Uo managers have been under ber of tho foreign rolatlonH commlj:to so.rno of wjthl tho main body of tee of tho houso for tho place. the National Committee, As tho old national committee went out of existence by limitation and their successors were selected' by th&;tato delegations to, meet as sooni as practicable after tho nomin ations, the now committee will not bo ablo to convene until tho fourth day. At thita mooting organization for carapaigno work will bo effected'. Aib tho selection of a chairman Is delegates, and so far as known, no- previous convontipn of any party over wa conducted' on suoh a sys tematic basis ae tho Republican na tional convention of 19Q4. o Tho city government should do all! in Its powor to promoto park IiriproYQ monta and beautifying the clty.,ThO" fair at Portfand next year will bring; us many visitors, and Salem sheuld: look attractlvo. My Stomach "$ feels so uncomfort able. Food distresses me. I OPt hlllf iinH llncnnnr1nn My doctor savs it's mv stomnch." AnH whnt hm ,.. doctor tell you to take? Ayer's Sarsaparllla. fc&irfiSB && vl .m l : v 9 ,? t' ; m -,, -r. V ' a M Jfe VW' 4 ja ! ..y t v ; M m w- s : ) f . iHh ', ', ? i ' 1 '-: - 1 ' -, m 1 "ft .m m 1 1 ' . 1 1j :-n ' " t'VK if n V?l