-T-flBJHBWl ""'jrf' T "lWt wrwlTrp'iri& FIVK .DAILY CAPITAL. JOURNAL, -SALEM, OrlEQON, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1904. , llJ..MM.iiaMijaaaaaMgPWMMKMtWPmMM SALEM RAILWAY MATTERS Special Meeting to Hear the Report of the. Falls City Committee The Salem Electric Light and Power Plant Changes Hands Once More Tho Salem Commercial Club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, sharp, at tho police court rooms to hear a report from tho special com mltteo on the Falls City, Dallas & Sa lem railroad. This Is a very Im portant meeting, and Chairman Til nuon Ford will report the findings of the committee, which has been at considerable troube to got at the facts. Tho committee has been to Falls City, and hayo also made some Inves tigation as to securing right of way and terminal facilities In West Salem. Tho meeting Tuesday evening will probably 'will decide tho fato of this matter, and those who aro Interested la the welfare of tho city should at tend. Chief Engineer Covert, of Dallas, Is expected to bo present, and give all Information that la proper to como before a public meeting. Salem peo ple should turn out and help this en terprise If they havo any faith In their town as a railroad center. Tho Falls City country wodld open more trade to our community than any other lino. A commlttoo of tho Independence Improvement Club is In the city to day, to meet a committee of tho' Sa lem Commercial Club on the matter baking-powder flavoring utractt plcca oda colTr are safe; x you needn't gel cheated in them, Schilling's Best are not only pure and true, but generous. 1ihH ilflll III Ull HHH-t fCC CREAM in paper pails to take home ; ; 1 -2 Pt in paper pail 1 0c ! '. ' 1 pint in paper pail 1 5c ; j ; ; 1 quart in paper pail 25c : ; : : 1 -2 gal in paper pail 50c at Zinn's J 154 State St. Phone 1971 J IIIIIIIDIIIUIIIHIII ! j Wall Paper I Latest designs in stock, 0 J and good work guaran- teed. We have the small store and small prices J E. L. Lemmon I J 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 4.M4I 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 4. : : Strawberry ; i Shortcake At the I White House :: Restaurant 1 George Bros. Props, t Mason Jars Pints 60c per doen. Quarts 70c. Half gallon 90c. j j Don't delay- You'll want to can berries in a few j i days. ATWOOD p FISHER Pnone 57 1 . Corner Commercial and Court. iim IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of extending tho Monmouth and Inde pendence motor line to Salem. Tho commlttoo Is composed of C. A. Hur ley, J. M. Stark and Walter jLyons, and tho Salem Club commlttoo con sists of F. N. Derby, Geo. W. Johnson, H. W. Meyers, J. L. Stockton and Mayor Waters. The gentlemen met at 2 o'clock at Mr. Derby's ofilco, and went over tho details of the proposed extension. It would tap the Falls City trade, Just tho same as tho Dal las road, and connect with Dallas by tho S. P. Co. It Is claimed for tho In dependence line that they would havo but eight miles of track to build to reach this city, as against 14 to Dal las. Tho tlmo Is past whon those towns In "tho valley avoid a railroad connection with Salem, but now all aro seeking to connect up with tho Capital City. Z. J, Rlggs left last evening for Corvalll8, where tho State Board of Pharmacy, of which he Is a member, will hold a meeting to examlno a num ber of the O. A. C. graduates. The board will also hold a so3slon in Port land. District Attorney-elect J. H. Mc Nary went to Albany this morning on business. Chas. Cochran, of Eugene, was In tho city yesterday, visiting with Prof. Willis McElroy, and assisted In the military band concert In tho afternoon. 1 Misa Jennie Griffith Dead. Mies Jennie Griffith died at her homo In tho Waldo Hills Saturday night of heart disease, after an Illi nois of less than a week. Deceased was born In Marlon county 38 years ago on tho home place where she died. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Griffith, survive her, as do also three brothers and three sisters, Dr. J. C. Griffith and Dr. L. F. Grlfllth, of U1I3 city, and Carl C. Griffith, who Is studying medicine in Portland, and Mrs. Geo. A. Peebles, of Weston; Mr?. L. H. McMahon, of this city, and Mrs. A. W. Glesy. For many years deceased had suffered from heart trouble, but was always cheerful and was always known to all of her ac quaintances for her sunny disposition. Tho old homestead In tho Waldo Hills was named by her "The Lilacs," and is ono of the landmarks of Marlon county. The funeral will be held at tho residenco on Tuesday afternoon, and will bo in charge of Rev. P. S. Knight, of this city.'". ""r . Sunday Band Concert. Tho band concort at Marlon squaro yosterday afternoon was ono of the best of the year, and the organization is showing marked Improvement un der tho able leadership of Prof. Mc Elroy. Ho was assisted yesterday by Mr. Davidson, a trombone player of ability, and Mr. Cochran, a 'splendid cornetlst. Both gentlemen will prob obly bo retained during the summer, If suitable arrangements can be made. The concert was enjoyed by a largo number of people. All j I Because 1 1 It's Good Heaping Measure Nearly all the grocers are carry ing our fine pure cream of tartar BAKING POWDER "Eppley's Perfection" is fully recognized as being a'l that la claimed for it. Then again 2 there's 0 oz. in a glass jar and not in a uselees can. Buy it. Try It. Phone Main 1041 C. M. Eppley FINE GROCERIE8. Nineteenth and Stato Street lllIMIHIItllllIMIM RAGLANS SERIES Win Four Straight Games From the Albany Leaders Standing of the Clubs. P. W. L. PO Salem 27 18 9 G66 Albany 17 9 8 528 Eugene 29 17 12 587 Roseburg 28 9 19 315 Saturday's Games. At Albany Salem 8, Albany 3. At Roseburg Roseburg 10, ' "Eu gene 3. Sunday's ames. At Albany Salemi 5, Albany 4. Eugene 4, Roseburg 2. Tho Raglans covered themselves1 with glory at Albany last week by taking the four gamoa of tho Berlos, getting two shut-outs, and otherwise demonstrating their superiority as tossers. They arrived homo this morning, and; will go up against tho Eugene "Blues" at tho home grounds this week, tho first time those two teams have played this year on tho homo grounds. Tho games will be watched with interest by tho fans, as theso teams are tho leaders, Albany having dropped to third place, owing to her poor showing last week. The feature of tho Sunday gamo was a homo run by "SI" Davis in the tenth Inning, winning the game for Salem1. PERSONALS Alderman A. Gesner went to Oro gon City this morning. Miss Tressa Modlt, who Is teaching school near Gervals, spent Sunday with her parents. W. G. Day and family, of Eugene, will remove to this city, and mako tholr future homo horo. Mr3. Gorman, of Cottage Grove, Is visiting a few days at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Keone. Judge and Mrs, L. D. Henry left this morning for Hood River, where they will attend tho Grand Army meeting. Steve Chadwlck, of Colfax, Wash., who spent Sunday In tho city with his people, left for his homo this morning. Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs, S. C. Dyer left this morning for Portland, where they will nttend the Eastern Star meeting. Miss Ernestine Halloy left this af ternoon for Portland, where she will visit a few- days boforo going to As toria, to sp.ond tho summon v Ed. C. Hogue, of Albany, who has been reporting for Tho Journal, Is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogue, of that city. Mrs. Edwin Stone and Misses Ther esa Collins and Julia Dorgan, of Al bany, are In tho city to attend tho recitals of Dr. Parviri today and to morow. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Read, of Port land, spent Sunday ln tho city. Mr Read returned this morning. Mrs. Read will remain, tho guest of Mrs. A. F. Hofer for Bomo tlmo. Mr. and1 Mrs. W. J. Clarke, of ner vate, passed through tjils morning, on route homo from an extended trip to the St. Louis-fair, and other points of intorest in the East and South' Mrs. J. W Young, wife of Alderman Young, left this morning for a three months' trip In tho East. Sir owlll visit with- hor homo peoplo In Illinois, and will probably extend hor trip to other Eastern points. Mrs. J. A. Sellwood returned from Albany this morning, where fihe spent Sunday with Rev. arid Mrs. Coney, formerly of thlb place. Rev. Coney 1b about to leave for his old homo in England, where hl brother Is said to bo in very poor hoalth, Conrad Krebs loft Saturday for California, where he will spend sev eral days, and from there will go to tho St. Louis fair. After a week's visit he will leavo for an extended tour of Europe, and will not return for several months. Eric Kloppln was in tho city yoster day, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kloppln. Ho is with tho Em pire Stock Company, a theatrical or ganization which has been playing an engagement in Portland, and took this opportunity to visit his homo folks.' 8outh Salem Personals. Mlsa Marguerite Bozorth, of Port land, came up Saturday oronlng, and will spond a few weeks visiting her sister, Miss Inez Bozorth, in this city, Ralph Conn, of Portland, spent Sun day with relatives la South Salem. Chtttim Batfc Highest Prlca paid at Fry'a Drug Store, Salem, Oregon. Parties desiring to hold tholr bark for higher prices, will bo glv on Free Storage at our warehouse. Wo aro tho largest buyoro of Chittlm Bark, Orogon Grapo Root, Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees Wax. Wo will buy for cash, sell on commission, or glvo you froo Btor age. Write or call upon ua bororo you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Wholo salo and Retail Druggist, Salem, Oregon. 3 ALBANY TRAIN ACCIDENT Jasper Custer Cut in Two by an Excursion Train Jasper Custer, of Albany, was killed by tho Corvallis & Eastern excursion train last night. The train was re turning from Detroit, where tho day had been spent Just how tho acci dent happenod la not known, but in somo way Custer fell from tho moving cars, and was cut in two. Ho was a son of Ruel Custor, of Marlon coun ty, and leaves a wife and two child ren. Ho was an employe of the Al bany Brewing Company, and a mem ber of several organizations, and was well liked by hia many acquaintances. Reduced Rates to 8t Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago on account of tho St.Louls exposition on tho following dates Juno 16, 17, 18; July 1, 2, 3,; August 8, 9, 10, Sep tember 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4,5. Going trip must bo completed with in 10 days from date of sale, and pas sengers will bo permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within tho ton-day limit. Return limit 90 daya, but not later than December 31, 1904. for full Information as to rates and routes call on agent of S. P. Co., at Salem. " June 7th has been, authorized as tho sale date for Louisiana Furchaso Ex position tickets, in addition to ealo dates previously announced for Juno, This concession has been mado to ac commodate Oregon people; and will enable them to bo at tho Exposition on Oregon; Day, Juno 5th. W. E. COMAN, Gen. Pas. Agt. New Dentist. For tho benofit of those employed during tho day, I will keep ofllco hours from 7 to 8 evenings, and from 10 to 12 Sundays. Phono Main 1671. Gray building. 5-24-tf I Wheals Some peoplo havo them in their heads, but wo put thorn onto vehicles. Wo havo a fine lot of buggies, spring wagons, carts, buck-boards, etc., all new, mado at home. Also a new democrat wagon with long distance axlos, at a bargain. Lot of second-hand wagons, buggies, carts and othor ve hicles. See what wo offer, and save money. Horse shooing a specialty, by C, W. Armstrong. Romombor tho Salem Wagon factory, on North Liberty St. Werner Fennel Proprietor. j ; Bicycle 1 1 Repairing We do all kinds of Bi- I I cycle Repairing and do f it lirst class. Work called for and delivered. Baseball and i ! Lawn Tennis supplies. -- ' " i Salem Gun Store PAULH. HAUSER, Proprietor. ! iiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiimim Don't You needn't worry a bit, if you,buy your clothes hero-Wo'vo dono all tho worrying for you. ,4g vjH j Jt jp ''"'iJlJil'n " """Is pun ' i iff I mi Ml I KXhuh Ska' MmPv ' . i . I SalemWoolenM C. P. BISHOP, Poj. Reform School Supplies. Sealed proposals arq hereby request ed for furnishing the Oregon Stato Reform' School with supplies for tho next six months, ending December 31. 1904. Lists, with specification, will bo furnished upon application to the superintendent. All bids must bo In by Juno 28th. N. H. LOONE5Y; 6-13-16t Superintendent; OAfllTOnXA., , i IB Rina wu new Nirajra The Kind You Hew Mays Bosgtt Blgntw of OlMMHUMBiWIIHIMB For a short time ! only will the rem- nant sale last at the old Cronise Studio, Over tbe New York Racket Store. iMMHIMMUMIHlHMM Gives Vigo, Life and Energy to the Invalid i and satisfies and pleases the Healthy Salem Beer Bottled especially Salem Brewery Association Office. 1 74 Commercial Street. Phone, Main 21 31 lflMM.llt......-tt1tttttttttt Woy Thore were Spring stuffs to select wo'vo done that. Thoro were Spring styles to do oldo on we've dono that. Thoro wero trimmings to pick out wo'vo dono that. There was tho tailoring to look after and lots of littlo stylo ldnlcs and things to seo to, that shouldn't escape wo'vo looked uftor all of them. Now all is plalo sailing for you. Tho prices were, also, taken In to consideration! and mado fa vorablo to you. $8.00, $15.00 up to $25.00 for Suits or Top Coats you'll bo proud to wear. , HATS AND HABERDASHERY Ju6t bristling all over with Spring newness. We have never yet charged a man a cent for looking all he wanted to. IS Condensed Milk. Minister Chadwlck cables that the mission to Ralsull left Sunday with tllo sultan's answer to the demand of the Morocco bandit. Tho strike of the Santa Fo macula lsts will be materially aided by call ing out tho boiler makers and black" smiths. 1IHH 2 Circulating 2 Library 2 You'll And juBt tho right J w kind of books lni It. Wo keop H it "right up to snuff" at all 9 9 times. Thousands upon H Thousands of good titles to A solqct from, historical, ad- m venture, love and romance, a Ton cents Invested will af- Z 2 ford you abundant pleasure. J Patton's Book Store, m for Family use. tore ig: N1