-VWcJ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM. OREQON. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1904. K-fe w "" 4 mttmu fl&ie of be $af Is 3-o'utMl v By HOFER BROTHERS. vcnppa news association iciegrams. CABEQ Published every' afternoon exepet Sunday at 197 Commercial street fflOTjg Subscription terms: Dally one year, $4.00 In advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance: dally by carrier, 60c per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance. JOURNAL 8PECIAL DELIVERY. ' Ono wock 10c; one month 35c; three months $1.00. t At Journal office; -at Taue'o grocery South 8alem; at Bowersox' grocery Yew Park; Asyltttn Avenuo Grocery 8tore; Electric Grocery, East State trcet S . 1 . ; jsirifllo Copies Prlco 6 cents. Price to newsboys 2J cents per copy. To Mall Subscribers The date when you subscrittlon expires la on the Addrosa labol of each paper. Whoa that date arrives, If your subscription baa not again been paid in advance, your name Is taken from the list. A change of. dato on the address label 1 s a receipt Vf t Entered at the postofflce at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter. Most folk who cat "FORCE "think it tastes the best of all breakfast foods. They sayv" It goes right to the' spot." That's because -Nature is on the spot. She knows at the first taste what she can make the best blood, and bone, and brain out o Nature says, "Give me 'FORCE.'" y&dt (44 J& therowllbe a la'rgecash surplus at thq end of this,-school year. andUhero will be no use whatever for this mon dyand no debt to pay for many years. The people shouldVdomand a oport of the financial condition of the dis trict and see If there cannot be a movement started- that will result In a, now school house In place of the Central schools. , All" know that those old, unsightly school houses' 'are a discredit to the second largest sch6ol district In the state, and a disgrace to the Capital City and should bo abolished. Tho people should discuss these matters and ndopt a plan for going ahoad arid securing a new school house on Center street. The Journal b'olleVe It can be done without Incur ring a dollar of debt. That Improvement has been prom ised for years and should be delayed no longer. The ' people will not get progross and Improvements unless they take these matters up and push them. "l fHHflk m "Wrt" REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE. Ifor Justice of tiro Supreme Court U ,,., F..A.MOOIUB. jrySlatoJ1'Food afld Dairy Commls - sloner, , - ' J; W. BAILEY. For Presidential Electors,, , , J. M. HAIItT' ' " ?" " I JAS. A. FEE, . GRANT B. DIMICK, A. C. HOUGH. CONGRESSIONAL. for Member of Cougross First Dls- trlct, BINOER HERMANN. Second District, J. N. WILLIAMSON. JUDICIAL, .. ThlfdA Judicial r ,r -For Circuit Judges, District J ' ' GEORGE H. BURNETT, ",'V B. L. EDDY, , . fl For District Attorney, ,'Jjf 'JOHN II. M'NARY. MARION COUNTY TICKET. ' County Judge John H. Scott ''horiff W. J. Culver. ' ClorlCrrJohn W. Roland. ' , ' Assessorr-Fred J. Rice. Treasurer W. Y. Richardson. Itocordor John C. Slogmund. School Supt E. T. Mooros. Commissioner I. C. Necdham. .Surveyor B. B. Horrlck. Coroner A, M. Clough. . .Representatives Jos. Calvert, Hub bard;, J. G. Graham and T. B. Kay, Salem; John Ritchie, Scotts Mills; Jesse H. Sottlemolor, Woodburn. , 8alem District Ticket. For Justlco of tho Poaco. II. II. TURNER, For Constable. ROBT. O. DONALDSON..- THE JOURNAL'S PROGRAM. The readers of The Journal under stand that It fights for a general pro gram of. good government all tho time. fAs a result, of .Its fight Salem has a good city government as good as can bo .reasonably expected out of fallible human Instrumentalities. Sa lem has less vice, less drunkenness and gambling than other cltie3. As a result- of its fighting ceaseless ly Marlon county has the best county government In the state, and yet It It Is probably not perfect Tho coun ty government could bo bettor than It Is, But in all human probability it would not be much better for this city If all the pets of all the more perfect "vjolates the spirit of the Constitu tion of the United States." WOODBURN INDEPENDENT AGAINST SCOTT. Tho Woodburn Independbnt comes out editorially against Judge Scott for re-election, and advocates the election of Mayor Corby. It says at the end of a long article "Thero Is not a politician In Ma rlon county who does not know that the Independent can be more oxpllclt and prove to tho people that It would bo a grave error and damaging to the Republican party of this county to re-elect Judge Scott. WE HOPE EN TERING INTO FULL DETAILS WILL BE UNNECESSARY, AND reformers were put In office and a THAT ALL WILL SEE THEIR DUTY prayer meeting held In the city' hall .WITHOUT FURTHER ELUCIDA and court house daily. In stnto affairs Tho Journal has fought for a flat salary bill and for an economical legislature. Let those TION." The above Is pretty nearly a throat, and Judgo Scott had better "see" the Woodburn editor. If the editor has who have dofeated these reforms an-. had any bad dreams he ought to mako swo'r 'to the people when the time them public anyhow. For a newspaper man who has fought ho "best men In the party, and not, been1 abovo almost 'distressful re- COMMITTEEMEN. v Chairman Stato Central Commlttoo Frank C. Baker, Portland. 1 Chairman Congressional Central (Commlttoo Walter L. Tooze, Wood burn. Mombor Stato Contral Commlttoo Hal D. Patton, Salem. k Chairman County Control Commlt too Chas. A. Murphy; B. Frank Meredith, BoeretaryySalom. " Republican Joint Canvass. Turner, May, 20, 10 n. ra. Jefferson, May 20, 8 p. m. Aumsvlllo, May 27, 10 a. m, . . Shkiulty, May 27th, at Z$. m.. v Stayton, May 27, 8 p, m. Goloa, Mn)r 28, 11 a, m, -' nfehamaV Muy 28, 8 mjf i Macleay, May 31, 2 p ra. Sllverton, May 31, 8 p. m, " Scott.8 Mills, Juno 1, lo; a. m. Mt. Angel, June 1, 2 p. m, Woodburn, Juno il 8 p. m. r Buttovlllo, Juuc2, 10' a, m. Hubbard, Juno 2, 2 p, m. I Aurora, June 2. 8 p.'jfm. 1 St. Paul, Juno 3d, at 10 a. in. Brooks, Juno 3, 2 p. iWv ; nervals, June 3, 8 p. inV $, Pratum, June 'fi'i p. m, . Salem, Juiiq 4,, .8 p. m. comes, The neonlo know Tho .Tonrnnl lins been' earnestly for these reforms, and has advocated thorn In an Uncompro mising manner. That program has not beon deviated from ono hair, and will yet have to bo adopted. In Salem public school affairs The Journal has fought for tho best, Our schools are good. They should bo bottor. They must finally bo tho best In tho state. Those who nro satisfied with los3 aro also good pqople. ON THE8E LINES THE JOURNAL WILL FIGHT IMPERSONALLY FOR PROGRESS, AND NO AMOUNT OF PRE8SURE OR THREATS CAN CHANGE ITS POLICIES. Ijroach himself to .-try to elect Mayor Corby county Judge In this way Is a mistake Mayor Corby Is a fine man, but ho has choson a poor weapon to fight Scott with' In the person of the Woodburn editor, who is not abovo the lino of vulnerability himself. If thecounty judgo ha3 been guilty of any lapsos of official duty tho Woodburn editor owes It to the pub lic to toll them all about It, and let them judgo for themsolvcs, instead of handing out lnucndos. JUDGE WALDO ON, THE DIRECT PRIMARY BILL. If Judge Waldo's opinion of tho Di rect Primary bill becomes eenorallv board showed mossback 'tendencies known that measure ought to got few . that WQr0 deplorable. WHAT 8HALL SALEM PEOPLE DO. School Director Fletcher has en gaged In personalities because this papor has said that a majority of the Dates Events; 4 May 18-21-rT. O. O, P,?grand lodgo, Astoria. v .v fljjuno G Gdnbral ejection In Ore- aJuno ID, 1GJ 17 Qr'gon oncauip tnout G. A.vIIh Hood tftRor. IJuno IB, 16 and nSbop'artiuont f Oregon, O. A. It, in anuuaUrounlon at Hood Rlvor. August 22-27 American Cougross, Portland. votes. But tho unfortunato polltlral con ditions of Oregon aro such that tho peoplo can bo easily deceived In so plausible a proposition. Tho Portland bosses have undoubt odly takon. ad vantage, for tholr own purposos, of tho public sentiment In favor o Direct Nomination. With tho Portland dallies silenced or for tho measure, which they hon estly bolievo is a reform bill, tho mass of tho pooplo will bo misled. Tho country papers are gonorally stlont or support tho measuro on tho representation of tho Portland com mittee, and will adopt It, Tho pamphlet sont out by tho sec retary of stato to all tho counties, and furnished each voter, la a cun ning argument for tho bill. j Tho politicians aro all afraid of tho uiii airaiu to say it is a bad bill, fof fear of giving the Improsslon that they aro against direct nomination. They would really be for diroct nomination lf they helped kill this bill because this hill la so bad It will kill direct nomination If pasved. Judgo Waldo shows tho hill to bo monopollBtlQ, drawn to glvo n fow offico-sookers n monqpoly of nomi nations, and to kqepthain In office. Tho bill Is undonstltutloual, be cause It proposos to tax tho people of all othor parlloa for tho purposo ot giving tho dominant parties a chance to sottlo dlfforonces at publto ox- As Waldo says, tho only good foa- turo of tho bill, that sooktng to com Mining) pol legislators to voto for tho pooplo's choice for United States senator, Ay 9 Cherru Pectnral t JT C ThIs is the medicine doctors JM 3 llve Prescribed for sixty years Mi vviiuj, vvma. WIUUU.UIUU chitls, consumption. iJSiSll r Co.. MM. This paper has novor engaged In personalities In discussing schoof af fairs and does not propose to. This paper has not undertaken the defonso of City Supt Traver. Ho is a young man of 33, who-has dovoted all his life to teaching. Ho has accomplished decided results at Salem for the Improvement of the schools and he seems to bo In de mand elsewhere. Tho Journal Is not attempting any defense of Supt. Travor. His work for the Salem schools, although not above criticism, has beon endorsed by tho school board. Tho weak point to all that has beon printed by Director Fletcher Is that If Mr. Traver hasvviolated tho orders of tho school tfoard, why did tho board ro-omploy him? But the purposo of this papor la not to hnvo a controversy with any mom bor of tho school board. Mr, Fletcher has stated that ho will ho guided en tirely by tho oxprokod will of tho poo plo. , It Is up 'to tho peoplo ot Salem fcchoQl district No. 24 to say what they wnn tholr schools to become. At tho noxt olectlon they must voto up Or down tho grades abovo tho ninth grado. They must voto up or down whe ther tho Salem schools shall be put on a par wlth'tho othjr towns of the samoslzo In tho stato, and Mr. Flotch or agrees to abide by that voto,- That is a fair proposition and the people ot Salem can tako no excep tion to that. And the people will not voto tholr schools down bolow tho grados that are carried on In all cities of tho slzo of Salem In tho United States. , , Tho pooplo of Salem should sustain the proposition to havo grades In tho public schools .abovo tho ninth grade. They should elect a school director on that Usuo on tho third Monday In Juno. According" to tho unofflclat ToporU GET OUT OF DEBT AND BUILD GOOD ROADS. Columbia county Is another one out of debt. All Oregon counties should be so In tho near future. This will be the very greatest sort of an Immigra tion Inducement. Marlon county (Rep.), out of debt; Linn county (Dem.), out of debt; Wasco county (Rep.), out of debt; Baker county (Dem.), has reduced Its debt from $300,000 to 150,000 and will Eoon be out of debt; Polk and othor counties (mixed), out of debt. Tho conclusion is that politics cuts no figure. What tho peoplo want is a county Judge, county commission ers, assessors and sheriffs who will pull and work for the peoplo, and to put their respective counties out of debt, and to build good roads, and do good, clean, honest servlco gonerally; and It doesn't amount to a hobo's eja culation whether they aro Republicans or Democrats. Judgo Doan of Columbia county Is a Republican; if he has beon a good ono, as It loolro llko. the people ought to keep him there. Judgo Scott of Marlon county not ,only helps to keep his county out of debt, but Is fore most among Oregon county Judges In tho good-roads crusado; he should bo kept In office Ho Is more than earn ing his salary. Portland Journal. t' THeVaNAMA CANAL. John F. Wallace, general manager of the Illinois Central railroad, has accepted an, appointment as chief en gineer in chargo, of the construction of tiie Panama canal. Mr. Wallace is 52 years old, was educated as a civil engineer, and roso from a position as rodman In tho service of tho Carthago & Qulncy railroad, In 1869, to chief engineer of the Illinois In 1891. Ho practically rebuilt this railroad dur ing tho ensuing 10 years, and became Its general manager In 1902. Ho gave up a bofter position and prospects, financially, to direct tho greatest piece of engineering work that has over beon undertaken. Ho will receive a 'salary of $25,000 a year In the em ploy of tho government. It Is esti mated that two years will be required to comploto tho surveys, making tho estimates of cost, and 'decldo on tho final plans. In round figures tho ca nal will cost $200,000,000, and will re quire 10 years to complete. Aside from the engineers, machinists, and othor skilled labor, tho constructive work wlH'gIve employment to 50,000 men. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGES. Tho Republicans havo put up two mon In the prime of life and of su perior ability for circuit Judges. Burnett and Eddy aro mon of the strictest Integrity, of high character and fine standing in the profession. Eddy has an unblemished reputa tion as a legislator, and has gonerally. been on the right slu of things. Judgo Eddy, of Tillamook, Is not to bo confounded with Jas. B. Eddy, ot Portland, who was on tho railway commission. Ho Is no relation of Col. Jim Eddy, either. P CEUhRATEO J Indigestion, Constipation, Dyspepsia and Weak Kidneys aro foes to good health. Cure them at once by taking tho Bitters. It nojer falls oven In tho most, sovoro cases, Doctos endorse It Try a bottle. It is also unqualed as" a pterontattv'e of Malaria, Fever and Ague. Pa ?"k ,CMH Fitters rein 9S e ar flTfoat harm Sale Ten Million Boxes aYeaiT P"Vt TIIE FAMILY'S FAVUKITE HfcUIUIHE A CANDY CATHARTIC 10c, 25c, 50c (99 a ItofiSti! BEST FOR THE BOWELS Hfc iMEsPw cidljf7f :;ritfS,C,i5e CarA ilH m) jim These are all you need With a Rock Island , System time, table and ' one or our folders, "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper," you can easily figure out your route to any point in the East. The Rock Island has its own lines from "Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis to Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Memphis and 1,200 other towns and cities in the Middle West. It is a good railroad and its trains are as com fortable as money can make them. Write or call and I will take pleasure in giving you full information. L. . CORHAM, Cinaral Aginl, 140 Third Strott, Portland, Or. WMWMimMMiMMmtmnwnimMW Pepae foi the Warm Season Got your materials made up. Wo can supply your wants. Lawns In white, blaclf, tan, pink, bluo, rod and yellow, only lcj yard. Our customors say our prlcos are most reasonable In this '" Cushion cords only 10c a vnrd. New assortment lust In. Great nj rlety of colors, mercerized finish. ? Millinery". Wo receive new goods In this department almost crerj, 1 day. Latest Btvles. cood work, reasonhle nrlcos. Seo us for W frames, straw-braids, chiffon flowers,, foliage and buckles. Rostein & Gteznbavm 302 Commercial Street. MMtmnattmiBi minim IIMItlMIHtMMWIMWMtMHMHIIlHMI OR. GUNM'S onion CURES COUQHS, COLDS. ' HOARSENESS -CROUP. ' BU Hteitdi lorChlldftn. Pleasant la tak an 4 no ?Pft",?..0,,1'71,A t! ortjlMlHoM Cure Said by all Madlelna Starts a Urgt tattles (or GO eti Mad tar by OR B0SANKO COl ffifiddirtJi ff Do What We Claim We Guarantee snfflplnnf nrnnf .n rip T V C.nok the BoWv Doctor cures all kinds of diseases aftorallother" schools and do1" have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gr kidney, bono diseases, Consumption, gall stones, rheumau dropsy, and dlabets. annendlcltls have never yet failed, and, fen diseases, nil thA fnrpcrolnrr -nrltliniit fha. rnltn nr nlaster Or pOW and with no pain to tho patlont whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. D. J. Fi I 301 Liberty St,, Formerly of Gmr&a, Neb iiiiiiiiiiiinimmiimnnni Cook Salem, 0g