Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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'lea.., ,j
a Hi
reM- il
Ct-nfitln mntiifncfQ itsnlf itt ttmnv uvivo Ctxo11l t 4t. r,U,lH nf 41.
eck and throat, Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling offensive sores and ab-
ts, oMii uujiuuw! j.oui omiijjmuiiu wcusness in muscles lumjojms.
It is n miserable disease and traceable in alrdost every instance to eoine
tnilv blood taint. '
jcrofula is bred in the
(one, is transmuted
Ion parent to child,
hp r.ecia are til an tea in
lfaiitv and unless the
SrTOfllln nnndnrnrl
littlo crandoliild when only 18
tho bead of my
ftlfl. nnrt r.nrdntl fniif.1l. ... Iiav hnriif
The direnna nnxt nt tricked tho oyotj and
wn fanlrnt rha rtil 1a linn .Imhf
inont plivnioimm wero oonsufted. bat
could do nomine to roliove the little in-
noocnt. It watt thou that wo doclded to
try u. u. a. xnat medicine at onoo made
a opeody and complete cure. She ia now
a yountr lady, and has nevor had n nlga
t.W 1. fc r4 f . fe - A dh M M A. Mb
,k r, Au r . MB3' BUTH BERKT.Y,
1B0 3outh Oth Street, Sallno, Kan.
Bfipil and everv atom
B" ' " " -
jieti hi turnover! bcrof
! r to develop at
i rirfiin vntirmp.
r niH'y equals S. S. S. us a cure for Scrofula. It cleanses and builds
the blood, makes it rich and Dure, and under the tonic pfTerts of tin's
icat Blood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs are
KircnKuicncn, anu uicre is a gradual our. sure return
to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the
joints and elands is carried off as soon as the blood
NJ C 1S restored to a normal condition, and the sores, erup
"" tions, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear.
O Q ft ic rriinmtlf-ppfl Tl!1!i1v VffTnfrih1r ntirl lit-Milce. o. i.lnnl V.lnrv.4
ftinuer and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitu-
Ion. Our pnysicians win navise witnout charge, all who write us about
ben case. Book mailed free.
Secretary of League Believes
'There Is Nothing in It
Contrary to Americanism
Voter Must Declare His Poli
tics at Primaries, and
of It
does If go?
That's a question we
5:xsW W t0& are asked a dozen timet
a day. Where does the
Rock Islan4 g?
The answer is: Pretty nearly
To Peoria and Chicago.
To Davenport and Rock
To Lincoln and Omaha.
To Topekaand Kansas City.
To St. Joseph and St. Louis.
To Texas and Oklahoma.
Three routes east via Den
ver, Omaha and St. Paul.
1 nininin 11 ni
Cenoral Agent,
MO Third St,
Portland, Ore.
.ye net e
iBreakiriff prices en china to prevent bfeakim the'ehinn
during removal, all for buyers' benefit. Our new st re
lis b.inje: rapidly built, Our stock will disappear rapidlv
rat present prices.
The secretary of Uie Direct Primary
Nominations Ieague, has written a
reply to Tho Astorlan's criticism of
the law which Is to be submitted at
tho forthcoming election to tho voters
of the state.
Oregon City, May 9. (To the edi
tor.) May I say a word In reply to
your editorial of May 57
Tho proposed primary nominations
lnv nllnwa nnllHnnl TinrHaa nnctli-io K
per cent and less than 25 per cent of
the total vote to nominate their candl.
dates for ofllce by delejjato conven
tions, as they do now, and independ
ents may nominate by petition, as they
do now under tho Australian ballot
law, which1 Is section 2791 of B. &
C. annotated1 statutes and code3 of
Oregon. No person Is obliged to reg
ister his politico unless he wants to
vote at the primary election hold un
der the law. Ho votes a secret ballot
of his party In tho Australian form,
and no one can lnow tho candidates
for nomination ho has voted for No
man Is ashamed or dfrald to avow
his membership In a political party
thnt casts 25 per cent or more of the
vote, and he ought not to be ashamed
or afraid to register hh membership
In any political party whoso ticket he
Is not ashamed or afraid' to vote. The
purpose of this provision is to pre
vent piercenaries and mon who are
not mombers of one of tho political
parties obliged to nominate under this
law from helping to dictate Its nollcles
or nominations In the Interest of a
Wo do not think there is anythlnK
In tho law that Is not essential and
truly American In principal.
other county, done that this burden
should bo saddled onto them? We aro
satisfied with political conventions,
where canldatos may make open can
vass before 100 or 125 Intelligent men
chosen from tho county or city. Tho
cost of ono election Is groat enough,
goodness knows; thoy why double
tho cost? Just because nearly all
tho nolltlclans of Multnomah are mer
cenaries, It does not follow that1 wo
of tho rest of the state must ho pun
ished for their sins,
if tho voters of Orccon do their
duty at the forthcoming election, and
we believe they will, they will turn
majority that will hill it for years'
to' come.
-J, j
Japan Is literally loaded for "bear."
A cow that dovours linen Is the
latest affliction whlqh has come upon
the troubled citizens of Astoria.
It Is reported that one of tho
charges'" against uSpt. Potter, of the
Indian school, was that he intended to
vote tho bears for Bingor Hormann.
The Salem Statesman's report of
the Woortburn rally sneaks of "Jim
Buff's spectacular debut in all the
gorgeous colors of tho rainbow, repre
senting Othello in Joseph's coat."
Well, Jlmmle Buff. Is not the only
picturesque polltlclar in the party.
If a brick weighs seven pounds and
half a brick then a brick and a half
will weigh 21 pounds. Soveral big
papers have filled columns on this
jjjjljf 5c Cigar lJk i
JlJir that ever wIBl '
Jjipr Crossed zs, &L '
Jpr Cigar Counter
Yokohama Tea Store
Phone 24 ti Black. - Ff pp. rfpffrorv.
90oogGC'Ss3eesiAo9eMM eacft
llbaU's tfctty I
The ferry boat Is now In operation, day or night, S
roads good and driving fine. Take the short t fn 2
points in Polfc coonty. ! 1
A. D. Pettyjohn, Prop.;
HI 1 1 1 H 1 1 I it 1 I 1 I I I 1 I B 11 1 . . .
90 per cent of all cases treated at
Boswell Springs ate Cuted
Capt. Bca D. Boswell,
Proprietor and Manager.
Boswell P. O., Doaglas Co., Oregon
m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tnn m 1 1 iti n n 1 1 1 1 1 ii m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if
?; " ' ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is u i ii 1 1 1 it
Wholesale amrf Retail Family Liqoor Store
Pull ii -wrvcnucN, aa commercial Street
McBr ir ,iqUra ftnd w,ne8' caarbrook hlsky-formorly
ir h, the city limits. Thono Main 1151.
hJ44a i. a i jjj .........
Vote Against Primary Law.
Dally Astorlan, Rop:)
The reply will not change our opin
ion of tho proposed law, which wo
regard as thoroughly bad. Ono ob
jection which We waged against tho
bill wasi that It witheld from parties
casting less than 2 per cent of the
vote for congressman tho alleged
benefits of It3 provisions. Mr. U'Ron
says It permits such parties and grants
to Independents tho privilege of nomi
nating by petition. He doe3 not ox
plain whyUheso smallor parties aro
excluded from tho alleged benefits of
the law, nor do wo beliovo a satin-
factor' explanation will bo forthcom-
ing. A law which operates for ono
party and not for another Is a bad
law. It should bo defeated.
The Astorlan contends that a law
which requires a man to reglstor Tils
political faith Is thorodghly at varl-
anco with Amoricanlem. Mr rr'Rnn
explains that a man need' nof, reglstor
his politics on eloctlon day, but only
ror tho primary election. Well, Isn't
primary registration a declaration,
under this now law, a withdrawal of
the protection of tho republican em
ploye of tlfe democrat Who insists that
that ho shall voto tho Democratic
ticket? Many men who vMo . t
afford to bo known as Democrats of
Republicans. Thoy havo wives and
cnuuren wno depend upon them for
their dally bread, and thoy do not
caro to Jeopardize their monnn r.r
livelihood. It is not a matter nt l.oinn.
w WW...,,
asnamea to voto one's convlrtlnnn
It's a proposition of bread and huttm
Air. u Ren's letter, however, letu tm
cai out of tho bag. He aava tii i,w
is Intended to prevent Democrats from
inierienng. with flKhts botwonn
ions of tho Republican party, or vlco
?ersa, as tlio case may be. Of course,
we all know what this means. It
means that tho political parties of
Multnomah county aro nnvim,., .
afforded the opportunity nt Kn.ii
their own differences. nmn.). -.,
Republicans of Multnomah county,
the ono element vastly in n,in,.i.
and tho other vastly in tho mnM...
are eternally at loggerheads. Repub
licans voto at Democratic. nrim.i
uu., democrats voto at Republican i.rl-
.., cuga actuated by-a desire to
widon tho breach within tt. ?.
of the other party. But tho direct
primary agitators forget that Mult
nomah county is not tho whole atato
of Oregon. WHat havo wo nf rut.,
oaaty done that wo should bo ro-
", w nom lVfQ elections for tho
purpose of electlne candidate tn
flee? What havo tho nnnnio ,...
on. Clackamas, Douglas, Baker or any
,Tlrt Apiienrnnre of Dandruff n Fore
nraprr of Future IJnldncNM,
That such Id thn rann Vin. h..n nnn.
cluclvely proven by sclentlnc research.
Prof. Unna, tho noted European sltln
ppeclallst, declares that dandrult Is tho
burrowed-up cuticle of tho acalp, caused
by parasites destroying tho vitality In
the hair bulb. Tho hair becomes llfoless,
and, In time, falls out. Thlo can be pre
vented. Newbro's Herplcldo kills this dandruff
germ, and restores tho hair to its natural
softness and abundancy,
Herplcldo Is now used by thousands of
people-all satisfied that It Is tho most
wonderful hair .preparation on tho mar
ket to-day.
Sold by leading drugfrlsta. Send 10c. In
BtnmDS for nnmnln to Tho Tlernlclrlo Pn..
Detroit. Mlcb.
Daniel J. Fry, Special Agent
uroblems. with different results, but
, this is undoubtedly tho correct nn
swer. Albany Democrat.
Somebody hit that editor with n
Tho X-Ray man's remailc that it is
tho first duty of a woman to be pleas-
ant.sweot and loveable, has brought
In sovoral b'ouquets,
Jmmy Culver seems to ba running
without oppotltlon so. far.
Tiio Republlcnn" rally at Liberty
Saturday night will bo a rogular good
roads mooting.
Salem Is determined to have tho
host baaoball team and the best pub
lic sehools In the state. Watch us.
Tho climato and soil aro productive
Wo ought to bo thankful. Thoy also
produco some people. Otherwise
they would not havo happened.
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer
Has no equal on the coast as a dra
matic singer. Hear her Wednesday
and Thursday nights of uextt)week.
i tho -"N K'nd You Haw Always Botghl
Oregon Raised
Clover Seed
As the weathef has set
tled the farmers who wish
to sow clover seed will
need to supply themselves
Wo rtffof ;i fino raonliK
of very reasonable prices. J I;
J seeds in quantities to meet t
an aemanas at r
Sayage & Fletcher
Dealers In J f,
322-324 Commercial Street '
4H-M--a HHMK--MHr4
New Arrivals
Latest Weaves and Colo t in o in
in Couch Covers Table Covers
and Portieres new Portieres In
Leather and Rope
it 8 1
i ! I
. ' v
As To Carpets
r . . V
x ou will make no mistake hv rUc ,,1
- jr?Tft"& ivn
catpzx ewsmess with s. We ate fcette thah
eve ptepated to take cae of the capet or-
dets at any ptice itom 25c
pet yatd up to the finest
grades of Axministets an.d
Savoneties. We will appre
ciate an early and fH investi
u run t mi
II 1 I I I I iSV
0 krmh:sMim
9 mm mm
9 m mmw
1 mWmm
i 'ia vi&i tm-Tim
1 'dSBMS,mk
I Tmsm
f f y i K v '
The Housef urnishiiig Company
269 LihertyJSt. n m in. u-. . ,.. ? IUI V
i -!,, nnZ-C ' Salcm and AlbaY
m w I
n mi
it . 'ii
II if
k nzi
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