Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1904, Image 1

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Democratic Convention at Albany Today
Will Likely Repeat Unusual
Albany, N. Y., April 18. The New
York state Democratic convention
convenes here at 2 o'clock today. For
the first time since Grover Cleveland
was nominated In 1892, delegates
from New York to the national Demo
cratic convention will probably be in
structed for a presidential candidate,
and that one it appears will be Judge
Parker, of Esopus.
The leaders managing his cam
paign say that the action of today's
convention will be followed within tho
next three weeks by the adoption of
similar Instructions by enough states
in the South and Middle West to in
sure the nomination of tho New Yorker.
After the convention was called
to order, George' Raines, of Monroe
county, was elected chairman.
Bleecker Hall, where the convention
is in session, is chiefly remarkable
for the absence of decorations and
heat. Seated in tho boxes were many,
olJ-tlme Democrats stalwart.
Demonstrations by the crowd be
came so numerous that when Senator
Murphy entered the hall, the nolsq
larted for fully 10 minutes, and was
led by his Tammany following. Sen.
ator Murphy sat in tho center of tho
New York City delegation, flanked bj;
nourke Cochran, Senator Brady and
Victor Wowllng.
Strike in Eabt Will Delay Con
struction of Uncle Sam's
Qulncy, Mass., April 18. Twenty
Ix hundred employes of the River
Shipbuilding Company struck here to.
aay, causing a stoppage of work on
the battleships Rhodo Island. Ver-
iont and Now Jersey.
A dispute over hours led up to tho
(difficulty, and the indications are that
a settlement will soon be effected.
of this lino sometime next week,
when the grading will be done, and
the road completed for use.
It is the intention of A. E. Ham
mond, who is at the head of the en
terprise, to pack tho road with petro
leum, If tho latter does not prove too
expensive a product after It has been
brought Into tho country. As soon an
the six-mile course is finished a Cad
illac machine will bo put on and trial
runs will bo made. If tho venture
proves that an automobilo Is a feasible
means of transportation, then the road
will bo extended to Bend and Prlne
ville, and a regular running schedule
(Engineering Crew Begins Laying Out
Six Mile Road for the New.
Transportation Line.
Prlnevillo Jeurnal: A crew of sur
veyors under John Hammond, of
fCllne Falls, began work this week
iln tho vicinity of Cross Keys in laying
tout a six-mile track which will bo
used as an experimental road for
ithe automobile line, the arrangements
for which are now well under way.
jTho engineers will finish tho sunny
Sutherland Bound Over.
Jack Sutherland or Sullivan, who
was arrested for robbing LaMaraux of
$210, had his hearing late Saturday
aftornoon beforo Judge Judah, and
was held to await the action of the
circuit court.
His ball was fixed at $250 and he
was released, his friends depositing
that sum with tho court.
Port Arthur Menaced in Rear by
Host of Jap Soldiers Who
Are Approaching in
Russian Forts Near Mouth of Yalu River
Compel Japanese Torpedo Boats to
Seek Protection of Their Battleships
London, April 18. Central News
Agency dispatch states a telegram
from Harbin conveys tho Intelligence
that a squadron of Japancso warships
have arrived near Vladivostok.
Tho commandant of tho town is
preparing to resist an attack, and
tho work of completing fortifications
proceeds with feverish energy.
Jap Troops Head for Port Arthur.
Tientsin, April 18. It is reported
today that 70 Japanese transport have
beei sighted hoadlng for KlnchanJ,
75 miles to the rear of Port Arthur.
The landing at this point by tho
Japanese would mean the beginning
of tho Investment of Port Arthur by
Dancing Classes Will Continue.
The dancing class and assembly
which has been conducted In Tioga
hall every Saturday during the win
ter will continue for several weeks,
with tho same Instructor. A cordial
invitation is extended to all. Ct
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, April 18. May wheat
92402H; old July, 8788&;
7C; July corn, 49350.
t W sMM
Otii? Prices Don't Depend on the Day
Yott Come.
If you see anything you want you Know you can gst it tomorrow,
or next week or next month, at tho same price, and our customers
know that our regular prices aro in most cases lower than "special
sale prices" at "regular stores." Wo aro selling a fancy Novelty
Voile dlrees fabric at ?1.06, matfched exactly at another Salem dry
goods store at 11.50 per yard. Don't you think they allowed plenty
of margin for reduction during tho "special sales?" Tho flnit placo
new comers to Salem hear about is
The New Yok Racket
The whole community has confi
dence in our goods and prices. Boys'
clothing has always been a perplex
ing question with tho mothers. Our
Jano Hopkins' Boy-Proof Clothing
helps to solve tho problem. It 'is tho
up-todato Etyles in our line of Shoos
that brings customers to our storo.
It's their reliable wearing quality that
keeps them coming.
The assortment of OXFORD pop Mcr.
TIES we're showing Is unusual
ly attractive. Wo sell you
MEN'S HAT8 that keep their
shape, and the original shape Is
right. Shirts, Neckwear, Sum
mer Hosiery and Underwear,
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor.
Jap Fleet Draws Russian Fire.
London, April 18. It is reported to
day by a Reutcr dispatch that last
Tuesday a fleet of Japanese torpedo
boat-destroyers, acting as scouts, api
peared in Korenn bay, and were re
ceived with a heavy fire from tho land
batteries, subsequently retiring to
their flagship.
Admiral Togo later recalled nine
transports on their way to lnnd troopi
at Ping Yang. Tho dispatch Is blind
as It does not state in what part of
tho Korean bay tho Jap fleet was seen
but as t drow tho flro of tho Rus
sians, it was probubly In the neigh
borhood of tho Yalu river estuary, or
some point along the Manchurlan
shore. Thero are no Hussion land
batteries on Korean soil.
$200,000,000 in 5 per cent treasury
bonds In Paris', Brussels and Amster
dam. No Engagement Anticipated Soo.n.
Seoul, April 18. A dispatch from,
Ping Yang states that another en
gagement with tho enemy is not an
ticipated to occur soon.
The country in the wake of tho
Japanese army has resumed normal
conditions, no looting having been en
gaged in by the Japanese.
Munitions of War Sent to Front.
St, Petersburg, April 18. Tho first
of fivo submarine boats and 40 wagon
loadajjpX ammunition were despatched
to tho front today.
fry ' '
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Iron Clad Train for Czar.
St. Petersburg, April 18. An iron
clad train is being built for tho Czas
to take him to tho Far East, if he
should decldo to head tho army In
person. Tho train will consist of a
summer and winter palace car hornet
sleeping quarters for 300 men and
stables for 100 horses. Tho difficulty
Is combining a maximum of safety
with a minimum of weight. Tho war
minister Is also considering tho ad
visability of providing Ironclad trains
for tho army in Manchuria. Thole
necessity Is argued, owing to tho tin
certain attitude of China.
It is reported that tho Czar favors
tho purchaso of armor In the United
States, first because ho thinks there
by to win good opinions from Ameri
ca, and again because he has no faith
in Russian surveyors.
Salem Man Hurt.
Charles A. Bort, formerly of this
city, but now of San Francisco, Cal.,
met with a very serious accident last
week. Mr. Bort Is a painter by trado.
and was engaged In painting on tho
Palace hotel. In company with four
other workmen he was standing on
some staging 30 feet from tho ground,
Tho staging broke and precipitated
Desperado Neidemeyer Makes Effort to
Cheat the Gallows Which May
Prove Successful
Chicago, April 18. At 10 o'clock
this morning Neidemeyer, tho car
barn bandit, who attompted suicide
last night by opening tho veins of his
arm with a lead pencil and swallow
ing tho heads of matches, was In a
very precarious condition. Undor thn
circumstances his aged mother was
permitted to seo him. Provlous to
his mother's visit a priest prayed with
tho wretched criminal, but ho re
sponded weakly.
Tho desperado fought the phy
sicians who wero summoned to save
his llfo, and furiously wrenched tho
bandages from his arm.
Neidemeyer, nsldo from being very
weak from tho great loss of blood,
has ruined his stomach, tho doctors
say, by tho poisonous , matter con
sumed by him, and oven if ho Is nol
sentenced to hang next Friday, wIQ
not long survive.
Writes a Boastful Letter.
Neldermelor had written a letter oC
a boastful naturo, Btatlng that It was
pleasant for him to think of dcathv,
and gnvo four reasons why ho should;
tako his own life. First, because- off
tho public boa3t that ho couldn't Cat
it, that ho couldn't cheat tho gallows;
and tltat they couldn't say they hadC
executed him and havo another mys1
tory for tho ignorant pollco to boIvc
Ho reponted his- career, but said!
that lifo 1b nothing but a passing sorT
row, and declares himself to bo na
tho men to tho stone pavement bci
low. Throe of thorn escaped without
any serious injuries, but Mr. Bort
and another man wore picked up nup
posed to bo dead. They wero taken
to tho hospital, whero thoy received
medical aid, and it was found that Mr.
Bort's hip was dislocated, and one arm
broken, besides numerous other
brulBcs. It is feared that ho will bo
a cripple.
Mr. Bort is well known in Salem,
whoro ho has lived for many years.
Ho formerly owned an interest in the
paint shop of Bort & Buhl. Several
months ago ho went to San Francisco,
and his wife Joined him thoro later.
Mr. Bort was not in tho best of health,
having received injuries In tho war In
tho Philippines, whoro ho wont as a
Mad Mullah Routed.
London, April 18. In tho houso of
commons this morning secretary of
War Foster announced that Mad Mul
lah had been routed, and that mili
tary operations in Somallland would
accordingly bo discontinued.
Train Carrying British Mon
arch Meets With Accident
Nyhron, Denmark, April 18. As tho
train conveying King Edward and
Queen Alexandria from Copenhagen
to London was leaving tho drawbridge)
at Zealand Island today, tho carriage
preceding tho ono occupied by Uiolr
majesties left tho rails. No ono was;
Silver-ton Mohair Sold.
Sllverton, Or., April 18. Tho SI!
vcrton Mohair pool today sold to the.
J. M. Russell Company, of Portland",,
through Oeorgo Custer, tho local rop
rcsontntlvo, 3400 ileccea of Mohair at
34 cents a pound.
Nothing second-rate. Day aftor day, week in and week out, wo talk goods and prices until pcoplo nro apt
to take the store for granted, and accopt for a fact that wo havo whatever thoy happsn to need. Wo in
sist that everything here shall bo exactly as reprosontod, and when we say that wo lift tho business
abovo tho commonplace. Note the arrivals. Exceptional values for all.
Kashtlllnakl Needs Rope.
St. Petersburg, April 18. Replying
to a question by the Czar why ho is
not taking prisoners, Gonorul Kash
tlllnskl, commanding forcos on the
Yalu river, telegraphed: "I'm
well supplied with rope."
Ladle's Suits
Now lot recolved by express Sat
urday and are jow ready.
Silk Jackets
In black also received. Theso gar
ments are tho latest Ideas of Damo
Fashion. Don't fall to see thorn.
Russia Needs Money.
London, April 18. Reports are
again In circulation hero of Russia's
need to raise money. When tho war
broko out the gold held abroad by the
Bank of Russia amounted to 87.-
500,000. Of this amount 150,000,000
has been expended and thercforo, ac
cording to theso roporti. It would soon
hA niu-osgarv in hnvt rermimn to the I
gold held In tho treasury.
According to a telegram from Brus
sels printed this morning tho outcome
of the ways and1 means conference at
St. Petersburg will bo the Issue of
NO. 172.
This is to bo a
Boglnnlng Wednesday morning at
7 wo offer ombroidorles and In
sertions of roglar 35c values for,
tho yard,
Menfs Salts
A man should bo Just aB particu
lar In his drcB as n woman. And
wo aim to fit him out so that ho
can keop right up to tho latent
itylos If ho wishes to. As we havo
men to wait on men In this de
partment, the men need havo nu
hesitancy In coming hero to buy.
Warm weather suits to suit all.
Never saw such wonderful values
in such pretty shirt waists. Such
an elegant assortment to choose
from. Better make your selec
tions early.
50c to $15
Embroideries and insertions
values up to COc yard.
J 9c
Embroideries and Insertions of
values up to $1 yard, for tho yard
Those are all bright, new pieces of
up-to-Jato designs, varying In
widths from 7 to 10 Inches.
Sale lasts until all are sold,
BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHH '
Spiling Shoes
If wo did not glvo the best values
Jn shoes wo couldn't havo have
built up such a splendid hoe
business In tho few short years
wo havo been in tho business.
Havo you seen tho new
(rpring styles?
Oxfords $2.51).
BooU 93.00.
VjbAAJ i