Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore.
X Local
Social Realm!
I Inttic
1H UN IHtlHHi 1 1 I I I I M'
Hon. Frank C. Baker roturned to
Portland last ovonlng.
0. A. Wostgato returned to his homo
In Albany last ovonlng.
J. L. Freoland returned last night
from a visit to Portland.
Judge Bolso camo up from a visit
to Portland last evening.
Mrs. Carrlo Chapol, of Aumsvlllo, is
visiting friends in this city.
Miss Mary D. Scollard, of Mount
Angol, Is in Salem for a fow days. I
Judgo Wolvorton spont last night
In Albany, returning this morning. i
J. J. Roberts wont to Portland this
morning, for a fow days' business '
visit. I
Dr. J. ,1 Hill, of Albany, camo down
this morning for a short professional
Ex-Governor Lord , returned last
night from a business trip to Port
land. II. 0. Hartor, of Corvallls, camo up
from Portland last ovonlng for a short
Miss Jossup of -San Francisco, Is
visiting in tho city for a couple of
Hon. F. I. Dunbar wont to Portland
yesterday afternoon for a short busi
ness visit.
Mrs. A A. Jossup wont to Independ
ence last ovonlng for a fow days' visit
with frlonds.
Stato Senator J. E. Hunt camo up
from Portland last ovonlng for a brlof
business visit
C. D. Jossup was a passongor for
Portland this morning to tako In a
quantity of hops.
Rov. Wm. Coney, former pastor of
St Paul's, camo down from Albany
last ovonlng for a brlof visit horo.
Judgo W. 0. Hale, of Granta Pass,
was in Salem last ovonlng, leaving
for homo on last night's overland.
Miss Katliloon Kctchum, of Mt
Angol, is in tho city to tako tho teach
ers' examination at tho court houso.
J. M. Habetly
The I'M
Just received a now shipment
of Honoy Menthol and Hoar
hound Cough Syrup. The chil
dren cry for it, and we havo It.
Palace Phatmacy iijj
i i& State St. Salem. ;;j;;
Not a cheap trust-made article, but the best 5 cent cigar on sale.
AUG. HUCKINSTEIN, Manufacturer, 8alem,
cv.fiWr. ico
' !n8llMHifrWfrf4P liaiglgKMflftff' '
It Is Suggestive of -Wisdom
Isn't It bottor to got satisfactory
optical goods from thoao that llvo
and do business In tho community
than from thoso yoU don't know
Wo soil tho very finest glasses
spectacle, otc, and guarantee
them to bo satisfactory, Thore
Is dangor In wearing glasses un
suttod to your vision. Wo have
all tho latest Instruments for test
ing tho sight, which Is dono free,
Wo Invito you to como In and
find out how you aro affected.
Willis B. McElroy wont to Eugene
this morning for a fow days' stay.
Mrs. C. P. Dlshop returned this
morning from a fow days' visit In
Dr. W. T. Williamson came up from
Portland this morning for a short pro
fessional visit.
John P. Jones, traveling passenger
agent, loft this morning for Duns
muir, on business for tho company.
D. E. Robertson, of Turner, came
down this morning for a day's stay,
having business at tho court house.
Doan E. C. Sanderson, of tho Eugene
Divinity School, camo to Salem last
ovonlng, leaving for homto this morn
ing. Hon. W. A. Munley, of Portland,
former private secrotary to Governor
Ponnoyor, arguod a case In tho su
premo court yestorday.
Mrs. Edward HIrsch and daughtor,
Miss Leona, camo up from Portland
last night, whoro Miss HIrsch was
lying seriously HI for somo time.
South Salem Personals.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Veal, of Albany,
aro visiting at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Brown on South Commer
cial street for a fow days.
Miss Lonoro Vlesko has returned
to Portland, after a week's visit with
nor parents In South Salem.
Soattlo has producod a Jury that Is
a good second to tho ono In Portland
which acquitted. Van Houten, tho So
attld Jury acquitting a woman for
killing another woman wbom sho sus
poctod of having allonatod tho af
fections of nor husband. And tho ac
quitted woman loft tho court room af
foctlonatoly clinging to tho arm of
her husband. Eugene Register.
Bn th it lha K!r.d You Hare Always 8$
Eve Taste
Good Coffee?
Chaso & Sanborn's aro tho
best Tho only coffees used
on tho World's Fair grounds
in 1893.
Rio No. 44 15o
Fancy Rio 20c
Bonlta 25c
Old Homestead 30c
Choice Java and, Mocha.. 35c
Seal Brand (In airtight ..
cans) 40c
Wo aro at your sorvlco
for anything In tho way of
grocorlos, fruits, vegetables,
If wo haven't It. wo will
get it. Try us.
AtWOOfl & Mer f
c. j. Atwood. d. w. Fisher, t
Xiiiiii mi.irjiinr
Some people have to spend, but if!!
you have no time, possibly you might J
like to bavo one of our fine 15-Jewol 1 1
timekeepers, as they do not require j
much money for the Investment. Our J J
stock of flno watches for ladles and
gentlemen Is complete, and embraces
everything la Elgin and Waltham ! !
watchea. Prices lower than ever. J
Watchmaker and Optician. J J
ominorciaJ ovveu , ,
: . EXAMS.
Good Attendance of
of Birch
Classes Who Are Aspirants
for the Different Grades
of Certificates
County Superintendent Mooros, as
sisted by A. W. MIzo, of Salem, and
L. A. Wiley, of Jefferson, this morn
ing began tho examination of appli
cants for teachers' certificates. Thoro
Is a good attendance of teachers, and
tho work will last until Saturday af
ternoon. Thoso present, together
with tho grados of certificates ap
plied for, aro as follows
State Certificates.
Salem Pearl Rhodes, Eva Marlatt,
Josslo E. Smith, Besslo U Frogloy,
MInta Swabb, Mlnnio Cornollus, Lena
M. Clark, Graco Cleaver.
Sllverton Vestolla Scars.
Stayton Veva A. Gardner.
Mt. Angol Sadio Hill, Mary
Scollard, Katliloon Kotcbum.
Wlllard Beatrice Goodknccht.
Junction City Llzzlo Swartz.
Monmouth Eva B. Savago,
First Grade.
Salem Graco I. Drlvor, Josslo Mar
tin, Nettlo S. Klampe.
Sllverton Hilda J. Olsen.
Aurora T. J. Sklrvln.
Gorvals Loolino Harrison.
Mt. Angel R. L. Young.
Scotts Mills W. F. Dragor.
Pratum Leolla Hicks.
Brooks 9. A. Jones.
Shaw W. A. White.
Marquam Tessa Larklns.
Turner Chas. A. Guerno.
Klumb Mary L. Strahborg.
8econd Grade.
Salonv Trosaa D. Mofllt, Bortha
Ixswlson, Mabel Harper.
Jeorson Llnnlo Eploy.
Shawv Carroll E. Cummlngs.
Aumtevlllo Mrs. Carrlo Chapol.
Hubbard Wllma E. Blair.
Mt. Angol Mary Annon.
Harrlsburg Marguorlto Conger.
Thrd Grade.
Salem H. A. Boauchamp, Annna
Eastham, Hostor Coburn, Edith Camp
boll, Agnos Lansing, Lulu E. Massoy,
Graco L. Shaw, Puarl J. Brannan,
Ollvo G. Myrlck, Fred Elworthy, B.
E. Wlllard, Letltla Abrams, Nolllo P.
Osborno, DoEtta Yorkos, LIlllo M.
Turner Nina Bowors. .
Umpqua Forry Mrs. J. S. Crnton.
Sprlngbrook Margaret Hammor.
Sllvorton Kathryri Jarvls, Audrey
Hicks, Lonah Warnock, Ethol Smith.
Sclo Fred Sherwood.
Pratum Maro KIssllng.
Brooks Fred McCIard,
This Famous Firm of Piano
Manufacturers Suffer a
Total Loss
At the Great Conflagration
at Baltimore
This well-known firm of piano man
ufacturers, whoao instruments take
such high rank In tho musical world,
has suffrod a terrlblo loss. Through
tho terrlblo fir at tho city of Balti
more their magnificent factory Is com
pletely wiped out. No doubt they will
rlso from the, ruln "Phoonlx-Hko,"
and resume operations. Maybo on a
larger scale, but It will take tlmo, and
In the Interim their piano will be at
a premium, for the stock that is in the
different dealers' hands will soon be
sold out, and then what? The Allen
& Gilbert-Haymaker Co., with their
great resomv'lA numberleeA outlet
and skilled talesmen, were the agents
for Mm Knwbe Arm, and have sold an
Immenw number of these Instru
ment, and liftfride have the agency
for the "Packard," the "Hardman," the
"Steck," the "Hverett," the "Fischer,"
and many others who rank among the
upper tendom of piano production.
Beeldee theee they havo planoe low
In price, but high In quaMty. You
cannot, under any circumstances, buy
a piano on any hotter terms than you
can of this reliable Arm. Thoy have
at present a few slightly used pianos
and organs that you can get at a bar
gain. Call In and see for yourself.
209 Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon.
up Artists Get
Busy Early This
Salem Man Gives up Money, j
wot much, but Other
Fellows Would Have
Taken More
Doan Shomaker, while on his way
down town this morning, met a
couplo of hold-up artists on tho South
Salem hill. It was about G:30 a. m,
wlinn IVin ttl-n wn olntmnil 1.1m i'l,l.
a question as to tho location of tho
South Salem store. Ho dismounted
from his wheel, and gavo the desired
Information, and then turned to re
mount his blcyclo, when ono of tho
mon roughly seized him by tho arm,
and demanded his money. Mr. Sho
maker only had 10 cents, nnd this ho
handed over, but tho men were not
satisfied, and searched their victim,
being, howover, unablo to find moro,
when they ordered him to movo on.
Ho went,
Mr. Shomaker states that tho men
woro mlddle-nged ; ono woro a light
hat, tho other a blnck ono, but ho
could not glvo n very good doserlptlon
of tho artists. The hold-up occurred
on tho South Commercial street hill,
noar tho J. P. Rogers resldonco, and
at a tlmo when fow pooplo woro stir
ring. The Laudandm Route.
At Woodburm, yestorday afternoon,
In a lodging house, a stranger wai
found in a dying condition, with a
couplo of ompty bottles besldo him
bearing tho labol ''Laudanum Pol
son." Physiciana woro unablo to do
anything for tho man, and ho died at
3:15 p. m. Coronor Clough wont to
Woodburn last ovonlng, and Investi
gated tho case. Tho man had como to
town Monday, made, no frlomls, and
that night took a bed at tho lodging
houso, asking not to bo callod until
noon. At that tlmo ho was found dy
ing. Ho had no lottora or papers
about him, and no means of Identifica
tion woro found, tho stranger having
ovon destroyed tho hat-band, on which
ovldontly had been written his namo.
Ho was woll dressed, a young man,
and claimed to bo a sign painter. Ho
gavo no namo, and notiung is Known
of his antecedents.
Aftor making an investigation tho
coronor decided that an Inquest was
unnecessary, and ho gavo ordors for
the burial of tho body.
Jimmy Hicks.
If you want nlco crab salad, dovilod
crabs, wild ducks, como to tho Model i
restaurant on Court street, near opera
houso. Wed-Sat
A On our Valentines are" a $
an great attraction in them- gg
selves. They represent Just
2 that much money In you- ,
W pocket, for If you could pur- J
0 chase designs as pretty as V
ours elsewhere , you would HE
find them decidedly higher $
In price. You can prove g
these facts If you'll take the a
trouble to compare. Then,
too, if you'll come here you
have the opportunity of se.
lectlng from thousands of
Patton's Book Store.
J Capital National,;;
of Salem, transacts a general
banking business. Only Na
tional Bank In Marlon county.
; Savings
:; Bank
x Department
Pays three per cent
on savings accounts.
of ONE DOLLAR or more re
reived at any time. Pass book
Issued to aoh depositor.
fH H Mlllll HiH-f 1 1 1 1 It-
!! MMi H
W k 9WW IMsW
ii " )
I k
W f r n
k tfrvllp I I
I J Tlir
( I I
" J VI I I 4
Hi J !
Tho most oiicco'ssful Clcaranco
.our business, Is now on. Tho
right dealing has dono It. Tho
adv. means something.
Sa eiwoo Mil
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor
Ixok out for our regular Thursday surprise sale.
Tho article may bo Just what you want.
g9iaiiHfrSeimieiai89 -
No Reflection on Charles Murphy.
Tho Journal Monday copied a num
bor of pointed paragraphs from a
Jackson county papor, Just bought and
run by a former Salomlto, and tho
Items woro thus Intreduced:
" 'Charloy' AUon, tho 'Fat Boy from
Dakota.' hat boUKht tho Gold Hill
Nows, and gots off tho following poltvU
cd personalities about promlnont men
and woll-known Salomltos."
With this innocent Introduction Tho
Journal printed Horns on a numbor of
tho politicians, Including tho editor
of tho Statesman. Ono llttlo squib on
Charloy Murphy was Inndvortnntly
separated from tho rest In tho make
up, and tho Statesman Jumps at tho
chanco tq consider that It was origin
al odltorlal, and intended for a thrust
at that gontlomait, which, of course
was not tho caso,
Whon Tho Journal
has anything to say about a matter or
a porson it novor beats about tho bush
but gots right after tho main subject.
In the Items roforrod to It cut out an
unkind slur at Editor Peer,
Life's Mysteries Revealed
By a
wondorful man. Occult
Philosopher and Meta-Phy-
Prof. Jameson, Eldrlodgo block
Commercial stroot, rooms E and F,
Tho wondorful demonstration of this
wondorful mans strango powora must
bo wltnossed to bo bolleved. At a
glanco ho will toll you what you came
I itn will ronil vnnr llfn rtfiRt
proaent and futuro hotter than you
know yoursolf. He will glvo you novor
falling advico In all your understand-
mga concerning iiiumus", uuumu,
''business, lovo affairs, speculations,
1 tn v , 1 1 ifAifl
. . dooda, mortgages, monoya, travels,
; ; and In faot In all things. Ho is ono
;of the most skillful occult sclonusts
'.'. of tho age. As an astrologer ho has
; ; his education in India, the land of
. .Imvsiorlu TTa la n nnnllflnd natrolo-
'-' ' ger. Skeptics are Invited to call and
"'ha oanvtnced. Oflloe hours. 9 a. in. to
; ;.7:30 p. m.
"II L"
,!! 2, 3
-li &
: is 15
::;;o rl
:: i &
' 3 A -3
Baking Pordet
Put up In Mason's pint and quart cans
Are what
the People
We have
Sale of Clothing in tho history of
quality of our merchandise and up- X
public rely on It Thoy know our t
Those FUhy Scales.
Tho homo of ox-Prosldont Clovolond
has boon blossod with a new baby.
Tho family scales could not bo found,
and recourso was had to tho sacred sot,
used only to record tho triumphs of
tho father's famous fishing. What
was tho delight of tho fond parent
to find tho Infant son weighed oxactly
47 pounds. Oregon City Courier.
fHBlH !!! 8
i; Smith's
Ii Fit
X Containing 05 one-acre tracts,
one-fourth mile from car line,' T
Just outside of city limits; $5
a month, and no Interest,
ii L.
ii Salem Abstract i
and Land Co. II
1 F.W. WATERS, Mgr. !!
I Hilfce MUflnery Parlors J
Successor to Mrs. J. O. Hooker
317 Commercial St.
IS-pAng Stock!
Tho finest in the city, will bo
arriving soon, and old and new
patrons of the store aro invited
to call.
iimimminii iviiunr
I S " $
t r ;;
2 5 a o
a. 5 m ::
-S 3 q
M ?a 5 ::
$ 3 S
3 " H n
s 2 o I?
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