DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 'f904. THREE" noi IIITf hi I1HSIX isniiiii - w w w.. .w.w r .lalQ HE first lesson that the young girl Has 01 womannooa is usually a painful one. She learns to know what headache means, and back- Lrhe. and sometimes is sadly borne flown by this new experience of life. All tne pain ana misery wnicu young girls commonly experlence at such a Lime may, u uiuiun every lusiuutc, oe ntlreiy preveniea or curca oy tne use f Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity. It tones un ujje general health, and cures headache, gcicacne, nervousness anu otuer con equences of womanly weakness or distsie. MOTHER Otf Tim FAMII.Y. The nnxious mother of the family oft- entimes carries the whole burden of re Gpousibility so far as the home medication of common ailments of the girls or boys are concerned. I lie cost oi tue doctor's visits arc very often much too great. At such times the mother is invited to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buf lalo, N. Y., for medical advice, which Is given free. Correspondence is held strictly confidential, &00 MSWARD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT UK CURHI). Backed un by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a rec ord such as no other remedy for the dis eases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and mak ers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea,. Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All the World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, of Buffalo, N. Y., ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. A MOTHER'S I.OVB. A mother's love is so divine that the roughest man cannot help but appreciate it as the crown of womanhood. How ever, motherhood is often looked for ward to with feelings of great dread by most women. At such times a woman is ntrvous, dyspeptic, irritable, and she is in need of a uterine tonic and nervine, a strength builder to fit her for the ordMl. No matter how healthy or strong a woman may be she cannot but be benefited by taking Dr. Pierce's Il'ayorUe Prescription to prepare tor tue event. "A year ago X was taken, sick and tried the three doctors in our town," writes Mrs. Archie Gor don, of Oak Street, Boontou, New Jersey. "They did not; help me any. One said I had one thing, another said I had something else, and the last one told me he could not tell just what was the matter with me. but advised me to go to a hospital. I read about Dr, Pierce's Favorite Pre scription and about the case of a lady in Kansas, very much like my own. I suffered so, could hardly endure to hove any one walk across the floor, as the least jar hurt me. Sent to our drug store and got a bottle of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. and when I had taken one bottle began to feel better, I took five and n half bottles, and today I can work all day and feel no bad results. None of my neighbors thought a year ago that I would lite here to-day to write any thing, but 1 say, every woman who suf fers should never give up until Doctor Pierce's medicines have been given a fair trial." "Your wonderful medicine, 'Favorite Prescription,' has helped me greatly in time of suffering," writes Mrs. Minta Wright, of Edwards, Indiana. "Last winter I was unable to do my work, was to be confined in February, and n lndy in Illinois wrote and told me about your medicine. I used three Iwttles of Fa vorite Prescription,' and will say I had the easiest and quickest confinement I ever had. Hod three children before, and would suffer from twenty-four to thirty-six hours before birth, but this time only two hours. Have n fine baby girl and she is the most healthy one of all. I am still using the ' Favorite Pre scription ' as a tonic." "A long time ago I suffered very much from female weakness, and decided to write Dr. Pierce," says Mollic French, of 340 E. Green Street, Louisville, Ky. "I received a kind answer telling me what to do. Followed your directions, commenced taking your 'Favorite Pre scription,' and was cured, after trying many other remedies, and different doctors. I have been told there is better medicine, but I have not found it, although have been sold other reme dies. There are no medicines like Dr. Pierce's, after all. I can't write how I suffered; was of no account to siYatlf or mm, 's .1 " wr ally OUe else; could hardly stand on mv feet or walk around. When I received your kind letter, that helped me a great deal. Will take your medicine ob long as I am able to buy it; it has saved me many a useless doctor bill. When I need a physician I write Dr. Pierce, and then do whatever he tells me." now to look nKAUTiror,. Young women or matrons should not allow themselves to look sallow and wrinkled because of those pains and weaknesses which become chronic and are the result of colds, tight lacing, and the imprudent care of the womanly sys tem. Many a woman would look beau tiful, have healthy color and bright eves if it were not for those drains on her strength and those weaknesses which come all too frequently and make her life miserable. There is n ready-to-use Prescription, used a great many years by Dr. R. V. Pierce in his large practice ns a Specialist in women's diseases, which is not like the many "patent medicines" on the market, as it contains neither alcohol nor any narcotic. It is purely vegetable. HltALTn AND HAPPINESS. How to live in health nnd happiness, is the general theme of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. This great work on medicine and hygiene, containing over 1000 pages and more than 700 illustrations, is sent free on I receipt of stamps to pay expense of mulling unit, ocuu 1 UUCMCUl OkKIUXl for the cloth-bound volume, or only ax stamps for the book in paper coven. G8aeMee9&s3,janca of Incn for tl10 i,ast tlireo Sim- f imijs, nnu tomorrow nnornoon win I SUNDAY 1 I SERVICES I First Unitarian. probably bo tho largest. All men are curuinny invueu. , Salvation Army. Salvation Army motlngs nt 11 n. n,, 3 p. m., and 8 p. m. Captain Brown will speak on "Tho Straight Corner of Chemekota nnd Cottngo nml Narrow Way" nt S p. m stroots. Frank Abram Powell, pas ton. Sunday School nt 10 n. in. Mr. Powell will speak nt 11 n. m. on "Tho First Christian. Corner of High and Contor streets Preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 n. in, Unsoon and tho Seen," and at 7:30 p.'antl 7:30 P- m Respective thonies: m. on "What, Lock I Yet?'' A cordial "Rovlvnls" and "Winning Souls." invitation to nil. United Brethren. Services at Yew Park United Breth ren church ns- follews: Preaching at 11 a, mv, ajso 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School nt 10 a. m. Walter Roynolds, pastor. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist Lesson sermon nnd Children's classes at 11 a. mv Subject of lesson sermon': "Soul." Wednesday evening meeting BIblo School 12 m. Junior C, E. at 3 p. m. Senior 0. H at G:30 p. m. Tho pastor will conduct a sorlcs of ovan gollBtlc services, beginning tomorrow which will bo continued1 Indefinitely Dr. H. C. Eploy will havo chargo of tho Blnglng, nnd Frank Churchill will preside at tho organ. Yon arc cor dially Invited. D. Errott, pastor. The Elgin Factory. This is tho largest watch factory ll Mif twitlit 'Flirt ilntli- mltmit lo Haul, nir Jf d,BS " Pn 2000 watches.' and 102 different kinds dally. Christian Sclonco Hall, corner' ,,.,, Vltn .!.- of court and Liberty streets. First Presbyterian. II. A. Kotchum, pastor. Preaching services at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath ,.-..., ." ,. , . . . , iiiuuuiuviurcu 111 muuruiiL uuuuri' nnnln'n .til I pltotographors wont aehoro and with out difficulty secured tho pictures A. few months later an earthquake- Bhoolc up tho mountain of Ico, and tho bay below liecnmo blocked with borgfl, so1 that approach by wntor has sinco boon Impossible. No ono Know what happened to tho glacier. Two citi zens of Sluigway, named Amtrows nmlf Caso, modo a Jourhoy on foot rccont ly, and thoy report tho actual -conditions. Nearly Uireo miles of tho low er end of tho glacior havo broken, away, ami U10 water of U10 bay rcachod bock to a granito hill that: was formerly am Island In tho glacier Tho Ico pack will molt soon, and whom noxt tourists see tho largest glacier fn tho world thoy will find two lorn cllffla Instead of ono. nro manufactured. Tho watches go to ovory part of tho world, and nro sold ovan. In Geneva, Switzerland. Tho different parts of a watch nro School at 12 m. Young Pcoplo's moot lng nt 6:30 p. ra. Morning subject: "Christ for tho World and for Mo." Tho evening services will bo under tho auspices of tho Young People's Socloty of Christian Endeavor, today bolng tho 23d nnnlvorsnry. W. C. T. U. Tho rogular 4 o'clock mooting at Ramp memorial hnll will be addressed by Rov. Ketchum, pastor of tho First Proebytorlan church. All wolcomo. Christian Science. Second Church of Christ, Sclohtlat, 140 Chemekota stretU, Sorvlce: Sunday nt 10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Subject of losson sormen: "SouL" Sunday School nt 11:45 a. m. Wed nesday ovonlng testimonial mooting at 7:30. Reading room In tho church open each aftornoon oxcept Sunday. All nro cordially Invited. Y. M. C. A. Corner of Commercial and Chemek ota streots. Rov. W. C. Kantnor, D. D., will conclude his series of ad dressos to men on "Four Llfo Pic tures of Men" Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. His subject for tomor row Is "Tho Man Who Reaches tho Hlghor Altitudes." Thpso moot' lng3 have brought out a lurgo attend monts by different pooplo, who havo dovotod their llvos to that particular kind of work and havo boon trained to a dollcacy and oxnetnes which Is moro Important In watchmaking than In any other mechanical Industry. Thoso pnrtB nro thon assembled as thoy aro needed In nnothar depart mont, whoro thoy aro- put togother by. oxports, who hnndlo thorn' ns easily and almost as unconsciously as a groat pianist will strike the hoys of his piano. Tho complotod watch Is tested and timed, nnd then, strange to say, is put Into a rofrlgerator with tho tompornturo bolow freezing point and kopt thoro for a number of days to cool off. Aftor It hns been fr6zen tho watch Is takon to a furnnco, whoro It Is allowed to Ho for sevornl days In a tomporaturo of 95 degrees. ThlB particular troatmont Is to adJuBt tho mechanism to stand oxtromos of heat nnd cold. 0 The Glacier Changed. Tho Muir glacier, In Alaska, was at ono tlrao tho great scenic nttractlon of U10 tourist. "Whew tho Harrlmnn expedition of scientists wasi thoro In 1899, tho ship anchored closo to Ug (front, and tho geologists, artists and "Portland and Return Only f2.20.,r" Tho Southorn Pacific is now seiling: round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Mon day in Portland. Tho samo arrange ment nppllou from Portland, giving alP Portland peoplo a chance to visit vaJ loy points at greatly reduced rates. W. H COMAN,tG. P. AV Try Those Delicious Saratoga Chips at the Salem Coffee Main 2291, I. O. O. F. Tomplo, Court, street. 2-4-3t O.A.StTOaCZ.TS:-- 3mt th si Tho Kind You Haw Always 801 jf I'lsLiSBtlifMilKiHilJ ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER FMOPft IIW HiU (4 LlnNinu uuii-" .w DR. GUNK'S onion ounea coughs, oolds, Jk v Kilr HOARSENESS &. CROUP. ?r ., Deillemed) lor Children. Pleasant to taV and ni' dinaalnnordoi.Th6ld original Horn Cur. StldbyMIMedlclntSttrttlftlaripbotUotlorGOcts-. Mada only by OR. B0SANKO CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Wtltt ut w will find you a Stmpl Bottle'rllce.. The Best Temper In The Would Will Wasm Up When Cooking In The Tempeatse Of a Foty Hose Powe Cook Stove Booming Along Unde Forced Dat NOW lVJLxTtixJi Ju hi JkamHB DIFFERE NCEI lU- 1 Cooking With, a. Gas Range Is a Delightful Please. There's Com fort, Cleanliness, Perfect Cooking. No Trouble, No Waste, No Loss Of Temper, No Loss of Time And Meals Ready Exactly on the Dot. "Man Works From Sn to Son, Bat Woman's work is never Done" Unless she has a GAS RANGE Ranges Ft ota Up How To Get One Yoa buy the Range, and on easy pay ments if you want it. We will set it up and make all attachments ready for use ir Citizen's Light and Traction Company General Office, Coatt Street Salem, Oregon V ii I