Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Tho Dswr 8tono has never been able to make a more beautiful display,
of flno mantel clocks than , Is, the caso at th'e present'tlme. There Is
goodly variety of choice', many sorts of different designs, all of the hand
somest and most tasteful sort Some are finished In tho rich black en.
amel, and others In various handsome color tones. The workmanship
and material are of the best; they,ane splendid timekeepers, and they
Will withstand a 'lifetime's usage. Yet we are selling them from $8 to
$9 undoubtedly the lowest prices ever quoted In Salem for clocks of
such real beauty and such 'marked Intrinsic value. How would a fine
new clock look on your mantel?
Comer State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore.
Wllllllll I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I !
'. Local
; Intne
Social Realm!
Otto Shultz, of Jefferson, was in Sa
eom. H. J. Ottonhelmor wns a pausengor
lor Portland today.
Will Crane, of Portland, was a Sa
lem vlsltbr yesterday.
John Stolwor returned to his homo
In Jefferson estorday.
Mrs. T. T. Geer loft tills morning for
Portland for a brief vlBlt.
33. P. Young wont to Woodbum to
dUij In tho Interest of his hop sprayer.
Miss George Glltnor, of Portland, Is
-visiting Mrs. W. B. Morso and other
G. Stolz Is In Portland, attending
tho sessions of tho fruit growers' con
vention. Mrs. St.lt oa, of tho asylum forco,
loft today to raako hor futuro homo In
San Joso.
Attornoy-Gonoral Crawford has
gono to Oregon City to try tho fish
ladder damago suit,
Frank T. Wrlghtman returned tills
morning .from hla farm at Mlllorsburg,
whoro ho Bpent Sunday.'
B. B. Horrlclc, Jr., tho county sur
voyor, Is In Monitor today and tomor
row on official business.
Ab. Magora, Salesman for J. P, Rog
ers' wholesalo liquor houso, la spend
ing a fow days in Portland.
Sam Hughes returned to Portland
to work Sunday, along with tho Salem
1 delegation of mechanics tho re.
Prof. Grahcsi, tho Portland violin
ist, who spends Saturday at Salem,
has built up a flno class of pupils.
It. M. Thompson wont to Portland
this morning, aftor an over-Sunday
visit with his family In this city.
MIsb Laura Bean loft Saturday for
V5or school near Lyons, aftor spending
tho past two wcoks with her parents
Miss Boss Stowell, of Vancouver,
has returned to Salem and will con
tinue hor study of elocution at Wil
lamette. W. J. D'Arcy, of tho Bolso Capital
Nows, spont Sunday with relatives In
this city, leaving for Portland this
Miss Georgia Whlttler returned to
hoi homo In Oswego this morning, af
ter a fow days' visit wlthi Mr. and Mrs
A. P. McAteo.
Editor G. W. Humphrey, of tho Jef
forson Review, -was in Salem Satur
day night, leading for his homo yes
torday morning.
Chief of Timber Land Inspectors
Bartram, who Is tho doublo of Judgo
Ryan, of Clackamas county, was In
Salem yesterday.
Col. J. M. Poormau, of Woodburn,
Ib In tho city for a brief visit.
Dr. W. C. Hawk, of Jefferson, was
In tho city this morning, returning
homo by tho 11 o'clock train.
George Staples, of Turner, apont
Sunday In this city, returning home
this morning.
H. J. Bigger returned this morning
from an over-Sunday visit with his
family In Portland.
William Matthews, editor of tho
Newport Nowb, spoilt Sunday In this
city, leaving for his homo this morn
ing. Lloyd Reynolds is in Portland this
woek, as a doiegato to tho fruit grow
ers' convention from tho Willamette
Valloy Pruno Association.
A. T. Koillhcr has returned from an
extended trip East, visiting In Minne
apolis, Chicago and some of tho lead
ing cities In tho stato of Maine.
Mrs. P; H. Raymond left this fore
noon for Oakland, Cal., on a visit to
hor daughtor, Myra. Sho expects to
bo gono several months.
Frank Follor, of Buttevllle, came up
Sunday to placo his daughtor, Ida, in
tho Salem public schoolB, which ho
now regards as tho best In tho county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilson left for
Portland this morning, for a short
visit, whorq Mr. Wilson will attend
tho livestock convention ns a doiegato.
Rov. Boworsox, of Portland, came
up to attond tho funeral of Mrs. T, J.
McClary, who was burled Sunday
from the homo of hor elsttfr, Mrs. W.
W. Martin.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Col
orado Springs, arrived in tills city
Inst ovening, and will locate hero.
Thoy will entor Into partnership with
Dr. Frank Barr and engago In tho
practice of their profosslon.
Mrs. E. L. Campbell and son Jack,
of Springfield, III., havo been visiting
Mrs. It, Campbell, of South Salem,
and left for Albany Sunday to visit
Mrs. Campbcdd's parents and Mrs.
Largo beforo returning to tho East.
Corvnllls TImos, Jan. 9: Tho mar
rlago of James K. Borry and Miss
Clara M. King, of Salem, occurred at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Mon
day ovonlng, Rov. Frank L. Mooro
officiating. Only Tolntlvos woro pros
on. Both aro young popple, of high
character and standing. Thoy aro
temporarily at homo at Mrs. Espoy's.
Decides to Help Put
Good Pictures ia
the Schools
Hears an Able Lecture on the
Shakespearean Plays and.
the Immortal Bard
. ' of Avon
A meeting of unusual Interest to
tho Salem Woman's Club was held
by that body Saturday, la tho parlors
of tho First Presbytorian church.
Though the afternoon was stormy,
a lnrgo number of members and Invit
ed guosts woro In attendance. The
special attraction of tho nftornooni was
tho appearance of Mra Rnlph Wilbur,
of Portland, who came under tho'nus
plcccs of tho Shnkespear department
of tho club.
During tho period of tho business
session six ladles wro elected to
membership In tho c'nb, and tho
natnes of threo others proposed. The
ladles of th6 club aro taking a lively
IntorcBt In tho movomont to placo
good plcturos oa tho walls of our
public school rooms. Tho question of
tho club taking Uio responsibility of
tho decoration of ono room was pro
posed and discussed favorably, and
tho presldont appointed a commit
too to further tho ontei prise.
After a short recess Mrs. Monroe
Every tliingfflodern and
Arranged for Comfort
Manager Wilson Caters Es
pecially to Ladies and
Children, With Clean
and Moral Features
A new ontorprlao In Salem that will
surpriso many Is tho Edison's theatro
being conducted oiT Stato street. It
1b an attraction of greater merit than
tho' pc plo genorally would Suppose.
In tho first placo tho building and
Btago arrangements have been fixed
up in a most attractlvo manner, and
anyono attending will not orfly bo well
entertained, but will enjoy solid com
fort while taking In tho show.
Mr. Wilson proposes to glvo Salem
only tho best class of entertalnmonts,
and, whllo his rates aro low and ontor
talnments good, ho makes an especial
point of keeping his audiences free
rom objectionable people. Any one
Intoxicated, or known to bo ofa dis
reputable character cannot gain ad
mittance. Tho pcoiilo of the town ap
preciate this, and many of tho host
families, Including tho ladlos and
chlldrc, can bo seen there every nf
tornoou and evening.
Tho Edison theatro presonts an en
tirely now bill next wok, headed by
tlroly new bill this week, headed, hv
vory graciously treated tho ladles to Prof. Bailey and his troupe of trained
Moneyback means
ling's Best
le b.Vlnf-powdcr
cofT flavoring utneti
all at your grocer's. If you
don't like them, he returns your
Wholesale? Tobacconist and
Cigar Dealer
1 p
Largest Stock in Willamette Valley E
a beautiful guitar selection, which was
llstenod to with great appreciation by
overy ono present. Tho president
then Introduced tho speaker of the
afternoon, whoso subject was Shakes
peare Mrs. Wilbur Bpoko first of tho
great national growth of England dur
ing tho years of Shakospearo's' life-, a
growth of which ho was a fitting rep
resentative. Sho urged upon tho student mom
berB of tho club closo study of the
.contemporary facts relating to ,tho
dramatist, study based upon tho
known facts of his life, and upon in
terpretation of his works.
Tho plays woro discussed chrono
logically under headings, showing tho
ovolutlon from a young man and inox-
porionced writer to a period jof Joy
ous fullness of llfo and masterly abili
ty, shown in tho histories and such
comodlos as "Twelfth Night," "As You
Llko It" and "Much Ado Abut Noth
ing." Thon a sketch of tho sonnets
wns glvon, to Illustrato a phaso of
tho man's soul llfo, oxprossod In tho
groat problem tragedies, such as
Hamlet, Othollo, Lear, Macbeth, and
Tlmon of Athens, which woro followed
uy tho beautiful dream of reconcili
ation of tho porploxltlcs of llfo, "Win
tor's Tnlo," "Cymbllno" andl "Tho
Tho apparent contradiction between
theso two vlowa was shown to bo
characteristic of tho Elizabethan ago,
which was not really a period of great
national prosperity, but an era of
Btrong feelingH and intonso lntorest In
man In all his relationships.
Th'o ossay was recclvod with great
enthusiasm by those present, and tho
lady goos back to Portland cortalnly
cnrrylng tho admiration and very best
wlshqs of tho Salem Woman's Club.
dogs. Mr. Balloy's animals are, with
out doubt, tho b03t trained on the
Western coast, showing that It has re
quired months of teaching and lots of
patlonco to get thorn In. tho stato ot
porfect control ho has over them. Mr.
Bailey has tho only natural clown
Jlog In tho world. His actions alono
will mako any ono laugh.
Raymond and Clark havo mado such
a hit that tho management has dccld
od to keep them.- another week. Thoy
will prOfcnt something entirely now
In tho way of comedy acts, roploto
with rongs and funny sayings.
John Coburn and his trained doves
cannot bo said too much of. Without
doubt it 1b a novelty act, and must ba
seen to bo appreciate 1. Ho Is also
an expert on Uio banjo, and his songs
are vory funny.
J. Harrington, tho silver-toned ten
or will sing "Somebody Is Waiting for
Me," Illustrated with hnndsomo col
ored 'pictures.
MIbs Madgo Lovoll, high-class bal
ladlst, will rondor tho latost popular
A featuro act Is the moving pic-
Ituros, presenting somo of tho latost
French transformation plcturos, and
somo vory funny American subjects,
Including tho. Emplro Stato Expross
going '75 miles an hour.
Tho manager, Mr. Hart, has spared
no pains In gottlng tho talont, and has
chosen tho best from a long list ho
has on hand.
Mr. Hart Bays that It may perhaps
bo arrange-! to effect a chango of pro
gram twlco wcokly, and In' such case
tho enterprise and desire on his part
to plcaso bis patrons will no doubt
meet with a generous reward by tho
people of Salem, as thoy alwayB deserve.
A clear Havana 12c clfcar. For sale by all dealers,
ateln. Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Aug Hucken-
fo J 904
In jewelry and watches are now
shown at Pomoroy's, If you want
tho latest and boat there is, you
will examine this stock. You can
mako your selection at a price to
suit, and will be sure of getting
tho best value for the money.
Prices cut in two,
Jeweler end Optfelas, 3W Con, St.
Workmen Lodge Install.
Saturday night Protection lodge No.
2, A. O. U. W and Salem lodge No.
19, D. of II., Installed tholr officers for
tho coming year.
The two lodges met and hold a Joint
installation and a social tlmo together.
The Dogres of Honor have a most Im
pressive ceremony for Installing their
officers, and won admiration from tho
mombors of Protootlon lodge Mrs.
Chas. Parmonter is captain of tho de
gree team, and, undor hor leadership,
it has become ono of tho best lodge
teams In the city. "
Tho officers Installed for tho Dogree
of Honor wore: Past chief of honor,
Edna Raymond; chief of honor, Grava
Van Wagner; lady of honor, Maud
Morrison; chief of coremonles, Dolta
Hill; recorder. Lucretla Burton; finan
cier, Mary A. Thatcher; receiver. Car
rie Holman; usher, Ruth Purdy; in
sido watoh, Ora Potior; outside
watoh. Lottie Ross.
Tho officers Installed by Protection
lodge were: Past master workman,
L. J. Brant; mafitor workman, A. J.
Baaey; foreman, II. A. Sharp; oven
seer, Freeman Van Patten; recorder,
J. A. Soil wood; finanoler, P. H,. Ray
mond; receiver, John Moir; guide, L.
Potter; insido watch, J. H. Miller;
outeido Watch. Fred West,
H. A. Johnson agent for the Oregon
Fire Roller Association, wont to Mc-
Mlnnvlllo today, to participate In the
annual meriting of that popular insur
ance organization.,
I Bay and Sell I
ftf ttlWKWIBIl88Qmt83gglHlaia6ltt,S
teJAl '
Ao thoso trousors that havo weathor-
ed tho wlntor thus far for you fit com
pany for your still presentable coat
and vost?
Thoro's Just ono .thins. worio'Ufnh a jjbetfjj, "half-wofn sultfho 2
dlsrejmtablo trousors. of, that, saniq sun. ,. , j , , ,.,,.
i Get A N!ew;Pai oLCom'se I
Tho chances aro that wo can glvo you something that will go nlo
ly 'with, your coat and vest.
Tho best Chovlota Casslmeres, Tweeds and Worsteds, In trousor- X
stylo fabrics, aro hero and this is about tho prices: '$3.00, 3.B0, $100
4.50 up to $7.00. Plenty1 ot cheaper ones, too. .
A big percontngo ot our customers aro trouscr customers. Our
trousers aro so excellent that wo aro making '.-lends1 nt'tho rato of
a man for every pair wo soil.
J lot anothor week of this blustory woaUior pass wltho'tfLgcttlng r
that overcoat. You'vo needed It for a long tlmo; why not goribhow
and got a big reduction?
1 1
X 0' JmfIjlr y-) 'J Jar J J Mr
gfrt10WtllgiKIIOIlfrreiOIfrlfrie44 W
Senator and Dog.
Senator Levi Anknoy Is lying at his
homo In Walla Walla with a badly In
jured nrm. Tho Injury was causod by
a fall on tho sldowalk last Friday.
Ho was- on his way down town when
tho family dog trlppod him up, and he
fell, striking tho sldowalk with his
elbow. At Uio tlmo ho did not regard
tho Injury as Bcrious, although It was
somowhat painful, and ho took Uio
morning train for Colfax. Ho returned
homo Supdny afternoon, and has since
been suffering Intense pain. Ho was
unnblo to Icavo his room yesterday,
and it is feared that somo of tho bones
in his arm may havo boon fractured.
Tho flesh is discolored from his wrist
to his shoulder.
night ho was rostlng easy, and awalU
Jng tho arrival of tho family physl-.
clan, Dr. Bingham, who Is out of tho
city. Baker Domocrnt.
Increaeod oMIl at Salem.
Tho mall.rccclptB at Creator Salem
aro Increasing at a rapid "rate, and
this morning all thd sub-carrlocs woro
called upop. to holp out tho regulars,
and-oach of tho soveu mon had In io
neighborhood of 200 pounds aplcco to
dollvor. Tho fonturo of tho mattor
that tho rogulnr carriers do not llko Is
that thoy havo to pay tho Btibs out of
their own pockots. This Jb certainly
an Injustice
Hon. I j. J, Adanw, of Sllvorton, Is
At a Into hour last In tho city on huslnoss.
1 904 Constriction.
English Shapes.
Auto Gears.
Cushion Tines.
Tangent Spokes.
Oak, Maroon, and Olive Finishes.- Folding Carts.
The House Furnishing Co.
269 Liberty St. Stores, Salem and Albany.
o of aaoaa
w taiot iiii'4"MiiHgiimitmg
No Choral Tonight,
Owing1 to tho. Indisposition of Mr.
Seley, there will ba no rehearsal tonight.
To Loan
V 3
Don't Send a Boy To Mill
i Salem Abstract
and Lard Co. 1
I F. W. WATERS, Mjp.
kj3 yv'rcHx Aim H u
mtm ill
i JnWk i ' f mWi m I
i it-
If you want a man's work dono,
la an old saying. You can send
anyone to our roarkot for meat,
and your order will bo tilled Just
as well aa If you cano yoursolf.
Wo keop nothing but tho vory
cholcost moats, fat, prlmo, tendor
and Juicy, and wo cut and trim
your stoaks, roasts and chops aa
only experts can for your tablo.
E. C. Cfoss
tiif iaiiaf toiiefwgiiwfri'
I A White House Cook Book Free
"With Violot Rolled Oats. A coupon in every package, i
One package 15 cento; two for 25 cents,
D. A. White & Son,
Tectata end Seedsmea, 301 ConaercUl St.. Sttem, Ore.