Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 29, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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29, 1903.
10fU? Wlint will
-i. inn ui .vv ........ .....
'iiicof wnat a iuost,onI
'jfllllam M. Chaso Btood In the
L of a sqitaro room from which
My looked down on ovory side.
F tinf n window In (tin
ffhero w ""- - -
L, yet It was lighted. Thore was
Mk & man In the room except Mr.
'JJC J01 "' " "'-" """ .nuotu-
W, indiviauaiu.
hero was not a girl In tho room
JK it was peopled with pretty girls,
e 6orlous, some 'smiling, some
Urlcan, somo apanisn, ssomo ung-
ii Yet all Bins, in mo uncK-
Lnd wero a few portraits of men.
l . o can soo mo mim wnun more
rt girls arouna ;
-The girl of 1004," said mo great
rlcan palntor, looking up at a
KHtr typo of girl In an automoblla
U( walking aiong a gray sireci,
til, of course, sho will bo different
Rm any other gin, rrom every
JM&u C11 that ovcr llvod'
Jnd for that matter ovory woman
Afferent from ovory other woman
d the charm of womankind Is that
Sapposo you wore to paint a pic-
jro and say: 'This is tho woman
do U como. How tired you would
am of that picture And how earn
er you would wish that It might be
'You weary of ono faco. You weary
Wone style. You weary or ono
Beautiful In Her Variety.
"Tho great beauty of tho girl of
wt will bo hor variety. Sho will
Writing of your deni ms. -.
glance? And !,., i..- . ...
Certainly you can. But how? You
do not know. Nolthei- d- nnvJ
e se. ou cannot say, 'it 8 the up
Btroko or tho down stroke! '
Will Differ From All Others,
"Thus with the American girl. She
Is American borniiRo nu i -
...w mw in du,
"The girl of 1904 will bo different
m a way irom any other girl. Her
race will show tho American charac
teristics which are thoso of a sweet
uionuing of other nations. All races
meet hero and nroiluoo n i ,.
different from tho French type as ono
coior is different from nnothor. To
u yracucca oyo it s lmnnaalliln
make a mistake.
"Tho girl of
1904 Will hn ilMtn.
gulshablo as to her dress. And In
this connection It can bo said that
portrait painting Is greatly affecting
the dressing of women.
"When a, sitter comes to mo I say
to her: T cannot Dalnt vou until I
see your gowns.
"She displays them or describes
them. Nono will do. All will bo outro
In a short time. This gown has an
exaggerated waist; this ono Is too
tight In tho skirt: this dress la
trimmed with something In tho heicht
of an extreme- style, and upon this
gown gleams a novel decoration
which will bo absolutely funny In Ave
years' time.
"'You must buy a gown,' I say to
her; 'nono of thoso will do at all
"Thon I toll hor what to buy.
Sometimes I toll hor how much to pay
"I Advise
Ml woman who suffer
from chronio d!seasas
to wrlto to Dr. Piorca."
That advice Is based titxm nrnelieal
experience. After suffering for months,
and finding no benefit result from the
treatment ot me
local physician,
Miss Belle Hedrick
wrote to Dr. Tierce
for advice. She
acted on the advice,
regained her appe
tite, recoered her
strength, and gain
ed several rounds
fj in weight.
Pierce " is good ad
vice for every
woman to follow.
It costs nothing.
Dr. Pierce invites
sick women to con
sult him, by letter,
free. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, In
vallds' Hotel and
Surgical Institute,
nifitr v v
All tt llbVlV. Utl.1 IUIII1 JMHO) . .V-...V,
assisted by his staff of nearly a score of
aiMls. I: i
f 3w Ml is 11
Advertisements, five lines or
less, In this column Inserted
three times for 25c, 50c aweek
$1.50 a month. All over five ' '
lines at the same rate.
a ii iiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiii
1 aiUJJl IJ.JB1
Wanted. A good girl for general
housework. Inquire at 485 Court
street. 12-2S-3t
For Sale. At a bargain, a good house
and lot, with suitable eutbuildings:
8cvonroom house; 13tb and Hlnea
street, two blocks south of Yew Park
school house; block from street
car lino. O. B. Miles. 12-2G-3t
For Sale. Fluo second-growth maplo
and ash wood. Delivered to any
part of city. Apply to J. W. Man
ley. Phono 2075 Black, or call at
home wost of brick store, South
Salem. 13-B3-lmo
Wanted. To buy, a horso to wolgh
1300 or more; good life, for buss.
Willamette Hotol. 12-2G-tt
Lost or Stolen From my placo of
business, In Saloni, a shotgun hav
ing a coppor band around ntoek.
Propor roward for return of same.
M. L. Hamilton, Salem, Orogon.
For Sale Or trado, a flno 10-aoro
chlckon or fruit raneh: first-class
buildings and Improvements; cloe
to school, postofflco, Btoro and rail
way station. Will trndo for city or
unimproved farm property. Address
"V. J.," Caro Journal lt-5-
Calvet Practical Watchmake!
158 State street, makoa a spodalty '
of repairing watches, clocks and,
Jowolry, and guarantee good iroikj,
at reasonable prices. 1M2-Ijrr f.
Ferguson's Restaurant SB SUtfl,
street. Open day and night Our
20c moala aro bettor than any J5o
houso In-tho Btato, Six 20a moal
tor $1.00; 21 20c meals for $3.00. t
Ehv6iciaiH, has treated and cured ovcr
aif a million women. '
"I luftercd from female wknei for five
months." write Miss Helle Hedrkk of Ne.
I Ullltllll U . M 11. '1 w ,la.c i) n Rwi
phyjldaii, but he never teemed to Ac me ny
gacA 1 wrote to Dr R V Were for advlee.
which 1 received, tellltiflt me to tiVe hl ' Fnvorlte
Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery.'
I took thirteen lttle of ' Favorite rreKrlptlon '
and eight of ' Golden Medical Discovery When
I had used the medicine a month my health wa
much Improved It ha continued to Improve
until now I can work at almoit all kinds ot
housework. I had scarcely any appetite, but it
Is all richt now. Hae rained several pound
In weiciu I adrtse alt wYk sulftr from chronic
diseases to write to Dr. nerce."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Pellets regulate
the bowels.
Lost Small, shaggy, whlto dog, bob
tall, black r.lng around tall and
eyes, ears black; answers to namo
of "Dob." Dollvor to 191 Marlon
Rtroot. nnd receive reward. 12-28-3t
For Sale. At a bargain. For anyono
wanting a good business location,
largo storo and houso combined;
good chance to carry on a gonbral
mnrchnndlaa business on ono of Sa
lem's best stores. Address Irn
Towno, Balom, Oro. 12-lC-lm
Valley lodge No. 18.A.O.U.W. Mootal
In thoir hall In Holman block, co
nor Stnto and IJberty, ovory Moa
day ovonlng. Visiting brethren ,
wolsomo. Hoy Molntlro, M. W. A.
15. Aufranco, Recorder.
Buff Rocks For salo. Sovoral trios
of tho host Buff Plymouth Bock
chlckona. A. F. Hotcr, Jr., East Sa
lem. 12-19-3t
Csntral Lodge No, 18, K. of P. CU
Hall In Holman block, corner Gtote
and Llborty Sts. Tiwday ot eei
mV t 7-sn n m A. EL Hlrsna
g 0., B, J. FlemlnK K. of B. and B.
Foresters of America Court Batr
wood Foresters No, 19. Moot Fri
day night In Tumor block. B, W
Mlnturn. O. B,; A. L. Brown. Beg.
Ntfecs intelllgonco, of course. And 'for It. She goes away and purchases
Money Found. Anyono would feel a
thrill of pleasure to pick up a silver
half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital required) If you aro
willing to rustlo and can talk only a
llttlo bit. Good for either sox, young
or old. Address or call at Journal
nlTlPO. 12-10-tf
Vetch Seed for Sale. I have a quanti
ty of first-class votch sood for salo,
both varieties. Call at placo or ad
dross P. Achillas, half mllo west ot
Kaiser school Iiouro, four miles
north of Salem. 12-10-lraMwk
who would have a great
the gown. And In doing so sho toachon
herself a lesson. This Is the lesson
of truo greatnoss In dross, tho pur
chasing of a gown which will hold Its
own no matter how tho stylos may
be changod.
Learn to Dress Better.
"A woman cannot look lovoly In a
gown that Is oxtromo." And tho boy
who was born In Franklin, Ind., fifty-
two years ago and who camo to town,
llko William Shnkospearo, with noth
ing except a clover brain, ono suit of
clothes, and an Individuality, pointed
toward a rich painting In which tno
it will possess beauty, for all wo
cw of the hotter class aro beaut!
jl Sho will havo roflnomont, that
pes without saying. And sho will
la Individual.
"There Is a great deal said about
ia thlsglrl or tho that-glrl. Thoro Is
it Gibson girl. And thoro Is tho
CkrUty girl. Thoro Is tho Gllbort
kii And thoro Is tho Honry Hutt
(Id. And thoy aro good!
But theso aro ldonls. Thoy aro
Ijpct. Meritorious, beautiful, artis
tic, and lovcablo. Thoy aro yet typos.
Tie artist himself does them In fac
tas mood. Ho does not regard
ttas as decisive Ho does not pro-
tt:i to say that all women aro, or will
i molded cm Hioko linos.
'Each beautiful woman of 1904 will
difforont from each other woman.
i I She will show character In hor faco,
radlrlduallty In hor pose, and a snarp
'fcislon In hor manner. To an artist
t mannorlsm becomes a peculiarity
" uutu 11 (1U UI1UU1BUU1U9 tiiv u. t. v
ijortralt painting ho at onco ondows
nls sitter with this mannorlsm.
If I were to nalnt tho girl of 1904,
ui If sho wero to wnlk Into my stu
Ho and ask for a sitting I would look
U her closely and study hor quietly.
U sho had a hnblt of turning hor
ind as sho tnlkml vou may bo suro
! would paint hor In that pose. If
tat with hor hand to hor faco, in
Warently characteristic pose, I
ould cortaluly presorvo this atti
Natural Pose Essential.
"That will bo the tendency In por
trait nalnfJnr? In 1904. It has been
&e tendency for a long time. More
"a that, It has been tho rule.
Porhans." Bald Mr. Chaso, rising
!a looking, In his enrnosmoss, iu--toely
like the Sargent portrait, "per
ips ehe will hn.vn a certain Individ-
'illty or touch which has beon be-
lathed to her by tho recent art
ekools, And this will be consplcu-
Mrs. Clark, whom I painted some
fears mm mi tt'hnw nortralt I ox
Wbltcx, was one of the first and roost
Weal of American models. Her faco
distinctively Amorlcan. Sho was
Ibson'a first model. And thus the
rlginal of tho Ideal Gibson girl. She
tall, serious, high bred, slondor.
"Her face was Amorlcan. No
oubt of 1L And It was a type.
You can toll nn Amorlcan face at
9ace- It is dlfforont from any otner
'. Though, for tho llfo of you,
'oa cannot toll why It is so.
Do yon know your mothers nanu-
"ruing? can you pick out tno nauu
t. nM AA B
iinnn ntss vi.-" - . . .
L. ...... ,- it Malceai " ibint- at you stralgni
subb? il a biim1i uar, J -- - I BViSSI. u""-o -
1 " " - -. - I
a woman
"God bo prised tnat thoy aro so,"
said the great painter reverently.
"The clrl of 1904? Yos. All wo
men." .
And tho palntor who at 52 looks
like 45, bowed reverently before the
halt completed picture of a 1904 girl.
Wm M. Chato In Tacoma Ledger.
For Sale. A few cords of dry oak
wood. Anyono wishing sarao leave
orders at D. A. Whlto & Son's feed
.turn nnmmerelal Btroet. 122G-3t
ua --.
For Sale. O. K. Gmbbors. Bost In
Oregon; thoo stato premiums;
ono horso has tho powor ot 99; can
grub an aero a day. James Flnnoy,
Brooks. Or. ll-2C-lm
Modern Woodmen ot America Ore
gon Cellar Camp No. 5248. M&tts
ovory Thursday ovonlnrf at 8 o'olocJi
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, Y.
C.; A. U Brown. Clork.
Protection Lodoe No. 2, Ancient Or-
dor unitoa worKmcn, mooui oTry
Saturday ovonlng In tho Holmaa
Hall, cornor Btato and Llborty
strooU. Visiting brethren welcoma.
J. a Graham, M. W.J J. A. Bellwooc!
For Sale Inmprovod and unlmprovod
block property In South Salem. For
Information Inquire of B. uoior,
Journal offlco. 10-9-tt
How's This?
Wo offor ono hundred dollars ro
ward for any caso of catarrh that
rnnnot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CIIBNEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We, tho undersigned, havo known
Drs. M. T. Bchoettle, Frank J. Barr
and Anna M. oarr. uraanaw
Amorlcan 8chool ot Osteopathy,
Klrksvlllo, Mo., ouccessoni to D.
Graro Albright Oftlc houra to
12 and 1:30 to 430 o'clock. OilS
FoIIowb' Temple, Phono Main S?ll
roBldonco phono 2(103 rod.
T Vlflrft Oiifitntions TodaVA.
X "Mako Biltm Good Home Market" X
Mills Quotations.
Choleo Farm For Sale. Three mlloa
northwest from B-ooks, having
dwolllng houso, iiarn and two hop
hoiiRos. with 30 acres of hops, bnl-
anco rarming innu, wmi ruauiuB
water, except onough oholco tlmbor
to supply tho placo. M. J. Bgan.
F. J. Cheney for tho last IB years,
.! v.oiiv, Tnim nnrfortlv honorable
draporlos set off tho woman to thojin nit business transactions and flnan-
most oxntilslto perfection. clally ablo to carry out any gum,
CaplUl City
Bryant & Pennell,
Vhottt 75c.
Buckwheat 80a
"Tho girl ot 1904 will, perhaps, bo
nblo to dross bettor allitho tlmo be-
catiso sho is studying nnd learning.
"But It will tnko four artists to
paint hor. I could paint tho American
girl of 1904. But tho Italian girl ot
1904 must bo painted by an Italian
artift. Tho French girl must no
painted by a French artist The
Gorman girl by a Gorman artist
"She will not bo satisfactory to
her own pooplo If ono artist pauu
all Thore Is a certain polso to a
Frorch womnn which it lanes n
French artist to catch. And a certain
ri, nrlclnalltv to an American girl
which nono but an Amorlcan artist
can fully master.
"Is there a Chaso glrlT No. Perish
the thought. Is there a Sargent girl.'
I should say not.
Originality Makes Her Lovely.
"A reprosontatlvo palntor finds tha
girl and then paints her. And this
is quite different from painting a girl
and saying 'This Is a womnn. Now
go and hunt tho original.'
Tho portrait palntor paints wouh.u
as he finds hor. He Idealizes her by
catching hor in hor boat moods. He
paints hor at her best.
Will the girl of 1904 be lovellor
than the girl of 1903? What a quest-
Mr. Chase put on his flat rimmed
dorby-tho hat which a furious riva
onco designated as a lld-and turned
bis back upon tho quoatlonor.
Is not each woman lovelier wm
Dut how will she b. lovelier?
persisted tho Interviewer.
"How? Well, by hor originality.
Taking off tho "lid" the painter, who
inoka llko a Frenchman and tawi"
ookB iiKo realy an
African through and through
nointed to a plature of a tall, lovoiy
S "She U typical. Sho might bo
.. i.i r inn4.u
U, B 'pure Drawn In Detai.
The Picture In quwtlon had sof
Jr beautifully co,.! on top . rf J
Ld. Utttt curl. --; W
Her )- """
tlnna made by their firm
WEST & TRUAX, Wholosale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter-
nnllv. actlne directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfacos of the system.
Testimonials sent frco. . Prlco 76c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pius aro tno uesu
Lots of Salmon Eggs.
Tnn million Chinook salmon eggs
wero placed In tho hatchery on the
Yaqulna river, Oregon, on tho 12th
inci Thnv will no naieunu '
and the young salmon planted in tne
Yaqulna rlvor. Tho eggs camo from
tho hatchory at Fraser river, British
Columbia. Sovoral million cninooit
imnn occs are now being distrib
uted among tho hatcheries on differ
ent Oregon streams under tno super
vision of tho State Fish and Game
Commlsalon.-Ashland Tribune.
Art Note.
Bb6I wonder why they hung that
Ho Perhaps tnoy couiuuv
the artist.
For buppIIos for the Oregon State
Ponilentiary, during tno penou
log Juno 3U. iau. r.nnA
Sealed blda for Drug-. DjJ Gjj
nUriea Shoos, Ieathor and Fina
?n pTumblng 8PPU Hjug"
inour Fish. Meat otc, will bo re
21 2 .the omco of the , Suporln
tondent oi mo o" "";, 3 o'clock
Thursday. January 7. 190 .at 3 oclock
M n( wniCQ UMIO -
blThe rlaht IB resent to eject any
an4 all Wds. and to aee.pt r ,.
any portion of a hid.
On wen ? tZTuiA. Goods
Poultry at Stelner's Market
Chickens 8 9c.
Bgg9Por dozon 23c
Turkoys 12Vi15c
Ducks 9310c.
Hop Marktt
Hops 19 22c.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc.
Potatoes 30c
Onions bc
Dried Fruits.
Peaches 10c
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c
Pctito prunes 4c
Italian prunes 5c
Wood, fence Posts, Ete.
Big fir 14.00.
Second-growth J3 &.
Afh $3.00 to $3.75.
Body oak 34.60.
Pole oak 14.00.
Cedar poBts 12V4c.
Hide. Pelts and 'una.
Green Hides, No. 1 5c
Green Hides, No. 2 4c
Call Sklnu 45c
Sheep 76c
Goat Bklns 26o to $1.B-
Wheat, Salem Flouring M11W-76c
Oats 32c
Barloy 118.50 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, 13.C0.
Live Stock Marks.
Steers 3c
Cows 2 Wo
ShecA 2a
Dressed Teal Vc
Dressed hogs lc
Uvo hogs 4c
Mutton 2c per pound.
Veal !c
Hay, Fd. EU.
Baled cbeat-Ul.
Bale' olover $1001 U.
Bran $20.
Shorts $21
Creamery and D.lry 'J""ta
Good dairy buttor 2025c.
Creamery butter 30c
Cream separator
Com. Creamery, juc,
For Sale Eighty acres ot land In
Washington county, for $460. A
bargain for somo ono wanting to
mako a homo. 8ome tlmbor on tho
placo; somo cleared. E. Hofor, Sa
lom, Oregon. I0'0'1
Evan's Barber Shop Only nrat-olaMI
shop on Sfnlo street Rvery tnlnn
naur nmi ntvtfvi.ntn. Flnnnt torc
lain baths. Bhnvo. IBe; hair-cut ISO
hnihs. 2Re. Two flrsUilasB boot
blacks. O. W. nvnns. pronrletor.
Hop merchants, 97 to 09 Stat
streot, Salem. Orogon. Represented! '
by Jos. Harris.
For Rent Unrgo parlor uetiroom,
with private ontrnnco; tine of par
lor. baths, telephone, otc; would
llko to rent to two young men who
would bo stoady roomers, 138 Mill
street C. W. Hollonbrnnd.
WM. DROWN & CO. Hops. Mohair,
wool, hop growors' supplies, no.
229 Commercial streot, Salem, Ore
gon. Phono 1301.
Rooms for Rent-Up slalrs. Lottlo
block, by day, wock. or month. AV
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric light upon an noum.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 2965 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant
and purchasing ngont no. ion
Commercial streot upstairs, Salsm,
Oregon. Thono 1651.
T. A. LIVE8LEY &. CO Dcakrs In
hops and hop supplies, mono !
office room 18 Oborholm bids, BV
lom, Orogon. ,
J. CARMIOHAEL Hop buyor. Offloa
In Bush-Broyman building, Salem,
Oregon. Samples ot clioico nops bo
llclted from all growers.
Mrs. L. Campbell Does dressmaking
at her homo on tho car lino, noar
tho South Salem coinotory. Country
trndo solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w
-. aTBaaTaT,sara'a',BSs-a-a-a'a,a,alBl
CATLIN & LINN Hop buyorB. Boom
8. Bush-Broyman uiock, naiom, ore
gon. Phono 143L
ors. Boom 2. Murphy blook. Ralcsi,
Orogon. Tolophone No. 371.
Moler-a Barber Collefje Of Salt Lake
City, offors advantages In teaching
tho trado that cannot be had tlso
where. Avoid schools tho Orogon
a California harbors' now lawa
.f n Mnan At ut time. Write
today for our special offer to dis
tant BtudenU. lnq-1M
For water servlc apply slol"
Dills payablo monthly In advanca.
Mao all complaint! at the otace.
The Proper Thing The POP"1"
drink tor family uso Is O. 8. soda
and carbonated beverages. EvW;
body should keep those goods at
ttelr homes. Call up Qldoon Btoli
Co. 'phone 421.
Express and Transfer
MeeU all mall and passenger traJM
Baggage to all parts m i!
Prompt sarvico, jiot(v, .,-. ---nnriMAN.REDRICK
8sy Havo you tried EdwardB & Lusch.
er1 for moau wo uto ,.
sausage In town. Como and try It.
and bo convinced. 410 East State
streot .. .
a snrujsn " ' jw. without
Trouble. , paar They were big ey8 wuu
Jl." but the modern nat
nu to answer lor.
Baldheada are Btowlnff 0.ro,ilJiiieni
w every day. turn "1,.I eermi
edinff places for the P""" tht
lilies. . .. sir., rrom the roois "
. M CMf ft.U .w -
!r, . .... ... nnd
.When your hair .begjna to - u ,
.; cufii liiafc fcv w---
y at work. . ,me ths
There Is but one way ;, way Is
apply Newbro's rpicWe w
SiJp-lt wtll kill the germa ana
un "".- th bid
being iual. . d.
I All eoods aaa wi'Ha " ",,rr w
. . .:" fV tho PsmltenUary within 20
Tb. chin wo, round, oae of tno t , ,a aworeo.
Salem Truck and Dray Cc-01djt
and beet oqu ppod company In Ba-
lom. riano aru iu.. ..-.-- ----.
i.ii- nffloo 'nhono. 861. W.
W. Brown & Bon, proprietor. Offlcs
vr en Qt.tA atroet 9-l-ini
flU, WW " '-
Juit Arrived.
A carload of vvven lro foodn.
Special prloe till Docemuer .
roonng. B(ret
.-?-t-k win .in -
U sure to result. . j w
Bold by leading drufSSfriSolclde Co
wps for sample to Tho Berpiwo. v
won, Mich. .
Daniel J. Fry, Special Agent
.oft whins which can
STtl raoa wafl broad'.
foo broad for great prettlneM.
,t was not a baby ace J,y any
J.n with tho soft elraper of the
means, wltn ""' ,t AbU fooa
Uaby face. Nor was u a
BWWU - -triirt
?d"Xrf..,Sait9d upon appUeiv
IKTto tti Buperlntondt
SoBnth.y on conH.nuou. trjj
Bidders axe ."-- JAMBS.
Superintendent Oregon Stato ronton
with Its rlpo Buggev-y- " try.m Decembor 14, 1WJ.
not the '" rrThe Tfaca of tS&SSu.
lhad a past uuv "
WheaU-Walla W.-.l!n, 71o7to
Valley 78c
Flour Portland, best grade,
$8.86; graham, $3.75.
OataClioUa www, -'
MIUUirf-Bran, $1
Hay llraotby, $16
Potatoes M Wo
g?-Ownrwj.w &
rou try uhhwww. , :j "'.,,-kavs
lOVte Pr pouad; sprlsg, 11 turkeys,
live. 13GHc
Mutton Dr4, 6f 6c
Pork-Dre-l. C0-4-
,r OACSn
&-W$8i Easwm
Oregon. 1215aS Mohair 85087
Hldee dry, 1 ponnos w. -r
iJSa-t dairy. Nil ,"
cy creamery.30c; atoro 15015c
Dr. Z. M. Parvln-At 297 Commercial
street, upstairs Singing school
nudlmental and sight reading class
os Begins Wednesday evening, Oo
tnLr 14tb. Class every Wednefl-
dBy evening to May 1st. ne!t Tui
tion. $1.00
Unique Cleanlnfl Booms BMW m
Johnson, the cleaners, are now to
Tb.er aM ,? flrwUuuiei: Bklrta,
Sffl&r. 'J
-. imnnn xoii - -"
inc. isvu. w"
Dr. W, 8. Mctt-W.ll hereafter U
to 12. and 2 to C
Uw Bweet Cldr-8id your woor Bflsr w
"tta nert grocery, pr caU P oluatnro
Successor to Dr. rf. n- nvCUtJl
Vhlt Corner, Balem, Oregon. lartle
X-iHnaT suoerior operation at mod
SralTeo In an? branah aro In ospecW
rniirtt .... ,,.,. ""
208 Commercial Btreet
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at an noma
Service a la Carte
E, ECKBRLBNsPfoprtttof
yor Infant and Children.
Tha Kind Yea Haw Always Bivpt
i .w . . m