Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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TS repetition seessea to oste tae op
rtHnlty ferdebrjr.
Farmrnrerth was ob fete gaerd is a
twteUfste. He set his Jaw sad attend
a agly eata; taex eaielc a BgbtaiB
be track stdevrtse at the atatel -wWi
fete btede. It was a awe which magbt
fear tabes, a tan alert persea the
AUee aaawares. bat ber tratasa? at
wd By wad ready la her -rrtt sad
head. Ab iaretaBtary tara, tbe bt
t haagtaaWe. set tie beary barrel of
her weapea streeglr agalaet the Mew.
pertly stepptag It, aad tbea tbe gaawff
mcmxfe spat its lead ef halls aad see
trtta a hetlew that awake tae drowsy
M Tttugr.
Baraswerth staggered backward, let
Umg UM has sword, Tbere we a rest
la tae cteOrtec ef his left ahoaMer. He
reeled, tae Meed tfa eat. bat be did
set faH. aJtbeegh be grew vrbtte.
Father Beret saraac alesbly (a s
taJa Faraewerth. saateaiBg aa the
Tea are hart, air roa," be geatty
said, "let me betp yea." He passed bis
ansa analy aader tbat of Faraeworth.
reeiag taat tae cantata was aarteadr
ta at feet
"Leaa ape me. Coae wKh ate,
AJfee: my eMd. aad I wffl take aha
tote tae beam.'
Altee picked aa tbe aaptahVs swerd
aad led tae way.
It was all deee e qatekly taat Fara
worth, fa Ma balf dazed eeadMea.
scarcely realised whet was aatec
hbUI be feaad himself -en a ceach ta
tbe Roarilkn heme, bis woaed (a
JaRXed farrow plowed eat by slags
tbat tbe sword's blade bad first later
eepted) neatly dressed aad hesdaged.
while Alice 4 ad tbe priest borered orer
flfla,-tnis7 -wtuj tst tarcim Taracftrx
tioas. IlaratKoa aad Helm were, as ureal.
pi&yloz cards at tbe ferBiers quarter!
wbea a guard anaeaBced tbat Mite.
ReaMllloB wished aa aadteace wttb
tbe gorersar.
"Brlsg tbe girl In." aatd Hamilton.
Jarowteg dows Ma cards nod seewnag
"New yee'd better be wtee as a
neraest aad geatte as a dere," remark
ed Ilelaa. "Tbere ts secaetblag aa. aad
tbat gaatbat we beard awbtle age
0Mj bare a gaed deal to do wKfe It At
nmy rate, yoe'll aad kiadaeM year beet
card ta ptay wltb Alice Boeselllea jwet
at tbe prefeat stage of tbe gane "
Of eaarse tbey knew aotblag of wbat
bad baaaeaed te Parasworta, bat tbey
bad beea dlteasalag tbe stralaed reta-
Jjrup thtU tvmritr
itleo. between tbe garrtsoa aad tbe
Fraaeb tabaMtaata wbea tbe rear of
AMas's Mg moMtbed pistol startled
Ibew. Ilelai was slyly beatlag abeat
te wake Ilaoultaa le rtght af tbe
daBBer from (lark's directlea. To do
BhU be artfatly aatgalied tbe laildtom
rk tbat might be doae by tbe Preacb
ind Ibetr adtaB frleatbi bold tbey
drives to deerati by oppreatlTe
exasperatlHg aetloa oa tbe part of
to Baglbtb.
IlaaslMoa felt tbe daBgerotts aaeer-
ilBty apaa wbleb tbe itaatiaa rusted.
it, Hke ataay a Bother vigareaily self
nat smb. be eoakl set sabordtaate
passloas to tbe dietates of potter
tm ANee was eoaditeted lata bis
be lantaBtly swelled wltb
iger. It was ber fatber wbo bad
Uruak Ut aad eseaped. It waa ae
rbo bad carried off tbe rebel Bag at
taeawRt af rietory
'Well. Bsiss. ta wbat da I ewe tbe
raaer of taw rleitr" se ilBiaainlwt
!b a sspercilleas air. beadtag a card
;wta bis tbuoib aad fiager n tbe
te UDie.
'I baTo c&ate. monriear. ta tN yau
it I bave hurt Captaia Paraswartb.
was about to kill Katber Beret, aad
abet bin. He ta la ear bae aad
oared for. I doa't thiak hi nrntuul
bad. ABd-bere sbe besltatwd at
aad let ber gate fall-so bare I
" Tbea sbe lifted ber eyes again
Biade an lalailtable Preach gesture
hb ber aboulders asd arms. Yoa
da as you please. uaBsieur. I am
your BMtry "
aiaUtaa was astoaaded. Heba sat
rjag pblegBMtleally. MeaaUaw Hot-
entered tbe rooat aad stopped, bat
tad. beblBd Alice. He was Hasbed
erkJeatty excited. la fact, be bad
trd ef tbe trouble wltb Paraswartb.
eeaiag Alice eater tbe door of
tea's quarter. e fallowed ber
b heart stirred by bo sitgfct eato-
He laet tbe guvraers glare aad
It wltb oae of equal baugbtl-
Tae Teias oa Ms forehead swaliod
turaed dark. He was la a steed to
rbatever desperate art abouid sue-
IlaaUHoa fairly wprafeeadl
se graphically pweuted by i
be re from bis coat by the are. I
V'bat'u ibw you tell mer be blarV t
"OaJ. isoftslear"
He stared a m&meat, tbea bis fea
tares beaaaed wttb bate.
-Aad rn bare yaa abet far It. art,
as sare as yaa staad tbere la jaar aOtr
laapadeaee agttac aae sa bniseaiyr
Be leaaed taward ber a be speke
tad teat wttb tbe wards a saaefc of
coarse. pa4oaate eaergy freai waseb
sbereeatted aa If expeetiag a Maw la
Aa feTMtstJMe taaaalrc nvaat Eerer-tey-
ta AHeet sata, aad Ms attKaa
was tbat af a Hrearetoc Hetaivanias:
A Beateaaat aaate la aad raptfat
ly. wttb xTMeat aarbac upotaid
tbat Caatata Pasaawartb bad beaa abet
mm! was at KoaaJWuu place n esra C
"Take tbfe gtrl fate eaatadjr. Caa
aae bar aad pat a stroag gaaxd mtr
Ia xrrbax tbe ecder IZaasOtaa Jaraad
Mi tftwaab wiBwaapfaaaty tawmai
Alsee aad at tbe tmwkc tba xare Bev
erley a leak of sapreaag deiaaee aad
batnd. Wbea Haha begaa ta eeak
be taraed tWeeJy aaoa Mas mud
steeped Mas wltb:
Xae af year adrtee. sir. I bare
bad N I waat af tt. Keep yoar place
or I'M aaafce yoa."
jLaMii 10 &&vinGyr
"Ratfva, ab. Wbea I wfeb ta see yea
III ad far yoa. At pre-eat yea are
Tbe ItaaWeb
eaweaaat salated M
reapeetiatly to
Alice aad mid
"Coate vtoh jae. arff. please."
Hehn aiwl llererly exeaaagd a look
of htlptm -ad batnlriBg rage. It war
as if tbey iad ae!d: "Wbat can w
da? Mast w bear itr Certaialy tbey
coahl do tfrfhlnc Aay laterfereace or
thoir par ooW be care to tocreas'
Alice's dangr aad at tbe sasae time
add to tbe weigbt of tbek own baadHa
Alice eMeatly followed tbe otSctT eat
of tbe rooflt. Hbe did Bet erea glasce
toward Beverley, wbo awTed as If to
taterfere aad was proaspUy Bsetioaed
back by tbe caard. Hbi better jadg
BMor, retaraim-. beM bba freat a rank
asd futile act uatll IlaasUtoa spoke
agata. sajriaa; loadly as AMee passed
tbraagb tbe doer:
"I'M see who's saaater af tbis tawa If
I bave to sboot every Preacb boldea
la itr
"Woox-n aad eblbtrea ssay wetl fear
yoa. To! nel HaadHoa." said Beverley
Taat ymne; bwlr Is year saaeriar."
"Yoa mr tbat to ss. elrr
"It fc tbe bast I eaaM poseibir say
of yoa."
"I wi'1 ead yoa aieas wttb tbe
weacb If you da wot guard yoar ha
gaage. A priMiaer aa parole has so
license to be a Markgaard."
"I return you my parole. lr. I shall
bo kmarr regard It ai bimltog." mhI
Beverley, by a great effort bofcUag
back a blow. "I will sot keep faith
wltb a ftfouodrel wbo does aot know
bow to ! deceat fl the preeace ef a
yenng gtrl. You bad better baTe me
arrested ami coBaBed. I will escape
at the Bret opportBBlty and bring a
force here to reckon wltb you for year
rilMlay Aad If you dare hart AUce
RoBMillon I will bare you banged Hke
Hamilton looked at blaj scornfally.
"I thought 1 ordered you to leare
tbis room." be said, wltb as air and
toae of lofty superiority, "asd I cer
taialy ax-en to be obeyed. Go, sir, and
If you attempt to escape or 1b aay way
break your parole I'll baTe you sbet"
"I bave already broken It Prom
this womeBt I shall Bet regard It You
bare beard my statement I shall not
repeat It Govotb yourself accord
iBgly." With those wards BeTorley turned
and strode out of tbe bouse quite be
side himself, bis whole frame qulrer
lsg. Hamllteu laughed derisively, then
looked at Helm aad said:
"Helm. I Hke yoa, I don't wish to be
uuklad to you. but positively you mast
quit breaking la upoa my affairs wltb
yoar ready made advice. Pre giten
you and Lieutenant Beverley too macb
latitude, perhaps. If tbat tobbc fool
deesa't look sharp beH get himself into
a beastly lot of trouble. You'd better
give Mm a talk. He's Ib a way to need
tt JUSt BOW."
"I tMak so myself. " seJd Helm, glad
to get back upoa fair footlag with tbe
irascible governor. "I'll wait until be
eoo4s off somewhat, aad tbea I'caa
ma sage Mm. Leave him te me."
"Well, come walk wttb me ta ace
what has really happened ta Parsa
werth. He's probaMy not much hurt
and deserves wbat he's gat Tbat girl
baa turned bis bead. I tMak I under
stand tbe whole affair a Mttle love,
a Mttle wlae, soma foottehBess, aad the
weacb shot Mm "
Helm genially asseated. but tbey
were delayed for some time by aa otS
cer wbo came la ta consult with Ham
IHaa oa some prassiag India a affairs.
Wbea tbey reached Iteusslllea place
tbey met Beverley coming out. but be
did set look at them. He was scarcely
aware of them. A Mttle way outside
tbe gate, aa going m, be bad picked up
A Hce's locket and broken chain, which
be mechanically put la bis pocket It
was all Hke a dream ta Mm. aad yet
be bad a dear purpose. He was going
away from V Incenses, or at least be
would try to go. and woe be to Hamilton
oa Ms coming back. It was so easy for
an excited young ami ta plan great
things aad to expect suecesa under ap
parently ImnoMlble conditions. Bev
oriey gava Jean a Bote far Alice. It
was this tbat took Mm ta liousalUoa
place, and bo sooner fed! tbe Mgbt than
be shouldered a gun furalsbed him by
Maw. Godae and. guided by tbe
woodsman's sac craft, stole away
southward, tMaklag to swim tbe ley
Wabash some miles below and tbea
trtke serosa tbe plains of Ilasola to
(To be CeatiBued.
She Was a Victim of Anaemia and
Nervous Prostration, but Dr, Wll-
Mamf Pink PIMs Cared Her.
Xn. leaac Tahoa. of Irwia, Pa
to amt of tbe moat aoaalar worn on. 1b
that tawa. Sbe Is aaa of tae hardest
workers la bar eburek aad baa ae
comunehirf a. great deal ef good. la
a reeeat latarrtew saw says:
"I waat ta make a Mate-Beat for
tbe ban eat of others. Three years
aas I was a victim of aaaaaila aad
rous praetratfoa. aad was cared
by Dr wnaaaas' Ptak Pitts for Pale
People aad I waat others to know
this roBsaraaMe medMae.
"Too maeb work brought oa my
troubtu. I became eatfrety raa dows.
toot my appetite. eouM act sleep
well, was Tery this aad pale, aarr
ou aad without aay ambttJos. My
Hrer aad heart became affected, my
streagth failed me aad I was obliged
to He dows part of every day. For
two years I took treatment from ex
cetteat focal phystctaaft. bat with no
reUef aad tbea I decided to see what
Dr. WntiaaM Pink Pills would do.
I at some at the druggist's aad la
a week after begiaalBg their use
fousd I was feeling macb better. Af
ter taking them a while wager ay
cheeks bad fitted out aad taken cott
er agata. my streagth aad appetite
returned aad I was able to do my
ewa housework. I am now perfectly
well -again asd tbe credit hi all due !
to Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills for Pale'
Acting directly oa tbe Mood aad j
servM these pffls bave eared many!
stubborn cases of Bervouaaesc. par-'
tlal paralyato, bxomotor ataxia.. St i
Vitas' daace, rheumatism, sciatica,!
aad all forms of waakaaw. whether I
la male or female. If your are tick '
you owe It to yourself to give them
a trial. Bat remember that you can
not try Dr. Williams' Flak Pills by
taking "something else" which may
be offered as & substitute. Be sure
tbat every box you buy bears tbe full
name. Sold by all dealers la taedi
eiae. or teat postpaid at fifty cents
per box. six boxes for two dollars asd
fifty come by the Dr. Williams Med
ieiae Oo Schenectady. X. Y.
Branson & Rajjaru
Keep all kinds of groceries, and i
tbey aro tbe best tbat can be found
In the city. You don't know It until
you have tried then.
A man's bobby rides Mm a great
deal ofteaer than he rides It Dr. Pur-
for your new Fall garments.
It la tbe only proper and sat
isfactory way of buyiagyour
clothe, being- tbat "GOOD
yoar selection from tbe tail
oring line of
Chicago, Est. 1877
Good tailors for over a qnartereenteuy
You'll Sad a world of pleas
ure in wearing the dotbea
made by Strauss Bros.,
fanltlesa in style, fit, finish
and materials. They're so
much better than the ordi
nary ran of clothes, yet
prices are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly safe la or
dering, because if garments
are not satisfactory, yoa
needn't take them. WE
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
JtMjtoa tnmx alMr nl dMmiUoa mat
lleUT Mrtua cat ct-va fro Wlu' u
KUT rtua cot c;,s.va fro
tuitanaa U prokkMy iwmuWl CecaiKaK
Utmt tutettr rnUntUL llatuok c
$f m. uum axKXT tor Mnnw musu.
tfitul aum, wii Vxrt Suva. U U
$mmvK Jiruerkaiie
AkuUUMBlrlBtnitinUK. lunrt atos.
cUtfcw a( oy miwh. lnL Tmu. 4 a
U't few Vrtht. L 6iM a vAm1w.
f ' iiiiimrnHBamaBBv (
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Clean wholesome lever fiction good stories descriptive articles of intense
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200,000 Copies
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