IS CAPTAIN MAHONE A GRAFTER ManWboWouIiJShoul- der a Musket to Figlit Saloons Has a Much More Peacable Way -of Extracting Re sults From His Moral Propaganda Cnpt Mahono who -has organized the church federation and anti-saloon Ieaguo at Salem, and Is tho hero ot threo wars and ready to Bhed blood for th6 extinction of what ho calls internal foes, Is not working for puro lore of humanity, as tho least sum tor which ho will permit people to join his movement, Is threo dollars a year. You cannot think of our tempted boys' for loss than 2Ects., a think, on tho platform of this political party, when you becomo a member and Jill out tho b'anks thnt range all tho way from $25 to 25cts., a month. Ono rfollar of this goes lo what is known an "Tho American Issue." whatever THE PERPETUAL WAR v There is always a fight going on in every human body between health and dis ease. Un one side are poor food, bad air, over-work, worry, colds, accidents. On the other are sunshine, rest, cheerfulness and nourish ment. The reason Scott's Emul sion rights so powerfully for health is because it gives so much more nourishment than you can get in any other way. Get in the sunlight and try Scott's Emulsion. Wa'll tend you umple free upon requttt SCOTT & DOWNE. Pearl Street, New York. oe woo pewgtw wgeawa Dressers And Dressing Tables 2 o ofcr c I The House Furnishing I Salem. 269 Liberty 9Q9QM9aM9MM99MMMW99M9999999i H4lBiQi4MGi9iiH,limli9ln191911 I We do what We kill and remove cancers and tumors without the aid of a knife. Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man: ':! TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the i ! wnrld mav know w hat threat work he is dome:, I wish to t!! inform them that 1 have been for the past fifteen months and in that time ne nas re moved from my alimentary canal three tumors of can' cerous growths, as large as a man's hand, all from the larger intestine. Also anomer cancerous gruwm i rum e ofT mv right right foot and another from my right J tfiumh This Tus all been accomplished through mtdi- ? cines alone, they killing the growth and the spider like roots and nature itself casting them off, without the aid of knife or surgery. I do not believe I could have found equally successful treatment anywhere in the world and cheerfully recommend Dr. J. F. Cook, the Botanical Doctor, to all who We can do R. J. Spencer, if you need it. J. F. COOK Betitscfeer Botailcal Doctor. Coree all twmiunwwwHftrwwmtm w is. The amount la xniinni.j quarterly and goes to tho state head quartors at Portland. As ho is going to reside permanently in Orogon, and there are about two thousand churches, If only halt of them got him flvo members apiece, at tho low est price, tho not result will bo $15, 000. Tho cards are practically a noto for tho amount, payable ovorv tnreo months in advance. Capt. Mahono Is bettor dressed than tho avorago minister or pulpit workor and his systom and method of arousing support by threatening to go right to war and clean out vice in Its strongholds is vory alluring to thoso who bollevo In that way of re forming Individuals off tho faco of the earth. Tho plan must be a success from a financial standpoint, or tho class of men llko Mahone, who says ho threw up a J2400 Qovornmont position to work at this porllous business for $800 a year loss salary, would not on- gage in it. Thoro must bo a good many "asides" that swell tho income lmmonslcy, and after a few weeko of agitation leavo tho morals of the community Just about whore It found them. It Was Loaded. Yesterday Herbert Estland, a prom lnont U. O. student, met with an ex perlcnco which ho doos not enre to havo repeated soon. Whllo engaged In hanging a picture In his room ho was obliged to work near whoro a loaded rlilo was hang ing by its trlggor guard on tho wall A misblow with tho hammer struck tho nail on which It was suspended. In some manner the weapon was ills charged, tho ball striking the young man's coat near the right pocket and ranging across his black eloso to his person, and passing Into tho floor nt his feet. Eastland says It did not make tho hair stand on his head, but at the same tlmo It wns not a vory pleasant experience. Eugene Regis tor. A Few Pointers. The recent statistics of the number of deaths show that the largo majority die with consumption. This disease may commence with an apparently Harmless cough which can be cured Instantly by Kemp's Dalsam for the throat and lungs, which Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 2Bc and 60 cents. For sale by all AnicciaU. 1 - Tho recent storm on tho Atlantic was rough on tho govornmont snakes. Tho Moccasin and Addor each had n closo call. that New ones in Birds Eye Maple and Quartered Gol den Oak They Will Please You Company. Albany Street. We Claim taking treatment from him read this testimonial, , as mnch for you or more Dlstiwa Sale. Liberty St. THE D AILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. "A Mg 71 In marriage onlv when there is equality of health as ell as affection. Affection may be the basis or unity in marriage, but the superstructure depends lamely on the womanly health. When Uic wife is tormented with backache, distressed by headache, and racked by nenous ness, she has no ambition for exercise or pleasure. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It cures headache, back ache, and othtr womanly ills by curing the diseases of the womanly organism which cause them. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, heals In flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute. "My wife commenced to complain twenty year, ojo," write. Lewis A Miller, ex Chle" St rollce.M Prospect Street. WeUaport, Vm. We have tried the U1I of twelve dlherent doctort She took gallons of medicine during the time he wns ill, until I wrote to you ami ou told us What to do. She ha tafcrn flu lit hr,1il. r. Tk'ty ?9v?.r1lf fffriptlon "1 lx of the 'Golden Medical pUcovery.' She can do her own work now and can walk around again and is quite smart. "Y ou can mihiich tM tit- ir.. t.i. ..- ia.: rcvcivcu ucn ueucoi mat we wish eery sufferer could derive the same amount of good My wife1 complaint seemed to be a complica tion of dUrarca-so the doctors said. We will ever remain your friends. Hay Cod bleu you and your Institute " Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the most desir able laxative for delicate women. ,....-- "ir .".:;: -.-" ;:".- -.- j w- -" " 55 THEY ACT UALLY DO THE WORK Food Eaten Is Worthless Unless Di gested Some Stomachs Must Have Help, Food taken Into tho stomach which from tho naturo of tho food or tho condition of tho stomach, is not di gested, is worao than no food at all. This la a truo statement as faraa It goes and a groat many dyspeptics go only this far with thomsolves that bocauso tiiolr stomachs do not do tho work given them, thoy must bo Elvpn loss work; in othor words thoy muBt bo starved. It would bo Just as son- slblo for a business man who is un ablo to do all his own work to cut down his buslnoss to hla own capacity as it Is for a man to starvo himself to rollovo his stomach. Tho sonsl bio buslnoss man ora ploys holp and goes forward with his buslnoss. Llko wlso tho Bonslble dyspoptlc will cm- ploy holp for his stomach and giro his body proper nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots actually do tho work assigned to thorn. Thoy rollovo weak and overburdonod stom achs of a great portion of dlgestlvo action. Their component parts aro identical with thoso of the dlgestlvo fluids anrt socrotions of tho stomach and they simply tako up tho grind and carry on the work Just tho samo as a good, strong, healthy stomach would do It. On this account Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are perfectly natural In thslr action and effect They do not cause any unnatural or violent disturbance In the stomach or bowels. They themselves digest the food and sup ply the system with all the nourish ment contained In what Is eaten and carry out Nature's plans for tho sus tenance and maintenance of the body. How much moro sensible is this method than that employed by many sufferers from weak stomachs. Dy this means body and brain get nil the good, nutritious food they need and the man Is properly nourished and j equipped to carry on his work .and I perform hla duties. He eould not possibly bo in proper working con j dltioa by starving himself or employ ing some new fancied, insufficient food that does not contain enough nutriment for a yeaisiM hairy. A , strong man doing strong wprk uust ; be properly fed and title applies to ' the brain as well as the body. Stuart's Dyetieyeta Tablet, by re lieving; the stomach of tU work, en able It to recuperate ami regain IU normal health and strength. Mature repaint the worn as! wasted tisanes Just as she beahi and knits the bone of a broken limb, wbie hla, f eonree, ot weed during the eroeees of re pair. (Heart's Dyapeeela Tablet are for sale by all iJruiwMe at M ceeU a box and they are the one artlele that the drsg!t does not try to sell eoae tblBg In the plaea of that's "J Hit as good." Their unqeaMned merit and sueqeM and the universal demand for them has pkaed them within the reaes of everyone. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. You aro cordially Invited to j two days mootlnc at tho First Presbyte rian church, to bo hold on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 8th and 9th. Dr. XL A. Walton, of New York City, will speak on Tuosday at 2:30 p. m. and nt 7 s 30 p. m. Dr. J. Wilbur Chnpmnn. alsq of Now York, will speak on Wed nesday nt 2:30 and 7:30 n m. These brethren will also hold a conference for ministers and othora who will come, nt 10 a. m.. on Tuesday and Wednesday, In the- lecturo room of the Presbyterian church. Thoso men nro of distinguished ability, and are visiting the cities ot this coast from California to Wash ington. Do not fall to hear thorn. Thoso mootlngs nro for overybody. Lot us help to mako them a Pentecost for Snlem. 12-4-3t Wanted. A girl for goneral housowork, at good wages to right party. Small family. Apply at 189 Court atroet, or call up Main 1281. 11-30-tf When You Want Something to oat, Just try the White Houso. Thoy can servo you at any hour of the day or night Market Quotations Today J Capital City Mills Quotation. Dry ant A Penntll, Props. Wheat 76c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Btelner'a Market Chickens 8 c Eggs Per doscn, 33o. Ducks 10c. Mop Market Hops 16020c Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes 30c Onions lc Dried Fruits, Poaches 10c Apricots 10c Apples 10c Petite prunes ic Italian prunoe 6c Wood, r'snoe Posts, Etc Die Cr $4.00. Second-growth 13.60. Arh 13.00 to SU6. Body oak J 4. 50. Pole oak 14.00. Cedar Posts iQc. Hldsa, Folts and Pure. Qreen Hides, No. 1 t7c Oram Hides, No. lMO&. Calf Skins 4 to 6c Sheep 76c Ooat Skins He to 11.01. Portland Markst. Whoat Walla Walla, 72c. Valloy 78c Flour Portland, bMt grade, $9,710 $3.86; graham, $3.76. Oats Choice White, $1.07Wc Barloy Food, $10 per ton; rolled, $. Mlllstutf Bran, $19. Hay Timothy, $150$16. Potatoes 60 10c gs Oregon ranch, 36c Poultry Chlckons, mixed, lo per pound; spring, lOo turkeys, live, 12014c Mutton Drossod, 6 Mc Porlc Dressed, GH4c, Uoof Oross, 606V4.C. Veal 8o. Hops 1903 crop, 12022c Wool Valloy, 17lc; Eastern Oregon, 1215o; Mohair, 360$7Hc Hides dry, II sounds am. upwards, 16 to lBttc Buttor Best dairy, 2022Wc; fan cy creamery, 3W3Ztta; store, 1G01G&C. Qrsln trC Flour Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills 76c. Oats 32c Barley $18.60 per ton, Flour Wholesale, $3.00. Live Stook Markst Steers 2Nc Cows 2 Wo. Bhoep $1.60. Dreeeed vtal IHo, Droeeed hoga 6Kc Live hogs 4Hc Mutton 2c per pound. Yeal-06Mc. Hsy, Feed. eta. BaBIed cheat $11. Haled clover $10. Bran $10. Shorts $21. Oreamsry and Dairy Products. Good dairy butter 20026c. Dreamery butter 32Hc Cream separator skimmed, l Cora. Creamery. 32 He, net. CLASSIFIED ADS Adertletst. rive Bar f lis. Is tati flat UiiUrled tsr rises for 25c. SOts Wctk $1.30 m(u, ao svtr nvsiMte iiimubi rsi. WANTED. Wanted. To purchase a hop farm or land suitable for raising hope, with in a tew milea of aMteas. Address, with particulars, "K. II.." care Jour nal oMeu. Wanteds Wood eheppera good pay and easy timber. Isqulro at ISO HUUe street lt-24.2w LOST AND FOUND. Found, A large gray Seoteu hound. Owner eall and pay for same. Cba. nnau, 4T Trade street, 8alio, Oregon. U-S-jwge SB FOR 8ALE. Three Choice Young Qcre-Regtiter-ed Berkshire; weight 200 pounds; terms reasonable, Those pigs aro from, tho flno brood sow I purchased of Mr. Ladd, paying $50 for her. J. W. McKtnnoy, Turner, Oro. 11-17-tt For Sate or Rent Flvo-room house no 26th street. Inqutro at 94 State street. 12-l-3t Overcoat Bargain. Two good over coats, nearly aa good as now, for one-fourth tholr cost Mrs. O. II. Walker, a Salem Dyo Works. 11-27-tf For Sale Or trudo, a fine 10-acro thicken or fruit ranch; flrst-class buildings and. Improvements; closo to school, poatofflco, storo and rail way station. Will trado for city or unimproved farm property. Address "W. ;.," Oaro Journal. 11-6- For Sale. O. K. Grubbers, Beet In Oregon; th3e state premiums; ono horse has tho power ot 9t; can grub an acre a day. Jamee Finney, Brooks, Or. 10-JG-lm For Sale Inmproved and unimproved block property In South Salem. For Information Inquire of El Hofer, Journal offioe. 10-9-tf Choice -Farm For Sale. Ttireo mlleo northweat from Brooks, having dwelling house, barn and two hop houace, with 30 acres of hope, bol anco farming land, with running wator, except enough cholco Umbor to supply tho placo. M. J. Egnn. 11-12-tf For Sale. Bargains. Sororal cholco plocoe ot property, both outsldo and Insldo, Call and ne eownor, 407 High ktrcot, 2H blocks north ot city halL IMMm For Sale Hl2ty acres of land In Washington county, for $460. A bargain for some ono wanting to mako a home. Some Umbor on the placo; some cleared. K. Hofer, Sa lem, Orogon. 10-t-tf FOR RENT. For Rent Largo double store on Stato stroet, 50-foot front, 80 deep Apply to M. Kllnger. 10-7-tf Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle block, by day, wook, or month. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric lights. Open alt hours. Commercial St, No. 333. I Phene: 2966 Main. MatUe Ihitchlna, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. Qlven Away. 400 yards of earth to bo glvon away. Inquire of Dr. Jr H. Brewor. 1 2-2-3 1 Strayed Largo gray Scotch hound; has boon soon In town, with a now cojlar and lock on; following a roan. Pleaso roturn to Mrs. K. Kingston, 14Ut and Marlon streets, Snlora, Or. 12-1-31 Molar's Barbsr College Of Bait Lake City, offers advantages In teaching the trado that cannot be had ttao where. Avoid schools the Orogon and California barbers' now laws aro apt to close at any time. Write today for our special offor to dis tant students. 11-10-lm Tho Proper Thing The popular drink for family uno Is O. 8. soda and carbonated boverages. Every body should keep those goods at their homos. Call up Otdoon Stolt Co. 'phone 431. D. F. Jerman. Dcalor In now and second-hand houso furnishing goods. Or oat bargains in istovos and row furniture. Highest prloro paid for second-hand articles. 210 Commer cial street. Say Have you tried Kdwards & Lu sell er's for moats. Wo have tho best sausage in town. Como and try It. and be convinced. 410 Itast State street Salem Truck and Dray Co, Oldset and best equipped company In 8a Ism. Piano and furniture moving a specialty Office 'phone, 811. W. W. Brown ft Son, proprietor. Office No, 60 State stroet 9-1-1 m Dr. Z. M. Psrvln At 297 Comrasrelal street, upstairs Singing school Rudiments! and sight reading o bus es. Begins Wednesday ovenlng, Oo tobor 14th. Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st. next Tui tion, $1.00. Unique Cleaning Rooms Shsw A Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo eated at 200 Commercial street They do a general pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: Skirts, silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth Ing. eta. Phone 3814 6-2$-lyr. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Dr. W. S. MeU Will hereafter b found In the Drey block. 27&V& Com raerelal street, over Oregon Shoe Co. Offlce telephone. 2931; reei deuen phone, 2751. Omco hours 9 to 12. and 2 to 5. New Sweet Older. Send your order te the nearest grocery, or ostll up phone 421. Old eon Slots A Co. 9-104f DHER8MAKRRS. Mrs. L. Camchell Dee dreesmaklajc at her home, oa the car llne sear the Boat galea eesasiWy, Coast ry trtie eesterteaL ll-l-lBsd-w 8RVSW WATCHMAKER. f..t . W. Catvet Practical Watchmakes; 158 8tato street, make k specialty ot repairing watches, clocks aaet Jewelry, and guarantees good wwrfe. at reaconablo prices. 11-lMyr RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 5 Stats street Open day and night 0r 30c meals are bettor than any Xer houso In the state. Six 20q tneaw for $1.00; 21 20c meals for $$.00. LODGES. "aaeN Valley ledQo No. 18, A.O.U. W. Meeta in tholr hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty, evory Um day ovenlng. Visiting breUsron wolsoniN Boy MclnUre, it. W. A. K. Aufranco, Recorder. Csntral Lod0s No, 18, K. ef P. Caattt nail in iioiman blocK. corner State and liberty Bts, Tnseday ot eaesi week at 7:10 p. nt. A. S. Sliug O. C. K. J. nemlnK K. of R. and B, Foresters of America Court Bfcerv wood Foreetere No. 19. Meeta JTrt day night In Turner block. 8. W. Mlnturn. O. It; A. L. Drown, Bee. Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Oamp No. 6141. Meet every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clooJj Holman Hall. Frank A. Turner, V. P.; A. L. Brown, Clwk. Protection Lodge No, 3, Anoleat Or der United Workmen, meets vrerr Baturday evening In the Holmaa Hall, corner Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren weteoeae. J. a araham, M. W.; J. A. Stdlwooa Itecerder 08TEOPATH8. Dra, M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Barr and Anna M. Bsrr. Graduate American School ot Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo., successors to Dr. Orace Albright Offlrr- hours 9 to 12 and 1 SO to 4:30 o'clock. OdJ Fellows' Temple. Phone Main JTStj residence phone 2808 red. T0N80mL .D. .BATHS Evan's Barber Shop Only flritoJae shop on Stato etroct ISvory talaa; new and upto-oato. Finest porce lain baths. Share, 16o; halr-out Ha baths. 2So. Two flrst-olasa boot blacks, a W. lCvans. proprietor. BENJAMIN 8CHWARZ A SON3 Hop merchants, 07 to 99 State street, Salem, Oregon, noprosenteel by Jos. Harris. WM. BROWN A CO, Hops, Mohair, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street Salem, Ore gon. Phone 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR nop merchant and purchasing agent No. HtW Commercial street upstairs, Baleek, Oregon. Phone 1651. T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO. Dealon bk hops and hop supplies. Phone 1211, office room 18 Oborholm btdg, Sa eom, Orogon. J. OARMIOHAEL Hop buyer. OStee In Bush-Breyman building, Salem, Oregon. Samples of choice hop so licited from all growors. CATLIN X LINN Hop buyers. Room a, uusu-iireyman diook, uaiom, Ore gon. Phono 1431. HUDBARD A CROS8AN Hop bar. ers. Room 2, Murphy blook. Salon, Oregon. Tolophono No. 371. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For wator. sorvlco opply at offlea. Dills payablo monthly In advance. Mae all complaints at tho ofOoo. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall ami passenger trains Baggage to all parte of tho dlty, Prompt servloe. Telephone No, 34L IIECKMAN-HEDniCrC A HOMYEH VARIETY STORE. mi',st Dolls. Dolls. A grsat number ot the Xm supply ol dolls for this city are making their home at The Variety Store for a short tine. Callers slwaya wtleome 94 Court St. Aonora M. Welch, Pmib WIRfi FENCINO. Hop Wire Woven Wire Pnclng. Placo your orders now and got re duced prlees. Car of fending to .wire October 2fitb; ear of fonslng In No vember. Write and get prlees. WAl.THIt MORLBY, (0 Court St, Salstn. Or. DENTISTS. O. H. MAOK Sueeetsor to Dr. J. M. Keese. la White Comer. Salem. Oregon. Parti m deeliiag superior oporattoss at mod erat fee In any branch are In ospeeUs) reiuec THE ELITE CAFE 203 Commercial Street Regular Dinner at Noon 25c Meals at all hoars Service a U Carte a ECKBRLEN, PrcfiW HV"ri w VMtiJN&ll