Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Page SIX, Image 6

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fr . Lt . vi, au . m ,
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L It is possible to feel
a ccnuine enthusiasm
about a breakfast cereal when that cereal is H-O.
It makes a breakfast light but nourishing one
upon which you can build a day of work or play.
A remarkable puzzle in every H-O package.
Lull tit brain
and bratvn
2050 Winuomnc Avenue.
iJiiicaoo, Im, Oct. 25. 1902.
Wine of Cunliii can always lo relied
upon to euro when even-thinn else fails.
It is ii certain euro for femhlo diseases in tlioir
worst forms. I suffered for years with ulcer
ntion. Intenso pains in tho womb and ovnries
and dreadful headaches unfitted rno for my
work. Finally ( grow ro ill tliat I had to keep
Iq ui bed. Tho iiins wero so intenso at times
ns to c ausc rrwm nnd a disnirrecablo discliarco
drnir.ixl iwy lite forces. In my otromity after all clso
had failed, I tripd Wine of Cardui. Aftor using it for
' if 1 w msssm
New York Paper Sizes
up the Recent New
York Election
Concludes Americans Espec
ially New Yorkers Are
N-.it Satisfied With
Clean Government
two weeks I taffan to improve so rapidly that I felt on-
en up the treatment, winch J (Jul foreign
teen weeks, but at tlio ond of that tfme I wns entirely cured. What a
iwliof was mine and how new and beautiful life looked to mo when my
health was rgstowd. Only those who have passed through such n siego
vi munii'--. ni i oarc wilt uiiuerMuii now wucii i ruuu inu ui iiiruui.
ot Biditne
.. , t .
ii u inaos'i :-,,
a boon to (jK
sick women. Sz&-sCct
StoretAry, North Chlo&go I'rouen Vorein.
JJrery weak xmnu needs Wino of Cardui. Wine of Cardui cures dis
ordered and pnjnful meiistrualion, iieriodical headaches, falling of tho
womb and leuourrho'a. It cures extreme cases of tlieso troublos. It
strengthen girls np:mnclilni' womanliood, holjm bring children to barren
homes, malos prpfntiiicyaiul childbirth easier, prevents miscarriages and is
tho best medieino ever mado for use during the change of life. Why permit
tho pood women in your home to suffer another day? Kvory druggist
has $1.00 bottle of Wino of Cardui.
(Mail and Hxproes.)
The truest thing and tho saddest
thing to bo said about yesterday's
olcctlon is that the tlckot which won
was roprosontntlvo of tho people of
Now York city, nnd the tlckot which
loBt was not. Thoro Is no mystery
In tho outcomo of all. Only a too flat
tering ostlmalo of humanllty ovor
caused tho slightest expectation that
tho fusion ndmlslstratlon would bo
empoworod to succeed itsolf. Wo
confess Hint wo indulged such an es
timate in tho Inst days of tho cam
paign, but It now appears that tho
logic of the situation was all the other
way. Now York found Its lovel yos
tordny why not admit It?
It was apparently too much to ex
pect of this community thnt oxcept
In a moment of moral hysteria it
should Indorse such an ndmlnlstia
tlon as that which Seth Low has giv
en It, such nn administration as any
thoroughly non-partisan fusion would
give it. The mayor's administration
has been clean, honest, suporbly ofll
clont, unselfishly devoted to the wel
fare of the people. To look for an
Indorsement of such an administra
tion was the wildest dream. It was
away above tho heads nnd hearts nnd
consciences of tho genernlity of men
to whom its record had to bo submit
ted. Usually the peoplo got just tho
sort of government thoy desorvo. The
people of the city did not dosorve tho
sort of government they got under
Mr-. Low, and they have taken meas
ures that will preclude their having
j it for two years or more at least
PW f - a - .. mr ?-- -n .wi iwMnwjiiwt - i i
m ss k:m m vm-m $&.
.jua .. us? ZFWMzmmwi t CM.
JK ASfei" ..0&lw v mL nf iUf hcf n w&
imsr js.ussssv 2?: - mm Vl L1,v- uOL u "mr
for a longor poriod, we fear. Thorc
Is a bittor old Scriptural phrase that
exactly fits this ooso, "Tho dog, hat
returned to his, vomit."
Where woro Mr. Low nnd his col
leagues to look for the votos that
wore needed to elect them, whoro for
the sentiment nnd aspiration measur
Ing up to their own froni which to
derivo tho spirit thnt would sustain
thorn in their fight? Not in a commu
nity whoro predatory local corpora
tlons think It Bafe to air their ton
tempt of the electorate by openly en
tering the contost with their corrupt
Ing gold whoro tho campaign, activity
and contributions of saloonists, pool
room manngors nnd dlvokoopors arc
taken as a mnttor of course; where
loyal and unselfish civil service has
aroused so little really militant re
sponse from the right-thinking, nnd
whoro men who claim to bolong tc
"the bottor elomont" have vied In
moralstolldlty with the ignorant allon
masses whom tho district boss niter
nntely patronlzos nnd exploits.
"Reform novor succeeds itself." It
never will here, wo fear, until tho In
tolligenco and conscience of this city
havo reached a point whero roform
will not bo needed. Tho moral pro
cess of the ballot in Now York may
bo rolled upon to olect nn Oakloy
Hall, a Van Wyck. a McClollan. It
takos n spasm, a moral earthquake
a Loxlow Investigation, tho actual
presenco of thq rod lights to oloct
a Strong or a Low. This was not an
onrthqunke year. In tho wallow Into
which the city redoscends. at least
wemay cherish tho memory of nn
administration which served us be
yond our deserts, as men retain the
memory of a golden age.
Can work havoc with human happiness.
It ecu change the cheerful philanthropist
into n moroso misanthrope and the opti
mist into a pronounced pessimist. The
liver lias a great deal to do with the
removal ot tuc
waste of the body.
When it is sluggish
in its action the
whole body must
sutler by reason of
clogging accumu
lations. The dxcretory or
gans in general
promptly lcspoud
to the action of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
It restores the liver
to healthy activity,
purines tile blood,
and cures diseases
of the organs of di
gestion uuu nutri
Mr. Hdwnrtt Jacobi.
of Mnrengo, Crawford
Co., Indiana, writer,:
"Afler three vnn of
MiITering with liver
trouble and nmlnrfn I
jrave up alt hupn of
tver gcttliiK Htout
n-jaln, and the last
rhniir t4 In Irv vnur
medicine I lind tried nit the home ifocto-.n
and needed lut little relief. After taking three
bottle of Dr. ri'-rci-'B Ooldeti Medical Dlxovery
nnd one vial ot hn ' Pleasant Pellets,' I am stotit
and hearty . It It due entirely to our wonderful
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of less meritorious
medicines. He gains: you lose. There
fore, accept no substitute for "Golden
Medical .Discovery." '
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the
action of the "Discovery." They nrc
easy to take, agree with the weakest
constitution, and do not beget the pill
if li$l!ll
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the noxt
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is bettor. My doctor says It
nets gently on tho somnche, llvor and
Kldnoys,) and in a pleasant laxative. It
Is made oi herbs, and Is prepared on
easily as tun. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists sell It at 2Cc and
50 cents. Lane's FnmUy Medicines
moves the bowels each day. If you
cannot get It, send for free sumplos.
Address, Orator Woodward. Loltoy,
N. Y.
Miss Roosevelt a Bridesmaid.
Washington, Nov 36, MIm Alice
Hoosevolt was one of the olght hrldos
maids at tho wedding today of Miss
Li'.a Mcfauloy. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward McCauloy, and Mr. Wol
cott Tuckoimnn, Tho redding, which
took place nt noon In tho fashionablo
St. John's church, was tho smartest
function of tho kind that has tnkon
place In Washington so far this son-
Anita Poor, Miss Hnrrl.t Wadsworth
Miss Postlowalto, Miss Sargeni and
Miss Mary Carlisle, all of this city,
and Miss Mnbel Taylor, of Phlladeb
Strango how history ropeats Itself.
Sovoral yenrs ago tho good folks of
McKoesport, Pa., conducted a success
ful crusade against boxing In that
burg. Now Mayor George T. Falkon
stein, of that city, says that he will
not intorforo with boxing shows prop
erly conductod. It Is suspected thnt
Heir Falkensteln has been receiving
a few pointers from Carter Hnrrl-sou.
ior,a ponpa or twp,years. Ono Alder.
man from tho Bovonth ward, for a s
riod of ono, yean' Ono Alderman froa
tho soventh ward, for a period ot tt
years. And FOR or AGAINST thi
Issuance of .bonds to redeem tho 8tt6
iuuuu u uio ony oi saicm In 1886 li
the sunt of ?30,000, for bridge jut.
Tho polling places for said electl0l
shall be as follews:
First Ward Frooland's factory, dj.
vision and High streots.
Second Ward Police court
City Hall.
Third Ward Froeland's Btoro, State
street near Higk
Fourth Ward Rod Front llverj
stablo, Commorclnl and Trndo streets
Fifth Ward W. L. Wade's cooPM
shop, Liberty street, near W'nde'a
store. ,
Sixth Ward Car barn, Twonty-flrst
and State streets.
Seventh Ward Jory fruit dryer
Commercial and Bush streots.
Dono by ordor of tho Common Coun
cil of tho City of Salem, Oregon, thh
23d day of November,. 1903.
(Seal) N. J. JUDAH,
City Recorder, Salem, Oregos,
Mllllonalres Poor Stomach.
Tho worn-out stomach of tho ovor
fod railllonalro Is ofton paraded in tho
public prints as a hornblu oinmplo of
tho ovUs attendant on tho possession
o fgroat wealth, But millionaires are
not tho only ones who aro afflicted
with bad stomachs. The proportion Is
far greater among tho tailors. Dye
popsla and Indigestion nro rampant
nmong thoso peoplo, nnd thoy suffor
far worse tortures than tho millionaire
unloss thoy avail thomselvos ot a
Bosldes Miss Roosovelt, tho at-1 standard modlclno liko Croon's August
its of tho brldo Included Miss (Flower, which has been a favorite
household romody forall stomach
troublos for ovor 35 years. August
Flower rouses tho torpid llvor, thus
creating appotlto and Insuring perfect
phln, and Miss Grnco Sodgewlck, of . dlgostlon. It tones and vltnllzos tho
New York. Tho maid of honor was ontlro system, and makos Hfo worth
Miss Anna McCnulsy, slstor of the living, no raattor what your station,
bride, and the bridegroom had as his I Trial bottle, 25c; regular slzo, 75c. At
nil druggists. At Dr. Stono'a drag
of the best fic
tionthe mo5t
interesting de
scriptive arti
clesthe finest
and all on the
finest of paper,
will be found
in the .
best man his brother, Lucius Tucker-
man. .
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contains Mercury,
As morcury will surely destroy the
sense of smell, and completely do
rango tho wholo system, when enter
ing It through the mucous surfaces.
Such artlclos should novor be used ex
jcopt on proscription from reputable
pnyslclans, as tho damago thoy will
do is ten-fold to tho good you can pos
sibly derivo from thorn. Hall's Ca
; tarr Curo, manufactured by F. J, Che
ney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no
'mercury, and Is taken Internally, act
'ing directly upon tho blood and mu
cous surfacos of tho system. In buy
ing Unit's Catarrh Cure be euro you
B-(, ths genuine. It Is taken Internal
ly and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney Jfc Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price TS c per
Hall'M fam'ly pills are the best
MAGAZINE for December
R. H. RUSSELL, Publisher
16 full-page illustrations of
Pretty Women of the Stage
over So illustrations in all
Reduced Rates on Thanksgiving Day.
Tho Southern Paclflc Company will
sell tickets at one and one-third fans
for the round trip between all points
on Its Oregon line account Thanks
nlvlnrj Day. Tlokota will be sold
November 36th and 26th, and will be
limited for return to 27th. AH who de
sire to take advantage of this reduc
tion can secure tlftkote from nearest
Southern Pacific agent on datea men
tioned. W. H. COMAN.
General PaaootigMr Agent 3t w. tf.
1 1
;; Wheat
1 1
! i
i Flour
;; Only $i.l5 per sack ;
1 1
i! The famous unexcelled
i Peacock Brand of flour.
! ! The finest flour ever sold
in the citv. Ty it once.
We will snl lo you agjin
D. A. White
& Son
Feedmen and Seedsmen
301 Com'l St, Salem, Oregon.
e-fro-nn-a-M?-t-o-HM-) i a o hmo
Notice of Primary Election.
Notice Is hereby given that there
will bo a primary election hold In the
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
Sixth and Seventh wards of tho city
of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tho 25th day of NoTom
bor, 1903, for tho purpose of nomlnat-
One candidate for mayor;
Ono aldorman for tho First ward.
Ono aldorman for the Second ward.
Ono aldorman for tho Third ward.
Ono aldorman for the Fourth ward.
Two nldermon for the Fifth ward.
Two nldermon for tho Sixth ward.
Two aldermen for Uie Seventh ward
Tho polling places for said wards
will ba as fallews:
First ward, Froeland's factory
Second ward, City Hall.
Third ward, Froeland's storo.
Fourth ward, Red Front barn.
Fifth ward, Old Mont market.
Sixth ward, Street Car barn.
Sovonth ward, Jory's fruit dryer.
Tho polling placo of each ward vrlH
bo open from 3 o'clock p. m. to 7
o'clock p. m. for tho rocoptlon of votc.
By ordor of tho commltteo.
17-21-23 Secretary.
Color I
Deeauae a thing Is nw Is no argu
ment that It Is not good- Osteopathy
Imu stood the test ot ten yean, and
will stand the teat of centuries.
Drs. Sohoettle. Ban- & Barr, Osteo
paths. Grand Oper House, Salem, Or
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Notice of Election.
Notice is hereby given that on elec
Uon will bo held in the City of Sulem
Oregon, 'on the first Monday in De
cember, 1WS, the same being the sev
enth day of said month, and that the
polls for said eleqtlon will be open .from
10 o'eloek a. m. until 4 o'clock p. in.
ob said day, for the puntoee of voting
A Mayor, to fill the unexpired term
of offlee of Hon. C. P. Bishop, re
signed. One Aidertn&s from the first
ward, for a period of two years. One
Alderman from the second ward, for
a period of two years. One Alderman
from the third ward, for a period of
two years. One alderman from the
fourth ward, for a period of two years.
One Alderman from the fifth ward, for
a period of one year. One Alderman
from the fifth ward, for a period of
two years. One Alderman from the
sixth ward, for a period ot one year
One Alderman from the sixth ward.
Wood for State Institutions.
Soaled bids will bo rocelvod at the
oxocutlvo office, Stato Capitol, Salem,
until 2 o'clock p. mv, Novoraber 24,
1903, for furnishing wood for tho bct
oral state Institutions located at or
near Salem, as follews:
Insano Asylum, main building, 4000
cords first growth fir; 75 cords grub
Insano Asylum, Cottago farm, 1000
cords first growth fir.
Ponltontlary, 1500 cords first growth
Reform School, 800 cords first
growth fir; 25 cords grub oak.
Deaf Muto School, 150 cords first
growth fir; U30 cords grub oak or ash.
Blind School, 100 cords first growth
fir; 15 cords grub oak.
Capitol Building, 450 cords first
growth fir.
Bids on second growth fir for all or
any part of tho above will also be cn
tortnlned. Also for 8000 cords first
class slab wood, dolivered f. o. b , Salem.
Bids will f recolyed for all or any
part. Cord wood must bo cut while
green, from sound timber, fur xeei
loug, reasonably straight, well sea
soned, delivered as designated, at or
near the several institutions, closely
corded, without bulkheads. Delivery
may begin May 1st. and must be com
pleted by October 1, 1904.
Each hid must be accompanied by
a certified check, payable to the clerk,
or cash equal to 25 cents par cord, to
be forfeited to the stato as damages,
in case the bidder receiving the award
shall fall to execute a contract to de
liver the wood, and furnish a satis
factory bond. Successful bidders will
be required, within tan days after no
Uflcatlon of acceptance of bid, to enter
Into contract and furnish satisfactory
bond. Bidders should be careful to
state In their bids, tho namo of insti
tution and kind and number of cord
of wood to bo furnished. Bids must
be In sealed envelopes, endorsed
"Proposals for Wood," and addressed
to the undersigned. Any further in
formation may be had of the under
signed. The right Is reserved to reject any
and all bids, or any part of a bid. and
to waive defects In any bids. If It be
deesaed to the iaterest of the state to
do so.
By order ef the Boards of Trustees
of the several Institutions.
Private Secretary to the Governor