Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1903, Section Three, Page NINETEEN, Image 19

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    X&mr VfWPsjTLajSJ ' , fjl I ,-TV T"-!'1'
"Has any ono over pinched Into Its
tplllulous smallnosB tho cobweb of
pro-matrimonial acquaintanceship?"
I deorgo Eliot asks tho Question, apro
pos of tho Infatuation of Dorothea
I Brooke, young, clover, pretty, and woll
dowered, for Mr. Casaubon, oldorly,
ungainly, dogmatic, and, In the eyes
of all hor frlonds, altogether unattrao-
tlvo as a suitor. Tho novelist, moral
izing over tho unaccountable attach
ment, sagely decides that life would
bo unablo to go on at any porlod but
for tho liberal allowanco of conclu
sions which facilitates marrlago undef
tho difficulties of civilization.
This "liberal allowanco of conclu-
j Blons" oxplalns many of tho marriages
. whoch afford a nevor ending puzrlo to
i everybody who knows tho contracting
parties. Tho truth Is that not enh
; is It not given to us to sco ourselves
las others seo us, tho difference of
SvlBlon extends to our point of viewing
i others, and somo psychologists go so
far as to affirm: that scarcoly any two
! people, not trained In tho same school,
or not molded by tho samo Influ
ences, over seetli o samo thing in the
samo light, and not always oven whon
so trained). Considering tho celerity
with which many peoplo rush Into
ilovo, and forthwith Into matrimony.
tjHjtho wonder is not that thoro are un-
nappy marriages nnd occasional di
vorces, but that thoro are not many
moro of them. For, nftor all, most
intrried couples, however ill assorted
they seem to outsiders, manage to Jog
along comfortably together; to mako
tho most of each otlior's virtues, and
overlook or Ignore each other's faults.
Tho best proof of the divine character
. of tho institution of marrlngo is tho
fact that living together in this rela
tion Improves both mon nnd womon,
if thoro bo any good material In thorn
to work upon, and often lifts thorn
qulto out of tho selflshnoss which lay
nt tho root of tholr first desire for
nnd plcasuro In each otlior's socloty.
TImo and , especially tho dovolopmont
of that most unsolflsh form of affec
tion, the paternal, transforms the gid
dy girl and tho solf-assertlvo man Into
the thoughtful, tonder, self-sacrificing
wlfo and mothor, husband and fathor,
-who, In looking back upon tho first
years of married llfo, find In thorn
nothing to comparo with tho full frui
tion which oxporienco and tho educa
tion of lives devoted to tho care for
others havo brought about thorn.
All marriages made In haste are by
no means ropontod at lolsuro; and
talcing the leap In tho dark a goodly
number land upon tbolr feet wltli no
broken bones or bruises to spoak of.
No ono who has given serious serious
thought to tho subject' can deny tho
existence of love nt first sight. In
thse days when everything must be
analyzed and oxplalned, mental sclen
tlsta havo a theory to the offect that
overy one, man or woman, Is pos-
seBsed of nn aura, a species of per-1
sonai ntmosphero which surrounds
them and attracts or repels with more
or loss magnetic force, according to
tho strength of the aura nnd Its rein
tlvo action upon the auras of others.
By this they account for lovo at first
sight, as well as for tho antipathies
which persons sometlmos oxporienco
without apparent cause. When twb
auras are wholly sympathetic heart
loaps to heart, each finding Its affinity
In tho other. In Buch cases It Is as
though they had known ono another
frcm th- beginning time Is obllterat
ed, anJ the perfect fruit ripens with
magical i ar-ldll)' under the touch of
the arch magician, love. ;
Ilut, alack and well-a-dayl people
sometimes mistake mere Kinoy. Hint
will-o'-the-wisp, for the steady fir of
i,.,. , tho rnkn lloht leads Its pur ,
"O'er bush and o'er brier.
Through mud and through mire,'
to his or her woe and undoing.
it Is always beat to make haste
slowly, especially! n undertakings of
,. t.- nni luitu
moment, io iook uwurc uw mi.
This does not mean sloth, nor uudue
vacillation, th halting Wetween two
opinions until opportunity Is lost On
the contrary", one takes Ume only to
make sure that oa l right and then
goes ahead in good earnest.
The nearest and daret intiwaey
possible to humanity Is that etwje
husband anil wU. "They twain shall
be one flesh." said Jehovah coats
ingth o first ad wossan. To
gether they must staad or fait and
whatever affects On on rU upM
the other Bach th "
or she is never ssi by rstatlv or
friend, and all that is mean and swell
as well as all that Is eod er 8at ta
the chararter of ! Mauds dis
closed to the eyes which ar laces
santly fixed upon It Tbta. If the
were so other reason. U good causa
why tho partaewMp which Is
death do them part,- should he care
fully considered beforehand, aad the
partner chosen with anxious thought
and duo deliberation, lncompatablllty
of lives, of ways of training, and of
outlook upon- the world are quite ns
disastrous to homo comfort ns tho
most violent tompor could be. It is
ruorely tho dlfferenco betweon a cold
rain, a continual drizzle, nnd a heavy
Mon havo tho advantago of womon
In many things, and It is much oasior
for a man to mako a suitable choice
than it is for a woman to do bo. His
education usually gives him a wldor
oxperionco, ho goes farther afield,
and his acquaintanceship is wider.
Moreovor, undor tho 'operation of ex
isting social laws tho man has oppor
tunities of seeing tho woman in her
own homo, nnd in her daily life, which
are rarely possiblo to tho woman with
rogard to the man. Many a girl stands
at tho marriage altar to uttor tho vows
which commit her futuro llfo Into the
keeping of another for weal or woe,
for bettor or worse, in complcto ig
noranco of her husband's past, of hl9
real tastos, of tho trend of his mo
tives, tho rango of his Intollect, in
deed of many things which it concerns
her deoply to know,
Sho has found him an ngrooablo os
cort, a pleasant companion for nn ev
onlng, a good partnor at a dnnco; h
has, sho has boon told, money onough
to provldo for a wlfo, and, above all
else, she is In lovo with him, or thinks
sho Is, which not Infrequently an
swers as woll. For womon hove a
fashion of building an Ideal for them
selves, with which thoy Invest any
lovor who strikes their fancy, nnd, by
a merciful provision of fate, the Ideal
In process of tlmo becomes more or
less adjusted to tho lay figure which
wears It, and the "liberal allowance
of conclusions" endures. Helon Old
field. Was Jesus
a Carpenter?
That Josus of Naznreth was a car
ponter by trade bofore ho began his
ministry Is gonorally assumed. Paint
ers and pqots havo represented him
ns working besido Joseph at tho car
penter's bonch. Tho assumption rests,
howovcr, upon a single sontonco in
St. Mark's gospol. In tho parnllol pas
sago In St. Matthow ho 1b spoken of,
not as a carpontor, but as "tho car
pentor's son." Thoro Is no other men
tion In tho gospels or elsewhoro In the
Now Testament
That Josus was a woodworker of
some kind was a tradition curly cur
rent, and yet evldontly received with
somo doubt. Justin Martyr, one of tho
earliest Christians after tho apostlos,
whose writings havo como down to us,
says that Josus "was deemed a tar-
punter, for he was In the habit of
making plows and yokes." As will be
shown later, this probably means only
that Jesus had onough knowledgo of
wood working to make certain sgrl
cultural Implements. In fact, the re
corded sayings of Josus, according to
tho careful analysis of them in the
curront Craftsmnn, tend to show that
his regular earthly vocation was quite
other than tho carpenter's.
Josus In his sayings showB famili
arity with domestic, commercial, pro
fessional and agricultural llfo. The
grinding of grain, the making of
br-ad. the mending of clothes, the
washing of dishes, are used by him
as illustrations. He knows the ways
of the banker and the money lender
of Judges, lawyers, policemen, crlm-
Inals and physicians. Ho quotas the
current price of artlclts of trade. He
has observed children at play and
the professedly devout at prayer. He
knows the details of feasts nnd wed
dings, even the order of the guests at
table and the preper kind of garments.
But the references to the things
are rathec thos of an observer from
... Aiiatil titan a an Y&Art from the
W - . .-.. .. -
Out whra wi com to the farmer's,
fruit grower's, and shthrU's life we
have detail that sham- tb export.
The works of sowing and harreaUeg
are described with minute. So
Is the work of the rtaeyard. So I
especially the worry of the shepherd.
He particular references to these pa
sages are necessary. They will oc
cur at once to every reader of the
goepeto. Furthermore, he knows the
eigne of the weather. In fact every
thing Indicate the Jeans In his early
life had kept sheep and worked on a
graln-grolwHK farm, and alto In the
vineyard and 3bt fruit trees, espec
ially the ng.
On the other band. aUnetons to
bulkHag operatiens of any hind are
aknoet entirely wanting. In enly ese
place doe be offer any comment ifpen I Momaey m nsppneee b
a work of architecture. That 1 wheaipaU.-PTom Hrerybedy
be goes forth from the mngnlaeent
Teraplo of Herod at Jerusalem nnd re
plies to Invitations to admire it with
a prediction of lis overthrow. Ho
tells of the building of a tower, but
only to point tho moral -of counting
thecoB t In advanco, lost.lt bo left
unnnisncd. In tho parablo. of the
houses built on tho rock and on tho
Band no details are glvon of tho work
of man. Attention Is fixed upon tho
forces of naturo which preserved one
house nnd destroyed the othor.
Evon It ho did make plows and
yokes, as Justin Martyr soys, it would
seem to havo boon as a part of farm
work rather than as a carpontor. That
a proachor and teacher should have
neglected to draw illustrations from
his own trade or from tho trnda
which ho had Been his fathor practice-
when ho waB n boy, Is lncrodlblo.
tho only conclusion seoms to bo that
tho passago In St Mark's gospel is
based on a misunderstanding of tho
fact stated In St, Matthow's, that Jo
soph had ceased to ply his trade be
fore Jesus was old onough to bo in
terested In It, and that Jesus himself.
was not a carpenter, but a shepherd
and farmer.
Of course, from ono vlowpolnt It
makes no dlfforonco what was tho
occupation of Josus boforo he ontorod
upon hi ministry. But ovory detail,
and tho truth about It, In tho llfo of
ono who, viewed moroly as a man, In
fluenced human history more than nny
othor Is of universal and porpetual
It Is Very Comfortln'.
It Is very comfortln'
Whon your hair Is gettln' thin,
And the crow feet In your oyes have
come to stay.
Just to feel her little hand
Smoothln' back each silver strand,
While you meot hor lovln' look nnd
hear her say:
"My door, it seems as tho
Every year you live you grow
Handsomer than lu the olden days;"
Then you look up at your wife
And you think In all your life
You nover heard a sweeter word of
Hut the toar drops will arlso
To our dim old fadln' eyes,
And you kiss tho gqntlo hand, still
iwhlto and small,
Whllo you try to toll hor how
You loved hor thon and now,
But bless mo If the words wllll como
at all;
For Just thon thoro comos to you
Tho trials sho's gono thro',
And borno without a murmur for your
You can only bow your head
At tho lovln' things she's snld,
Whllo your poor old hoart will only
ache and ache.
But she knows what alls you then,
And sho kisses you again,
While you hear her gently whisper,
sweet and lew:
"Life has brought more hopes than
W havo known more smiles than
And the years seem ever brighter as
they go,"
Yes, 'tis comfortln', you know,
When your step is gettln' slow
And you're slldln' down life's hill
a'mlRhty fast.
Just to feel her little hand
Smoothln' back each silver strand,
While she tells you that she'll love
you to the last
The Jury Blushed,
Philadelphia, Pa. A Jury
Missouri has been "shown."
members of the Jury are not natives
ui iu ttvsivru ntie, um uuu ui-
quired the habit of saying, "show me.'
Intn e trial of the suit of Mrs.
Mary Sanders, a swlety woman, for
1413.75 as the value of a small vullie
lost by a hotel porter, it was contend
ed that the amount was oxeeseive,
because the list of thin declared to
have been kwt could not have been
nave oeen wet con u not nave oeen
packed Into the valise. Hot It was
shown that these thins could be
packed In uh, a Imk:
Three evenlRR gowns, one skirt,
one night robe, one chemise, four pair ,
of silk etorklngs, two pairs of some '
thing else one box of ribbon, one
pink silk wrapper, set of toilet trtl I
. ..j i.i .... 1. 1
. MH-.ni ...... ,,. on. pu
,n ., ""'""" vw" f"' "
kwt-. u. w. min, umw WWKJ r
die. two uaderveeU. pair of patent
W -f H.W ho'tw,T'
fan, toilet powder, one puff, had
crimper and ewne toilet ronAdeatlnb).
A duplicate of the loot rail wa
unpacked before the Jury and all the
articles named were taken from it
The jury bluehed, and decided 'bat
Mrs. Sanders had earned lee verdict
Chicago American.
Harvard football nmyera, are par
UetpaUug m a now gemeihlng,
which they don't know whether to pro
nounce "etabolMm'' or "steydtem."
Hoeiacy I bspolneM magnlaod into I
Magaato foi
: ' (Concluded from pago 17.)
anlmnls, are used up every year In tho
work of tho city and Its Industrie. It
is a, sacrlflco 03 great ns In war, and
the suffering Is greater nnd moro pro
longed, nnd unattended bv any Btlr
ring martial splendors. Woll may we
sigh for the horseloss age.
I saw crates of ducks and poultry so
near dead from oxhaustlon that thoy
barely had llfo onough to squawk.
How can peoplo oat such poultry, nftor
having seen ItT Tho good thing Is
they don't see It and it Is nothing but
what goes in any city.
At Pasco Friday thero wore sovoral
doxon passengers thrown off to await
n train. Tho morcury was at ioro. and
women and chlldron were froeclng,
with no fire In tho waiting room shod,
and no coal In sight In tho othor ond
of .the shod called a station at tills fa
mous Junction woro tho railroad mon.
working with warm fires, and tons of
coko stored thoro. An old Gorman
broko In on thorn, nnd demanded that
tho passongors got sholtor and
warmth. Coal wos "rustled," and tho
sufferers mado comfortable Tho ducks
and chickens aro not tho only vlctlma
of cruel treatment. At Kent Wash.,
Saturday aftornoon, about SO hoad of
beof cattle wero standing In tho stock
yard In from six inches to a foot of
water. Thoy had been there for soma
tlmo, as nil look dejected and hung
their heads. It was Into, and I suppose-
they spent tho night In that tor
ture pen, where they could not He
down or slnnd up with comfort Cer
tainly money made by cattlemen or
transportation companies at the ox
ponse of such eruolty to dumb brutes
will carry a curse with It, and we
should not eat the beef.
According to a stntoment of Uio Se
attle city treasurer, assessments range
from" 20 to SO per cont of values. Tho
powerful Interests, llko groat corpora
tions, are In ono class and the smaller
fry, like home-ownors nnd small busi
ness mon nro In another. I loavo tho
roador to lmnglno which. Only a law
requiring publicity of nssossmontu bo
foro equalization will over correct this
Senttlo has hor pwn wntor systom,
taking tho supply from tho Codar rlv
or, -Tho-plant cost about $l,50t),000;
would bo worth 15,000,000 In tho hands
of any prlvato corporation; costs $80,
000 to J'JO.000 a year to oporato and
produces $300,000 not revenuo to tho
city. An olectrlc light and powor
plant Is going In that will bo still moro
profitable, also ownod by tho city,
ns tho result of a fight madu by tho
little One-cent Stnr.
I interviewed Mayor Humes, a very
clever politician, who tnlked to mo
half an hour about his administration.
hut all his remarks sounded very find
to two or three callers who wero in
his office while I was there. He Is a
strong typo, rough and ready, vital
Western politician, who Htnnds woll
with tho "b'hoys," and the classos who
attract moil nttontlon at tho hands of
the police, and get very little.
Will II. Parry, formerly editor of
this pnpor, Is In president of tho city
council, and one of those solid rani
doons in politics He has developed
from a small Journalist Into a munici
pal plutoorat, who has things pretty
much his own way. He believes In
stalwart Republican machlno politics,
buw admitted that If tax lovles ran up
mueh moro there would be no remedy
. , . , , i,,ine
! SsatlU school management is far
uorittr tn Ilia eltv nr riMlRtv uovttrn.
mmL Qr a ,-nn , th H.h()olt
board has run up-to-date schools, with
a hi h school of 2000 Attendance, has
built all school bruise needed and
kept up to the detnande of n growlm;
v. Ont of thetr ordinary re-j
,,. ,i. i...-.li. ... ...i .i-.i
Viyi IHV ww -t e.vee- eevfwxe
fluOJIftO OH bHtldlntia and real estate.
B. W. Shorroek, banker, Is n rulliiK
It was a pleasure to meet many for
mer Snlemlte. many of them In jxxd
tions of nrondnence, and all iffosper-,
owe. I met Mrs J. a. Wrixht at the,
- - -"- - - -
0f1lHmtll J,,,,,, u,, ..t f urn.
Allen, wlwee husband was a builder of .
la0 U)mm vfiUir wo1Uk MftJjr ToI,
I . ..,. ,ui, ,-,,-.,.
enl. to in the nartermaeter' depart.
" f ee m vw- .. . -w. . w --m r
meet J. O. Lubrmna
is running a
sunelMg rink on Lake Washington- I
met Mr. and Mr. George 1 -Meech-am.
both formerly of Salem, lie was
a eaheol teacher in the early day In
North and South Salem, nnd became
city tron oarer of SnUK I hope te go
to Ion Hie agaUi somo day and inset
mof of Ue nogjday bnt most ekw
this lettw for want of apnea
A Wide Difference.
The editor of an exehango has dbf
covered that there l a wide dlfferenoa
between tho school book of the pres
ent and those of long ago. He says
that when he first wont to school ho
read tho loeson something llko this:,
"Seo tho cow. Is not tho cow nlcot
(Jan tho cow runT Yes tho cow can
run, Can "tho cow "run as fast as n
horson But tho flatcst up-to-datq
stylq of reading it by tho average kid
Is about as follews: "Gilt onto tho
cow? Ain't Bho a buteT Suro sho Is
a corker. Can tho cow got ft move on
horsolf T Can sho hump It llko a hossT
No, sho nln't in It wld do hoss.'
Coast Mall.
The Distinction of the Government
Printing Office.
It is bollovod In Washington that
Prosldont Hoosovelt moans to ask
congress to put tho government print
ing oftlco undor tho control of Uio de
partment of commerce and labor. That
6f11co has an uuohallongod distinction.
It Is tho roost extravagant printing
shop in Uio world, and prlnta tho most
worthless nnd suporilous stuff. It can
bo dofondod only ns tho St Louis
"ProgrcsBlvo Prlntor" defends it, by
saying that tho "Government vaults
would bo gorged" If "somo provision
was not mado for distributing tho sun
plus rovonuo hack into Uio hands of
tho peoplo." As a surplus distributor
and anUdoto to vault gorging, Uio
government printing offlco has un
questionable gonlus. Probably no
body will intorforo with It, ovon whon
tho surplun Blnks into n deficit
"With tho Procosslon," In tho Docom
hor Kvorybody's.
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Tho stores (two 'n number) or lo
cated at No. 2SE and 297 Commercial
street, and aro woll stocked wit
complcto l'no of drugs and medicines
tollot articles, perfumery, brushes
Has had somo 25 years exporionce la
tho practice of modlclno, and now
makoo no charges far consultation, u
amlnatlon or pesorlpUon
Your Stepmother
Is sUU hero, and aa busy as
ever. Whon your cloth os arc worn
and dirty, or tho buttons off,
take them to her, at tho Balem Dyeing
and Cleaning Works. llopairing and
rollnlng; now velvet collars put on
overcoats; also four suits a month for
$L Called for and returned.
195 Commercial Street
W. W. Hall. R. E. D0WNINO.
Mosey Loaning, Insurance.
Collections, Loans negotiated for
ourselves and patrons on the tea
terms at reasonable rates. Tlocra blk
up stairs, opposite Gray Bros.
State St., Salem Oreuor
Sold In Balem by 0. O. Stone.
Call for Free Samples.
Jfil. CHICHI rKllTfI
.Mcsrrirtf ewaiisM
r waia
U litCIt 1.4 O.I4 MUHU Ul twM
niWIIttH lll.HMtWlIlM
nswtta HsWilll4 mat lul
! r yf PwitM t m4 .
Or. .! I OWU ttHlmMtt4 b4
MM. M.4U.. ,. Hll(ti,
Carvallis &EasternR R
No. 2 for Yaqulna:
leaves Albany 12:45 p,m.
Iivih. Corvalll.
' .... v...t...
... 2)00 p.m.
,,.. 1:20 p in.
Allirm ille
No. 1 Returning
leaves Ynqulnn
Ixtaves Corvallls
Arrives Albany .
No. 3 for Deroltt
Leave Albany .
Arrives IMrol' .
.... 5:46 u. m.
, ...,11:30 a. m
.,...12:15 p.tn.
.. .. 7:00 a.m.
.. ..13:30 p. in.
No. 4 From DetoltJ
Leaves Detroit 1:00 pm
Arrive Albany 6:55 p.m.
Train No. 1 arlves in Albany In
time to eonneet with the 8. I'. outh
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in Albany before depar
lure of C. P. northbound train.
Train No. 2 connect with the H
I', trains at CorvalHs and Albany glv
Ink direct eervlee to Newport nnd ad
Jncent beaehe.
Train No. 3 for Detroit, IireitMibush
and other mountain resort leaves
Albany at 7:00 a. m, reaahlng Do
trolt a1eut noon, giving ample time
to reach the flprlng same day.
For further Information apply to
T COCKRHIJ Agent. Albany.
H H. CIIONI8K, Agent, CorvalU.
H PILES ' Bupposltory I
DJ OrtM a.W.U, fulMTtiU, V w Mmnrl
H itor 4 n tm i.1m f lb tr B M lrt,
lutta at w . rli. ik.rili.ailt.tiu.ui W
PI fwU.a. ' Pr tl l M.ol.l. ' '.mtoif, To. , vrtt T
Ui U pn ! II J.m. I l"4 fMMM,
FJ t.i , -, rwi, M Cii. sMpiw frM, mUm
1ft a vZi
JTOB rrom rortuod, Or, rnOM
Chicago " '
IHxtluid Bait Ukp. ptOTcr, TX.
BiwolM Worth, Onuha, luw
.-. m Ottr, St. Loot., Coloaeo :M p a
Vis Hani. Mid But.
Rxprea Palt IAi Dentw ft
1:14 r ra, Worth, Orah, Kannu '
vUHnnt- Oitr.Ht. LonU, Chltn
Ington uid XHi
'si, Vitxa' Wall WansTuiflite'ni "XrZ
Tux JJ.U Spokwio, WTJlace, Full!
I.C0 p. in, man, Mtnntapou 8k Ttta a. m
tU lan), Dulath,(llwauw
Brkan Ohlcajro, and Kut,
7f hours w 7n
He Chssit cf Care
From Poniaai'
AU Mlllox datoe lubjoot , ' '
to ehanie
1p.m. rwtanTrnolK) I p. a
Salt erery t daji
Dally .'
MMjil OOI.rjMntA R1VKH 4n.)u.
Bnndajr ToAitorta and Way x.bo,i
p.m. Uadlnja.
B turd ay
Stonmor ItuUi leaves Salem for.
Portland and way landings on Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdaya, about
A, L. CIIAIO, AgtO.ILAN. Balem.
Con. Pass. Agt Portland, Or.
Offers a cholco of THIUCIO Gateway,
OMAHA, to Chicago and points East
Through Standard nnd Totrrtot
sleeping earn dally btweon San Frta.
olsco and Chicago via Loa Angeles
and El Paso,
Through Tourist Bieoper oooJa
TUISSDAY from Portland to Chicago
via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs.
Through Standard Bleeping Can
dally between Ogdon and Chicago.
Lowest rato In offoct always nrdV
ablo via "Rock Island System,"
Ileduood IIOUND Til IP 11AT1C3 In
effoct on July 12, 13, 16 and 16, 'and
AugUBt 18, 19, 25 and 25; SO day re
turn limit
Do suro that your Uokot reads via
tho flruat Hock Island Houto.
Tho host and most reasonable din
Ing car sorvioo. For Information,
dEO. W. DAINTEIt, T. P. A,
U II. aORHAM, Oon Agt, 261 Alder
street. Portland Oro.
From Tacoma, Seattle, the Paget
Bound country nnd Spokane to 2db
sourl river points and the Southeast
tho Burlington offors quick vorvlee.
Through trains Seattle to Knnsek
City eaulppod with big, free chair can
standard Pullman sleepers, and lost
but not loast, tourlsi sleepers, clean,
eomfortablo and cheap.
Why not take tho Southeast special
via Hilling and tho Burlington? You
can't do litttwr and you might do
A. C. 8HCOON, Oeneral Agent
IOC) TJTIW) stiucet,
and Altuea Imv 'r IwiUsd, Monday,
WvdWMda; h4 Kik r at IS a. w.
TwU)r, TkufMUy tuA SalUHlir a!7l
m rut '. lll. Ti-ffcUr. Tburxlay
arid iNnuiUr at w
for luiWbrf.uce daiJr f latyl BuuJ.f
alp. w.
Deck: Foot of Trad Btrett,
Capita! Normal School
First Hatlonal Biolc Iiulldln?. Sglen.
The fall tern of twelve weeks owes
September 28. Address.
J. J. KIUPS. Salem, Or
J. Brownstein & Son.
54 State street- Highest cash prlwi
raid for HIJes, Pells. Wool. Tallew
aadfsrs; also 'general dealer Ib utd
Iror, Rubber and Metal.