II' WWyjeiJfJljjli tki .;'-!T"-'jt i - '4 ., I V. V ! VOL. XIII. r?-B i M a Fi'i H 1 i I. I t or,. . . i ' ' DAILY NAUGHTY LITTLE ALICE Old Enough to Be Wise, so sue snook the Prince from her homo at Melssga, Prussia, with hor own coachman a fortnleht ago, but It only bocamo known todar. Tho police aro In hot purslt, but so far aro unsuccessful. The princess Is 27 years old. Her Coachman Not as Sonsi- We as Her Horses-Ran Away With the Giddy Young Thing They Crippled Two. Chicago, Nov. 2. Two non-union employes of tho American Hide & Louther Company, going to work this morning, wore pursued by strikers, who had been watching ovonts since the strike was declared three weoks ago. Tho men turned at bay in a sub way, and flrod rovolvore into the 5rowd, and Mlchaol Calllghan nnd Anthony S. Zymanskl woro wounded The non-unionists escaped. M0R0S BADLY '"v w1v:wmk i JUUKlALi. : & ... . . .' , : 4 - "V"- "" ' , ...i.. i n -a SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBEn 23, 1903. USED Dorlin, Nov. 23. Princess Alice. wifo of tho Prlnco of Schoouborg IWaldonburg, and youngest daughter of Don Carlos, of Bourbon, olopod From the Anthracite. Buenos Ayroe, Nov. 23. Tho Argen tine gunboat Uruguay has arrived at Santa Cruz with members of tho Nor- denskjold Antnrtlc expedition nbonrd. Ono rnerabor died last winter. The dispatch falls to state the fato of the expeditions vessol. BI 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 lf t frC 10 1 8 1 0 l-KMH-0 1 8 1 0 1 9 1 9 1 A Cash Store Charges You Only j! for the Goods You Get A "VaJi CfnA charges vou for the poods i A VflCUH OIU1C you get and tor things your X iieignuor goi ana rauea to pay tor. I nen you nave to pay for all of the extra expense connected with the credit bus iness. Try a Cash Store Once sKte there. That's been the experience of thousands of cus tomers who deal with THE iff Ml RfflT Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. RnhiWc Buffer Rnnfc Tinrh fnatc Slickers' Rubber oats, Overcoats,Cloth- ing; umbrellas, snoes. Out Dry Goods Department has bet n the talk of the town this year, We have the right goods. We cut the "regular store" profits in two. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor 8H y9toieiiie-iaiii8tonieiotanoiitotcto-wfH l n ! . l ili...ll.'. jlllMWW Attacked the Soldiers .and Are Verv Roughly Used Three Hundred Killed and It Is Probable This Will Put an End to the Uprising Washington, Now 23. Tho war de partment has tecolved a cablo from 'the Philippines confirming tho nnwn nf the battlo between troops undor Woods and tho Moros, In which the latter lost 300. Nono of tho Ameri cans woro killed, nnd furthor move- monts aro contemplated. Tho Moros nna taken a position, which they con sldored Impregnable. The Indications are that there will bo no uprising, or, in any case, no difficulty in hnndllne the uprising. STRIKE STILL HOLDS MICHIGAN HAS A SCANDAL A Colored Crank. Washington, Nov. 38. HllJah Dan- nls, colored, tried to gnln nccoss to tho President this morning. Ho Insisted nnd was finally turned over to tho po lice, to be oxnmined as to his snnlty. His speeches indicate rollglous insan ity. This aftornoon the crnnk. Dnnnls. was adjudged Insane, and commlttod to St. Ellznboth's hospital. Assassins Are Resting. Capo Haytlon. Nov. 23. A dlsnatch from Santo Domingo says an armlstlco of GO hours Is bolng observed. Tho American gunboat Newport, also tho Italian and Dutch warships havo land ed marlnos. Texas Forest Fires. Dallas, Tor., Nov. 23. Forest fires Jn Southeastern Toxas plno lands aro b-rowing worse, ino names have crossed tho Sablno river la sovoral places, and tho dnmago is Immense The Montana Muddle. Holona, Mont, Nov. 2. Arguments on the appeal In tho McQInnis injunc tion suit against tho Boston & Mon tana Company wero bogan In tho su preme court today. No Settlement Reached and None In Sight Gang Conspired To Hold up City of Grand Rapids GRAY BEARDS TALK Senate Takes, up tha Cuban Bill But It Goes Over Strikers Demolish a Car One of Them Confesses-The mis morning and the Leader Was to Get a Crowd Is Dispersed i Half Million Dollar With 'Difficulty ' ) Rake-off Chicago, Nov. 2. Operation of tho Stnto-stroot cablo car lino was under taken today for tho first tlmo slnco the Strike began Novombor 12th. Moro pollco wero detailed for tho barns, nl- tnough tho forco on tho cars Was not increased, Conl Is roported as run ning low at tho car barns. Ono Stato stroot car, stopped nt 40th stroot, was Immediately sur rounded by a turbulont crowd, nnd, desplto the heavy pollco guard, was literally riddled by a storm of mis. slles. The pollco chargod repeatedly. and used their clubs, but wero unable to disperse tho crowd, until they fired a volley from' tholr rovolvors in tho air. Obstructions wore nlnced all Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov, 23.-Ex-Aldorman Schrlvo'r today ploadod guil ty of bribery In tho water donl. Ho will tostiry in tho other cases, tt has dovoloped that Snlsbury, tho lcador of tho t conspiracy, was to havo ro colvcd $125,000 whon tho deal was consumnted. and $100,000 of stoak in tho now company, l 0 Slays In Heat of Passion. Lnkevlow, Or., Nov. 23. Word has boon rccolvod horo of a murdor which occurred some dlstanco from Lake- view yesterday. Phil Barry, a youth of 19 years, auarroled with Timothy Ahern, n young man of IiIb own go. nnd In tlin lionf nf nnnnlnn rirmv n ra. along the line. The crowds are larger volvor and shot Ahren, who dlod 9hort thnn they havo been for a weak, and ly before midnight No particulars of there were frequent nrrests On Arch avenuo the trolley wlros wero out in n dozen places this morn ing, and tho tracks obstructed. Ouy wlteB wore nlso cut, until tho trolleys in many places sagged In tho tniddlo of tho street. A llvo trolloy wJro at talstoad was also cut this merning: ono' of tho dangling ends causing tho instant death of a horse, and a narrow escape for tho driver. , thJ tragedy have been recolvod. Six Plead Guilty. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 23. Six of tha mutlnoors plended guilty to man- slnughlor, nnd wore sontancod to from one to flvo years each. Three others, not Inoludlng tho rlnnloadorfl. will bo tried, also tho trusty who fled whon tho mutiny occurred, Hunting a Winner, Glasgow, Nov. 23. Tho Herald to day sUtcfl that a syndicate of Clyde yachtsmon will challengo for Ameri ca's cup In 190S. It Is considering a plan for throo yachts, by Watson, Flfo and Mylno. to bo raced against each other noxt summor, tho bst to bo tho challenger. Put Out Early. Osslng. N. Y.. Nov. 2. Carmino Oatmari was oloctrocuted at 0 o'clock tills morning, for the murder of Mrs Josophtno Piotro a year ago. Peter's Pence. Home, Nov. 23. Cardinal Morry Del Val has taken charge of tho Peter's ponco commission, and expocts Amor lea to contribute a million nnd a hall this year. a i' ' Detective Dead. Paris, Nov. 23. Louis Ilaraud, tha world's famous doteetlvo, and hond of tho Paris secret sorvlco, Is doad. . i Old Firm Suspends. London, Nov. 23. Tho old estab lished firm of John Drown & Com- ' pony Buspondod payment today. Senator Hale Thinks Canada- Will Join the United States Within Twenty Years Washington, Nov. 23. Sonnfor CuU lorn introduced Uio Cuban bill in tho sonnto todny, without amondmont or ohnngo on tho callondnr. Senator Carmack Introduced a resolution In. structlng tho sonato conimlttoo on or. ganlrntlon, of which Quay Is" chair- man, to Investigate tho affairs of tho postofflco dopartmont Tho comtalttoa Ib to report before May 1st. Consider ation of tho resolution wont over for tho day, undor tho rules. Senator Hale, discussing the Cuban annexation proposition in tho annate today, sold he didn't doubt but that Cannda would becomo n pnrt of tho United States within 30 years, and oven that tlmo would bo hastened If tariff discussion continues In Kugland. Tho President sent the nomination of Jmbo Fuller to bo pension ngont at Sail Franoibco, nnd Wajter Avis, post master at Pomona. Started from Sparks. Topokn, Kan., Non 2 A rnIrio flro, stnrtod by sparks from a locomo tive has dostroyod 20,000 ncros of cattlo ratigo In Wallace- county, nnd hundrods of otns of liny.' """" '" ' LJ'.'.iSM Made Today Chocolato CnronielB, Cbeo)ate Chows, Chocolate Wafow, Po)po ! mints, Chocolato Wnfor Wlntorjjroonn, I Walnut Top Chocolafo Cronmn, Fig centor Chocolato Oresans, Popporrolnt ! Wafers, Wlntergroon Wafora, tog. Cabin Creams, nt Zinn's 164 State St Phone 1071 Main, I c&JfieifeftSS&OTiA XX&tyiSVIffMMXnua. A Caieftl Peittsal Of these columns will, to use a pardonable bit of expresslvo "American," put you next to Information that can save you monoy. There Isn't an offering here, the truth of which can be disproved by a person at visit to the store. It's the business policy of this house to tell PLAIN FACTS about the goods and back them up with a cheerful refund of your money If, by chance, a mistake Is made. It's the only way to win your favor and hold it It's the only policy that keeps a twentieth century store QROWINO. ""l 8 cKKiHsMWviH fmjm mm wk 25 dozen of tho daintiest and prettiest handkerchiefs we have shown. They are all drummer's samples no two alike and ant In all the newest embroidered de sign You get the benefit of this bpeclnl buy. 15 and 20c Handkerchiefs 10c. 25c Handkerchiefs 15c. 35c Handkerchiefs 19c Baskets WEDNESDAY ONLY For our 151st Wednesday Sur prise Sale we have placed on sale for your approval correct copies of tho world's masterpleeee in art They are of all sixes and kinds and shapes. Values up to 25o and are bargains at that price. Now is your opportunity to beautify youi home with pictures of world re nowne subjects within the reach of alt. Your choice Mtij OC nmm A Cn showing of baskets oe our s.uml flu-.r which we mwtt dispoo f ui oni.r to get teow for ur Holiday gjo4- I 04f to mo.- tiiew quickly, tahe yew Cboicv for vh. ir maxkt-d pritf An upportuni ty unpara'K i-t Wednesday Only. Barly oomerx get the cboiee, s We en band early. Three to a customer. NEW SKIRTS Another lot of skirts Just in. They are drummer's samples, no two alike, and are exclusive siyiee anl ym wey be sure that some owe esse hMt oae jitet like It T)wy are In colore black, brows, blue Oxfani. eteet gray. Scotch sultless, hoimepees In aM the. sew ami pop ular sliaelHffs. To see them Is to buy. $4.00 to jfmJ3 LINEN8 Are you ready for the feast? There are just fpur business days remaining In which to make pre parations for the celebration of the annual day of Thanksgiving and four days are few enough If you have planned much In the way of entertainment for your friends and family. If the table fixln's are not In apple-pie order. Here Is a greet opportunity to help out High grade linens 90c. High grade linens $1.10 High grade linens $1.35 High grade linens $1.78 Napkins to match. FLANNELETTES. A swell line in all the new aed pofwter shades ami deetgBS for mUtt yor mow wmnperx, bath rue-ee. irensngi satxtNe, ete.. etc. Other valeee up to SI e yard Special vaitfes 6 I -3c Other values xsp to 20c yd. SCOTCH PLAIDS SpedeJ eamaliHi la thle poftMlar goo4a. ft jHtnet Vew anythleg bown trtwwhete ISxeeUent few cMMrcra st bul drej. dru-tees, etf. J2cand23c T WOMEN WHO LOVE 8TYLE AND 0EAUTY ARE CONSIDERED HERE Costumes, Talkir-.Mnde Suite, Coats and wraps. We are abeolute masters of tho ready-made garment situation. It Is a practical Idea buying oar ments ready to wear. All neweet eoncetU, may not be becoming. Se lect the onus that are. Thetl, tea, think of the time saved and the nn Boyane avoided, itven fine mm- Uimes may be txwght ready wade, and there Is style, fit and beauty about them. Bverythlnt; In the Woman's Suit world tan be found here. Charm ing, efcaluslve modele Jieant'fuily tailored; stieh style, sueh eJeeuiHoe end the h(iHty about It le, they are ready to wear. We are prepared to shew yH suits that will give you pjeod service; are elite ufid atylleli, and. will hold their 4hape $3.50 to $27.50 NECKTIES. You should be Just as particular about buying ties as you aro about buying a stilt or anything else. It Is money thrown away to pay 7f oents for tlee elsewhjsra that yuu can flat here fer 10 eente. Thin Is our papular prlee, and there le where we shew the groat est variety. A larne asebrtmeut or ties of all grade and oolors. . Ask for Uie "Hnglfsh Square." the latest thing in neokwear. SHIRTS V A line of yotUh' IilrU In aftee U and U'A, stiff botwms, fnney eoUut, regular UBQ vaHieji. 50c each IfartSdialTncr V Marx Hind Tutored Furs Furs The meet magnlflcesn line fewiMt The handmeet a4 oet t plete line ever brouxht m by He Here yoHli HiKt a fHll Meek to make yur seleetlen from. They are the beet valeee money eon buy. medeleA Vy wiwrt turtm. Ma4e of seHd eklM a4 am m feci Ul eiwfie. A Um ef ktm boae. ImMUUom Mack' beer, three yard Ik teetjtii very fluffy, regular C.M vads $4.95 MEYERS' SHOES FOR MEN The rainy seaeon U here, ami It U to your beet lntreet to give pan tleular aUeiitlefi to ywr footwear, for wet feet may bmb a severe eokl uBd a long IHaes, with tljo eonecqtMMjt deeteVs kftk, (let VIseoMxed gelee hete, tn-i have dry feet at all Usha They are gunranuml waterprwof. $3.50 wVIMIfbtlMU.Ia, Men's Clothing In eMektelve etrteii. The 'rarity" shawH Mrs l a Hart, Scbaffpr & Mec style. You flsd It eacluelvely here. Vu tmy Hud iHMeoihtiig eleewhere hj looks ROHMrthlim like It; not n rarslty without "II. ft. A M " lube), $10 to $25