The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 07, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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NOVEMBER 7,' 1903..
K fXjf S jk 'y 4ai VaAcJyMWBEf J li iC"" i wn JJ
IToalth find hcfUltV nro tlin clrtrlf.J of nnrfnnf. wnmnnlinnl 'Wrunnn
Iwho suffer constantly with weakness peculiar to their sex cannot ro-
Itain their heailtV. PresnrvatJon of lirnttv fnntlirps nnri mnniloil fnrm i
ft duty women owo to themselves.
When women aro troubled with irremilnr. sunnivRKMl or rwitnfiil
Fmenstruation, weakness, loucorrheea,
womo, time Dearinp uown leeiinp,
prostration, or aro besot with such
Jassitude, excitability, irritability,
icuoiy, mi gone- nnci "wanc - to - ie -
egwiiws, tnoy snouiu rememDor tnero is ono tried and truo remedy.
Wdln 13. Plnklmm's Vegetable Compound removes Buck troubles.
igjse of lliis Prominent Chicago
Confidence in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
V DeAH MRS. PlXKltAM : It Affords
testimonial to tho yroat number who nro today praising Lydln JL2. llnk
hnm'tt Vegetable Compound. Three years ago I broko down from ex
87UjLoomls St., Chicago, 111. President
-crs, UUliollc.
' What is left for tho women of
a .reel
asnro publish, but to believe. Don't somo of you who aro sick and mlser
alllb feel how wicked yon aro to remain bo, making lifo a burden for
yourself and your friends, when a euro is easily and inexpensively
oblalued ? Don't you think it would pay to drop somo of your old
prejudices and "Try Lyilln 13. IMnklmm's Vcgetablo Compound,
which is bettor than all tho doctors for cures ? " Suroly tho experience
ofhundreds of thousands of women, whom the Compound has cured,
should convinco all wemon.
I Follow tho record of this medicine, and remember that these cures
oljthousaiuls of women wnoso letters aro constantly printed
tMDor wero not brought about hv " something else." but by la
.PliiklinnVs Vegetable Comnound, tho great "Woman's Ri
ijWoman's Ills.
, f Those womon who refuse to
lundrod thnlisnnd times, for they
suck to tno metucino twit, you
iklmm for advice.
FORFEIT " wunnt forthwith product the original letter anil itgnttnr at
ubuie luiuuu&Jal, which will pruTe Iti ljluto (fenutn.iieM.
LydU K. lMukliaiu AleOlelu Co., Lynn, JIw.
in the 9 hs Kind Yw Haw Atari isifft
cZ&mM i rr c&.-vmns&u
fTlie Salem Brewery
t is so good you will want more, New machinery has been
Installed, and the olant is practically a new one, with nearly
pouble its former capacity. Patronize home industry, Buy 1
the home article, It
rour own city. Order a case of Salem bottled beer Call
one Main 2131, We will bring it to you,
aleni M
displacement or ulceration of tho
inllammatlon of tho ovaries, hack-
symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
nervousness, sleeplessness, rnolan-
ieit - aiono" leelings, blues, and hopc-
Woman Should Give Everyone
mo irreat nlonsurn. tnifonil.Hn niM m
cessive puyslcal and mental 6traln. I was unable to
secure, proper rost. nlso lost my appetite, and I became so
nervous mid irritable too that my friends trembled.and
I was unable to attend to my work. Our physician pre
scribed for me, but as I did not scorn to improve, I was
advised to ro away. I could ncithor spare the time nor
money, nnu was very much worrlod when, fortunately,
ono of my club friends called. She told mo how she had
been cured of ovnrlan troubles, and how like my symp
toms were to hers, seven bottles of your medicine cured
her, and she insisted that 1 take some.
" I did so, nnu am glad that I followed her
advice. Within six weeks I was n different
woman, strong and, robust in health, and have
been so over since.
" 'A number of my friends who have been
troubled with ailments peculiar to our sex
have taken your compound, and hare also been
irrcntly benefited." Mies Kijzaukth Dai.kt.
of tho St. Kuth's Court, Order of For-
Amorica. after reading Buch letters
m tuts
rdln E.
ornedy for
accept anything eiso nro rowaniea a
got what Uioy want a euro, floral '
Know is mo uosc. wnui to jura,
O .A. ft 'JC O 3E. X J. .
Been tt. ) "" W M Hlrt f E1
Is Rtmning in Ftill Capacity
is the best, and you
weru fls
99S999B9999 WtMWWHWW
First Unitarian.
Corner of Chemekotn and Cottnse
streets. Frank Abram Powell, pastor.
Sunday School nt 10 a. m. Preaching
at 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Morning
theme: "Olnd Tidings." B-oning:
"God Is Gona" Special mootlngs will
e hold each evening during the week,
with Itovs. T. L. Eliot, D. D., Rov. Geo.
C. Crossey, D. D., and Itov. W. G. Eliot,
Jr., of Portland, as speakers.
First Presbyterian.
H. A Kotchum, pastor. Prenching
soi vices at 10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.
Sabbath School nt 12 m. Young Peo
plo's nieotlng nt 6:30 p. ni. Mooting
of Rossion Monday night nt 7:30 p. m.
in Sunday School room.
First Congregational.
Rov. W. C. Knntuer, I). D., paston
Prenching nt 10:30 n. m. Subject:
"Tho Religious Life n Delight or
Drudgery." Sunday School nt 12 m.
Y. P. S. O. E. nt C:30 p. m. Evonlng
sermon nt 7:30 p. ra Subject: "Tho
Call of tho Wild and tho Other Call."
St. Paul's Episcopal.
Sorvices on Sunday nt 7:30 a. m..
10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Sunday
School nt 12 m.
Y. M. C. A.
Tho first opon meeting of tho senson
will bo hold In tho Y. M. C. A. gymnn
slum Sunday aftornoon nt 8:30
o'clock. A speelnl muslcnl progrnni
has boon arranged, and n treat Is in
store for nil who nttend. Everybody
Ib invited. The progrnni.
Song sorvlcs, nsslBted by the nsto-
elation orchestra nnd qunrtot.
Quartot Association mnlo qunrtot.
Vocal duet Nellie Parsons nnd Dob
file Cornelius.
Piano solo Prof. F. It. Nowborry.
Rarltono solo H. H. Mnrkle.
Sorlpturo rending nnd prayer D.
Song Audlonco.
Addro8H Davis Errott.
Selection Association malo qunrtot.
Offorlng for intornntlonnl work.
Amorica Audlonco.
Central Congregational.
All morning nnd evening services to
morrow na usual. P. S. Knight in
Christian Science.
Christian Science, First Church of
Christ, Scientist. Services nnd lesson
Rornion nnd children's classes nt 11 n.
Subject of losson sorraen: "Mor.
tnls nnd Immortals." Wodnosday ov
onlng mooting at 7:30 p. ni. Reading
room opon dnlly, oxcept Sunday
Christian Sclwico Hall, cornor of Court
ami Liberty streets.
Second Church of Christ, Scientists.
Next to the city ball. Sorvlcee Sun
dny at 10:30 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. Sub
ject: "Mortnls nnd Immortnls."
First Christian.
Corner of Center and High streets.
Prenching by tho pastor, D. Errett, nt
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning
theme: Chrlstlnn 8ervloaM Evening
theme: "God's Analysis of a Chris
tian." niblo School nt 12 ni. Junior
C. B. at 3 p. in. Senior C. E. at 0:30
p. m. Strangers nnd visitors cordially
Invited and welcome.
tnus neip to duuo up
mm. I
of the Blood
Causo many troubles, pimples, bolls
and other eruptions, besides loss of
appetite, that tired feeling, flU of Ml
iouenosfl, indigestion nnd headache
Tho sooner ono gets rid of them tho
better, nnd tho way to get rid of tlicm
and to build up tho system that has
suffered from thorn Is to tako
Hood's Sarsaparitta
and Pills
Forming in combination tho most
offcctlvo alterative and tonloincdloliio,
as shown by ttitcqualcd, radical and
permanent cures of
Scrofula Salt Rhoum
Psoriasis Bolls, Plmplos,
All kinds of Humor Rhoumntlam
Blood Poisoning Dyspepsia
Catarrh Debility, Etc
Accept no substltuto, but bo sure to
get Hood's, and get It today.
Ogden Irrigation Con
gress s Found,
Dead Easy
Organized Land Grabbers
Manipulate the Conven
tion and Emasculate
the Law
Thorp aro niiiltltiulw of nion In
this country, muUltiidoB running Into
th mlllloiiB, who nro looking longing
ly to tha West for tho futuro home on
lands which will be furnlshfrd with
wntor for Irrigation by tho nntlonnl
govornmont. .
Tho passago of tho National Irri
gation Act was equivalent to the
adoption of a national policy to the
effect that whatever remains of tho
public Jands, upon which homos can
bo built for rnon, should bo rcsorvod
for thoso who will build tlioBe homes,
and Bhould bo madd fit for human
habitation by tho construction of
great govornmont Irrigation works by
Uio national govornmont.
To carry, that policy Into offset,
tho timber nnd stono act. tho desort
land act, nnd the commutation clnuso
of tho hamoatund net must bo re-
If it In not dono, lnnd speculators
will forostall tho settlers and through
out tho groater portion of one lain
drod million acres which It Is sxpected
to reclaim timlor tho National Irri
gation Act. ths land will be nbsorbed
by speculators before thw government
ran sven bogln the surveys for tho
construction of tliu Irrigation works
At the rat at which tho Irrigable
lauds nro now being absorbed Into
private ownorshlp by tho speculators
nnd large live stock outfits under tho
Desert Land Act ntid the Commuta
tion Clnuso of the Homestead Act,
they will all be gone, every aero will
b gope. within five yaura from today.
And It Is for the American people
te say, through their representatives
In the next session of Congress, whet
her they wish to deliberately destroy
in gssat era of national prosperity
whtdt will follow th carrying out of
the national Irrigation jKillcy on n
biosd teaje, by handing over In ad-
ano (n speeulatoni and syndicate
tli- lands which aro to be reclaimed,
or uhethsr they will imt a stop to
Die stealing of those lands by repeal
ing forthwith, in the coining session
uf Con gross, awl early In the session,
tho laws under which the lands nre
I -tug tefl: (be Timber and itonj
A t. the Desert linil Act, and the
Commutation Clause of the Home-
(.-sd Act. '
The people who want hemes on the
land In tbe West loeked to the
National Irrigation Congress at OgdSH
to declare itself in favor of the horoe
maker as against the speculator.
Instead of doing so. enough of the
dt-iHai eurrettder to a sroeete
ht me for tslosding the Congress)
an i the people to make It poaoiblo for
the land grabbers to seenre the
sk- of a so-ealletl eompramlM mso-
lutlcn n resolHtiOfi wHfcoet penoe
or meaning. whN read In the light of
th clroumaUHOM under which It was
In other words, Ue hownakrs of
tbc country asked Uie IrHssUon Conif-
ft for bread and It gve thstfi a
it'ue. It remains to be teen what
the Conjee! at Washlegton will do.
The plan of eampalga of the timber
thieves, the land speculators and Otfr
large Mr stock ouUlts, who are or
ganiied u prevent the repeal of th-
Timber nnd Stono Act, tho Desert
Land Act nnd tho Commutation Clnuso
of tho Homestead, Act wns clenrly-idlS
closed nt tho
- Mt ' . . ' '., W "7
..,? J i .
resa last month
Thoy know that tho frauds nnd
perjuries which hnvo been committed
by whulosnlo in tho stealing of mil
lions of acres of the public lands havo
been so thoroughly oxplotted in tho
press of tho country, that Uio public
sentiment of tho wholo' peopjo Is
aroused to a fixed determination to put
a stop to tho stealing that has bcon
going on without intorferonao on In
terruption for so many years.
In his last message to Congross
Prosldont Roosevelt sounded tho
warning in thoso werds:
"So far as they are avnllablo for
agriculture, and to whatever extent
they may bo reclaimed under tho
National Irrigation Ijw, the remain
ing public lntula should bo hold
rigidly for tho homobulhler, tho settler
who llvos on his lnnd, and for no ono
oluo. In their actunl uso the Dosort
Land Law, tho Tlmbor and Stono
Lnw, nnd tho Commutation Clnuso of
Uio Homestead Law havo boon so
prevorted from tho Intantlon with
which thoy wcro enncted ns to permit
Ordnrt. Irrltrntlnn TVuim.Llnnlmf Rfttlltimnn
f tflUBiata Biatiiiamiif in88HMf
We Have
I To close out. Any
:::::Call and
R. I. WADE & CO.
fJ4etil81tltteMWHr -
Willamette University
John H. Colkhan, Pkksidknt, Salkm, Oukoon,
College of Literal Arts, Lawf Art, Wfedlclne, JVfasfc,
Oratory, Theology.'
PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-Ocen to students completing elehtti crude de
panment lower grades In preparatory detriment. Besides affording
professional training, the University seeks to live a ttioroueh practical
education for alt who are aware of the value of trained train.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT-Offers alttiorousti ccurce In Ihe theory and
practice of teaching. Meets all the requirements of state school law
Its teachers are In constant demand.
Catalogue Upon Application.
s jBfefc E9n A.4L M
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell more Orocerles and better Orocerlt than ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD grods
8top in nnd for yourself.
Burroughs & Eraser
Best Material, Best Workmen-
and Promptness are our Motto,
J. A. AUPPERLE, Preildent.
regon State Sank
Incorporated. . . : t
. Jeffer son, Oregon.
TranMsU ft senoral banking buHlneis; makes leans, ale
count, bills ADd recelre ieposlts.
De-ls In foreign and domestic exchange.
Oclieetions mad on farornblo terms.
Notaries Pub I lo Wo tender o ur serviees in all matters of
conveyancing. Real estate 'oaua negotiated at low rates of'
tho acquisition of largo areas of tho
public domain for other than actual
Bottlers and tho consequent prevent
1 . & - - . t JI
T(Rs. ". - l. j hi.' U
Wood Is Afloat
About 2000 cords of wood got away
from the Lebanon paper mills tho past
week, arid la coming down the river. It
Is of 0j wplto fir nnd balm .variety,
and will Ura total loss, as it will not
pny Uio' company to gather (t up and
tako t back
Christmas Is coming.
To Feel Well
you must bo well. Your digestive
organs must- be doing their work
properly ncqchftm's Pills net like
oil on machinery, janil will givo you
tho. snap and vigor that only comes
with perfect health.
Sold Errrjrwhere, In boxes 10s. and K&
.... '
a Few
old price takes them
See Them:::::
E.S.LAWPORT, Est. 1869
in Oregon.
Largest Stock
Got my prices on a fino
289 Commercial St
E. W. HAZARD, Cashltr.
Vloe President.