" WJHfilfW'llYWT'" aunt v- THE DAILY" JOURNAL. GALEM. OREGON, WEDME8DAY, SEPTEMBER 30) 1903" .rfi Jfc. ww C I t, f i f: v M the Wrm T at Treats All Mankind Alike Stockton &Co, The Salem Store A Sudden Realisation Coupled With P,of..... Tho merchants of Salem certainly renlizo tho superiority . of Holvorson & Co.'a goods. Thoy know we got a good thing when wo nought this big stock, they admit it every time they speak. Tho fact that thoy make a big spread over a little case of goods that wo did not want is proof enough. Every dollar's worth of goods that Holvorson & Co. owned was sold to us at a great sacrifice, so wo havoithe big pie while othors have crumbs Holverson's Immense Stock of Wraps and Ready to Wear Goods Was sold to us alono, and to prove what we say wo will make a big display of them in windows as well as our store showing big reductions which wo are making. The publio is wieo enough to know right from wrong and will not bo duped by drummers' tricks. Every day our great sales grow in popular ity. Tho peoplo have confidence in us and are coming our way Money Back if Goods are not Satisfactory L i .fLUKm SESSION OF THE PREACHERS Methodist Conference Met in Tnis City This Morning i '.iM w Dressing Sacpties 80c Today Halversbn's Prices on Them was $.50, $.75, and $2.00 Pastors Warned They Must File Their Reports Before Leaving Appointments Good stylos in Eiderdown and Stockinette trimmed in stitched satin and ribbon milling. Colors blue, sink and rod $1.60, $1.75, $2.00 values. Special 80 cents. Great Reductions in Clothing, Shoes and Hats at the ( Stockton Stand miuflAiiprd, The largest and best stock of silks in tho city is at your uit posal at Sale Prices Those h 9 Hose Aro going like fun. Wo aro do ing this just to help fit out tho cliildron for school. Mi 5c Ginghams In patterns suitablo for waists, wrappers, aprons and dressos. See Those $8.95 ftlen's Suits at the Stockton Store Ladies GOo Undonvear 27c Spun fired now stock in nil sizes. No odds and ends Ladies' $4.S0 Jackets Aline of Hol verson's special pick. Tho vory latest for this fall. The Store that Regulates Prsces Seo whnt wo aro doing for tho public. Wo will keep it up if you kcop coming. Nervousness and Eye Strain . go logethfr. We give particular attention to these com plications. The nervous exhaustion which results from strain upon the delicate muscles of the eye can only be understood by a careful student of the nervous system. We have been giving this particular studv our attention with results which seem marvelous to those benefited with our new system and specially ground lenses for these complications. If you have tried various opticians and had no results satisfactory to you don't give up until you have seen us. C. H. HINGES, Pioneer Optician . 88 State Strceti Next door to Laid & Busbs'Bank v WHEAT MARKETS. iQhloago, 8ept7"sV Wtmut. 77-i 77&CW GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by THE 6IONEY POWER COMPANY Sldnay, Oregon. Ma4 for family use. uk your ewxMjr for It Bran and aborts always ou band. A. T. WAIN Affent Trcapxs Warning. HubUm, with or -without dog, aro warned not to trespass ou our premi um, toadcr penaltx of tho taw. XS4wk T. P. AND 11 WAUCHR. THE SCHOOL X X optnlnjrhas taken dace, and mest of toe youotr Sa lem veneration bad their wants filled at tbe store that gave racld service, Intermlneled with court eous treatment. Hundreds of little beans teat racld lyovcr tbe glorious lis tablet values and esquls Ite covers. Never was tbere such a rush for them, never, but still tbe stock caa stand another heavy rua today, every wast can be filled today ao shortages n p p p p p Pattons Book Siore, The Oregon conforonce of the Meth odist Episcopal church convened at tho First M. B. church in this city this morning, with an attendance of about 100 ministers, and as many lay dele gates present. Bishop J. W. Hamil ton called the convention to order, and Ilev. C. A. Lewis, of Sellwood, was op pontted conference secretary, while C. E. Cllno was named as press commit tee. After the sacrament of the Lord's Supper bad been administered, the conference opened Its busings ses sion. Dr Mains, of New York, agent of tho Mothodlst Book Concorn, was Introduced, and addressed tho confer ence briefly on tho splendid history of that concern, showing that In 114 years It had never failed to meet a ma tured obligation, and ho detailed the wonderful advance mnde in the his tory of tho book concorn, starting from a small beginning, and Increasing until It was one of tho great business institutions of tho twentloth century. Itev. W. D. Pnrr, D. D., ngont of the Church Extension Society, addressed tho conference briefly, showing tho condition of that socloty, and urging tho ministers of tho conforenco to ox ort themselves noxt year In aiding the extension work. He expressed his sur prise at the wonderful resources of tho Pacific Northwest, and predicted a glorious future for this country, In which, ho stated, Methodism would have a great part. Bishop Hamilton, a most forcible speaker, urged tho ministers to mako their reports promptly to tho statistic al secretary, so that all reports (jpuld bo promptly tabulated, and ho warned all that ministers who failed to nmko required reports, could sccuro no ap pointments for noxt year. After tho disposal of tho business of tho forenoon session, a special mooting was announced for 2 o'clock this nftornoon, whan statistical re ports will bo recolvod. ' The most Important buslnoss of the convention will be the looking after tho futuro of Willamette University, and tho election of four delegate, two ministers nnd two laymen, to at tend tho general conference of the. church, nt Los Angolas, noxt May. i Thtf ronferonco commlttoos, as np potntod by Bishop Hamilton, are: Standing Committees. Auditing C. n. Crandnll. O. F. Bound. J. W. McDougall. J. J. Walter, It. K Dunlap. Benovulonces, Church Extension, Blhlo Tracts L. F. Belknap, M. T. I Wlro. J. C. Giogory. D. I Shrodo, J..B. Stark. Alfred Thompson, H. Ohrg, J. M. Sweonoy. nooks and Porlodlcnls Jns. J ocrc, S. Bnyder. Nl J. Hnrblt, Andrew Mon roo. C. T. McPherson. Chinese Work C. K. Cllno. F. L. Young. S. F. Clomo. E. C. Alford, W. W- Edmonsou, Geo. H. Bennett Conference Stewards Ti L Jones, O. I Hamilton. U C. Zimmerman, W. T. Korr, R. C. Ulaekwoll. Conferunce Relations B. F. Rqw land. A. J. Holllngworth, E. GlUlns, J. T. Abbett. W. 1 Holllngshoad. D. O. Stephens, 0. A. Stockwoll, C. A. Lewis, C. P. Hamilton. Education Genoral and Local. F. A. & S. K. Society E. B. Lookhart. H. J. Talbott, J. R, T. Lathrop, W. B. Hoi llngshoad, W, H. Selleek, B. J. Hoad ley, M. C. Wlro, B. P. Rowland. R. A. Booth. P. L. Moore, John Parsons, W. 11. Odell, John Reynolds, Gabriel Syke. ttpUcupal Fund W. U. Moor M l Hardluckam. R. A. Urtatol. S L. I.e. I Upwerth Lsh-N. J. Harblt. J K. Hawkins. K. F, aiwmWBwn. If. U St. Clair. G. H Frees. K. Oltttns. Mtualns a L. Hamilton. C. E. OrauOall, R. Booth. S. R, Msmlager. D. H 1.M1R. Miaaton Work. Indian, W F. M. S and W H. M. S. Hiram GouW. C. A. Hotiatl. . 11. Bryant. W. B. Pepper, 8 K. Memlngor Andrew Mpnroo. DouiMtlc Mlastons Presiding eld vr. Speolal Charltttja B. P. Pek. J. W. MoDougall 1. a Driver, a U Sbrode. l.w DavU. W. J. WalUt. Alfred TheHipson. H. T. Atkinson, labile Worship-n. A. Watters, John ParsoM, W. S. Gordon. RutfB P. L. Moore.' It p, Rowland. Jl C Wire. M. L. Harding- ( Oti ,?v Consumers please take notice f Desiring to serve our customers to the best posslblo ndvantngo, we havo decided to adopt tho COUPON system for Ico sales. This Is In use by prac tically all of the progressive dealers, and hns been found roost satisfactory for both dealers and customors. Commencing on October 1st, theeo COUPON books will be for sale, and all family customors purchasing In quantities of less than 100 pounds must secure one of them, or mako cash payment. Tho books contain COPONS of tho denominations of G, 10, 25 and GO pounds, and are good for 200, 300, 500. 1000 and 2000 pounda They can bo obtained from the drivers or at our office, and If paid for in cash a dis count of FIVE per cent is allowed. Credit will be extended to approved parties, but books will be charged at face value. No deliveries made for less than 10 pounds. Wo thank the public for the patron age extended to us In tho past, and It shall be our endeavor to treat out cus tomers In such a manner as to merit tholr patronage In tho future. Any compfatnto should bo referred to tho ofllco at once, nnd they will re ceive prompt attention, I -HH-e-HM-HkHH- 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i i i i ii H i ii i i ii i i I J h ! Turn over your accounts and notes to i experienced collectors No charges unless a collection is made, culto 4 27GH Commercial St., or 'Phono Main 801' VAN ALSTINE, GORDON & CO., A. R. MORGAN & CO., Managers Dned Pfftmes. Dried Prunes Dried Prunes Call and see vs before you sell your Crop James M. Kyle & Co J 75 CommcrcfalSt. Sacred Heart Academy Your Stepmother. Is still hero, and as busy a ever. When your clothes are worn and dirty, or tho buttons off take them to her, at tho Salem Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Repairing and rellntng; new velvet collars put oo overcoats; also tour suits a month fot tl. Callod for and returned. MRS. C. H. WALKER. Prop. 195 Commercial Streot hnm. II. Oherg, S. II. Greonloe. Rofors C. E. Cllno. J. J. Walter, H. J. Talbott, I. D. Driver, A. J. Holllng worth. J. II. Skldmoro, W. S Grim. Postofflcos Wilfred Smith, D. L. Flolds, W. W. Edmonson, W. F. Rog ers. II. L. St. Clair. Twentloth Century Debt Paying For ward Movement J. II. Skldmoro, D. L. lFelds. Wl S. Holcomb, F. L. Young, W. T. Korr, J. R. T. Lnthrop, A. C. Falrchlld. Sunday Schools W. II. Myars, I II. I'ederson, C. M. Bryant, J. C. Gre gory. W. II. Sollock. M. L. Harding-ham. Hon. E. M. Crolsan has returned from a month's stay at Seaside, and Is entirely recovered from his recont spell of Illness. SALEM, OREGON. For terras, Reopens Sect. 14th address etc.. SISTER SUPERIO Ftcsh Chewing Chocolate and Chocolate Creams at f?6cwide n jjKBtB Edward Ellis. 144 State St. Foflty Men Wanted Forty men on powerhouse construcrion work at Sllver ton Common labor, carpen ters, bricklayers and other mechanics wanted at once. A. B. Kurfy SUverton, Ore. Second Hand Sewing Machines Wo havo qulto a number of oxccllont sowing .machines all makes, that wo will sell cheap. Fall sowing coming along now makes It worth -while. Drop In nnd seo them. No harm if you don't buy. F. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 255-257 Liberty 8t, 8a!em. Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automo biles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. N. H. Burley Sewing Machine Repairing. gaiiau8tanniBf iiai fflnltal !i,..tB llomt Flavor snJ I 7 VdUlt(tl Quality. Order at 133 Z RflKPrv P.?urt Street, for D'llvery I r uonciv Waion.orask yourCrccer Z J UlCdU.. Baker, Robert A$hfori. X Bed Time ( take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexion Is better. My doctor says It acta gently on tbe s.omache, liver and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It la made of herbs and Is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and 60 cents. Lane's Famliy Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get It, send for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y fit if ag a. Stout - i - i i, m,-mr vi.AV'Ak - r tfb ji jar NEW TODAY JPJBOKEJES BARGAIN HOUSE Please take notice that Wednesday and Thursday Will bo two great days for specials In evory department Dress goods, silks, velvet c&pesp Jackots. hosiery, undorwonr, table linens, men's under wear, children's underwear, fur capos.collarottes. long boas, silk and wool waists. waisting8 In Bilk, wool nnd cotton, wrist bags, nock chains, kid gloves and ribbons. Prions will be reckloasly slaughtered. No reserve Out they must go. It Is room wo want now, and not goods. $2.00 Long Fur Roas; salo price 98c Men's C5c best Overalls .... 39c t.OO Fur Gapes; sale prlco $1.89 . 76c Auto Cap8i ,atost 39o T"m ! &-I ntv4ita nVtultan snrl aiiin. "... K(t vnirlo fn II linaf sola neon, otnee uray diock. omce, vv j - v.....w. v-., . phone No. 91. Residence phone No, 1221. Wanted. W men at Oregon Nursery Company. 9-30-tf Wanted. A girl at the book blndry. 130 Court street, 9-30-3t Board And lodging for two young lady student; also board without lodg ing. No. 19. 13th street Yew Park. 9--3t Wanted. A girl or woman to do house work la a small famliy; desirable .place. For particulars apply at ' Journal office. Mr. Meuhan'ff tf .ot liqtween UftRQtt. sa 13th atnwt, and Sash and Door ftotory.on Mill, a light groan heevy elath Jacket Leave at Jour sal offlce. 9-M st 45c Wool Dross Goods; salo price Pr yard 36c prlae pr yard 4c 600 yards Outing Flannal; sale price per yard 4c Man's '4fp haavy Flatoad Under wear ,. Mc Chlblran's 3e FlMotd render wear I5e 75o Blaok Mercerized Shlrta ....45c $3.00 Blaok Mercerized Shirts . $1 SO 714 Laced Striped Curfaln Scrim, per yard 4c MM Whlto Bad Spreads; salo prloe , 66e 7o Outing flannol night gowns 39c 3c Outing flannel underskirts ...19c Mc AH wool French Flannels. per yard 48c 3ic Blankets; sale prloe lOe Beat Sans Silk 2e $1.36 Heavy Angora Blankets 75c 200-yard Beat Spool Cotton lc $S.0O Jackets, latest; sale price.. $3.90 Best Sewing Silk, spool 4c $6.50 BJaak Cloth Orepos; sale Ladle' Me Hose Supporters; sale Prlee f $3.S0 prlco 15c 58 Tabja LJnen sa) gtlae, par,.. Chiyma'a lOo beat hosovaupporter8.5e "anl ; ,.,.350, Bargains In every department The Cheapest Store In the Northwest McEVOY BROS.. l&T. or. wy Ml'teiWmfflltStto!$ti - t r-"