The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 26, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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m- wilt joiimuL
tariff fYf AModatlan Telegram.
, 4,nd ,5 0!clask JE4tlon.
aW t Yr, 14.09. In Aavanc.
,BwyTprMrth, 10 In Aevanc
Cwtly by Carrlcrv H Cant far Month.
Wajfcfr ,0m Yfl;H.lK) ,ln .Avanc
One Wook ....,.? 10
Gno. Month. ....... 25
'Tare 'Months .,,.,.,,.... 1.00
At journal office.
At ,Pu'a Grocery, South Salsm.
At IMwaraex Qroesryy Yaw Park.
Asylum Avanua 6rory Store.
Elactrle Srecsry, Eaat'SUW 8L
4 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I M 1 1 C' t
Tht Weather.
Tonight, showers; Thursday, prob
nbly fair, warnior.
TKe Shamrock haa evidently run tir
aalqstlio real thins.
Tiio jipwa,cAn ha summod up today
la twp .worda-rRlno.Hnjr'fl plrcus.
ter4,thd finale aa hcdldto Balaam.
Whllo' horaoX nro riot birds, yet the
sonso of humanity cannot 'bo limited
to birds. The blrda havo really a
fchfldo the beat of all other animals,
bccausO thoy can fly away, blrdlo'
you see. Thp hc-rses tfm only kick
away, and Uio cows can book, and bo
on. SlnCo we cannot remedy every 111
at onnc. It Ib ao well to Start In on
protoctlnt; the birds Hint as laat Ab
a starter, It would not bo a bad Idea
for mothers, thoeo who don't havo to
earn tho living far tired hubby nnd n
houseful! of little "Johnnies," to tnka
nn evening off and Instill a llttlo lovo
for tho birds Into the minds of their
bright llttlo Johnnlos. Let Johnny
have n bird or two and h will at onco
develop a sympathy for thorn. Ac
quaintance with those Innocents In
spires a person's highest footings. Wa
hav little rovcrenco for anything wo
do not understand or know about.
Thoso who know tho lenat of nature,
caro Uio loost for It I havo heard
many a parent any to her son, "Don't
kill tho birds." But tho American
youth wnnta to know why, or else It
dou't go with him. Tell him why. If
you don't happen to know. Just ask
someone handy. A (inlet llttlo talk,
of tho right sort, will do moro good
than prosecution. Tho net was moro
probably tho result rf thouchtlesaness
on tho pnrt of everyday youin, a
thought which can bo reached by bet
ter means than Iron bars and criminal
notorloty. CHARTS' MILLKR.
Trrabottlalslty of Minnesota; "Forest .Fires," H.
l tb. Bitters M. 8utor, Washington, u. u. inia
.. ... nn. nvnnhit) th mpotint? will canciuao
'roor stomach Is with a publlo nddreos by Secretary of
dliordered or Agriculture Wilson.
tnnr llvrr IniC-l
tlve. Yon'il be'-n --., ni4-r4-
,'; UCIlllail oapuoi
nleited w i t
the remits.
positively cures
Seor Stomach;
Sick Headache.
Poor Appetite.
Dyspepsia and
ua reigns knpromo at Shields' park
sometimes, but In till, kind of woallH
.orvt Joes, npt rain run.
rf Rockefeller had to-pnt up for tho
yaefct'tac Uio-price of coal-oil would
BUtfHton.t!inntUje .winner.
Monr(i.vllpy orchards nro full of
prunes this year, nut their ownora uq
not think ny,tup less or mom on mat
"YTW ..,
If BlrxTheman-follows the Rocko
fellor plan, Rnnllsh tea will have a
slron'r flavor of Hhamroote top soma
tlmo to -com,,
Tho ralnfallMlnon the Just-and tho
unjust .alike, oxcept wbon tho unjust;
borrosiho umbrolla of tho Just
when .tho UtUr la not awaro of ItJ
Then lho dust ?t a -doublu share or
ine irrigation.
A rccont book afflrmn thnt wo cmt.
afeorvdrlnk, walk and brcatho through
agutIon. This! via truu.ofu tha
drink, ordy ooo, sometimes suffors
from gonulnd aridity of tho thorax
VMlttactferntkat suggestion.
- Tfcoo.w.b,Q saw Jbo pajado today
pood .not bo told that tho story that
Kraklings 'blophants had nil discard
4teir trunks,' and carried their
handkorchloB and tooth powdor In n
ailj.c8t ,a juaUdoua falsehood.
'Tlho Wow York .Sun estimates Sir
Thomas Upton's lust nitompt to lift
tho cup will cost him 1700,000. Ho
could buy a blRRor ono, and got It
much cheaper. At f TOO.000 n chance
.Jlipiflpprt js, what RoqsqvoH would
Thbrti Is a young gentlomnn room
In,' on tho norijicast corner of Cho
mokeU nnd High streets who hits
tike .such, an, nhoprblntt Intoroit In
tin lreusi that lie has forgotten the
way i)awn.niqlr. Tuoaday morning
ha locked Ills limlroom doors on the
Insldo, put tho key In Ida pocket, and,
,BOtb.elnn nblo to get flut, raised an
alarm , until n, ln.ddqr was put up to
nla window, which la nt least sU foot
from tho ground, nnd so, ,wlh tho nld
0.hls follow boardors, ho was Anally
led In to breakfast
Drju'f Kill
The Birds
4C4, Journal; Tho communication
appearliiR In a recent Isbuq touching
upon tho matter of killing llttlo birds,
la very timely one, nnd ono which
frfeuald bn brought to tho nttontlon of
the bird spcloty of Balcm. TbU wnn
ton and ahamoful killing of thoso
beautfil jiiuI lunocont barblngyra of
joy, soeias a universal trnblti Not,
only In the Qreat West, bpt In tho
greater. JJaU jjjousands ara alaugh
jtei;d ifpr uaalooa purM)S08. Tho mil.
JUi?W airtM retiurrt) many thoyaandM
taMy t) ladlw' trado. Tho Cen
aVWr(poruiman, who shoot with kid
. ovca or have their-enddy tado It for
thew, nust also havo n few hundred
thouMsd avory snuoii. TIiq rest nro
dispatched, by tho puro and uuadultcr.
ateil destructlVo Instinct In human na
ture, not yet educated to Ita sense of
wrong, or learned in tho circumscrib
ing ltKQQhtA,ot civil law. Those who
never awskn to any socsd of wrong,
must ,bo held In check by tho law.
Thoao who f re awake to tho Inhuman
tty of this sport of slaughter need no
Jtefcooi TBoy, Indeed, becomo part nt
at uawrlttoa law of protection to
WrJ, thomselvea. 'This deplombW In-
'Wt'la huwaa nturo Is not only
exblbJtpd In. regard to needless and
unreasonable treatment of the birds,
bpL , flodnmon. on every hand,
beating thalr horaes, tholr cowa, their
dogs, and It is perfectly safe to assort
that uo amti, o unfortuuato aa to
fall Into tho hands of man, but could
Is) many a harrowtpg talo of tho nnl
mat naturo of this creation known aa
inoftal man. To witness tho. beating
of, a faithful boasl makes Us wish
tkat tho Vlrglglao, a recent creation
la llhtt Ulurainn liv fiuinn VItni. Tit.. & ia,i. wma .l.uwrA,1
ateht KuJdeu.y utep In ml dmlnl the mU nttd other manufftcHurlng c
--"- --- r- iiTT i i - r ii ii t71 r-rf'i.i i ii ' i IT i i -
This la Different
Salem, Ore., August, 25.
lCdltor Jeurnal: Just nt present
thcro aoems to bo a general crusadd
against tho slaughtor of birds. Liko
qvery othor mooter, thcro Is, of course,
a woman In It: In fact, tho main bat
tle scorns to bo against tho fashion
ladles navo of using Uio plumage of
tho songsters for tho adornment of
their headgear. All kinds of literary
ammunition is being fired at the la
dles, to get them to quit this so-called
cruel custom. Ono pleads with them.
another scolds, nnd still others point
tearfully to the thousands of Innocent
llttlo birds, thnt must bo sacrificed
for tho purpose of gratifying tho fem
inine dcslro to look pretty nnd sweet
and attractive. It docs seem rather
cruel; but what Is mankind or woman
kind hero forf Man was ulvon do-
minion ovor all living things, and,
their happlnoss, pleosuro or wo 1 faro
oro all subsidiary to his.
la thorn anything nllvo that doctt
not suffer at his hands? True soma
of tho domestic animals nro not ruth'
Ictffdy shuigutorod by him, but thoy
are ow; and they only cscapo capi
tal punishment bo having their sen
tences reduced to pcnnl servitude , for
llfo. It Is not nlmolutoly necessary
for a -woman to woar tho dcaalcatcdi
sonestiira In hor lint., hut nn Innir nn
sho thtnka.tuey ndd to hor, appoartweo
tanu nn palaver ng men nro tho, ones
who niako hor tbluk thoy do), thnt
long tho birds will havo to suftor.
But, to look at It In another light,
why la It any moro cruol to kill a
woodpocker for tho purposo of mak
ing Mary Juno's hat look brlghtor,
than It Is to kill tho Innocent barn
yard fowl, that really la friendly to
you, ror mo purposo or satisfying for
a few brlof hours Sarah Mnrla'a nn-
Why pity tho birds, whoso nlumaco
adorns tho ICastor bonnet, yet tramp
nndorfoot tho tnnncd hldo of tho old
cow and her bloating offspring, with
novor ii thought that their lives woro
sacrificed for tho vanity and comfort
of man? Why not sympathlzu with
tho guileless fish, plucked ruthloMly
from his natlvo element, beuulloii in
his diwtructlon by a wriggling worm,
wuoso uio is also destroyed? Why
not pity tho poor cnlf. deprived of IiIb
rights, his Buntonanco.that gormandiz
ing mau may havo btittor on hia hrumi
or tlu fomlulno esophagus, bo soothed
wun uio cooling ico cream? Why
surfeit th pretty codling moth with
I'nrls green, or London lmrulo far iim
sluglo roanon that ,llko yourself, ho
is ioiiu or appear Why weep over
mo ueairiieiion or the pretty chatter
Ing hushy-tnllcd squirrel, and at tho
samo tlmo havo no feeling In knock
ing tho gracotul Belgian hnro In tho
bend with a club? Why hroak mi the
numo or uio inuustnous uoavor that
man may havo a glossy tllo. or do
saroy wantonly tho fur seal, that wo
man may tuublQ tho. siqcwulka with
prldo. tho cuvy of hor.loiia fortunate
slutors? Why not rion nvor tho
whalo calf whoso mother has ration a
prey to tho rvod of mon. and tha van
Ity of woman? Why shed no tmrs
over tho death of tho most magntll
cent of animals, tho elephant. wjins
only offense Is. that his tusks nro,
wanted by man? Why icavo an open
placo agnlnst tho ahr. whero once-
stood a mighty onk, tho handiwork ot
fivo centurion, In ordor that you may
toast your shins of a winter night,
nnd novor shed a toar ovor It?
Why hut wbat'a lh uso. Thn
stnmach of man la tho great and In
evitable tomb of nearly evervtlilni:
that Uvea or bloems: and thoao thlngn
wutch his stomach haa no neod of. h U
nutaiueti aomenow find uso for. Man
alono finds beauty nnd plensuro li
Vim ana nensi niter tnoy nn ueaa,
ana ir no aoosut why then ho"6 n
tmitp. A aitlSKNHOim.
Oskosh has
. ajirthday
Oshkosh. Wla,. Aug. SO.- Tho neonla
am. .. . ' .. . ...-!.
or usiikosii today, ceienruted the noil)
auntvorsary or tho city. In ISas Osh.
kosh waa a ptrnKKlIng village of luny
bormen, trappors and othsra who had
settled along tho ahora of Lake Win
neboga. Now It la one of the most
llouilshlnK cities of thla section of tha
country, the center of largo Industries
ana with, a population or sq.oqo.
tabllshmcnts wero closed nnd tho day
was given over to parades, publlo
amusements, speechmaklng nnd mu
sic. Tho booming of a soml-centon-nlnl
saluto nwoko tho citizens nt an
early hour nnd soon thcro nftor tho
streocs wero thronged with holiday
makors. During tho forenoon thcro
was a general parade, Industrial, clvld
and mllltnry. North Park waa tho
scono of tho afternoon's festivities,
Tho program Included speeches of nn
historical charnctor by Bovcrnl prom
Inont citizens cf tho Btnto and city, tOi
gether with boat races nnd athlctlq
contests. Ono of tho moot consplctx
ous participants In tho colcbratlon was
Iloglnald OshkoHh, grandson or unier
Oshkosh, rJtor whom tho city was
Wo would liko to ask through tha
columns of your paper, If tlioro Is any
porson who has used Green's August
Flower for tho euro of Indigestion
Oyspopsla and Liver Troubles that
haa not been cured and wo alsq
mean their results, such aa sour stonn
ach, formcntatlon of food, habitual
costlvencss, norvous dyspepsia, hoad
acbo, despondont feelings, sleoplosS'
ness In fact, any troublo connected
with tho stomach qr llvor? This mcd
Iclno has boon sold for many years In
all civilised countries, and wo wisli
lo correspond with you, and nond you
ono of our books froo of cost If you;
novcr triod August Flowor, try a 2G
oont bottlo first. Wo havo novor
known of ita failing. If so, somothlng
more boHoub l tho matter with you
Tho 2C-ccnt slzo haa just boon lutroi
ducod tills year. Regular also 75
cont. Dr. 8 tone's drug storoa. i
Woodbury, N. J.
Cleveland. Aug. 26. Tho central
conference of Gorman Baptists oponod
today at tho First church, this city,
and will contlnuo In session one week.
Several hundred dolcgatos, both lay
and ministerial, nro In nttondanco
from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan
and Kentucky.
Mystic Peace
Mystic, Conn., Aug. 20. Thcro was
a largo attondanco today at tho open
Ing of tho nnnual national penco con
forenco. Tho sessions will contlnuo
until Monday. Somo of tho prominent
speakers to bo heard nro Bnronosfl
Von Suttncr of Austria, Henry W. Wil
bur of Now York, United States Sen
ator Cullom of Illinois, B. F. Truoulood
of Boston and Judge William N.
Ashman of Philadelphia.
Minnesota Golf
St. Paul. Aug. 20. Auspicious con
ditions marked tho opening today of
the annunl Btato golf championship
tournnmont on tho links of tho Town
nnd Country club. Tho tournament
continues throe days. Among the en
tries nro rcprcsontntlvoa of clubs In
Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Cloud. Wln
ona. Rochcstor, Dulnth and Faribault.
Interest centers chiefly In tho contest
for tho Spnuldlng cup, now held by
tho Town nnd Country club of St.
i .
Uso Trlb for Liquor habit.
. ,
Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, nnd which baa. how
In uso for over OO yenrs, hns horno tho Blffiintnro of
and, has Been mnuo unucr iuh pcr
yyjZ. Bonal supervision slnco Its infancy.
TebccUfc' Allow no ono to dccolvo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd JuBt-as.ffood nro bud
Experiments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Chlldrcn-Expcrlenco ifenlust JSxporunont.
Com Tin Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
gor.V. Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contmis neither Opium, Morphine nor othor Nnrcotfe
eubsvnnco. Its ngo Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Foverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoan and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears tho Signature of
C&astyY J-CUc&M
Street Car
Men to Meet
ed Time
I tako a pleasant herb drink, tho noxt
morning I fool bright and my com
plezton Is bettor. My doctor says It
acts gently on tho suimacho, liver and
kldnoys, and Is a pleasant lasntlvo. It
Is made of horba. and la prepared aa
easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists soli It at 25a and
60 cents. Lono's Faml.y Medicines
moves tho bowels each day. If you
cannot set it, send for froo aamploa,
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
The EM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
8orntoRa, N. Y., Aug. 20 The twenty-second
ounual meeting of tho Am6
lean Strcot Railway association will
brim; to Saratoga noxt wook several!
hundred of tho men most nromlnontlvlmnnr.
luoiiiiiiou wiin mo Rironi ruiiwav in. i
toronts of tho Unltod States and Can
ada. An Interesting pronrnm of papers
nnd dlscUMBslons ox,tetullng ovor thrco
days has been prepared. Tho annunl
meetliiK of tho ascoclatlon of street
rnllwny accountants will bo held nt
tho samo tlmo.
Osteopathy means good order In
tho body.
Drs. Schocttlo, Darr & Darr, Osteo
paths, Grand Opera IIouso, Balcm, Or.
Trlb for salo at the Palaco Pha
How'a This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for nny cbbo of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. F. J. CIIRNKY,
Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undoralBiied, havo known
V. Cheney for tho Inst IE years, nnd
bollovo him porfectly honorablo In all
business transactions and financially
ablo to carry out any obligations mado
by their firm. WEST & TRUAX,
Wholesalo DruRglatB, Toledo, O.
Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, a
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Intei-
nnlly, artlng directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.,
Testimonial freo. Prlco 7Cc per hot'
tlo, Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best
Uses Some
Imdon, August 20. A London pa
nor thla wool; contributes tho Informa
tion that from March till midsummer
KIiir Kdwnrd'a porfumory bill
amounted to a trlflo ovor $900. This
Rooms nn extraordinary sum to pay
for scents and soaps, yet It Is not
hard to provo that tho kings of Eng
land havo boon In tho hnblt of spend
ing moro money in throo months on
tholr toilet accessories than many
worklngmcp get for two years' toll.
In tho window of a certain shop In tho
neighborhood of Charing Cross la to
bo seen tho framed original of a quar
terly account rendered to King acorgo
IV. for perfumery. It amounts to
oxnetly $935. King Edward's favorlto
pcrfumo Is supplied to him In heavy
cut-glnss bottles holding nbout a pint
and three-quartera. Fifty dollars por
bottlo Is charged for tho scent, and
$15 la charged for tho bottlo Itself.
Gloves for men. woman and children 10c
Ladies Straw Hats, wide brim 19c Sun-
bonnets good quality 18c Shirt Waists? 25c
Crash Dress Skirts 45c, Toweling 5c yd
Towels 4c each. Turkish Towels, large
and heavy 19c each Red Table Cloth 25c
a yard. Linen Toweling, unbleached. 0c
a yard Lots of new goods rrrived.
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store.
302 Commercial Street
Signs of Renewed Activity
In tho real estate world Indicate Ini
creasing building operations thli
Spring, nnd prompt us to remind yoi
that our facilities for supplying har
and BOft wood, lumbor, lath, ahlnglei
and other building matorlals are e
coptlonally good. Wo will bo pleasej
to furnish estimates en contracta
lnrgo or amnll. A car of Mill Cltj
shingles received.
. . Nr 8, P. Pas Dspol
Phono Ml.
Part nd rtch blood crriM mw lift to
tvwy prt of the bod. Yc4;ifc btvii
'wfcal Ayw'i &NMfrillSi wiU do foe you. TUe Aycr's
s, fl v vwiipfvwi tn wiinmii((Mi mwb.
Plays Tennis
Atrhlson. Kana., Aug. 2C.Tho an
mini open tournament or tho Missouri
Vnlloy Tonnla association, which be
gun horo today, Is ono of tho most
notnblo ovonts of the kind ever pulled
off in this section of tho country, both
as reaarda tho number of tho contest..
nnta and their high clnsa. Topcka,
Kansas City, 8L Joseph. Omaha and
a number of other cities are ropro
soutot) Today waa dovoted to tho
prallmlnarlea and tho finals will bo
contested tomorrow and Saturday.
Papers on
Minneapolis. Aug. 2C At tho ses
sion of thla, tho secoud and last day
of tho convention of tho American
Forestry llurenu o&soclntlon papers
wero presented na follewa: "Work
and PoUcy ot tho Forestry Uureau on
tho Minnesota Reserve." Kujjeno U
Uruco, Lumberman of Uureau of Fur
eatry. Washington. IX Q,; "A Lumber
barman's Idea, of Reforestation," D. F.
Nelson, Minneapolis; "Our Past and
Futuro Format lN3lcy." T. n. Walker.
Minneapolis; "lxudblllilca of Refor
eitoUwi In tho Whlto Pfno Uolt," Dr.
FtUbott Roib, Collego of Forestry,
University of Mlcbfenn; "Tho Future
of th Nattonal Forest Reserves"
Wward A. Dowers. New Ilavwi.
Coun.; "Oeographlcnl Features of
Water Control In Ljo ITnnor Mississip
pi Valley." Tret. O. W. HalL UnlveW
That la Vhat tbo Iwks Say o!
Chronic Kidney DUoaae, But
tho No.v Fulton Compounds
llnvo a Record ot 8T ot Rooov
rlca Amon Ckiswlo Cases In
curabU by All OtUer McJIoinoo.
mmiill knew t kU7 lri that bn
a&C04alblrta bmIKi ba bacctat clironU
Mt4 itukl U U xht ri&3- by Jijloltu m
tMUMbU an U up 14 Xm sdfo ot Ul
IV) U Ompousa Uut Mlbliic Unit ahtlTd
ouU Wiick It. It U a pravta f tbat tnttlj
UttUot all iuu ax asw eurable, atd
(rugsUU tbataatUaa ar taalaj U saw Coo
pauaUa. Oat at taa raoTri u Dr. Zatlt
ktatMlt, Ua pUaaw SruccUt ot l raclCt
lUMt, Ban rraaaUto, aad Lo (at It to Of er a
aoteaotatra who raoottrod. liar U aaothci
latataaUBtt noattfj. iWa oop? from Um t-r-awaW
Nao XunaW la, IKaj.
"Atlar a tartoua tllaaaa of ortt a jtar Judra
t It Allan l tau alrr baa. raaomaa auu 10
tanta aiuuaU auxt hxtuaato la aoccawiul.
attllac Uawhat la (auarally ranlttl ai a
uial lJj,UiUl'aXfcM at Uiakteutta
laakja0(bta ao Ja&t Allca taUt 'I
arlt.T tbal ita traatawat tttaa mo bjr my
lAyklalaa waa U aaoordaaco ' tba be.t
iwl UU mad Ia tho rctaar vraaUra ot nuu
ctca, tmt It atfonUd ma ao tallal. lUatlug q
ttutrviuaOMutwaadalBeat VSo racUio
Uia.TtaUiataB4 aaa aooa aoailsoed 1 abouia
BB4eiso w traatuaav It waa Ureo Buxtilia
barlottovta&iaaga(orU4baltar. I ujh!
lha BM4tcta taltatally for uanr a Jtar aid
taa ua aad aa a? Ida4 ot tba diaooM aid
ata aaUalad tt U antlraW alUalaxt. Hi ap
peUla Uaaod.1 bata ( Jad taioatoxa ruua.'a
(a waUbl ad will U plttt to doaotlbo tu
XMrtaao w uioeowao aiar call at inu.
i tktraaaato Nt wa. Nut. M, IMS.
dj Ivor UutNiwaatawaU waa tba triata
UKk Jod.AUaaot tho Mtto CmopoaoiU.
nop t,t tba obIt Ulaa kattt tbat our
Vldar iHaaaaoa.aJwi u wall aa batoro tbri
Valioa'a Kaatl Oacisd lor BrUbta aid
A Man who is not Fastidious
About his laundry work will 4nko It
to "nny old pjaco," but thoso who aro
woll-brod, and want tholr linen to bo
faultless In color and finish will seek
out tho Salem Steam Lnundry In tlmo,
Just as water finds Its lovol. Our laun
dry work la incompa'rablo, nnd Is tho
porfectlon of the Inundryman'a art.
Try ua.
Satem Steam Laundry.
Phono mi, 320 Llher. n
Purity's Emtlera
la not a Bafer gurnntoo of geuulni
Quality than our name. Wlnea toi
liquors sold by ua aro Al for that rea
son. WhoU'jr uaod modlclnally aa
tonic, or aa a bovorago, our customer
nro served with the first choice' In tbl
markor. Wa bavo a ropuUtlon to,"pr
sorvo, which la worth too much to, bl
trifled with.
w rAnrir aw-22.lj
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Whoksdle aBlfteUll Llauor ile
spbbr bres: i
tLoa .kr.1 fii.a
atoaowjpawifa7ftoo axaljaoa tt
ait tar MaiBiL w,intk.,i.
PaUtea rHtrmy, 118 tuu .
rrT .?!
18c dozen for eggs i
tOc pet lb lor hum
17 J-2c pec ft f or ttrtter j
la traife, Um. tQ f$f mt teiaMak , '
lt8',"i lilHlllllllHIIHIIHUHlaHr