"'$--TJrjjr 'v" TH DAILY JOURNAL 8ALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUQU8T 13, 1603. fOU iv t V THE Pit joim Xrlaft Ntw Association Tltgram. 3 and 5 O'clock Edition. Y HOfKH hothkhs. 0ly On Yar, H " Ativan. BAt ThrM Month, lle In Advance 0H fcy Crrlr, M CtA Pr Month. Waafclv On Yr. tlO In Avime. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ono Weak I JO Ont Month " Tare Month! WO At Journal offlc. At Daua'a Grocery, South Salem. At Bwtrtx rocery, Yaw Park. AtyJurt Avanua Orocery 6r. Kltctrlo Orocery, Eaat Stat St mMHUHii inn hi im niiiMiiniiiiiinn Th Waathtr. Tonltht and Thurtday, fair. AM UPRIOHT, HONEST BUSTLE. Mr. Van Cercke'o bustls has rapid' ly axhlercd fatna. It first camo Into publlo aotlca through tho prota dl patches aaaounclnt; that the ferolnlno aafety depotlt had been lost, and that It contained hidden In the dark recess- a of Ita bold tho sum of 26W. This wm enough to roako tho wlre-rlbbed and cloth-bound bishop rank In tho upper clrclos of buatledom; but scarcely had the flrat dispatches grown cold, when the startling newa was flashed ciror the wire that the delin quent bay-window had absconded with $7600, and that Its erstwhllo owner had almost lost her mental, as well as her physical balance, by reason of Ita unreasonable vanishing. In vain was tho Pullman aleopor searched; In vain, anxious search or looked by tho aide of the track for ovldcncca of Ita having leaped off In tho darkness. A profllo view of the porter and conduc tor prorod a conclusive alibi, as far as they were concerned, for It was not In evidence. It had simply disappeared, cut-stick, absconded, skedaddled and absquatulated, and, llko tho gravo of Hoses, no man or woman, either kaaw of Ita whereabouts. Tho Pinker tcs ware called In, but the Pinker tost looked wise, and then looked bktak; m fugitive hustle possessed of I7W0 of flat money, with no brands or MMrkf, and -with Ita ago, color, cosapleilon and nativity unknown, was tven to them an IntaBRlblo mystery. The Walbt Walla bloodhounds were suggested, but It wan believed the track would bo cold, so that schemu was abandoned. Tho power of n hun dred million-dollar corporation was behind the pursuit of tho missing bustle, but against this mentor tho wily and wiry pannier matched ita wits, and continued In hiding. It waa used U It. for It had been brought up In concealment, hidden during all Ita existence from the erra of man. For three whole daya Mra. Lucy May Von Cercke, of Bhawnso, Illinois, put In her time mourning Its lotat at times ad, tit times hysterical, at times weoplng, but at all llmoa buoyed up by the aweet small volco of Hope. At last aha became dosperato, and tele graphed home the sad, tad nowa of her loaa. Then tho scone changed, and tears at Borrow gave place to smiles, albeit somewhat moistened by tears tht still lurked beneath Mra. Lucy May Van Cercke'a eye lids. Tho bus tle waa at home, Indeed had nover left It; but reposed calmly, aereno where Mr. Lucy MeyVanCorcke had loft It. and where It belonged, when not ac tively engaged In business, that Is In Mrs. Cercke'a bedroom, Hhe bad aim ply forgotten It, and had started out In the bustling world hustlelesa and WOnoyless. The faithful little old crib till contained and guarded Its treas ure, true to Ita mistress, and Its bring ing up. The mystery was solved, only to ring forth a, still more undecipherable ono. How did Mrs. lAioy May Van Cercke travel all the way from Shaw bee. Illinois, to Chicago; sleep In a Pullman car, and not know that she had left her bustlo behind herT Any way, the official of the road aro smil ingly happy. Mrs, Uiey May Van, tear fully so, the porter and conductor no longer reach around to eo If tho baeka of their belts are In place, or If a pAr&sUlo and criminal bustlo had at tacked Ita fleshiest framu to them while- they were not looking, and the week and lowly "aid to grace," the humble buttle, retains Ita good name. Md la ready to again ropose In peace, having the full conftdonee of Ita em ployers, and ready for business at the old aland, Joo Mitchell, of Maker City, haa a i4fw enough to dine satisfactori - ly W a stork. He and hit wife II ,. r AlUttUOWtlf Slffe?' i AEf m MffiEB (Quarrciedover'the'o,wne!rahl of horse, nnd she passed him her alter native that he couldn't have her and tho;horse both arid he chose the horse, Whereupon she told him he wan "persona non' grata" nnd gave him bis passports. Iter, llonry Duckery. of Cambridge. Mass., Is at the head of a movement to bring WO.000 negroes from the Southern states and locate them In Massachusetts. Ho thinks this will solve the race problem. Of course, the scheme Is chimerical, and, like putting carp In the Willamette, easy to do, but Injurious when done and worso thnn all Irreparable. An artlclo on the death of Oren S. Munger, clipped from a Eugene pa per, and appearing In Tho Journal Wednesday, by some cantrlp sleight" got cut Into four pieces, and appeared In norllnns amone the personals, u was entirely unintentional that It was run on the Installment plan. That bit of feminine apparel called the bustle, waa 40 years ago generally known as a "bishop." There Is no known reason why, unless It was considered an "aid to grace." Right to the Point. Portland capital Is considering the further development of the state of Washington. It Is aulte probable that tho Lyle'and Ooldendale road, built by Portland money, and owned by Portland capitalists, will bo extended up tho Klickitat river In the near fu ture. In the meantime, Portland kirks at Harrlman for turning Oregon traf fic away from Portland, and surveying roads which would not make tho city a termlnun. The people of Central Oregon doubtless bcllere. with the old latk, that holda a prominent placo In tho fables of tho nursery, that If a person wishes to see a thing done He must do that thing himself, and trust no friend, no matter how vol ublo bis promises, or how near the tlea of kinship. Having faith In this doctrine. It would not bo strango If the neglected settlements of tho Inte rior, should encourage the building of roads that would carry tho trade of tho country to a good market, pre sided over by wldo-awnko business men, who know- a good opportunity btforo Its back Is forover turned up on them. Ban Francisco needs the products of Central Oregon, and has a record for going after what she wants, Eaat Orcgonlan. Thnnks to tho State Hoard of Health for their great consideration In our behalf We greatly appreciate their lrlttilnwa In tinliilni list In ml tsnti ! till till was ii utift iw iw miiuitiaii i our science. ' Dm. Bchoettlo, Darr k Darr, Osteo paths, Grand Opera House, Salem, Or. Civilisation Has Never Been Reached, Ono writes "our present clvlllia tlon" and of previous civilisations but, Indeed, no civilisations have yet really come Into existence. Tribes have BKgregated Into nations, nations have aggregated Into empires, nnd then, after a struggle, has como a great contusion of thought, a failure to clarify a common purpose, nnd dls Integration. Each successive birth has developed a moro abundant body of thought; a moro copious literature than the last: each has profited by the legacy of the previous failure, but none havo yet developed enough. Man kind ha been struggling to win this step of a clvlllr-cd state, and haa never yet attained It unless, perhaps, In China. Though tho whole volumo ol history tho thoughtful render cannot but exclaim, again and again: "Hut If they had only understood one anoth er and certain little things, nil thlr bloodshed, all this crash, disaster nnd waste of generations could have beer avoided!" Our time has come, and wo of the Caucasian races are making our struggle In our turn. Slavery still fights a guerilla war In factory and farm, cruelty and lolenco peep from every alum, barbarlo habit rude and barbarlo ways of thinking gmasness and stupidity aro still all about us. Thing aro bad enojgh ono knows. And yet, In many ways wo seem to have gotten nearer to hope of permanent beginnings than In any of the previous essay In ctvlllxa tlon. Collectively, wo know a great deal more, and moro of us know It than over before. Assuredly, we know enough to hellevo that we have pasted the last of the Dark Age. Aud If we have not, T Still, wo must go on aa though we had, and, at the worst, leave a atlll ttoutor hopo for tho peoples who will follow. H. Q Wells In the Cosmopolitan. Rain Aa a Purifier, The health department has often called the attenttion of the publlo to Uhe fact that ralu It a great purifier and lhor u nm i,ui,t., (..., " " " IHIVII.UII5 & bood, gives strtth to fIje the lMwe!it cure con- Twice Pronounced D e a d Heart Trouble. Doctor Finally Told Me to Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure It Cured Me. Or. Miles' Heart Cure cores heart disease by temorlng the came it strengthens the weakened Mart ntrvti; it regulates the heart's action; it enriches the blood, improres lit arcultUon and replaces sickness with health, weakness with strength, misery with happiness. Do cot delay treatment. It your heart flutters, palpitates, skips bests, pains, ti slight eiertios causes shortness of breath, your heart is weak and you should at once beru the use of Or. Miles' Heart Cure. rv Mil.' Htart Cure has been of tnestl. stable value to roe and I doubt If I should hart trisd it at all but for others statements of Its beneficial results. I suffered from val vular heart trouble for a number of years, was glTtn up to die on several occasions, and twice pronounced 'rone.' In Septem ber, 19, the date of my last severe attack, my physidsn advised me that there was no hope. Tk valves did not close at all, there was constant rtfurgiutlsn. and the circula tion was so slcgguh that the slightest effort caused fainting, followed by muscular con trsctiess, esch one seeming the very throbs of death. I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure under sny doctor's care and when the fir it bottle was gone I was ordered to buy a half-desen snore. The effect of the seven bottles wss something remarkable. I am now- restored to a condition of good health and bid fair to enjoy many years of life." Mas. A. A. Srowr, Los Angeles, Cat AU druggist sell and guarantee fust bot tla Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nerveua acd Heart Diseases. Addruw Dr. Milts Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind. testimony to tho same effect In n re cnt numbor of the London Lancet, which Is fortified by references to a re cnt examination and analysis, Beginning with June 13th London had a continuous rainfall for five days, the total precipitation bolng estimated at 3 8 Inches. On tho third dny of the period a supply of raindrops was secured for an Investigation, nnd It was found that tho solid matter con tained therein nmountcd to 9.1 grains per gallon. Among tho constituents noted were common salt, nmmonlutn Sulphate, organic 'ammonia, soot nnd tuspended matters and nitrates. Tho Lancet ntsurca ua that the quantity of ammonia sulphate, .052 grains, was re markable, and that Its chief origin Is the combustion of coal. Salt contrib uted .8 grains and soot nnd suspended matters G grains. With this annlysls and nn estimate- of 0,137,229,800 gal lons for tho total rainfall over the London; country nrea as tho basis of ho calculation, It Is figured that the mormons downpour "represents tho washing out of no loss than 3738 tons of solid Impurttlos, of which 330 tons consisted of common salt, 2C7 tons of tulphato ammonia, and 2000 tons of soot and suspended matters." An other Interesting computation Is given as follews: "Regarding tho combiiH .Ion of ono ton of coal to produce 20 pounds of ammounltim Btilphato (n very fair average) tho quantity of coul represented by tho storm would bo 29.90 1 tons." Tho l-nncet adds thnt beslileH the purifllcatlon which Is shown by the analysis thoro Is a bacteriological pu rlflcatlon also, which of courno Is n very Important factor In tho henofl dent work of tho rain. Brownlna's Negro Dlood. In an artlclo lu the July Hooklovora' Manas I no. "The Nogro'tt Momsuko to tho World," by Professor W. K. H. Du IIoIh, occur an Intimation ubout Rob ort Drowning which will bo now to most people. The writer Is n pro feasor at Atlanta university nnd prob ably the moat scholarly negro In the United States. It Is not likely that Professor Du llola spoke without hav ing fuels of tome kind ut his com. mand. Ono would suppose that the passage would provoke considerable comment It Is as follows; "Tho negro, as the world has ytt tc learn, Is u child of the spirit, tropical In birth and Imagination, nnd deeply sensitive to all tho Joy nnd sorrow nnd beauty of life. His message tc the world, when It comes In ftilluese of speech and conscious of power, will bo the message of tho artist, not that of tho politician or shopkeeper. Al ready now, hnlf-contclous of the utrs sage In them, choked at times by It fervor, Phlllts, the cmdo singer. Al drldge, the actor; Rurlelgh nnd Uosa niond Johnson, Over tho sea the mnntera havo npopared Poushkln ami Dumas and Coleridge Taylor aye, and Ttobort Ilrownlng, of whose black blood the world but uhlspers o Dingers of Toll. (Yonkers. Statesman ) "Why don't you go to work for a living" asked tho lady at tho door of Weary Wllklns. "Not roe. madam." replied the Itln erant. raising his brltnless hat. "I read only yesterday In the paper that In the United Kingdom last year 4CS7 persona wero killed while at work, and 107,290 othern Injured. itetter awallow your good Jest than lose your good friend. Sweets nro tho tinea at adYraitv Roosevelt's Running Mate We mav be sure, saya the New York Sun. that Theodore Roosevelt is iook Ine with necullnr nleanure toword Jo seph Very Quartos, a Senator In Con grttM I rum tviicuimia ituu ui iiaiii-i emblems, tho Jurapor nnd tho over nils. Mr. Quarles lives In Milwaukee, but his heart Is In his hay Ileitis in Kenojlia. the village of his birth. Last week Mr. Quarlos hnd CO acres of "splendid grass" not cut Ho tried to sell It standing. Tho neighbors were too busy to buy. He swore that grass should not wither unshorn. He doffed his black broadcloth Senatorial breeches nnd frock coat Ho donned a pair of sky-blue over al,ls nnd a ten der brown "Jumper." Then, accoutred as he was he plunged In. By Friday night ' the entire CO ncros were In shock " Mn Qunrlcs Is called to he Mr Roosevelt's "side partner" nnd "running mato." From tho bulletin board of fate shines this ticket: Roosevelt nnd Quarles. Cowboy and Plowlioy nhakl nnd overalls, sword nnd scythe n Pensions Its Employes. The Southorn Pacific pension sys tem has been put Into operation; and 3G old employes of the company have been retired under Its provisions. Among them are O. Gwald, trannporta tlon department lines in Oregon. The work of the pension board Is atlll un finished, nnd a number of high omclnlp will probably ho placed on tho re tired list In a nhort tlmo. Among thoso are: Josopli I Wllcutt, secre tary of the Contrnl Pacific, th6 South em Pacific and other roads In the Pa clflc system; Cnptnln N. T. Smlthi treasurer of tho Southorn Pacific company; T. II. Goodmnn, gonernl passongcr agent of the Southern Pa rifle; Joromo Madden, land ngent of the Southorn Pacific compnny; J, N. Hnnford, pnymnster of tho Southern Pacific company; E. Dlnck Ryan, tax attorney of tho Southorn Pnclllc com pany. All of the nbovo ofllcors aro over tho pcubIoii ngo limit of 70 years and all havo been In tho scrvlco of the company for more than the prescribed 20 years. n i A Few Painters. The recent statistics of the number of deaths show that the large majority dl with consumption. This disease asay commence with aa apparently harmless cough which can be cured instantly by Karaa'a Balsam for the throat and lungs, which Is guarantead to cure and rolleve all cases. Price He and CO cents. For sale by all ruesista. 1 Wanted, Hop Pickers, Thirty acres, good yard. Mall, gro ceries, meat nnd bread delivered dally, Reglstor nt olllce, 2 to C p. m., room 7, upRtalrs, second hall south of IIurIi bank. Commercial street. 8-10-1 wk KD. O. HKRREN. Uso Trib for Liquor habit Money to Loan. Uxwia In BtniiH of 110,000 or less on short tlmo, or for n period of years. J. N. imOWN, 8-l-lm Room C, upstairs, Tioga Illdg. u Uso Trlb for tobacco. Out of the Usual. Tho Northorn Pacific railway tins Issued n circular nnnoun6Iiu; tlnit on nnd nfter August 1st all skilled em ployeH lu tho enrshops of that computiy will recolvo an Increnso of C por cent In wngoH. nnd thnt all apprentices nnd hulpora. ns well na unskilled labor, will be given an lucreaso of C por cent. This nctlon on tho part of tho com pany In voluntary. Letters from Women Cured by the um of Kodol art received tUMr. Their trouhlM noarlr all begin with IndifM. tlon or other stomach disorder, It tha food you tat fall to riva strength to your body, it U bsetuM tfta Jvteea a, crated by tha tlomioa ins dlgaT organ are Inadtuato to trmaaf trm tha nutrUat proa trtiM of la food Into bjoed. That If tadigestian. Tfca system U deprived of the amount of aowrUhmant rtqulred t ka tsa the ttrsngth. and tfca ratalt U tkai ana m snera at tha dtltoata organs jraitiaHy grtva wmb. sun insa we-aatr, ttnui ntOf H It dUsaaatd. Hr a great mistake U snaia. That 4 trtatlnf the eUseaMd e-rgaa, Th Ua doctor la th land mak thlt vary aaUtako. Why ahouls they r It U m May to put U trouble U eat law. Kodol Cures YU&a fern dim nmnrlv niti Va ..& -j oVftlv organs In a healthy condition that rich, red blood tt sect oourslng through h vtlna and arttrtot of every muse!, tUsua aad Ahr thrauhaut mt ...... .1 a.. .- Ura body, sad by Nature's law of hakk, felt HrstrasatvinrutiMaristtitJttuaa. Kalal smeta ladltusuon. dyaetMto 4 aa LAAHAAk illin i f ii ii t w v CTVBTltlBSi VtSBtVVaWltJt aniuni MsaatW.oAd Bov.walksl bMnahottU fr". ZV ,, M B n. HtskJ,WtQtuaauM,Mlle Caator.N.Y. Kt4wl ititftli Wkit Tt4t ti I kava ttJcaa Keiol for naartv tw nmt ftftor.svsQtl tsvaal and ft la tha enbr - Hut ttsv ttdtoi frosa Ska imjJ uil .' Aiur a tin. i kx.u iTtTT. Mstata- tt . a. mrro, wmmm Uio Klna Yon Havo Always in usp for over 30 years, .. ntlU lias UCCIl Illliuu mmia "u pum lSJ--- "oiml Btipcrvlslon since Ita InlUHcy. Ta&JuAi xnxa m mm to dccclvo yon In this. . ii-..ia T..,if,winini Eiperlnicnts that trlllo with and otulanBcr tho health e Infants nnd Chlldron-Experlcnco talmt txperliuont. What is CASTORIA Can Tin Is n hnrmlcss anbatltitto for Castor Oil, P&r. gorh Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is IMcasant. 16 contm-ts neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotte tinhsuinco. Its ngo Is Its jpiarantcc. It destroys Worms nnd allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Win Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation, nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears tho Z0&x The Kind Yon tee Always BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtMT.UH COMMItr, TT MURRAT TMIT, HiWTOK CITT, 45c Ladle's Crash Skirts 45c, Tan color, neatly trimmed with white braid 75c Ladies' DuckSkirts 75c, good heary material, neatly trimmed, regular $1.25 Ladies' and Ghildrens Hats less than half price. Calicoes fast colors, 4c a yd Hop pickers Gloves Greenbaunf s Dry Goods Store. 302 Commercial Street fMrafPw aS3fesSl A Man who Is not Fastidious About his laundry work will take It to "any old placo," but thoso who ar wollbred, and want their linen to ba faultless In color and finish will seek out tho Salem Steam Laundry In tlmo. Just as water finds Its level. Our laun dry work Is Incomparable, and Is tha perfection of th laundryman'a art. Try us. Salem Steam Latmcfry. COLONEL. J. OLMSTED, prop. DORUSB. OLMSTED, Mer. Phono 411. 320 Liberty St. yw'''wwaiiiBI,l,l,4,l;;;,,7itf SPEBR J9c dozen for eggs 10c per lb for hens 7 J-2c per lb fo btrttc In trade, less JO pet Bought, nnd which Iioa bom has homo tho Bljrnatnro ef mill " Just-as-cootl" nro but) Signature of Signs of Renewed Activity In tho real estate world Imllcato In. creasing building oporattont thla Spring, and prompt us to remind you thnt our facilities for supplying hard and soft wood, lumber, lath, ahlnglea, and othor building matorla'a aro ox. ceptlonally good. Wo will bo pleased to furnish estimates on contracts, largo or small. A car of Mill' City shingles received. QOODALE LUMBER CO., w ... Near 8. P. Paa Dat. Phont Ui, j7lrf 'sv x v-' tiarMiAHT Cheaper Than a poctor Better Thai Medicine The wines, liquors and cordials 'wo present for tho approval of tho publlo merit your attention and purate. Mellow, aged, good "bouquet," ouf output Is bound to claim your atten, tlon. to satisfy your ovory doslra In this Hue of gooda, J. P. RQGER$,&& uuuicaaie ana Retail LiflMT SMicr, BR03. - 4 i i 7TsMfsati S i s . 1 iA "-W it 'JT lMittz3PT ct.i c-i'l!-! r : r. a tltta. Irug etore. '"'""niiiiniiiiiiimiiltlwit;,iilliy.;.; S" m'f.l?WWii .Wasnv , -aA tf1fltyfc !. -- , bitter aro tho uson of prosperity