The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 13, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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    1 "Wi WJPMf Vl 'TC'
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1 CV:
Se barsEntlre Line of Dining Tables
at Summer Time Prices
The House Furnishing Company.!
'Salem-. 269' Liberty Street.
Dfc-f.Jf. COOK
Has como to the"concuslon lhat all profession ot tho henllng att out
Ida of tho vogotablpklngdomls a fatluro. Wherf your Bystom Is run out
without puro blood. You will only find vitality In tho vcgotablt
kInGB'Sm, Pojs'onoua' 'drugs nor doctors' knlvos nor thunder and
lightning, wll not romoTo ' th6 causo, but lay tho foundation for al kinds
of discaso. Thqso. poisons go into your bones, and kill tho life of thorn
and croato all klndo of diseases, cancerous tumors, consumption, dropsy
baneldlfi'caaos'vetc... Youttaustvbear In-.inlnd that his medlclno Is nptwa
poisonous tonic, nor ? stimulant, nor tomporary rollof which you got from
poisonous drugs, where the rosulta are suro death sooner or lator. Do not
bjarao tho modlqino, when It takes an affect and stirs up tho poisons 01
dlseaso In tho Bystom. You must not expect to bo cured In a fow days, for
your slcknpssUor dlseaso, baa 'bcon A long tlmo coming on, and It will takt
a long tlmo to got It out of your Bystom. It will take months or a year tc
build a 'now body fromtho bonos up, This Is what tho peoplo do not un
doretand. 'Thoy aro used to bolng humbugged. Ilia medicines aro com
posod ofNature's Ilorbs what tho human system roqulres. Whon tho anL
ranis got sick thoy will help thoinsclvoB to thoso herbs, for they bavo tho In
silaefvand tho peoplo'bVvo' not, ad wo haro to make a study of It It'kai
been a lLfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not got weary; this Ufa la too ahprf
.and too awoot to worry out of thla world. '
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases
301 Liberty StreeJ, Salem, Oregon. , '
t m jCfiofce and Cheap Meats
I will sell tho1 best Meats 'that thoStato of Orogon can produco, as low
as any of toy competitors, and for tho present, will quoto the following
prices, and at tho samo tlmo Invlteyou to call and Inspect our Meats and
gatourpricoa on' meats In quantities:
Until further notlco the following aro
my prlces: '
Hound, steak .... 10c
Chuck steak ,.. . ., 7c
Jtoaat, boof ,..,.......,.. 0 to 10c
Dolling boof . ., 6 to 7c
Muttou, fqr quartan ..., Co
Breast ot Mutton ,..., 4o
Hind quarter of mutton-...,... 8o mutton 10c
Pork, loin ,.., 10o
Pork shoulder 8a
Veal, hind quarter 10c
Voal; forequarter .' 7o
Twenty years oxpdrlonco soiling
moats. I will meet all cuts.
E. C. CROSS, Phone
Jacob Vogi co5i
Mas a lew llae of Men's. Ladles' and
Collirea's Shoes. Geol flttlit. food
wearln? aft at lowest prices Go and
eeferyeu will &e sire to tret a Bar
rain. J. Brownstein & Sot.
54 State street Highest ca price
Ml J fw Hides. Pelts. Wool. Tallow
aMfers; ateo general deslerUold
Irfcg, ftubberand Metals.
To all consumers of ice
Salem and vicinity
lavlK tetiKBt tfc ( asltal ke Works
we respectfully solicit a coatlHuance
of your satroaage. We will ewkayor
to tatKove tlw servke aa4 will keep
us mm Kcaeat excellent a wllty of tat
Please address an orders to tne
uadersJ ed or ttleone wo. 13I.
Goo Ber fee Salem
As tt will take sae tlne to sUce
ew Ktft lathe ,aTkt fro the
Skn Ireweryaaii as we wish te nt
trt4 la fteetMS a4 in twich with
th tra4e la Stteia ai4 vklnfty at an
early date, we have d arramre
Mts to haaile the 01yI a4 SU
lac haa Kay Irews. M well and tvr
ahty known fey the KOBte of 'the Pa
cific cost. Owr urlcts will fee the
Mew as the local brewery has charar
el and the servke we will reader will
be nude satisfactory.
Salem Brewery Ass'n
iwMIM ! !
291, Salem, Oregon
A stove that Is always ready 1
A stove that males no smoke, smell at
allies 1
A safe stove I An economical stove I A
clean stovel
A stove that requires no skill to oper
ate It I
aA -at linnnnMV t fe ' 111 J
ilf. S !i J vurnrt edy for sick-headache, dya
ftod?te . i Uhea work Plpala iud indigestion, H"
A "Quick Meal" Stove will do any and
all work that can be done on a wood
er coal stove, only with the differ
ence that the "Quick Meal' does It
quicker, cheaper and in a more agree
able and reliable wajr
ft. M. Wade & Co.
Cakes, Pies .
Aud ajl things that, aro good can bo
found at Strong's restaurant. They
also serve excellent meals. eod
Trlb for sale by sjdruglsta.,
Here's Something Fishy.
When It comca to relating "fish sto
ries," tho scribe of Salt Lake City
who formulated tho following enter
talnlng tnlo deserves consideratien:
One of tho strangest cases In tho
history of medlclno has Just been
brought to. tho attention of ono ot
Salt Lake's prominent Burgeons.
Sojourning In tho city at tho pros
ont tlmo aro a mother and daughter,
both prominent In the social world ot
ono ot tho country's beautiful sum
mer resorts.
Tho daughter Is Just 1G, nnd Is a
natlvo of tho West, but has been edu
eatcd In tho East. v
Prom birth she has been strangely
marked, tho entire body under tho
clothing bolng covered with myriads
of scales, tho arms and legs resem
bling those of some curious Inhabl
tnnt ot tho deep moro than tho llmbi
of a human being.
I3y tho use of a lotion npplled every
fow days tho disfiguring scale Is kept
from tho fnco nnd hands of tho young
Indy, and even tho closest observer
would fall to detect tho presence of
anything out of the ordlnnry.
Not only does tho young lady bear
tho external marks of tho finny tribe,
but like Its members seems utterly un
able to exist without frcquont Immor
When nt tho soasldo'or other places
whoro fresh water bathing Is posslblo
It Is said that sho spends hours dally
swimming about In tho water, nnd nt
hor own homo spends much of hor
time In the bathtub. A story Is told
that when sho was a bnbo years ot
ago hor parents woro visiting along
tho coast of California, when, ono
dny, tho llttlo ono Jumped Into tho bay
along tho southern coast nnd swam
out fully n qunrtcr of a mllo before
sho was rescued.
Asldo from tho scales on tho body,
a tondoncy to webfoot Is tho only
other mark which distinguishes this
fair young woman, Her mind Is
bright nnd highly trained, hor man-
,nors nro winsome, nnd whorovor she
Is known sho is a great favorite. Tho
doctor bollovo thoro Is no euro for
tho dreadful affliction, nnd tho enso
will probably bo handed down ns one
ot tho phenomena of tho ago.
' How'a This?
Wp offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho
ward, for any caso ot Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. , P. J. CHENEY,
Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undorstgnod, havo known'
P. Cheney for tho last 1G years, and
bollovo him perfectly honorable- In all
business 'transactions and financially
ablo to carry out any obllgnllpns made
by tholr firm WEST & THUAX,
Wliolcnnlo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
nnd mucous surfaces ot tho system.
Testimonials freo. Prlco 7Gc per hot
tlo. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho bo3t.
25c Can Do
Wonders. In tho way of a meal, If you
call on Geargo Ilros., tho White House
Ilestauront. Thoy can servo you tho
host to bo had on tho coast. Open
day and night.
Try Them and Be Convinced
That Drnnson & Ragan havo the
host groceries that can bo found any
where You will find thorn, on tho cor
nor ot Commercial aud Court streets
Spring Water
Is what Strong's uso on their tables.
On thliBo warm days there Is nothing
Illicit." ' r
Trlb for salont Daniel Fry's,
Hay Scales
Flrst-clasa hay scales now In opera
Hon at tho Klectrlc Store, on East
State street, Always ready for bus!
ness,! A. 8. EPPLDV, Prop.
748 tf
Una Trlb for Liquor habit
This thing of being sick and looking
for a cure Is a mighty serious busi
ness. People are not given to Joking
eveq at the first symptom ot the ap
proach of tho grim destroyer. They
do not want tq be the subjects of ex
periment, but want medicine that has
.. . the test ot years behind it A
medicine that has been node and used
for 20 years glrca assurance ot its
worth, and can be taken with a faith
that they have the very best cure the
world affords. All tils can ba said
at the source ot the trouble and re
moves the cause. Wa will send a
sample box of these pills free, or a
full, boson j-ccelpt of 26c. Bold. by all
dneS'Sts for 25c per box, or address
Do Oosanko Co., Phllaaopata, Pa,
For sale at Dr. Stone's Drue Stores. 2
For Infants taxi CMMrta.
Hears the
Blgnaturti of
lfeJcJW4 I
ry '
If at last she tires of the fault finding
of a dyspeptic husband and leaves him ?
The worst of the dyspeptic is that he
docs not rcalUe his 6wn meanness. His
world Is entirely out of perspective.
Dyspepsia and other diseases of the
stomach and organs of digestion and
nutrition are perfectly and permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Tierce' Golden
Medical Discovery. It cures the worst
forms of the disease. It cures when all
other medicine have failed to benefit.
Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. There is no
other medicine for the stomach, blood
and lungs, which can show so wide and
wonderful a record of cures. It always
helps. It almost always cures.
"I cn Mvtoyou, one bottle of ya 'Ooldtn
Medlcul Dlicovcry' Jim cured me wund and
well, nfter iuflfcritiir two lonj yews with
ttoranch dlKM.t writes Mr. W, II. Urwell p(
McAdenvllle. CMtou Co , North Carolina. My
brallh U worth all the world to me. I will
praise you long at I llTe."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper binding, U sent on
receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only, or if cloth
bound volume is desired send jji stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.V.
'$100 Reward.
..$100 rownrd will bo paid for Infor
mation loading to tho nrrost and con
viction ot tho party or parties who, on
tho night ot August 4. 1903, damaged
nnd attempted to; destroy tho dam at
tho head of tho ditch of tho Salem
Flouring Mills Co., In tho Santlnm
rlvur, nenr 8tnyton, Oregon.
8-U-0t Halcm, Oregon.
Trlb for salo by tho Capital Drug
Bursa. IMKIndHawAhHBwjfet
Tho Doad March Is not necessarily
tho ono that tho musicians hnvo mur
dored. Trlb for salo by all druggists.
to Yaquiua
Sundny, August lGth, wo shall run
an excursion to Ynqulna Ray and Now
port on tho following time schodule:
Lcavo Sllvortou C:00 A.M.
" Mt Ansel G:10
A'rlvo Woodburn 6:26
Lcavo Woodburn 6:30
" aorvaU C:38
" Salem 0:12
A'rlvo Albany C;C8
Ivcavo Gugcno ,G : 20 A.M.
Junction City C:C0
Harrlsburg ,.,G:06
Hulsoy 0:22
Shedd 0:31
A'rlvo Albany G:C8
Train will run through to Yaqulna
without change, returning samo day.
O i
A good field of corn Is ono tiling a
farmor doosu't caro to havo crowded
Itching Piles produco molsturo and
causo Itching, this form, as well as
lillnd, Bloedlng or Protruding Piles
aro curod by Dr. Uo-aanUo's Pllo Rom
edy, stops Itching aud bloedlng. Ab
sorbs tumora 60c a Jar at druggists,
or sent by mall. Troatlso Freo. Write
mo about your case. Dr. Uoaanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For salo at Dr.
Stone's drug stores,
O .A. IS W O Tt. T Jk. .
3rsti lln Kind Yci Haw Unit Betf
The motlern innovation of whlto
casket, whlto hearse and whlto horses
no doubt has como to stay, especially
In tho case of tho obsequies of people
below mlddlo age. Enterprlso, fore
sight and buslnosa tact has brought
our Capital City up to dato In this re
spect. Kind treatment and best of
services guaranteed.
W. T. niODON.
7-2Mm 142 Court Street
BWstU ItuKiadYmlUitNwijttilaSill
, Notice to Taxpayer.
Tho board of equalization for Ma
rion county, Oregon, will meet at the
office of tho county clork pn Monday.
August 31, 1903 at 9 o'clock a, m., and
will remain In session each successive
day for ono week.
All parties Interested aro requested
to appear and examine their assess
meat for tho year 1903, and havo all
errors corrected by said board, It any
there be. as no corrections can bo,
mado after the adjournment of said
Assessor ot Marlon County, Oregon,
8a,era. Oregon,
AUgUBt 8, 1903,
Adverttaeatests. me lists or !. fa tMa eolaaw
laiertMthrte times for 35c SOcaWcek $1.30
a koatb. All over fnrs lints st the same rati.
Wanted. At Willamette Hotol ele
vator boy. 8-10-tf
Married Couple. No children, want
threo or four housekeeping rooms;
clpso In. Address "J.," Journal.
Wanted. Intelligent persons to copy
letters at homo; $12.60 paid wockly.
Send stamped ehvolopo for samplo
letter and Instructions. Kureka Com
pnny, 23 Duano street, New York.
8-8-1 w
Bicycle Found. A. man's wheel found
near state houso. Call on J. K. Stan
ton, 16th and Mill streets. 88-11-31"
Lost. A three-link gold" pin, with Inl
tlals "F. I T." Finder loavd with
Wm. Fcldt and rccclyo rownrd.
For Sale. A good milch cow; fresh
soon; also nn open buggy, good as
now. Call on I). F. Jermnn, 210
Commercial street. 8-12-3t
For Sale. A good second- hand buggy,
also a slnglo harness. Inqulro flt
Mitchell, Ixiwls & Stnvcr. 8-12-3t
Qows for Sale. Two milch cows, by
O. w. Johnson & Co. 8-10-31
Ror 8ale. Tho prunes on 10 acres.
near Rosedale. Inqulro at Manning
& Ferguson's hardwnro storo, Ha
lem, Oregon. 8-8-wk
Ror Sale DO-aoro farm In Marlon
county, Yi mllo ot Snntlam river, in
good BottlonienL Fivo-room houso,
barn and necessary outbuildings.
Woll watered with spring water at
the door. Ton aoree of fruit of all
kinds, principally wlntor apples, A
lino fruit and dairy farm, with lots
ot out-rango; within mllo of rail
road, school, church and business
town, with largo monthly payroll.
Thla Is a beautiful farm of good,
black, productive. land, and It sold
at onco will tako $2000, with halt
, down, nnd tho bttlanco from 3 to 6
years, at 0 por cunt Interest Im
modlato possession, For further
information, address J. E. Ray, Mill
City, Ore
For Rent A 5-rooni cottago In South
Salem, near tho brick storo. In
qulrq of H. S. Jory, South Salem.
nooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block; by day, week, or month. Al
' so light housekeeping rooniB. Elec
tric llghta. Opon all hours.
MatUo Hutchinson, Prop.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 20G6 Main.
Just Arrived. A largo stock of gouts'
lurniBiiing goods, clothing, hau, no
tions and fancy goods, trunks, too
scopos and valises, etc. You can
get bargains at No. 149 State stroot.
8. Friedman, manager. 8-7tt
The Proper Thlno The popular
drink for family uso Is a. S. soda
and carbonated beverages. Evory
body should keep thoso goods at
tholr homes. Call up Oldeon Stolz
Co. 'phono 421.
Have Just Purchased Tho Mlllor
stock ot now and secondhand goods
at 210 Commercial street. Will give
i you good treatment and deslro your
patronage, Second hand goods
bought and sold. Also a nice stock
of new goods on hand. D. F. Jor
man. 7-21-tf
Screen Doors $1.16 and upward, in
eluding hardware, screen windows,
Wire Cloth, Jawn and Field Fenc
ing and Shingles all at loweat
prices. WALTER MORL13Y,
CO Court St, Salora, Qr.
Unique Cleanlna Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, tho cleaners, aro now lo
cated at ,200 Commercial street
They do a general pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid, gents' cloth
Ing, etc. Phono 2014. 6-28-1 yr.
You will always find the choicest
meats at tho lowost prlcos at Ed
ward's & Luscher's, 4QG and 410
8tato street 'Phone orders given
spocial attention.
Central LodQO NO. 18, K. of P. Castle
nan in tioiman oiock, cornor mate
and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of each
weok at 7:30 p. iu. A. E. Strang
C. C R. J. Fleming K. of It and S.
Forester of America Court Slier
wood Forestora No, 19, Meoto Fri
day night In Turner block. B, W
Mlnturn. C. R.: A L. Rrown. flee.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 6248. Moots
ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
IloUnan Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
C: A. U Brown. Clork.
Protection Lodge No. 2, AbcIouI On
der United Workmen, meets every
Saturday evening, In the Ilolman
Hall, corner Stato and Liberty
streets Visiting brethren welcome.
J. a Oraham, M. W,; J, A. Sellwood
Dra. Morse and Robertson. Rooms
i .to 6,- Helmut Hlack.'..TIshena
Dri W. S Mott Will hereafter be
fouqd Iq tho lirey block, 276 Com
mercial street, over Oregon Shoe
Co. OHce telephose," 2031; rt'll'
dopco phone, 276), Ooe lipurs 9
to 13, and 2 to 6.
Bare, ,
American School of Osteopathy,
Ktrksvlllo, Mo., .auccessorB' to UK -Grace
Albright Ofllcr hours 9 to
12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd
Follows' Temple, Phono Main 2721;
residence pnono,zco3 red. .
Dr. H. H. 8covoll,' Suoaestlva Thore-.
poutlCB and Osteopathy. sNorrouan
afunctional and menttd-dlseaaes, neui
ralgln, hoadachos, nordvous prostra
tion, dyBpopaia, constipation, dlarJ
rhooa, ' rheumatism, asthma, oto.
D'Arcy block, Stato strcqt Phpnp
Main 2866
Ryan's Shaving Parldrs-u&oveh first'
oliisit barbers ongagod. Finest bath
rooms In city. Wo uso, antJa.optlc,
storlllxor. J. ltyan, Prop. .
Evan's Darber 8hop Only first-class
mmmmmm i mmm
shop onk Stato atrcet JSveryAthlna.!,
now and up-to-date. Flnoit porco- .
lain baths, Shave, ICc; hair-cut 26o i
baths, 2Dc. Two . flrat-clasa boot f
blncka. C. W. Evans, proprietor.
all kinds sod styles First CUss
work and material. Prices reason
able. Shop on Miller St., South
Salem. Phone Ret 2191.
S68 Cemtaarclal trL
Crawfish )AI1 served in
NotTatnalcs Mhemost ap
Cold Lunches ) pefizing style
B ECKERLEN, Proprietor
S. C. STONE, M. 0.
Tho atoros (two 'n number) are lo
cated at No. 236 and 207 Commercial
itroet, and aro woll stocked with a
comploto lino ot drugs and medicine,
tollot artlclos, perfumery, brush,
Has had, eomo 25 years oxporleuce In
tho practlco ot modtclno, and. bow
makoa no charges tor conaultatlos, ex
amination or prescription.
Express and Transfer'
Meets all mall and passengor trains'.
Daggngo to all part1 ot tho city,
Prompt, sorvlco. Tclophono Np, 24L
For water Sorvlco apply afbfucov
Dills payablo monthly In advance.
Mao all complaints at the ofllco.
Bank of Salem.
The only National ank In Marlon
County. Transacts a gonoral banking
Pays InteroBt on savings accounts,
Harper's Whiskey Is the best
Qet soma into your vast
Qua. gchralber keeps It,
And you know the rsst
153 Stat Streal
A mt. iwuM ttM
I".!. fr.MII.. T SI tV. I W,. IWIkl . ,Blff U 1
wm1 )iui ' ttM.; U ttmu. ttifim n. iMl
mw. T..B..
"" ManriN wjov. UNcsTCfl. ra.
Sold In Salem by S. O. 8ton.
Call fbr Free Sample.
Made up In new line of wraepers. al,
colors. White Underwear. AH klads
,of walstsj fancy summer ffobds. silks,
naiunKn. ueaiaana tames rami
Ibk roods now for sale cheao. I0Q
.Court St . Saltfflr Or, Corner Alley.
Succossor to Dr. J, M, ICoeue. In.
Whlto Cornor, Salem, Oregon, Parties
desiring spporlor operations at mod
orat feu in any branch aro In especial
request. '
Your SUpmohr.
Is still aere, aud as busy a
ever, when your clothe are worn
and dirty, or tho buttons off,
take them to ber, attho Salem Dyela
and Cleaning Works, Repalrlag aodi
reUaing; new velret collar put oa
overcoat; also four aulta a month tot"
$L Called for and returned
MRS. a H. WALKHft Pre,.
IM Commercial OittC
c?."cm car zn Vt
. tt.4IAl mn&
MasmsT taaa Pi
MMtl HU,. Uw.
II"1" I J
Triii for sI it,
Dra. Mjf.T.' Bchbeltle.F Frank 0.
and' Anna' W- Birr.'-lf
"" , MM. IUmm, S.X.
M OfU.1 lMb, SltlMtllU, N I .111., m7u Mf
ltt.Fl.tU IM aula Ikm. Ut S. U Ulan,
4IhM,W(, lit.. "TWrll,,k,.iluiU
CiuUM. Dr II II MaUld. CUlliblf. ..a.niluai
SaU aiaAnXLiL.
aW . .sVT T
"VfwTW'af UMI
the Palace Pi
i.ZfrAik'm tfcta45&