The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 18, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ' TST" '
You Can't
-Iuis-bound to be seen.
YoiThave.been hold
ing on ips (hat old
ill read bare suit all
winter, because you
could cover it with
in overcoat, But
you can't do it any
longei. A few wrm
days like this will
send tharbvercuat to
the wardrobe, and,
my dear fellow, that
shiny, thread-bare,
buttonless, & shabby
suit will be exposed.
But never;' mind, we
can help you out in
fine shape for10.00,
12 50 or 15 00. A
top-notcher for 20.
If your Spring Suit
comes from here it
will be right.
G: W. Johnson
The popular loan plan of running
the city debt hasso many arguments
In itf favor that. It Is hard tds choose
arutfngthem. " ,
Salem has throe- times raeortod to
tlio popular loan, and oaoh tlmo It was
ia groat success, and saved the-city
jmonoy. ' ,
! Doth Snlora banks favored no popu-
' Jar loan In 'the tfast, and (he plan Is
tlW ordy ono flakes the citizen la
sharolioldsr In tn commuillty, a Btocfy
holder for good government.
Tho old plim of having tho banks
carry all tho debts of tho community
Igavo them too groat a load In tlmos
of stringency, nnd caused them to. un
load on Eastern banks, nnd then Inter
est and principal went Eastj :
The banks may offer to carry th6
city bonils now at four per cent, but In
case of a palile or flnauclnl depres
sion, thoy could not do It.
With the debtwldely distributed In
the1 hands of small holders thcro Is a
spreading out of tho load, and the
banks aro left free to hantllo tho com
mercial needs of tho community.
Tho popular loan proposed by the
special commlttco should not bo side
tracked or dolayod. It Is In tho Inter
est of economy, nnd of sound business
Your girls and boys will ne'er forget
The paths In which tholr feet you set
And to thelrvUtniost thoy will do
Iffhoso thlrigs which honoring them
. -do you t"
So on your flftloth wedding day
Wo send you love, and only pray
Our golden anniversary .
WJll find you both .arc thero to sec.
0 .
Light is Wanted.
Ed. Journal;
hdnost. Ho was
Chest Pains From
"-TobaLcco Heart."
257 Com'l St., Salem, Or.
Scrlppi Newt Association Telegrams.
3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, 91.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, SO Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 91,00 In Avance.
Ono Wpolc f I 10
Ono Mouth 35
Tbroo Months 1,00
At Journal office. '
At Daue's Grocery, South 8alem.
At Boweraox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State 8L
un I QIabeL
Would tho suggestion" not bo timely
that rosldents cut ovorhond branches
of treos and shrubbery from off tho
' gome or the limbs nro hnnging bo
low a follow has to almost crawl under
on his hands and knoos to got through
which Is vory humlllatlug ospeelally
If ho Is with his host girl.
Thoso branches hang from the treos
which grow In tho grass plot outsldo
tho fonce nnd othors hnng ovor tho
fence to talk with tho outsiders, nnd
frequently they omhrnco oach othor
across tho walk nnd tho podostrlan
must crawl through or jump ovor.
A good old lady was bo badly
shocked the othor day at tho limbs
that slio had to "leavo" for home at
Thoroforo, It Is woll to consider
theso things beforo any moro dlsnstor
oub features occur.
Thero Is another olemont who nro
entitled to our groatost roflpect. nnd
thoy nro thoso who rldo the bicycle
upon tho wnlks.
It Is pitiful to boo thorn to hnvo to
dodge mound the trnos nnd como out
scratched nnd brulsod, nnd nil becauso
tho property owners can't cut down
their trees or trim thorn.
4ll(IIIIHIHHIimiHI t fr
While It may be strictly accord
Ing to tho lettor of tho law, Is It not a
narrow and mistaken polloyto appoint
nil alio hoards and commissions pro
vided, under tho now chartor from
within thootd elty limits!
Tho park board was created not for
tho otd rodlstrloteil city limits, but for
Greater Salem, aud a iuombor ot that
board should hnvo been chosen for the
portions of tho city added to tho old
limits. . ,
While tho now limits do not bolqjng
to' iho city propor until October, 'thq
now chartor did not creato theso oft
flees foe the benefit of -tho old city, but
tort Greater jtalom, and for tho city
with lis expandod boundaries.
In tho samo manner the health
board should bo constructed with
eomo rocogultlon of tho Greater Sa
lorn aud Its necessities. On tho theory
suggested ono health ofttcer should
como from tho present suburbs, that
after October 1st will be part of
Greater Salem. .
, It sooma to bo a fact that Salem has
expanded, although some. politicians
may not got tho fact fully Into tholr
possession. Thp chartor was framed
for 1,000 to 16,000, hot fdr 4328, if you
ploaso, ; ' i
Let thoro bo good, squaro. honest
work for Greater Salem. Lot narrow)
fo'strloled, Ghlueso-wall, vest-pocket
jiollclos of the past bo "relegated to
ho rear4 Lot Grte. BJn go forV
ward 'tfr full greatness."' '
f Let us bare a popular voto on the
b'lko ordinance.
Ot no public Intorost, but nn Im
portant ovont In -the Hvos of tho pa
routs of the publishers of this paper,
Is the celebration today at their homo
In Chlcngo, ot tho golden wedding an
niversary of Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Hofor.
As newspapor people, for sovoral
generations, the Wostorn contingent
sends Its groetlngs, with slncorest
prayers for long llfo nnd strongth for
denr fnthor and mothor.
Frank Hofor, ono of tho publishers
ot tho Marshflold, Ore., Dally Mall, Is
In -attendanco nt the family festivity
todny, which ,1s attended by children
and grandchildren by tho score, from
tho Atlantic to tho Pacific.
Tho occasion Is bolng obsorvod In
Tyroloso fashion, with tho costumes of
that country worn by tho ladles and
young pepplo, the men present adher
ing to tho American stylo of clothing.
Tho following linos are from tho pon
of ono of Tho Journal staff, an old
nowspnpor mnn, and with his nnd our
compliments they nro sent In tho Jov
ial and whole-hearted Wostorn way,
not as a Hnmplo of Orogon pootry, but
as tho best we have for tho occasien:
iVlthough two thousand miles away,
Our hearts nro with you all today;
And wo rojolco to know that you
Hnvo passed tho half a century through
Hntul clasped In hand, and Btlll, for-
Can lovo oaoh othor ob In youth,
And on this happiest day In Juno
Feol that your hearts aro still In
No doubt In all thoso fifty yoara
You've hnd your share ot pain and
And yet what mortal scathless goes?
Thoro grow Borne thorns for overy
And ruts thAire are In overy road,
And weariness In every load.
Tho flro that wnrms will 'sometimes
And promised Joys to sorrows turn.
Yet In your oyes, to us so denr
Shines' Truth's own light aa nuro
nnd clear
As when -you played the girl and beau
Just half a century ago. -
Tho joys wo'vo Jmd, we Jlvo again
God gives forgotfulneaa of pain.
Thoy wercipobr but
. .. .
onterprlstng. sno
a J'S
'was thrifty. A motto hung' over tho
cupboard which read, "Our rollglon
Tho Greatest Good to tho Greatest
Numbor." Thoroforo John was In at
tendance whenever tho Salem Push
Club hold forth. Hoping that some
day her John would bo nn alderman,
sho mado It her business to keep htm
beforo tho public. Sho mado him nt
tend all meetings called for citizens,
at which meetings tho citizens could
bo heard and not hoard. Doing poor,
no clock adorned tho mantle piece.
Tho big clock in tho court house gave
this little household tho time, or day.
Peering from a convenient window af
forded them glimpses of tho clock
tower. It so happoncd that ono even
Ing, a very dark ovenlng it was, that
tho Salem Push Club announced n
meeting of great Importance to tho
citizens at largo and of much concern
to tho city. After supper John wns
reminded of tho mooting. Gazing
through thq window ho porcelved tho
hour to bo 0:30 o'clock. Plenty of time
ho thoucht. Sottllng himself ho
mused o'er tho carca that "Infest tho
day," and when ho awoke It had grown
dark. Too dark to boo tho tlmo
through tho window, for tho fnco of
tho big tlmoplcco was Bhrouded in tho
hnzo and darknoss of tho night Call
ing Mary as to tho tlmo of ovenlng,
thoy pondered tho mattor together but
nolthor could toll, for tho darkness hid
tholr clock and thoy worp loft In tho
land of guesswork. Longing for moro
ot the domestic felicity ot his flrosldo,
he hosltntod to leave, wishing to ro
mnln thero until tho laBt moment.
Still. It might bo nonr 8 o'olock, who
could toll? Tho Push Club would bo
ejcpoctlng him. Tho conflict botweon
domestic felicity nnd good cltlzonshlp
rngod, nil over tho mnttor of knowing
tho tlmo. Tho rosult wns John was
lato- nnd his voto would havo decided
a vory important monsuro, nnu no
boon thoro, for tho benefit of all Sa
lorn. Now what has, Salem to ropny
Buch a cltlzon? What is Salem doing
for hor cltlzons who aro leaving their
"happy homos" to attend Push Clubs?
Of course, if that great big town clock
had bean lighted up at -night. John
wouldn't hnvo boon late, and tho
measuro would have passed which (so
I havo boon Informed) would havo
saved tho '.'taxpayers thousands of dol
lars." John is now preparing a petition
to ask for the Illumination ot the
town clock that ho 'will not bo into
horonftor when tho Push Club moots.
MORAL: . A light in a tower shines
Saloni,-Juno 11, 1003.
Valvular Heart Dis
ease Threatened.
Mileo' Heart
Cured Me.
The effect of excessive smoklnc shown by
such symptoms as heart pains, heartburn,
sraotherlne spells, shortness of breath, flut
tering and palpitation, Is most serious. If
your heart is in any way affected you should
at once begin the use of Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure which enriches the blood, reeulates the
heart' action and Improves the circulation.
"I am a local newspaper man and
have been an Inveterate smoker since mr
boyhood. A little over a year ago I first
noticed symptoms of heart trouble, palpita
tion and acute pains and a peculiar, I might
say, indescribable feeling across my chest
Local physicians said I had 'tobacco heart.'
I quit sraokioff for a while and took regular
dose, of digitalis and belladona with some
relief but the same old symptoms were still
there. A friend of mine here recently died
of what the doctor said was valvular disease
of the heart, Knowing that his symptoms
were similar to mine 1 felt that my time too
was limited, although I am still a young
man, In my thirty-ninth year. In Slcillman
& Stone's drug store here Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure was recommended. I began
taking it and I can positively state that Its
effect is marvelous. Ihave lust finished my
third b'ottle and feel like a 'kid' and believe
I am cured. This letter Is the- spontaneous
utterance of one who wishes to thank you
for benefits received." Wm, N. Grant,
Seattle, Wash., formerly of Spokane, wash.
All dnirglits sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nerrous'and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Some Big Oats.
Chnrlos Arnold, of North Snlom,
brought to Tho Journal ofTlco yeator
day n bunch of oatB woll headed out.
and over six feet tall. They nro of
tho Roberts vnrloty, and spoak vol
umos for our good land.
Osteopathy Is not, hypnotism, nor
do wo evon uso It In our practlco.
Schoottlo, Darr & Darr Osteopaths,
Opora Houso Block, Salem.
Bed Time
I tako a pleasant herb drink, tho next
morning I feol bright nnd my com
plexion Is bettor. My doctor Bnys It
acts gently on tho Svomacho, llvor nnd
kidneys, nnd is a pleasant laxative. It
Is mado of herbs, nnd is prepared as
easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists soil It at 25c and
60 cents. , Lane's Famdy Medicines
moves tho bowels each day. If you
cannot get It, send for freo Bamplcs.
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
Its Qualifications.
"This," Bald tho doalor. "la tho best
automobllo you could buy. It's Just
tho thing for a lady."
"Yes," Bho' queried. "I Bupposo H's
or kind and gontlo. nnd not afraid
of olectrlc cars?" Philadelphia Pross
Sick Headacho absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant horb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indigestion, makos you
eat, sloo'p, work nnd happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
eta. and 50 cts. Wrlto to W. II.
HOOKER & CO., Buffalo. N. Y., for a
freo sample. D. J. FRY, Druggist,
lyn, N. Y.
. - Qui
Sustain tho popular loan, and be
come a stockholder In good govoern
mont. Salem la probably tho only Ameri
can city that gets along without a
city treasurer.
Tho question, to blko or not to, blkp
on tho sldawnlk, is becoming ''as ,hot
as tho question of tho town cow, when
Salem was smaller.
Several men In this town wear that
dubious look of enforced Improvement
that comps ovor tho human counte
nanco whon a man's wlfo Just Bays
sho won't stand it nny loncor. nnd
makes htm cut off his beard.
Tho Journal vpnturos tho prediction
that insldo of 20 years tho cow-barn
nnd tho hen-house doing duty ns
school houses on Centor streot will
havo disappeared, and a neat, modern
children's building will tako1 their
1 1mm i4
t jsir3dc Sr
Summer Engn,...
Aro provorblally terntlJ- S
actor; but if the Th-
subsequent glfu are ,n CT l84
wilt tako It for granted U 7
a gonorous husband, and tiA"11
Nowhero hotter In seven "
thnn right hero to get .'
wdlnB rings, "
and tho liko than at
C. T. Pomeroy . t
Joweler and Ontliii.n . !
----I toeuoo
I This Week Sleeveless Vests for ladies and children
Dress Skirts
Under skirts
"Waist Sola Largo assortment 25c a set
Advnnco styles'
Sample linea r
Ono third loss flmn regular prico
Trimmed and uutrimmed hats latw
styles, reduced prices this week .
Reduced Prices this week
and Laces J
f Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store.
302 Commercial Street
Don't Blame the Cow
Use Kilfly. e Milk in Comfort
Protects horses and cows from flies. Perfectly harm
less to stock. Costs one cent a day to use.
Fcedmen and Seedmen,
Phone 1781.
91 Court Street. SALEM. OREGON.
iiimniininiilnn 4 t-n inn bhh
No matter how long you have been ill,
nor how poorly you may be today.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla is the best medi
cine you can take for purifying and enriching the blood.
Take Ayer's Pills for constipation. &:'
If you ara troubled with Impure
blood. Indicated' by sores, pimples,
headache, etc., wo would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which' we Bell
under a poslttvo guarantee. It will al
ways euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. 60
cts. and $1.00. D. J. FRY Druggist
The Chimney Was Choked.
Tho flro department was called out
about 7 o'clock this morning by an
alarm turned In from Evan'a barber
shop, on Commercial street. Smoke
was seen Issuing from tho rooms occu
pied by tho medical department . of
Willamette University. It Was', found
that a chimney was stopped up, caus
ing (he, "emokosJo leave tho flue
through, tho croylces and cracks. A
chlmnoy sweep would have been moro
useful than the department ' f
Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County,
Frank J. Cheney makos oath that
ho Is sonlor partnor ot tho firm ot
F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business
In tho City ot Toledo, County and
Stato aforesaid,, and that said firm
will pay tho sura ot ONE HUNDRED
DOLI.AHS for each nnd overy enso
of Catarrh that can not bo cured by
tho caso ot Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed
In my presence, this Cth day of Do
combor, A. D. 1880.
A. W. QLEA80N,
Seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken inter.
nally, and acts directly on tho blood
and mucuous surfaces ot tho system.
Send for testimonials, free.
- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best
Reduced Excursion Rates.
On and after Juno 1, 1903, tho
Southern Peel He, In connection with
tho Corvallls & Eastorn railroad, will
havo on'salo round trip tickets from
polnta on tholr lino to Newport, Ya
quln'aand Dotrolt nt vory low ratca,
good for return until October 10, 1903,
Three day tickots to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays, aro also on salo
from all East sldo points, from Port
land to Eugene, Inclusive, and from
all West side polnta aro also on salo to
Detroit nt vory low ratea with stop,
ovor privileges nt Mill City or any
point east, enabling tourists to visit
tho Santiara and Dreltonbush as woll
aa tho famous Dreltenbush Hot
Springs In tho Cascade mountains,
which can be reacuod In ono day.
Season tickets will bo good for return
from nil points until October 10, 1903.
Throe day tickets will bo good going
on Saturdays nnd returning Mondays
only.' Baggage on Newport tickets
checked through to Newport; on Ya
qulna tickets to Yaqulna only. S. P.
trains connect with ,tho C, & E. nt Al
bany and Corvallls for Yaqulna nnij
Newport jffralns, pn tho C. & E. for
Detroit lcavo Albany at 7 a. m., en
abling tourists to tho Hot Springs to
reach thoro the same day. Full Infor
mation as to rates, time tablos, etc.,
cau bo obtained on application to
Edwin Stone, manugor C. & E. R, R
Has como to the conclusion that all profession of tho healing ut cs
sldo of tho vogotnblo kingdom is a fnlluro. When your system If ra
without puro blood. You will only find vitality In tho vcetUbi
kingdom. - Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thunder ul
lightning wll not romovo tho causo, but lay tho foundation for a! Iki
of disease Thoso polsonB go Into your bones, and kill the life of ua
and croato all kinds ot diseases, cancorous tumors, consumption, dro??.
bono diseases, etc. You must bear in mind that his medicine is not I
poisonous tonic, nor ? stimulant, nor temporary relief which you get tx
poisonous drugs, whero tho results aro suro death sooner or later. Dotf
blamo tho mcdlclno, whon It takes an effoct nnd stirs up tho poliou t
dlseaso In tho Bystom, You must not oxpect to bo cured In a few dtp,!
your sickness or dlseaso has been a long tlmo coming on, and It will Uo
a long tlmo to got It out ot your Bystom. It will tako months or s jeub
build a now body from tho bonos up. This Is what tho people do not
dcrstand. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. His medlclnei up c
posed of Nature's Horbs what tho human system requires. When tit w
mnls get sick thoy will holp themselvos to thoso horbs, for they hT tl
Btlnct, and tho peoplo havo not, so wo hayo to make a study of It It W
boen a life study with Dr. Conk. Do not cet weary: this Ufa I t0 iif
nnd too sweet to worry out of this world.
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases
301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
Man Wants Bat Ltttfe
Eut wants that JlttIerlMlj
gets It so every tine ne tHi"
uors ana wines ui u. " 7iai
best ob toe market, and caa ajR
purity and Quality. MJ5
fne, properly aeed and ptm
Medicinal use a specialty. W
prices, too. i-me ui j -leadine
..i tit
i p pnGERS.ssr-
Wholesale and Retail LUuef
Albany; W. E. Coman, Q. p. A. S. P,
Co., Portland, or to any S. R. or C. E.
Agent . U&tea from,, Salem to Now.
PorMlN. . - -i - 6-15U
rirst National RuiidiBf. Salem. Oreeon- rt,y
The first term will open May 4th a4 continue seven weew. ,
term will open June 22 and continue till the Autrusi ""--, ,
will te formed in all branches reaulredfor state ana .c""mfo7MltlW5
Latin. Short-hand. Typewriting. Elocution and Drawjne. inc (jm
each term will be $6 with an additional fee for WWJS t
More than 500 teichers r oresmii bear testimony to tne8B
oiauui. auutcssj, j. Kraps, saiera. ureeua
Harness. Saddlery,
i..daw PtvNetS.rtC
yap nuw.
goods ever offered J'TT
A c-4srV
E. S. Lampon w-
- .i. J. .ummmmmmsmm
-4 .
1 v m
i .&& """-