ABLE BRIGHT: THE DAILY JOURNAL 0ALEMt..qREGONt- WEDNE8DAY, JUNE 3, 1?03 t "S TRUE DELIGHT When the ypun wife gives her first dinner party do vou sunonce &ttJ,L?ianyiyn ,n "whole eqnlpoieni of her new home that she will be quite so croud of as the brightness nf thV . fi table sparkling In the splendor of Cut Glass and silver ScSe or the vlfts you might give her on the wedding day would flSS Inconspicuous quarters In an obscure corner, but Xe tine taMe p,fieie&nt G,tss or tJ,e ndsome article of Silver Dinner Ware will haye an honored place among her real treasures The Barr Store most earnestly Invites you to see lis choice and ex tenslye stock of both Cut Glass and Sliver before you choose the wedding present. A more exquisite collection i of Eligible wed ding gift goods was never shown In Sa em: the new Cut gu the famous llawke's make- being partlcuffrl" flne! Won t you WC;eanwdo?hkyouUrr.Cek m WJffifS CSXS Corner of State and Liberty Sts Jja mfr && "fcKi wp(iitirty -3ZB& ZE2Z3 IHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIf Local Events i the h 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI 8 I tho state board Monday, was a Salem visitor Tuosday. Mr. Hoff will move his family hero, making Salem his home. O. J. Hull and family have gono to Oakland, Douglas county, whore Mr. Hull will engago in tho drug, business. Mr. and Mrs. Hull are well known In this city. Mrs. Hull being a -daughter of Dr. S. C. Stone. PAGE FIVE. -o- Two Fine Voices. Hear Miss Hortenso Kimball and Miss Adolaldo Sutmoyer, two of tho most promising young vocalists in Oregon, at the Grand Opera House Thursday evening, at Mrs. Wlllman'a commencement concort. Kvorybody Invited. No admission. Social Realm! Grand, Social Event. ko concert to oo given Thursday lng at tho Grand Opera Houso, so students of Mrs. Wlllruan'a con- itory, will bo ono of tho unusual its of tho season. Thero will bo tro program rendered by high class Gut, and tho entire matter will bo to the public. The boxes will bo Buplod by patrons of tho' school, and II bo ushered In by young ladies. to, stago will bo decorated with linn. nd two grand concert Knabo dob will bo used by tho perform- College of Oratory. Dean Mabel Lanltton Caftcr's grad uating exercises of tho Collego of Or atory will take place this ovonlng at tho First Methodist church, and by an error In a headline of The Journal, It was mado to appear as a musical program, which, of course, tho text corrected. Tho program will bo prin cipally orator, nnd of tho highest South Salem Personals. lEd. O'Klyng Is In Junction City this sola. FWhlt Cooper Is visiting" nt tho homo his brother, K. Coopor, In South slom. iMr, nnd Mrs. Welch and family, of artlnnd, are visiting at tho homo of loir daughtor. Mra. Cooper. Thoy pro old rosldcntH of Salem, but havo Justice C. E. Wolvcrton was In Al bany yesterday. John Shaw, of Mill City, was a Sa- character. lem visitor today. " ,l , . , i . I Greater Salem Park Doard. J- T . R,n ,0 hJS Un'l co,,nc " Tuesday even- coin county homestead. ,nK w olect a prk D(Jard for O H. nurggraf, Albany's leading Greater Salem, comjwsed of threo architect, Is In tho city. (persons, nnd It is llkoly that ono of Govornor Chamberlain went to them will be a woman. It Is proposed Portland yestorday afternoon. to take ono from South Salem, ono Ex-County Commissioner Watson, ,rom tho north Part of t,,c c"' nd of Tumor, was In town Saturday. ono from th0 Cttat- Tho name of Mrs. City Recorder Judah spent the day D; f: Kry hn,8 'oen suggeste.1 for one nt Dallas.' taking In tho carnival. f th lmo,bori8-, Tho council would . no doubt be glad to recelvo sugges- Wm. Bushey went homo to Mehama ton8 a8 to Jlroi)or pmon() for tho to vot.o, and also to do some survey- ,)lac08 on thc bonnI( n(t lhcro w bo ... . no n,Bn 'or onlcea without salaries, Miss Allco Davoy roturned last nni, v, ,,. nn.u,,m i. nn nf ,., night from a short visit with Portland importance to tho future of tho city, friends. i - State Fish Commissioner Van Dusen was a Salem business visitor yesterday, Estate Appraised. Tho appraisers of tho ostate of Theodore Odonthal, deceased, yestcr- Mrs. Myrtlo Card, of Portlaud, and day filed their report in tho county slstor, Miss Hepburn, spent Memorial court, having appraised tho real prop day at Salem. , 'Crty belonging to tho cstato at J2095, 'Tho V. Lcvy residence, on Front nnd tho personal proporty at J307&80. street. Is offered for sale on account H. Hunko. William Ilello and Charles of Mr. Levy's health. Sho has been Hottlngor wore tho nppralsow. confined to her room for several months.. Mr T f Pnvnn att lint nIMit fnr Ifccon living In Portland, but hnvole U ,1 i . l -Jtt - MUsavw vi M wisutMou ! iiu accompanied by his porno back still loyal to Sajcm. St Louis Getting In the Swim (Continued from first page.) PER80NAL8. Mrs. Frank Smith spent tho day In Lt IPortlnnd. was accompanied by his daughtor, Mary, who will visit In Dorkcloy and Oakland. Mr. O. P. Hoff, of Portland, who Milwaukee bridge, llvo miles bulow hero. A majority were from tho Hur llngton passenger train, which has been missing slnco Sunday, and for was appointed labor commissioner by which search was mado yesterday. STOCKTON'S SALEM'S CHEAPEST STORE And one of the largest and best selected stocks in the valley We have a store fall of bargains, our wholesale men work for four interest like tigers? it pays them, too NO ONE UNDERBUYS US, and NO ONE UNDERSELLS US We Want yo to come and Compare values. Come one, Come all! SUFFERED 25 YEARS With Catarrh of 1ho Stomach-Pd-ru-na Cured. . i . 1 1 1 , . i i , Congressman Botktn,ofWlnacld, Kan. i ...... M. . I. ... ...,. In a recent lcttor to Dr. Hartman, Congressman Ilotkln says! "My Dear Doctor It gives me plow uro to eerttfy to tho cxcellont curative qualities of your medicines Poruna and Manalln. I havo boon aftllcted moro ot less for a quarter of a century rrlth ca tarrh of tho stomach and constipation. A residence In Washington has Increased tlieno troubled. A few bottles of your modlctno havo glvon mo almost com ploto rollcf, and I am suro that a contin uation of thorn will efToot pormanent euro." J. D. Ilotkln., Mr. L. T. Verdcry, a promlnont real cstato agent, of Augusta, Oa.. vrrltest " have been a nrent Batterer tram catarrhal dyspepsia. I tried many phy slctans, vltlted a good many springs. sui i Deueve reruns nan done mora for me than all of tho above put together. I tee! like a new neraon.". L. F. Vcrdery, Tho most common form of summer catarrh U catarrh of tho stomach. This Is generally known aadyspcpnla. I'eruna curt thiwo coses llko magic. If Touilo not derive prompt and satis factory rwmltn from tho uo of Pcruna, wrltontcmco to Dr. Jlartman, giving a full statcineut of your case, and ho will bo pleased to glvo yon his valuablo aa Vino gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The HartmauS aultarium, Columbus, 0. "j ..iM ; awmj&i!',min H-t-ll-faa'fH-i-II-t.H-l-B-l-all-BVI-a-t.BM.BA XXT'ii mi " X yyiuamcrte ,, s X2C Univetsitv i -flIB Uaalfl-HC-rMV BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR REGULAR BARGAINS Be sure and see our $1,50 Dress skirt Be sure and see our 6Sc White Underskirt vrV wertWSI.00 Be snreand see our $1.37 5!le5?rt!Ji!d,rskIrt Be sure and see our JM. 50 Silk Waist 4-TV worth J?.50 Be sure and see our 65c Lace Curtains'! Be sure and see our 80c and $1.25 Bed Spreads Be sure and see our 85c Wrappers mammsmsswmsmiMamMBWSsmaWSWiwamatstsmaiMaii'i's BE SURE AND SEE OUR One Continual Round of Bargains THROUGHT THE STORE. THESE HAVE BtjILT'b'nskDEO IfllEYARE MAIONG IT GROWi THEY ARE FQR YOV J. O. VnnWlnklo. 01, of tho Mtil leal CoUoRtr. Is in town for a fow days, visiting his friends. Slnoo tho clos lug of the collego of medicine. In April, ho has been working In tho In terest of the collogiM of medlclno and1 music, onrolllng now studonts for mint year. ' Ho has traveled throui(h Uusteru Oregon, as far as Idaho, nnd has already n largo number of recruit for W. U. Van Is a hustler, and ho will swell tho ranks of tho two col- logos to n marked oxtont noxt fall. Tho 'varsity band made a moonlight oxcurslon through tho custom part of tho City last night. They serenaded soveral prominent University friends, but wbon thoy enmo to Dr. Coleman's their trip camo to a sudden end, for tho president arrested tho ontlrn out fit, and took thorn Into tho house, whoro ho kept thorn fur an hour. A pleasant social tlmo was spent, and the presldont and Mrs. Coleman showed tholr appreciation by treating tho boya to refreshments. Tho band enjoyed tho Impromptu reception very much, and at a late hour wended their way homeward, to dream of noxt day's examinations. Tho studonU are all planning to at tend tha commencement oxorplses of the Collego of Oratory this evening. The throe graduates havo rccltod be fore many student and city audlonces and' havo won the hearts of all by their strong, natural Interpretations, The aVpearunco of Prof. Cleaner on tho program Is regarded as an ex ceptional treat, as ho is regarded aa an artist of rare ability. The program will bo open to the public, and every body Is Invited to attend. One of tho graduates. Miss Parrlih, baa accept ed tho professorship of oratory at Dal las collego next year, while tho other two. Miss Chapior and Miss Byrne, will attond tho Columbia School of Oratory, at Chicago. BINGER HERMANN RAINING He Leaves Only Four Counties to Demo ", cratic Candidate Yamhill Official Goes to the Republicafls Seven Counties Com plete Later returns increaso Hermann's majorltloa to moro than 2300, and ro- duco tho Hcomoa voto. leaving tho latter ahead In only four counties. Ma rlon county Is not'yct compktto, but will glvo Honiunn nearly 200 plurality. Tho total voto la about .30,000 against ,000 last year, a remark, ably largo vote, considering It waa an off year, and but ono offlco to fill. Incomplete Rsturns. Hornmnn. noamoo. nstlmatod Rstlmatod Pluralities. Pluralities. Denton ' ,.... 93 Clackamas .' 2S3 Coos 400 Clirry 125 Douglas 486 '' Jackson ........ 150 Josephine .. f$tti.V i 75 Klamath 123 I-oko .171 iSno , .150 I'lncoln .;., 339 , Rlnn "88 ' Marlon .. .. .. .... 150 I'olk fVl. Tillamook ..'350 Washington ..)'? 387, ft , Ynmhlll '.,..' 54 i Totals .,3010 Totat. Socialist vote,',lfi23. , , Total Prohibition voto, 748. 81 C59 Such Muslo Hath Charms, Tho concort given by tho Inter state Collego nf Music, undor tho management ot Mrs," Etta "An3ocV Wlllman, at tho Grand Opera Housa Thursday ovculng, will pofomTot tho social functions ot tho Bcason, and woll worth nttondlng. Thortf will bo renditions ot classld music, vocn.1 and Instrumental, novor surnassed In our city. Two grand concert Knabo pianos wllf bo used, tho finest overwrought to Uio city. Tho public cordially tn vitod. No ndmlsalon charged. Who Will Carnival mm Tho voting on tho Quoen routoit slnco tho count last Saiurday ctoh- Ing has been rather light, owing, per haps, to tho oxcltetnont ot tho coa- grcsslonal election. Miss Laurii Mo- Alllstor Is still In tho lead, lth S4 votcn, with Miss 'Bchlndler a cloo aocond. Miss Ruby Corn oil onlorod tho raco a today with 03 votes, and from tho number sho has to start with, It looks as If her friends elect her. Mlsa Cornolt la employed jat the sec rotary of BUlo'a office, '' J.. Tho voto stands as follows iM Miss Laura M6AlIlster ,i?M,.zn Miss Bmoltno Qchlndlor i.JiJfllli Mlsa Jtuth'aabriolsoa iifi.,JGii Miss Uuby Cornell ...wi ..rf. M Miss Ollvo Howo ......, .f... 19 Mlsa Cora Talklngton ....... A... Ii Miss Ulna Hubbard Wf- '5 MIbs Cora McAtoo ,, .. It Miss Magglo Mltcholl ...,....... C BORN. OAIS1JR. To Rov. and Mra. U (Jain- "lr, of Salem, on Sunday, May 31, 1003, a daughter. When' the nun gets big nnd round, Hires Rootbcci" should be nroHttd. A pMssonukMATtttUoas. CHsHUC.KHMie. MMitrs, rs. A. full lino of Frosli Broad nnd Cakoa for eulo at THE SPA, 1 1 4 State street With each 50c purchase of bread tickets wo rive 10c ticket Boot at our Soda Fountain Counter. Tlckets:kood on our Call torn la BakeryJWatron. W. T. STOLZ, Proprietor, HALL'S FERRY .!. The short route to Independence, Monmouth, Buena Vista Suver, Corvallis and other points on the West side. Good roads leading to ferry and good service on the boat. A. D. Pettyjohn, Prop. 4mmuminnnmmawnimiini JUST ARRIVED Shamrocks in The Azores New York. June 3 -A eabl this morning from .the Atotm announced the arrival of Shamrock HI and th Krln there Bliamrwk I Is ettMcUd umorrow. A fine line of Ladies' Patent Kid Shoes in heavy and light soles, - Call early while sizes are complete. No trouble to show goods. wt &:& hvin dc Petteys Tfee Practical Skot Mca. Phone No, 201 Blue. M 8t44,8trs8t'f REPAIRINQ WHILE .YOU WAIT. r.. iaiifiiH3.jitnntf ifificfMiiaiMt .We Pay this Week in XWflV.ej i ?!! Educator 6 cents per 6otA)ipt Eggs 35c per Less iO per square for Butter cent f or Casus - 4r t- 11 H H is Dying f Speetf "Bifos WlimlHi, JMHaa. Jtwv l-!'r:a clpal Cavsw, of Kaon c Hie restet iMder of relltflous iboulit ia Canada Is dylog States Street t Largest Unyor of Oountrj? 'Vto&ww m WiIIinlu Vnlley. llfVHil-lHl aBmtmSaaWVtX89&?ftf&X