Tl ' w f - fWf"V T-T"t '"'TWjHP 1 THE DAILi JOURNA15? ' i- a h ROL. XIII. iARCUM MURDER TRIAL tol Will Begin Next Monday, is Present ' Program Etty Filling up With Mount- Btacers, and it is Thought 14a Battle With the Militia will Follow SALEM, OREQON.FRIDAY. MAY 29, 1903. WALCOTT WINS IN THE FOURTH Smith Was Never in it With the Black Bean Eater VMkson. May 29. Judce Redwlno 'convened court this morning. Jett aa yhlte were brought in by n largo esconor soldiers, and turned over ami to thoactlng sheriff. Hedwlno an nouBcedthat ho would appoint a man to UlTSSSberlft Little's placo Monday, on TvM&'day ho would call the trial QfrfthSKwo prisoners. The attorneys rjifcon8ultliig regarding the coun tyjoSvhlch tho Jury will! bo select eJwlJB persistently rumored that thejinountalnccre will make a deter- iiHeuonort to releaso the prleoncra iiiamzi nours tno numbor of Strang- inuno ciiy una largely Increased. tWltSBtandlng that all tho small aountaln passes leading Into tho citv jero guarded last night, and no ono Jims permuted to dobs. Tho noonlo fBhoif c hostile disposition toward the troops. E . a iSiOOO on Broke His Hand in the Third but the Fight was Walcott's From the Start NO RACE SUICIDE THERE President Dined with Head of the Mor mon Church Apostle Reed Smoot Also Has ' His Feet Under the Mahogany Despite That Name " ' i Ml I yjl ,1 iM --.- j,a ; ii n i I, " . t - .iV" , , , j - If, ' tho young woman who Jumped from a noiei window, to protect her honor I0 " Mills, several weeks ago, was still In tho hospital when tho case against Mills waa called In tho police court hls morning. She Is Injured for lire. Attorneys interested In the cru sade against "mashing" represented hur this morning. The caso went over to1 Juno 8th. i - Drug House r or tact Salemite I'oruanu, .May 23. After four Salt J-ake May 29. The President rounds of fllRt nml nrrlfli I1nklnn nililrncon.l n. -i ..... """r last night before tho Columbia Athlet-! later breakfasted with Senator Kenrna.' X 7? a Strike EPlladelphln. May 29. Tho- strlko ftwted In tho Kensington mill district MMsEmornlng, and by Monday 7C.000 iMHtulu workers will be out. They fyMt-GG hours a week. Reamer Fnnnderpfl vSo4, N. S. W., May 29. The Milafctolfateamor Oakland foundered aerprt Stephens today. Part of Ewe grew and passengers were lost Do- Ewwjara lacking. Wrecked in the Yards . Newark, N. J., May 29. The east- (bound frolght crashed Into a derailed freight in tho yards this morning, kill- ling two laborers of tho wrecking crow, injurlnVflvo others and badly scalding tthe engineer nnd fireman of the on coming train. Jloth wero pinned tin ker the locomotive. One laborer was 'also caugatiunder It, where bo was struck by Uto steam. Ills companions chopped oMftis arm with nn ax to lib erate hfatTfand saved his life. The acciueMMM swItchflBk Ic Club, at tho Exposition building, ".Mysterious Bllllo" Smith, owing to a uroKen nnnu, wnicn no received In the third round, was forced to quit, nnd Kefereo Jim Nelll gavo the fight to Joo Walcott, tho "Ulack Demon" from Boaton. Whllo tho fight was on, it was by far tho best and fastest fought In Portland for many a dayand, whllo Smith was forced to quit, It was clear that ho was weakening rapidly under tho terrible punlshmen ho wna r. celvlng from his black opponent. For tho first threo rounds Smith held his own, but whon Wolcott cut looso It was evident that there could bo but one end to tho battle, and that was Walcott carrying nwny tho wlnnor's end of tho purse. Tho fourth and last round was ter rific. Both fighters fought savagely, with Smith landing some very stlfT punches to Joo's body nnd head. But these blows did not seem to hurt tho Bostonlan. In fact, they seemed to mako him all the more eager, and ho came back each time, taklnc what was coming and landing blows that wero wearing Smith to tho staggering stage. A strong left flush to tho Jaw dazed Smith, nnd beroro he Qould shako tho deadening hozo from his brain, Walcott rained n series of blows to tho body. It was tho right to tho heart that sent tho white man to his corner, staggering and nil but ouh After Iteforco Noill had, declared Walcott tho winner, Joe rushed to Smith's corner, shook Smith's hand. and then, In going back to his corner, tho llttlo black cannon ball turned n couple of cart-wheels, Just to show how good ho was feeling. In his dressing room. Walcott said: ''Bmlth used'to bo a good man, but he's all In now, Ago has told on him, and ho was not tho Smith I have fought bo-fore." Among tho gUvSta wero President Smith and Apostlo-Senntor Smoot, of the Mormon church. Salt Lake. May 29. Tho President addressed 12,000 people In tho tabor naclo, and apoku principally on Irri gation. Moody followed, and made a big hit by promising to nnmo ono of the new bnttlesblps "Utah." President at 8a It Lake City. bait i-ako C ty. May 29. Tim wm. come which Utah gavo to President JlOOSeVelt Was OUltn In kei.nlntr with that of other western Btatets, noisy as human voices, steam whistles and guns could mako It, and as cordial In words as In other manifestations of patriotic Joy. Tho vicinity of tho Oregon 8hort Line station was densely crowded up on tho urrlval of tho presldontlal-spec-lal. The president was cordially greeted by Governor Wells, Senators nearns nna smoot. Mayor Thompson nnd othor dignitaries of stato and city. Tho president waa escorted to tho Mormon tabernaclo, whero ho de livered his address, by a pnrado of military and civic societies. Main, Stnte, Brlgham and other streets through which the procession passed wero gaily decorated, and tho side walks, windows nnd roofs wore packed with spectators. Program at Oaden. Ogdon, May 29. President Rooso volt stops In Ogden this afternoon on his way from Salt Lake to Laramlo, Wi'O. Arrlvlnc trains thin mnrnlni- .brought hundreds of visitors dealrons oi Heoing tno cnier cxecutlvo of tho nation und of participating In the wol. come prepared for him. Tho city Is patriotically decorated and every thing Is In readiness for his reception The program includes a ilrlvn of threo miles about tho city und the de livery of an address on a stand erected In City Hail square. Tho School Ohlldron aro to bo njmnml.lnil In U'stor Park In order to see and bo soon by the president In his drlvn about tho city. Tho president will Cooktown. New Qulnen. May 29.-1 !!!;"k fop a',out Mrty minutes. A Tho Qormnn ship Wnjen. from New JTT. ?' muK,L riuers na.s. uo?" York to Yokohama, wna towed in to-.l"""".." ,ncori ,uo I'resiueniini day, dismasted and her mdder gonc.,,'u" ""ut lown- one wui compeiieu 10 jvuibou u ujg portion of her enrgo. Sim had on board eight of the cruw of tho bark Edith, which were picked up from the wreck shortly before her own disas ter. Cilptaln Oortel, of the Edith, and ono of the crew Are missing. The from Puget i Burned KnnsnH ntv Mnv n -ri,n i m.. lljjfHhuse Are this morning destroyed tuu.yvu worm or property, pfa Rivers k .. r"uiii ; me railing Pea Moines. la May 29. Tho rlv 0r aro receding in all parts of the state. The damage hero will roach half a million. Suicides Prince Fears ; Assassination Two Ships Wrecked . .Berlin, May 29. Tho Post Vrinco Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, has doubled his guards, fearing assassina tion. He has received many threaten ing letters One Shamrock Went Back Glasgow, May 29. Shamrock lit was compelled to return to tamlasti bay, owing to a defect In hor rlirclnir. Sho again started auross the Atlantic tula morning. was received In snvs talnlng nn account of tho sulcldo of ii. .it. mil, luiiuuriy a won-KUOWn business man. Tho firm of Wirt Bros., wore tho founders of tho Oregon Nursery Co.. nnd tnado n small fortuno In tho busi ness, leaving Salem for Denver with about $60 000 cash. A few years later ho returned to Snlem and then loft for Illinois. At Denver ho built a flnu stone residence, and In n few years had lost all ho mado at Salem. Tho story of his sulcldo will bo read with great Interest: He Used a Shotgun. William M. Wirt, principal owner and manager of tho Alpha nursery, committed sulcldo on Tuesday morn ing of this wouk by shooting himself In the head with n shotgun. Ho had been In Gnlosburg for several days, and returned on tho G o'clock trntn Tuesday morning. When ho got off tho train ho went directly t tho nur sery o&.cu, thero procured his shot gun nnd wont to tho packing house, whoro tho deed waa dono. Mr. Wirt accomplished tho rash net by setting tho gun on tho ground and cocklnit it. iiuttlnir tho mtiizln fiL-lnnut again tomorrow Tho riggers aro, his forehead, and thon pushing tho working today. Rhodes believes she trigger with a ploco of lath. Tho ills would havo beaten tho Ilellanco yos-' rhnrco blow tho wholo ton off tho terriay. liead, entirely obliterating ono eye. W. W. Wit t, Fotmdet of tte Oregon Ntstsety Company MADE FORTUNE AT SALEM LOST IT AT DENVER Wirt was the Victim of Organised Fratid 4 For gti Orders From His Agents, A copy of the Tlmos-nccord. of i nnd leaving llttlo brain matter In tho Alodo. Mercor county. III., of Mny 21st. brnlu cavtty. Tho body waa not mo city louay, con- round until tho mou who work In tho. Constitution Might Win filtv lalnnil Mnv "O Tl.r. nnmlllu. tlon will probably bo rendy to race nursery went to wbrk nt 7 o'clock. Tho news of tho act caused much oxcitement because Mr. Wirt waa qulto welt known na manager of tho nursery. Tho cnuso of tho deed la suppoaod to bo financial mlsfortunn. ho having been recently defrauded of a sum amounting to nomowhero near $10, ooo to $12,000 by a rascally agent of tho nursery who had forged orders In largo quantities, and received part of his commissions on tho sale, besides tho loss of tho nursery stock. Sketch of Deceased. Mr. Wirt waa a buslncsu man of x- (Contlnued on Fourth Paxa.) When Yo Want JCJuVlA GO TO ZinrTs 154 State St. Phona 1071 Main. Our store will closo Decoration Day nt 12:00 o'clock (noon) nnd remain closed for tho tiny. T" caused by a defective Edith was lumber-laden 'Sound for Port Pirla tnn imn tffsft !) mmum Pur Profit is Not Large But it s Sure., 4 llii w. We stick to the cash plan. That's why It's aure. ' Our expenses are light compared with tho volume of business TriUnsso wo can afford to keep the profits smnll. J wL ... . Have you priced our silks? We want you to Bee tlje Val are offerinc in black FEAU-Dli-SOIE. The silk ent in "regular stores ' is whero they double their J "We are selling silks nnd everything in the DRY line on tlw same plan thnt has made such a success Oiw Share will close at noon tomorrow for Memor ial DiVy and will remain closed for the day. , ar a - msi Y2Sai for bm3R W Laundries till Idle Chicago, Mny 29. After flvo daya of futile conference, the laundry own ers and employes again got together this morning, but accomplished noth ing. ChargeT With Murder London, May 29. Stephen Dougal. was today committed for trial, chanced with murdering Miss Holland, and burying tho body, and on a second chargo of forging her name to securl ties. r .mt wFTWtf'Tmt r ' I 9 i W Tag Wu 'Til aaaMaW"1 fs 1 Salem Greatest. Oregon's Best Store For Bargains Our 15c, 19c and 25c PICTURES are selling at 12c each Shoes Hats Hosiery and Clothing Shirts Underwear The New Yok Racket ail's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store.!! B. T. Barnes, Prop, Our Lassie Wins the Oaks Dpsom. Eng, May 29. The Oaka stake of 6000 sovereigns, noxt Jn Im portance to tho great Derby, was won today by Our Lasule, Cannon up. Hamraerkop, Skeeta Murtln up, ace ond. Sky Scraper, Danny Maher up, third. Chamberlain's ZoIIverein London. May 29. Tho sole topic is Chamberlain's tollvereln project, as 40 per cent of America's export come to England. Tho jlan admittedly means a commercial war with Amerl ea. Many of tho leading papers today print figures inviting a commercial campaign. Th provincial paper, on tbe other hand, are opposed. The question la exciting tbe public more than anything !nu the Bur ar flai mm rTr,i'Ji"flhi "trMaBm & m Of INFANTS GOODS Monday wo will open a sale of Iiifnnts goods of nil kinds. Dresses, Slips, Skirls, Bibbs, Diapers, Shawls, Terrydoth and Linen Feeders Rubber Sheets, Kleinerts Rubber Stockinet Diaper Covers Injured for Life jlirijliDCRWEAff."i (ireat sale of Ladies' VESTS Wednesday, IGcnml 20c vuliu-8 special 9c Wait for it. Skirt Sale Our Special Salo of Ladies' Skirts will continue- a few days longer. Many good things arc left Call and see them. Great Safe of Neckwear Begins Mop day. Sco display in Court street window showing tho great reduc tions' we aro making Chlffoa Veiling A splendid line of col ore and qualities in Chiffon Veiling worth 50c to 65c a yard, Special 42c a yard. Cfxllfoa Veil Ono and a half yards long exceptionally good and well worth 60c to 75c each, Special 50c each. Ladles' Befts A new line of such novelties as our storo is noted for 50c and 75c values Special 39c WIHIIlitlHI HI ! WW Chicago. May 28 Laara Stickler. Cushion Tops A line of exceptionally good and attractive subject worth 60c, 65c, 75c Special 39c Ladles' J 5c Hose ' We aro showing the best 16c hose for ladies' in tho city Try a Pair, . A New "Kelscr Col fars and Bordure Pique Belts The reigning genuine Ctfshkra Tops An assorted lot of good subjects 40c and 50c valv uts Speck! 29c Ladles Skirts ' A lino of I0 Hroad cloth skirt, special $6.90 ,sA..aj.f-J J