THE DAILY JOURNAL. VOL. XIII. ACCIDENT ON THE IOWA Gun Bursts and Kills Three iThree Others are Injured but Not Seriously Ordinance Bureau will Con duct Investigation l Washington, April 10. Tho navy department this morning received o SlBpatch from near-Admiral Hlggln son, omdally reporting yesterday's ac cident on tho Iowa. It says n gun burst In tho front trunlons. Therq were three killed and four slightly (wounded. Admiral O'Ncll, chief of tho bureau j of ordinance, this morning called a conferonco to discuss tho accident. It its reported tho bureau will conduct an Investigation on Ita own account, : Independent of the board of Inquiry i which will ho appointed by tho navy department. Tho 12-Inch gun which exploded had only been fired 125 times up to Janu ary 10th, and was considered sound In every respect. Admiral O'Noll Bald tho general belief that a largo gun as safo to flro only 100 times waa untrue. Ho novcr considered thorn unsafe until a defect was found. He says tho big guns In tho navy havo boon under constant strain slnco tho Spanish war, on account of so much Sioro attention being given to targot jwactlce. under the policy of tho ordl San co department They flro thrco bolls out of each 100 lob. Each shell (sued Is tested by being struck with jk (hammcr. Ho says nothing as to tho uao of tho accldont will bo stated until furthor details wero rocolvcd. FThe Briber Has Fled few York, April 10. Daniel Kelly, the legislative agont of the baking powder trust, has disappeared, and Is Ing sought for by tho pollco today. A Will Case Settled Lincoln, Neb., April 10. The court ' ihaa Anally adjudicated tho colobrated Miles will contest, from Falls City, In. tvojTlng a $3,000,000 cetato. Samuel, RB? younger son, was disinherited, to will produced by him, allowing him an equal share with his brother, ras declared spuriouB, FCorvallla has an assault case, threo fount; fellows being charged with at tacking a young girl. 4fitKitft)iiiiiitii)itamei Things vftrkhb a Lively THE NEW YORK RACKET Fvprvhnrlv want in up llThey're all surprised when are onering on DRY GOODS We're going to sell the new lines on the same mar gin of profit that has made such a success for' us on Shoes. Clothing, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Shirts, and all kinds of notions. Have you seen our new Laces and in broideries? Big line of Ribbons Just in All widths from Baby ribbon to It inch Sash Ribbons Ladies' Bishop Tab Collars from 1 cents ud. m ;; Muslin Underwear, Aprons, E , lJ!..lW ;; Dunneis, uaaiei vYiappci: aim uhucioiwiu. i ; Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. E. T. Barnes, Prop. IK llHHf lMf wiuf iw nwiwHy MAFIA PLOT IN CHICAGO Police Haye a Sharp Battle Lieutenant is Shot Through the Arm Three Italians Wounded and Thirteen Arrested Chicago, April 10. Undor a mur derous flro from 13 desporato Italians, who wero strongly intrenched behind oak doors, 20, policemen, led by a lieutenant, charged n saloon early this morning In search of tho assail ants of another Italian who was picked up near tho saloon, dying from oovon knlfo wounds, and ono bullet wound. Tho pollco lieutenant was shot through tho arm and threo Italians wero wounded in tho fight Inside the room boforo thev were disarmed. All tho Italians wero tnken to tho station, wbero they aro hold. It Is alleged to bo a Mafia plot, and tho pollco arc In vestigating on that theory. POST OFFICE SCANDAL Shows up From An other Yiew-point Woman, aa Usual Become a Factor in the Case Department Official Intro duces Her as His Wife Washington, April 10. llrlstol Is now examining tho witnesses In the now phase of tho postoQlco scandal, Tho postmaster of a largo Western city accuses a department official, whoso namo la not xnado public, of log trades council this morning or visiting his city, accompanied by a dored all tho men out on bulldlngB woman In no wiso rotated to him, but whero non-union men woro employed, whom he Introduced as his wife. The This will tlo up all tho building opera postmaster entertained tbo couplo at ' Uons, and affect ovor 8000 men. his homo His wlfo was on tho vergo of nervous prestation when tho de ception was discovered. Ho has Hied formal charges. Mitchell Will Rett Washington, April 10. Senator Mitchell Intends to leavo Washington on Saturday, to bo gono all summer. Ho will visit his daughter In Now York for a few days, and then seek out a quiet spot for a month's rest and vacation beforo returning to Portland. .Look Ihp new llnps w'v? arlHpH 2 they see the low prices we J Children's Embroidery J A Arch'.ric 8ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1903. THESE PUT OUT OF BUSINESS 6oy. of New Jersey Does It Disincorporates 927 Cem: panies at one Time That Represented a Valua tion of $239,000,000 Trenton, April 10. Governor Mur phy'n annual proclamation dissolving corporations that havo not paid their annual state tax was nont to tho print ers today. It wipes out 927 compan ies, having authorixed capital of $230,- 000,000. Tho number of air-bubbles punctured last year was only 087, cap italized at $62,000,000. Tho wrecks aro scattered generally over all parts of America and Alaska. Good Weather For Easter Washington, April 10. Tho weather forecaster predicts fair and coo) weather Easter Sunday over tho en- tiro United Stated Ho facetiously says tho women can safely wear their Easter bonnets. An Easter Offering Norfolk. April 10. Aloxandor Spen cer, colored, 18 years old, was hanged today at Houston, Va., whllo Good Friday services woro bolng held In an adjoining church. Ho confessed to tho murder and assault of an aged white woman, who had raised him from an Infant. Los Angeles Hasj Strike Ixw Angeles, April 10. The build Derrick Collapses St Louis. April 10. Tho hugo dor rC)c n tho mlnos and metallurgy building at the World's Fair, fell this afternoon, burying flvo seriously In jured men boneath Its debris. The weight was so great It required tho une of Jackscrowa to liberate tho In jured, threo of whom will probably die. The Board jrt Lowell Iwell, Mass., April 10. Tho atato arbitration board, at Its second- day's hearing, announced that as higher wages aro paid In other cltlea for tex tile work. It would dovolvo on tho mill operators to show why thoy could not pay as much. Tho tatter's defonso la' that they mako a hlghor grade of goods, on which there aro smaller profits. Thoy offored to bring their books to show thoy couldn't afford to Incroaso wages, but wero willing to do so If they could be shown how thf profits could bo made commensurate. Many witnesses are being oxamlned. John Mitchell Is expected horo next week to lend friendly advlco to both aides. Associations Dissolved. St. Louis, April 10. An order dis solving tho Mastor numbers' Asso ciation was roado by Circuit Judge Wood today. The association Is held to bo a combination In restraint of trade. Ue also made permanent the temporary Injunction, which Is virtu ally a command to tho Master Plumb ers to sell to Independent number Walsh. The latter claimed he could not buy supplies, because bo was not a member. All firms composing the association aro largo ernes. Including Crane. Rumsoy and the Western Braes Manufacturing Company. HERMANN REGAINS His Friends Scote a Magnificent " Victory GRASPS SUCCESS OUT OF JAWS OF DEFEAT I Wins Oat Against the Field &eliisn Aspirations The young Republicans had Dinger Hermann routed and driven off the field at Eugene. His vote had run down to the thirties, and he left the convention with the athy pallor of defeat on hla face. Hit forces caucutsed and tried to decide on some candidate to throw their votes to, a little before midnight. For three hours the brilliant young leaders had things their own way but played with their advantage too long. ' Gatch, Kelly and Vawter forces could have nominated at any time could they have come together In any unselfish manner, i Jackson county was willing to do this, and Vawter finally voluntarily released his votes to go where they pleated, but too late. J Lane county had left Hermann, and waa catting futile votes for Har rft, but wat at last whipped back Into line. So were Benton and Polk. Clackamas, at the final ballot, wat got Into line for Hermann, and Eddy, of Tillamook, went on record with his five votes and turned the tide. Then Dinger Hermann won, and had votes to tpare. Following Is the detailed ttory of the fight, that was one of the most remarkable In the history of pelitics: The Opening Scenes. maun counties worn grouped at tlio In seating tho convention tho Ma-! right of tho armory hall, with tho rlon county eonvontlon waa put right j Clackamas delegation sandwiched In at tho front In tho center. Tho Her j botwoon. Denton had also been (k TfO a pai. UC Easter Souvenirs For The Ladies' Every lady who calls at our oflice on the second floor between now and Saturday night will be presented with a handsome book mark. It's well worth coming after, you don't have to buy anything, just make your presence known and you will receive an Easter greeting for 1903. Out Dess Goods Department j Is becoming more and more complete every-day, The very newest weaves are always here. Etamlaes in Black. Navy, Tan and Grey Rcxea Twine in Grey and Tan Crepe Etamine Black, Navy. Kesida, Tan and Brown VkJe in Grev, Tan and Resida Homesptm Saltings in Grev, Tan and Blue Zltullnes in Greys, Black, Tan and Red London Twine with woven stripe, in Resida, Grey, Tans, Browns and Blue Brilliantine in all colors Snow Flake Stripe in Navy a.nd Black on Account of Too Many WmrjJUVILWJ&.I.JVJmiMl.lW'n.hM EASTER GLOVE SALE Today Tomorrow and Saturday Our store has always taen recognized as the "Glove Store" because we carry nothing but the best of goods I and our prices are always reasonable. Tl is glove sale will go down in the history of our glove selling as one of note. Think of it. we propose to give you high grade white dressed Kids worth SI .00 and 51 25 a pair THE REST OF THIS WEEK FOR They ate actually wotth 50 ttfc cent mo 50 Vuir NO. 83. j . i HIS GRIP packed there, but moved to tho con tor. Promptly at 2:30 o'clock tho con vention was railed to attention by tho Rugono band, and Dr, Harris, tho congressional district chairman, took hla place with gavel In hand. Tho galleries clear around wero packed with spectators. Tho Hornianu delegations woro sup plied with buttons of a bright red. labeled, "Illngor Hormann, Congress man," but thoy woro novor very nu morous on tho streets, or In the hotol lobbies, and wero nowlso Indlcatlvo of tho causo thoy rcproBontod. Brought In the Flag. At 5 M0 O. II. llakcr. of Watervlllo, entered with a flno flag, and tho con vontlon arose and choored tho emblom of freedom. Chairman Harris rapped to order, and referred feelingly to tho snd occasion which railed thorn to gether, tho death of Horn Thos H Tongue, January 11, 1003. Hla remarks woro vory appropriate, (Cantlnuod on Fourth Page.) Ftesh Today Angel Creams and Chewing Chocolate at Zinn's 104 State 8t Phone 2874 Main I 78c pe cent more your dress WILL LOOK N CATCH, setano wean uerrcR, Will not Spot nor Shrink If THC GOODS anc PONGED UY THC SPOTLESS STEAM SPONGER, A erooett that oaves the goods beautiful after being tpongetf. Buy tur Dm flood of us ad b tboM rtqulilsg It piopiljr (& b ytrdj, J. i y f tU s4 over, e J . i J