MMWMMWMHMHMiMMMMHWMIMMI MNSBUSfll gSg!5Si JUWwww sjasEi-wJ'"- il(W-(, Nf TKtr tJAlLY JOUnNAu, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 12, 1902. umbum . 1 s I 17 ! 14 ' I u l i" r v JMA iLl 171 Means bad air, ,and whether it EilGHtV tO HfOSilth corned from the low lands and mr marshes of the country, or the filthy sewcra and drain pipes of the cities and towns, its effect upon the human system is the same. k These Atmospheric poisons nrc breathed into the lungs nnd taken up by the blood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is laid. Chills and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid nnd enlarged liver, kidney troubles, jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible foe, Alalorin. Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect in the system because the liver nnd kidneys fail to act, and nrc poured into the blood current until it becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally break through the skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various eruptionsof an indolent character appear, depleting the system, and threatening life itself. The germs and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body and destroy the life-giving properties of the blood, rendering it thin nnd watery, must be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to get rid of Malaria and its effects. increases almost fTom the first dose. There is no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or other mineral In S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy. Write ms about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by thir advice to regain your health. Book on blood and skin diseases sent free. THE. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Go. UP UJl Muat go tho pr'cea If we may beHovo-tho manu facturers and Jobbers, in all lines. Wo lmvo mado no advancoyot and hopo wo may not lmvo tolo to. Wo havo already ordered a largo stock of flno Park Mills ingrain carpota for fall delivery, and shall gtoally increaeo our stock ot velvet body Braasclla, Axmlnators, etc. Wo are con stantly looking for tho best and so Jar our efforts havo not been in vain as attested by tho domand for our goods, Wo servo you best and cheapest. The House Furnishing Co. 803 Com'l St., noxt to Post ofllco. ' '.' ' " ' iJLJLaJLiJ.-i!l!r'rg! Green-bairn's Dry Goods Store New goods in large quantities received this week, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR - Night gowns, chemise, draweis, corset covers, skirts, in great variety. There never was such fine goods at such little prices. INFANTS' WEAR"Short and long dresses, skirts, slips, caps and bibs, good qualities, little prices. SILK MITTS AND GLOVES-15 cents a pair. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT-Receivingnew good every day. Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store Next Door to 307 is Friedman's store, There you'll get bargains by the score; Clothing and hats and many things nice, Get them at Friedman's at a low price. Trunks and valises and doves that will wear, Sweaters and pants, also shirts that won't tear. Laces ana ribbons, scissors and knives, Prices that you have not seen in your lives. Now when you need any goods in this line Look for S, Friedman on a big sign. Or if some auctioning need to be done To this same Friedman you will please come. Business in this line he understands well, Any old Salemite will to you tell That in the auction he's worked many years And in the business he's not any peers. SKLKOTKI). WHY RIDE THAT OUT-OF-DATE BICYCLE When Columbias and prices and on such easy terms, This is an age of progress, Man ufacturers of the Columbia have kept pace with it, As a result, the ' Columbia of 1902 embodies many improvements and refine ments that contribute mightily to cycling comfort and pleasure, Be up-to-date and get the benefit of them, Sundries, repairing, wheels to rent Invisible S. S. S. docs this nnd quickly produces an entire change in the blood, reaching every organ and stimu lating them to vigorous, healthy action. S. S. S. possesses not only purifying but tonic properties, nnd the general health improves, and the appetite UP Htoros nt flaloin and Albany. Hammering it Into His Head Is a forcible, but ncedlosj operation. Less etrontiotis inothoda o! argument easily do tho business for ub, The pub lic is nwaro that we soil ihu bast grado of puro, clear wntor ico, Also that our prices are tho lowest; that wo glvo ex cellent sorvlco. 75 cents 100 lbs. to fam ilies. Special rates to largo consumer!. Manufactured at tho Capital Ico Works. Mrs. M. Beck, Prop. Bnlcm, Oregon. tho PostoflU-o. w3 Hartfords arc to be had at such reasonable Bbttortal P&QC of THE DAILY JOURNAL Membero Northwest Aftefnoon News paper League. BY HOFER BROTHER8. Daily One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. STATJ2 TICKET. aovornor. GEO. 18. CHAMBERLAIN, of Multno mah County. Supremo Judgo. R. S. BEAN, of Lane County. Secretary of State. P. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. Statu Treasurer. C. S. MOORE, of Klamath County. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. II. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. Attornoy-Gonernl. A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas County Stato Prlntor. JAS. E. GODFREY, of Marion County. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. Joint Senator for Marlon and Linn Countlou. W. II. II0BS0N, of Stayton. Stato Senator. 13. M. CROISAN, of Salem. SQUIRE PARRAR, of Salem. ItoproHontntlvos. FRANK DAVEY, of Salem. E. T. JUDD, of Aumsvlllo. THOS. B. KAY, of Salem. A. M. LAFOLLETT, of Brooks. J. D. SIMMONS, of Monitor. Shorlff. JOHN F. STEIWER, of JofTorson. Clorlc JOHN W. ROLAND, of Salem. Recorder. JOHN O. SIEGMUND,, of Gorvala. Treasurer. W. Y. RICHARDSON, of Stayton. Commissioner. WM. MILEY, of Aurora. AssosBor. CHARLES LEMBCKE, of Butteville. 8urvoyor. BYRON B. HERRICK, Jr., of Tumor. Cororor. A. M. CLOUail, of Salem. Jiifltloo of tho Ponco. (Salem DlHtrlot) E. D. IIORGAN, of Salem No. 1. Co n b tabic GEORGE II. IRWIN, of Salem No. 2. THE SCUTTLE BUGABOO. A Wlllumotto vivlloy paper, which Is Imbued with tho conviction that tho Htm HutH Honiowhoro near tho iihldliiK libido of Bankor Furnish, hIiico IiIh nmn Friday wont through the country wull "fiiriiUhoil," shouts, "If tho Phil ippine quantum Im not an Issue In thin campaign, why did tho late Democrat la convention oxponil bo much time and tulunt In ilollnliiK Us position on tho quustlun?" Wo nrti In about, on much danger or losing thu l'hlllpplne uh wn uro thu city of Now York, but, admitting It Im a ipioMtlou In tho cnmpalKii, tho gov ornor In thu Mtatu will havo about ns uiueli to do with tho proposition an ha will havo to thu KruntliiK or f rnnchlsos In Capo Colony. Lut u oloct a Rspub llcau loHtDlnture and Republican con Knrcsinen, if wo want to, but this can bo dono nil right, thuu securing tho Philippines to tho Queon'H tnste, and at tho satnu tlma adrntnlstor u much noedod and too-loiig-dolayoil rabuko to tho "afllllatud gang, always imscrupu Ioiib and alwuyH corrupt," which seolcs to down nu Independent farmer for tho hunuflt ot a banker, solely because he 1b believed to bo nn "organiser," Tho Philippine bugnboo will not fool tho farmora of tho Htata very much, not on your tintype! REBUKE MACHINE METHODS. A Portland paper, which has evl dently beon 'Furnished," dwclarea In tearful tones that Furnish must be eltwtod becnuse the duty or appointing a Utilted Stilton senator might devolve upon him. Gracious, goodness!. What a ctmtlngeuoy Is this! Only once In the more than forty years' history of tho state has u senator served as an appointee of the governor. The ehunoes. therefore, tire too slim, too deueedly slim, Mr n repetition of such a llkellhiHMl, to Justify anything bor derliiK on a general scare In nntli'lpu tlon or such n dire calamity. At least, the probabilities uro too remote to operate as a bar against the necessity at this time of rebuking the machine AN INDEPENDENT PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. methods of tho "unscrupulous and cor rupt gang of afllllatod grafters," onco confined to Multnomah county, but now oxtondlng over tlio wholo state. No, Indood! WORKING THEIR, JOB. Tho many now bureaus of "Indus try" created by Congress of late years havo a way of working tholr Jobs that Is Interesting. Whon ono of those survoy or special department grafts gets ready Its grlgt or stuff to havo It printed, thoy send out cards to peoplo to apply to tholr congressmen for certain documents. This shows a domand on the part or tho pooplc for information which tho bureau was creatod to supply. '1'h ore Is now a groat demand created for n geological survoy on somo Alas ka Islands that will not bo roady for months. Tho malls aro rushod with franked loiters from congressmen say ing It Is not ready. Mombors of Congross would be saved a great deal or usoloss work if this too-ready officialism woro not so quick to oxtond Its Importance, o THERE 18 BUT ONE LABOR CANDI- DATE. Of course, the Republican politicians alwaya swing in for Populism nnd la bor organizations, and ovon Socialism, ko ono can turn quicker and get In to lino for a popular movement as swift as your Republican ofllce-chnsor. Tho Jefferson Rovlow unmasks the claim of tho Republican cnndldato for Btato prlntor thus: "Tho Roseburg Plalndealcr says or ganized labor Is going to bo recog nized In this campaign, and It should be. That Is our opinion also, Brother Connor, but if wo aro correct, and, of courso, tho Rovlow and Plalndealcr cannot both bo In error, whoro will your cnndldato ror stato prlntor got off at7 James B. Godfroy, tho Domocratlc nominee, has boon a frlond to organ Izod labor always, and a union mem ber for yonrs, but how about Whit ney? Has ho ovor said ovon a frlond ly word for organized labor until nftor he was nomlnatod for stato prlntor? Bid ho dufeat tho organization of n typographical union at Albany In 1800? It Is Just possible tho frlonds ot organized labor In Southorn Oregon would like a little Information on this subjoct, and, or courso, tho Plalndenl or Is willing to glvo it." o ALM08T A NON PARTISAN CONTEST. Tho feeble opposition that Demo crats aro putting up against tho Re publican county ticket doos not make tho campaign in this county vory llvo- ly. Tho quietness Is remarkable Salem Statosiuiin. It Is a fact that many promlnont Domocrnts aro going to voto tho Re publican tlckot In this county in part or tho wholo, recognising that this Is an off your ana that thoro Is no poli tics lu it. Thoy say thoy want an united nnd harmonious delegation to work ror the interests or Marlon county. In tho Hame way there will be a large Republican voto and espec ially among business men ror Cham berlain and Godfrey. There Is a groat doal ol business and very little poli tics involved In these olllcos, nnd as It Is an off year tho people bellevo lu breaking mnchlne methods and pro moting healthy conditions lu stato nf fatrs. PEOPLE LIKE AN INDEPENDENT PAPER. A prominent old-lino Republican or Union county orders The Journal, and compliments It in the following werds: "The Journal's bold nnd Independent course In advocating the election or men to ofllco who are In the Interest or reform, and showing you are not nfrald to attack the Great Scott in his den, makes It a patter that all voters should read." The Journal's course in supporting Geo. K. Chamberlain lor governor has not met with a single criticism from any business man or taxpayer. The Journal takes its course and makes its fight for a good program, mid It Is extremely sorry that tho Re publicans put up a man for tjovernor who Is unable to stand for a plain business program. The Journal would have been only too glad to support the whole Itapub llcttn state ticket with such a man at the head ot It. And so would all de cent Ropiibllcuiis, and that without bo in'K paid to do It. The above letter is only one expres sion out or many to the effect that Re publicans eudorse an Independent pa' per. The program advocated by The Journal In Marion county has the an- doraenieut of all the people. The Journal's program lu state af fairs would harm no one nud relieve the taxpayers of about oe-hHlf their state tux. The people are not afraid or that kind or newspaper influence. The) are afraid at the domination or the Qrenonlau, as It has manifested Itself for some years, nud lu this earn- imlgn. and should turn It down am pfeutlcally. It is not fair, Just or lu deiHHideut. It Is not HnseMsk. o Hvldently Mr. Puralsh's prowl to give the RepukMeaHs a campaign they would not he ashamed of did not imn out. lie did not prove to 1h a per former, but has to have the warhorse of Otauop to do the suortiug ami pruHetHg RHd iwwtHg up ot the earth, o ' tbe (Capital "UNLIMITED CAPABILITIES." i Everybody remembors that editorial In tho Orogonlan tho next day after tho Republican stato convention en titled "A Remarkable Career," in which It declared ndt only in mib stanco, but in tho plalnost of words, that Mr. Furnish was tho ldoal states man whoso matchless qualities woro not to bo doscrlbed in ono day by any one man, nor at any time In any ono language. The descriptive powers of the aveiage mau could not hopo to rise to the occasion. Whllo undor tho spasm of Its bubbling admiration, tho Oregonlan declared, "Tho man who has dono what ho has through shcor force and will has capabilities and a futuro to which it would bo hard to set a limit." Great guns! But now comes tho painful part of tho story. Day by day and weok by wcolc tho Orogonlan has gradually, but regularly, lu a way that is commontod upon by overyono, withdrawn from the sklos of sycophan tic adulation, and now, bo far as tho paper scorns to Indicate tho "Wondor ful Man" from Umatilla Is assuming tho ovory-day form of commou clay. Wo regret this vory much, for tho man of "unlimited capabilities" Is hard to find, and easily ranks far abovo such mon as Lincoln, and wc feel It our duty to j)laco Mr. Furnish on his guard, for tho only other man whoso "capabilities woro unlimited" was finally crucified on account of that fact A man of that peculiar cast of Intel lect and powor should bo careful to not display all his qualities at ono time. It Is dangorous to tho dolty thus ex posed, and uunccossarlly torrtpts the thoughtloBS multitudos. Perhaps It is with tho thought ot Mr. Fumlsh's soroty that tho Orogon lan has abandoned calling special at tention to his "unlimited capabilities,", and has loft tho field to Fulton, Bai lor, ot al. SCHOOL YARDS BEAUTIFIED. State Superintendent Olson, of tho public schools of Minnesota, has just Issuod a circular lettor for distribution lu all tho schools, in which ho makos a strong plea for tho gardon, and shows how easy a matter It Is to beau tify the school yards, and tnako a beautiful flowor garden and playground out of what is nothing hut a baro spot of ground. Suporlutondont Olson says that Bchool gardening may bo classed aB a fad by some, but nt tho same tlmo ho Is fruo to admit that tho fad that takos children out Into the opon air, Into tho sunlight and brings thorn in contact with Mother Earth and na ture, Is less objoctlonnblo thnn the fads that Itoop the boys and girls con fined Indoors in lourning carpoutry, sowing, or somothlng of that sort. It Is Mr. Olson's Idea to Introduce into tho schools olemontnry instruction In agriculture and horticulture, and ho believes that thu few minutes a day devoted to this matter will Improve tho child morally, mentally and phys ically. Country Lire in America, ono or tho new periodicals which has recontly come to us during tlie opUlomic of now magazines, contains an article In thu current number on this question of school gardens, lu which It de scribes the work that was done In this direction In four Knstern school districts, where the ynrds woro noth ing but plots of clay nnd snml, ham inbred down into a stono-llko hard iiosh, Tho children were Interested lu tha movemoiiL' and, under tho direc tion of the teacher, spaded up tho yards, mixed the' needed fertiliser, planted grass seed and Uowers, nnd, by giving the matter a little care oach day, they had sphool yards that were a matter of pride to overy one of them. Unsightly fences wore covered with vines, castor beans, etc., new shrubs and trees wore set out, and the whole yard was made a park. It might not be amiss to say, by the way, that what others have done in this direction Salem can also do. SENATOR SQUIRE FARRAR. This republican candidate for the state senate was first In the conven tion, and stands first in the hearts of the farmers he has had the closest dealings with for the past -10 years. As a hop buyer he has the reputation ot being one of the fairest men who handle samples. He has never repu diated a contract because he gut the worst ot the bargain. He has never refusal a delivery on RAHfJiXR)? ...CHICAGO , PEOPLE'S BARGAIN HOUSE- Startling Prices for Monday and Tuesday Prices stauthtcrrt all oyer the store for tbose two dys-Remeater those trices only for Monday and Tuesday. AT KC ,ilJn1mt' wMte tawels I AT Qp ladles' Jersey Hbtel Swiss n... i... 1WJ8ll-ftlai heavy i OL Vests. fancy rlttornrtmmed Pulr Price 15c Forihtssale 5c Recular price 12 l-2c. For this sale A I 1 U C sTie Toxio "' 'firtat value! Haul. rwke isc. Forthlssiie Toe tn a AT 10J !! Jiuck Towen 3 uatntiuck Tov.e4i 3Sx :.." .thtesalCQoly tll-2c AT 8c fcU,Ue Duck tHtis c- WKeiSC. ForthVssafe OBiy- 8c tt avwrtment of SILK Waist-i ' VVHITT LAWN WA ST, l INEK WAISTS. sTlk AND MADRAS wilitj Wkcl5c7 Fo7thT?ate oa.-r:r8c our wn nww cem4te aaJ at reck ttta iiv-. BE IN TIME 3-ournaI HOSTETTElfc? U CELEBRATED MU; This medi- clno will purl tho blood. reetoro tho ap petite, make tho Lvor active, nnd positively euro Flatulency, Belchlncr. Headache, indigestion. Dyscecsta and Constipation Try Bottle and bo con vinced. any technicality, and Has never been accused ot taking advantage of any man on a sharp bargain. A man who can buy hops as long as the sonator has nnd not fall Into any of thoso pitfalls or tho business that is so full of them, must be a good all round businoss man. This is not saying that Squire Farrar is perfect but it Is about as severe a toBt of a man as can bo mado abso lute honosty In tho hop businoss. Tho farmers can trust such a man with tholr affairs in tho stato legisla ture. If Geer and Ford would pull togeth er they could como nearer landing tho noxt sonatorshlp than any Portland combination. But thon Marlon coun ty politicians havo always fought each other, and lot Portland men get away with tho prize. o Judge Goodcll, one of tho pillars of tho Republicans In Dr. Smith's ward, says slnco Governor Gcor has run after populism ho will not got 3000 votes for sonator In tho stato. Tho governor will got nearly that many In Marlon county. Tho Orogonlan has droppod all edi torial argument for Mr. Fumlsh's olec tlon to tho governorship of Oregon nnd tho Philippines. It must feol that lu has a more potent nrgumont than it can put up. o Andrew Carnegie has given another batch of libraries, ranging in valuo from $20,000 to $7fi,000 oach, and ho Is now on the briny deep, going to Sklbo Friday night Greater Salem will got a more on at the city hall. SCROFULA. "Scattered consumption" is a good way of describing this disease. It is in fact a real consumption of the little glands under the skin. Scott's Emulsion cures it, Scott's Emulsion is good for all kinds of consumption but especially good for scrofula. It heals the sores but doesn't stop there for the weakness and loss of flesh is the worst part of scrofula. Scott's Emulsion feeds and strengthens scrofulous chil dren. Send (er Free Sample. SCOTT 4 POWN K, CW.WU, . Pearl St., N. Y DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET- For Joint Sonator Marlon and Linn Countlos. JOHN A JEFFREY, of Salem. Stato Senators. L. II. MoMAHAN, Salem. J. B. DIMMICK, Hubbard. Reprosontativos. W. T. SLATER, Salem. FRHD ROCK, Stayton. LOUIS SAVAGE, Salem. S. TOMLINSON, Woodburn. I. W. BERRY, Salem. Sheriff. B. B. COLBATII, Salem. Clork. A. M. DALRYMPLE, Salem. Rooordor. J. A. SBLLWOOD, Salem. Troasuror. DAVID BACK, ML Angol. For County Commissioner. W. W. JOHNS, Salem. Surveyor. A. WIIITLOCK, Silverton. Assessor. J. D. SKIRVIN, Scotts Mills. (Salem DIstrlcL) Justice of the Poaco. J. O'DONALD. Constable. JOHN II. LEWIS. STORE... is I only . --8C l Mr m .-. rk A I J5C K-VSAWKAK"!- tf ni.,,V. ."",.!,''" '.' ft ;- !?: . ntjuur rf ice il- Slavs. UMHhr p.t. 50c. If rOTtnls sale only 3Sc A 1 obC ski,t Casvas Drtss I t. , -, "... u. well malt, rare Tt lely- tJinia. nfjuur price 75C. l-Aa lhl H "" 35c ft AT- Of Chlliren's Dresses. made 'iS , "' t fast color trlati! ft Rmarptce 50c Fer this sale-25c 'f V IUI9 li Rest AtfOtt GUctuas MHI GbIs Best CaHces- -C -2 I-2C FOR THE SNAPS WM2mmww Wrs Corvallis 4 Eastern Railroad TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaqulna: Train leaves Albany 12:60 p. n, Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:50 p. nil Train orrlves Yaqulna . 0:46 p. m, No. 1 Returning: Leases Yaqulna. O' Leaves CorvallB 1 1 :30 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m. No. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrives Detroit 12:15 p. m No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m, Arrives Albany 5:40 p.m. Trains 1 arrives In Albany In time to connect with the 8. P. south bound, train, ib well bb rIvIub two or three bonra in Albany beforo departure of S. P. North bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connectB with tho S, P. west Bide train at Coi vhllia Crosaing for Independence, McMinnvlllo and all points north to Portland. J. TcitNEn, Edwh Stonb, Knt, Albany. Manage The Gfteat Rock Island Route Is tho only lino operating weok ly personally conducted tour 1 s t excursion cars botween Portland and Chicago change via. tho world's great est scenic lino, making closo connec tions nt Chicago in Union Depot for all points East Daily standard sloop- ing car botween salt Lalto City, -Denver nnd Chicago, buffet, library, smoking cars between Pueblo. Donvor and Chi UH cago. Tho most reasonable dining car sorvlco between Pueblo and Chica go. If you aro going to Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, Chicago or any place East, you should enquire about tho Great Rock Island Routo boforo purchasing your ticket Ask your nearest agent nbout It, or wrlto for folders, and any Information deslrod. A. E. COOPER, Gen. Agt., Portland, Oro. ii S3.000.000 jf. Worth of 80 pound steel and 55 new coaches, chair cars, dining and cafe cars is the record of the i During tho past yrar, making it tho in tbn i-nnntrv. Trnvol ovor It and W 0. 8. CRANE, Gon, Pas. Agt.. St. Ji f!nnf Pan. Aot. . f.n Atnrnlnn. lJn.1. (If ww ' ' A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can enjoy from ono of our tender and delicious in eat b, steaks, lanib or mutton chops' veal cutlets or pork, Our meati! aro all cut from tho fattest and tmmnat cattle, and wo can supply your table with fresh, nutritious nnd wholesome meats at bed rock prices. E C, CROSS .SALEM ORE Phon 201 'o.rl & 2--- i t - m 31- L( vi 1AW5 Af fi Lu IT -1 Do Your Horses and Cows Like Good Hay? Wo are nreparod to furnish It. Wo havo clovsr, cheat and tlmolhy htj o ho beat quality, Our prices are the lowest going. SAYAGB Si RBID 322-324ConVJst SEEDSMEN Agents for the International stock food. pOLLMAl CHERRY QBBDBR ccoeo CHCftnies , atees. fltYjE3rji m fc amdUNHM Pacific DEPAUT FOK TIME SCHEDULES from Portlnnd, Or, ARniVR FIIOM Cli Ira go I'orllnnd BpCOlAl 80 a. m, via limit ingiou "Tla'aTfc" Exproa 9 p. m. Tiaiiunt lugton ""rHTrauT Kam Mall 6:lfip, m. Via Spokane Salt Lake. Denver. Fl Worth. Omaha. Kantna lut, m. Liouie, inicago and Eati. 4:30 p tn, Pnlt Ijkc, DetiTer Ft Worth, Omaha, Kaunas Cltr, St, Loula, ChlCdgn and Eatt. 8:10a. i Walla Vmflii. LewiTtot. Spokane. Uollnce, full man, Mlnneapolli St. I'aul, Duluth.MUnaukeo Chicago, and Gaot. ': m 72 " HOURS 72 PORTLAND TO CHICAGO no tnance ot tars Through tickets via this routo tn all Eastern (mints on ealo at Bouthom Pa ciOc dopot ofllco. OCEAN AND HIVER SCIIEDULB From Portland All calling datea aubject 10 coango Korean Francltco Ball CTcry 6 days r.m Dally except Buuuay 8 p. in. Saturday 10 p. m, COLOMBIA RtVKIt To An to rla nnd Way Lauding. 4 p. m, ex. Bund ay WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth leavoa Salem for Port land and way landings on Tuesday .Thurs days and Saturdays, about 10 a. tn. For CorvalliB und way landings, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at about 6 p. m. A. L. CRAIG, M. P. BALDWIN. Gen. l'aea. Agt. Agt. O. R. & N. deck Portlaud, Oro. Balom, Ore. I rails, 50 new locomotives, most modern nnd np-to-dato railroad oniov the finest eoulnmont on earth. K Loula, Mo. Roes 0. OLINE, Pacific ft fl At Easfer Time is when the building business will be in full awing. II you haven't given your orders for your him bor requiromunta it will pay you to got estimatea from Goodalo Lumber Co., forvany nnd all kinds of lumbor for out or inBido work, lath, shingles, eash, doors, blinda and everything needed in this line. Goodale Lumber Co. Near S. P. Paaa'r. dopot. Phono 051. Here's a Bosom Friend It's a pleasure, Isn't it. when opesfoff your bundle from tho laundry toilw now white and neat your shirts m collars are? No saw edges ; no teirr, no holes anywhere. Well, wo give too that pleaauro, every tlmo. Our work dono to perfection. Can't bo surpaeMd. Try ua once. .Our charges lowest. OM service beat. Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL J. OLMSTKD, PB0PBIKT0B. DOBOUB D. OLMBTKD, MOB. Phono 411 230 Liberty Strert x XL IIIS perfect Oherry Seer does not oruau i" "'' ...ural any loss of; a Pr.! maouine tor mine, ";;'.. Ifornla cherries. Tho seed ex rtei knlle drives tho seed into one ' " actually throws the cherry inio anoto The mirks of tho knife can seen on the seeded fruit. "j'K,. 20 to 30 quarts per hour. et V" 86 cents. v 8 p. m. O J. WIL.SON I cMrtS,McE.V0Y.BRs- Proprietors,. . R. M. WADE & CO. 1 Buitfo g11 m TMmtHtttUKigBNttt WWSWWWW' New Location 135 Court Stf - '&Zic i HImtiiM - AM Urf . j ? rm