The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 02, 1901, Image 2

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fcJMMtWflhtJNi3MUi (TatMLlCMtrii rri-.ii
AT .
:,V '
Hint to old Folks.
atwanwai tialtSalarwaHl wB tw "" m- sf
j-i-tS I Hliw-iaa .min-l .1 r n
Tfo& GtsangfG of
Ol act. like disease, brings inflrmitles; and -with the adraaolag
ySTrii con thnrteieduscles,nhelWlJcrstrecgtirtb8 wri-Wed ofCr-oia Court
viaisjga stod uncertain step. In old age the vitality Is lowered, the
"Hrt beats with a feebler puis and tie blood moves tirongh tka
body t-a sluggish paco. The digestion is casOy dttngd, tbo
iaervous forces are vrc-kened and the resistive poTrtrsar greatly
rrdtaced. Itis thca that tonka and strpgtheners aro grxteftiljy
Teceived by the failing body; and waea tho .onto la combined ArKb.
serve-food and vilalizuig principle such as De. Milts' Nkhvikb
icoBtalns, tho results are peculiarly happy.
' "I was all -ora-oat, Wt tired iad dull, bad jafna In ror
bKlcand Me, noappeUt far foodaod watsonervou I oottld
saMlj do any tWajc Oar doctor ay oM folia mart Mt-
. pect Us feel wells bo I befan tatta Dr. Miles' teniae and
itanwsedBierialitaiv It aakw we feel wdl and ttnog and
Is Mm samf Importaat period la a rro
aaaa'a exlatc-tMW. Owli, to modern
nitc Whn Will Attend Me&llnr; tfeanf llTussr. notw noaaa is
--"" ..... ....."- -jI--i, i"ii.. - -
Moth Session Will te Held at Salem.
May 14-16-Offkers Elected.
t. irMt a In nml health for seres years."
D. M. Dew r, Murray, Iowa.
B . Miles' Nervine
Qalats the irritation, roste the tired brain, stimulates the digestion
and puts new life and energy into the entire system. Yoa
will feel better if you bay n bottle to-day.
fioMbrdrHgjristseBaiittarantt. Da, JIiles Hj-dicai. Co., Elkhark, lad.
. ... - I . -
Aro your trousers out at tl ht1 ......
Tronsenihavea hippy way of wearing oat just at tho
' Am? pair In some color,barmonlxlnr with tho still srood
y coat and rest will, save your porta while mendlngyour
appearance. ,, . . "--.
Summer trooaer; cool, enrlceable, stylish lej$ cever:
for tore, oatfog or work - with oot yonr -coat ur.
Catslraercw, CboTtoU, Wontedi, In Rreat Tartar rqoal
itfea Maranlced. For fat, -horHejiBwl men. a.Vuofh of
blg-eTrth trouwra, 40 to 43 walU. All jtap Ailed Jure.
Spring weight or hry weight.
. W. JOHNSON' St 3Q..
Tho People' Clothier, and FarnUbor 357 ComrnerMal Bt. Balem.
THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1901.
Daily On Yaar. J3.0O In Advanoo
Daily Four Month 91. In Advanoo
Dally by Carrlar OOo Pmr Month
Weekly One Year ahOOJn Advnnoa
Ko taxation witboot tho eonaent ol tb
Ued li a doctriae, and UeWst oJly
ooanoll will caakx a && 4rfxt
pA aa oeeaptAta tu TiHtiiurt inihaM
tins U ta tke jwjgnn.
A bus 1ji fMiitt&i&uiy- 3mmr Qht a
wetk at IVliuifl 5 -HUlnlifl uufl suili
eat to tie TrnMrnMnucf. Cll umiutm;
this be tmmitjvm& nut !he aH IciJ
ia thaJ9tCKi!httaie aunri 5trjnT
favor paatlats a tae-jiURi tax etdta
aneo wltbmt tstautUeaig it At ptmfi:
If that i tJ ta JlaiaMw wwiid I
carried lata Ue mrU a4 44atJ
The pilaeipla ia sm taxatkM M tU
coateat of Ua taicd.
The Satte taiara 4a, whk tut a
Urjc rarplaa load ta lt,trrry kw t
Tested IWXO ta efpr hira. The
tavetaBt, It I eIaiMd, git U
add of miser ef that dwtrirt a Me
affntereat la the aaaalcuaatcd ankiM
aod leaaoai to great Mteot .tho Otaztr
future of Jabor troeblt. It vife dVfSl
(raatly aa how the lava, ppWl the ia
tennti of tenall balder.
. mm ti
Saraofcl l. Marray. atHlt&if at
eat, taedieine Eaauataetarer. diU at
ToUdo, Obla, U'edBMday. We de aot
anew jat what pateat atda he
B34 hb nUltoa eat af. hat we de
kaav that he mada bU atecwy adrar
tUJaj It thraagh tha aewfp i, aad
earr rttrretthat th aevMir are
abligtd to HtH the deattal af the
public ta aeh aa axteat aatagit ap
rahwhl ipaa ta ah adrcrtlateata.
Hat aolcma fact thai that a aewt paptr
wlthoat wveh fcadiag 'matter waald sat
Le .deairahla ia aoata fanlNef.
ft ft
l'aul Lawreaea Paahar' aiw ntel,
Th Sport of the 0i," U tahiUtMi
aatn 1h tho, May "faw" LippiaeBtt
Migatiaa. ThU U by fr ttreagMt
aadtbott Betioa fraat a pn aetd for It
ltBtaor and ithAt. A "I'aalo Tern'
Cabja" In It day bold the reader ap
tltOf to doe thl neral of the ar Negro,
aafraaehlMd batitlll a charge upon
oaroaaoieavt. Optfllan with a falw
arreat, trial, o-aUJ.-nd peavk-ttoa
la aAaethera Iowa, the tale huu to
Notf'ork. llm the writer pukt I rem
UtaMart whn he ey of the (Wuthera
XgFe ha tome North wekieu their
Jortfjees "itwa Uttr fer thein to
fagoOodaaroMBoathern fiUla."
Thl ftria TJP ublthe a two
aalaSa reply pj Count to the
deog af aaeeiwunlatl9n prououocod
awit him. ft ia dttfd Mnecow, April
1. t aay Wiat at a reiqtt of the
djeaaaa ka U4 racdtd latter from
VftMat aafd meaaclng hint with
Ha ehracJerf the dcre a
tetaaaj ar foUatluaaUy cquiiocel,
HMijknni, Moreover, ho y, Itooa
a4HteM aw iaattfeUe t0 ev, taUHe4t
adaea. Cwwit Tali'awaar
tba'aMMUM efMJHrcuvaiariiyi
ehnrob.thuoretieally aitate, Ulnjurloag,
i a lie in practice and I a eompound of
TolgarsaporsUtiomand (oreery, under
which entirely diiappeari the icnte ol
0hrlUan doctrine. ToUloi I a great
literary artiat and ha mado a reoonl a
a champion of humanitarian interest
that leave hloi one of the greatest men
of hit age. Tholaatactof tho Huitian
Greek church only raveal the fate ol
of all who crot tho path ol legalized
. governmental superstition.
ft ft ft
Two bod let of tolenllflc moa gatlierol
the other night e6e in New York, and
the other in Galeae to witnet the tott
i aaeleioial tattntraent vhioh wa
ta traavisait the halftoae pictare by
tlrti&i 6th Uv la the Chk
iifiuti ikatef rNUt Harper to
aba 5i YLc. aa aaempt'eto aa-
UoMaltl Kw Yark aad, aad the thre4
AmiBVtxt fKoeia gathtced ta watah the
sfr U lit fvatare ef the prealdeat of
ibCaca Uaiverritr erelve out of a
8Bt pM polaU ta tin foil till it be.
ci a fae-araatto of Uteoaaoa the other
InuuaiHUr aa thoataad railet away.
Tke CWaao aadience, Itowever, ae
earotax ta ward rired by Ulert4i,
h diaappataled. Tmo Initruaient at
thatead dal not reeml the ftnpreaiiion
efearty, aad. ua ptare reaalted, exeea
it ladaattoa ta th IraaiiailMng wires
Wtag girea a tho eaeie of the fallum.
a m
The wrtam'n Qtab of tiin Franeiiao
barewait! la arraugieg for the eutur
uanwl ef the ladle of tho I'nmtlnut
Ul now enroate to till city. TIihv
wtH glr a rwaptlon to Mr. MuKinley
la the Mark Hopkfm Art Iniltuto, a
;garda party t Fori. Manou and a ban-
1i at lie California Kaoh of tluoo
fowtteft prwaliet toibo tlo mout brill
Uat'ef it kieu! erer known on the IV
eiao CoaaC The alab will also keep
efa he aad tho Udle from thi eatt
vM be lavithty eatertalned. Ttoat tho
Udie freaa the eatt will Im outclael
la ttatare, daU aad Individuality by
the CalKemfa dab wewea ko withoMt
tayla. Jt 1 'a be rvfed that Uie
Salem tVeeaaa' etaheeald aat gt Into
wotkiag ardor ta Urn ta have gfvea it
ialUal faaaUen to the vinlwg party af
fenlalae aatabhv.
ft ft ft
The Aawwteaa HtUetlpiMM la the
llrltnh war lata will aat traly effrat
tho New York ntaeejr market, a the
payaMBU therefor are vproad aver a
prkfcl af eight nU. aad ketaro the
(ait aae i paid the Saath .lrtaaa war
will deahilwM havo terwaaatW. in
whUh event Kagftth aaaal4 wirl U
again ttaatvd at par aad apmtrO. at
hUh priea a very htrtgw rt u( the loaa
awarded ta Ut toWj will ftud lu
way baak to Raglaajl ta rU the
advaaae, the iRtvuttve wa the part af
moat of the tabrtkw la (hit a
loiag fpeoulatiaa aaU uot era)aaei
hatdlag. The rate at wbieh the ttemt
Ity I aftered maik KaglUh ooatol
dewu ta a prleo lower than they have
previoutiy aoea tinea ia iiaring panu
ft ft
Tho tbaveaient for a pardea for J. 0.
Luhiwan. formerly of Salem, it hacked
lyr tho !et and miMt Iptelllgeut umU
ofthltoity HU ertMto hat tuitJintiu.
eiroutalaaN, aad tho application for
oxeoouvo riemenoy near no mhiUaHIt
to the p4icaU'ti for lltd Uuear rapiit
from Southern t whWh m to
have little In H fvur. Tho effort ia r
atom Luhruian to hi wife and chtM Aad
good aitiMDihip i a woithy OHe.
O ..Tw jST'SJi ar a
'Witae ,,y.UUidl&M
TW niatii aaawal Hate eftavaattfaa af
tie awl ceert ef the Forester of
America, 1H b held ia Salan, May 14
la The reseiaaB wffl be held ia Taraar
Hall and will be attended by aheat far ly
tfVlegatre. The I'ait otHeera will alea be
pretest aad thl will aweM the aaaiber
teabaateO. Ia addition ta the anneal
eleotlen ef atacer. the eoavenlkw will
efoat two tapreeae repfewnUtiver to
repreeeat the giaad eoert eaavestioa to
Us held in Baltimore oa Awgaet 37th.
The raeraber ef eoart Sherwood No. ltf,
af ttritalty are arraaslBx far the recep
tion aad eotartalamont of their vitiuag
The jmritd'tcliom of Oregon m eaaod
of S4 labardiaate eoart, all of which
are ta good -landing. Tho paai term
hat bees saost? ararparaa, both in
Goeoiberf hip aad finance. A aetgain
of nearly 100 per coat ha bea made ia
afenherthip, while there it bow Bearly
J10.09) lathe treatarie of the tab
ordinate eoart. TMt good showing Is
doe to the liberal spirit BMaifeatad by
the order In keeping aa organlaer eon
ttantly in the field for the part year.
The grand eenrt, too, h been laaet
pieaperoa dHriait Uie patt term, aad
polati with pride to a rahstantial (am
In It treury Among tho proposed
amendment to tho confutation of the
grand eenrt ia a chango in the law per
taining to the grand court funeral fond.
Thl fond alnce it adoption by tho
grand court two year ago, ha proved
to bo ef great benefit both to tho variooa
court and the membership. There
havo been SO fnueral claim a pah!, both
to member and members' wives,
atnonntlog toUOO.
The followiog is a list of the offteer
and delegates expected to attend the ses
sion of the grand court of Oregoa.
Court Mount Hood, No. 1, Portland, A.
Anderllne, I Gotdenbergand H.CIe-ave;
Coart Columbia, No. 2. Porllaad, K. A.
Gmio1I and George Hoaghten, Court
Multnomah, No. 8, Portland, P. F. Ito
goway ami M Klapper, Court Wabfoot,
No. i. Portland, A. llraimr, James Bain
and F, T. ISourgeols; Court Germanla.
No. 6, August Dwimc ;Coart fcamlhi.No.
7,Portiand,A. K.SehwarU and K.1I Ah!
gran Court Aetoria, No. 8, Astoria, A.
Schroder and Gunderson; Court Itobin
Hood, No. 0, Oregon City, 8. O. Dillman
and F. 8. Hanker; OourtThe Waltoa, No.
It, The Dalles, F. V. L. Skibbo; Court
Ocean low. No. la, Gardiner, T. K.
Mici; Court Ouo- Hay, No. lo, Marsh-
field F. A. Golden ; Couit ljueen of the
Foroater No 17, Handon, A. G. Iloyt;
Court Hhr. Forest, Na. 19, r?lem,
A. I. Itrown and J M. Cb;
Court Mabl Marian, No. , UGranJ.
W. II. KWpper; Cjurt Uberty, No.
. AIUm, 0. i. Ihirkhart aad V.
II. Warner: Court Mistletoe, No. M.
Ashland, O II. GelUUe; Omtrt Jot
pfcine No. ST, Grant' Pan, Jafca- Trem'
Uo;Coajrt I'nlty, No, , Corraltls.J.
J Malvoy; Coart Henrvolenae No 30,
Sliedd, (aot re(ortl), Court Indoen
ih'Heo No. 30, ImlepeaioMeo, K I.. Gulu;
Court I)ougla. No. 3?, Ho'eburg V. C.
Gray: Court Bohemia. No. .S3, Cottage
Grave, T. W. Jenkins; Coart Poplar No.
.11. Bngene, William S Moon.
Grand Officers-
t . T. Itogera. graau ahhM ranger,
rurtlnud. J. II. Matthowa, grand tub
chief ranger, Aatark; lit. ISdward
Oi-drleh, graad treasarer, Portland ;
duiuutd Kafka, graad BHanaial aeere
lary, Purtlaml , Jamw Fiahor, grand ro-
eortllng secretary, The Dalles; H. G.
Hlcpherii, grand teuler woodward,
Portland, G. N. Koynolda grand junior
woodward. MuMlnimllo; I, Greonbaiun,
grand auulor ImjJI. Salem ; Jama M
Kiuley, grand Junior bdle, Portland;
J. H. Kimbohl, grand trnato; A. 1
Nolaou, graud truateo; A. FriailmaH,
grand trustee
Craln-01 Crala-01 4
HoiuouiiHir mm imiue vihmi you
wauutt tieua.ioUki. npiiutlxtug. Hoarwh
liik food drluk to tnko tho place af
corfoo. rJoltl by all grocor aad Itkad
l nil w ho luivo UHod it Grata O la
nmilo of puru grain, It akts (Mgwatton
uml atroiigtuotu the iiocvm. It m
a atliuulaut but a health balbUr
tho tblldron a well na the adasu eta
ilrtnk It vlth groat toSMtti. Oaaia
nltout t aa much as caffeo. laV. aawf
an pr tMickugo At yeas
far Graln-O.
k Miamoviiu approaen um periecuj
satarai enasg eifeeBBff
a train of trr annoying and uS&e
times poiafnl symptoms.
Tboe dreadful hot SaOiea, aendlnc
the Mood t-rjrinjr to the heart natll It
w-8t nsadr to burst, and the faint
feolinir that fodo-ra, sofBt-timea with
akllW. a if the heart were troinir to
atoD for (rood, are symptoms or a
sg to
The prasaat aity aaaaaasaajistaaa h
to Mamo lor the rtdiswlaei ia
f asrtod vaiaaiasaaf. Haaaaa fen
rntatred to aseaie w taa ta
aUigalieaa that U hath
Mader etal vatoseaaaa.
Jrarxie bul
gtrrtma, Berrow trouble. Tbo- hot
Qaahea are jnat so away calls from
oature for help. The nerroa aro ory
lag ont for asalntanee. The err should
h heeded In time. Lydla . Pink
ham's Vegetable Componnd wa pre
pared to meet the needs of woman'
system at thla trying period of-her 111 c
It builds up the -weakened nervous
system, aad enables a woman to pas
that grand change triumphantly.
" I waa a Terr aiok woman, caused
by Change of Life. I auilortsd with hot
floishea, and fainting spella. I was
afraid to go on the street, my head and
back troubled me so. I wa entirely
cured by Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound." Mb. Jesme Noblk,
1010 KeymrSt., Germantown, Pa.
Pxlflc Heoirtte-4
In brgliBiiig u BvricH of papurs on
etrawborry culture 1 cannot forogo tnc
ujtporiuiMty 0 jMying a nordjn lavot
of momII fruit growing by nwWwiU
of towne and cttias, and in faror ot
evon ttui who follow fanning of any
(fewcripetoa bucvuHbg ourhoa:a-.ta aleu
iMHUt; una. A jhtku can hnnlly ou
ny good health and be in a nurioal
L-uwtttioD mvaaally without b&tag In
pomMhJO of at loaat one robust oa
Uwnaimi thai aanoaat to almost n
To cae criUchnn. I will eall my
wlf a crauky crauk oa the one Inwacn
of bortttfuiraru known na Utw auaw
aorry mmry. It )a one of the larg
mi and bmC proa table Huoo of bui
iho lu tM iiart of the WlllatnvtU-
YnUtfy. iHAtt of the email faniR-rs
nir Salem who have kuot up with
n detMH4e of the Uaiea for new a
rtoMoa uml tho wants of the eonoumur.
nave yur in and )wr out put wore
ummmm- lu tha bank from atruwhorrluB
ihan frota all oihrr fruits put togwh
r. 'Pho fact that can grow Um
I ruli to -rtton and lu uubuilitl
nwiHttuoa HMhoat imuatlou ought to
(xMiUm-e anj'ouo that tuc amount ot
OMHOJ to ha mado out of it fc oul
iuimimI Im aatoririM in nudmg the
varUriiw-t and thu uvarket ith can
ucrton MMd refrigenulng curs, than Hohl
m wwotK-ally iiHliiulted.
Jioforo Imvhig tin foaturo of the
ubjtt lt ua consider hat U motin
to grow thl moot torroct rruit wiui
out lrrtsntkn. Tiioro I not only sav
ml wiwt wmor would cost, hut fur
uun hniKM-taut, stmwborrluii grown
HiihiHit iniifusloit juxi hlglitT tluvorod,
iHgluT voiorMt anil -oliuwr tliun ttiooe
aiumUilli wattnd. If we got tho
rtgiK kltnU and put tlioni up rlitlit for
BiMpmtHit, wo cuu auiul Uiuut furiltur.
avi lotlor prWoo uuu fcull Uimn iiioro
rvadll than Iwrriwt from any iwciloa
that di-iMHMls ou trrtgatkui Miou it
coumt io purring up a airawborry for
cwohimiUI jHiriHMWH lu h ctuiuury avo
cmii doubio dieoouut uiij utlior part
of ibt worhl. If jou dou't bolievo it,
ktp jHtr vyo ou tho aoi oiupiut'Ui or
tht tunning bntlneMi at Sdlein for tho
mxt few yanra.
WiMt varlotaVa ahould wo wk to
ih-vet-w hero lu Wwrteru Orogoiw I
would any to all amataura and fruit
fMrutvra for proftt. Uiia hi a ory im
portntM tHwstvr to eaanlilor We all
know that on of mmtom of bow vtt
nothf rHtradavwd oaii yar. not one
on an itvorasMa hua any uaniMuout ul
ho vr osHtursag martt, out of iorhapH
Afty vartotMo. AJi awafaut to tbo skli-s
ia too aaeowry tatWaoo, that 1 Irnvc
thwrwaraii laolaal kaat oa haa ihtovou
phintiug -tho
tM- U-tir or III)
I tkav f.mml
aa. tul-
atabv fr th.
Maw iVht com
aainiailhl iu
H bvUlf r
. or
)H uu
Bu and Tfy a Box Tftnlht.
Wjic yoa thank of at, hmj tmd
try a baa of Caaorata Caaahr Cx
tkaroc, ideal laxatrva, Hnaai Yawl
aerar fafrct it Cimaiai taMata
aurnpad C. C C. Kavar waVd ha
balk. All tsrwfssatt, tac.
Tho aopaaar toaa Is Hal ia tho load
ta the sflHoM l the . aaal will
bo ubuI the are rkar diottaottoB
drawn botMoon tnnkkng ta-t bargierv a
of 4ao for gamatau
Tiimm. aal taaat
aseeu t-r aaaaaar.
last ttw fcutksNoa-
aw for aaataaaar ftM
am nwt:Ml wMMMHRL "tAat
us jmmpmmm m. put.
f9tvHHMtf lawl' BawMlW flB SMh1
iwa a aaaaa maaaao. ot- ooMav
-t jaaaoa a akf Mat)
aa sua fitiiw aa
ttn iftoaiM aa KMk
M wtu pay tu
aaaawauaataw iu Ivo
Ml Utat Ima
T aaa kiudn of
we itux
f Hftal irlll mltnit.
aociavatiuwo t
ato oloi'l
4 atpuwxofsuii frww thn
1 wtoaaaw -j li-ceiu io the
anaami-ata t u mo ikd
A itwga ftv ftwata.- m jwo
eksetaa: aarg tavrtea 1 tbr IV. kit.'
wt wtaww liirl 4't fnw tot
fer pr4u. ul im rim ufi
SW4M 1 n-i.r. v' Wh t'oior
ill .wtor aU ,f out) ttll
t ' mix ilivv MhtuUil
Hatv hsu Wt.- .r . titv and frikl
- I r a uro vra
r w aaat r ta arrWt ftowavtag
or etaaaiaatu tarixjr wlih frun ew
alturtwr thaa the fa tm umUo rhom
rHa araoi Knash far th imvmhu.
i-hv waaaao prouoaJitoaM iri. im
(Mr-tuna aaai enrvranr atMYwl t, will
tod iu grmtu sunvM. K )f 1 It
-. i. JMay t. nM
fftft sl
Itav a hiu
ftavwr aa i
Cltfes Wrth Idle
Export Bonis.
Funis Foolish to
, , vj, w . Ln. - r aa.f aarasaTTflMAaa
Trr?lf1inTiaVaCTiWMia'P' iMnriTi11aanriWi'fc n mrfiMtitMmAmmmMnn t ijjiiiijmm
Still Tftey Coine Still They GojSoutii i
, 1
Saeoli Be Soli at Home 11 conas,
Are at All Necessary. !
The Mew Home Bona aocscnptiuns
Are Aivocatei at Penileton.
Psntltr Blcytlcs areLeadfr. Tb'ere must te some
rtsw. There Is. Onrwberlsarerltht. Oorpollcv
Is right. Strenithjlibtnesstessy-ninnlng juslltles
hssisTmrilacs il flalsh make the : :
1 9 O 1
M. ... - .., . ilfcMH, tJV,...
and East
Pacific Co,
Ff4tot Kl
?ih?m saioe ln s thwted a
Isr loan of city bowls, .WA)
li.ard, all -re taken by r-alem
iitM cent, awl MO.ftX) of
achonl dirlct ovttds were swbeenbed
thrre oa the- same tertns.
Indepadeoce la now Beating $6W0
Lndr Ornrnn men will lake the entire
Baler City could hsve done the tarae
thing with her JI00.CO Imm. if Bsker
Cili will psnl a an utwer tor spoaK
lag " f her business latere t. And
PsiMtH for that waiter, rou Id nave
hM er boadt c-f irsoe a )ear aepon
the same plan.
Take tie Baler City ea?e. Tlwt town
bar, it i claimed by pede thure, one
m llioa doilara lying idle in the banks.
Tim mooer would better le employed,
of cvarn, aod no l-etter manner for in
ewoM be suggested than that the
owners inbibo for and take the bonds
of the municipality. Than would the
Interest be kept st home, and not 10 to
tre East, New York or Bos'on, or some
other money tenter.
Piji' t'aii are the modern ten
dency in public borrowings. The I'lihed
6tates goverament, after n.any bond
salts to foreign persons and large finan
c'al institntionr, tried the popular loan
plan and found that a loan many time
as lsrss would he bi-en taken had the
opportunity offered.
With due respect for the opinions of
the osScials in the various towns of the
Inland Empire that have recently iloau
ed bonds, the popular subscription
should have been tried in each ou. In
few instances would It havo failed.
4 S3500 I
Lailts' aad Cents' h.
Ctiainless $60
1-Inch Tutlnt
Ullcs' and Cents'
rvtnu'XS." Unv a rellahle wheel
from a relUMd concern who Is in buMness 12 months a joar and who will protect
their rider.
Trains leave Balem for Portland mid way
stations at 6:40 a.m. , 7:54 a, m. nud
4:08 p.m.
I.v rorUftWL.
IfOA it
ll-00 A M
12A' A M
Lv 8lrm.
Ar Aahlautl
Ar njifrmmonln... ....... 6.-00
Ar 8U KfHUOKO.. ..... 7.45 IH
.AfOjnloh I J A. M"
Ar Denror . - nso A M
ar Kuism citr '2 a M
Ar Chicago-- -. 7:12 A M
AtIjm Anirelei "2w"lr it
Ar El Paso 0:00 v II
Ar Fort Wortn.-. 6:30 A M
Ar City of Meiloo ..11:30 A M
Ar Houston .... ! 0 A II
Ar New Prions .... .. ton p M
Ar Waahlnglon , GU A M
Ar New York 12;10 V M
St. Louis
auiT Touristd cars
J0J3 . y
k A .
7W1 y
15 A ;
S A J,
86 I '
' A v
' "AJi
0J A m
ti p ,
on Iwti
ih. Chair cars BacmrnctiUj to Ogiln
El Paso, and tourist cars to ChltHL-u
ouis. Now Orloatisnnd Wna'.h .o'
DON'T 'SI.UFP' of jour money on
P.HHJInn at (jlltl t.(l1rltMnn M.l
eral stcamslifp lines for Honolulu
jnpan, union, x iuiiujuhub, (,-eiitrn1 nn
South America.
5 Sfiipp & Hauser
25S Commercial street.
RAir In Minrl We have a tonfte rmir shop laconnctiion j ij j
liCar 111 nilllQ klflasofBlcycle.rtMlrwork. Uwn mowers sharptnea
Wheels sold on easy oayments. Your
oil wheel taken in trade. A full line
bicycle sunirles. tires etc. at right prices.
.. .. -,.... ...i.. i,a. Mf-mn.i-tinri mi are trecarea io so an
If is U
Atoutthe New Catarrh Cure.
The new Catarrh Cure is a new de
parture in so called catarrh cures be
ea it actually cures, and It is not
1mpy a temporary relief.
The new Catarrh Cure is not a salve,
ointment, powder nor liquid, but a
pleasant tablet containing tho best
specifics for catarrh In a concentrated,
convenient form
The old style of catarrh sahos and
ointments are greasy, dirty and Incon
venient at the best; the now preparation
being In tablet form is always cluun and
The new Catarrh Cure is superior to
Catarrh powders because ills a notorious
fact that many catarrh powders contain
The new Catarrh Cure is called Stuartu
Catarrh Tablets, a whotoromecooibina.
tkn ol blood root, beaehwood tar,
guaiarol and other antiseptics, and ourea
by ita action upon the Mood ami mucus
membrane, the only rational treatment
(or catarrhal trouble.
You do not have to draw upon jour
imagination to dim-over whether you are
getting tBeat Irom Stuart's Catarrh
Tnblets; Improvements and relief are
apparent from the list tablet taken.
All druggitts sell and recommend
mem. lueycoH bat W coats lor fall
sited package aad aa; catarrh raffem
who has waatodiuu aad money oa
sprays, salvo and powders, will ap
preciate to the fall merit of Staart't
Catarrh Tablets. 4 SO 5;
The Burlin'on Route ranks amoriR the
greatest of the world's railroads.
Over 8.000 mi'ts long; emplowng 35,000
men; reaching 1 30 0 towns and cities in the
eleven states traversed by its lints; hating
through-car arrangemtnts which extend more
than half way across the continent and earn
estly striving to give its patrons absolutely
unequaled service, it is the line YOU shduld
select, next time you go east.
Ornl.-i. Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louis and
rvTRYWHERK beyond
Eee agent at Bnlo" Hlatiou, or mUrns
0. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A
Portland, Oregon
In a word this tells or
the Passenger Servlct
A. C. Shkuxw. General Aeni
Cor Third and Stark St.. Portland Ore
The tooriat travel between the Last
and the Pacific Coast has reached enor
mous proportions iu tho last few years,
and calls for a special class ot etiuip.
inent. To meet this demand the Pull
man Company has issued from its shops
what it technically calls the "Pullman
Ordinary Sleeper. ' These cars appear
similar to the regular tleeper being
built on the same net famished
with thesame elegance Tbey are equip
ped with mattre(6s, blankets, thnls,
pillows, pillow-cases, towels, cvoiN
brushes, etc., reouiriog nothing of the
Free Book
To Weak Men
Weak and nervous men read ".Strength
Its I'se and Abuse by Men."
A.ltllt.A 1 11 0f,HV
KlXfI-t?n.FLKCTRIC BELTS, and how they are
Bach car has a itov for aauior tr aoi 1 B.i , , ' .i,a,.i0,
"TJr"CkD?::!no. -lata, lame bnck, kidney',
j.r.G ..! . .7'lrr"" , uiTernnu Btotnacli
ujuvtr iiyr.. .b Bauu.'nicu raricr
On Saturday evening. Hi Portland, a
team of college students ia the prea-ar..
tory department of ue of the S.iea.
achoola will meat in a dotuteanii.
PlillippiuequetfoTi--iihTeswtM-ir,l Tw nan aaai MR tsdarwaataoci inclod
from th.Portlandlltt -k Ws.ia- f aao. ta
etteUulvorailywHItsro.wsa, UhmrSa ... Lt,trr, a- v rv.
acvompaafet each car. hit boiiness be-
ir. to saak ap berth, keep the car
eloaa, aad look after toe want and
coatiorta of the pasMogers. In each ol
the trams which are dispatched dally
iroa Portland by tb 0 R A- N. Co. ia
U be tooad oe af tbos "Pallman Or.
dmarr -fra. ' The ear attached to
the "ChkJis-PorUaad Specials" goes
ihroagratoCbicsgo with change, and the
one as ta 'AUaatlc Ezprecs" runs to
KaaM Ctty wit boat change. Paesoa
rri ia u.. car tor Chicago change to a
ttaniur ear at faring?.
Maca of -he Am travel Is beia
Mrnati a tbK crt. tho ratos beiag
V . aa4 Um fr a-eariy snl U
UM4 miMfUHM.
disorders, sleepless
nuss, or any ol those diseases peculiar tc
"The Best of
The Northwestern Line
8 Trains dally between St. Paul
and Chicago comprising the latest
Pullman Sleepors, Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cara,
Free Reclining Chnlr Cars.
The 20th Century Train ."TUP Nnu-rn ucc
ERN LIMITED" Runs every daybf the ear,
Finest Train ttrtiumti
in the World suan
To CWcago By Daylight
The Badger 8tato Express,
the flnkat Day Train running
between St.Paul and Chicago
Via the Short Line. Connec
tions from tho West mado via
The Northern Pacific, Great
Northern, Canadian Pacific
This ia also tho best lino between
Omaha, 8t. Paul and Minneapolis.
5!iClm "" I'CKets Via
"The North-western line.".
U. A. T A
Chicago Rock I si mil & Pric
Make your trip East pleasant and
comfortable- bynelng tho 0 at-Ttock
Island poreoTiRlly conducted excunloiiB
in tourist Bleeping car which go Ka.t
every week of tho year via Salt Lake
City ana theBcenlc line.
Pullman sleeping- cars every day to
Chicago. Tell your ticket auent yon
want your ticket over the
Great Rock Island Route
from Denver. All tickot agents roll them.
Write for folders.
A. K. CoOpkh,
G. A., Portland, Ore.
Dr. A. T. Sanden
Suite 10, Rust tl IMdg. Portland Or
Summer School
Tbo first term of the Marlon Co
Summer school will open May
w, ami cxiniuiue ior six weeics
Its object is to review- subjects
for state and county examina
tion as well as for civil eorvicce
aad other examinations , address
tlve sldo of the qaeaUo i ai -,..
tend that the retention af U Iottm
to tho best interest roaawtmi 3W
ajwakera from the Salem K-hot. vtt
Francla Ilealo, Knnls Savag tart -Kdna
fWtaaaai, Oregon.
?tr laiuti xsA CMldren.
-" . -;T-s rW Yw Haia Always Bough
yC-7f. -VSSJUU
not comlucive to
nut 11 ia not more
Geaula sttmMd CCC Nvr told ia hull.
Bawarc of tha dultr who trka to a
-aotiKthiaji put U xxL"
T4ko yaar wltf ta ikhtpp A Iloawar
and hava it olracwrd orrfpjVd. ItfcUag
e(Ht la aluioal hrt. t lu
-li- t --- a. . a
BatrtUa IM l4 ti Hw W BHfM
and 5 M 0 K B
Wf ew t- t4 4t Urn ! !.( .,
mw H( ..4 -H r i
t-l -i W. H.W MIMr Mi ft
pou4. to xtm .t. Ovt 800:000
?H aJ J.Mkl AJwTTTKRLlto
O u9. ? O X I V -
fuarst. m ta tat Hut tram Bwjl.
A .wonl ia a trick
lioutth or lonccvitv.
Iniurloiu tliau the lw.ty awalUrwing of
lull masticated ftHxl washed down by
pups ui ice wuicr
in .iimnier or cujm
of hot collee tn win
ter. Haaty edtinjr
is the foe of health
Sooner or later It
must result iu in
digestion or tome
otlu-r form of .torn
ach disease.
For the cure of
the disoaae of the
stomach and allied
ortftiiia of digmtion
ana nutrition, there
is 110 nieilii-ine so
effective a Do -fir
Pierce's tioldcu
Modtcul Discoer,
always ArV,
Jt tiMio.f ixtxavs
tit res
Mr Marv K Iwt,
TH-arr i.ilwcr v
W V wHtc I wt 1
lrv ivaMim' r
IScncr tiiMH Mrvti xK
UUotvttx Havoitic
PrcclptiH tail
nw,! rtnrtt. i.k-
kVIV m llm 1 ami
jBjBJBja ,
Ilnae roar lawn mowera in SMnn .v
i Hauser aad havo them sharpened and
overhaul! for tho apriag season. 3-4 tf.
BUsfcrWooJ atOretoa School farBHil.
llvla re requested for wood to bo
delivered a', the Oregon School for Blind
not later thaa September 15 1W1, for all,
or part of same. A follows ;
100 cords of large crowth bodr fir
KM cords ofseooml growth fir boat
18 cords of grub oak of medium site.
0 cords of boJv oak. atmoht mlit
All of this wood to bat in fear' fool
lengths from -oHdgreon ttaibor aad to '
' " oorueo wiiaHtt balk twaJi
Silver ton Summer School
Comlucted by W. J. Crawford,
A. M. beginning Monday, July
1. and continuing six weeks,
closing Aug. 1), 1901. Tuition
for term $5 00 in advimce. Two
courses. teachers' review
course. A pupils review muse
or Information address '
W J Crawford, Silvcrton, Or.
1 U u.w
Large Wall Maps of the
united states....
Given Away
If you aro going East, or thinking of
ending for your family, do not buy your
tickets until you have secured rates
ROAD Co. Their service is excelled by
none, and they can reach all points in
the East, South or Southeast from any
point in Oregon or Washington.
Through tourist car from Pacific Coast
to New York.
If you will send fifteen eents in stamps
to the address given below, wo will
forward you by return mail a large wall
map of the United 8tates, Cuba and
Porto Rice. 34X-I0 inches.
For particulars regarding passenger or
freight rates, call on or address,
B. H. Trombdix,
Coin'! A't. III. Cent,. R. R
142 Third St., Portland Or J
-11 1 11 11 in I c-
Steam Dyeing acd Cleaning
Ladle' fine tiroes ami fun.. ,. ..?...,
.. I .. ... -- . .-". -"lll..B
"r-u.u wiiuout ripping, by ilry proc
which imas not shrink or Injure co
rvlu doif. r,,. .1.,...
loll... i . . " c,,u' mince
UiJIot drtees ami dreusgooilg, blanket
ctj v-uriains, ortiora and
of-ci cieanea
Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned. Dyed
... . r.i.u.a.
Work noat, ehoap, anl promptly
doBe Sond poetal or call ' y
s iji- Mm- C H wtKR.
5I"m W Cummorcial St.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 Por Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany Ji:-15 p. in,
Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:60 p. tn
Train arrives Yaquloa . 0:45 p, ui.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 610 a lu,
Leaves Corvallis. .- 11:30 a. iu.
Arrives Albany 12:16 p. tu,
No. 3 For Detreit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Detroit 11:20 a. tn,
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p.m.
Arrives Albany 5:45 p.m.
One and two connect at Albany and
Corvallis with Foutbern Pacific trains,
giving direct service tjanrl fruni New
port and adjacent beached
Tralni for the mountains arrive at
Detroit at noon, tilvlng- ample time
to reach camping grounds on the
Mreltenbush and Santlam river the
same day.
t --,vTr . Uan.f
.. .Vlli.I.
Di aorr,
Motlceito Contractors.
Salem, Ore., April 13th, 1901.
Ore. Anril "1 l.ini T-,
'- --.. .. i;mi . i r
. IMHfAIK. U.v..-I t - ' ....- lllilA UTI1I lA ..11 flu tlin ...!...
imus io no sonito the aaperiateawlaat IT "'-woooeti not Spnse. is ' . r - -" V . . ullUD.
. f Public Ustrukat aad wTCoPoa,B nGv b"d'nK a school house in
bv tha tnists -Tiki i.trtIf7 ' al ,trS- A sabotaatial BnX uP .. , District Nr. 48 Marion County, Oregon,
rt,Vni!'t?!t?.,i,!toUa t acres tho nT 'J Hf-.'f "ow I "Id houso to bo 30 bv 40 hit n7i 14
Hy o-doc of the Board of Trustees
. . . isaponntoadoat
4 3d-ws-wtl
fftr Htvu m wora kxiit ti.l k. ...t Ua,j f... ...
UJ.aita, rWn--ae..r T i.i ,""'" vphn. aktrsso4 to
k14 . I k.l ,........ . w ' T nfa ..I . L c . . . '
.s.iii-11 uw , ; w. , i' .. , c.?: "Tzr.-.rvr'?. ? aom
r . .. a . -- - - . . . un iiiwi -.
- tv-t. a.itvau
ar . . -. . . " '. -t "W mil or
4 i.vv..t oj7 '"fl-'i lour haadwU eorda af iri
- - Ml ""-,ill CYMMI IFOW dar ...I
wa.l seasottMl Alto (. an T ..
uU K4- Am4 a.4 - .. u.ut wi?., , P " '-k woi All wood -.t TTZT. '
twMC My fitMHi. .rT .. ..T'l lov- ..... kj .. JT -r i
iiiwMiliit1 .-TIT. "J...? "-'gnt. aot lesai
Ulh W rv iwx
walk aaroaa ih ,
I rtwuutuot ukiBj Th- mt4
r"r.': ,:" --..r? .
th t-V WflMC
ProvcawnU hare also Wrn mad at Te
SaHags, so any oa uhM?nl
can have botior .-m.,.l..Br ere
hasatoforo. ",,OUB "n
j ' ironware now in readim to
Procosals for Wood for Sute Capitol. SVtu MrwtL to tak" ttu a,,t
let aala eaMioeseJ "ProtiAul. (. ' Aav m-. -.. i- Vl .. . .
.. . i. .. '- " . . "" " IU IIW.inrlnnaAan
Ike i wall oy paribatiau; ti.a.r .5i- -
ih. . Jfvh. of IVtorit at Sl. , '..
saving freight
4 liu
Aiatay pneos therahy
oa samo.
tuiWy brT ltv
Uhmk tkk i- Urn
" tmr 4Urti. I
Dr. ineree' ComitKm See Medical
ahtot, ivi( r oiiwa, v
recoipt oi ii Httt tUaaiM
. . a w
KMtuvlm , I To dvr-4 at tho OaMtal i
S'tw. rH-, orwithta kav ar five Wack. '
Wel, carded witkaat balThwd.To
he? &... i.. i.v.1 V. 'T"
at Aw oa ' leaved . rT .Ur.V. !?
waiM aar h .,! w
111 v .
b. ar if !
T - " a
S&aWev.. -
aiw aay f-amalii.
Seeoury af Stat.
Old Post
Aralarge am have reliable, attend
atajyoar tom r-aaaioda.y jH wn-kor
Skl-I,M lor u?rei-o--Wa.
Your patroaaga aoMolQ,
H. Mi Bdown
feet high. Didders will specify amour. t
I Vim. n ill l.ll.l f. . I . .
uibj nui uuuu iurou lurnisn uiatoriai
and also amount they will build for if
ech.? ?ard ,urnt8noa all material.
All bids must be in the hands of the
clerk by May 2nd. For further
particulars call on or address, J. B.
Jonsrud, one mile north of school house
on the Hall's Ferry road The board
re-erves the right to reject any or all
bids. BMs will be oponei May 4th. 1901.
i n .- i . . Chairman.
A P.Gordon, Clerk. 4 15 dtd
Reservattoas toOpea.
r. i 'IS mi Camanche country In
Ibdiaa Territory will be opened for
setUameat this summer. It i. a grand
eoanlry, and reached only via tha Great
Rock Island RnniA if . in.
teraatad, write lor booklet "The Okla-
i?v OMrtanlty." It toll you all
about Oklahoma and the country to be
WJ Ht-J,
A. K.
360 AklorSt.,P(o
PKK, G. A.
Forrr Ptreeu
and Oregon,