The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 09, 1900, Image 1

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VvCiir,CO '. .nl S300 a vearby mll ere
paid. "30c for single momh--.60c two months
90 cents three moaths $1.00 for four months.
DO' YOU ml??vtxk
The Journal will keen vnnritradfi thtrMOHKtcr.
Jut 92 la the shade sua drive ditfl .times Wy.1
KA. : ' n
9 1900.
n ... ,11?., .... . '..
i " - ---i-- ---i--. - a iaaaiaaMa-aaaaMaaaa a m aya a
- - '
A Member of Parliament Proposes
to Fight British Land Laws;
The World Awaits the Weighty Words of Lord Salisbury
That are Expected on the Chinese Question
' Canadian Elections and Culler's Return.
Antedated I'icts Advance lloport to the Capital
London Nov.O flio Titnos this morn
ing gives prorninouco to n two column
letter from Mr, Leonard Courtney who
represented the Hod in In divisonof Corn
watt in tholato l'arliamont protesting
agnnist tho'burning of tlio farm build
lugs of the burghers and other harsh
pleasures adopted against tbo Boors.
Thomas Wnllaco Russet unionist who
represented South Tyrono in the lato
parliament, has resigned the parliamen
tary secretaryship oi tliu local govern
ment board because Lord Salisbury de
clined to adopt ills schomo of compulsory
land purchase in Ireland, a projoct
which would havu involved tho uxpondl
turo of 120,000,000. IIu anuouueea his
inteultou of devoting hta wholo tlmo to
rendering tho present land law Byslem
At Woolwich last evening a Boven
round boxing contest between Dave
Horry of Philadelphia and Harry Berry
of London was declared a draw.
New Yohk, Nov. 0. A dispatch to the
Tribune from 'London buys: There was
loss excitement in tho American corner
of the stock exchange than on tho
previous days. Americans remained
strong and thero was no reaction from
the high prices but the movement was
clearly Beculat ve and to gome extent
f Have You
J Tried the
They'll reduce yo
is no more reliaui
5 is no more reliable. line manufactured in the United States. A
f Good reliable shoes at reasonable prices aro what you II And at K
f The New York Racket t
It's a Mwt cash house. You don't pay your neighbor's debts
whon you trade with them. Wo have anything you want In
shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, gloves, ribbons, laces,
lace curtains, countorpanoi. corsots, yarns, and ladles and
gents' furnishing goals. :::;:: ' ' t
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cah Store'
T, Barries, Proprietor
;ornor uoinmeroim nu uiioiiirnoi. .-.. -.-. r.
fciBCBBv'''aaw,aaVaVNBVaJ'Ba2'aa?aa "
txffllmShsJwttt Ymmi our
tlen'l Ag't for Or.
Ailiany Ortoii-
IN ffl&LAl
urlillcial. Tho effects of Presldont Me
Klnloy's re elostlon has boon discounted
in advance and tho bulk of tho buying
was' on American account and was
designed to Bltfton prices In Now York.
The English press is still commenting
on tho mngnitudo of tho Republican
viceroy. Much good feeling toward
America is displayed and tho result of
tho election Is evldontly popular in
Kugland. Ono or two journals insist
that the American people have been
converted to Imperialism but the ma
jority of the leader writers say that there
is no khaki Interest in tho Uuitod
States and that tho currency question
and industrial development are tho con
troling istmos. If thero woto any Eng
lishmont who were hoping that tlio
force of competition across tho Atlantic
might be broken through tho suspen
sion of existing policies they have kept
Thero Is a growing (eoling that direct
taxation hero has reached its limit, that
tho incensed taxpayers cannot be bled
further and that a tariff may become
necessary as u means of raising money
for naval armaments and for consolidat
ing the empire. lord Salisbury having
reorganized the Cabinet will tonight
break his silence at tho Guild Hall
banquet and make, his earliest comments
OOL) reports m foreign
affairs give satisfac
tion. The upshot on
local affairs such as
cut on men's tan shoes,
concerns you wore directly.
THE OHICAflO has been awarded tho GOLD MEDAL
at th- Paris exposition, wbichfaot kous tiifurthvrea
tablleh the claims of its manufacturers forbimeplw
ity and all 'round excellence. Tlio purcnaw l'"
about the amount of ooinuiissiim pay0,0" l1-0"
machine. I not Hits wirlli yiiur oonaidawtluHT
Ixnl AKlit,
kialeui Offjjou,
on tlio British elections thoijSAnglo-Gor-man
- alliance and European policy in
China. He rarely preparesJitraself for
important speeches but generally creates
tiio impression that ho Is dutotly think
ing aloud on tho spur of tho moment.
Tho American Ambassador will attend
the banquot and can hardly avoid refer
ring to tho American elections.
Reference to tho Canadlari'elcctions is
pretty gonorai in today's newspapers.
Tho result is considered an overwhelm
ing victory for tho personality of dif
Wilfred Laurler whoso action In giving
Great Britain a preferential tariff and
placing 5000 Canadians at Lord Roberts'
disposal has received widespread ap
proval. Tho Mail romarks that Eng
land has so far failed to mako any re
turn for Canadian loyalty.
Gonorai Duller will probably arrive
tonight in tlmo to attend tho corpoiation
banquet at Southampton and in any
ovont ho will havo tho honors of a mili
tary reception by tho troops of a garrison
town and receive tho freedom of tho
city. Ho will have a most romarkablo
reception at Atdorshot and subsequently
in Devonshire. The loyalty of bis per
sonal friends and tho prido of tho mili
tary sot of which ho has been a con
spicuous ornament will sutllco to bring
about these results. Military history
will ho written by exports moro de
liberately and his rightful share in tho
responsibilities for tho failure of tho
early part of tho campaign justly allotted
when all tho eocrot passages aro known.
. ,i
Chemawa Line up Aialnst Salem at the Fair
Crouuds Tomorrow,
Or Aaaorlatc Irt la tha Journal.
San Fkancibco, Nov. 9. Tho football
team of tho University of Oregon has ar
rived in this city with all tho men In
good condition. Their first, gamo of tho
season in this state will bo played with
Stanford Saturday kat Palo Alto. After
a coupld of days at Stanford tho boys
will go to Borkoley where they will play
tho University of Novadajprobably noxt
Thursday. Tho University of California
will Ihi played two days later. Tho hoys
may stop at Ashland beforo returning
Salem Athletics Atalnst Chemawa.
Tho American says of tho football
gamo arranged to tako placo at tlio
Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon bo
twnan tho Salem Athlqtlc, Qlub and
Chemawa: "Chemawa has greaitTy im
proved since her gamo with Multno
mah, in team work especially, and al
though the boys will bo behind their
husky opponents In weight, we guaran
tee that they will glvo a good account of
themselves. The Salem team has been
strengthened by tho addition of Reuben
Sanders, and several other men who
havo lately joined tho team. Manaser
Durbln, of Salem, informs us that his
inon intend to play a good clean gamo,
and Chemawa will do likewise
The Porto Rlcan Election.
San Juas, Porto Rice, Nov. 0. The'
ofllclal return of Tuesday's election aro
nearly all at hand from tho various
parts of tho island. They show, as was
anticipated and forecasted, tho election
by tho republicans of the entlro house of
delegates and of Senator Frcdorlco Do-
getau as commissioner of congress.
Only 151 federals went to the polls, the
total republican vote being about 58,000.
The Austrian steamer, Olga which
went ashore on South GoldonGatq beach,
San Francisco, lies broadside on the
beach has been got off. Large .amount
of cargo was Jettisoned.
The marvel of the hour is
the wonderful cure of chronic
diseases without the use of
knife or poisonous medicines.
This is what afllicted human
ity needs more than all else.
Not a week passes but Dr. J.
F. Cook, the great botanical
specialist and original discov
erer of the botanical cure, heals
some patients who have suffer
ed for years from awful dis
ease and the more awfuleffects
of rank medical humbugs. Dr.
Cook is willing to give patients
the benelitof his life study but
declinesto publish further test
imonial:, out ot regard lor nis
patients, yet will gladly refer
any callers to their neighbors
and friends who have been
healed, Consultation frae.
.If youshayeany physjcal ail-
call and have a "file chat with
the doctor.
Oflice 301 Liberty Street,
Salem Oreeon.
General Jos. Wheeler's Explanation
of Bryan's Defeat,
Declares That Democrats Who Have Assisted the. Republi
cans in the Last Two Campaigns Shall Not Define
Issues or Shape Party Policies.
fir Aailat Vrmm Iks JoaraaL
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. .9. In rosponso to
a query from n correspondent of tho
World, ex-Prcpldont Cleveland, at
Princeton, wrote and signed tlio follow
"1 have heard nothing aboufa,-, fnove-
ment on foot for tho regeneration pj'lho
Democratic party, but I hope that steps
will bo takon In that direction.
"I am not willing to mako any state
ment now."
Among expression's of yienatby nrom
Inbnt Democrats relative to the futuro
of tho party which aro printed in tho
Journal and Advertiser today la that
of Representative James D. Richardson
of Tennessee. Jit is in part as follow ;
"As to Don M. Dickinson's, schomo of
reorganization I can say that tho pirty
wants nil tho supporters it can '4et.
Every man who belivoa in Dem
ocratic principles is welcomed into the
aiod. ' '''A'4
"But tho Democratic Partv can mako
no surrender of principles for expedien
cies' sake. It can make no surrender to
commercialism of tho moment. When
it does that it ceases to bo Democratic
and if It veers to catch evory favoring
brec.o it will won bo as far from its or
iginal moorings as the Republican party
fsfiomjlts. J'SavcA jrajluon voters' re
vnro thsdoctrhfe of Jeffersoirand udvo
cate his principles."
Tho noxt platform will bo Jeffereonlon
and all truo Democrats will stand
upon it. Those who do not wish to do
so can sUiud oil tho Republican plat
form. "Undoubtedly Uiotoen who call
themselves Democrats but who havo
been Republicans during tho last two
campaigns will not bo permitted to de
fine tho issue and Bhapu policies for tho
Democratic party '
"I beiievo tho present organization
will control. It exists, in o'veiy hamlet',
town and county in tho nation. It Is
honest; Itwlll go right ahead just as it
has dono in tho last four yours.
"Mr. Bryan is undoubtedly at tho
presentthe national leader of the pooplc
Ha has an imraonto following to whom"
his sincerity, honesty and patriotitm are
an inspiration."
Chicago, Nov. O.-r-James K. Jones Jr
son of Senator Jones, chairman of the
Democratic National Committee is
been removed toithe Mercy Hospital
from tho Auditorium Hotel sufforlug
from acute appendidtoB. Several pliy
slcianacallod In consultation have de
cided that an operation will Imj neces-
sary. .
.'mT1' ' ' ' '
Mo.STOoxuiiY, Ala Nov. O.Oeneral
Joseph Wheeler Jias glvetj out-the fol
lowing on Iho reililt'of the election : '"
'U did not go (o Decatur to hear tho
Wo are now showing tomo
Tii)lp and Croons bulbs over
varif ties of tlm tlnest sw?et
wiiiie atsoruneni is
SAVAGE &, MEID; Seedmen
Hawk's Cut Glass
Is guaranteed high grade hand finished.
We have just received a beautiful line of this make of
rich cut glass. It is Ma thing of beauty and a joy forever."
We call esoecial attention to our display of cut glass and
iterJiDg,iHvr.and plated ware
Barr's Jewelry Store
returns Tuesday night. I do not-liko to
go to funorals and I felt it and know
Mr. McKinley would be ro-olcctod.
"Thero nro two things tho American
pooplo rororonco flrst their gold and
second their flag,- A Svord against either
will brlngjrdown,. lliolrjrcondoinniitlon.
Thero never w"(is'a president defeatod
who conducted a successful war. Wars
are popular in this country ami aro
growing moro popular with tho masses
mid tho party that opposes a. successful
war will moot with defeat."
Botli .Army and, Navy to Be
Brotight jnto Requisition
Detailed PUni of.the Administration are to Be
Carried Out By Central Mac
Of Aasaclatvd Pr fa tha Jooraal,
Nkw Yohk, Nov. 0. According to a
Bjvecinl dispatch from Waehingtou to Iho
Trlbtino the operations to crush tho Ta
hiti, rebellion which nre about to be begun
and pjrosecutod'wlth oxtroine energy aro
s0' tujjllor5uKlly compreheushe
eliaracter,'tlreflaTi of campaign having
beeu prepared by General Mac Arthur
last month after a council of oillcors.
Tho plan Liib received the unqualilled
approval of the War Department with
out material modification. It Involves
oxUjnftlvo naval co-opurations including
all the regular warships on tho station
as woll as the numerous gunboat pur
chased from the Spaniards which are to
bo distributed in flotillas each with
a largo flagship. Admiral Homey on
'tlio flagsh'p Brooklyn lias just returned
from China to Manila to, assume person
al charge of the operations afloat which
Admiral Kempff in tho Newark already
at Cavito has been mapping out in con-
with Gonorai M.icArthur for
for several
The departure for Manila yesteaday of
two animal transports each with nevoral
hundred cavalry horses and pack mules
for Vlgan in Northern Luzon and for tho
southern islands' Indicates that tho
period of garrisons remaining on the
defensive Is about to giVo way to rapid
offonso uiovomentR in the strongholds of
thoeno'iiy. Coupled with tho announce
mont of the beginning of a rebellion
crushing campaign tho preliminary
orders Issued some time ago for bringing
fio'iiiy the voluntas havo been rescinded
for tho presont. It was intended to
atari the tirst oi tuose men iiomo about
December 1 in order that thoy could all
be discharged in compliance with exist
ing lav before June SO, 1001.
of the ohoicest Uyiuiliilb.
seen ' in this city. Atsrf Ni
peas, Cal early and sejfflt
eompiom. i
: t t
In our east show window.
It was estimated that tho 32,000 volun
teers now in tho Philippines could not
bo returned on tho regular army trans
ports and chartered vcssols in less than
flvo months. " It is oxpected tha. fully
ono half of the 'volunteers now In tho
Philippines, will ho anxious to ro enjlst
and romain In tho islands. In that casn
tho transport can easily bring homo the:
remainder In three months. The mili
tary force under Genera) MacArthur In
cluding the troops coming back from
China this week aggregate 71,000 ollkors
and mon in addition toSOOOmarlnos and
5000 naval oillcors and enlisted mon.
Tho total strength ashoro and afloat ox-
coeds that of last winter by nearly 12,
COO men.
Wooley Second and the So
cial Democrats Third
The Honor of of the Church Was Appealed
to With Marked Succecs la Sonic
Br Aaaaclateai Preaa la tfca JoaraaL
CiticAaoNov. 0. Besides McKinley
nnd Bryan thero woro flvo. other men in
tho field with aspirations to tho olllco of
Presldont of tho United States.
In Chicago alone Kugono V. Debs, as
head of tho Social Democratic ticket
lead tho other minor candidates by a
total vote of 6022 John G. Wool loy tho
Prohibition candidate followed second
with a vote of U335, whllo tho Social. st
Ijtbor party with Joseph V. Malouoy
received 205; Wlmrlo.i Barker for the
Peoplo'u party 181) and Beth II. Kills of
the "Union Koform for Direct Legisla
tion" party found 00 scattering votes.
At tho National Prohibition head
quarters It was estimated lust night
that tho total voto in the nation
would oxeced 100,000. This estimate
was bssed on tho receipt of iibqnt 100
telegrams received from i-1 states. This
is moro than three limes tho voto can
for favoring In 1800.
John G. Wooley aiitlnlpjiUin a vote
approximating 500,000, basing his claim
ujign Miq country jireclncls, which are
yitt to reorU .Indiana, Ohio, Michigan,
.NmV York mid Pennsylvania are
thought to have pollod n voto fully four
t Ilium us large as. (u ,10U. Illinois iq
estimated at ne3rlylirfPfrtInic itJfK-vote'
of MI0, 1ST S57,(K)0.
v .t- - .
Farmer Murphy, who was severely
punished i.i a political row with W. O,
Martin, has been rumovud to tho Halum
It is the opinion of tho nttendlng sur
geon that Murphy will lose his rlgbt
eye, and Dr, Gillla wunt out this after
noon to remove It.
Silk Petticoats
Our entire lint Is on tho removal
salo list.
$13.50 values $9.87
A swell line Is also shown at
s Moreen
s Skirtings
Rqgulur (Via nil-wool Moirens. .
47c a yard
A lilt of irlpod lilauk Moreens
regular WV: valiio.
39c a yard
Fancy Ribbons
A lliHtf icgular ,
m and :
22c a yard
of Oft, 76 and Me
Another line
55c a yard
Blue Gxass State .Will: Settle its
Contest in the Courts.
Reppblicans, Carry Nebraska
Claim the Legislature
, n, ., Margin.
Br Jasaetat4 l'rcaa ta taa JoarmcO.
Louis'yti,U!,Ky., Nov. O.-Thoso of tha
party leaders still In tho ctyy refuso to
alter tiiolr claims, Domo'crnts placing
Beckham's plurality close to 5000, nnd
Republicans putting faith in tho ofllclal
count which begins- in each county to
day. Brlolly, tho Democrats say their
candtdato for Governor is elected. Ru
publicans say If tiiolr candldato Yorkos
Is twatorjjt will, bo r'owo by unfair
in cans.
Lkximiton, Ky., Nov. 0. Canvassing
of returns, Ta likely to causo troublo In
various ways. The county clerk noglcc
tint ta furnish tho election oillcors dup
lloato forms for certifying returns. Thim
It haptens that In suvernl products the
only ofllclal -cert I lien to of the voto Is
locked up In tlio ballot boxes, which
under the law runitol bo opened for six
months. It is possible tho wholo voto
of a county may bo affected, A man
damiiH has been granteddlrectlng tint
opening of ono of tlio boxes thlil morn.
I(B. Ojiaiia, Neb., Nov. . Almost com
pleto returns glvo McKinley u plurality
In Nebraska of over 0000. Tho republi
can statu ticket is elected by 1C00 to
!20(X). Tho legislature probably will
stand, senate: Republican 10, fusion.
iIsIh 10, vaeanny I. IIedhu: republi
cans 01, fusfoulsts -iO.
Their Graves tote Marked.
tlT Aalaia- I'raa (a aa Joarant
Oiiattanpqim, Tenii,, Nov 0. Highly
reveu years ugp today, illtuuu Teuueseeo
veteraut belonging to (lenural Aihlruw
Jackurln's arm.v wero klllednt Talladega,
Ala,, In buttle, with the Creek Indians.
ThoJiodlus went l)uriel In one grave
attor tio biUlhi, utlil I hero they havo
re'cd eiiit'o Novouilxir I), llil!). Re-
rontly tho Daughters of the American
Howilutlon started u moveiiiout to (.avoHo 154 state Street,
I Dress Goods
A lino of Zylalln plaids.
23c a
Now Is the time to iireiisro for
llitiJiollchiyS. buvuiu big fous
uhead and you kwjtf' the service
in half ot the meal.
We no offer our entire lluii of
Eagle Pins
All mIum, A Mints a paper.
Silk Waists
OiirtjnUre lljfi! at Heio-val
. i '
- .Bar- - !- -W" I iai aaai i aa ,
it (fv Ilirtnmttk 2 Lma
i Mil in r
By TWo to Six.thousand and
Also on a Yery NarJoW
t t MlW
the bodies removed atld: Cffrod In Oak
Hill coinotary at TallaJi?ga, where tho
graves could' bo propcly marked. Tho
remains taken up filled a bo four feet
long, olghteon Inehea wlde( and twelve
Inches doop. It Is proposed erecting a
handsome marblo monument pver tha
graves bearing tho names ot tbo dead,
an I Congress will bo nskod to 'appropri
ate $10,000 toward erecting; tho inontt
mont, t
uowri row busy j-eople
Italian troops captured three bnlallionn
Chinese who surrendered without light-
Many voseels wreokodand Bqiuofonnd
orod 'with entlro crows in Black Sea
An explosion occurred In a colliery,
near Mahanoy oily. ThffTy men were
In the mine and firco woro killed.
Atlanta, Georgia, otncialtf' burned
ao.000 trcos from- a Nashville nurjery,
allegedto he infected wJth San Josea
Upwards pf 7G houses vreix) dostroyml
by tlrout CIIqxI, Miss., botween fauls
vlllo and Nashville detiot and tbo beach.
Tho Catholic church, convent and
Bchoolsj nawaiaierofllct)s,irtaby busiuwa
homes and residences woro consuniod,
fanses oxcood f)00,000,
Fresh Peanut Jfyffy
and Sweet1 Qider.
Ellis & Zmfs
Salem 'Pione 2074
Men's Suits,
A big Una ot good values ono of
a kind.
90 of them 90
50 Block Cheviot t U 00
60 Fancy Mixed i fl "5
00 Wool Cheviot black i H 15
10 00 Scotch Tweed . . . .5 8 25
1? GOGASsimero $0 00
rs ou uxioruuiieviot. . ..f 0 00
(10 60 Black Cheviot (11 00
Men's Outing
A Yerj
ftilo prti
lino at Removal
43c each
Of heavy outing
95c each
Another line
Boys' Underwear
Men's Underwear
A 7Co lino at 53c.
Men's Hats -
A Una ot blank crush hats, f U.60
valuert at $ M,
Removal :
sale' s
leaders in low rnicc "M M Sfl HMM UN M M M M M W H M H 1 M II M II MMHHMIilf K W Wl"