k fcvft mHOB P L CJ.j, .. ? ... rm 1BKeL nl 'BM -'riM ammiiiMMkMia'ssasjimJi, Unhealthy Hair A ftalfhj Hair. A" marks titer. nal liytr o( cpldar rale sheath. D " mark the Inf trior xtrtmlty. "0" marks the InUrnat layer. "C" mark the root of th hair. tat crm that duster around and eat at th root of thi hair, roakln dand. ruff, catulnf falling hair, llnaUy bald net I NEWBRO'S HERPICIDEi Destroy those parasitic germs; and It Is tho only Jialr preparation uiut uocs. "ucsrrov tno cauie. you remove uio cnect." FOfi SALE BY DRUGGISTS. O. C T Co's l'ABSKNOKIl BTEAhiFIt POMONA ALTONA L.KAVK8 FOIt l'()ltn.ANU HaIIv nTnnnt Anmlnv fit 7 n m ftlOIUK tlia AND ClIKAl' 1IATK3 Took botwren Ulnln nnil Conrt Mb. M. i UALDW1N, Agont. The Import of Haviland Chi na arrived. A Two Hiares in plain white, and three decorat ed j.R.mson and Josephine de signs. We have now the complete ilne of all pieces- u i-iiiiiuuuii wiiiic uimea 400 per dozen. Tea cups and saucers plain white, 33. 10 per dozen. Also nice line in odd pieces for paintin.ir. Come and see the entire line, and prices. j Store open un il 8 p. m. Ex- cept Saturday. Moliama Tea Store Phono 2111. Fri'o Delivery. ,sav CioCIAL NEWS fc W AND VIEWS Mrs. Wagner, of Anlilitntl, Is tho etioht tho homo ol her daughter, Mrs, W. , Leads. 'A party of Iowa jHioplo, who have Leon stopping with Mr. Hates, of Uoso. dalo.gvcr tho prnno harvest season, loft for homo this morning. Misa Evn Hello Montgomery, who as sumes her unties today as n teacher in 'tho public fchools, has been vUltinc rt". Mark Mantitoniorv. having conio Ml $t down from Ilaltoy sovural days njio for !, "tlat purpose. frVXtt Auctioneer Goodo was nt Portland lis morning on business. Frjuiro l'arror went to Woodburn ilils morning to make boiiio hop grower happy. Justice Wolvortoii nidSiole Printer Leeds havo returned from a Kluiimtli county liuntiug trip. - Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury ; as mercury will finely ilestroy tno mife of smell and completely deranuo tho vholo system when entering It through , tho mucous feiirfaces. Such articles fliould never bo used except on preurlp tioiiB from reputable plusicwns, as tho dntnago they will do is ten fold to the food you can possibly dorive from them. Inll's Catnrrh Cure, mnnufnutured by F. J. OluJney it-Co., Toledo, 0 , contains no mercury, and is taken intornallr, act ing directly upon tho bloodjwd mucous surfaces of tho system In buyiiiu Mall's Catarrh Cure bo euro you get tho gen fuino It is taken Internally, anil made Toledo. Ohio, by K J. Cheney v U. testimonials free. ,Hold bv Druggist, pneo 7rc xir bottle Uall's'Family Pills are tho best. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears tho of LAaJjfv&&ii Signature TIip HeKliitcr of tin filce. The n'glt-ter if the ole In monie times confounded with llie range There are two rvgistern 'n the olv whatever lt iii(illty. Thew nre term wl the register of the chest and tlu register of the head. The client notes an given lu full "veil tones and with the iiHtiiral voice The tones may be either open or closed They are given from the eheM and the luick of the nose. Head tones come from the bridge of the lion-, nnd If untrained art' apt to deelop nn unpleasant BlirllliuaB. u n traluetl volen It Is lmi)0slbe to detect when the chost nxdstur ends. New York World. Dr. Bull's Couih Syrup coajutrs croup at oice, ruroi tho child, and thus sae.i inanv h life Mothers need not faar that dnwd. ful dueafe, if ilit-v have this rclimde renieay si liaml. gitU for 2ceul s It is told by all drtii; c A, m a? o 3R. i a . Sm tU ) TaKIad Yw.Han Atari Bsjj!p - - pFlwawW""WWWKBKKMPyiaMteaBM,aitf-jJLifcj....... I Oor Endnrnncc. During life cncli mcuibor of the human body produces polsoii to Itself. When this poison nceurmilntes faster tlmn It cun be ellmlunted, which nl wny occuts unless the muscle has nn Interval of lost, then will come fatigue, which Is only unother ex pros', slon for toxic Infection. If the muscle Is given nn Interval of rest, no tlint the cell can give off Its waste product to keep pace with tho new productions, tho muscle will then llbcrntc energy for n long time. This latter condition Is whnt wo call en durance. Like any other poudroii3 and In dicate machine, tho body rennlies time to get In harmonious working order. Tho brain, nerves, heart nud skeletal muscles must be given some warning of the work they nre expected to perform. Ignorance of this fact has broken down many a young man who -aspired to honors on the. cinder path. 'l he necessity of getting nil the parts of the body slowly In working order lt well understood by trainers nnd Jockeys on the race track, as Is evinced by tho preliminary "warming up" they glvo their horses nlthough It Is doubtful If the tratueis could give any physiologic reason for their custom. Popular Science. Tlip DrmltlcNt I'olnDiia. Tho discoverer of prusslc acid was Instantly killed by Inhaling one whiff of his own handiwork. Pure prusslc ncld Is never sold or handled. Tho smell of It Is always fatal. It kills not In three minutes r half an hour, but the Instant It enters tho luugs ns a gas. The nilxtuie or dlnnrlly sold ns prusslc acid Is 08 parts water to two parts of the drug. Even In this form It Is very deadly. A 20 per cent mixture of the ncld would kill nearly as quickly as If pure. Atropine, though It has no harmful odor. Is so deadly that ns much of It ns would adhere to the end of n moistened forefinger would Instantly cause denth. Cyanide of potassium has n pleasant Miii'Il. which Is not lujurlouo, but n tmnll tjunntlty swallowed Mils nt once. Pure ammonia. If Inhaled, would iuuro death almost as (julckly as prus slc ncld. When n carboy of nitric ncld Is bro ken, some one hns to suffer. " It will buin wood, eat tluough lion plates and destroy whntever It touches.. Such an accident once happened In an acid fac tory. Every one ran away, leaving the ncld to junuse Itself by setting lire to things. Soon It wns seen that the building 'would be destroyed nnd hundreds of people thrown out of woik, and four men volunteered to put out the tiro In tho ncld room. They succeeded nud came out all right. Klvo hours Inter nil were dead. Dr. null's Coujli Syrup Is the best medicine for soro throat, laryngitis, quinsy or tonsllltles. Kvery drop of it soothes and heals. A twentv-livo cent bottle of this wonderful remedy will euro a coueli or cold in one day. Harvest Moon Is with us, nud so are all tho variotles of tliu line vegetables such ns you need to lay in for winter, also lull etock of llrst-class grocorio"". nod lln.WNOX & Haihv Ilrr Timet?- fiin. In commiui with other women. Mrs. tlrowu dellghiM In n bargain, and when she oldened the nilveillseiiieui of a gieal 111 ' nud uaier sale In one of the departuieul stores she lopulicd there without delay There weir ninny tine work's of science, tiavel. hlslorv. re--llglou and (let Ion to he liml fin a song each, but her ,es lested on n hand somely bound copy of "The Life of General Omul." nud he bought It for her brother Of coinse. It would not be fair to tell what she paid for It. "The next day her brother vnuie over to thank her. "It's line." he said. "I haven't got very fur lu It yet. but I know It's going jo he good When lit tle .lane gets along a Huh further lu her Gorninn I'm going to lme her rend me n bit of It every evening. 1 make rntln-r slow progiesH of It my self." ' "In Gcrmnn?" gasped the giver. "Yes," said the brfllher, "It's wrltton In German, a mighty handy thing to hnve nrouml the house." Since then Mrs. Brown has never bought a lire oi water book without looking carefully on the Inside of It. Worcester (Mnss.) Gazette. I'll hi na lie Wrut. Patient-Then you think It's all up with me. doctor? Doctor I'm nfrnld so. "Well, we must all die onco. nnd 1 mny ns well go now as afterward. You're sure I'm going?" "Yoa." "Then let me have your bill." "My bill! My denr sir. this Is very unusual. You should give your thoughts to most ferlnus mlillers." "My motto has always been 'Hiy ns you go.' and now Hint I nm going I want to Miy." So he paid nnd wont. ' Hot li Itxtrt-liii-a. Editor In Chief I understand youug niuegore, the millionaire's son, has gone in for Journnllsm. . City Editor-Y He's nn my stitfr Editor In Chief-Anil whnt do you think of him? City Edltor-Wvll. lie's a unique tig lire In Journalism. Editor In Chief Yon doi.'t ny? City Editor-Yes. He's at once the richest and poorest reporter In I he city -Catholic Standard and Time Hacking COUGH A hacking cough la a prave-yard cough; the sooner you get rid of ifc tho Ixtter, Don't wait until it develops into onsumntlon. but uso tho celc- brated Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup ! ntonce. It Is a wonderful remedy for nil tnroat anu inns aueoiions, onu wm cure a deep-seated cougn or com tna few days. Good for old and young. Dr.Bulls Gough Syrup Will euro a Hacking Cough. ZXms are imali ao4 plraa to take. Doctor leouuucDdit. Jfic is cxpU. At ail drujgUta, ' " Bmmmmmmm """rwifgiTii'teiTnn i rntillfri?BriteWfninlMITwfWi TODAY'S MARKE1. Pohtmnd. Oct. 1 Wheat va loy59o to 60c. Walla Walla, 60. Flour Portland, hf.nl arntlnn 'J 7fi m $3.10. Graham 2 CO. Oats Oholco White. 41ra42n. orov SO 0 IOo per bushel. Millstuff Bran, $14 50; shorts, flO.OO Hay Timothy $1213 nor ton. OnfonB 1.25 for red 1.35 for Silver ekins. Potatoes 10 to 55c por sack. Butter Best dairy, 2530: fancy creamery, 45 to 55c. store 25c. 30. Eggs Oregon, fresh 25c. Poultry Chickens, $3 00 to 3 60; hens, $3.50 to 4.50; turkeys, llvo 13 to 14c. Mutton Dressed, fl$ to 7c por pound. Hogs Heavy dressed 0 to OKc. Beef Steers, 1.50(34; cows, $33.50; dressed beef, 0 to 7c. Veal Dressed. 8 8)c. for small. Hops 28c. for 1899 crop, 12 to 14c for now crop. Wool Valley, 1415c ;Eastori)Oro- gun, luiai.tc; aionair, zo. Hides Green, sal tod CO lbs, 7 8o; under 60 lbs, 7J8) ; sheep pelts, 15 20c SALEM MARKET. Wheat 58 pounds and over, 50. Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 25c. Hops 11 to 15c Oata 35 to30c. Hay Baled, cheat, $7 ; timothy, $10. JK.ggB -M 10 Vl)40. Flour In wholosalo lots, $2.50; retail $3. IT! Millstufls Bran, $13; shorts, $14)4'. Hogs Dressed, 4c Live cattle Steers, 34 5 cows, 2 to Shoo p $3Q3.50. Drift sod Veal 7 cents. Buttor Dairy, 1520c; creamory,25c. Poultry Fat liens por lb.,8; spring chickens por lb., 8c. Potntoos now, 30c por btiBhol. Apples 25c. A Few Pointers Tho recent statistics of tho number o deaths show that tho iargc. majority di with consumption. This disease luiu commence with nn apparently bar oy cough which can bo cured instantly ss KLiiip s misam tor tliu ruroat nuy J.ungs, which is guaranteed to euro ml relievo all cases. Price 25c. and und For sale by all druggists. 1 50c. Mew Divorce Suit. Laura Biggs has commenced suit in Department No. 2 of tho circuit court to secure a divorce from Lewis Biggs, to whom sho was married in 1891, alleging desertion ns a cause. To-NlghtandTo-Morrow rll(ht. And cucli day una ulglit during till week you cm get at any druggist's Romp's Balsam fur tho Throat und Lungs, acknowledged to bu tliu most successful remedy ever sold fur Coughs. Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma und Consumption. Got a b.ttlo to day and keep It always in tho house s-j you cun cliock your cold ut onco Price 25c und 60c, Sample Itottlo free, cod&w Saloon (or Sale. A good saloon business, bar nud fix tures, stock of liquors, lease on building, etc, into wn of Woodburn, for sale cheap" Must lu sold to settle up estate of S. Heck, defeased. Address or call on Klinger it Heck, Salem, Oregon. 8-28lf. EnslUce. For tho latest improved machinery for ensilage cutting see Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co's brunch, F. F. Carov, man- ager. 8-30 d & w tf up iuhniiiii i-iuy limn, "Obcrammergnu Is n- quulut place," says n traveler. "The whole town Is practically controlled by the Lang fam ily. They arc the lending sphlts In the production of the play. They have more or less charge of the various taverns. Inns or hotels for the nccoin modatloifof the travelers and lu a gen oral way supervise everything." Just brtoro retiring, If your liver Is sliWKlsh, out ot tuno and you feel dull, bilious, constipated, take a doso ot HoBd's Pills And you'll bo all rlcut In the mornln i Sriiorn nnil Xriiiirlfim. The married Mill uniuariied women of the United Suites of Colombia South America, nre designated by the manner In which they wenr (lowers lu their hair, the senoras wearing thein on the right side nud the seuorltus on the loft ' Peace Declare Why dovoto all your tlmo reading tho Boer War nnd tho Gold Fields of Alaska? There are other mattors o vital importance; you may make a trip Kast. and will want to know how to travel. In order to have tho boat ser vice, ubo tho Wisconsin Central By., botween St. Paul nnd Chicago, tor rates and other information, write Jas A. Clock, General Agont, Ponnd, Or(. Futile Sale. I will sell nUpubhc auotiou on Mrs. T 11. liubbard'fllarmon tho Garden Itoad three miles oaet of Salem -on Salem Prnirlo tho following descried property, Thureday, October 4. Seed whont for ehiu, -I hortes, 5 set harness, 2 vehicles, hay rakus, drill, fanning mill, roller, 2 luirrows, II plows, swino und other ur tides. Tonus olealo cash,. but some timowill 13 given with approved secur ity. J F. (Joode, .Auctioneer. II. Jas. man. U 20 td dAw The Great Bock Irlanp Itouto hns Jiiht inauguratwl a weekly personally eoniluctiMi tourist car sorvieo oeiweon tho Pai'itlc coast and iolnts East iu con lion with the Kin Grande Western and Ponver A Kio Grande and Illinois Con tra! Uy.' Ily leaving Portland on any Saturday morning ia the O. it. A N. connection cun Ik) made on this car at Ogdeu, or by leaving Portland on any Thursday evening, via tho Southern Paoiflc, oon met Mm can bo inao with this ear nt " rsineiito. Ask your ticket aguiit uliout this cur or write to A. K. Cool'KK, General Agent, p.-rlland, Oregon. 0 'JO tf ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Diyllf bt Stopover aj Mtra Falls. Through tlrst class totiaiittltKipor from Pnntii I'.Mkt wpfU Iv for Chicago Boston. 1 New Surk. and other eastern points, via I Hi.i drai de Western, (Great Salt Lake Koutfi Ii-nvr Jk Bio Grande, C It I A V I and Illinois Central Ut Chwags, eniuise nig in Ove Un-on IXjxt with MMiiyail I A. It. ...ll .t fr. m hAluta mM uJ Ufiiirai a eiuiimi vat ii w.mi b For iMirtkwlara U m or MhirttM ml Agwitnor, II. IJ. TwfMneu. Com'i Ae't. III. Clam. U. K. 8 tf Mt Trd tt., PftftWHd Ore Tho Khul You llnvo Always iu uso for over 30 yenrs, nud hns heou nindo under his pcr---z. Bonnl supervision shico its infiuicy. f-CCCCStfii Allnurun nun in ilnnnlvn vmt In 1ila. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-good" nro hut Kxpcrimeiits that trlflo -with nnd omlanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla is n hnrmlcss suhstituto for Castor Oil, Paro goiic, Drops and Soothing Syrnys. It is riensant. It conUilns neither Opium, Morphino nor otltcr Narcotic Kithstuiiee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays Fovcrishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. IL relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving- healthy and natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Frioud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho ayT&A4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMtmNUUn COMMNT, TT MURRAY STRICT, NtW TORN OITV. BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S QHOPPTHP STOUESand CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY SOLEJAGENTS AT SALEM. ORE S T O I. . H ""if STB1NBR'& BBRGBR iao sr.Ari btrbijt The German Market Will bo found nil kiuda of uioat and tho host of Bauenco, FHl'K DELIVERY. All bills duo tho lato firm of Writ & Mleuckn must bo puid. Wolz & Zwicker 171 CommorHftl Ht. Wheat Bought and Stored By the Aurora Holler llraiifli olllce nud warehouse 181 Truth st. iMittHiii II lull nnd Ohuruh ntrt-otH. Iluokuhcat nnd onts bought ut IiIkIiwiI innrkot price. FRED P. HURST. 7-27.U dAw WARNING IIunttTH or otliur proua aro horuhy forhldduu to enter or trimw ujmjii nuy part of our farm prumUoti. Gho. II. CllOIHAN, K. M. Chowan, F. I.KVV, 0 ilt Miw. Kaxci CuukK s IltMvy water tfht aliove for mou nrul hh. lljish eut.bwit jnako. Uoota and icnuura lar la- diea and oliliilrtin. Que Uheau a any In the MtV Itv. ueiiairlnir noat- .: mh I . m 1 " " ly hihi promptly ue Jentj. : Jacob Uogl State Ktriwt. Winter BnNnnKnnEnHMHKHMHKHHBMl Bought, wul which Iins heca hns horno tho signnturo of Signaturo of RANGES. V B' S BROS Prepare for Winter By buying" a new stove or having the old one relined. We have a large assort ment of Heaters and Steel Ranges which we o(Ter at low prices. Repairs made, pipes sup plied and stoves set up on short notice. Yourpatrpn' age solicited. WASHING MADE EASY The Dewey Washing Machine TIiIh riinohlno Ih a now onu inndo on puiuutiflu nrinciplofl. It la iiaran teed to kivo iibeolutu witlnfuutlou After n thorough trial no family would disponed with onu. With tho uho of tlio Dewey, tho horrora of wnsli day will diaappour. TiIh ma. eliino will . Wash Clothes Perfectly Clean No hard work about it. Knay to op unite. Tliu mnuulndttirura i will back up every claim inado for tliu ma. olilno The Dewey Washer Huh wow twoflmt prumluinantKtutu Kalra: nt I.iuuolu, Nitb, law.'nnd at Balcm, Oro , II'OO. Sold at Ualum by It. M. WndoA Co. CorrtwKiiid with ur call on Ambler Young Ma nu'actnrera nnd S-alwitiieii, .Mt. Angel, On-guii Salem Soap Works The proprietor of ilia SmIbih Soan A'orku fian theoo oiKirathni of tlm umlar aiicnou utMiara, Cououuiora who dinlre a llrat-elaw jwwp will Encourage Home Industry iiy ordoriiiK Salem-mado aoap from Mr. II. Huffman, It. Maioilrtt, F. X. Albright, Golden Uttlb store Htoiner A Co, II. NtftiKobuuer. James Shantz, Alex. Ijaue. VokphamaTea Btore I. A. Dura'iih, Allen Allow erttox, J. Hewitt, Savage ft Hold, M. T. Hlneman, a M. Kupley, The Fair Kloro, jy. U WJ, Damon Iiroa. Names of other inerohaiit will be added as arrangement are made. OAJSTOCT-IA, iftaaa l0tt I Washington's Example I.nmla ta to tell tho truth about our hatchets Wo didn't cut down a cheery troo with them, but anyone can do bo. Well nindo, of ood ateel, carefully tomporod. they will cut and cut a Iour timo without sharpening thou aliarpon easily. Handles of equal quality to that of tho stool, R .M. WADE CO. SALEM OREGON 0 Shirts That Talk! And collars and cuffs Hint sneak, not only for thcmsolves, but for thoir wear ers and tho laundry whoro thoy woro cleansed and ironed for thoir wearers becnuso thoy display lasto nnd careful selection of a laundry; (or tho launilrj because the work is well done. Our tnlkinc friends come fresh, sweet nnd clean from tho ftalcin Steam Laundry. Salem Steam Laundry COLON lit, .1. CIMHTKAD I'llOriUkTOIl. DOIIODH 1). 0LMRTEA1), MOR. Piiono 411. 2) Llborty Street. How About Your Heater Is it all right and ready for the winter? I (.not this is tho host tlmo to havo It cleaned and put in repair before you Btart your winter's fire. Or poeifbly you need a now one? In any case you will find our work iu this lino of the beat. Wo will put iu steam heating ap paratus hut nir (urnnco or hot wi'ter heating nt u, reasonable cost. BARR & PETZEL 211 COMMEHOIAL 8T11KKT. Telophono 2371. WHY USE UK0II0HM THKV (1IVK A IO()U LIOIIT AND AUK IX) NO LIVKl). WK HKLL TIIIIUK (IIUOKH: "VUtlBA" WKI.1IUUII MANTI.K. Tho TOrr lUt ttilinr III inat.tlai. ililMiiiti'li riANDl.K l-ruVHIL with a iiniiiiimiittnii of imlv HirnA foot nsr holir. 1'rlou 60 O. NO, 107. Tliu old aUndby, of gowlUillng (pullty aail giving KiailTV UANIU.K 1'OWKK. l'rloo IDKAU" Ni-l'qulUjaKoo4qa ut glrlag imoiallajiifSf afttia No, 107, and at half the prloo. l&ounia, Anyonhooniunileput oa anil burn pfi lf ln4l t bro rloi,, DO YOU USE WBLSBACH BURNERS? Mu WWiflSl S.'.'S a DKTTKIl I.UIIIT for I-KHH MONKV wlllionool thoao barnera thau wllh any otbor form of aril, nclal lliihl. Wo Iiato ca ttoros Uo. lol us iliow Ihom to you, BALKM GAB LIGHT CO 71 OhomekoU St.. Telophono 603. No Flies on a Hot Stove Nor is there any flaw or blemish on the work we do, either in plumbing, tinning or repairing. We lead on everything in the way of first-class work in our line. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty T. S. BURROUGHS, f'HONK IBM TFiOS.MIL,NR HUCCKHHOK TO L. M, KIItK Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, and Land Plaster. Grain, Hay and Straw stored, Waon Scales. Prompt und careful attention given to tho delivery of goods to any part of the city. 54 to 58 State St. Phone 871. Provisions and Groceries We keen a full stock of fresh provisions and jrroceries. We give our patrons the benefit of our careful buylDif. Your orders are promptly attended to, and goods delivered to your order. Your patronage solicited. Harritt & ni.lt ITbTOVICIS I. U. KIHK. IH50RIHCE civn oijd and THIliD COMI'AMIliS Farmers Insure your Grain and Is small about one-halt caw it a KIRK & LI$T0N, Successor to Ceo. 2hh Commercial Struot, T E. L. KING, Gen'l Ag'tfor Or. Aihany Qregou LITTLE BO.PEEP LOST HER SHEEP 5ut no ono1 need worry' nbout mutton hls tlmo ofltho year, if tlmy con i t 'ainty and Uoliciou Sprino lamb o nn appotizlnit and nourishing Sumta' meal. Wj havo everything in choice meats, nn J a1' tho dclicncioa of tho son son in both I'clh and emoked nu-nU that will i .' iiio most critical epicuiu. Et C. CROSS SALEM OR. Aged in the Wood Wlilskios, wlnraand brand Ion ncquiro tho richest llavor nnd that inollow, go-down-easy quality. Wo sell no othur rort, and so can assure you satisfaction with each purcliato. tiomo cstocIally lino S year-old whiskoy.of tho Ovorhoft llye brand, sells today linro for 11.00: it will gain in valno nnd thoroforo in prico hb tho yenrs roll 'round ; but it ii ilrst grade uvuu now. J. P' Rogers 21R-'J212 (Jommuroinl H trout Wholesale and Itutnll. tar mm SL 'cT 55--- GrVur.n.OM ? MtUDl! irrrii ir.i .. '"i fWi wGlM'i jfl f W?l5ba(h Maqfle? liaralilo ahtl iItm ONK tlino roet ijf hour. 102 STATE OT Lawrence, OltnOKItV W. A. 1.IHTON, PIVIi OLD AND liD COMl'Artllia THIliD Hops In WarehouMts tho cost bushel on wheat for six months. RESIDENT, AGENTS M. Bccltr & Co. Suleiu, Oregon. UE OIIIOAGO has been awardwl tho GOLD MLDA1. at tho Paris extKjaltloii, which fact Koeatofurther es tablish tho claims of its inanufauturers for simnliu- Ity and all 'round ejceollonae. The purchase print la about the amount ot coiijmlsaiuu onu nays on a f 100 machine. Is not this worth your oonahlerutlon? CLYDE BROCIC, Lwial Amt, Balotn Qregoui WAMTiBID Now today. advertleerrieriU four linos or loss In this column Inaontarl throo times for Stop:? ZOCBUO a WMK, All evan four lines Sl.OO por month si.oupor mo at enmo rata. BUY A HOME &Va2W& lem: food nine-room house rvltH NMh room; fruit trtcs: small tardea wet: Mrn: a dust; finest view In the city, wfthwit.MceatlMj four blotka from the court henK. Low tilte: easy terms If desired. AMiy MihJMAL office. FOIt ItENT Fino stock and grain farm near Bnlem for cash or grain. .A to Fred Hurst, Salem, Or. I i tf FOR SALEA S-year-old golding. Good driyor, cither single or double. Good Btylo nnd perfectly rollablo horse. Ennulro of D. W. OibBbri, Ba lom, Or. 10 1 3t FOIt RENT.80 acres hum land, good uoueo nnd outbuildings, with running wntor year round. Cash rent. For terms address, Wm. White, Staytou, Oregon. 0-20 lw PER80NAL. Olinrloo Diets, father of Ixuis V. Uloti, killed in flrat bnttlo of Fhllippinos. can learn Bomothfng to his Intorcst by calling at this office. 0.20-tl . NOTICE. 1 will not pay any bills con trnctca bv nny ono but myself, wife, and children, without an order Iron1 9 20 tit me. w. w. Jolins. WANTED-Boy to delivor Evening Journal Yow Park route. Pony re quired. Call at Journal office. FOR RENT A neat flvo-room cottngo with basement. Good woll water. Apply to A. 8chriebor, 421 High St. 0-21U WANTED-Girl to do housework in a small family. Gall at Croniso gallery. 0-24tT FOR SALE OR TRADE. For good land. A six room cottngo and two lota on Asylum avenuo, nt tho storo. Apply to J. O. O. Witnor. 0-10. 1 bios. WANTED-Good German girl. Per mnncnt placo nnd good wages to right person. 370 High St. O-lDti FOR SALE. CO head flno heifer calvos, nlso C flno cows. John O. Kates, at Sheriff's ollico. 0 17 lm BUGGIES AT COST. Wo lmvo a fow top buggies loft which wo will for tho next 16 dnys soil ns follows. 2 Regular 05 bpgglos for $41?, 2 regular 76 bug gies for $65, 1 regular ,80 buggy for f GO. I'ohlo & BiBhop. ', 0-28-tf WANTED To buy King ripploB, now la tno timo to eon, nlso to sell Irult grow- . . .. - k -T ..I . 9. . " " crH tliolr sucks for dried fruit, oil iuto or cotton. II. S. Gilo &Co. for dried fruit, oltlior OCt. FOUND On Ghemokota atroot, a black barred lawn bunting waist. 0-0tf WANTEI)-Wood, tallbwxdnd straw in uxclmngo for soap at tlio Salem Boap Works. U-C-lm FOlfBXLK OR tUAl)l:-A. farm of 135 acres 2iJ miles south of Phllorcatb. Inquire ot C. Homy or at tho Red Front hum, Salem, Oro. S-Ultf SALEM LODGES UaUm Camp No. lis. MeoU orerr Ftldar croc PR, 7.80. lu A. O. V. Wl hall, BUUs In, btdjf. V. 1). I'runty. O.O. W, A. Mooroa, dark room IS, Mooroa blk l KOKlGSTISrta OP1 VKiKrtlOA. Court BlictwooU Foratt No. 19. Meu rrlday nlgliu In Turner block. John M. Cba9, O. R. A uiirown Boor. U-I7.lyr Oak Farm For Sale 811 unt ed on tho red hills a fow miles south of Snlotu, consisting ot 100 acres woll Improved, tho very best land for prunes, whont or grass. Good buildings. Offered for snlo for ono month on easy tonne. Inquire at tho Jouuhal ollico Snlom. 0-27-K Ch?af Farms AND CITY PBOPEMTY. from 2.60 to 5125 'per oro. Land WC liaYe to trado for largo HOmeS Unnchfe. Bomo or small Small to oxchaugo for Stock Ranches Places Boin8 Larire t0 B0" un tak0 ns p'1 Pay rarmS property. Wo Loan Money at 0 and 7 por co SCll ot all kinds on ommieslon, StOCk ,ont l,OU808 anJ farms, Mak Exchanges ot all kbids ot proporty, have a largo list of lauds to select from. It you Want to Buy Soil. Ront or Exchange any kind of property, or want Insurance, Loans, etc, call and see us at 202 Oommorclnl atreet, Salem, Oregon. Bozopfh.RyaDcfCo Kueloso stamp for reply When writing. OSTEOPATHY In Slalom and .Albuny I)lt. GRACE AIJIUIOHT, graduato o( Amerlttaii School of Osteopathy. SAI.K 51 Monday, Wednesday and FrN lay ; hours, 0 to 12 a. m j 1 to 4:30 p, in. Ollico over Wellor'a grocery. ALIIAN Y I'nesday, Thursday nnd Sat. urduy hours, U to 12 n. in; 1 to 5 p. m. Ufllue Albany. Mcllwaln building. Main St. ' H CAHTAU CitY Express an4 Transfct Meets all mall and passenger trains. Ilaggago to all parts of tho city, service. Telephone No. 861. i'rompt DIBQUB & IIOMYER Bun tlio 4 lb N "oaHaWAlw-rt BNt QijBAtro CURE YOURSELF! .,--,--'- --.-- -- ", Vtm Itlrf ti ft., di.ii.liir. brjw lail.u.iu.il tAtuiDa ur ul?irAtl irrlutloon ur uKtratUna (..lllUMUUk .IUUlCruiM - l'aiul, ii4 not .itrto LnubMiCMfHXuBs. fy or toWMUuti Mold Ur -JruiM.aiv pr'toot (a plata wrfr (Ir.uWf OAit ua wvx Teta f jr J-JS-&. T 4r wo 'T, n- 1 r..a wwin. ial ui liasiun.9 .Hi kkuaawl "f." I J I