THE DAILY Latest Associated Press tola- a grama, Frosh Local news and Llvo f editorials mnko Tho Dally Jour- fl nal. JOURNAL. t It's "Duslnoso" not Polltlos $ a 2 w.o don't solicit yotir iubertliln btcauts A f " of your politics or outs, but twcauie V 4 Journal Advertising Paya. VOL,. X SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY. JANUARY 5 1900. NO 1. m Salem Me Home Made Goods Best in the Market SpecialsA very large line of cassimere suits . for men and boys'. All sizes of- Boys' black hose our own brand, the Granite try them. OVERCOATSKerseys in all shades and. prices, also in Tan Ceverts: Gray and black clays. Fancy Back Covert overcoats our own make, the swellest ot all. WOOUE$ mik STORE &mh KRAUSSB nlH'AH,v'VHqKH'Mq'4'grePf' I Our prices on first :!jwill remain as they are for a short time r,1rr SV" "" s'" " ' "' 1 ; oniyi , r, , , . , . SALEIV1 DENTAL PARLORS PHONE J,k.fctfc.Lt.A.LLvv,i,L,.t.Kt.wl.wtkkvt,u.i.t...w.L. BURBN THE LOW Garnet We now have the FINEST LINE OF GflRPETS ever shewn in Salemf and our Prices are below any other dealer in the valley, For Quality, Price, and Choice of Patterns We are in the lead. BURBN Si HAMILTOTVT 248 COMMERCIAL ST. , IN Hi Is IKlevp anb Xate Stales See our Ladies' Sorosis shoes, they are gieat, also our Queen Quality the best 53.00 shoe in the World. Men's late styles in Patent Leathers, Tan and Black goods all at ihe low est prices. BROS - class Dental work X V Teeth 6.00 up. Gold filling 1.50 and up. G, & P. fillings $1.00. 4 49 s A i 4M 2813. i x St HAmiLTOAT PRICE FURNITURE HOUSE. JL X. GflRPETS C0L1SB URG British Repulse a Boer Attack and Take Some Prisoners BADEN POWELL SAID An Omenous Silence Leads Battle Thought that Buller Will Again Attempt to Relieve Ladysmith - Extraordi nary Tenacity of the Boers Exaggerated Accounts of Colonel Pitcher's Rade i tlr Aaaoclnlril I'reaa to Iba Journal. llKNBUUito, Jan. fi. Colosberg lias not yet been occaplcil. Tho Hoers unex pectedly iittacked tho British left at day break this morning but wore repulsed. Thoy still hold the hills Immediately surrounding Iho town, preventing thu Hritlsh from advancing alontf the rail way. The Hritisn loss today wan Unlit, while tho lloers nro repot teil. to have lost 100, including 20 prisoners taken by the mounted infantry. The lloer attack ers numbered 1,000 men. Tho Innlsklll lng dragoon1) cut their way through Iho Boers, who wore forred to retreat hy tho heavy artillery nnd mn&ketry lire. London, Jan. 5. It Is rumored at Capo Town that Gen. Baden-Powell has has again defeated tin BierH at Mafok- MB. London, Jnn. 0. A Cape Town dis patch says Iho prlxo court has relented tho British steamor Mashona, captured hy tho Drltlsh gunboat Partridge in December with ammunition and Hour, said to be Intended for tho Boers, on board, but ordered tho caruowarehonped pending the trial of tho case. Omlnons Silence. London, Jan. 6. The silence which I has doscended on Butler's huge force at iTueglu river, Is believed to bo the pre ludo to another attempt to reach Lady- smith. Tho extraordinary tenacity which tho Boers are displaying around Colesburg leads to detract from the suc cess of general French, i Tho later news of Pitcher's raid shows that some accounts were contldorably exaggerated. In its effect on Boers. Pitcher's Iiumodtato evacuation of j Douglass seems to prove that he had in. I ui mation that there was n sufficient number of Boers In the neighborhood to j mnko Ids iwsitlon unsafe. I As soon as tho cavalry returned to j Modder river, Cronjo's troops reoccupied Sunnysldo. According to advices from Sterkstroni the Boors have retired from the nelgl Carpet. IS IT YET TAKEN TO WIN AT MAFEKING to Expectations of a Big Soon borhood of Molteno, but Ualacro does not nppear tn have pursued them, as his reinforcements from Stork strom have returned there. Restless Zulus, l'lKTKitMAitiTzmmu, Jan. C. The rcsi lessness of the Zulus is Increasing. Many nro on the verge of starvation. It is feared tho magistrates will not ho able to restrain tho warriors much longer. It Is asserted that they are anxious to attack tho Boers. A Waihke Outlook. Ixindos, Jan. 0. (Friday, 6 a, ip.) This morning's news throws no further light upon the war situation. Tho ox act position at Molteno and Cyphergat is not vet clear, but In any case thoo little engagements nro of little impor tance beyond proving that tho British forces are beginning to attain a great degree of mobility. It is fully exacted that the noxt week will see a heavy battle on tho Tugola river, which Is now ho real pivot of the campaign. The Boers appear to Iks working incessantly with shovel and pick, Lord Methuen's cavalry scouting lias doveloped the fact that tho Boers' en trenchments extend for some 40 inllcr, far overlapping the British positions and making flank attacks exceedingly dilllcult. The military analysts alllrin that the Boers' trenches confronting General Buller stretch away some 17 ratios, and that work on them is pushed unremittingly. While the advance Is delayed, flank movements are roudored most dilllcult because long marches are not dono with celerity, and It is hard to time an at tack with certainty, The extent of the Dutch risings may now be measured by taking a line from Prieska, on tho west, to Her8chel or Barkly, on the cast. Along tho whole of this line, ex cept at the points actually occupied by the British, the population seems for tho most part hostile. New redoubts are be ing built at Klmberloy, and seventeen miles of works now encompass the town. The admiralty program embraces tho stationing of smalt squadrons at Durban, Simons bay, Port Kllzaboth, Lorcnao Marnuez, St. Vineonl, in the Cape Verdo islands, and at Cape Town, and sending an additional ship or two to Aden. It Is announced that Great Britain's agentf and detectives nro secretly watching all Italian ports. British Officers injured, London, Jan. 6. A dispatch from Ronsberg says Major Harvoy, of tho tentli hussars was killed and Major Alexander wounded whilo pursuing the retreating Boers, after an attack on the British near Colesburg. Some Army Positions. London, Jan. 5. It now appear that it Is John Churchill, second son of Lady Randolph Churchill, and not Winston Churchill, who tuts been given com mand of a squadron of the South African light horso. Lord Ilosslyn has thrown up his en gagement at the Court theater iu order to Join the yeomanry. The offer of Lord Iveagh to provide at his own oxjiense a completely equipped hospital for use in South Africa lias been accepted. The war otlice has invited Sir Will iam Thompson to accept tho post of chief surgeon to the forces iu South Africa, Instead of censilium: surgeon. Atound Coleskop. IIknsueko, Jan, 5. Tho casualties of General French's forco up to the after noon of January 3 were five men killed and 24 wounded. A detachment of 2o New Zealanders had a narrow escape. While advanc ing on Colesburg, they were directed to occupy a kopje, but were met with a hot receptitn from a concealed Iioer force. Another body of Iiritieh troops seeing their danger, doubled to the rescue of the New Zealanders, and their retreat was successfully accom plished under the cover of the guns on the hills westward. Coleskop is now the principal scene of the fighting The destruction of the wrecked train includes 22,&.) rations nda supply of rum. a At the Boer Capital, Pretoria, Jan. 5. Rlgce stjrting, the iinl here has cpiii Uq,00p sovereigns, The machinery is now in full swing, Vanzenborg reports from Dordepoort that tho Koffir stations have been de stroyed and the inhabitants aro fleeing. Chief Lynche, with .1,000 Kafllrs, ot tacked tho Boer's laager, but tho natives wero dispersed, A representative of tho Associated Press who lias been in Johannesburg for three days, says, says tho utmost order prevails thero. Looting is exceptional, and, where discovered, Is heavily pun ished. Tho sanitary condition is perfect, and sickness is raro. About 12G0 British subjects are still in tho Rand districts. ALMOND-EYED MURDERER HUNG Converted to the Cnthollo Boforo 'Coins' to Qallows. Fnlth nr Aasoclntrd I'reaa la the Journal. San Fiiancisco, Jan, 5. Go See, tho Chinese murderer, was hanged today at San Quentin. A rcmarknblo frnturo of the case was Seo's conversion to the Catholic faith. Emperor to Queen. London, Jan. 5. Tho British foreign olllco has has no knowledge of any pri vate mossengor having been sent by AMERICAN Cols Hare and Howse Re-Capture all the Men TaKen By Insurgents TROOPS TO BE SENT TO ALASKA IN THE SPRING The Many Immigrants to Cape Nome to Be Government II) Aaii'lntril I'reaa In Ibc Journal. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 6. The war depart ment lias received tho follewing: "Ma nila, Colonels Hare and Howse has' just arrived at Vigan with all tho American prisoners. Their successful pursuit was a remarkable achievement. Schwan and Wheaton are now out withjseparute ' columns In Cavlte province. Affairs in ' Luzon, north of Manila, aro greatly im ' proved. "Otis" j Wasiiinoton, Jan, 5. At a cabinet I Kmperor William to Queen Vlitorla supposed to bo connected with the seiz ure of German ships. SHOT TO DEATH FOR ASSAULT ThoFntoof a Ravlsher at Newport News, Virginia. Ujr Aaauelnlcit Ireaa la tha Journal. Newport Nkws, Va., Jan, 5. W. W. Watt was taken from the station house tills morning by a number of respectable chitons and shot to death for criminally assaulting Mrs. T. M. Simpson. HOT TIMES IN CONGO. II r AaauctUIrd I'raaa to tltc Journal London, Jan. 5. A social to tho Times from Nashville, Tenn., says: The Southern Presbyterian board of missions has received lestors from missionaries stationed at Luebe, Congo Free State, Africa, giving accounts of the burning of fourteen villages ami killing of ninety natives by state troops. Some of the victims were eaten by cannibals. Prom Eyeglasses to Glasscyes We can supply you with anything in the Optical line See! If not so clearly as with your eyes of formr years, some thing is wrong with those delicate orbs of vision. Don't hesitate to have them ex amined. Will candidly tell their condi tion for nothing. A pair o( our rimless spectacles or eyeglase will odd dignity to your appearance, give you a learned look, and really improve your face, HERMAN W, BARR. W StAre Sr. SciENTinc Optician L.' GEN. WOOD'S CONFERENCE Trouble Expected Ovor Restricted Frnnohlso in Puerto nioo. II r Aaaoclnled I'reaa to Ihe Junrnnt. Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 4. Tho news of the conference at Havana between Governor-Gonernl Wood and tho Cuban leaders, including General Jose Mlro, of this provinco, has provoked considerable excitement hero. This evening tho clubs and cafes are crowded with poli ticians, discussing tho situation with more or less violence, and declaring their devotion to General Mlro. Tho Americans and Europeans, espec ially tho Spaniards, express great satis faction at the attitude taken by General Wood in favor of restricting tho fran chise to Intelligent nnd responsible clti zona, and the wealthy Cubans sharo in this feeling. The Cuba Libre publishes a dispatch from Havana summarizing Gonbral Wood's statement on this sub ject and announces that it will doal with tho matter oditorially tomorrow. Tho violent Cuban partisans say a crisis is imminent which will decide wholhorCuba is to bo American or Cuban, but tho possibility of any serious troublo is ridiculed by tho American of ficials and by tho foreigners. Italy Payors an Open Door. Washington, Jan. 0. Italy has re turned a favorable responso to the re cent note of the Btato depnrtinou-, re specting the open door in China. Italy Qiven Some Kind of meeting today it was definitely decided to send additional troops to Alaska in the spring. Tho point to which they will be sent has not yet been deter-! mined upon, except Cape Nome, where It is estimated thero will be 110,000 peo ple as soon as navigation opens. This plnco is now without government of any kind, and some sort of a forco seems to bo necessary to protect tho commu nity against lawbreakors iu the mad rush of peoplo In the spring. was tiio last of tha great jwwers remain I mi to be heard from. Lots of Exhibirors. CmoAao, Jan. 3. According to statis tics collected by tho Tribune there will bo mora than 7,000 American exhibitors at the Paris exposition. PRISONERS Did yoti ever Have that tired feeling come over you when you saw displayed in bold-faced type that hoary mercan tile chestnut: Selling af cost. GoiDgoiitofbiisiness The expression is as old as decep tion. We never use it, because we do as we advertise and we are herejo stay. Yours truly, W "- Cr -av r How can peoole go out of busi ness who never went into business? When you are in business and do ing business you want to stay. Progressiva iip-to-dafe merchants Clean up their stocks after every season, never considering loss or cost. That's uJhaf ti$ arejloing. TRIED FOf BRIBERY Senator Clark's Case Has Gone to the Committee SENATOR MAT S QUAY'S CAKE IS DODOH Senate Cpmniltee Agrees Upon an Adverse Report in His Caso By a Vole of Four to Three Ur Aaaoolatcd lreaa to (be Journnl. Wasiiinoton, Jan. C The senate committeo on privileges and elections today began an Investigation of the charges ofjirlbory in connection with tho election of Senator Clark of Mon tana. Senator Clark was present with his counsel, tho former Senator Faulk cner. Kx-Senator Kdmunds appeared as tho leading counsel for the complain ants. Mr. Kdmunds said the complainants excctcd to prove all the charges made, and to show that Clark's election was obtained by a liberal uso of money. Ho also stated that ho would enter quite thoroughly tho Whiteside libel ease, showing that when Clark had an op portunity to oppose tn the court he had refused to unswor the material ques tions. Kx-Souulor Faulkner made a formal statement ou behalf of Clark. He re viewed politics in Montana, referring to the "Daly gang," and tho Chirk faction in the Democratic olltlcs of tho stato. It would he shown that notwithstanding the charges bribery against fifty persons, Including members ot tho legislature, there had been no proceedings against any men ibiifl Involved in anv Montana courts. I llm linnrttic f1 fllfl tldiltmltinvi statements the committee adjourned withoutactlon. Tho hearing of testimony will begin tomorrow. The Quay Case. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 5. Tho senatecom- mttoo on privileges and elections has decided by.a vote of four to threo to make an adverse report upon the reso lution to seat Quay. ROBERTS CASE BEING ARGUED Wasiiinoton, Jan. 6. Congressman Hoberts began his argument today, he dwelt with special emphasis on tho right of tho constituency to determine on tho moral character of a member. fJo morphtno or opium . n, Mlln.VlfN riuu. uuhb aii rum. &iiocrii.Uie." Read About the hair pins worth lOo a box. that we wl I Saturday at c a How About Those sweaters we told you about. They are all wool and only 60c each Look About town and see if any. one offers vou a boys' sweater like ours tor 19c each Think About a second and you wll' realize the value thut there is In our men's 35c underwear FRENCH SQUADRON TO SANTO DOMINGO II r Aaaut'lnted lreaa (n Hie Journnl, Paius, Jan. 5. French government has cabled the commandant of the Atlantic naval squadron to proceed Im mediately to Santo Domingo. GOOD GOLD GOES TO EUROPE Or Aaauelnted Trcaa l the Journal. Nkw Yohk, Jan. f, Tho gold engage ments for shipment to Europe tomor row will reach three nnd half millions. ORGANIZATION COMPLETED Spanish War Veterans Get Together Sa lem Man Licutenant-Colonel. At Portland yesterday tho Spanish American War Veterans Association was pcruiiincntly orgunired by the adoption ofn constitution and the election of of ficers. There 30 delegatus In attend ance, ropregontlng about 400 men. Gen. 0. Summers was elected colonel, and Ghas. A. Murphy of Snlem llenteu-ant-colonel. Voters Registering. County Clerk Hall has commenced to register tho voters, nnd'qulte a number have their names on tho rolls. The precincts in this city have beou rear ranged by the county court to ronfonn to the four wards, and there aro some changes yet to bo made In tho county precincts. Frank Kellogg, late of tho legal firm of Holmes & Kellogg, has closed his law ofllce, sold his library and will lake up farming In the near iuturo. Tho Musical Courier of Now York says. Tho Harp used by tho Wilder Harp and String Quartette pomes sit erlatlvo Iteauty of outline and pro portion, In form of construction and de tail it has attained n perfection of art utid it occasions no surprise when one s told that its vuluo Ih $1000 00 WHEAT MARKET ClIICAUO, cash 08)6. January B, May 3, 100. Kan Fiiancisco, Jan. T Cash Turn About Is fair play, It Is your turn now Children's heavy wool hose worth 25V, box 13c a pr, Buy About u dozen pair of those -6c lust black Ken in less hose, at 19 c a pr, We're About right, when vse ray our fancy hhik-it. skirting never U ' un equal, at 46c a yd, YouVe About convinced, we think, that what we say we do, we do do f I and II. an fancy shirts 88c 1VJC i .j